The English Year

By Jonothan Wolf

Published on Nov 24, 2014


**Standard disclaimer applies. This is based on actual events, although names, places, and descriptions have changed to protect the identities of the living. Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a backwards area. I appreciate any and all feedback, so please email me at Enjoy the story!

I knew there was no way I was getting back into the frat house unseen the next morning. That notion faded as quickly as the sun came up.

Instead of trying, I put my shoes on as quietly as possible, and crept out of Peter's room without waking him up.

I could go into vivid detail about what Pete and I did the night before... the things we discussed, the drinks we had... but it all seems useless. Suffice it to say, nothing sexual happened. We talked. We talked about my family. We talked about his family. We talked about McKenzie Sutton. He asked me about my life on campus and how I'd managed to become an Old Dominion local celebrity. We talked for so long, I can honestly say it was better than some of the sex I'd had in life.

The only portion of the conversation worth noting was when he asked me about my sex life.

"I mean, I do pretty well for myself, I guess," I replied after he came right out and asked if it was easy for a gay guy to get laid on campus.

"Slut," he retorted with a smile. I pushed him in the chest and he sort of rolled over on his bed. I looked at him as he faced the ceiling.

"I don't know," I said. "I really just make out. I don't usually do anything more than that unless I really like someone."

"Mmhmm... sure..."

"You just think all gay guys are whores," I said. He turned his head and smiled at me. It was midway through that conversation that I had decided to treat Pete as if he was straight, even if he turned out not to be. I had gone back and forth on it for two days, and I'd come to a conclusion. There was no use projecting my feelings on to his actions. Until he came out and told me different, no pun intended, I'd make a non-issue of his ambiguous sexuality.

"Tell me they aren't."

"I'm not a whore, Mr. Peterson," I said. I would have been his whore, but he didn't need to know that. He gave me a look, his eyes twinkling while we talked, and then he changed the subject.

Some time later, I fell asleep on his floor while he fell asleep on his bed. At some point in the night, he told me to sleep on the mattress. I don't remember having the conversation with him, but I did end up sleeping on his bed, facing him, in only my boxers. To the best of my knowledge, no physical contact was made.

And as charmed as I was by him, I couldn't forget what I'd seen the night before. Seeing him make out with McKenzie, watching his hand glide up her side, pull her in by the neck, tousle her hair... the memory of them rounding first and sliding into second in the corner of River Three irked me. I didn't want it to. I shouldn't have let it, but it did.

I followed the rising sun through the alley and into the Chi Beta house. I collapsed onto my bed in my clothes and looked up at my own ceiling. I thought about how much I had started to like Peter in such a short amount of time. It was weird. Things like that never happened to me. The guy I'd probably had the most feelings for in life up to that point was Mike Loggerman the Cadet and it had taken me months to feel anything for him. I was usually guarded... safe... aware. But something about Pete disarmed me. It left me wanting. It left me hopeless.

And it left me utterly and uselessly horny. Sleeping next to a hot guy two nights in a row without getting to touch him was torture. I was so hard up those days, I was liable to faint at any moment.

My phone vibrated at eight, and for an exciting second, I thought it was Pete. I didn't know why he'd be texting me on a Sunday morning that early, but it could have been him. I hoped for it... I lived on it.

Instead, it was the frosh I'd helped move in the day before.

To Corbin: Hey buddy, this is Lee from yesterday. I was wondering if the offer for Walmart was still good...

I yawned, took a deep breath and responded.

To Lee: Of course it is, buddy. Let me know when you're ready.

To Corbin: Let me grab a quick shower. Half an hour?

To Lee: Perfect. I'll pick you up in the quad.

I laid my head back down and took a short, twenty minute nap. I woke up with a start, checked my watch and realized I told Lee I'd pick him up in ten minutes.

I put my shoes back on, not bothering to change into anything fresh. I walked to the bathroom and blitzed my teeth, sprayed my face, and decided that my hair was going to be matted to the side of my head for the foreseeable future.

I tip toed to Hutch's room, checked the door and pushed it open slowly. There were two distinct mounds under his covers, and I remembered him bringing home that Haley girl last night. Trying not to look, I reached to the side of the wall where I knew he kept his Xterra keys, pulled them off the hook, and tried to make my escape.

Just as I was exiting, I heard Hutch rustle in his bed behind me. I stopped in my tracks.


"Yeah," I whispered, turning slowly. "I'm borrowing your car. I asked you yesterday."

Hutch sat up, revealing that, yes, in fact it was Hayley under the covers, and I could tell that she was in just her bra... at least up top.

"Okay. What happened to you last night?"

"We'll recap when I get back," I whispered.

Hutch nodded. "Did you get your dick wet?"

"Not yet," I said.

"Hurry the fuck up..." he laid back down, and a second later, I heard one lone snore. I crawled out of the room, ran downstairs before I could run into anyone else, and hit Hutch's car. Two and half minutes later, I pulled up to the quad and waited for Lee.

"Hey man, thanks so much for doing this." He sounded genuinely thankful as I took Washington Avenue through downtown and onto the bypass that led to Walmart.

"No worries," I said. "I could tell your mom didn't want to spend her last afternoon with you waiting in a grocery store line."

"Yeah, she was really glad you volunteered to drive me," he replied. "She said I should take you to lunch sometime this week to repay you."

"No repayment necessary," I said. I thought for a second, and then realized maybe this was my golden rush opportunity. "Actually, there is a way you can pay me back."

Lee looked over at me from the passenger's side with a dubious eye.

"It's painless, I promise," I asserted quickly. He smirked.

"I've read about you frat guys."

"Oh please. Animal House doesn't do us justice, trust me."

"That's what I'm afraid of," he laughed. "So what's this favor?"

"We're having a pre-game tonight. Lots of shots, drinking games... free rides out to the country. You should come."

"That's it? That's how I pay you back? By coming to a party you're throwing?"

"Welcome to being a freshman," I smiled. The guys at the house would be proud of me for turning a move-in into a rush opportunity.

"You probably could have asked for more," he said. It took me a second and a glance over to decipher what he'd meant, and even then, I couldn't. It sounded like a come-on to me, but I couldn't be sure, so I let it go.

"Alright then. You can be my Beirut partner tonight."


"Does no one know what Beirut is anymore? Beer pong?"

"Oh, beer pong. Yeah, of course. I'm there."

It was settled. I told him the details of the pre-game and discussed the perks of being a frosh while we waded through Walmart, picking up a dozen or so things from a list his mom had left. I answered all of his questions about the upcoming year. An hour later, I dropped him off in the quad, leaving him with some sage advice.

"Put your name on your laundry detergent," I said as he got out of the car. "Trust me."

I watched him get out, walk across the street, turn to me and wave goodbye. Two minutes later, I pulled into Hutch's parking spot, and went upstairs to face the firing squad.

"Look who's up, bright and early... and in yesterday's clothes." Hutch was the first to speak. They were all gathered on the couches in the Great Hall, greeting me as soon as I entered. I pulled my sunglasses off my face and perched them on my head, pulling my summer length hair back.

"You had sex last night," I deflected.

"We've been through that. It's your turn, killer."

"Nothing happened."

"Where were you last night?" Austin asked.

"Nothing happened."

"Why didn't you come home?" Roberto added his own flame to the fire.

"Nothing happened."

"You know, saying nothing happened isn't going to make us believe that nothing happened," Brian chimed in.

"Well believe it," I asserted, sitting down on the floor between Roberto and Austin. "Because nothing happened."

"Okay, so tell us what happened," Austin said, sounding genuinely interested in hearing how I came to be missing for an entire night.

"Honest to God, we got home last night, I was really drunk and kind of upset from seeing Pete make out with that girl," I explained.

"Aye dios mio," Roberto rolled his eyes.

"Do you wanna know?" I snapped.


"As soon as I hit the hay, Peter texted me... he came up to my room, we talked, and then I walked him home."

"So why didn't you come home after?" Hutch asked. I shook my head, embarrassed. It was how it went with us guys. Nothing happened without the other four hearing about it, and for some reason, it was worse when nothing had actually happened.

"Because when we got to his place, he asked me to come in..."

"What did he say?"

"`Do you want to come in and hang out? Adam isn't here.'"

"That is a booty call!" Hutch shouted.

"Fuck yeah," Brian echoed. I smiled, embarrassed at their reaction, and at the fact that I had thought the same thing... to no avail.

"Sadly, nothing happened. I went in, and we talked. Literally, we talked. And then I fell asleep."

"What'd y'all talk about?" Hutch asked.

"Everything. Nothing. He asked me about my sex life. I asked him about kissing McKenzie Slutton. He said it was a short, bad kiss, and he barely remembered doing it."

"Mmhmm... that's what they all tell their gay boyfriends."

"Fuck you," I retorted. I didn't want my pledge brothers to know how let down I'd been the night before, so I tried to keep the subject of McKenzie light. I was all too ready to move on by the time Austin changed the subject.

"Where'd you sleep? Bed, couch, or floor?" Austin asked.

"He has no couch, and I slept on the floor to start..." I answered.

"And then..." Roberto pressed on, knowing that what I'd left out was more important than what I'd included.

"And then I might have moved to the bed."

"He didn't kick you out?"

"No, of course not," I responded, answering their questions at rapid pace. "Anyway, what were y'all creepers doing looking for me last night?"

"Nothing," Hutch answered. "I came in to see if you still needed my car this morning, and your bedroom was empty. So were the halls and the bathroom. And even for you, day two is a little early to be blacking out and wandering off."

"Yeah, well," I said. "I wish more had come from that blackout wander."

I started to stand to go downstairs and make a peanut butter and jelly when Roberto pushed my shoulder down.

"Nuh, uh. We're not done."

"I'm hungry," I whined.

"More protein for breakfast?" Austin snarked. I shot him a look.

"That explains last night. We still want to know where you were this morning..." I looked up at Roberto and then up at Austin, and finally across at the other two. I felt like a kid being interrogated by his parents... only he had four instead of two... and they were all men.

"I told Hutch. I went to Walmart with a freshman," I replied.

I looked around at their inquisitive glares.

"I'm serious."

"We believe that's what you did," Brian said. "But why?"

"Because... I met him during move in and I told his mom I'd take him to Walmart. It was a good deed."

"What does he look like?" Hutch asked. "Was he cute?"

"This is why people think you're gay," Roberto shouted across the hall.

"Um, I had sex with a girl last night. What did you do?" Hutch shot back.

I saw Roberto shoot Hutch a look, and then the heat was back on me.

"So you slept with your boyfriend last night, and then woke up and took your other boyfriend to the store... classy," Brian smiled.

"You are the worst former roommate ever. Nothing happened there either," I said. "Although, I think the kid was flirting with me."

"You think?" Austin asked. He was always the dubious one when it came to me and flirting. He was convinced my mission was to turn every straight guy at Old Dominion into a cock sucker.

"He said some things that were a little suspect, but whatever," I replied.

"Are you going to go after it?" Roberto asked.

"Probably not," I replied. "He's a freshman."

"So? Hutch's girl is a freshman," Brian called out.

"If she even goes here," said Austin. We all laughed.

"Honestly, y'all, it's not like that," I said as the laughter died down. "I'm just being a good frat brother. I'm rushing for the fraternity."

"Is that what they're calling it these days?" Brian asked.

"I hate you."

We joked around at mine and Hutch's expense for a couple minutes until I really did need to get some food. I stood up, glad to escape the ruckus when Roberto offered some wisdom.

"I think you should go after the freshman," he said as I took a step towards the kitchen. "If you think he likes you. You can't chase after an Englishman forever. Especially a straight one."

I kept walking, registering what he'd said. Maybe Roberto was right. Maybe chasing after Pete was futile. He'd shown me his level of interest when he face planted onto a Chi-Omega. If I kept after a guy that had had his chance twice and didn't take it, what did that make me? Desperate. Maybe what I needed was a mind eraser to get Britain off the brain. Maybe this freshman was a good idea.

I got some toast, and headed back up to the great hall, forming a plan in my mind to take Pete off of it. The guys were still sitting around, talking about how to spend the last lazy Sunday before classes started.

"How about fifty-five cup after the meeting? Robbie? A?" I suggested, already putting my plan in motion.

"Fifty-five? Really?" Austin asked.

"Let's do it," I said. Roberto looked up at me.

"I'm in as long as we hit the gym first," he said.

"Austin, are you his partner?"

"As if Roberto can play without his wife," Hutch snarked.

"What about us?" Brian asked.

"You can play winner," I said, sitting back down and completing the circle.

"Are you serious? You all are always so fucked up after one game, there's no way."

"Mmm, sowee," I said, my mouth full of bread, butter, and jam. "It was my idea and I already have a partner."

"You suck," Brian said.

"You swallow," I shot back. The other guys laughed, and Brian shot me a look.

"Now this partner of yours," Hutch asked, not fazed by not getting to play fifty-five. "Is he British or Barely Legal?"

"Now that sounds like the name of your next porno!" Austin finished right on beat, getting a laugh out of everyone.

We hung out for most of the morning, and then filed into the chapter room for our first house meeting. The ins and outs of the event were completely boring until it was my turn to give the social status report.

Before we went in, I sent a text to Lee asking what he was doing that afternoon.

To Corbin: Just hanging out with a guy on my hall. I have nothing planned until hall dinner.

To Lee: Mandatory?

To Corbin: Yeah, unfortunately.

To Lee: Can you go to dinner drunk?

To Corbin: Probably. Why?

To Lee: Have you ever played 55 cup beer pong?

To Corbin: No... sounds intense.

To Lee: Come to my house at 4. You're my partner. Payback J

To Corbin: You got it.

"The calendar is pretty straight forward," I said an hour later when it was my turn to present. I listed the dates of Homecoming, Parents Weekend, Alumni Weekend, Christmas Weekend (which I refused to refer to as Holiday Weekend as per the university's politically correct initiative), and formal recruitment. Baring an emergency or an approved reason, attendance each weekend was mandatory.

"What about mixers?" President Dominic asked.

"We have Chi Beta Believe It Weekend lined up for November."

"And who are we mixing with that weekend?"

"Chi-Omega is ready to go... as usual. The problem is, Kappa cancelled on us," I answered. There was a chorus of mumbles. "They said they'll mix with us next semester."

"Who the fuck do they think they are?" one sophomore said loudly. A couple of brothers hissed at him.

I pursed my lips and turned my head. It was a matter of fact. Chi Beta Believe It Weekend was supposed to be a shit show that featured a pre-mixer dinner on Friday, a mixer on Friday night, a lawn party on Saturday afternoon, and another mixer on Saturday night. A couple years ago, it had culminated with a clam bake on Sunday with a bloody mary bar, but I doubted we had money to bring that feature back.

And now, we were down one mixer, with the other being with a shitty sorority that no one particularly liked very much.

"Is there anything we can do to get them to not cancel?" Dominic asked me.

"I don't think so," I said.

"Well, work on it," he resigned. "This is your job."

"No, this is my Everest," I said under my breath. Austin heard me and laughed.

"There is an option," I said out loud. "I've been talking to KD about mixing and the girls are on board, but their social chair is a little hesitant. The good news is that Emily Watts is their social chair's best friend."

"No," Roberto said before I could even finish.

"And as we all know, Emily has a crush on Roberto."

"Absolutely not," he said.

"Come on, `Berto," I said, addressing him directly. "This is literally our only shot."

"I'm not fucking someone just so you bitches can have a mixer," he shouted. I saw Dominic give him a cold look, as if he really did want Roberto to whore himself out. It was a long shot, I knew, but if Roberto could flirt with Emily, she might be able to talk to Hannah Allison.

"You're already friends with her," I said. "And she's cute. Just flirt with her until they decide to book. What's the big deal?"

"Are you kidding me? You would actually have me lead on your friend just for a mixer? You're an asshole," Roberto said, raising his voice at me.

"No, I'm the social chair," I replied, growing slightly heated. "And I was put here in a tight spot. We aren't riding high like we were in the old days, folks. Like we were when we pledged. We have some serious work to do, or else next year, our senior year, no one will be interested in mixing with us at all."

"I'll sleep with Emily Watts," Newby, a sophomore said. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help but smile.

"Seriously, `Berto," I said, my tone serious and unwavering. "Think about it."

He cut me a look. That was the end of my segment.

The rest of the meeting was a bore. I looked at my clock. It was just after three. I yawned really loud, and Dominic gave me a short look, just as he kept talking about the new enforcement rules. I had heard all of this shit before, in various meetings, and it was annoying as hell.

"Have somewhere to be, Corbin?" Dominic asked. All eyes turned to me.

"Nowhere nearly as important as this, Dom," I said sarcastically. "Continue."

This was why I got a reputation for being a bitch at Chi Beta. Instead of listening to Dominic finish his tirade, which I'm certain would be detailed in an email to follow, I pulled my phone out and started texting.

To Lee: We probably won't start at four. I'm stuck in this stupid meeting, and I still have to go get beer.

To Corbin: No worries. Hey, can my friend Brandon hang out? I just found out hall dinner isn't mandatory.

To Lee: For sure. I'll find him a partner.

To Corbin: Sweet. He said he doesn't have to play if the teams are already set.

I looked at Austin, and then at Roberto. Of the two, Roberto was the better beer pong player, but Austin was the better sport when it came to rushing. Neither would be happy about being replaced.

A second later, I had a thought. It shot through my brain like a missile. I didn't care what Dom was talking about, I raised my hand really fast.

"Can we go back to something really quick," I interrupted before he even acknowledged me. Dominic sighed.


"The rush event rule. When does that go into effect?"

"Which one?"

"The one that we just talked about. Two or more freshman constitutes a rush event and the house will cover half the cost. Four or more and the house will cover the whole cost."

"I guess it goes into effect as soon as you start rushing," Dominic replied. I smiled.

"Perfect. Are we reimbursing? Using the house credit card? What's the protocol?"

"Can we do this later?" Dominic asked through frustrated clenched teeth.

"Yeah, we can. Except that I have an event set up at four. Fifty-five cup. Oh, Roberto, by the way, a frosh is taking your spot if that's okay. Everyone is invited to watch."

I knew that my outburst and disregard for the fraternity meeting was amusing to some, and annoying to most, but I didn't care.

"Get what you need, bring back your receipt, and Austin will reimburse you from petty," Dominic said definitively.

I took his sentence as a command, so I stood up, and walked to the door of the chapter room.

"Perfect. See y'all in an hour." And with that, I made my escape.

"Corbin," I heard Dominic call out as I closed the door behind me, but I didn't hesitate or look back. It wasn't the first time I'd made a Houdini escape from a chapter meeting, and as the year was shaping up, I knew it wouldn't be the last.

I still had Hutch's keys in my pocket, so I went straight to his Xterra outside, started it up, and drove to Walmart. As I picked up two cases of beer and enough Solo cups to sufficiently stock a small village for a year, I thought about what Roberto had said. Was it worth using the frosh to get my mind off of the Brit? Were the two correlated? I was young, unattached, and apparently attractive enough to attract them both, so why not diversify my portfolio? Why did I need to put my eggs into one basket when I had two available right in front of me?

And yet, nothing was certain until it was certain. The Brit was yet to make a move, and there was a solid chance he'd never make one. There was a frosh who'd shown interest in flirting, but maybe that was all it was. Was I ready to be someone's first college fling? And even if I was, did he want me to?

It was almost as if Peter knew I was thinking about him and was determined not to give me any peace. As I walked down to the checkout counter, I felt my phone vibrate. For a split second, after I saw his name on my display screen, I thought about letting it roll to voicemail.

I didn't.

I answered.

"Hey," I said as cheerfully as I could.

"Hey there. What are you up to?"

"Not much," I answered.

"Campus is pretty quiet today," he replied. "Is Sunday always this dull?"

"It's early yet," I replied. "And everyone is saving themselves to rage tonight."

"I see," he said, his accent as strong as ever.

"Where's Adam?" I asked. I knew where Adam was. I had just left him at the house.

"He just got home from your little meeting," he said. "He mentioned something about a game of fifty-five cup. Beer pong?"

"Yeah," I said. I made it to the line and started unloading my cart.

"I was wondering if maybe you needed a partner."

This was it. This was my chance. This was my opportunity to turn the screw. He had forced me into the `hard-to-get' corner, and I was going to stay there for as long as it took. He needed to know I wasn't going to wait in the wings forever. And so I told him.

"I actually already have a partner," I replied. "Sorry, I would have asked you, but I didn't think you'd be interested."

I said it as casually as I possibly could. I wasn't trying to make him jealous by any means, but he needed to know that you don't hang out with a guy all night, not kiss him, kiss a girl, and still expect to be his Beirut partner. That's not how it worked.

"Oh." He sounded slightly dejected. Whatever, I thought. If you'd made out with me last night, there would be no question about partners.

He had made his bed, and he'd made it with only room for one.

"I guess I'll see you out then," he said.

"I mean, you can come watch the game," I said quickly. "It'll be epic. And we're pre-gaming afterwards."

"No, I might just take a nap, or something," he said.

"Cool," I replied.

I checked out, told Pete to come over for drinks before a band party on Greek Row that night, and I wheeled everything out to Hutch's car. When I got back to the house, the meeting was over, and Austin was setting up the beer pong table in the game room.

"Dom is pissed at you," he said as I hauled the cases of beer upstairs. I set them down and immediately pulled out my phone.

"What's new?" I asked, barely paying attention. I texted Lee to come over with his friend. I told him we were setting up and we'd start when they got there.

"He's determined to cut your antics this year," Austin said.

"What antics?"

"You just left a chapter meeting halfway through."

"We were done," I replied.

"Not really. And you know he has every right to fine you. Hell, I won't be surprised if he tells Hutch to put you down as absent."

"I wasn't absent. I was present. He was rambling, I got bored, and I left. I had to set up a rush event, didn't I?"

"Don't bullshit me, Corb," Austin said.

"Whatever, I'm just saying... what's more important? A stupid meeting in which everything has been decided for us by the five guys on the EC or rushing freshmen who may or may not take over this place when we leave?"

"Did you rehearse that on the drive back?"

"There and back actually. Why? Was it that obvious? Did I rush the ending?" I said with a clear cut attitude. I decided to change the subject before Austin got into bitchy treasurer mode and I had to bring him down a peg. "Anyway, is Roberto mad that he got booted?"

"Not really. He's going to nap and rest up for tonight."

We set up the rest of the cups in silence, until both sides had fifty-five cups in a perfect triangle, about a foot from touching in the middle. A minute later, the freshmen showed up.

Lee was dressed down in a pair of cargo shorts and a fitted v-neck t-shirt. He looked like a walking Gap mannequin and I didn't mind one bit. His friend, Brandon, was equally as tall, almost as cute, and so slender, I was sure you could break him in half.

"This is Brandon," Lee introduced. "He's on my hall."

"Cool," I introduced myself. "I'm Corbin Crowley, this is Austin Whitacker. You're gonna be his partner."

"Awesome," Brandon said in a deep baritone voice. The voice definitely didn't match the build, but it didn't matter. My eye was on the guy closest to me.

"How do we do this?" Lee asked, standing next to me. I pulled out the case and handed him an ice cold Natural Light.

"We pour our beer in. One can for every five cups. And then we pick one cup to put a full can into. Normal rules, except no bouncing until we're down to twenty-one cups. You get reracks at thirty-five, twenty-one, and ten. Everything is normal after that."

"Cool. Who goes first?" Lee asked as we finished pouring the beers. The stage was set. The game was ready. And so was I.

"I think we'll let y'all go first," Austin said condescendingly. "Give you a chance to feel ahead." I gave Lee a let's do this look, grabbed a ball from the water cup, and sank it halfway through the other team's monstrosity of a triangle.

The playing beer pong came easy. The flirting came even easier. Once my muscles started to loosen, the flirting came naturally. It always did; in fact, most of the time I hardly even realized I was doing it. This afternoon, however, I was acutely aware of what I was doing, and I was greatly aware of how it was affecting the frosh.

I stood close to him as he shot the ball. Every time I walked behind him, I touched the small of his back, and made eye contact. He'd smile at me, and I'd smile back. Occasionally, when I knew his friend from across the table wasn't looking, I'd bite my lip. At one point, when we were down four cups, I reached across my body and patted his stomach as he finished a cup of beer.

"Come on, buddy," I encouraged. "We can do this." He brought the cup down and smiled at me. I let my hand linger on his abs for a second longer.

It got interesting around the second rerack, at twenty-one. We had caught up, and while they still had twenty-three cups to go, we sank one, and got the all-important rerack.

"Sweet!" Lee shouted, louder than he had been forty-five minutes earlier. "Good shot!"

He reached over and pulled me into a side hug, clutching my far shoulder and drawing me in. I looked up at him, and he smiled down at me. I pulled myself in a little closer, and our hips touched. I waited for him to react. I waited for him to move. He didn't. He didn't even flinch. Instead, he clutched my shoulder even harder. I looked up again, and he gave me a very knowing glance.

I let out a fake cough.

"Alright, killer," I said to him. "Let's do this."

The meaning was all over the place, and I knew he got it. I had to give him credit; as flirtatious as I was, he was that much more receptive. It was almost like he didn't care that we were all over each other in front of his new friend. He encouraged it, and so I kept it going.

At one point, while I was shooting our eleventh cup, one away from another rerack, I stood directly in front of him. The other side couldn't see, and wouldn't have cared even if they could see... those guys were down by six and their prospects of winning were fading. I pushed my ass out and made contact with his pelvis. I looked behind me, gave him a slutty glance, and he smiled.

"Give me space," I complained.

"Are you sure you want me to?" he whispered. I pushed back even further and held my stance. I made the next cup.

From then on, the game eased into a seamless victory.

"I have to pee so bad," Brandon said from across the table, nursing the beers he had left over to drink.

"Me too," Lee answered. The two freshmen exited the room, leaving Austin and I alone for a couple of minutes.

"So you're taking Roberto's advice, are you?" he asked as I stacked cups on my side of the table. We'd beat them by three after they made a valiant run during rebuttal.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh come on. You've been all over that kid, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd already jizzed in his pants."

"That's disgusting," I scolded. To be honest, I hadn't thought about it much. I was just having fun. But I suppose, my body was having fun because it was telling me that there was no use waiting around for Pete. If the opportunity presented itself to relieve the pressure he'd helped build up, then I'd take it.

"You're disgusting. And completely obvious."

"Look, I'm just trying to cleanse the Brit off my palette and move on. Is that a crime?"

"No," Austin replied. "But be careful. You know how easy it is for freshman to get an impression."

I turned my head. "I like the guy," I said. Austin gave me a glare. "I do."

"I don't doubt that you like him now. But will you when the Brit changes his mind?"

"If he changes his mind," I replied. "And I'm not gonna sit around and not do anything with anyone waiting for that distinction."

A second later, Lee and Brandon walked back into the room, laughing. I was sort of upset by Austin's accusation, but I was determined not to let it bother me. Just that morning, he'd sat there and listened to Roberto tell me to erase Pete from my memory, and if it took Lee to do that, then so be it. I told myself again that I wasn't flirting with Lee to make Pete jealous. That would have required Pete to be there.

"What's the plan now?" Lee asked. It was almost six o'clock, and we should have been preparing for dinner. My stomach was so full of beer, though, that I couldn't even fathom eating for at least a few hours.

"We're just gonna hang around and drink some more until we go out tonight. Maybe order a pizza later," I said.

"Cool," Lee replied, clearly on bored for that. "I heard y'all have the best lawn on campus."

Our house was situated away from Greek Row, so instead of staring directly into another frat house, our front door opened into an expansive lawn, that was perfect for frat volleyball, slip and slide, and day parties.

"We do," I answered with pride.

"Wanna hang out, Brand?" Lee asked.

"No man," he said quickly. Almost too quickly. "I've gotta finish unpacking before all the orientation sessions tomorrow."

Lee didn't put up a single fight with his friend. Instead, he nodded, said he'd see him later, and watched Brandon take off, with four beers I'd given him for the road. It was almost like the two had discussed it before. Lee would stay. Brandon would go.

"Wanna see the lawn?" I asked Lee as I finished stacking cups that we'd eventually rinse and reuse. Austin had been quietly cleaning his side the whole time.

"Give me a tour of the house," Lee answered. I shot Austin a look. Then I looked at Lee and smiled.

"For sure," I said. We stepped into the hallway and down towards the stairs. "We'll start downstairs." I let Lee walk in front of me, and as he went down the first step, I put my hand on his back and led him down.

"Are you interested in seeing any part of the house in particular?"

"Your bedroom," he answered without hesitation. I stopped walking down the stairs.

"It's this way," I made an about-face, and walked back up, down the hall, and into number 23 without once turning around. When Lee and I were both in my room, I reached around him and locked the door.

"What do you think?" I asked, turning to face him.

"It's a nice room," he said, locking eyes with me. We stood about a foot apart for a couple seconds. The room was silent. I could almost hear Lee breathing slowly. I watched him swallow, his Adam's apple bouncing in his throat. I swallowed as well, wondering what my next move should be.

I took a step towards him, into him almost, and instinctively put my hand on his hip. I drew him in. Another step and another swallow.

"Wanna see the couch?" I asked slowly, raising my head slightly to be even with his. Two feet apart became less than one. "Or the bed?"

A second later, Lee's lips connected with mine. My first kiss junior year wasn't with a British exchange student that I hadn't been able to stop thinking about since I laid eyes on him. It was with a freshman. An impressionable, and yet very sexy, freshman. A guy that couldn't get enough of me.

And after that kiss, the feeling was mutual.

I pushed Lee backwards, around my couch, and onto my bed. He sat down, resting on his hands, his legs spread. I could clearly make out a bulge in his cargo shorts, and I suddenly wanted his cock deep in my mouth at any cost. I turned around and walked to the window, careful to maintain graceful, sexy strides when all my body wanted to do was drunkenly stumble over. I pulled the blinds, casting a dark shadow over the room. I turned and gave Lee a wicked smile.

I want to believe that what happened next was graceful and poised, when in all actuality it was probably sloppy and ridiculous.

I slipped down to my knees and slowly crawled between Lee's legs. I pushed my hands up his thigh, and immediately went for the lump that sat next to his right pocket. I felt his entire body jolt upwards when I clutched his dick through his khaki colored shorts. It was already hard. Really hard. And from where I knelt, it was a total handful.

I looked up at Lee and smiled.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I squeezed his dick through his shorts, and it pulsed in my hands.

"Oh yeah," he breathed. I relaxed, fully aware at that point that we both wanted what was about to happen. I lowered myself onto my legs, used both hands to fish around Lee's crotch, and a second later, I pulled his cock out of his shorts.

It glistened in the dimness of the room. I could tell there was already precum on the tip. I ran my right hand up his shirt, feeling his smooth body. As I made my way up his chest, I licked the tip of his dick, tasting the sweet and saltiness of his precum.

I could tell right away that I would enjoy sucking this guy's dick. It was one of those dicks that got impossibly hard, stood straight up, and reacted to every move you made. I undid his pants and lowered them, revealing that in addition to having a smooth stomach and chest, Lee also trimmed his package and legs. I smiled up at him again. He nodded at me, probably wondering why I was taking so long to get on his cock.

I leaned down, put his dick in my mouth, and sucked all the way down to the base. It was incredible, feeling Lee writhe below my touch. He arched his back, knocked his dick deep into my throat, and a second later, shot spurts of cum through my mouth and down into my stomach.

The total time, from touch to finish, was less than five minutes. Had Lee not been so beautiful naked, and had his cum not tasted so clean and sweet, I might have been disappointed. Also, had he not stayed impossibly hard, I might have given up on this five-minute freshman.

But he did, and so I didn't.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't warn you."

"It's okay," I replied, getting off my knees and climbing up to my bed. "It was good."

"Yeah? You sure?"

"Of course," I said.

"It was really quick," he answered. "I'm sorry."

"No worries," I smiled.

"I've been wanting that to happen since yesterday," he said. I took my spot lying next to him, lightly fondling his chest and rubbing just above his dick. His breathing was still heavy but definitely tempered.

"It looks like you could go again," I whispered. He nodded. I leaned in further and kissed him. He hesitated to open his mouth to mine, probably because he could smell his semen on my breath. Eventually, he let his mouth open and slipped his tongue around mine. As soon as he tasted the remnants of himself on my breath, he dove in and kissed me harder. A second later, he climbed on top of me.

I was still in my clothes, and Lee was still in his shirt. I felt him rub his hard dick over my jeans, probably trying to assess how hard I was underneath. Hard was the answer. Very, very hard. As brief as that blow job had been, there was something about Lee that I was discovering drove me absolutely crazy. Maybe it was his youthful exuberance. Maybe it was his sheer appreciation for everything I was doing. Maybe it was the smooth skin, hard stomach, and firm lines that formed his body. Or maybe he was just a damn good kisser.

As we kissed, I wondered how many times Lee had done what we were doing. He kissed like a guy that was used to kissing girls. He put in most of the effort, forcing his tongue down my throat, feeling for objects around my body, grinding his dick across mine.

I felt him go down for my belt line with his hands, not once letting go of my tongue once he had it. I helped him out, and a second later, crawled out of my own jeans. A second after that, Lee licked down my neck, skipped my torso, and made his way to my equally manscaped cock. He hovered over my dick in hesitation for a second. He looked up at me, as if he were asking for permission. I smiled, nodded slowly, and as he descended onto my cock, I leaned my head back in pleasure.

The blow job itself was a little jolty. His movements were calculated, as if he'd read up on how to make me enjoy it. It was good, don't get me wrong. His mouth was warm, wet, and eager. What it lacked in smoothness and fluidity, he made up for in sheer enthusiasm. He pumped my dick hard and fast, licking the precum off the tip every few seconds. In intervals, he'd lower his whole mouth over my dick and suck in slowly, then he'd return to the fast and furious pumping.

I aided him along by making eye contact. I was a sexual sucker for eye contact. There was nothing that could make me cum faster than a good, old fashioned, stare down. I smiled down at him, encouraging him to keep going. To rev him up even more, I used my foot and leg to slowly rub against his hard cock. He repositioned himself between my legs so that while he sucked me off and rubbed me out, I could foot him off.

It didn't last long, mostly because I didn't want it to. I could have gone for a while with this guy, but I sensed his urgency, especially once my foot was covered in his precum. He was ready to shoot again, and I guessed so was I.

"Ready?" I asked, panting just a little. "Ready for me to cum?"

"Yeah," he panted, breathing harder than I was. "Yeah, I am."

"Where do you want it?" I asked. He pumped my cock even harder, but didn't answer. Instead, he hovered over my dick, watching it like an inspector. I looked at him, turned on by how turned on he was, and a second later, I let my load fly. The majority of it ended up on my stomach. A little ended up on his face, and the rest ended up on his own chest and shirt.

"Wow," he said, standing up, and wiping his face with the bottom of his shirt. "That was a lot."

He simultaneously gasped and smiled at me. I sat up and pulled my jeans and boxers up. I pulled my shirt off and wiped the rest of my cum off my body and tossed the cloth into the corner.

"Yeah, for sure," I said. It was always hard for me to temper my emotions after a particularly heavy cum. Most of me was tired, but part of me wanted the other person to know I appreciated their hard work. A year ago, I wouldn't even have entertained the idea of Lee hanging around after we both came, but he made no signs of being ready to leave, and I kind of liked having him around.

"I um... can I borrow a shirt?"

"Yeah, of course," I said. I rummaged through one of my drawers, and pulled out a red and white baseball t-shirt I'd had since high school. It said Colleyville High in small letters on the right arm. I handed it to him with a smile. I watched him get undressed and into my shirt, which fit him snug.

"Okay, what sport did you play?"

"What do you mean?" he laughed.

"Your body is... wow," I said, unable to quite believe that a guy who was barely eighteen was that tightly built. He wasn't big by any means, but it was almost as if his entire body had been wrapped in metal. I felt self-conscience, paunchy, and bloated in comparison.

He laughed meekly and sat down next to me. A small wet spot separated us.

"I swam in high school," he said proudly. It all made perfect sense after that. I stood up and walked to my mini-fridge.

"Drink?" I asked. I pulled out a bottle of vodka and the only mixer I had in the room... Crystal Light.

"Are you going to swim for the Founders?" I asked.

"Probably not," he said. I asked him why not. "It's a different beast up here. In New Orleans, where I went, I could win a race after smoking two bowls and barely stretching. Here, you know... it's different."

Effort is involved, I wanted to say. He couldn't have been that motivationally deficient. The kid was ripped. And for the time being, he was mine.

We sat around and talked for a while, about nothing important, but it felt good to be in good company. At one point, he mentioned how much fun it'd be to get high and do what we just did.

"Did you mess around with guys a lot?" I asked at some point, two vodka cocktails later. We'd moved from the bed to the couch, and were nursing our drinks while we looked at each other.

"Not really," he said. "I kind of kept it hidden in high school. I had one buddy who we messed around this summer. I guess that's the most of it."

There was something he wasn't saying, and I could tell.

"Messed around, how?" I asked.

He looked at me like he didn't quite want to answer.

"You know," he said. I cocked my head to the side. "We fucked each other."

"Oh?" I replied. I scooted in just a little, reaching for my drink, and grazing past his arm. "Did you like it?"

"It was okay, I guess. Not my favorite thing to do. But we mostly just gave each other head, and made out."

I felt almost as if he was drawing the line at what he and I would do and wouldn't do. I was okay with that. I was okay with pretty much any and of all of it. If he wanted to make hooking up a regular thing, I was fine with that. If he never wanted me to touch him again... well I doubted he'd never want me to touch him again.

But he'd served his purpose, and for that I was grateful. I had successfully gone all afternoon without thinking about someone I hadn't been able to stop thinking about for forty-eight hours.

And as soon as I let Pete into my mind, my phone rang. It was almost like he had a cerebral tracker on me. He wouldn't let me go. And because of that, I couldn't let go of him.

And just like that, I felt low. It was like what was meant to eradicate my feelings for Pete had really only intensified them. Hooking up with Lee made me aware of Pete in a way I hadn't before... ever really. I was annoyed. I forced myself to push the Brit to the back of my mind and focus on what was sitting right next to me.

"Who's Pete?" Lee asked, picking my phone up and handing it to me.

"No one," I replied quickly. I let it roll to voice mail, and then noticed that it was well past seven. My brothers and I had organized a pre-game in Hutch's room for eight o'clock and I knew they'd be coming around to see where I was any second.

"We should get a move on," I said quickly.

"For what?"

"There's a pre-game here in a little bit," I replied. "Let's get food. Unless you want to go home and change."

"No, I'm good." He ran his hands over my shirt and beamed at me. I was in no condition to drive, and so I did the only thing I could think of.

"Hey, Hutch," I asked after knocking next door and letting myself in. "Do you wanna get food?"

"No," he replied. He was reading something out of a dull looking brown book. It was probably some English major bullshit classic that only served to highlight one's pretention. "Take my car."

"I can't drive," I said, leaning against his door post.

"People are coming over in like twenty minutes," he said. "I can't take you. Ask Austin."

"Austin is annoyed with me," I said. "Please. I just wanna go to Wendy's. It'll take ten minutes, max." I finished with the magic words to any frat star. "I'm with a freshman."

He sat up, pulled his reading glasses off and gave me a death stare. He looked at me as if he knew. I knew he knew, and at that point, he knew that I knew that he knew. Two minutes later, the three of us piled into his car and drove through Clifton Hill to Wendy's.

By the time we got back, everyone was lounging around the halls upstairs, waiting for our invited guests to show up.

"Who's even coming to this shindig?" I asked Hutch.

"I dunno," he said, sounding defeated. Lee and I followed him into his room. We ate while he changed. "I invited Sacha and her friends. I guess that includes Amanda. That freshman girl from yesterday said she'd come by. I think some of Adam's friends are coming. I know that Jackson invited the Sig Eps, so... I don't know."

I'm sure I was supposed to have invited someone to this little thing, but in all honesty, I'd been some level of buzzed the entire time I'd been on campus and clearly preoccupied.

"Do you have any friends that want to come drink?" I asked Lee with a full mouth.

"Brandon, I guess," he answered.

"Text him," I said. "Tell him to bring people."

I looked at Hutch.

"What an effective rusher you've turned out to be." I shot him a look. Rule one of rush was to never talk about rush, allude to rush, or mention rush in any way in front of someone you were rushing. A flash of annoyance passed over me, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. Once you've slept with a rushee, I guess the rules kind of changed.

Roberto came in as we were finishing up our burgers and fries, all while watching Hutch transform his bedroom into a party destination. He set up bar in the corner of the room, moved his rug and guitar out of the way, and set his air conditioning unit to high. He picked up what clutter had managed to accumulate in the short time since he'd moved back in.

"Hey, mi maricón," Roberto said to me. "Hi..."

"Lee," he introduced.

"I'm Roberto. I was supposed to play fifty-five with you all today, but this bastard kicked me off the team." He sat down next to me on Hutch's leather couch.

"It was fun," Lee answered.

"I can tell," `Berto replied, looking from me to Lee and assessing how drunk we'd managed to get, and stay, since four o'clock. "Isn't that your shirt?"

I shot him a glare. And with that, my second pledge brother knew I'd slept with a freshman potential new member on the second day of school.

"No," I lied simply.

"Really? Lee, you went to Colleyville High, too?"

I was saved by Austin coming in and breaking up the conversation.

"Lee, how're you feeling, buddy?" Austin asked, clearly still a little drunk himself.

"Good," Lee replied, matching everyone else's energy even though we'd been up and at it all day. "We've kept the ball rolling."

"I'm sure you have," Hutch mumbled indiscreetly. I shot him a look quickly and did my best not to react. I stole a glance at Lee and I was glad to see he didn't react at all either. Brian meandered in casually a minute later, and the room was set to begin receiving guests.

First to arrive, simultaneously, were Brian's girlfriend Cat and the girl that Hutch had slept with the night before, an indication if nothing else that Hutch's girl was being noticed by Chi-Omega. Whether it was a good notice, or a bad notice, was yet to be seen.

"Hey, Cat," I said charmingly when she walked in. I offered up my seat.

"How was your summer?" We caught up for a second before she sat down and Brian brought her and Hayley vodka tonic.

"And it's Haley, right?" I asked the younger girl.

"Yeah," she replied. I shook her hand. "I think I saw you this morning."

I raised an eyebrow. "Did you? From my vantage point, you were fast asleep."

"Alright, then," Hutch interrupted loudly. "Who wants to play King's Cup?"

I shot him a look, Haley shot him a look, and Lee looked around like he had no idea what was happening. We pulled a deck of cards out of Hutch's drawer and set up a game of King's Cup. An assortment of people I knew and didn't know trickled into the room and joined the game. First up were Sacha and her gaggle of loud friends. The fearless foursome, who could be found around Chi Beta on at least three of the seven nights of the week, were somewhat affectionately known as Beta Blockers. They could be counted on to entertain frosh, get embarrassingly drunk off our alcohol, and sleep with any of the brothers that were feeling low enough to go there—they were also experts at cock blocking other girls from coming in. Since our dip in social standing, the cornerstone of Pi Beta Phi's rush was also the cornerstone of our own. As social chair, knowing what I had to work with for the year made me slightly sad.

A while after the girls showed up, Brandon walked in with another freshman guy. The frosh were immediately doted upon by dutiful brothers and girls eager to see some fresh meat. A few of our upperclassmen came in behind them, and after about an hour of socializing, the music was turned up, the table was pushed aside, and the shot glasses were pulled out.

I can't lie and say I didn't have one eye on the door. I played my part, entertaining the crowd, telling stories of my first two ridiculous years on campus, and encouraging those around me to reach my level of drunk, all the while hanging close to Lee and keeping him company. But I always had one eye on the door to see who else, especially him, would walk in.

When Adam showed up with only ex Chi Beta social chair Jackson Pruitt in tow, I figured my frost over England had been successful. I didn't see Pete showing up alone, and he never called me again, so when he didn't come in with Adam, I loosened up and focused on the guy that was there.

"Want another shot?" I asked Lee, leaning in close to whisper directly to him.

"Hell yeah," he answered loudly. We got up and made our way to the corner bar. Just as I was pouring a shot for myself, Lee, Brandon and the guy he'd come with, I turned to see Hutch's door open. Amanda crept in with a tall, pale, beautiful stallion behind her.

"Hey!" I heard her shout, greeting some of her sisters as she entered the room. I could tell that her and Pete had been drinking for quite a while, as both of them stumbled into the room with a wave of inebriated energy.

"Corb," someone said. I turned.


"Ready?" I was knocked back into my current reality. I picked up the shot glass, cheersed with Lee, and downed another glass of vodka. And with that, my concentration was completely shot. The room, which had been lively, fast, and loud, was suddenly blurred. Everything was different. He was here.

"Hey, there, asshole," Amanda said when she'd made her way to the corner. She pushed passed me and grabbed for a bottle of Hutch's vodka.

"Asshole?" I asked, watching her top off the cup she'd come in the room with. "What's with that?"

"I called you, and I texted you."

"No way," I replied. I pulled out my phone. "I've got nothing."

I clicked open my phone and saw that I did have three missed calls and a couple of unread texts. I hadn't consulted my phone since Pete had called and I'd put it on silent.

"Mmmhmm," Amanda said, pursing her lips, and giving me serious attitude. "It's okay. Pete and I played drunk Wii. It was all good."

"Wii!" Pete shouted behind Amanda. It was his turn with the liquor bottle, although, I was sure that neither of them needed it. "Have you played Wii Tennis?"

"I have," I answered, grabbing the bottle from him and pouring my own fresh cocktail.

"You should have played. I would have knocked you," he said.

"I'm sure that would have been... thrilling," I said, my voice tapering between sarcastic and flat out bitchy. I was instantly taken back. All of my hard work I'd put in to the forgetting process was slipping away, and so was any attraction to the Frosh. I noticed him posted up behind me, talking to his friends Brandon and David Marcossi, and keeping an eye on me.

"You should have, but you were too busy ditching your friends," he said with a hint of a smile and a glare.

"Who said we were friends now?"

"Who said I was talking about me?"

"So... When did you start caring how I treated others?" I asked; my voice grew lower and my eyes locked in on his.

"I guess what I've heard about you is true, then..." he trailed off, holding my gaze for just a second. And then he walked off as I watched.

"Is everything cool?" Lee asked as my gaze followed the Brit across the room. I barely heard him.

"Yeah," I said as I trailed off and walked towards Pete.

"What do you mean what you've heard about me?" I asked, louder than I'd intended.

"Nothing, Corbin Crowley," he said, emphasizing my name. "It was a dig. I didn't mean anything by it."

"Are you sure?" I was suspicious. He had spent all afternoon with Amanda, after all, and if anyone knew dirt on me, it was her. And she could always be counted on to tell the truth.

"I'm positive," he said definitively. "Now go back to hanging out with your freshman. He looks like he misses you."

That cut me deeper than I'd expected it to. What had Amanda told him? What did he know? And was he actually trying to reverse my icing tactic back on me? I stood there for a second, unsure of how to proceed. I guess he was right. I was there with the Frosh; I should go back to the Frosh. And I did, but not before issuing one last dig of my own.

"He's not the only one," I whispered right into Pete's ear. I patted him on the small of his back, turned and walked back to where Lee, Brandon, and David were pouring another ill-advised shot. I didn't look behind me, but I was fairly certain of what I would have seen had I turned. Pete would have been gazing towards me, watching me have the most fun in the world with a guy that was super cute. Pete would have been looking on, wondering if I really liked this freshman, picking up on any clue as to how far we'd gotten and how far we'd go.

Just like I thought I was in control of my emotions, I'm sure Pete thought the same about his. I'm sure he'd come by thinking he could swoop in and show me he didn't need me in order to have a good time.

But the thing about emotions is that they hardly ever work the way you plan or intend. And when people say that they can get the better of you, I was beginning to see what they meant.

As always, all feedback is greatly appreciated. Email me at Thanks!

Next: Chapter 4

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