The Encounter

By JP Aradon

Published on Jun 29, 2024


This is a story about adult men having gay sex. If you like this type of fiction, please donate to

The Encounter 2: Examination By Jaradon

Trooper Rosario returned to the lake the next morning. He was convinced that the encounter had been a dream. "There are no aliens "he thought "And I'm still straight." Rosario notices an SUV driving up next to his vehicle.

"Good morning, "Rosario greeted the driver.

"Morning officer "the man stepped out of the SUV. He was five'8'' 180 lbs. with dark hair and thick beard.

"This area is off limits "

"I got a permit "

The man handed Rosario an envelope which contain a letter from the state.

"Can I see some ID sir"?

Rosario looked at the driver's license and read the name James Costa

"Thank you, Mr., Costa."

Rosario handed the license back to Costa.

"What's all that for "? Rosario pointed to the back of the SUV which was packed with electronic equipment.

"My research"

"You are investigating the lights?

"Yeah, and what causing them "

"You know about this stuff."

"This has been going of years, the last time was in the 1980s."

"Never heard about that."

"My parents saw them "

"You grew up in the area."

"We went to the same school."

"Sorry I don't remember you."

"Let just say we did not hang out with the same crowd."

Costa started to unpack the equipment.

"If you need any help let me know."

"Don't worry Officer I can take care of myself."

"Have a good day Mr. Costa."

Trooper Rosario walked back to his car. He looked back at Costa who was setting up his equipment.

"Do you remember a guy named Jim Costa?"

"Who is that?" Novak said.

Rosario and Novak had finished taking a shower after a workout.

"From high school"

"Was he on the team?"


"The only thing I remember about high school was the sex I had with a couple of hot cheerleaders "

"Costa is a science guy he is up at the lake."

"Another UFO nut"

"He is very serious about it."

"You got a man crush on him dude?'

"Why do you say that?"

`I was just kidding bro."

Rosario had been trying not to stare at Novak's naked body.

"You are really distracted lately?"

"Not getting enough sleep."

"Better get some time off then."

"I applied for it "

"Good see you later Linda is expecting me." Novak said as he walked out of the locker room. Rosario could not help staring at his friend's perfect ass.

"This should do it for now" Jim Costa finished setting up his equipment, He was hoping to capture evidence if the visitors made an appearance that night. Jim felt sweaty as he stood on the edge of the lake.

"Nobody around here" Costa stripped off his clothes and dove into the water.

Jim kept thinking about Rosario. He had vivid memories about the high school jock. Costa had a crush on the football player. He had been one of the reasons he had realized he was gay. Rosario paid no attention to him. Costa was skinny nerdy kid with thick glasses.

"Not anymore "Jim thought as he stepped out of the water. His muscles glistening under the sun.

Jim had worked hard to reshape his body; but he still had a tough time making connections with people. He concentrated on science not dating. Jim was certain that his high school crush was straight.

"You're in excellent physical condition Mr. Rosario" Doctor Williams said as he finished examining the trooper.

"So, there is nothing wrong with me doc?"

"Nothing I can tell from this test."

"I've been having trouble sleeping."

"Have you been under stress lately?"

Rosario did want to mention his encounter with the aliens.

"Actually, doc if I can be honest with you there is something else that's been on my mind "

"What is it?'

"It's not so much physical but mental."

"Go on"

"It has to with my sex life "

`You are young man I don't think that would be an issue."

"It never had been until now "

"Are you married "?


"Do you have a girlfriend"?

"Not at the moment "

"A boyfriend"

"No sir I'm not that way" Rosario lied.

"You mean gay."

"Yes, I mean no "

Doctor Williams thought for a moment.

"Rosario, I can't help you if you're not honest with me "

"Doc can people change what turns them on?"

"You mean sexually?"


"Not sure how do you mean by change?"

"This is hard to say."

"Come on this is between us." Doctor William put his arm around his patient.

"I've always liked women always ever since I was teenager."

"When you first masturbated?"

"Yeah, but now, I'm confused."

"I know what you want."

Dr Williams grabbed Rosario by the neck and kissed him on the mouth.

"What the hell are you doing doc?"

Dr Williams pushed Rosario back on the examination table.

"Get off me! "

Metal tentacles appeared from either end of the table wrapping themselves around the helpless human arms legs and chest.

"There is no point in struggling Rosario."

The tentacles tore off the troopers' clothes until he was naked.

"Nice very nice"

The doctor put on a pair of rubber gloves.

"What are you doing doc?!'

The doctor squeezed the trooper's balls.

"Your testicles are full on cum."

The doctor pumped on the trooper's hard cock until pre cum started oozing from the head.

"Excellent breeding potential"

The doctor licked his fingers savoring the taste of the troopers cum

"You are such a perfect specimen.

The doctor manipulated the trooper's nipples until they turned red.

Rosario felt both pain and pleasure.

"You like that don't you Rosario "

The doctor unzipped his pants.

"You need cock?

The doctor took out his hard seven -inch dick.

"Suck me "

Rosario opened his mouth and sucked on the doctor's hard shaft.


Rosario deep throated the doctor's cock.

"I knew you were a cock sucker from the moment I saw you."

The doctor pulled his hard cock out of the trooper's mouth.

"We are just starting the real examination."

The doctor raised his hand, and the metal tentacles raised the trooper's muscular legs.


The tentacles spread the legs exposing the troopers butt hole.


Rosario felt the doctor sticking two fingers into his hole until he touches the prostate.

"You need more anal stimulation."

The doctor went over to his desk opened a drawer and took out a ten-inch dildo.

Rosario was both turned on horrified by the device.

The doctor took a bottle of lubrication and smeared it all over the dildo.

"Please stop"

Rosario felt the dildo entering his ass.

"Doctor knows best" the doctor tore of its skin exposing the alien face beneath

Rosario wanted to scream but no sound came from his mouth. He realized he was no longer in the doctors examining room but back on the alien ship.

"Get off me! "

The gray aliens watching them seem to be getting excited by the sexual act performed on the human male.

"Stop resisting "he heard the alien's' voice in his head.

Rosario shut his eyes trying to escape the torment.

"I'm here for you buddy."

Rosario opened his eyes he was back in the gym showers.


"Relax buddy"

Rosario felt Novak standing behind him the man's hard cock rubbing up against his ass.

"Giving you what you want?'

Rosario felt Novak's hard shaft penetrating his tight hole.

"I know bud."

Rosario loved the feeling of Novak's cock in his ass.

"Fuck me harder"

Rosario leaned against the shower wall as his straight friend fucked him.

"Your ass is better than pussy!'

Rosario felt Novak's cock banging his butt with a passion.

"Oh yeah"

"Going to cum"

Novak ejaculated into his friend's ass hole.

"That's so good" Rosario moaned.

"It was bud."

Rosario needs to kiss Novak.

"I love you man."

Rosario was surprised to come face to face with Jim Costa

"What are you doing here ?"

Costa kissed Rosario


©2024 Jaradonfiction

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