The Estate

By Marty Daniels

Published on Mar 19, 2021


This story is pure fiction. This story is set in the UK, so many of the terms used are based on British English. Feedback by email is welcome.

Part 5

On Saturday morning, Aaron woke me up as he got out of bed. As he stood up and stretched, I noticed his cock was creating a large tent in his shorts. Aaron went to the bathroom to relieve himself.

I got up and I put my shorts on, being careful to lift the waistband over my morning wood. I then fetched my phone from my bedroom and I used the loo after Aaron. I had to force my cock downwards to pee. After using the bathroom, my Dad told me he was going to take his car to the garage and he would be back later in the afternoon, he then left the flat. I got back into bed with Aaron.

"Thanks for taking care of me last night," I said. My mind was starting to buzz with thoughts of how I would cope with being a father.

"Anytime brother that's what I'm here for," Aaron replied. "What are you up to today?" Aaron asked.

"Nothing really, we can go for a work out later, but I'm not doing anything else," I said.

"I have to go to work for a bit, but I should be back by 3 o'clock, I can meet you at the garage," Aaron stated.

"Sure," I said. My phone then pinged. I checked my messages, and I laughed. "It's Tim, he's coming over to suck my cock. My mind is still frazzled, I'm going to tell him not to come," I continued.

"How can you turn that down, I would love to get my cock sucked right now," Aaron stated.

"I can ask him to suck you off instead of you like?" I suggested.

"I only want my cock sucked by him, if you're there too. We could get sucked side by side like last time. Ask him if he'll do it," Aaron insisted.

"OK, I'll ask him when he gets here," I replied. My cock was now hard again. I put thoughts of Sara and the baby out of mind.

"If he agrees I want to hold your hand again, and I want to cum before you do," Aaron stated eagerly.

There was a ring at the door.

"If he agrees, I'll bring him into your room, if he doesn't I'll take him to my room," I told Aaron, as I got out of bed to answer the door.

"OK great," Aaron said

I opened the front door and I let Tim inside. I kissed Tim on the lips. Tim started to rub my hard cock under the material of my shorts.

"Aaron wants a blow job too, he wants you to suck both of our cocks, you don't have to say yes," I whispered.

"What you mean with you guys side by side again?" Tim whispered back.

"Yes, are you up for it?" I whispered.

"Yeah but, will you fuck me after then, or do I have to go home," Tim whispered back.

"I'll fuck you, of course," I whispered.

"OK cool let's do it," Tim whispered back.

I took Tim to my bedroom first to tease Aaron. I pulled Tim's t-shirt over his head, and then Tim removed his footwear and his shorts. Tim was now just wearing his boxer briefs and he looked fantastic. I gave Tim another kiss on the lips.

"Right come with me," I said, as I took Tim by the hand and I led him into Aaron's bedroom. Aaron was making his bed, and his cock was still tenting his shorts.

"Wow, you're actually up for this," Aaron said eagerly.

"Yeah it'll be cool, why don't you guys take off your shorts and lie down next to each other?" Tim said. We both did as Tim asked. We removed our shorts and we lay on the bed holding each other's hand.

"Lie closer together," Tim requested. We moved a bit closer together. "No I mean so you bodies are touching," Tim continued. We moved as close as possible to each other, and we continued to hold hands.

Tim got on the bed, he rested one knee in between my legs and his other knee was in-between Aaron's legs.

"You have to make Aaron cum first," I said.

"No problem," Tim said

Tim started by licking my cock from base to tip he then licked his way back down and repeated the action a few times before he nuzzled his mouth on my ball sack. I moaned as I enjoyed the feeling of Tim's mouth on my sensitive cock and balls. Tim then moved over to Aaron's cock and he did the same to him.

Tim then returned to my cock, He started by licking around my cockhead and then took my cock deep into his mouth allowing my cockhead to skim his throat. He bobbed his head a few times, and he let my cock inside his throat and he bobbed his head some more. I squeezed Aaron's hand as I enjoyed the pressure on my cock. The inside of Tim's mouth and throat felt tight, warm and wet. Tim then went to work on Aaron's cock, giving him the same pleasure he had just given me. Aaron moaning and he squeezed my hand as Tim deep throated his cock.

Tim returned to my cock. He took my cockhead deep into his throat and he bobbed his head repeatedly. He was now tickling my ball sack with his fingers, and I noticed he was tickling Aaron's ball sack with his other hand. Tim then licked around my cockhead, pleasuring me under the rim for a few seconds before he deep throated my cockhead once more. Tim then withdrew my cock from his mouth. He continued to tickle my nuts while he went to work on Aaron's cock. I watched Aaron's face as Tim took Aaron's cock inside his throat, Aaron was loving what Tim was doing. Tim then withdrew Aaron's cock from his mouth.

"Can I make you cum now?" Tim asked Aaron, as he tried to catch his breath.

"Yes I'd like that," Aaron gasped.

Tim took Aaron's cock back into his mouth. He sucked Aaron's cockhead while jacking the base of Aaron's cock, then he deep-throated Aaron's cock for a while. He then returned to suck Aaron's cockhead and jacked the base of his cock once more. Aaron breath started getting heavier, and his abs started to flex a little. Aaron held my hand tightly. Tim deep throated Aaron's cock again this time he bobbed his head as fast as he could. Aaron moaned out loud, his body juddered four times as he pumped his cum into Tim's mouth and throat. Tim continued to suck Aaron's cock while he swallowed Aaron's cum.

"That was awesome", Aaron gasped as Tim raised his head.

Tim moved over to my cock, placing both his legs in between mine. He took a few deep breathes and then he sucked my cockhead while jacking the base of my cock. He used his spare hand to tickle my balls. Then he deep throated my cock for a while. He returned to suck my cockhead while jacking the base of my cock. Tim created the tightest hole for my cock with his warm wet mouth. The feeling around my cock and balls felt tight and slick. Me and Aaron held each other tightly. Tim then deep throated my cock again and he bobbed his head as fast as he could. I could feel my orgasm approaching, a huge wave of warm cum travelling around my groin and pushed its way through my cock, which now felt like a warm glow rod. I moaned out loud, as I started to fire multiple wads of juicy cum into Tim's throat. Tim then held my cockhead in his mouth and he jacked the base of my cock some more, to drain me of my remaining cum.

Tim raised his head and he swallowed some more. I looked at Aaron and he looked happy and satisfied. I got up off the bed, I picked up my red shorts and then I picked up Tim off the bed, holding him by his waist like a rag doll. Tim's body flopped over my arm and I carried him to my room, and I dropped him onto my bed and I could see his cock tenting his tight underwear. I felt like I should resume playing with his cock, so lay down next to him and run my hand under the waistband of his boxer briefs, and I touched his hard cockhead.

"Leave it, I don't want you to touch it anymore. I just want you fuck me, I like it better that way," Tim said.

I withdrew my hand from his shorts, and I ran my hand over his smooth stomach instead. I leaned in to kiss Tim on his lips passionately, while he placed his hand on my back pulling me closer to him. We then broke I kiss. I fetched some lube from my bedside drawer, and Tim removed his underwear. I spread some lube on my finger and got myself back into position next to Tim.

I pushed my middle finger into his butt hole and I stroked him inside, making Tim moan. I placed my other arm under Tim's head and we kissed passionately. I continued to hold Tim close to me as I massaged him inside. I pushed another finger inside him, making Tim squeal as I stretched his hole a little more. Tim was now holding his hard cock in his hand, and my cock was now getting hard once more. I took my fingers out of Tim's butt and I poured some lube over them. I massaged more lube inside Tim's hole and we kissed once more. My cock was now fully erect.

I pulled my fingers out of Tim and got myself into position on top of him. I placed his feet on my shoulders and I targeted my cock at his fuck hole. I pushed inside him an inch at a time, checking his facial expression for pain as I went in. Within a few seconds, I was in all the way.

"Fuck me hard," Tim asked. Tim was still holding his hard cock and started to fuck him. I pounded Tim's hole slowly at first and sped up gradually until I was fucking Tim at a quick pace. Tim was now jerking his cock. I loved the tight warm feeling around my cock, the friction felt just right.

"Fuck me harder", Tim asked. I tried my best to fuck as fast as I could. Tim started to moan and I could tell he was about to shoot his load. His butt squeezed my cock forcing me to slow down, as he fired six ropes of thick cum over himself. I continued to fuck him hard until I could feel my orgasm approaching. Hot cum warmed my groin intensely and it seared through my cock before I blasted five shots of boiling hot cum inside Tim's tight hole.

I kissed Tim on the lips then I lay down by his side as we both tried to recover.

I then heard the front door, open and close. I guessed it was Aaron leaving the flat. A few moments later the front door opened again, and I could hear my Dad enter the flat. I got up and put my shorts on.

"Is anyone home?" my Dad shouted.

"It just me, I've got a friend over," I said poking my head out of my bedroom door.

"OK, no problem," my Dad said.

"Do I need to leave?" Tim asked.

"No just get under the bed covers just in case. My Dad doesn't normally come in my room" I replied. I took my shorts off again, and I got under the bed covers with Tim. I lay flat on my back and Tim rested his head on my chest.

"I'm going to see Amar tomorrow," Tim said.

"Do you think you'll get back together with him?" I asked.

"I hope so, but I don't think he wants to do threesomes anymore," Tim replied.

"Is he OK with you seeing me still?" I asked.

"He doesn't mind if I see you, he doesn't have any choice anyway," Tim replied.

We relaxed in bed for a while and then I told Tim that I wanted to go for a workout. We kissed one more time before Tim got dressed. Tim waited for me to have a shower, and then I put on my gym shorts and trainers. I didn't wear a t-shirt as it was warm outside.

Tim came with me to the garage and he watched me work out for a while. He then took his t-shirt off and he tried to lift a few light weights himself. We then did some press-ups together but Tim gave up after ten reps. Tim left me to continue my workout.

After a few minutes, I heard my phone ping, but I ignored it as I was in the middle of an exercise. My phone pinged three more times and then my phone rang again. This time I answered the call and it was Aaron.

"Are you OK? Where are you?" Aaron sounded flustered.

"I'm at the garage waiting for you," I replied.

"Tony knows you're the father of Sara's baby, and he is seriously pissed off. You need to get yourself away from the estate," Aaron insisted.

"Where shall I go?" I said. My heart was racing.

"Just run away, anywhere will do. I'll make my way home now and I'll call you when I'm nearby," Aaron said.

"OK, speak later," I replied. I checked my messages, and I noticed one message from Aaron and two more from Sara.

I looked outside and I could see Tony walking towards the garage. When he saw me, he started running and he looked like he was holding a knife. I could easily outrun Tony, but I thought it would be better to face him.

"You better stop there Tony, or this is not going to end well for you," I shouted. "We can talk about this," I continued. I was preparing myself to run if Tony got too close. But Tony stopped about 4 meters away from me, and he was out of breath.

"What's there to talk about? You fucked my sister so now I'm going fuck with you," Tony shouted back. I could see Brian in the distance running towards us, followed by Stephanie and Sara. Brian was also holding a knife.

"I've told Sara, I will stand by her and the baby, and I meant it," I shouted back. Brian ran straight passed Tony and he stood in front of me.

"If you're going to hurt Jack, you're going to have to come through me first", Brian shouted at Tony, holding his knife by his side. I was shocked that Brian was defending me in front of Tony. Stephanie and Sara were now standing beside Tony.

"Why the fuck are you defending him, Brian? Now get over here before I smash your face in," Tony shouted at Brian.

"I defending him because I love him," Brian shouted back at Tony. It took me a few seconds to absorb what Brian had just said. Tony looked shocked and he appeared to be getting angrier.

"I am going to cut that faggot baby out and feed it to both of you," Tony growled.

"If you don't put the knife down right now, I'm calling the police", Stephanie shouted at Tony, while waving her phone at him.

"Put the phone away," Tony shouted back.

"I'm dialling the number now," Stephanie said. All the commotion had attracted more people to watch what was happening.

"I'll make sure you all regret this," Tony shouted. Tony threw the knife down, he turned around and he started to walk away, shouting homophobic comments and swearing as he walked.

Stephanie picked up Tony's knife and she put it in her pocket.

Brian turned to face me, and he was shaking. I grabbed Brian and I hugged him tightly.

"What you did was really brave. Thank you for protecting me," I said. When we broke our hug I could see tears in Brian's eyes.

"I meant what I said, I do love you, and I'm not going to let Tony bully me anymore," I hugged Brian again.

"I love you too Brian", I said. I kissed Brian on the lips and we hugged again. I was not sure I even knew what love was, but at that moment it felt like the right thing to say.

I held Brian for a few seconds, and I noticed a few more people were now watching.

"I'm sorry, I told Tony without warning you. I was getting so much pressure from everyone," Sara said.

"Tony would have found out eventually anyway. I'm glad everything is out in the open now," I replied. "Why don't you all come back to my place, we need to let Tony calm down," I suggested. Everyone agreed to come back to my flat.

When we got indoors I introduced, my Dad to Brian, Sara and Stephanie.

"You're the one having a baby with Jack are you?" My Dad said to Sara.

"Yes, that right," Sara replied sheepishly.

"My boys have always had problems keeping their clothes on," My Dad joked looking at me up and down, as I was still shirtless from my workout. "Well, you're always welcome around here. If there's anything you need all you have to do is ask," my Dad said sincerely to Sara.

"Thank you, that's very kind," Sara replied. We all moved to the lounge while my Dad went to the kitchen. Then my phone rang again, so I answered it.

"I'm near the estate, where are you," Aaron asked.

"I'm home now, Brian, Sara and Stephanie are also here. I'll tell you what happened when you get here." I replied.

"OK I'll be home soon," Aaron replied. I put down my phone.

"So, when did you realise that you were gay," Sara asked Brian.

"I've known for a long time. It doesn't help when you've got a homophobe best friend," Brian replied.

"You could have talked to us instead," Stephanie told Brian, as she held his hand.

Moments later Aaron arrived back home.

"Is everyone OK? Where is Tony?" Aaron asked.

"We don't know where Tony is. He came towards me with a knife earlier, but Brian defended me and Stephanie threatened to call the police," I replied.

Sara's phone rang. It was Sara's dad on the phone. Sara listened to her Dad then she spoke to us.

"My Dad wants Jack to come over for tea, it sounds like Tony is at home," Sara stated.

"Can you ask your Dad if I can come too?" Aaron asked. Sara spoke to her dad, and then she disconnected the call.

"My Dad said, he wants to see all of us, in an hour," Sara said.

"I better get changed," I said.

I had a quick shower and I got dressed. I wore the smartest shirt I could find and some smart jeans, as I wanted to make a good impression. Once I was ready we made our way to Sara's flat. She lived in the building next door on the third floor.

We entered Sara's flat and her mother and father greeted us. Me and Aaron introduced ourselves. Sara's parents were already familiar with Brian and Stephanie. Sara's dad had a similar build to Tony, and he didn't look old enough to be his dad. We sat at the dining table. Sara's dad sat at the head of the table, there were just enough chairs for us all, as Sara's Mum went to make tea for us all.

"Tony get in here," Sara's Dad shouted in a powerful voice. Tony came into the dining room and he noticed us all sitting down. "Bring two more chairs and sit yourself down," he said to Tony.

"Now remind me, which one of you boys is Jack?" Sara's Dad asked looking at me and Aaron.

"That's me," I said nervously.

"I understand you want to take care of your child, do you know what it takes to bring up children," Sara's dad asked.

"No, but, I'm willing to try and I have a good job. I'm training to be a plumber and an electrician at the moment," I said hoping her father would be impressed.

"Good, and what about my daughter. What are your intentions?" he asked.

"I don't want to be with Jack, he's not the one for me," Sara interjected. Sara's father rolled his eyes.

Tony helped his mother to bring the tea and biscuits into the dining room. She poured us a cup of tea each. Tony then left the room briefly, then he returned placing two more chairs at the table and he sat down.

"It's important for a child to know who their father is, so we will be counting on you," Sara's Dad stated.

"I know, I want to take care of this child, I want to do this," I replied.

"Well, that's that then young Jack. We've got a long road ahead, and I hope you've got the stomach for it," Sara's Dad said.

"Why are you being so nice to him, this fucking faggot has ruined Sara's life," Tony shouted. Sara's Dad slammed his fist on the table making all the teacups shake.

"You will not speak to our guests in that manner, now apologise," Sara's dad insisted. Tony just sat there looking downwards. "You wouldn't have been born, if I didn't get your mother pregnant when we were the same age," her dad continued.

Tony walked out of the room. We continued to talk to Sara's Mum and Dad. They had lots of questions. They wanted to know about my family history. We had to explain that me and Aaron were not twins. We had two cups of tea before me, Aaron and Brian left Sara's flat.

"Will you come back to our place?" I asked Brian.

"If it's ok with Aaron," Brian said.

"Brian, I know that you and Jack are close. Let's forget the past and start again," Aaron insisted.

"OK cool, me and Tony are history too. He doesn't treat me or anyone else with any respect," Brian replied.

When we got back home, I took Brian to my bedroom and we both sat on the bed.

"I want us to have a proper relationship," Brian said.

"I would like that too, but I'm not going to play second fiddle to anyone else, and I don't like it when you ignore my messages," I stated.

"That was Tony's influence. He would check my messages. He even got annoyed when I got my job. He wanted me to hang around with him all day instead," Brian said.

"What about Tim, I guess you want me to stop seeing him", I said. Brian thought his response.

"I don't want to cause Tim any more pain than I already have. Please don't change your relationship with him, on my account. We can see how things go. I think you should be honest with him about our relationship," Brian said.

"OK, I'll tell him next time I see him," I said.

"Shall we go out this evening?" Brian asked.

"Yes I would like that," I said.

I checked if Aaron wanted to join me and Brian, but he had a hot date planned with Emma. Brian took me to a restaurant, that evening. He picked a restaurant that had healthy items on the menu. Then we went to a pub. Brian had three pints of beer, while I stuck to soft drinks. Brian agreed to come back to my place afterwards.

As we walked home, I noticed Brian was a little drunk. We walked past Tony who was sitting on a bench in the middle of the estate, on his own. Tony tutted as we walked by, so we ignored him. As soon as we entered my flat, Brian dashed to the loo, to relieve himself of all the beer he had drunk. I noticed nobody else was at home, then Brian joined me in my bedroom.

"I want to be in charge today, are you ready to submit to my will?" Brian asked in a drunken voice while standing next to me.

"OK whatever you want," I replied.

Brian unfastened the buttons on my shirt and I let my shirt fall to the floor. He fumbled with my belt, so I helped him unfasten my belt and button fly.

"Take off your shoes and socks, I want to see you naked," I did as Brian asked. I removed all my clothes and I stood in front of him naked.

"You've got a beautiful body, and I'm lucky to have you," Brian said.

"Will you shut up, and take your clothes off," I said, as I pulled Brian's t-shirt over his head. I unfastened his belt and then I pulled the button fly open with ease. I pulled him close to me and I kissed him passionately, making my cock hard. Brian then took off his shoes and socks. I enjoyed watching his slender body flex around as he struggled to pull his socks off. I then picked him up and threw him on the bed. I pulled his jeans and boxers shorts off. Brian's cock was already hard and he looked fantastic. I then climbed on top of him and we kissed once more while I held him tightly. I loved the feeling of his smooth slender body pressing against me.

"I want to go on top," Brian requested. So I rolled us over and I let him take charge.

Brian found the bottle of lube that was still on my bed from my action with Tim that morning. He coated my cock with the slippery liquid and then he got himself into position to ride my cock. Brian straddled my stomach. He guided my cock inside his butt with his hand, and then he lowered himself down taking all of my cock inside him.

"This would have hurt if I wasn't so drunk" Brian laughed. Once he got used to the feeling of my cock inside him he started to ride me slowly. I took hold of his thick hard cock and started to wank him off. Brian had his eyes closed and he was in a world of his own. I enjoyed the sight of chest and stomach muscles as they flexed around. The friction around my cock felt amazing as he continued to ride me slowly. I continued to jack his cock with one hand, and I rubbed the inside of his legs and around his nut sack as he continued to bounce his hips.

We moaned in unison as we enjoyed the slow pleasure we were sharing. I tried to focus my thoughts on other things to prevent myself from shooting my cum too early. I started to feel my orgasm approaching, so I pulled Brian down by the shoulders and we kissed passionately.

Once my orgasm had subsided, I let go of him, and he resumed riding my cock. I resuming wanking Brian's cock too. I could sense that Brian was ready to cum. I started to jack his cock faster and I rubbed his balls gently. He moaned once more before he blasted four jets of cum over my torso, one shot of cum landed across my nose and mouth which made him grin.

Brian continued to ride cock slowly, I reached up and I felt his stomach muscles as his body flexed around, and soon I could feel my orgasm approaching. Brian sped up a little increasing the friction around my cock. Then hot cum surged through my groin and it blasted its way through my cock. I moaned and fired multiple shots of boiling hot cum inside him. Brian lay himself down on top of me and he blacked out. My cock slipped out of Brian's butt and I enjoyed the weight of his body on top of me. I held him in position and I fell asleep soon after.

The next morning, I woke with a super hard cock. Brian was lying on his back by my side. We were now covered by the quilt, so I guessed had Brian covered us both up during the night. I lifted the quilt and I could see Brian's cock was hard too. So I thought I would give him a treat. Without waking him, I folded the quilt back just enough to expose his hard cock. Then I carefully took his cock in my mouth. I closed my lips tightly around his cockhead and I started to bob my head up and down.

"That's so nice," Brian mumbled, as he woke up from his sleep. I rubbed Brian's hairless ball sack with my fingers. Brian moaned as I played with his nuts and I sucked his cock simultaneously. I used my spare hand to rub his slender chest and stomach. The ridges of his cockhead scraped my tongue and lips with each stroke. Then I decided to give him some deep throat action. I adjusted my position and I used one hand to steady myself while using the other to massage his nuts. I lowered my mouth further down his cock, while trying my best not to gag. I struggled at first, after a few tries I managed to force his cockhead into my throat. Brian moaned as I bobbed my head with his cockhead inside my throat. I then withdrew his cockhead back into my mouth so I could breathe more easily. I concentrated my thoughts on pleasuring Brian's cock and I returned his cock into my throat for a few more strokes. Then I licked around his cockhead, while jacking the base of his cock with my hand.

I could feel Brian's cock expand inside my mouth, and he started to breathe heavily. So I sped up jacking the base of his cock, and I worked my mouth around his cockhead faster. I could hear Brian moaning and then I was rewarded with two mouthfuls of his juicy cum, which I gulped down before I released his cock. I looked at Brian's face, and he smiled with satisfaction.

"I want to wake up like that every day," Brian said. "I want to suck you off next," he continued.

"I need to go to the bathroom first," I stated. I hadn't cleaned my cock since I had it inside Brian's butt the night before, so I got up and I and I took a piss, and then I cleaned my cock in the shower.

"You smell nice," Brian said as I got back into bed. We lay side-by-side hugging and kissing until my cock was hard again.

Brian got up and pushed my chest down, forcing me to lie back. He climbed in between my legs, and he took my cock into his mouth. Brian formed a tight hole for my cock with his lips, I could feel his tongue pushing against my cock. He bobbed his head up and down along the top half of my huge cock and he jacked the base of cock slowly occasionally using the same hand to rub my ball sack instead. He then took my cock out of his mouth and he licked and kissed all over my cock and balls.

Brian then took my cock back into his mouth he bobbed his head a few times, and I noticed he was trying to take more of my cock into his mouth with each stroke. Then I felt my cock penetrate his throat and I moaned with pleasure, as my cockhead was wrapped up tightly inside. He continued to bob his head. He then returned my cockhead to his mouth while he jacked the base of cock swiftly once more.

He repeated the deep throat action once more while massaging my nut sack with the palm of his hand. He then jerked my cock swiftly while slurping his tongue around my cockhead. I could feel my orgasm approaching. Hot cum warmed my groin as Brian started to jack my cock faster. He took my cock deep into his throat while cum travelled up my cock. I shot a volley of cum straight down his throat, he withdrew my cockhead to his mouth and he jacked the remainder of my cum into his mouth. I could feel him swallow as I continued to shoot my cum.

Once Brian had drained my cock, he lay down next to me once more. I kissed him on the lips, and I could taste my juice in his mouth.

"You're becoming quite an expert at blow jobs," I said before I kissed him again.

We relaxed in bed for a while. Then we both had a shower and we got dressed. We went to Brian's flat to check on his granddad. Brian introduced me to his granddad as his friend. His granddad looked quite frail and didn't say much. I then took Brian out for breakfast and then we went to the same art gallery that Tim and Amar had been too. We had a good laugh at some of the crazy modern art that was on show. We stayed out until late, and then I walked Brian back to his flat.

"Do you want to come in for a quickie?" Brian asked.

"Sounds like fun," I replied.

Brian led me into his bedroom, and we both ripped our t-shirts off. We kissed passionately, and Brian walked me backwards until I stumbled onto the bed.

Brian unfastened my belt and then he pulled the button fly on my jeans open. He then hooked my boxer shorts under my ball sack and he started to wank my hard cock. He then stopped to free his stiff cock. He lay on top of me and we kissed once more with our bare hard cocks touching. Brian then raised himself a little and he started to wank me off once more. I took his cock and my hand and started to wank him off simultaneously. I kept my eyes on his cute face as we both enjoyed milking each other's cocks. I enjoyed the tight swift wank, while I jacked his thick cock.

I started to breathe heavily, as my orgasm approached. Brian quickly took my cock in his mouth and he started bobbing his head furiously, the tight wet feeling around my cock felt amazing, as cum travelled from my balls, through to my cock. My cock glowed intensely before I dumped five wads of cum into Brian's mouth.

Brian then straddled my chest, with his cock hovering over my face.

"Wank my cum over your face," Brian requested.

I started to jack Brian's cock. I watched his cute face and beautiful torso carefully as he enjoyed the attention on his cock. Brian bucked his hips as his orgasm approached. I aimed his cockhead at my face. Brian moaned gently with pleasure. My eyes instinctively closed as Brian unleashed his juice. I could feel thick cum splattering against my eyes, nose and mouth.

"I've got cum in my eyes, I can't open them," I said.

"Stay on the bed," Brian ordered. I could hear him buckling up his belt He then wiped the cum from my hand and then my eyes.

"You can put your cock away now", Brian said, I pulled my boxers shorts up and fastened my jeans and belt. I could then hear my phone ring.

"Answer the call," Brian said. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and noticed it was Brian calling me for a video chat.

"I want to watch you walk up to your flat with my cum dripping from your face," Brian requested.

"OK no problem," I said getting up. I lived three floors above Brian, so I didn't have far to walk.

Brian handed me my t-shirt, which he had used to wipe the cum from my eyes.

I got off the bed and his cum started to drip down my face. Brian saw me out and I held the phone up, so Brian could see my face. His cum dripped down my face onto my chest. We both laughed as more cum dripped down and onto my chest and shoulder, as I walked up the stairs to my flat.

"You can wipe yourself down now, good night," Brian said when I finally reached my front door.

"Thanks, good night", I said. I ended the call, and I wiped the cum off my face and body with my t-shirt. I went to bed happier, after a good weekend.

On Monday I exchanged many messages with Brian during the day, and we arranged to meet up later in the week. Brian met with Tony that evening to clear the air with him. Tony was having trouble accepting that Brian was gay and he wanted Brian to stop seeing me. Brian made it clear to Tony that he was fed up with being bullied by him. Me and Aaron did an extra-long workout that evening to catch up on what we missed over the weekend.

On Tuesday, my muscles ached from the work out I had done the day before. I messaged Tim and I arranged to meet him in the evening. I wanted to explain to him that I was now seeing Brian.

When I got home from work, me and Aaron went for a run instead of lifting weights as we had overdone it the day before. Afterwards, Aaron went out to see Emma for the evening and my Dad was working, so I had the place to myself.

After a while, there was a ring at the doorbell, and I knew it would be Tim. I opened the door, and I gave Tim a kiss on his lips after I let him in, and I asked him to join me in the lounge.

"What have you been up to?" I asked

"I've been decorating my Mum's bedroom all day. We had to move all the furniture and paint the walls. Tomorrow we have to move all the furniture back," Tim replied. "My mum is sleeping in my bedroom tonight, do you mind if I stay here?" Tim asked.

"That's fine. Did you speak to Amar on Sunday?" I asked.

"Yeah, we are just going to be friends now. He thinks we got too serious too quickly. He's coming over tomorrow to help me move the furniture back," Tim said.

"I'm glad you two are friends again," I said. "Listen I need to tell you that I'm seeing someone now," I said.

"Who is it? Does it change anything between us?" Tim asked curiously.

"I'm seeing Brian," I said. Tim looked surprised. "Look I know what you think of Brian, but he's not a bad person. He was bullied by Tony too," I continued.

"Does this mean you can't see me anymore?" Tim asked anxiously.

"We can carry on as we are. Brian doesn't mind if I see you, he still feels bad for bullying you" I said.

"I can't believe Brian is gay. I was scared of him because he was always with Tony. But he never actually did anything to me, it was always Tony," Tim responded. "Do you really like him?"

"Yes I do, he even defended me in front of Tony," I stated.

"Why was Tony picking on you too?" Tim seemed surprised.

"The thing is, I had sex with Tony's sister Sara a while back, she's now pregnant, so Tony went crazy when he found out. He came at me with a knife, but Brian got in his way," I said. Tim was dumbfounded.

"You had sex with a girl. What was it like?" Tim asked.

"It was fun, but not as good as doing it with you. I had sex with Sara, and Aaron had sex with her best friend at the same time, like when you and Amar sucked our cocks," I replied.

"I wish I could have been there to watch. What about the baby are you to keep it?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we are going to keep it. I want to be a good dad," I said.

"Great, can we go to your bedroom or is there anything else," Tim said.

I wanted to pick Tim up and take him to the bedroom, but my muscles would have hurt too much, so took his hand and led him to my bedroom.

"This is going to be cool. If you're in a relationship with Brian, that means I will be like your bit on the side. We can just fuck and have fun, then you can be all serious and boring with Brian," Tim joked.

"Tim shut up and get your clothes off", I said. It took me two attempts to remove my t-shirt as my muscles ached. I then removed the rest of my clothes and lay down on the bed. Tim removed his clothes, then he crawled onto the bed and we kissed on the lips. Both of our cocks were now hard.

"What position were you in when you fucked the girl," Tim asked.

"I'll show you," I said.

I shifted my position so that I was lying flatter on the bed, and I placed my arms at a 45-degree angle to my body.

"Sara rode my cock, and she ran her hands over my chest, and she dug her fingers into my muscles," I said.

"Did you make her cum?" Tim asked.

"Yes she came before I did, she made my cock and balls all wet," I stated.

"I want to ride your cock the same way, I want it to be exactly the same," Tim stated. Tim got off the bed and he fetched a bottle of lube and some wet wipes from his pocket. He placed the wet wipes on my bedside table, Tim was about to spread lube over my hard cock, but I stopped him.

"Sara sucked my cock a bit first, but she couldn't take all of it. She just gave the top of my cock a good suck," I said.

Tim got in between my legs and he took my cockhead in his mouth. He started licking around my cockhead then bobbing his head closing his mouth tightly. He then took my cock out of his mouth and he licked all over my cock and balls before he resumed sucking the top half of my cock in his mouth. He formed a tight hole for my cock with his mouth and he repeatedly ran his lips over the ridge of my cockhead.

"Was it like that," Tim asked.

"You did it better than her," I gasped.

Tim poured lube over my cock and then he straddled my stomach.

"Did she take it all in one go?" Tim asked.

"No, it was her first time. She only got half my cock inside her at first and she rode my cock slowly," I said.

Tim lowered his butt hole onto my cock, taking just half of it inside him and he started to ride my cock slowly. He rode my cock for a minute and he stroked my chest at the same time.

"She took more of my cock inside her and kept riding me until she had an orgasm," I said.

Tim lowered himself further with each stroke as he continued to ride my cock. He ran one of his hand's over my torso, and he started to wank himself off with the other.

Tim kept his eyes on me and dug his fingers into my chest muscles once more. He started to wank himself faster while he continued to ride my cock slowly. Tim started to breathe faster and suddenly he blasted a rope of thick cum over my face and chest, then he squirted four more shots of creamy juice over my chest and abs.

Once Tim regained his composure he continued to ride my cock slowly, he used both his hands to massage my chest, making a mess of his cum that covered my body. The tight friction around my cock felt amazing. I started breathing heavily as my orgasm started to build slowly. Tim started to dig his fingers into my pecs. Hot cum swirled inside my groin, and suddenly it pierced through my cock. I moaned as my cum stopped inside my cock briefly, before I unleashed several wads of hot juicy liquid, inside Tim's hole.

"What happened next," Tim asked.

"We kissed, and then we all put our clothes back on and they left," I said as I recovered.

"We need a better ending than that," Tim said, he used a wet wipe to clean my cock, then he lay down beside me and we kissed each other. We lay in bed talking and kissing for a while. I put my arm around Tim and rubbed his back and his butt, while he ran his hands over my stomach and he played with the skin around my ball sack. Eventually both our cocks were hard again.

"I want to cum on you like Sara did," Tim said. He sat in between my legs and placed one hand on my chest, and he started to wank himself off. Tim looked at me with his cute face, as he enjoyed his wank. As he got close to shooting his cum he looked down to make sure he was aiming correctly. I felt the full force of Tim's cum hitting my cock and balls. Tim looked up and he smiled as he recovered.

"If I was a girl, I'd lick my guy's cock clean after I had cum on him," Tim said. He started to lick his cum off my balls first and then he licked the base of my cock. He took my cockhead in his mouth and started to bob his head slowly. I loved the feeling around my cock, Tim applied just the right amount of pressure with his tongue and lips. Tim then kissed my balls.

"I'm going to take my time," Tim said as started to suck my cockhead once more. He seemed to be playing some sort of girl-guy fantasy in his head, I just lay back and enjoyed whatever he was doing. Tim sucked my cockhead tightly forcing his tongue against my cock. He continued to bob his head slowly, occasionally taking a break to suck my nut sack. Tim took his time sucking on my cockhead for several minutes before he licked the length of my cock from base to tip. I then heard someone open the front door.

"You better get under the quilt", I warned Tim. Tim stopped sucking and he got under the quilt. I poked my head around my bedroom door.

"Hi Dad, I've got a friend over at the moment," I shouted.

"OK son, I'll speak to you later," My dad shouted back. My dad switched on the TV in the lounge, and I closed my bedroom door. I got under the bed covers with Tim.

Tim resumed his position. I folded the quilt back so that only our legs were covered. I held onto the corner of the quilt so that I could cover us up quickly if I needed to. Tim resumed sucking my cockhead, so I relaxed and enjoyed the feeling once more. Tim continued to lick the length of cock and then my ball sack before he sucked my cockhead again. I started to buck my hips a little to increase my pleasure. After a while, I was getting desperate to cum. I heard the front open again, and within seconds I heard my bedroom door open. I covered Tim with the quilt. Aaron walked into my room and he noticed that I had someone in my bed. Aaron turned around and walked out, closing the bedroom door gently behind him. Tim continued to suck my cockhead.

"It's OK, it was just Aaron," I said. Tim took no notice of me. I moved the quilt back a little so that Tim would not overheat. Tim went to work on my ball sack once more.

"I need to cum now. I can't take this anymore," I whispered. Tim took my cockhead back into his mouth and he started to bob his head faster. He used his fingers to pleasure my nut sack and he started to take my cock deeper into his mouth. I moaned quietly, as Tim allowed my cockhead into his throat for a few strokes before he resumed stroking my cock from base to tip with his lips. I could feel my orgasm heating my groin, my cum gushed out my balls and into my cock. Hot cum filled by cock to bursting point and then I dumped five large wads of cum into Tim's mouth and throat.

"I thought you would never let me cum," I said.

"If I was a girl, I would suck your cock like that," Tim said. I wasn't sure what Tim meant and I didn't care. It was getting late, so I put on my red shorts and I used the bathroom to get ready for bed. Tim then put on his shorts before he used the bathroom, while I popped into Aaron's room.

"How did it go with Emma," I asked.

"Great, we are going to go for birth training classes next week, it won't be long before you have to do them with Sara," Aaron said. "Who have you got in your room?" Aaron asked.

"It's Tim he's staying over," I said.

"OK, just remember you got work tomorrow," Aaron said.

I went back into my bedroom, and I removed my shorts before getting into bed. When Tim returned to the bedroom, he removed his shorts and joined me in bed. Tim resumed his position with his head near my cock.

"What are you doing, my cock isn't going to get hard again and I need to sleep now," I whispered.

"I want to sleep down here," Tim said as he rested his head on my stomach. I folded the quilt back, so Tim could breathe.

"OK, but try not to move because your hair tickles me" I whispered. I turned out the light and I placed my hand on Tim's head. Tim didn't move his head but he started to play with my flaccid cock. He gently ran his fingers over my cock and balls, then he lifted my cock, and let it drop back down onto my stomach. It was hard to ignore what Tim was doing but I let him carry on. He continued to play with my flaccid cock for a while and eventually, he managed to make it hard once more.

Tim wrapped his hand around my cock and he started to jack his hand up and down. He applied light pressure to my cock and he occasionally let go and he massaged my nut sack instead. I just lay back and continued to enjoy what Tim was doing with my eyes closed. Tim jacked my cock at a slow pace for a while. After some time, I could feel my orgasm approaching, but then it disappeared.

My cock felt super hard and I was beginning to think that I would not be able to cum or fall asleep. I considered asking Tim to finish me off quickly, but I was also enjoying what he was doing. I lay back and moaned quietly as Tim continued to pleasure me for a few minutes. I could now feel my orgasm approaching once more, this time Tim applied more pressure to my cock and he jacked my cock a little faster. A wave cum travelling through my cock and Tim placed his lips over my cockhead. He continued to jack my cock tightly. My cum paused within my cock for a few seconds before fired four volleys of cum into Tim's mouth.

Tim continued to play with my cock which was now flaccid once more. I grabbed Tim under his shoulders and I forced him to lie back on the bed next to me. I turned on my side and I placed my arm across Tim's chest and I placed my leg over his legs. Tim tried to move, and I tensed my muscles in my arm and my leg to hold him down, keeping him locked in position.

"I need to sleep now Tim, I'm not going to let you move until the morning," I said.

"OK, good night," Tim said.

"I love you," I said. I had loved Tim since the day I first met him, but this was the first time I had told him.

"I love you too," Tim whispered. I held Tim in position until I fell asleep.

The next morning my bedside alarm clock woke us both up. I had set my alarm half an hour before I needed to get up. I was now lying on my back, I tried to move my body, but my muscles were still hurting, so I decided to stay still. Tim felt my morning wood.

"Have I got time to suck it? It's rock hard," Tim asked.

"Yeah, we've got time," I replied.

Tim disappeared under the quilt, he climbed in between my legs and he licked my morning wood, making me moan. He then licked my balls for a few seconds, before returning to my cock. He licked my cock from base to tip twice. I folded the quilt back so I could watch him. Tim took my cock deep into his mouth, sucking my cockhead, while bobbing his head. He started to jack his own cock at the same time. Tim had a tight grip on my cockhead inside his mouth and started to use his spare hand to jack the base of my cock. I placed my hand on Tim's head urging him to take more of my cock inside him.

Suddenly Tim raised his head, and he continued wanking himself off. He got up aiming his cock at mine. Tim bucked his hips and moaned with relief as he fired his cum. His first and second cum shot hit my cock and balls. His third shot landed on my chest and stomach. Tim squirted his remaining cum against my cock.

Tim licked his cum off my chest and stomach, then he licked my balls. Then he took my cock deep into his mouth, licking it clean in the process. I moaned as I felt my cockhead entered his throat briefly. Tim sucked my cock with long strokes taking my cockhead past his lips, across his tongue and down his throat repeatedly for a minute. Then he kept my cockhead in his throat while he slowing bobbing his head. I could feel my cum approaching. Tim tickled my ball sack with his fingers while massaging my cockhead inside his throat. Boiling hot cum surged through my groin and filled my cock. I moaned as my orgasm reached maximum intensity before I felt a strong current of cum flowing out of my cock and down Tim's throat. I then fired five more rounds of juicy cum into his mouth.

Tim lifted his head off my cock, and he collapsed by my side.

"That was great Tim," I said. I turned on my side and I kissed Tim on the lips tasting my own cum. Then I moved on top of him, my muscles ached as I moved. I placing the weight of my body on him and we kissed him again. We continued to kiss until my second alarm sounded, then I forced myself out of bed, carefully as my muscles ached with each movement. While I was in the shower, Tim put his clothes back on. We both had some cereal to eat for breakfast before I left for work. Before we parted we kissed passionately.

As time went on me and Brian have developed a steady relationship. It has never bothered Brian that I continue to see Tim on the side. Tim had an on/off relationship with Amar for the next two years until they both went to separate universities. At university, Tim had a couple of causal relationships, but I would still get together with him whenever he was back in town. Since Tim has finished university, he has continued to see the two guys he met while he was there. When we meet up and he loves to suck my cock and I still love fucking him.

According to Tim, Amar was now happily married to some guy, and they are totally loyal to each other.

Aaron and Emma started to live together shortly after they had their baby boy, they named him Aden. They had a second child two years later, this time it was a girl and they called her Emily. Me and Aaron continued to work out regularly, and now I am the same height as him. We still rely on each other for emotional support.

I introduced Emma to Tim, as she wanted advice on how to improve her cock sucking technique. According to Aaron, Emma was now giving him great blow jobs, and she now swallowed his cum every time.

Me and Brian got our own place together after Brian's granddad passed away. We have become very close to each other, and we love sucking each other's cocks. Brian still likes riding my cock and shooting his cum over my face.

Brian and Tony's friendship never returned back to the way it was. Instead, Brian developed some good friendships with the other firemen that he works with. Tony spent some time in prison.

Me and Sara shared baby duties for the first year after our baby boy was born, we named him Daniel. Just after Daniel's first birthday, Sara handed custody of him over to me and Brian. Sara wanted to live life as a normal teenager, and she felt she couldn't find a boyfriend if she already had a child. I was happy to take custody of Daniel, as I did not want him to grow up in the same household as Tony. Daniel and Aden treat each other like brothers and they are both very protective of Emily.


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