The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on May 22, 2007


Disclaimer/Reminder: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional occurrences. It contains sexual acts between males in high school as well as with males beyond high school age. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy. Emails expressing interest or wishing further information can be sent to:

Note: All names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent. The state in which the story originally happened - coincidentally - has a legal age of sixteen; the "fictionalized" location does not. Also descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional due to story restraints. You understand you are reading a work of fiction; behave accordingly. Again, do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations or activities which can be classified as bdsm. Finally, thanks to all you loyal readers who have stuck with this story through thick and thin.

Chapter One Hundred

Tuesday August 13

"The U.N.'s World Meteorological Organization (WMO) views

the events of 2003 in Europe, America and Asia as so

astonishing that the world needs to be made aware of it

immediately. The WMO reports extreme weather and climate

occurrences all over the world. Reports on record high and

low temperatures, record rainfall, and record storms in

different parts of the world are consistent with the

predictions of global warming...

The Independent July 3, 2003

John Johnson was on the field enjoying the fresh air more than he would have imagined. He remembered a vacation with his family to a place something like this, but he must have been all of six. His baby brother was maybe three, and his older brothers Jim and Jeff - yeah his mom was weird about that - were maybe eight and ten. He did not remember where it had been, only trees everywhere and that wonderful smell in the air. It smelled like freedom. And the vibrancy of being alive in a young world all rolled together in one big green bundle. He was so distracted with the memory and the way his head felt he screwed up the signals from the pitcher and the coaches came over.

"You been distracted all game Johnson" Tyler was in his face.

"Sorry coach, I'll pull it together."

"Ortiz you're in" and Fritzie took his turn as catcher. This wasn't a real season game, they were playing against another pick-up team, some guys John knew. Some he really knew, both clothed and unclothed. He sat in the dugout and gathered his wits.

He had been having weird headaches on and off since Tuesday morning and that middle-of-the-night escape from their first location. The only time something like that happened before was when he and Frankie and Kelly stayed at a fleabag motel somewhere down by the Illinois border and skipped out on their bill in the middle of the night. They were laughing so hard over breakfast the next morning the waitress threatened to throw them out of the place. Greasy spoon like that it would have been doing them a favor. To keep a straight face John decided to go the bathroom, the long way around. He ended up in the truckers' store next to the restaurant part and was looking around when his bladder told him that third coffee was going to demand immediate attention. No wonder he was laughing like a lunatic, he was filled to the gills with caffeine. He saw the door in back for rooms and lockers, knowing there had to be a bathroom back there. He maybe heard somebody shouting as him from the store but he was on a mission.

He found himself in a locker area and there were the urinals off to the side. He was standing there pissing, feeling himself several pounds lighter when he felt a warm presence next to him. He was big enough and fast enough to defend himself if need be, so he was not spooked. Even when the dude said,

"Hot today."

"No shit."

"Ain't you kinda young to be back here?" John turned and there was this dusty trucker, maybe twenty-five or so. He had dark hair like John but if this guy ever shaved it might have been once a year for Christmas. John guessed he was either Native American or Mexican.

"No, I'm twenty-one" John lied.

"And looking for a blowjob I'm guessing" John had to stop and slap himself to see if he heard that right. Did this dude say blowjob?

"I... I dunno..." he stared down at himself, telling his bladder to hurry.

"All kids are horny, shit look at me" and he pulled away from the urinal and there was the proof. A bit brown mexican cock hard as hell!

"John!" he heard his voice.

"Dude snap out of it!" Frankie sat down next to him. Inning over already?

"We lose?"

"Yours did, mine didn't" he slapped John's back hard "having fun?"

"This place is the best."

"No shit..." he lowered his voice "although the other place had its... y'know... fun as well."

"Like you didn't get into trouble again last night?"

"I... er... shut up Johnson!" Frank noticed some of the guys looking at them. They already had a rep for being noisy troublemakers so somebody threw a hat at them and they quieted down "like you didn't!"

"Fuckin weird" John looked around but nobody was paying them any attention "at first I thought it was going to be a... y'know repeat? But then Coach knocks on the door-"



"Not.." really lowering his voice this time "not Ruiz?"

"No, one of the other Coaches he was staying down the hall, him" pointing at the coach for John's team, a tall thin redhead named Callaher, Pat Callaher.

"He... y'know...?"

"He tells us all to shut up and keep quiet and go to bed."

"You dudes ripping up the joint?"

"Not even" John looked at the ground, kicking some pebbles around.

"Who was in there with you?"

"Me and Fritzie and Lester..."

"That's where he disappeared to."

"Two guys from Minnesota here, one's out there in center."

"Jim? He was with you?"

"Jim and his buddy, the fat kid Oliver something."

"He ain't fat" Frank jabbed him "now this is fat!"

"Knock it off. Couple of others guys I can't remember their names right now" and he couldn't. His head was killing him. He took a deep gulp of water from his jug and felt better. Man was he dehydrated or what! He finished the bottle and helped himself to another. If this place had one thing it was water! He guessed it came right out of that lake, it was clean enough.

"You dudes... y'know..."

"Fuck no!" John sounded almost disappointed "that hadda be a fluke or something on Monday okay?"

"But it was the whole day!"

"You started it with that bus ride" a few heads turned at that so he changed the subject "you?"

"Not really" Frank lowered his head "least I don't think so."

"What the fuck" lowering his voice fast. Swearing on the field was punishable by several laps around the track on the other side of the diamonds "I mean... you don't 'think' so?"

"It was late, it was dark, maybe I heard... stuff."


"Use your imagination okay?"

"Who were you with?"

"Too funny. Me and Bennie and this guy from Iowa I think, named Bobby. Thought he was going to piss himself when he figured out he had to share with us."

"I woulda slept on the floor knowing you."

"Funny Johnson" Frankie was drinking water like crazy as well "speak for yourself."

"So that was it? Squeaking springs in the night?"

"Johnson you're up" he heard and that was it, but he remembered hearing some similar sounds in his room as well. But that was the middle of the night and now he was in the clear bright sun and enjoying every minute of this afternoon.

After the game John went back to the room, breaking off from his buds on the stairs as they migrated to their respective floors. It was good all being together in the same wing, not like that first night. He made it to six, his legs more tired than they should be. The door to six-oh-one opened and there was one of his roommates standing naked facing the window. He spun around fast, hands covering his crotch, grabbing for anything lying on the bed.

"Fuck don't you knock?"

"Sorry, I didn't know - "

"Well now you know!"

"How you get back here so fast?"

"Left early" he was stepping into his cut-offs, his back to John still facing the window.

"To jack off?"

"Shut up" he closed the belt and sat down "I needed a break."

"From all this excitement and everything?" damn what was his name. He had the most amazing green eyes, John could see him surrounded by thousands of babes, all wanting to get their hands on his smooth slightly hairy body and have green-eyed children by this dude "or you didn't sleep last night either?"

"What kinda crack - "

"Ain't a crack" John went to the bathroom and came back with a paper cup full of water "fuckin headache!"

"Shit you too?" he stood up, and yeah he was showing. He went to the bathroom and returned with a cup as well.

"Yeah ever since yesterday morning and that fucking midnight bus ride."

"I heard about that" he finished and got another "that really happen huh?"

"Yeah, like we were running out on a bill or shit."

"We left around dawn but we still go here around the same time. Weird huh?"

"Sorry about before" John tossed the crumpled cup into the basket, two bounces and it was it. But the guy didn't say anything "look if ya wanna finish I'll leave okay?"

"So somebody else comes in?"

"You really doing that? You jackin when I - "

"Shut up okay?" the guy turned red. Yeah red face, green eyes, a real holiday display, John thought.

"Hey it happens okay?" John got a fresh cup "shit I have never been hornier in my life, all this fresh air or something."

"Guys were kidding it was the air conditioning on the bus" he smiled at his hands.

"Ain't no bus here" John looked at their room "I can't believe nothing happened last night like Mond-" he shut up.

"Like Monday? What happened Monday?"

"I... I don't... know" like John was going to explain the "Hi-Lo" game to this guy right now "y'know... guys... crowded room..."

"Guys?" his eyes flew wide "got into things in your room?"

"Hey wasn't like y'didn't hear stuff here last night?"

"Like what?" the dude was very red, not all of it sunburn.

"Didn't you hear stuff? Like a bed rocking?" the guy looked like he swallowed his tongue or something. John knew he had to change the subject "sorry" he came across the room, the guy looking like John was going to slug him. Or worse "sorry, my name's John, I know you told me - "

"Pat" he held out his hand.

"Shit another Pat" John smiled.

"Another?" the guy would not look up.

"Yeah, first night at the other place one of the guys was named Pat. Big blond dude" he chuckled at the word "I mean big."

"Like fat?"

"No big" John grabbed himself, Pat almost choked again.

"How... how you..."

"This guy was not shy okay? I mean about anything, not just running around the room naked."

"Naked?" and the door opened and there was Fritzie and that Oliver guy laughing and sweating.

"Frank I don't wanna hear about it" Fritzie looked at him and headed right for the bathroom. Unlike the other sports teams, the baseball players had to clean up in their own rooms, and that is what Francisco was going to do right now, before anyone else got in there.

"Hey Pat, Frank."

"Hey Oliver" he sat down, but even Oliver in that micro-second saw his jeans and how they were tented. Not wearing anything else didn't help matters. The door opened again and the rest of the guys poured in. Soon it was a free-for-all fighting for the bathroom and getting ready for another amazing dinner. They were all cleaned up and down the stairs as fast as their tired legs would take them.

Dinner was just as fine as the last, with more of that venison, this time augmented with tiny chickens. Once they realized they were not pigeons but quail as somebody figured out, some kid whose dad owned hunting and fishing store back home, they were eating them with less squeamishness. And man were they good! Big salads as well, heavy on the zuchini but they were starved. Dessert was some kind of berry cobbler or something with the best ice cream they ever had. So when the coaches stood up for their nightly speaches a few groans and nodding heads met their gaze. The last one was somebody John knew all too well.

"Gentlemen good evening" it was none other than Ruiz looking much different in his dress pants and sports coat "as some of you may or may not know we have activities planned for tonight after dinner so you gentlemen will not be penned in your rooms bored with nothing to do" looking at several of the tables. John heard a lot of squeaky chairs "we will head over to the gymnasium as soon as you finish with your meal" and that was it. No explanation, nothing. John's table buzzed with the speculations, a band? movies? cable? That last one seemed to be the most popular. They had a tv and radio in the room but the only station they could get was some educational thing. The guys killed that in about ten seconds. So the prospect of something interesting to watch seemed perfect.

The guys started to leave their seats, not able to eat another bite if their could. John and his group followed the pack, heading out the side door, down the steps and out the building. There was a short walk in the early evening light to the other building, this one barely finished. It looked like someone had thrown it up the week prior, it even smelled new. They entered the door and through the vestibule through the double doors smelling like fresh varnish, and into the auditorium. There were a lot of guys there already sitting in the folding chairs in three rows, maybe a couple dozen in each row. John and his group ended up in some of the last chairs in the front row. There were not that many baseball players here were there? He looked around the room, seeing other guys. And these dudes were not baseball players; they were wrestlers!

But the other guys were not counting heads, they were watching the wall. It was a large screen tv several feet wide, showing some kind of ESPN show. >From what they could see it was a locker room interview maybe hockey. It sounded French to John. The closed-captioning was helping. But it looked odd somehow. John took a while to realize it was their hair. This thing was probably ten or twenty years old. Then two of the coaches, Tyler and Callaher and somebody John met and immediately forgot his name. Phil or Bill? Short dude and kinda stocky. Former shortstop, John guessed, who wanted to pack on the pounds. With them was somebody who had to be one of the wrestling coaches.

"Gentlemen gentlemen thank you for coming" and as Tyler started talking, the screen above his head was filling with his image. A live image. John turned his head and there were about three cameras behind the last row, their arrival sometime during the last few minutes in time for this speech. Some of the guys thought it was cool; the others were noticeably silent. John was in the second group. This was it? This was what the entertainment was? John shuddered fearing it could get as nasty as some of the early stages of the "Hi-Lo" game on Monday. He looked around and there was that Pat O'Toole sitting next to Stewie in the second row. They seemed almost as quiet as John felt, exchanging only a word or two now and again. Pat caught John glancing back at him and nodded with a faint smile. John turned back to hear Tyler speaking again "as you can see it's not the most advanced high definition projection but it will give you all a chance to be on television if you like" waiting for some cheers to quiet "because you, the participants of this year's Midcontinental Sports Camp and Training Facility will be the stars tonight. We have a variety of activities planned and to explain more let me introduce Pat Callaher to those of you who have not met him yet. He comes to us from a Minor League franchise, the Vancouver Viscounts, where he oversees most aspects of recruitment and training. Pat?"

"Thank you Coach Tyler, guys" looking into the distance "and guests."

John turned around and there about a dozen adults parading into the room single file, taking their seats towards the back. Some guys like John turned, others had no desire to see them. They could hear the folding chairs.

"Tonight we have some activities planned for all of you, some very profitable activities we hope. Tonight we have a representation of some of our sponsors who have proposed a series of activities, a type of contest you might say. There will be not one, not two or even three winning prizes, but ten in all!" hearing the buzz go through the group "with the top prize being ten... thousand... dollars" and that set the room into orbit. Not all of the guys were cheering however "second prize nine thousand, and down to tenth place a very healthy one thousand dollars" raising his hand "which you can receive any way you choose. However!" raising both hands "I know there are some of you who wish to reinvest this money in your respective school athletic programs" seeing and hearing a few less than positive reactions "in which case our sponsors are prepared to match whatever amount you donate. If you win five thousand and wish your team to have" looking at a few faces "three thousand, our sponsors are happy to match so your school receives a total of six and you may keep the remaining two thousand" hearing guys shouting out comments and questions "if you have further questions please talk to any of us coaches or the sponsors either later tonight or tomorrow at practice. This is how it will work. For each competition or activity you will awarded between one and five points, depending on level of difficulty" hearing some mutterings and groanings "and the gentlemen with the ten highest scores at the end of the evening will be the winners. There are some events only one of two might wish to enter" looking at one or two faces "because not everyone can balance a chair on their forehead correct?" hearing a variety of reactions to that, some of them sighs of relief "and such. Not everyone will wish to enter all the events, some of you might not wish to enter even one. But in keeping with the spirit of teamwork" uh-oh John thought, here it comes "all of you are asked to enter at least one contest. Anyone leaving with zero points tonight" looking up and down the rows "will see me tomorrow at eight o'clock sharp and we will have a one-on-one... discussion" his mood light and smiling again "so I encourage all of you to enter at least one contest. And yes I can see the eagerness out there" holding out his hands "you may enter as many as you choose. If one or two of you wishes to display all those talent show skills and walk away with first place, please do. If you have any questions as the night progresses please raise your hand and one of us will answer it. Now hold your first questions and we will start with a few events so you can see how this works" he took his mike off the raised platform and went to the side, a table set up where the various coaches were seated as judges of a sort. Once he was seated Coach Tyler grunted over the feedback,

"For one point to someone signing the National Anthem" and several hands shot up. One guy started singing from his chair and was directed on stage. Soon there was a line of eight guys standing there, all belting out the National Anthem in various keys and various lyrics. Two guys stood silent until the other ones finished to a great deal of clapping and cheering, all on their feet and having a great time. When they finished and it quieted down, the other two started. But it was "Oh Canada"! They both knew the lyrics although neither one had perfect pitch. They finished to a scattering of applause.

"Very good" Tyler smiled "notice I did not say which anthem. If anyone else feels there is another country not represented" John waited for Ricky to get up and there deliver the Dominican Republic's anthem to a confused crowd but he did not. But John saw him back there, looking around for that roidhead Mark as well, but he had another engagement luckily.

The guys gathered their papers showing their award points and sat down, to the cheers or consternation of their teammates. John looked at his buds and shook his head.

So it continued for almost an hour, various contests and activities, John even getting up and balancing a baseball bat on his forehead, a trick he did as a kid and was surprised he still could. There was a contest involving a race for guys to tie and untie their shoelaces which about ten guys entered and two won. They continued in a light vein until almost all the guys had one point. The only ones John knew who did not were Lester, that Oliver guy from his room and big Pat O'Toole for some reason. Weird.

But the best part was the guys seeing themselves on the big screen, instant replays and all. John had the impression some guys got up there just for that, failing their contest miserably otherwise.

So sooner or later it was bound to happen, John told himself. Some idiot would stand up there and flex his arms so he could see it up there bigger than life. And watching it replay five or six times was very funny. Or hot depending your viewpoint. When he heard Tyler announce the next contest he knew it was beginning.

"Very well... Two points for another person, proud or full of vanity depending on your viewpoint, flexing their arms for twenty seconds. No shirt please."

At first some guy John did not know got up there, looking proud and yes a bit vain. He had sandy bangs and was on the thin side but okay looking. Definitely NOT physique show material. Then two big wrestlers got up, one guy John knew around school as Moose and another Don or Doug something. Then another guy lighter haired than the first guy, the guy whose dad had the sporting goods store or something, then another baseball player he doubled against when his ball went into center field. Then a black guy big and a bit chunky then an equally chunky hispanic dude and finally another baseball player. It was Fritzie of all people. They stood up there and and off came their shirts one by one and just like that started flexing, some of the bigger wrestlers like that huge hairy Moose guy and his friend Don? really putting on a show, having the muscles to do it. John could not tear his eyes off that Moose guy. He had seen him around school, even had him in gym class a year or two back, but man did he fill out! John's first thought was this dude had been inhaling steroids the last year or two, even hearing some whispers about him and that big dude Terry, the guy they called the Hulk from the football team having a few flair-ups or so. Yeah, but if the occasionas melt-downs could put on all that muscle, why not? John thought Moose was almost flaunting it a bit, being so big and muscular and hairy! still in high school, like some twenty-year old held back or flunking a few years. But John could not remember Moose retaking any years so it must be supplements that would make him balloon up like that. But man was he impressive! His buddy next to him, Don? Doug? was more of what they might have in mind for something like this, classically muscular, great physique, homecoming king good looks... total package! Once or twice he caught Fritzie's eye and even gave him a thumbs up to encourage him to continue, long after he was sweating and tiring, his tight lean frame contrasting with the two almost chubby dudes next to him. Seeing that chunky black guy and especially the round mexican next to him almost convinced John he could have done this as well. If someone as round as those two could do this, John sure as hell would not have looked out of place. Soon everyone was clapping and whistling and a good minute had gone by. Coach Tyler's whistle put an end to the show.

The guys stepped down off the platform, gathering their shirts as they did.

They received their papers and took their seats.

"Two points for the same show including leg muscles as well for two minutes. For this neither shirt or pants needed."

Pants "needed'? John almost coughed out louded. What the hell did that mean? Besides the fact they now wanted guys to start shucking out their clothes and had to come up with the most dishonest phrase they could produce on the fly. John's fears were starting to be realized. This show was another "Hi-Lo" but this time it was the whole goddamn team! John slid down in his chair as did a few others.

When he saw his roommate Jim, the dude from Minnesota, get up there he almost grabbed him and told him to sit his ass down! Not that Jim was bad looking or anything. He was taller than John, broad shoulders and great legs. Realizing he was the only one stupid enough to volunteer for human target practice he was about to step down when another guy stood up. He was a shortstop John had seen on another diamond, light brown skinned and fast as shit. The way he moved John had the impression he was in excellent shape. Then it was one of the wrestlers, a big blond dude who could have been a football player, but not an ounce of fat on him. Then a bald black guy got up, less bulky but perfectly proportioned. Then a chunky hispanic kid John guessed... wait! he knew this guy. It was a dude named Jorgie or something from school. But he must be up there on a dare or something. Because Jorgie had a gut on him. Finally a black-haired guy, not tall but built like a brick shithouse.

As they stripped out of their clothes, the replays of the previous event were being shown on the tv screen. Some guys were too busy watching the various guys from before doing their chest muscle poses to notice one of the guys, the black-haired guy on the end next to Jorgie was showing bare ass! If he pulled down his underwear by accident when his pants came down he sure as hell wasn't doing anything to pull them up. When he joined the other guys already flexing the problem was obvious. The dude was fucking naked!

Several dudes in the audience were shouting at this dude, Hugh or Hugo his name? telling him to put on his clothes like everyone else, some shouting at the coaches to stop this. But the guys continued to pose, this ballsy dude pretending nothing was out of the ordinary. It wasn't like he was super-hung or anything, just a normal looking cut dick, black pubes below a line of hair running up to his navel, same hair in his sweating pits as well as his legs and dude! turn around! put on some clothes! a dusting on his bare ass! But he could have been either a really toned baseball player or wrestler. Then John tore his eyes off him and looked at the rest of the row. They were all wearing a various collection of briefs or boxers, some whiter than others, some better fitting than others. And if it didn't look like that one guy, the shortstop with the incredible body and light brown muscles, was he chubbing? Or was he just big like that. No, when he turned, when they all did sideview poses, his pouch was sticking out a bit more than it should be. And they must have been up there for something like five minutes, the naked guy on the end looking like this was just another boring evening to him. His teammates or roommates did not think so, yelling various things maining "cover up!" Finally he heard the whistle.

They stepped back into their pants and jeans and shorts and walked over to the coaches. John was waiting for the black-haired guy to get a royal reaming but one of the coaches had a few words with him, then they all got their papers and that was it.

"Well..." Tyler sounded a bit flustered "that was more of a show than we were planning" hearing various comments from the audience. There was some comments back and forth among the coaches "well... we were going to have similar competition in a similar vein but because of our one contestant we will skip a few events and go right to this. In order for anyone else who is so inclined: also two points for the same show. Same dress code as contestant number six on the right. Yes gentlemen, you may leave your clothes on your chair."

"What? Naked?" a few voices shouted out.

"Again, anyone with a question from now on please raise your hand. But" his voice cracking "to answer your question. Yes."

A whole lot of guys were shouting and bouncing off their chairs and it looked like the room would spiral into chaos in seconds. One loud whistle then two stopped them. This time Ruiz had the microphone,

"Gentlemen" he called for order "no one will compel you to do this. It is voluntary. If you wish two points you may get on stage. If not please get back in your chairs and let the events proceed, is that clear?" some grumbling and a few shouted comments answered him back "no, no you may not leave. Either stay or you may sit out the rest of the week. Your fees not refundable" and that started it up again. This time three whistles brought the noise level down and asses back in chairs.

"Coach Ruiz brings up an important point" another Coach, the black dude named Jefferson? took the mike "because I know some of you dudes still have not paid or have contacted your parents about us not receiving your payments. Keep that in mind guys, keep that in mind" and he sat down.

"Thank you Coach Morrison for those comments" Coach Tyler added. Jorge and a few others then saw the resemblance. This dude must be the younger brother of Sam Morrison, one of the football coaches and talent agents. Yeah, the same medium brown skin, not as solid but major arms and those neck muscles! And this brother had all his hair.

The guys looked back and forth at each other. No one stood up. Finally it happened. The guy at the end of the first row, a short but very muscular dude with brown hair got up and started pulling off his shirt.

"Sit down Dick" John heard the big blond dude next to him say. Then the black-haired dude, the same guy from before was on his feet as well. His shirt was already off, so it was no time before his pants were down again and over his chair. Then a real dark-skinned kid John saw on one of the diamonds was up and peeling his shirt off next. Then another then another. By the time the first two were on stage and talking between themselves there were at least six guys joining them. All naked.

John sat there growing hard. Not just because there were eight naked guys posing with various levels of skill in front of him. But because the whole thing was so bizarre, so impossible. He waited and waited for the coaches to call it quits, saying enough guys, joke's over. But no. And those cameras! Didn't they know this was going to end up on that screen over their heads? Were they total fuckheads?

The guy on the left was "Dick" something and like the black-haired guy next to him both wrestlers from the comments John kept hearing. And almost twins the way they were matched physically, both showing the tight musculature of their weight class. Watching those two alone was major bone time. The dark-skinned black? Puerto Rican? baseball player next to them was not a muscled but what he lacked in hard chest and arms, he made up for "down there" John could see. Next to them was a big black dude who should have been a football player or something. He was way over two hundred and big. Big everywhere, especially where the Puerto Rican baseball player was proudly displaying his genes. No wonder this big bruiser was so eager go monty in front of everyone. He easily had the biggest dick up there. John wanted to compare that to Ricky's because it would be very close. The guy next to him was one of the baseball players, little guy not much bigger than Jerry from the first night, tight and fit with a small dick and a regular amount of pubes around his balls. Too bad he had to be standing between the two dark-skinned dudes, next to him was the guy John had seen on the field earlier in the day. This dude looked even more impressive out of his clothes, light brown skin and hard rippling stomach muscles and another low hanging dick. Then another baseball player with a dick worth showing, a small patch of light brown hair on his chest the same color as his long sideburns. Finishing out the row were two more wrestlers, one dark blond, one brown haired, both of them hairless and built. The lighter haired one was a big bigger in the chest but the brown haired one had a package on him worth showing. And man was he showing! The two of them got into their own private pose-down doing positions and movements that left the others in the dust. Except maybe the first two on the other end. John had to look twice but it appeared the darker haired of the two was lengthening a bit, no shit! he was definitely growing. By the time John finally heard that late whistle the dude was more hard than soft. And that "Dick" guy on the other end, one of the original two who were trying to keep up with the end pair, man he was unmistakeably hard. John knew what was coming this evening; he was already seeing it!

The guys paraded off the end of the platform towards the coaches, a few even giving their friends in the audience a thumbs up or clasping their fists together over their heads. Again the coaches had a few words for those two exhibitionists, but this time it was Ricky who had a longer conversation with them before handing them their point papers. John groaned and could only imagine what they were saying.

"Well..." this time it was Jim Callaher's voice cracking "that was an eyeful" ignoring the various comments from the group. But either the group was tiring of yelling or they were growing more cautious "and more than we were bargaining for. Can we look at that again?" and there was a brief moment when the display went back to some televised show, but it looked like another locker room interview. Except this time there was no woman with a microphone and only one guy in the room. There were a few gasps when Billy and Moose and a few others recognized no one other than Big Hank in some kind of locker room. It took them a while before they realized it was the set at Mort's! Seeing him standing there, wearing a white wrestling singlet and anwering questions about some big important wrestling match. Because if they were watching Big Hank on the set at Mort's it meant the guys behind this were the SAME GUYS! And on top of that now they were going to witness his ordeal at Mort's. They both knew, a lot of wrestlers from back home knew, what that meant. And then there was a quick still and they were back to watching the naked pose-down on their platform from a few moments ago. But for some, Big Hank's face was still burning into their retinas or it was a trick of the projection. They watched the playback for long enough to see close-ups of various body parts and various guys. When it looked like a close-up on one of those crotches showing wood the image froze.

"Gentlemen as you can see for yourselves this has been an interesting evening so far. Nudity... frontal nudity... even" looking at the screen "erections. It is more and more difficult to suggest various competitions" clearing his throat "which you guys would NOT be rushing the stage to do" getting a bit of a laugh for that "so we need to 'kick it up a notch' as they say" John did not need to find Pat then. He could heard the loud gulp from where he sat "so..." the guys could see him flipping through some pages "we could go to the first three point event I feel. Gentlemen for three points" he found Dick sitting in the audience "like Dick did before and as you see on the screen. Shall I be more blunt?"

"Y'mean hard?"

"Again hand up please" but the guy just raised his hand before repeating himself.

"Yes" Coach Callaher did not look up. But somebody was raising their hand.

It was the Puerto Rican looking baseball player from before who did the full monty.

"Yes Jake."

"You mean we just like" looking at some guys in his row "we just stand up there and jack off?"

"No one" the big black coach grabbed the mike "said nothing about masturbating okay?" again that Jake guy's hand was up,

"Then how we supposeta be hard?"

"Three points" Coach Tyler added "more difficult than two."

The guys looked at each other trying to figure out what that meant. John knew he was already hard, but could he stay hard? could he get hard again if he was up there? He was almost starting to straighten in his chair when he heard that Pat O'Toole behind him "Johnnie thinkin about it?"

"Yeah but how?"

"Stewie?" he whispered over to him "think yer horny enough?"

"Always" he responded and stood up. He was about pull off his shirt when the light bulb when off. His hand went up.

"Connors" Tyler said.

"We don't have to strip naked before we get on the platform right? Just naked and hard by the time we finish right?"

"Why? What are you - "

"Yes or no" yeah that was Steward Connors III all over "can we be clothed when we first get up on stage?" seeing a quick conference over the covered microphone.

"Yes" Ruiz answered.

So Stewie and Pat and then John, feeling like he could get this over with and spare himself any future - and in his imagination much much worse! - ordeals got up on stage and stood there. As soon as they did two other guys did the same, that one sandy haired baseball player with his bangs in his eyes and a different brown haired slightly bigger dude, more of a wrestler apparently. Then two more got up, another kid much blonder and his dark haired friend, definitely wrestlers. They knocked fists and got on stage forming the third group.

Stewie and Pat stood there facing each other, a small smirk on their faces.

Seeing John's confused look Pat just whispered "do like we do, in a mirror" which made little sense until John saw Pat and Stewie match each other, hand for hand, motion for motion. Both of them reached for the bottom of their t-shirts simultaneously, and John did the same slightly behind and to Stewie's side. They made a slow motion gesture of pulling them free of their jeans and up to their chests. When they were up to their pits they started rubbing themselves all over their chests, playing with their nipples, rubbing their pecs. John figured it out; they were doing a strip tease for each other. All John could do was ape Pat, almost like he was watching him through an open bedroom window. Fuck he was doing a peeping tom show! The shock of recognition almost sent him scrambling from the stage! How did Pat know? John never said anything, never let anything slip Monday did he? Then how did Pat know that John used to peep into windows and watch guys girls anybody! strip down, John hiding in the bushes wacking off? But then those two were pulling their t-shirts over their heads and tossing to the floor. John did the same. When they started rubbing and stroking their stomachs so did John. Whatever thoughts of losing his hardon were gone watching those two do that in front of each other, John's hands doing the same to himself. Then they kicked out of their shoes and John had to crouch down to untie his. When he was up again, the two had their pants down around their thighs showing each other their cotton covered asses. John felt a bit stupid doing the same until he thought he heard a voice in the audience mutter "hot butt!" John assumed the voice was referring to Pat but when he looked there was this big black stud openly rubbing himself. He was not looking at Pat; he was looking at John! John thought it was a joke, the guy just ridiculing him, mocking his lame show. So when John lowered his own pants and mooned him, even lowering his shorts to show bare butt he expected a chuckle or something. He turned back expecting a big smirking, sneering grin but instead the dude was sitting there. With his fly open! Man if John had the slightest worry about staying hard that was long gone. He looked back at Pat and Stewie and both of them had their pants around their ankles, their cotton briefs almost rubbing against each other they were so close. When John dropped his pants and then his shorts to the floor hard as a rock, probably the first one to do so, like John was going to look! Pat and Stewie both saw it. And Pat started tenting big time. Which in his case was a really big time!

John stepped out of his clothes naked and very hard. He did not know if he really was the first because his eyes kept returning to that black dude and it looked like something was trying to push out the opening of his fly. John was making this guy that turned on? A lumpy out of shape dude like him with his dimpled butt and his bush the hairiest part of him, his cut cock not the biggest but he was guessing the hardest right now. He stood there and flexed his arms knowing it must be ridiculous looking and then it happened. That dude's fly widened and his cockhead popped out. He was fucking as hard as John! Watching John!

John was too embarrassed or shocked or something to think he was doing this, he was making a big black stud horny for him. He looked at Pat instead, but the two of them were showing bare ass to each other, the mirror routine getting better and better. Pat saw John's hardness and had Stewie turn as well. John tugged at his belly making his dick jump, then turned and mooned both of them. He even spread his cheeks making damn sure no one but those two saw his hairy crack. They smiled and went back to their private show, raising and lowering the waistbands of their shorts towards each other, each time a bit lower until their pubes were showing, Pat's blond and hairy, Stewie's bare and muscled. By that point both of them were well on the way to hard. By the time they lowered them and tucked them under their balls, flipping their fronts from side to side, both were as firm as they needed to be. They kicked out of their pants and faced forward in a line flexing and hard. John allowed himself to look at the dude in the audience again, expecting him to be drooling over Pat's huge cock. But he was staring right at John, and talk about a huge cock! Just sitting there with his fly open, his big cut dick sticking straight up, even stroking it. This dude was so horny John feared he might cum any second. John had to tear his eyes away and looked at the middle two guys. They were standing there in just their briefs but man were they cheating! They were slapping their fronts back and forth against each other, twisting their hips from side to side. Then it was one two three and they both dropped their underwear and boy were they boning! From rubbing crotches! The guy with the bangs was almost pointing straight up and even shiny looking, as close to losing it as John's friend in the audience. His slightly hairy wrestler friend was just sticking straight forward, enough to jab the other guy in the nuts a few times for laughs. But only they thought it was funny. The rest of the audience was sitting like John's friend, too amazed and bug-eyed to speak.

The last two were taking turns rubbing each others chests, some unspoken rule on stage broken now. Their hands were all over each other rubbing and stroking everywhere. Above the waist. Below the waist they were still in their jeans. John suspected they were buying time? Difficulties with boning? Just before John guessed Callaher was going to pick up his whistle they simultaneously yanked down their jeans and underwear and mooned the audience as they bent forward and stepped out their clothes. They turned and put their arms around each other, both uncut dicks hard as hell. And damn! John looked close, no closer. Fuck it! he walked over there and sure enough! The heavier blonder guy's dick was all shiny and wet at the end! The dude came! To make his point he pulled his white briefs out of his jeans and showed the audience. The front was wet and stained with his jizz!

The dude shot off in his jeans!

There was no cheering no clapping nothing. He just stood there as a small bit oozed out of his drooping dick, a thin rope hanging down a few inches. Then it broke off and fell to the floor. John swore he heard the soft splat. Then the whistle.

"Okay guys gather your clothes and Lou? for crissakes clean that up!"

"I'll do it" his buddy reached down and wiped it up with his own briefs. They gathered up their clothes and followed the rest off the stage gathering their papers as they did. Without further ado Coach Tyler said,

"Next. Three points the same as Lou jumping the gun there. This time you may use your hand" stumbling over the words.

"And this" but if Callaher did not pull out a jar of some kind of gel or lotion. Several guys gasped. It looked like it was easily a half gallon of something and it was very very green.

There was a great deal of murmuring and whispering in the group. It didn't take long before that one blond kid stood up.

"Sit down Billy!" someone next to his grunted at him.

"Sooner or later right?" he shrugged. That's right, John remembered him, Billy Hern or something. No wonder John hardly recognized him. He was thinner than he remembered, and a lot more muscled, and man he was as tan as if he spent the whole summer on a beach. Then it hit him! Billy, tan, pool! This was the kid he was spying on through the chink in the wooden fence from the alley. Was that really Billy and his dad he had watched? It couldn't be, not what they were doing!

"Billy it's the green shit!"

"Yeah I figured that out, it's all starting to make sense now. You know who's running this now. Kroos and Company" loud enough most of guys heard. Billy was pulling the cover off the black box, showing everyone the gears churning and turning inside. And it wasn't pretty. However it was staring at them all now, real and dangerous as a rattlesnake. But what Billy did not expect was the reaction. He figured the immediate guys from school, even the county, would recognize that name. But here were total strangers, guys he only met in the last few days, guys from Iowa, Minnesota, some from South Dakota sitting over there. And a few guys who said they were from Illinois but never heard of Fort Sheridan, a bit suspicious. Billy suspected if he raided their wallets like Joel did Big Hank's, yeah, there was Big Hank on the screen bare-chested as he was pulling down the top of his singlet larger than life, Billy knew those ID's would be fuckin Canadian!

"Billy you know what that shit does!" from Klu a few seats down.

"And I know the antidote" he whispered and stood up, raising his hand.

"Billy?" Coach Morrison asked.

"I get naked here or up there?"

"Up to you."

"Billy don't" Moose and Jeff both tried to stop him.

"Hey compared to that?" nodding at Big Hank up there looking like a deer in the headlight "I'm gettin off easy almost."

"You doin it I'm doin it" Billy's roommate Mo stood up. At least that's what Billy called him. He real name was like Maurice or something, a nice guy, hell all his roommates were cool. But Mo always seemed a bit standoffish. Except when he and Hank were wrestling! Then it was a coiled spring going off and look out if you get in his way! He was in Hank's 175 weight class, but where Hank was more compact this guy was all arms and legs. And could he use them to move! Several times the coaches had to tell him to ease up this wasn't Nationals for cryin out loud.

No Mo don't okay?"

"I know about it, I know what it does."

"We talk later okay?"

"Talk" he looked at Moose and Moose's nemesis the huge black captain of another wrestling team Dave Daniels, the biggest and most feared wrestler of his school "and more."

"Sit down punk this is something I can do blindfolded" growling at Mo then Moose. Billy never saw Moose flinch but he flinched.

"Sit this one out Dave" Mo said softly "your match is still coming up."

"Or else you know the consequences" but Mo looked away quickly.

Then John looked over and damn! if Pat was not standing. John tried to tell him no, even Stewie was saying something fast and angry but he was insistent. When Pat stood up another guy stood up. Somebody John noticed at every practice. He was like a beanpole and a few guys even called him that. His perennial baseball cap told the world he was Iowan and proud of it. John looked around almost daring himself to do it, just to see into the lap of that big black kid again but he was gonna sit this one out. After his last show he needed to recover some dignity.

Tyrone looked around and decided what the fuck, get this over with. Not like he had not been trying to find a spot to jack it since Monday. But that first night with those super cool but super quiet football players, one eye watching him like he was gonna make off with their tv's or shit, like the fuckers even worked! then last night with real baseball dudes but this time no matter how many hints he dropped about makin their week worth while or sleepin under the sheets naked and shit, nobody did nothin! This time when they stole looks at him it wasn't like he was this mean-ass gangbanger, more like they were tryin to check him out without checkin him out, blowin their cover or shit. Talk about a bunch of uptight white dudes! So they were gonna like pay him to do what he's been wantin to get at all week? Sure you got it!

Nobody else was crazy enough to do this, or else they were crazy enough to know better, knowing the night was still early and now with more and more coming out, it was a matter of time before another Moose's Fundraiser or Tyler's Gang Rape or Tim's Milking or Henry's Shower Double Penetration was going to unfold before their eyes. Most were going to sit quietly and watch the others hang themselves. The ones who were really quiet were the idiots who did not do their stupid one-point stunts earlier. Too late for their cowardly asses now.

The four stood up and in their seats started undressing. Billy stole a look back at the screen but now it was the guys from before, the camera lingering on the Stewie and Pat show especially. Billy pulled off his clothes watching it, and seeing Stewart Connors the Third, North's "most eligible bachelor" bigger than life, stripping for the ballsy dude who now wanted to jack off as well? And Stewart was this big fuckin man already, at least in social standing. But this Pat dude Billy was now gonna share the stage with? Man talk about being upstaged. If he could he would have changed his mind like the buds were insisting. But Billy's dick was very insistent, and he really wanted to see if the contents of that gallon bucket were what he suspected. He was so distracted by the screen he realized he was the last one to get on the platform, naked and still a bit red from before.

Coach Morrison came up on stage with them, Mo almost expecting he was going to lube their dicks for them. Once he got on the platform the butterflies stopped. It was worse standing among the chairs and stripping down, that seemed kinda randy somehow. But now he was up here, it felt little different than being at a meet wearing next to nothing. There he was doing a job, he was "competing" and if there was something he knew how to do it was compete. Standing next to that big blond dude was something else though. Mo had the tight hard physique of a wrestler but this dude had the shoulders of a swimmer almost. A big swimmer! And even bigger where it mattered. So when the coach opened the jar - he really needed both of those big mitts too didn't he? - and offered it to him, Mo just reached in a pulled out a big glob of it.

"Too much!" Billy yelled and smeared the excess onto his own hand.

"Why?" Mo rubbed it between his fingers, feeling them started to tingle in a few seconds "oh shit!"

"Okay?" Billy "get it now?"

"Careful it's like Bengay but worse" Mo turned to Pat on his other side.

"Nasty!" Pat took some when offered, not as much as Mo but more than Billy's eyes told him he should. He felt it and smiled. Yeah, it's the same stuff. And judging by the size of the container they must be making it out back by the truckloads. Yeah this was the stuff his Joe "Kroose" made him smear on himself that night, inside and out! Let's see if it has that same effect!

Tyrone had no idea what the shit was, but the dude's were talking it was some nasty shit there. He took the least amount he could, knowing he could jack without lube if need be. He smeared it along his cock, pulling back the skin and dabbing some on the bare head. As soon as he did he knew he fucked up.

Mo got a good speed going, his dick filling and lengthening like crazy. This stuff was heating and irritating all the right spots and he knew he could blow anytime he wanted. But it would be really lame to cum in like fifteen seconds. He would look like some little kid on his first date or something. Billy was watching that dick and his own was enjoying the show.

"Kinda much huh?"

"Dude you been covering up around the room the whole time? Why?"

"Freaks guys out. Either it makes them pissed or..."

"It makes them this?" Billy displayed his hard cock, shiny and throbbing. He knew it would end up on the big screen but who cares at this point.

"Maybe I guess."


"What?" enjoying a chance to slow down and not cum too fast.

"This is important" Billy whispered "when you cum, cum on my dick."

"Dude that's like way past gay okay?"

"This ain't?" Billy leaned in closer "it's about the green shit. If I don't get my cum on you or you on me, this shits burns for days okay?"

"Why can't my own cum -"

"Don't know, I never asked Kroos, but I'm serious, if I don't undo the chemical reaction on you you're gonna regret it. So when I shoot don't pull away."

"Sounds completely nasty, but..." looking at the other two "what about them?"

"Tell'm" and Mo tried to tell Pat but he just shrugged it off. That's when Mo got a real good look at that thing. It looked big before but seeing it now, both their hardons staring at each other, it was bigger than his as much as hated to admit it. They were both about the same ridiculous length but that hog just got fat! The black kid's dick was more like Mo's, thin and long and sword-like, just the way Mo's girlfriend - hell girlfriends! - liked it. They said it hit all their "tickling" spots. So Mo just smiled and hit their spots. But he should not have thought about that because he started going over the top.

"Fuck I'm cumming!" and then he was shooting, Billy jumping in front of him as fast as he could getting maybe half of it on him. And that sent Billy over the top but he really got Mo good, even hitting his balls for good measure.

"Smear it in now. Hurry! Like this!" Billy was rubbing the two or three clumps of Mo's white goo into his cock and balls fast. But Mo was hesitating. Billy did the only thing he could and started smearing Mo's cock for him. Mo jerked away, one panicked eye at the crowd "do it yourself then hurry!" and that's what Mo did. He turned away from Billy to do it though. Pat saw that and he went nuts, his cum erupting from his giant sausage and turning to Tyrone as fast as he could. Tyrone freaked and jerked away trying to get Pat's nasty smelly jizz off him as fast as he could. Circle jerkin with buds was one thing but sliming each other! Way uncool nasty!

"Dude, Tyrone get it back on your dick!" Billy yelled but Tyrone was not listening. Pat scooped up the last of his cum from the floor and started jacking it into Tyrone's cock. For him. Tyrone tried pulling away but Pat was bigger and stronger and Tyrone started unloading all over the floor, Pat smearing his cum all over that cock and those purple balls.

"Dude you are some kinda freak y'know that?' Tyrone finally pulled away, looking down at his front "look what you did to my dick!"

"You gonna thank him tomorrow, trust me" Billy looked at Pat "shit Pat what about you?"

"I'll live" he looked around for something to wipe his itchy hands with.

"We need some water here" Mo yelled at the coaches. Morrison found some towels and some sports drinks and brought them over. Soon all four had theirs, cleaning up as best they could. Billy felt the effects lessening slightly but knew Pat must be suffering big time.

"Leave your clothes off, or it makes the itching worse" Billy tried.

"I know" Pat looked back "I knew about sunlight, the ultraviolet thing, I didn't know about the semen thing."

"Some chemical in your cum breaks it down I guess" Billy took his seat and pulled on his t-shirt, seeing Pat do the same. But Mo and Tyrone were struggling back into their pants; they'd regret it. Pat got up again, naked and still hard and gathered their papers for the four. They'd earned those points.

"Well.." again Coach Tyler looked like he was skipping a few items "next for three points..."

"Make it four" Morrison looked at the group "do it up good."

"Very well" scratching notes into his papers "four points because it involves" looking at Pat "a partner, either of your choosing or not. As you saw Pat do to Tyrone, five minutes without... orgasm."

"What?" Sam jumped up, then stood with his hand up.

"Simpson" Tyler acknoledged him.

"You mean two dudes jacking each other five minutes and NOT cum?"

"Plain english yeah" Morrison answered.

"I suppose with the green stuff" Moose holding up his hand.


"Fuck" from too many voices around the room. No wonder this was a four-pointer!

Then Pat stood up, his t-shirt already off.

"Sit down O'Toole you just came" Stewie pulled him down. Pat stood up again,

"Then it should be no problem" looking at the coaches"no rule says I can't right?" they huddled and then Tyler shook his head no "see?"

"Don't ask me then" Stewie threw up his hands.

"How about me?" heads turned. It was one of John's roommates, but not the guy he saw jacking his meat out the window earlier. It was the guy everyone thought was John's brother. Not because the two even looked alike. Except for their chunkiness and similar ways of lumbering around the bases. Last night John even surprised him in the shower, and their cocks were about identical, stubby and cut. Except Julio "Jewels" as John called him, was probably Mexican or something, nothing like John's pasty assed self. So when John was brushing his teeth, and Jewels was finishing his shower, the two "surprised" each other somewhat. As soon as Jewels noticed someone watching him through the curtain he started boning, John kinda enjoying perving on the guy. Jewels grabbed a towel and dried off in the room, jumping back into his clothes half-wet. John sure loved the quick peeks though.

"Aint gay so this should be totally easy" Jewels stood up and was already down to his baggy briefs, identical to John's. John even thought they might have been switched around due the general messiness of their room. Yeah, they're brothers all right!

"Too bad" and John saw this big black dude, the one who that Mo guy had words with before, get up and pull his t-shirt over his head. Man talk about a shitload of muscles on him! There weren't any football players here were there? So this dude had to be a wrestler. John could not imagine what weight class this would be... jumbo extra large?

"Sit down Ed" somebody in his row yelled "this ain't like you!"

"That's why!" he looked at John of all people "but I'm guessing we got some dudes here want nothin more'n to get their queer little hands all over my meat."

"No more of those comments Wilson" coach Morrison growled at him "unless you want MY 'queer' fists rearrangin that pretty face of yours" which got a huge laugh. Because Ed looked like he had a career as a prize fighter before he turned high school wrestler, his nose at least broken in two places, his ugly mug bent and scarred like somebody backed a dumptruck over it a few times.

"Bring it on coach" he smiled back, a mean crooked smile "little one-on-one like" he glared at the group "who wants a piece of me!"

John knew he sure as fuck didn't. This dude had "fag-baiter" written all over that battered face of his. He was too young for prison, so what happened to him? John was bright enough to figure it out: the kid must have been beaten at home. Big time.

"That would be me" and up stood this really big blond guy, looking like the poster boy for the Swedish Olympic Wrestling Team or something.

"Please sit down Niels" the dude next to him, the guy named "Dick" either because that was his name or because he was one of the first ones to throw an involutary rod before, was tugging at his arm "please don't, the dude looks..."

"I look what?" Ed bellowed at him.

"Like you'd just as soon break it off as jack it" Niels answered for his bud.

"You got it."

"Just like I like it" and Niels shirt was off, hearing a few gasps. Yeah he looked that good.

Another guy stood up, one of the blond wrestlers from before, one of the dudes who did the posedown wearing only his boxer briefs. He was not as tall as Niels but then who was. This blond guy was definitely NOT one of the ones hard before. But as he stood there now, something odd happened. For some reason or another, nobody else stood up. This guy could not go solo! He looked around at his buds, "guys!"

"Sorry mack" one of his buds shook his head.


"C'mon Mike this ain't your scene!" one of his buds, a brown haired guy with a tattooed bicep said "what would Alice say she saw you doin that!"

"Alice ain't here" he looked at them "we need some points here guys! I don't see you jumpin up for this."

"And we ain't gonna" biceps friend answered "not after - "

"Forget about that okay?" Mike snapped at him "I told you that was a one night thing!" and that shut them up.

"Mike?" one of the coaches asked.

"I'm kinda stuck here" he looked at Fleicher "nobody wants to..."

"Touch that dick? You got that right" another one of his teammates said.

"You really that..." Fleicher started.

"Horny?" tattoo biceps laughed "he sure as fuck was last night" getting a hi-five for that.

"I don't care what these dickheads say" he looked at tattoo biceps there "or did, it's the team! We need some points here!"

"You that loyal to your team?"

"Fuck yeah... I mean" knowing that swearing was going to cost him.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that" Fleicher's chair screeched as he slid it back, standing up. Mike knew he was in deep shit now.

"Now you're gonna get it" another one of his teammates chuckled "you thought he was pissed at you this afternoon!"

"I wasn't p-angry" Fleicher looked at Mike "I was disappointed at your sloppy showing before, that's all. Because you can do so much better! I know what you can do Mike!"

"Sorry coach" he lowered his head.

"But if you're so dedicated" he stared at each member of that team one after another "to a team that does not return your spirit, you would make that sacrifice in spite of their lackluster disloyal display here then..." all jaws dropped when he pulled his sports jacket off and then his polo shirt went flying as well "then it doesn't make sense to have your courage go for nothing."

"Coach?!?" Mike's eyes went wide "you ain't..."

"You have a problem with that?" already kicking out of his shoes, reaching down to remove first one then the other sock "with me?"

"But Coach!" Mike looked at Fleicher, seeing him barechested for the first time. He had never seen him in anything less than his regulation shirt and shorts the last few days. That and his ever-present whistle and clipboard. When he heard Coach Fleicher even bunked with a bunch of guys last night his first question, shit his only question he dared ask was "did he sleep wearing that damn whistle?" getting a laugh and then some weirdly blushing reactions. He let it go.

"Yes or no?" and there he stood, as wide and solid as a garage door, some light brown hairs dusting his chest but covering those muscled arms making them look even thicker. Mike looked away, even this much was too much.

"Coach you ain't serious!"

"You serious?" his hands hesitating at the waistband of his running shorts he was wearing as underwear. Yeah Mike was guessing if he wore those twenty-four seven he wore that whistle to bed as well. Little realizing he slept in the buff. And having even less of a clue what that might have precipitated last night in his room "then I'm serious."

Several hands shot up,

"But it don't count right? I mean you can't earn points right?"

"No he can't" Morrison looked at Fleicher like he was crossing a line or something. But with the screeen full of close-ups of guys jacking off, what lines could possibly be left?

"Then why do something so...?"

"Thought I explained that" that huge barrel chest boomed "Mike here's got the guts to go through with this, and nobody else can be bothered to lift a finger" looking at several faces.

"You said it was voluntary?"

"It still is!"

"Yeah like he's even gonna really jack Sullivan here" someone heard a low grumbling "he's just gonna go through the motions and let him off easy."

"Just as hard and mean as you can handle it" Fleicher turned that withering look back to Mike "you man enough yes or no?"

"Don't do it Sullivan" he heard a few of his teammates, even a roommate or two repeating "it ain't worth it."

"My team's worth it" he looked down at them "even though they ain't actin like it now. But I know these dudes. Once they get over the shock and craziness of this, you other dudes better look out!" looking at Fleicher "let's do this!"

"Sullivan you sure got balls" Fleicher dropped his shorts and grabbed the jar "now if you could just show them on the mat" but now he wasn't a hard-ass, now he meant it. Mike started tugging at his pants trying not to stare at his coach's nakedess but it was hard. The dude had to have the fattest cock he ever saw. Wide shoulders, wide chest, even wider cock. And man talk about hard, it was all Mike could do not to chub before his shorts were down. His hands were covering his crotch so fast.

He got up and stood sideways facing his coach, trying to imagine there was nothing below his shoulders. Just legs and whistles, no hairy crotch, no fat dick. As far as the rest of the stage, it was filled with shrubbery as far as he could tell. He tried hard not to imagine how he looked now, naked and buffed, not a hair on him other than his head and around his ample uncut dick. Not that it was anything to compare with Fleicher's - no don't look! he reminded himself. Think about anything else, think about the time you dislocated your shoulder and how much that hot! I mean hurt! Or that ugly nightnurse who gave him - no not the one with the big tits who... fuck! he felt Fleicher's hand - shit his own coach's hand! - rubbing some kinda lube into his cock and fuck! fuck! it was as tingling and as itching as those guys, like that Billy guy, were warning them about.

"Your turn Sullivan" coach's voice forced Mike's eyes open "now you do me just like this" feeling that hand sliding up and down his cock, the sensations making him almost start to bone. No don't think about it! He felt his hand directed into the jar and then forced downwards, down to that FUCK! coach was hard already? His lubed fingers started the difficult task of trying to get around that wrist-thick club. It was so different than his own, so different than Leroy's - NO! don't think about that! Don't think about Leroy at that doc's office and what they had to do! He started a slow jacking of that thick meat down there, pretending he was just lubing up a car part or something. What the fuck? He thought the coach was hard already. Then why was... was his hand shrinking or something? Either that or this club was getting bigger. He could feel the pressure pushing back against his widening grip, more like a metal car part every second. And fuck that did it, there was his cock filling and pulling up fast. What the fuck? Coach's hand was speeding up? No slow down! Slow down! Slower not tighter! Fuck!

John was watching his "brother", the kid they called Julio engaged in a mutual J.O. with that Pat guy who seemed he was determined to enter and win every one of these contests. He stood there getting yanked by Jewels, his dick somewhere been big and full hard. And man was Jewels ever having a hard time pretending he wasn't enjoying this. When soft their cocks were similar, but now that it was hard, and man was it hard! it looked like that bright red head was going to explode it was that ballooned. Or maybe it was the way Pat was pulling on it. Because man was Jewels breathing hard! His face was almost the same color as that mushroom head. But Pat stood there and smiled, a soft hiss escaping from his lips whenever Jewels changed his grip.

But what most guys were staring at like it was the final main event was the hard fast tug-of-war going on between that big-dicked Niels the giant Swede, and that mean ugly even bigger dicked Ed Wilson. Shit, they thought his mug was ugly, get a load of that cock! It was somewhere past eight inches, no must be more because Niels was using both hands now and that foreskin slapping head was still shining out. Big and twisted and bent sideways half-way down the thick shaft, all knotted and covered with thick snake-like veins, excess folds of skins making it look even thicker and more menacing. Not to be outdone Ed started using both hands and well, twisting Niels balls in a vice-hard grip for good measure. Damn don't this shithead get a fuckin hint? he thought. How many times I gotta smash this dude's balls before he does the same to my giant baby makers. Cause if he don't start smashing mine soon there is no way I'm gonna make to no five minute mark, not with this lily-ass albino freak pullin on my pussy-ripper. And there ain't nothin gets my nuts faster than some white-ass punk playing with my boys. He stood there and flexed those huge black buttcheeks, knowing he was going to be seeing them even bigger and shinier up there on the screen. Whew, that sure brought it down again. Like it wasn't bad enough with this faggot white boy's hands on his dick, and he sure knew how to make a dick feel good and slimy and tight, and damn! that green shit was making his sensitive uncut dick even more freaky feeling, worse than when he slipped it to his cousin's daughter Cherell, making her scream and yell when that bengay shit hit her ass and then followed by this fat doorknob stretching her back hole, his main man Sly doing the same in her pussy. Fuck, she was walking funny for a week after that!

The guys watched Neils' uncut meat pump in and out of Ed's thick club of a hand, those thick pale hips making up for Ed's inexperienced grip. It looked like that big blond dude was just using Ed's stationary fist as a pussy, a jack-off toy, lunging again and again into the black hole his fingers made, Ed's other hand tugging and yanking at Neils' tightening balls. Niels figured out real fast the fingers tugging at his sac had a better idea what to do than the others on his long uncut dick. Yeah, the big ugly thug never jacked his own meat but boy did he know his way around those balls!

"One minute left" Mike heard, his lip already bleeding where he was biting it so hard trying to keep from blowing his load all over his coach's nice thick pubes, no DON'T LOOK GODDAMNIT! His hand was numb and cramping trying to jack off that fuckin PVC pipe down there. He knew he was going to lose this event, that hand and that lube making this totally impossible, his nuts itchy and tightening, his shattering orgasm like seconds away. Then he felt it. Something hot and wet splattering his belly and and then his pubes, the next two shots hitting him right in the FUCK! He had to look at that fire hydrant blowing thick white cream all over his cock and it was the fuckin hottest thing he ever saw in his fuckin life! At first he was so shocked he forget his own cock was about to blow. Then Coach Fleicher recovered and renewed his jacking on Mike's cock, twice as hard and twice as fast, using his own cum as lube now.

"Ten seconds!" he heard and he was going to lose it. Mike raised his free arm and bit into his forearm hard! feeling his teeth almost break the skin. It hurt like hell but he was doing it! He was keeping himself from... then he heard,

"Fuck YOU!" and Ed was screaming and grunting, trying to pull away from Niels' hands but even with one still tight around the base of his black monster he lost it just when the count was down to "seven!" his cum flying out and hitting Niels all down his bluish white thighs "damn you! damn you! fucker!!!" as his hips kept rocking and pumping.

That was too much for Mike and he screamed and tasted the saltiness in his arm, fearing blood. But Coach kept chanting "don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot" as his hand kept tugging him to shoot! shoot! shoot!

"Two!" Mike was seeing stars as he felt the gates opening and his cum racing down his tube.

"One" he screamed knowing it was going to happen and he could not stop it. Not looking down between them, seeing their cocks almost touching, their two shiny heads almost kissing!

"TIME!" Fleicher yanked his hand away, and Mike grabbed his balls and almost broke them off. His cock throbbed and throbbed as a single bead of cum formed on the tip, his contractions wanting to send the rest shooting out of him. And seeing that cock, seeing those pubes seeing those hairy arms on that coach in front of him naked and shiny with sweat, his cock gave another lurch as Mike dropped to his knees. Then it happened. He yanked his hands away and his cock started spewing all over the platform, his hands wide to his side like that made any difference. Two then three ropes leaped out and then his cock just throbbed and throbbed, the rest of his orgasm held inside somehow by sheer willpower. It felt like someone had kneed him in the the balls it was so intense, the room spinning with stars. But he knew he would do anything to be able to repeat the sensation. It was the most mind-shattering orgasm - near orgasm! - of his young life.

"Wow" Julio looked up at Pat "that was... I mean... thank you."

"For not making you cum?"

"If that's not cumming" he looked down at himself so hard it hurt "I don't think I could survive cumming. Thanks!"

"We gotta wash this shit off" he looked around and Morrison tossed him a roll of paper towels this time. He yanked off a handful and passed it to Julio who did the same and passed it to big Ed Wilson in turn.

"I oughta shove this down your throat!" he yelled at Niels "you fuckin made me cum!"

"Down my throat, up my ass" Niels yanked it out of his hands "y'still came" but now the idea was planted in that oversexed brain. Ass fucking! He grabbed a huge chuck of paper towels and passed the roll to the remaining two who finished it between them.

The guys were getting quieter and quieter seeing where this runaway locomotive was heading. And no one wanted to be up there like Mike, having their cock milked by the coach! And then just kneeling there and having their balls erupt and not being able to stop it. Jacking is one thing but cumming like that! No control just exploding?

They watched the group stagger off stage, getting their papers and return to their seats, some putting on t-shirts, some not bothering. Except for Coach Tyler who went out of the room, enlisting two guys to help him carry what looked like three heavy boxes next to the raised platform.

"This is fucked" one the black guys, Will? his teammates were calling him "this is totally one hundred and fifty percent gay and nasty okay?" of course recognizing the green shit and knowing where this was heading did not help matters "I thought we was doin real shit! Real competitive shit, like strength and endurance shit, not THAT kind of endurance shit. No more of this gay shit, give us some real shit!"

"Very well" looking his eyes running down a list "Mister Harrison, because this offends your sensitive and delicate eyes" only Morrison could get away with that "we'll return to more... 'acceptable' feats of strength and endurance. Of course we return to three point events" knowing that might cause some conflict among the groups, which it did. All it did was make Will the focus of some resentment from that point on.

"For three points lift a brick ten times off the floor to a standing position. No hands or shirt needed."

"What? How?" from around the room. When they saw what Tyler was fishing out of one of the boxes, right after several bricks, they had a nasty hunch what and how. It was a series of shiny metal chains attached to what some of the guys recognized as tit clamps. Some buzzing and a lot more groaning went through the room. Of course Pat was up pulling the shirt off again hearing "jeez just leave it off if yer gonna enter everything" and then Moose was up as well as... John gulped. His roommate Pat from before whom he interrupted at the window was halfway standing, his shirt tugged over his head, then another then two more guys at once were baring their chests, some muscled some lean. It looked like a million guys thought this would be a normal way to spend the evening. John still could not figure out what this was going to be. Then a hand went up,

"Yeah" they didn't know his name?

"Let me get this straight" but some of the guys in his row were telling Otto to sit down "we gotta lift up a brick using only" looking at a few guys. John tried to look away after he even winked at him "our tits right? Lemme look at those clamps."

"You know all about this kinky shit huh?" one of the other Minnesota guys chuckled.

"Cause if that's the case plain old clips will slide right off."

"Show him one" and Morrison tugged one of them free, untangling the mess as he did. Otto wiggled down to the end of his row, ignoring the "sit down baldy" comments as he did. When he took a closer look, even pinching one onto his forearm and giving it a tug he shrugged. They were alligator clips all right, but the metal had been covered with a thin plastic coating, not as thick as on a handle of maybe a pliers or such, but the metal teeth were not going to break the flesh, he hoped. He tugged several times to see how much tension it could take, then noticed the small screw mechanism on the side. It was adjustable it seemed. He set it for maximum grip and tugged again. As long as he did not try any sudden movements or jumping jacks he could do this. Slow and steady, long and painful. He felt the reaction in his groin, yeah a long slow painful pinch to his tits. Who thought up this stuff, he asked. His girlfriend he had sworn to secrecy?

"Do-able" he held onto the pair "one condition."

"No conditions" from Fleicher back in his chair, groin burning and in no good mood.

"Okay fine a question then" even holding up his hand" I get to keep my pants on right?"

"Hell yeah" from Morrison "babies over there don't want no more kinky stuff, ain't that right Mister Harrison?"

"Will you're just prolonging this" Moose looked over at him "Otto? That your name?"

"Call'm Baldy" one of his teammates shouted.

"Fine... Otto" Moose smile at him "lemme see those a second" Otto tossed and Moose grabbed them out of the air, the end hitting him in the arm "real nice... custom job huh? Don't bother answering I got eyes. So Otto you want the show to yourself or - "

"You thinkin about it?"

"Like you guys" looking at his lazzy-ass teammates "it's about the team, about the points right?"

"Okay Moose I get the hint" Will stood up "but the pants stay on!"

"Of course" Tyler looked at them "but you will have to - "

"Hell we ain't stupid" Will's favorite sleeveless sweatshirt was over his head, giving them a good look at his hard ripped muscles. With some effort his piercing was removed "if I can handle this I can handle those tittie clamps I'm thinkin."

"Anyone else?"

Two guys John remembered seeing on the diamonds, acting like mortal enemies always yelling at each other, giving each other total grief for the slightest mistakes stood up like they had rehearsed it.

"Us too?" he looked at his friend "Earl and me can do it?"

"How many of those you have?" Earl asked. He and his friend were both tanned and brown haired, Earl's a bit longer into his eyes while his friend's was almost buzz cut.

"We got enough for you and Steve if you're trying to get out of this."

"Earl?" Steve looked at him "you stupid enough for this sh-I mean stuff?"

"You the stupid one" Earl chuckled and unbuttoned his shirt, pulling off his white t-shirt after that "don't expect me t'show ya how t'do it."

"Like you ever did this before."

"Sure millions of times."

"Like even once?" and Steve chuckled at Earl's silence. They joined the group on stage, making room as Jorge joined them, quiet and avoiding eye contact with most of the audience.

"No fair!" Moose tried to push Jorge off the platform "not with those big nipples. That's like a head start or something."

"My luck they slip right off" Jorge was already sweating that badly.

"Then don't do it" from Otto, watching them distribute the sets to the guys. When each had one it looked like there was one left. Of course Pat stood up.

"I didn't wanna look greedy" he was already naked.

"Then don't! siddown!" Dick yelled at him "at least cover it up, everybody here's seen it now okay?"

"Hurts like shit" he tried rubbing it but that made it worse "dude's right, clothes just make it burns like" looking at the coaches "crap. So if ya got one left..."

"Anybody else?" but nobody wanted to put their head in the coaches' noose.

Pat got up on stage, the only naked guy there. Moose at least had the sense to put on some running shorts he "borrowed" from Mannie, leaving him sittting there in his boxers. Well Moose assumed they were Mannie's. He could have just worn his jeans but seeing that Pat standing there naked he went back to his seat and yanked off his jeans, ignoring the comments and stares when they discovered he was commando. Either that or his shaved pubes but Mannie's quick cooperation left him little time to worry about it.

He figured it was the closest thing to being naked himself. A compromise so Pat did not feel so conspicuous. But then he did not know Pat that well.


By the time Moose rejoined the stage, Otto already had those plastic teeth attached to his hard pecs, his pale skin already blotching with the redness spreading down from his face. He crouched down and saw how the leather strap went around the brick and through the small buckle, not that it was in a big danger of slipping out. He unbent his knees and tested the weight, lifting it off the floor a few inches to see if the brick would twist or topple loose. But it hung there and then the pain shot to his nipples like twin tazers. Man, the bite getting them on was nothing; this hurt like hell! Like somebody could not decide to pull them off or bite them off, and did both simultaneously. He swore under his breath, hoping the coaches didn't hear him, but he knew that big hairy dude, the one he caught a quick glimpse of naked, tanned and tattooed and looking like he was way too old to be in high school, yeah he heard the big hairy stud swear.

"That bad?" Moose was almost sitting on his ankles, doing the same thing. He decided to attach the brick first and then bring the claps to his hairy chest, shortening the total time as much as he could. Otto wondered if all that hair was going to be a disadvantage, if those clips were going to either get tangled or slip off as a result. But it seemed to work well enough for the two arguers to agree to follow his example. The big barrel chested hispanic dude next to the big intimidating black guy was having no trouble at all. And as for Pat? He was alreaddy straightening up, the brick pulling his nipples down a good inch as he locked his knees and grunted "one!" That brought the rest up as well, watching him and emulating his technique with varying skill. The two "enemies", Steve and Earl were suffering so much they lowered themselves so fast their bricks banged to the platform with a loud crash. Boy did that radiate right to their sensitive flesh. They did not make that mistake again.

Otto and Pat on the end were keeping up a steady pace, passing six and working on their seventh when Moose saw the discomfort in Pat's eyes. He knew he was suffering, feeling his own tits on fire. He looked at Will next,

"You gonna make it?"

"How the f- I mean how the hell you do this Moose" Will had decided just to do it fast and get it over with, the brick barely lowered to the floor before he was lifting it up again "this hurts like hell!"

"Slow down it ain't a race. Just gotta do ten even it takes an hour" and he was lowering down to finish his fifth and start the sixth "okay? Let the weight rest on the floor and get used to it."

"I ain't ever gettin used to it. I just want this OVER WITH!" and he was lifting up for number nine but too fast. One of the clamps pulled loose as he straigthened up, coming off with a sharp hard tug. Will screamed with the sudden pain and jerked and then the second one pulled off as well, both his pierced nipples now a deep red and huge. Will collapsed to his knees, trying to touch and soothe those tortured points of exquisite pain.

"You can't put them back on" Morrison grunted from his table "you're out of this one."

"Like I could do that even I could stand it" looking at some faces in the group "man that hurts LIKE" wanting to swear but not. That was almost as painful "EVERYTHING!"

Otto was lowering himself down slowly, knowing his chest was getting sweaty enough he might be following Will down to defeat as well. Man whoever designed this knew exactly what they were doing. He wanted to rush faster and faster as the pain increased, but had to go slower and slower as the tug on his nipples threatened to start slipping, and having to keep the brick as steady as possible, no swinging no sudden movements. He raised up finishing nine as others were catching up, but most were watching him less and less and were keeping an eye on Pat at the end instead. When Otto finished his tenth, and even did an eleventh in case he lost track somewhere, he lowered the brick back to the floor like it was a bomb threatening to go off at the slightest jolt or shake. He crouched there and saw why very few were watching him. That Pat was up to number eight or so, nice and slow, every muscle tensed, not a single wasted motion. Except for one. Either that gel was continuing to irritate him or this tugging on his nipples was having that effect. Just below that brick his cock was jutting forward sticking straight out! And something that size was hard to ignore.

Steve and Earl were having a hard time concentrating but they both finished the last two simultaneously. Moose was on his tenth as well when he saw them finish.

"Just crouch there and don't yank them off. Catch your breath first!"

"But..." Steve was already trying to tug them off.

"Wait I'm almost..." Moose lowered the brick down almost as slowly as Otto.

But when it banged he winced then sat back on his ankles catching his breath, unbuckling the brick as fast as his sweaty tingling fingers would work. When he stood up again there was no weight tugging those stretched nipples. He unfastened first Steve's then Earl's brick in turn "okay now stand up" which they did "take a deep breath" he told Steve, pressing his palm against his chest above the bright red tit. He slapped that smooth pec hard and as he did he unfastened the clamp. Steve screamed with the pain of the slap and before he realized the clamp was off Moose was repeated the procedure with the other side. Doing Earl's was not as easy since he saw it coming. With him Moose used a jab to the loose abs both times. They both stood there rubbing and pressing their stretched nipples, not caring how it looked but glad to get the circulation back and the pain to lessen. When it came time to see if Pat needed help, Moose was a bit shocked to see him standing straight, just rocking on his heels, a slight jerking motion.

"You need help?" but Moose could see the way his eyes were closed and his dick bobbing with the motions. The dude was getting into this! He was tugging his tits intentionally "dude y'gotta stop that, okay?"

"Oh... f... .f... f..." he could not say it, only think it.

"I'm gonna take off the brick now" Moose knew exactly what he was doing "okay?" and with that he lifted up the weight, Pat's nipples no longer stretched down but now sticking out like two little hardons. Moose unbuckled the brick "take a deep breath" but before he could Pat's hands already pulled them off his chest, his thumbs replacing the sensations instead. For all purposes it looked like he was standing there jacking off, but it wasn't his dick he was tugging, it was his two little dicks. Moose could see he was in the zone. He pressed his two big paws against Pat's, not much smaller. Only then did Pat's eyes fly open, realizing what he was doing. In front of a thousand eyes "breathe, relax Pat okay?" but Pat was too surprised to see Moose's face in front of him, not... but that was the fading dream. He looked around and slid off the platform. Otto gathered their papers for them, all except Will's.

"Very well gentlemen" Coach Tyler cleared his throat "we may continue with more one pointers or go to the four pointers, up to you."

"Okay fine I get it" Will looked at the floor "your one pointers are just as hard but - "

"Hard is right" Tyrone chuckled "right Pat?"

"Yeah... okay" he looked at Dick but Dick just rolled his eyes.

"What's it going to be?" Tyler looked at the guys as the screen filled with Big Hank again, wearing nothing but a jockstrap now and arguing with somebody a few recognized as Mort. The audio was up enough they heard the word "masturbating" loud and clear. Moose knew this was not the time to change back into his jeans. He was boning so fast it felt like it was going to unhinge itself. Could he sit here and watch this? Could Billy? Could anybody who knew them? Without messing their pants? He almost wished for a nasty event next just so he could empty his nuts before he did it by accident like this.

"Fine..." Moose heard his nemesis behind him growl "either we do this nasty stuff or we do the same just as nasty stuff and get more points for it" hearing a few guys around him say "no shit" not loud enough to carry to the coaches' table "so bring it on! Four points stuff" and who was going to argue with this giant. He was as big as Moose but not hairy, at least from what Moose could see in the practice sessions. And from what Moose could see not as full as Moose. But when it came to those big, overdeveloped shoulders and back, they were well matched. The coaches were doing all they could to keep them away from each other, knowing even a practice match could result in one or more trips to the hospital. So Moose and Bull? is that what he heard the guys call him? were always kept at opposite sides of the room. Not that the two ever said anything to each other; they did not have to. Their narrowed eyes and body language were red flag enough "not like I'm gonna be doin any of that shit. Maybe Moosie boy might instead, huh Moosie boy?"

No one, not even Will in one of his famous screaming rages ever dared call Moose "Moosie boy". So this was it? He was finally calling him out? He was challenging him to some kind of weird nasty duel? And the fact he waited until now, now that the really kinky blatant stuff was starting, and he was pushing it along in his own sinister way, was almost to much for Moose to tolerate. And up until a few months ago it would have. The Old Moose would have spun around and by the time an entire squadron of the local National Guard would have separated them, there would have been nothing left but a pile of bloodied bones and a few tufts of hair. But now Moose just shrugged,

"You paid your ticket, you watch your show" Moose showed the slow deadly smile his friends knew was much much worse than flying fists "but t'see me up there... man that you can't afford" and for a moment they were distracted by the screen show shifting to headless close-ups of guys with weights hanging from their nipples.

"I can afford it all right" he shot back, his voice about two octaves lower "but you ain't got the balls."

"I got the balls all right" Moose turned his back on him, the ultimate put-down "but it don't take balls t'sit and watch somebody else do this stuff. All that takes is a fat ass" and that got too many chuckles, even from some of Bull's teammates. Somehow Moose hit a nerve unknowingly.

"Who y'callin fat?" he stood up fists ready.

"Sit down Marion" Moose heard Morrison say in a voice no one in their right mind would challenge. He heard a chair squeek behind him, loud and pissed. Marion? The dude's name was Marion? No wonder he went around trying to pin the world! Shit I thought Mark was bad! If my parents gave me Marion for a first name I would get it changed legally to Moose, he told himself. In a heartbeat.

"So you guys agree then?" man Tyler looked nervous "on to four point contests?" and when no one jumped up to disagree he looked at Coach Callaher who stood up and left the room. The guys watched maybe a minute of replay, again seeing the slow up and down grunts of the guys tugging bricks off the floor before Callaher reappeared, wheeling a tall metal frame into the room, and with help from Coach Fleicher, the last six inches unto the platform. Once there they locked the wheels and tested it.

"Fine, something to hang ourselves with" Will shook his head.

"Like you ain't already done that" Klu looked over at him.

Pat, of course, had his hand up.


"What's the bar for?" fearing the worst. He imagined someone, anyone other than himself, strapped to either the two upright metal uprights or the cross bar spread-eagle, naked tied and beaten. It was ugly and hot at the same time.

"Gentlemen" Tyler again cleared his throat "four points. Jump up and grab the bar, either overhand or underhand grip - "

"We ain't effin gymnasts" from somewhere.

"We're wrestlers for crissakes" from the other direction.

"Hey!" from some of the baseball players.

"And hold the grip for a total of" a quick conference with the group before Tyler finished "of five minutes or..."

"That's it?" Tom Travers had his hand up. He had done some gymnastics when he could fit it in around the wrestling season and knew his way around a high bar well enough. This was not at the regulation height but high enough that most guys, well maybe except some of those dudes around him over six feet, would not have their feet dragging the ground "just hang there? No chin-ups or stuff like that?"

"Sounds like a one pointer" Sam Simpson looked at some fellow ball players, suspecting most of the more fit guys could do this, so where was the challenge? "what makes it a - "

"Or..." Tyler did not look up "before the alloted time achieve" his coughed hard "orgasm."

"Say that again" from Hugo the wrestler from the naked pose-down "orgasm? You say orgasm?"

"From now on" Callaher would look at the group unlike Tyler "you may assume all four and five point events will include some form of sexual behavior, most if not all culminating in orgasm, correct."

"This is fucked!" big Ed Wilson stood up defiant and out of patience "I don't care if you beat my ass for swearing but this is FUCKED! I seen enough I HAD ENOUGH!"

"Sit down Wilson" Morrison stood "we will assign some real suitable punishment for you tomorrow at practice, that is if you ARE at practice."

"What the hell that mean?"

"You sayin you're leaving? You sayin you ain't participatin in the program?"

"Not if THIS sh-stuff is gonna continue no" he glared at his teammates "you asswipes knew about this?" nobody moving.

"Ed you know sure as hell you can't drop out now" one of his teammates tried to pull him down, almost getting an elbow to his face for the effort "you do and this year is down the crapper, that scholarship with it! I know sure as f-sure as hell you don't want that!"

"Sure as hell I don't" he glared at them, then at the coaches.

"Then siddown n'shut yer face" Morrison was not going to give him an inch. There was a stand-off and for a few moments it looked like the two were going to kill each other, then Ed inched back into his seat, sitting but not any less defiant.

"I'm gonna regret this" Dick was the only one brave enough to follow that outburst "how we supposed to... y'know... do it... like jack off? if we're hanging there? Ain't our hands like" looking at a few of the guys "kinda occupied already?"

"Four points as well" Tyler read it like it was a grocery list "to the person producing that orgasm in the person hanging from the bar."

"What?" Dick's hand up again " you mean another dude's gotta...?"

"Y'need a diagram or somethin?" Morrison looked at Tyler then at Dick "one dude hanging from the bar. The other dude got five minutes to get him to cum, clear?"

"How?" Dick could just see someone hanging there, the other guy what? jackin him off? Or worse, sucking him off? Man, if it didn't start here, Dick knew the blowjobs were right around the corner now.

"You guys old enough t'figure it out."

"Four points right?" John's hand was up but his head was down "dude hanging there, and four points for the other dude too, right?"

"See?" Morrison looked at Dick "he got it figured out."

"Maaaan..." they all were looking at everything except each other and that close-up of Pat's torso, his nipples pulled down a good inch then the camera angle going down the chains to the brick, framing that hardon longer than seemed appropriate to some.

"Guess sometimes it helps t'cum easy" and Hugo stood up, seeing the shock on his teammates faces "guess this in one, huh?"

"Dude sit down!"

"So I guess I gotta be naked for this one" and he started tugging off his pants again "not like y'haven't seen it already" and he was naked again, just like when he did his pose-down before. Because if there was one thing Hugo was, it was a major exhibitionist. He had a hunch that Pat guy was on the same page as well.

"Not like I'm gonna" Moose did not turn "but what if somebody else wanted to -"

"What? Ya eager t'jack him off?" he heard Bull behind him.

"I'm eager to be the one hanging up there" Moose still didn't turn "and fill your hand... with my cream" knowing if he tried anything violent, it would be a matched battle. Unless he got a cheap shot in first and then either the other guys or the coaches would make him regret it. At least that is what Moose was gambling.

"Dream all y'want, it'll never happen."

"Your loss" Moose shrugged, dodging the bullet almost "so what if somebody else did want to do the pull-up thing?"

"You want to do pull-ups that's up to you" Callaher almost admired Moose's courage "but no extra points. But otherwise, anybody else wants to take his turn for this Deadman Hang event, they will have to wait until Hugo and..." looking at the group "his assistant have taken their five minutes. Are you volunteering?"

"Maybe" Moose shrugged "first I gotta talk Bull's fist into being my pussy" knowing that might earn him some penalties. The thought of the two of them being punished together was a bit interesting though "fist or his..." this time he braced "his mouth."

"You fuckin bastard" Bull lunged but Moose wheeled as two of his teammates grabbed him in time. All it did was get Bull deeper in shit, his mouth spewing every word it could until the whistles broke it up. Bull knew he had been baited and had walked right into it. He would have to get even with this guy if it was the last thing he did. As much as he hated him, there was something about his total disregard for his own safety that Bull almost admired. This dude would walk off a cliff if he thought it would tick Bull off. He was almost frightening in that respect. Bull wanted to find out what it would take to get him over that edge. And soon.

"The next guy wants to pick a fight he's gonna be fighting me" Morrison glared at him "don't think I don't know what you did Moose."

"Me?" he shrugged looking as innocent as he could. Which was not very innocent at all. After all, this was the Moose "okay..." getting up "I guess I kinda yanked Bull's chain a bit."

"A bit?" from one of his teammates.

"I'll accept my punishment now" lowering his head "Hugo y'need a spotter?"

"You?" he was stunned. He was expecting one of the twirpy baseball players, one of the three or four that were looking at him, looking at his dick! and almost licking their chops. Some guy who would give him a nice jacking like he had done it before, someone real eager to get his hands on some nice jock meat, not like those other twirps he was used to playing games with after dark, giggling and tugging under the blankets. But this huge dude? Hugo almost doubted this hairy bruiser needed to jack his own meat; he must have a line of hot chicks fighting to get at all that hot wrestler muscle. Talk about the last person in the world who would know how to pull a pud! Hugo knew he had made a major miscalculation.

"Easiest four points I could make with my clothes on" Moose's eyes widened "I... er... I mean I can keep - "

"Yes Moose you can" Tyler wiped his forehead.

"Aw...." he heard Bull behind him "and I wanted to see if he had hair on his dick yet. Or even if he had one."

"The answer is no" Moose started leaving his row, turning so he could smile at him "and bigger'n you." This time Bull was too smart to take the bait.

"Doubt it" he hi-fived the guy next to him.

"Gonna find out sooner or later" and he stepped up on the platform, waiting for Hugo to join him.

Hugo stood up again, his hands covering himself. Suddenly he was not so eager to show his crotch to the group. Somehow this thing really backfired on him. He stepped up onto the platform knowing he had to turn and face the music. And damn were his hands sweating!

"Wish we had some resin up here or something" Moose looked around, only finding a towel "Coach we got something to dry his hands?"

"Four points" he shrugged.

"How you know about..." Hugo looked at this big guy a bit surprised "you never did - "

"No but my jack-off buddy did" Moose lied, digging into his pocket. Yes! He still had one of those foil-wrapped towelettes in his pants pocket "use this. Maybe the alcohol might help."

"Fuck will it" hoping the coaches didn't hear. If they did they didn't say anything. He wiped his palms quickly, then blew on them, feeling the liquid evaporate as he did. Yeah, plenty of alcohol there. Not resin but it might help.

"Hey no fair" somebody in the audience yelled, Moose surprised it wasn't Bull "he's using stuff on his hands."

"Nobody said he couldn't" Moose yelled back. Yeah, the coaches were shrugging "here, lemme spot ya" and Moose lifted him up like he weighed nothing, the warm naked flesh against his hands making him real glad he was still dressed. Yeah, that Bull would see how much bigger.

"Five minutes now" Fleicher announced.

"Just relax now" Moose found the jar of the green stuff "this is gonna hurt tomorrow but make this real easy tonight" again waiting for the coaches to say anything "no just close your eyes and pretend it's just you and... your girlfriend" Moose's lubed hand reached out and got a light grip on that cock hanging there "better yet not your girlfriend, just some bimbo you met at a club or something. She and her friend" Moose left the gender unspecified intentionally "invite you to go back to her room, she and her friend wanna do somethin freaky for ya, they wanna give ya a little show."

Hugo was glad he used the grip his did. He knew if he just stayed still, he could hold his weight off the floor for several minutes. Five? Maybe. His arms were strong enough he could pull this off. But that hand on his dick was feeling a whole lot better than he imagined. Hell he never had a hand on his dick that felt like that. Sometimes he liked to use his left hand; it felt so foreign and kinky... and like this. Hugo's dick started telling him this lubed hand had done this before. Then it hit him! This dude messed with guys! And boy did his dick respond to that for no obvious reason.

"What are they doing?" he squeezed his eyes closed "this chick and the guy?"

Moose did not need a picture to see Hugo's brain working.

"She pulls off her bra, yeah big rack nice big firm tits okay? Her nipples big and rosy, then she's pulling off his shirt."

"He big too?" it slipped out. But the hardening dick in his hand did not slip out. It was growing right on command.

"Yeah big chest, big like hers."

"Hairy?" he whispered.

"Yeah he's hairy and she's like shaved everwhere, his hands yanking down her panties and she's smooth, her pussy already wet and throbbing."

"He throbbing too?" Moose got this dude pegged all right.

"Dude he's not only throbbing, he's drippin okay?" their conversation quiet enough only one or two guys with super-hero hearing might pick it up "he's got his fingers up inside that big cunt..."

"He big too?" he was starting to pant. Moose could tell it was from what his hand was doing to his now full hard dick, not from hanging there. The dude was barely breaking a sweat, but man did those muscles look hot all tensed and flexed like that.

"Yeah big muscle dude just like you, big cut dick just like this" a steady faster rhythm going now.

"Uncut" Hugo hissed. Moose just smirked to himself.

"Big uncut dick, dude even shaved his pubes to make it look bigger, big thick foreskin almost covering his head, and when he starts finger-fucking her and she wraps that little hand around that big thick meat on him" jacking harder, knowing this won't last long "making the big head all shiny and red, red as those fingernails on her, he's starting to leak juice he's so turned on by this, he's already gasping, his dick ready to pump out a big wet load on her shaved pussy he don't even think he can get it in there his cock is so big and he's like real close..."

"Real close" Hugo groaned but it was not a question, it was a warning.

"And she's spreading this green stuff all over his cock, making it feel bigger and harder than it ever felt, like every single nerve is on fire he's so turned on, the foreskin yanking back and forth back and forth, then her fingers rubbing his balls, man the dude got these big turkey eggs and those fingers rubbing the skin under his balls, then back between his legs, tickling and rubbing man a nice slim finger then worming into his asshole and" that's all it took and he was shooting out all over Moose's hand, the first glob smearing over his knuckles, but the second a good foot out and down to the platform, Moose continuing the hold until no more came out. He gave it a long slow squeeze, from the base to the head, the last drop hanging at the opening "dude y'can let go now."

"Fuck!" Hugo's eyes opened, realizing what he just did. He looked down at that hand on his dick, the two fingers still smeared with his nasty jizz, then he let go, hoping he would never stop falling. Just go right through the platform, and not stop until he was in hell "I didn't mean..." pulling away from Moose, grabbing at that towel, covering and wiping himself, the stinging much much worse now his dick shot off.

"Three minutes ten" Tyler announced and that was it. Moose was about to go over and get their papers, but Hugo's hand grabbed his arm "god they didn't hear that did they?"

"Not a word."

"Cause if they did..."

"I keep secrets real well" Moose nodded "lots of secrets, got it?"

"Damn" but Hugo knew exactly what he meant. He got back to his seat as fast as he could, trying to get back into his pants but settled for his shirt loose over his crotch instead. Damn, the big hairy ape knew he liked guys! And he might even zip the lip about it. Hugo needed to get him aside fast and find out how much this was going to cost him. Because a big killer like Moose didn't keep "those" kinds of secrets unless it came with a price tag as big as those shoulders. And Hugo dreaded what kind of price tag that might be. He could see Moose snapping his fingers and pointing down, and Hugo would have no choice but to do it! Blackmail and worse! And even worse his dick almost enjoyed that image. He was too distracted he almost didn't see that big paw holding out his paper to him. Hugo grabbed it daring to look at Moose's face, expecting to see the evil grin, and what that meant. Instead Hugo saw something else entirely. Had he more experience with such things, he would have recognized it for... lust.

"Yeah..." Moose heard Bull's voice mutter behind him "the dude can't keep his hands off dick. Know he wants my piece next."

"I'd jack your meat" Moose grunted behind him "like you could hang there five seconds" winking at the big black dude in front of him "and I could find it" but if Bull heard that second part or not Moose no longer cared.

"Won't be your hand" yeah, Bull's voice again "it'd be your ass" but Moose pretended he didn't hear him. Or the thought didn't have a certain fucked-up appeal somehow.

"Anyone else?" Tyler was already getting to the next one.

"Four points right?" John looked at his hands.

"Johnson you crazy?" he heard but did not turn.

"Hell it is four points" John knew he could do it. He could just drop a load and not be tempted to do anything else. Never ever EVER again. As long as he lived, he promised himself. But that hanging there part, that was going to be the worst. Could his big but not muscular arms hold his fat ass that long? Judging by his eternal hardon, they would not have to. Besides, he reminded himself, these dudes already saw him naked and hard and did not run for the doors holding their stomachs making retching sounds. Then there was that guy, the black guy with the broken fly. It had to be broken, why else would his cock be bursting out of it. His hard cock, a voice inside his head reminded him. John wanted to see if he could get that dude hard again. Even if this time he smirked and sneered at John hanging there, what did he have to lose he didn't already with his stunt before. Anything to stop the incessant drumbeat in his dick once and for all.

"I'll do it" he stood up, his hardon already pushing out the front of his pants. Then he saw the problem. Who in their right mind would jack off an idiot like him? "unless..." not daring to look at the group.

"Unless what Johnson?" he heard Morrison boom.

"Naw... it was..." then he heard three magic words.

"I'll do'm" and John looked to see who said that. He almost passed out. It was that big black dude!

"You you don't haveta" John was backpeddling fast "I mean you don't..."

"Why? Don't want no nasty black hands on your white dick?" he challenged him. But the guy wasn't angry, just joking with him.

"Not that... I didn't mean that..."

"Then what is it boy?" John's dick gave a big lurch when it heard that.

"Nothin, I didn't mean nothin."

"So you agree then?" he looked at John, the slightest curl to his lip.

"If you..."

"Yeah I said I would" looking at the coaches "four big fat points right?"

Like my big fat stupid ass, John thought and down came his pants. Yeah he was hard alright. He got up on the platform telling himself: they saw it already! They saw it already! Then something hit him in the leg. At first he thought somebody threw a goddamn condom at him! He reached down and picket it up. Another one of those foil packets like before. He rubbed his palms with it, and yeah they were sticky with sweat. He blew on his hands and looked at Moose "thanks" but the big dude just nodded and smiled. So he didn't look like a complete sack of couch potato John lept up and grabbed the bar, overhand grip just like gym class. Just don't ask my to pull myself up there, he thought, the bar a good mile over his head. Then he felt the greasy hand on his hard dick and almost shot off right there.

"Just relax" the guy purred at him "I'm gonna make this feel real good" the last two words like six syllables each.

"Who are you, I don't even know..."

"Call be Jack" he purred "cause that's what I'm gonna be - "

"That really your name?"

"Shit" he laughed loud "ain't it funny? But yeah" Jack's hand already tingling, never feeling this green jel before "what sadist come up with the shit?" lowering his voice more "some fuckin white nazi?" he felt John tense without lookin up at him "sorry dude, some whiteys make me sick" rubbing his crotch against John's leg "n'some get me real excited you know what I'm sayin?"

"You really were bonin on me before?" barely a whisper.

"That make you freak?"

"Not freak... just I never knew anybody..."

"Bone on your nice dick here?" Jack even had to slow down, knowing this guy was ready. It looked to the crowd like he was really torturing John, making him hang there with little stimulation "this even nicer" and then John felt it. Another greasy hand rubbing his crack. Holy fuck!

"Jack!" John grunted but it wasn't a command. Jack did not think so either. Instead there was a hand moving on John's body hanging there, but it wasn't the one on his front. When the greasy finger found his hole John almost hit the floor like a ten-ton weight. Somehow he held on, his grip not sweaty enough to lose control, that towelette saving his ass. His ass that was now feeling a finger sliding deep inside his crack, then zeroing in on his butthole tight with fear. But that finger and the itching grease with which it was smeared was making short work of any resistance. Then John felt his cock being jacked just the way he would in his bathroom and that finger was inside WAY inside him finding that knob like it belonged there "oh shit!" he said loud enough for too many to hear but no one, not the coaches for sure, said anything.

"Y'like that?" Jack's finger started raping his hole, making John's dick jump like crazy even though his other hand then was doing little more than act like a cockring around the base "cause I sure do" and John knew his fly was definitely broken because he felt the opening press against his calf, and then damn! He was out! He was hard! "feel that? That's how much I really get off on that ass of yours. Tell me you like this!" the finger jabbing him "too!"

"Fuck... fuck... fuck" John was starting to lose his grip. And worse losing the race towards cumming. When he felt that hand stroke the underside of his cock like a slick tongue, his cock bobbed off it "oh fuck yeah."

"Okay just close your eyes and feel this" rubbing the hard head against his leg, hearing the mutterings and comments from the audience. Even if they could not hear him, they could see him! "inside that hot ass of yours" and just like that Jack's hand gave John's dick five quick hard strokes then let go. John felt that finger quivering inside him and then it was all over. He was cumming like a broken fire hydrant, the load he had been building all evening just gushing out of him, Jack's hand providing few soft tugs to his dick, but mainly it was pumping air. John lost his grip and dropped to the floor, another finger entering him as he did.

"You just tell me where and when and it's all yours" Jack gave that ass a quick slap after the invading fingers left. John hoped no one saw where the other hand was, or where that finger - fingers? - had been. He was back in his chair, one of the coaches now piling paper towels in the abandoned seats as soon as they were vacated, knowing they'd need them. But Jack went to find his own, right after collecting their point papers. He brought them over to John as he was wiping his hands. John's eyes darted to Jack's fly, seeing it buttoned closed and working just fine.

"Thanks" he whispered "for all that too."

"Thanks" Jack said back, not whispering. John and a few other guys could not help notice the thing in his pants jump.

"Okay then we can go on to - "

"We finished already?" Klu stood up "cause that sure looked like fun that last time."

"Harrison?" Morrison looked at him.

"Klu c'mon save it" Billy looked over him.

"Easiest four points I gotta do tonight" he looked around "but I'm guessin some of the white boys ain't so eager to be grabbin my black meat."

"Depends what ya got hidden down there" a blond guy stood up "but you're guessin wrong."

"Ain't so easy" Klu held up his hands. Shit he was hopin for one of the fine young brothahs to be playin now. If he wanted some blond dude yanking his meat, he would have Billy there do it. Klu was guessing Billy was sick of playing with his meat by now though. And Billy liked blond dudes. Like that Big Soulchik guy. Like this guy right here in his face "I don't cum at the first grab like these dudes do okay?"

"You're big, you're strong" the guy chuckled, yeah he's big all right. Too big to be a wrestler. More like a big lumbering football player "can you hang on that five minutes?"

"I'm guessin."

"You do your job" he was almost rubbing his hands together "I do mine."

"Sit down Craigers" his buddy tugged at him "you need those mitts for catching tomorrow."

"That's what gloves are for" he looked at Klu "unless you want me to wear my gloves."

"Gloves?" Klu immediately thought of Kroos, the exam, Mannie, the whole nasty shit.

"Catchers gloves, what you think I meant?" seeing a few guys wiggling their fingers in the air "no, nothin like that!" but Craig had that image of bending over an exam table as well, remembering that lubed gloved finger inside him, his cum exploding out of him before he could stop it. That wasn't the worst part. That came later when the other guys on the team let slip they had the same exam. And he was not the only one to slime the sheet below him. After that things just got worse and worse "hell no not that, you guys are sick!"

"Nah, just got good memory is all" his best friend Stan chuckled. The same Stan that ended up repeating the exam on Craig several nights later, to explain to him what he meant. They both shot off three times that night before they fell asleep. Talk about a real bonding experience. But as much as Craig hated to admit it, as much as he and Stan were close buds, they were not close enough for Craig to admit to him what Craig really thought about, what he really fantasized about was doing all those things they did in the dark, not with Stan, but with "Grunt" Jackson, the big black tackle on their football team! He knew he could never admit to anything like that and survive. And now here was this big chunky black dude just looking, just begging for somebody to jerk him off. Craig knew he'd have a real hard time facing his friends for a while but man it was worth the price and then some.

"So I'll spot ya" trying to use a less gay term. Yeah, I'll jack that black tube y'got between your legs, like he would say that out loud.

"You'd really do that?" Stan stopped laughing.

"Four points" he looked at them "and it looks like these wrestler dudes gonna walk away with ALL the points okay?"

"Let'm" Stan's other friend Dave said "after all they are wrestlers" like he was saying, whatdya expect from a bunch of wrestlers. Everyone knows they're all gay already.

"I'm a wrestler" Klu looked at him, not angry but not in any mood to be insulted "y'got a problem with that?"

"Not at all" Craig said. I just wish you played football, he thought "let's do this thing, unless you..."

"I'm down with it" and off came Klu's sleeveless t-shirt. Craig saw that and he looked almost better than that Grunt, more muscle less fat. This dude actually had some hardness beneath all that bulk. When the pants came down Craig was not disappointed. This time he was glad seeing all that uncut cock, knowing that Grunt dude could not be hung like that! And this dude was still soft! Yeah, Craig was rubbing his hands together. They headed for the platform but not until Klu stood in front of Moose, his hand out.

"Whatza matter?" Moose smirked "need busfare homey?"

"C'mon Moose be a pal."

"Y'know y'already in deep to me" Moose pulled out another packet. Yeah he had about ten stuffed in there. Klu tried to snatch it out of his hand but Moose was faster "whatdya think this is worth t'ya Klu?"

"Another trip up my ass?" hell by this point Klu was sick of playing games.

Besides if these dudes were stupid enough to believe him, then he was nuts enough to jerk them around. Yeah he could almost hear that Morrison dude grunting over there, smoke coming out of his ears. Klu just laughed.

"Ain't worth it" Moose chuckled "line's too long" hearing a few shocked gasps and more than a few guys bust out laughing.

"With your pussy splitter" Klu tore open the packet "you go right to the front" looking at the damp towelette like it was nasty "this ain't no condom!"

"Klu! It's -"

"Or ya use them all up plowin yer buddy back there" nodding at Bull, hoping he'd take the bait and get his ass thrown out of there. Klu was an internationally ranked master of getting his, and anyone else's, butt thrown out of any place they could design. When Bull didn't bite he added "that's right, you just like cherry."

"Go do your show Klu" Moose shook his head "before your 'spotter' there realizes that ain't nothin but silicon."

"We ain't all born with it like you dog" Klu chuckled and joined Craig on the platform before he chickened out. But Klu saw that look before. This dude was all about dark meat whether he ever admit it or not "or should I say Bull?" knowing that would set him off. Calling Moose that name was really crossing the line.

"Your friend is dead" Bull leaned forward, his voice low and menacing.

"Nah he always looks like that" Doug came between the two "before he gets some."

Klu rubbed his hands with the towelette then blew them dry. Not like he was sweating up a storm or anything. Hell if this was the nastiest thing he did all night, having this horny white boy pull his meat for him, he would count his blessings. He jumped up and held himself there, his long frame almost down to the floor. He even flexed his feet and felt one big toe just graze it.

"Okay bud, all yours."

Craig looked at all that black flesh, those curly pubes, that long thing hanging there. He thought he might start easy telling himself he didn't want to spook this guy. He heard them announce "five minutes" and reached for the green stuff. Before his fingers started burning, before he lost his nerve he touched Klu's uncut tube like it would bite him.

"Knock yourself out" Klu hissed feeling the wet cool lube on his shaft "touch me anywhere" he lowered his voice "just not the balls."

"Sorry I didn't mean to -"

"Ain't that" Klu murmured low "it's just that shit is NASTY on a guy's balls. It burns like shit" he looked at the coaches, yeah throw my ass out, see if I care "but other than that you can spread that shit anywhere. You know what I mean by anywhere?"

"Y'mean like your chest and...?"

"Ya that stuff on my tits would really turn my crank. And even more than that..."


"Where ya always wanna touch that dude, the bruthah like me ya all boned over?"

"I ain't - I mean... it's just..."

"Don't gotta explain" they were whispering now "besides playing with his black stud dick, ya ever wanna play with his... y'know back there?"

"Fuck..." Craig made sure his back was to the coaches "I mean..."

"Runnin outa time here dude! Y'can touch me anywhere, touch him anywhere, except my balls okay?"

"Fuck..." Craig started a steady tugging on that long cock, feeling Klu's hiss radiating all through his body. When the other fingers went to those big dark nipples Craig realized this guy was not kidding, he loved what Craig were doing to those hard nubs. So much that cock was filling and even lengthening more, Craig getting the hang of the foreskin with Klu's whispered directions. But when Craig's hand went to that big black butt, just "testing the waters" he told himself, the deep sigh that went through all those black muscles told him he was not bullshitting before; he was gonna let him play with his crack. His fingers traced up and down and into the crease, but he dared not go deeper.

"What his name, the dude ya wanna do this to?" Klu closed his eyes. He needed to break down this guy's resistance, they were running out of time.

"I don't know what y'mean..." the hands slowing down.

"That black dude ya wanna get your paws all over, what's him name?"

"G-G-Grunt... "damn he said it! Craig admitted it out loud, not like anyone but this muscled stud hanging here could hear him. Klu thought it was kinda kinky but do-able. He started grunting.

"Like that?"

"No.. I mean... his name... his name is Grunt..."

"Okay stud, Grunt's hanging here all naked and shit, his hands are tied and he can't get loose. The only way to free his big black ass is to run your hands all over his cock and..." Klu caught the look "his horny butt, and make him cum stud! Make Grunt cum like he never did before he felt your hands on him. Do it!" and Craig's hands redoubled their efforts, pulling that meat and getting it hard again, even harder than before. Klu was grunting and rocking, his grip as tight as he could keep it without cramping and falling.

"Play with Grunt's tits now... he loves it when guys pull oh!" Klu was not ready for Craig's brutal rubbing and tugging. Man did he hit a nerve or what! "oh yeah Grunt fucking LOVES that! Pull more, pull on Grunt's black cock now!" and Craig's hand was a blur, it was moving so fast. Man this dude could pull the meat, he must do nothing but practice! "Grunt wants you t'play with his ass now, rub his crack deep!" and that hand was there in that warm, moist crevice, Klu not able to spread as much as he wanted, then he felt it, Craig's tentative finger as his ring "Grunt wants you to lube those fingers real good now and then shove it in! Like it was your cock not a FUCK!" they heard that in the back of the room. Craig's relubed fingers were smearing more and more of the green lube, too much for Klu's taste, all up and down his cock but when that finger just rammed into him he knew the kid's defenses were down and gone "oh YEAH! Grunt is grunting for you now ungh! ungh! ungh!" with each jab of the finger "but he's a strong muthah he wants you to really open him up for your cock so three fingers! Now!" and Craig almost rammed his whole hand up there, his other jacking Klu so fast he almost did not realize it was over. The kid was brutalizing his hole so bad his cock was spasming again and again before he knew he had blown his load all over that white hand. But Klu just grabbed the bar tight, knowing this kid would never have the real thing, and he was more than happy to serve up this substitute.

"Okay Craig you can let go! he came already!" Stan yelled from the chairs. That snapped Craig out of his trance. That and Klu finally letting himself fall to the floor, his ass pulling away from that hand up his butt. Craig caught the roll of paper towels although it appeared they were intended for Klu's head.

"Thanks" Klu slapped Craig on the back "that was awesome."

"Yeah... okay" now that it was over, now that his bone was more noticeable than Craig wanted to admit, he felt a bit freaked "Callou?"

"Klu, call me Klu."

"Please don't tell anybody about..."

"That dude... Grunt?... he here now?" looking around the room.

"Hell no!" Craig's eyes went wide "I mean... not here, in this room..."

"Dude plays football huh?" Klu tried to clean himself, regretting the green stuff on his crotch, and yeah some on his balls. But his ass! Man was that stinging like shit now! "nah not a fuckin word okay?"

"Thanks... bud" again the slam to his back.

"Thanks" and Craig gathered their papers. Hell it was the least a bud could do right? He would have to take that Moose guy aside at some point and ask him if this Clue guy could be trusted. Somehow he hoped the big killer would level with him.

"Something else now okay?" from someone. John turned and it was his roommate with those green eyes, Pat. Like Pat didn't enjoy jacking? Maybe only when it was his own dick, John guessed. What did that Herms kid say about an antidote to this itching? Oh yeah, a dude's cum on his dick. Like that was going to happen.

"Something else?" Callaher looked at Tyler.

"And without that green sh-I mean stuff" John heard himself say that, surprised at his guts. Maybe it was his throbbing cock talking. Well at least his hand was up.

"Very well" Tyler's eyes were going down the list "four points... "a quick conference then he continued "to the person who again achieves orgasm. And another four points to his person who... "a small cough "assists."

"And no green stuff right?" John was acting like it was his neck in the noose, like it was not already too late for him, sitting there with his shirt loosely draped over his midsection, even that too much almost.

"Correct" from Callaher.

Moose was watching the screen, praying they would hurry with the replays. Because up there again as big as a goddamn billboard was Big Hank, and was that his cousin Mort? Wearing a ratty old red singlet? Moose was still a kid when he saw Mort wrestle. Once. He was not that good, more bulk that speed, and maybe that's why Moose always thought of him more as a - he hated to use the word - minnow. So seeing Mort up on the screeen wearing that singlet was so odd and so horny! Moose's long-lost childhood fantasies were right up there! right on the screen! And he was with Big Hank on top of it.

Big Hank pulling his t-shirt over his head, now naked. And then - no Moose closed his eyes! but could still see that close up of Mort's hands tugging the cockring around Big Hank's filling genitals. Moose's dick was so hard it was gonna do something messy in his pants any second. He stood up fast and before anyone could grab him he was on the stage. Anything just so he could turn his back on that screen. But then he heard different voices behind him, he recognized his own. His and Hugo's. They were moving ahead to the replays. Good thing he was standing there, because watching himself jack off that Hugo would not be conducive to maintaining this nasty hardon of his.

"So what, it's the Moose and Moose show?" from Bull "I want my money back" a few guys laughing, one even hi-fiving him.

"Now you realize Muscowski" big Coach Morrison growled "if you cannot find an assistant you will have to sit down."

"C'mon guys!" he looked around. Billy was stirring in his chair as was Hank but Moose could not interpret their movements. It was the longest twenty seconds of Moose's life.

"See? nobody wants to touch that ugly little thing" Bull was not letting him off the hook. Moose knew better than to respond. Moose eventually shrugged and had one foot off the stage when there was a small squeak.

"Can I do it?" and several heads turned. Moose recognized his roommate, Joey? Joel? Moose barely knew him because the guy never said a word to nobody. He was this wrestler, not much bigger than Billy but with big legs.

Moose did not know if they were muscled from running or he was just not in good shape. Not like he ever saw him in anything less than his eternal sweats which he wore the entire time in their room, and Moose did not watch his practices in the afternoon. He seemed like a nice guy, but Moose could not remember more than three words out of his mouth. Moose was guessing he was from the Iowa teams, but Joey was volunteering little history. Moose almost hoped he was not from Iowa, because he would be cruelly eclipsed by his more athletic, more experienced fellow wrestlers. So hearing him utter a full sentence was as big a surprise as what he was offering.

"Joe?" Moose hazarded a guess.

"Joey, yeah."

"C'mon dude we're like roommates okay?"

"That mean I can't?" he looked at Coach Tyler but he shook his head no. Joey saw it as a green light. He got up on the platform as Moose returned with him. They were like Mutt and Jeff, Moose big and brawny, Joe a bit of a runt, both with the same brown hair, except Joey's a bit longer. The only thing bigger on Joey was his nose, and his hands. Moose knew that would come in handy.

"So I have five minutes right?" Joey's jaw was firm, convincing himself he could do this "I gotta jack off Moose in five minutes right?"

"Without the green stuff" Moose wanted to be clean on that.

"It will be difficult to..." Morrison went over to one of the boxes they dragged in before "masturbate Muscowski here, wearing these" and he tossed something shiny and metallic at Moose.

"Handcuffs? I gotta wear handcuffs?" knowing the kinky shit was starting now, no mistake.

"Not you Moose" Morrison delivered the sucker punch "him."

"What?!?!?!" from thirteen directions at once. The only one silent was Joey. Of course.

"The dude's gotta wear handcuffs? Then how's he supposed to..." Moose looked at Tyler then Morrison "you bastards!"

"Watch it Muscowski, easy who you're callin - "

"You set him up! You set US up! He ain't supposed to jack me, y'wanna watch him blow me! Ain't that right? No wonder there's no green shit" looking at Joey "c'mon let's go. This was all a big set-up" and he started to leave the platform "Joey!" Moose was almost back to his chair "what are you waitin for?"

"Four points right?" came that mousey little voice.

"Joey you sayin you'd even do this? Like ya wanna suck me off? Shut up guys!" waving down the various lewd comments he was hearing. And on screen was John from the baseball team hanging there, the big black guy Jack? jacking him like it was milking time at the county fair. Luckily no more Big Hank and Mort, or worse himself and Hugo "these guys ain't kiddin around okay? This ain't a game. They're gonna want to see you with your hands cuffed behind your back, bobbing up and down on my dick!"

"If he can find it" he heard Bull behind him and continued to ignore it. Then he heard an "ow!" when somebody slugged him. He did not want to know who that was.

"Got the picture Joey? Sit down and let some other suckers - I mean - some other guys volunteer because - "

"Moose I'll do it if you will" looking at his fellow Iowans "we need the points. And I ain't gonna sit on my fat ass and let Pat there hog the show right? This is a group thing, we're a team right?"

"C'mon Terrini" Pat had to respond "this ain't your scene. Let somebody... else..."

"Like you?" Joey turned on him "ain't fair to make you do all the sh-I mean stuff. I can do this. It's just once, no biggie."

"Told ya" from Bull.

"Seriously Joey..." Pat started.

"Seriously O'Toole" Joey dug in his heal "I can do this."

"One hand tied behind your back" Moose tried to kid him.

"I guess both huh?" looking at Tyler then where Moose dropped the cuffs. He picked them up and that was it. He was going to do it.

"Five minutes?" Callaher asked Moose "whenever you want to start."

"Damn..." Moose went back on the platform and took them from Joey's hands "last chance, you really serious? Cause once these go on, those boneheads are gonna make you go through with it" Moose heard his voice, seeing the irony of this. He was trying to talk himself out of it as much as Joey now.

Because he knew once there were dicks going in mouths, the rest was not far behind. But little Joey just got to his knees and put his hands behind him, lowering his head "you really sure?" and he nodded. Moose slapped on the cuffs. He heard Klu and Craig behind him knowing what was going on without turning. By the time his pants were down and his barely softening dick was out, the two on screen was grunting like they were going at it like dogs "time!" he yelled at the coaches and Moose's big cock was in Joey's mouth as soon his pants were around his ankles. Joey, for all his meek shyness, was giving the skin and the head a real licking, not inhaling it but trying to figure out what to do with this gigantic thing.

"Kinky bastard shaved" Moose heard Bull all way from where he was sitting.

"Still think he's a micro dick?" his roommate did not dare finish it. Like you?

"Shut up" was his answer. But Bull hated to admit it. That asshole had balls! And the dick to match. If there was one thing that really made him feel outgunned it was someone like that Moose up there. And he was uncut on top of it! Bull hated him but also wished they could swap dicks just for one day. He wanted to see what it felt like to have that swinging between his legs. If he didn't topple over first. And the way he was just giving it to that little punk, not mean, not like the killer he appeared to be, but not gentle either. He made it even nastier by keeping his own hands behind his back, like he didn't need them to grab that punk by the ears and give him a good fucking! What did he just think? He meant sucking, sucking! He meant sucking! Bull watched the chin-up jacking crap on the screen stop and then there was that sex show in the locker room again, and now there was a third guy with them. Bull heard the comments, yeah some of those guys recognized him too, a guy named Joe? Joel? Bull felt it hit him like a sledgehammer. These dudes knew these guys making sex films! That's the only thing to call it. So if they were involved in... holy shit! And the way Moose was really pumping it into that Joey's mouth now was not because they were running out of time; it was because he was perving on that dude on the screen! Bull saw the resemblance, Moose was watching his older brother!

Making sex flicks! Bull was so freaked he almost didn't hear Moose groaning and shouting. But he sure as hell saw that fuckin ape, that big uncut thick lob unloading the last of his jizz on that sick fuck's face. Yeah he shot off all right. Watching his brother! Bull was making mental notes as fast as he could.

"Gimme the key! Now!" Moose barely bothered pulling up his pants before he was at their table. Morrison slapped it down into his palm after a brief stare-down. He was over to Joey so fast he knew it would be a blur on the replay.

"Thanks" Joey felt them tumble off his wrists, rubbing and twisting to get the circulation back.

"No dude thank you" Moose lifted him up and whispered "y'never did that before so why now?"

"How you know - "

"I just know okay?" Moose left him and returned to get their papers. Joey avoided eye contact with him again. Like he didn't all day. Moose looked around at the guys without turning to Bull. He made his point. Man did he ever. There was barely a peep behind him.

"Gentlemen?" Tyler asked without looking up.

"What?" a big blond guy responded.

"Is there anybody else?" but the rows were silent. Not even a squeaky chair, fearing that might be interpreted as something like volunteering. They hoped to ignore the question and that would be it; they would dodge the bullet and this would all be over.

"Very well" Tyler's eyes again running up and down the page like two scared rabbits "next competition. Five points" letting that number sink in.

"Did you say five? Not four?" the blond dude had his hand up.

"For five points" Tyler kept going while he still could get it out "same as before, without handcuffs. And..." letting the pause hang there like a thick cloud "it will be mutual, each person taking one minute shifts. The person to achieve orgasm LAST will receive five points."

"What about the other dude?" same guy, same hand.

"Four points" Tyler let it sink in.

"Five minutes?" again the same as before.

"As long at it takes" Morrison grunted. There was a brief conference "unless after fifteen neither one has won his five points. Then both only get two points."

"What a rip-off!" the blond guy said again "two dudes gotta trade blowjobs and if neither one cums they BOTH lose?"

"Correct" Morrison locked eyes with him "because then we could conclude neither one was..."

"Not really trying, we get it" and the blond got it. He looked at his teammates but they thought he had a screw loose or something.

"I'm talking to you Larry" he looked at his fellow wrestlers Larry Hodgkins, another guy in his two-ten class.

"No you ain't Wilkerson" he tried to shoo that laser stare away like it was a fly buzzing around his head.

"You gonna let those Iowa dudes just walk away with this?"

"Let'm, like we need - "

"Like Coach Morrison been trying to pound into our heads we ain't got the money for next year remember?"

"Hey I didn't write the law" he wished Pete would stop looking at him like that "I didn't invent Title Nine."

"But you gotta, we all gotta live with the consequences remember? And one of them is we need to raise major funds."

"By doing sex shit?"

"I'd rather trade blowjobs with a teammate" looking at a few faces "than a whole lot worse things I can think of."

"Like what?" but it was that big dude, Moose? asking him. He was not sneering or anything. In fact he looked downright concerned.

"I don't know..." Pete looked at the floor "illegal stuff, dangerous stuff."

"Pete you don't think THIS is illegal?" Larry wanted to reach over there and slap some sense into him.

"Doubt if Coach Morrison would be sitting there tellin us to do this if - "

"Wilkerson I ain't telling you to do squat got it?" Morrison shrugged this time. Pete thought he would fly over that table, but the big wide guy just sat there, calm and cool.

"Your friend Peter?" Moose looked at Larry "is right. This could be a whole lot worse, trust me."

"Trust him" Will and a few agreed. They were hoping, praying, Moose would not go into sordid details about all they had been doing, especially that Saturday afternoon.

"Besides" he looked at his team "we're only talkin blowjobs here not - "

"I don't care, count me out" Larry folded his arms over his big pumped chest, hoping that would end the conversation.

"What did you always tell me Hodgkins, about never giving up, never admitting defeat, never letting - "

"Well I'm doing it now... please Pete" he looked around "we're talking about suckin dick here remember?"

"Compared to what we saw already?" his eyes traveled to the screen hearing the surprised comments. There was a very hard Mort applying a butt plug to an even harder Big Hank. Moose was ready for another blow job. Fast! "compared to that? Dude, they're showing movies of guys getting it up the ass! Guys some of these dudes know. Moose right?"


"You know those guys up there don't ya? It even looks like your brother!"

"He ain't my brother he's my - "

"Shut up Moose" Doug came to his rescue. Moose had a lot to hide and now Doug did as well.

"Yeah we know them" Billy's tented pants admitted "we know a lot of guys been made to do a lot of stuff, a lot of SEX stuff okay?" he looked at Pete "we're even sitting here with a whole bunch right now, right?"

"Yeah, we were watching you guys" Pete knew this little wrestler could hang them all if he did not shut up.

"I ain't talkin about tonight" Billy just kept going "see that dude with the plug up there? Y'wanna know why he's doing that shit?" that hot shit, Billy thought "because he was trying to save my ass that night okay? He thought if he made that movie he could keep my ass outa jail. And Moose's and" he looked at guys he knew "a whole list of guys I ain't naming but you know who you are. And you can just imagine the stuff I hadda do" looking at Moose's wide panic "and other guys, to keep stuff like that" pointing at the screen "from hitting the front page of the paper okay?" he glared at Pete next "same as you Pete, same as I guess every single ass in these chairs" looking at the coaches "you guys included. So like Moose says, there's a whole lot worse stuff we could have to do besides trading stupid blow jobs. If you and your buddy Larry wanna cut your losses, here's the time to do it.

Because I got a bad feeling that's next" looking at the screen "so I can't say I'm the best cocksucker" hearing a few coughs "but I'll give it my best shot. Same as you two should do."

"But I ain't a cocksucker" Larry protested.

"Nobody is" Billy countered "but when push comes to shove y'do what y'need to do, right?" and he started peeling off whatever clothes he had left, which weren't many.

"You'd do this wouldn't you?" Billy's roommate Phil, a muscular broad-shouldered black guy built like Will's in-shape baby brother stood up "but you woudn't go down on a black dude would you?"

"If you can go down on a skinny-ass puny little punk like me, you bet I would!"

"See?" Pete turned to Larry "these dudes would really do it!"

"Yeah well they're..." Larry would not throw that word around, not after what he and Pete have been mixing around the past year. But not like this! Not in public! "just nuts!"

"Somebody call my name?" Hank stood up "cause that's my middle name. Nuts" he did not need to look at Jeff to see him standing too.

"What is this?" Bull looked at his guys "some kind of loony bin now?"

"No" Moose looked at him "we ain't bullshittin any more" waving at the coaches "I know I know I'm in trouble for using that word but it's true! No more pretending, no more acting like a bunch of" winking at Jorge "wusses, okay?"

"It's just a blow-job" Phil looked at Billy "it ain't brain surgery."

"In your case it is" his teammate Dick laughed "cause that's where you got your brain."

"You don't?" Pat looked at him.

"Not denyin it."

"Might wanna listen to your friend Pete there" Moose looked at Larry "cause there's a lot harder ways to make five points."

"You so nuts why don't you?" he challenged Moose right back. But Moose looked around finding that familiar face.

"I'm sure you guys seen enough of my micro dick" yeah that was delivered right between Bull's eyes "Joey?"


"Y'think y'could stand any more of my nasty slimy dick?"

"Moose!" Joey could still taste Moose's cum on his tongue "but... but..."

"But what? Yes or no, wanna trade off this time?"

"But that's no fair!" Joey was protesting? "you already came!"

"Then easy four or five points for you right?" Moose saw Bull turning red and sputtering like his fish-lips were not working out of water now "can't say I'm the best cock-sucker" yeah Bull was so red he was turning blue "but I'll make ya cum so hard your toes will fall off" and Bull started coughing so bad Moose was tempted to Heimlich the bastard.

"You ain't serious!"

"You serious enough to suck my puny excuse for a prick, I sure as hell can return the favor" looking at Larry hard "cause that's what FRIENDS DO! Got it?"

"Man..." Larry looked at his buds and swore he heard one say "turn down a blowjob?" before he made his way to the platform, struggling to get out of his clothes as he did. He figured it would look worse being the only one wearing something, the other guys already more naked than not, even those not fighting the effects of that nasy green stuff. He and Moose squared off, not sure which would do what how "Moose?"


"A favor?"

"Just name it okay?" he patted him on the back "besides I think I owe ya at least one at this point."

"You mind doin me first?" Joey whispered "cause..." biting his lip and not wanting to say it.

"Cause if you sucked me first it might look bad if you were already hard when I went down on you right?"

"Shit how'd you..."

Moose just tapped his head "I got the gift" yeah, gift for getting my neck in a sling, my dick not far behind. But seeing Jeff and Hank smiling at each other then at him, Moose knew he had some kind of exhibitionist gene in him, it just took the fiasco at the docs' to bring it out. And there was no turning back now, not that it was dawning on him it was not just him, not just his town, but there were other "Moose"s out there, other Krooses, other wrestling teams and they were all being brought together now. Like a great National Convention or what did they call it? The "Mid America Conference" or something like that? And yeah, they were having amazing training sessions during the day, he was very impressed with the big guns there were calling in, but this stuff at night was not about money; there was something more sinister going on here. Not that the really heavy artillery was being brought out yet, but Moose's radar was on high alert.

"Kinda uncool to suck a dude's dick and yours gets hard doin it, right? Not the show y'wanna give your buds right?"

"But what about...?"

"Me?" Moose chuckled "guys know me would be disappointed if I wasn't boned."

"They know you're...?"

"A bonehead? No kidding."

Billy and his roommate Phil faced each other. This was the first time Billy had seen Phil naked, really seen him, not a quick glance in a steamed mirror in the bathroom or something. His cut dick was not huge like Klu's or Will's but Billy was making a mental note of all those wrinkles. And when those fat balls emptied Billy would be swimming in his jizz, he just knew it.

Next to them Hank and Jeff were having a quiet argument about who would be on their knees first, finally Hank conned Jeff into letting him do the sucking first. Jeff knew that public displays like this were not Hank's forte at all. In fact Hank had been the one to keep their growing relationship secret, well as secret as they could outside their immediate circle of friends. So Jeff was a bit surprised by this, but knew this was not a bad call. If some of their fears and worries about this week were serious, then it was time to hurry the inevitable. Neither one had much time left if they were reading the signs right. Jeff looked behind him at Moose and his new buddy Joey, seeing "that look" in Joey's eyes. He had seen it before on Ern's face. Yeah, Moose had found himself another groupie, someone else who thought worshipping at Moose's feet was the best thing in the world. He was glad it was Moose and not somebody like Terry the Hulk or even that guy, Bull, in the audience. Because Jeff feared how those two would exploit that hero worship and just tear the guy to pieces. Figuratively and literally, once they found out his hero worship had a sexual component to it. Real bad scene to fall into, Jeff thought. But he was so glad it was Moose whom Joey had the nervous crush on; Moose would treat him right.

Then somebody else got on the platform, the blond dude who was asking all the questions before. To make matters worse he was still dressed.

"Yeah Drexel what you want?"

"I want one of my teammates to give it up" he glared at one then each of them in turn "because it's time we come clean here. And I mean cum!"

"Sit down Alex" one of them said, a thin guy who looked like he needed a haircut. Moose did not recognize him so he assumed he was not a wrestler.

"Baseball player?" Moose asked that Craig guy, getting a nod yes "history?" and Craig almost rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna stand here and wait - "

"Then yer gonna be old and gray before -"

"Or I could call in some favors" he looked at one guy with an even bigger gut "Ernie?" Moose's head almost snapped spinning so fast, but it was another Ernie "Chewie?" smaller gut and bigger arms, then the brown-haired guy next to him "do I gotta remind you Greg of - "

"You wouldn't Alex! You promised!"

"Gregory what ya take me for? I thought we were buds! Y'know I'll never mention where those - "

"Drexel DON'T! You - "

"Promised, I know. And you gotta admit I took some major shi- I mean major hits to cover your ass."

"Please Alex, not this okay?"

"Yes Greg, you know you owe me at least this! Count yer blessings I ain't askin for anything worse!"

"What's worse'n suckin off a guy in front of the whole - "

"You really wanna know?" Moose looked at him from the stage "cause all y'gotta do is watch this screen and you'll see how worse it's gonna get okay?" but it was not Big Hank's show up there larger than life, it was Moose's blowjob instead. With many closeups on Joey's handcuffs to underline Moose's comment.

"Look maybe you guys... I mean maybe where you come from tradin blowjobs is normal or... I mean c'mon Alex! You know I ain't... I mean..."

"Greg, you do this and we're even okay? Whatever you still owe I rip up okay?"

"What?" he looked at Alex "say that again."

"You heard me" Alex was trying to look disinterested by this was being handed to him on a platter, all he had to do was get it within reach "do this and we're even, all of it okay?"

"ALL of it?" some of the guys knew Greg was down close to a few thou to this guy. Not that Alex shoved it in his face every chance he got. Some of them were totally shocked he was bringing it up now, like this. Here! And some guys even had side bets on how long Greg would be in debt to Alex, guessing at least ten years. But to hear Alex propose to wipe the slate clean, man this is something he must want real bad. The thought did cross some of their minds. Maybe Alex wanted Greg more than he wanted the points.

If he was willing to erase all those debts, this must be very important to him. Some of the teammates sat there with their faces hanging open, waiting for Greg to breathe.

"All of it" Alex stood like stone "it never gets mentioned again."

"And this never" he looked at his buds "you guys gonna throw this in my face the rest of my life?"

"Sorry Greg" that other Ernie shrugged "we got more important things to worry about. You and Drexel wanna swap dick? Big fu- friggin deal. Just don't try to get us involved okay?"

"Guys?" Greg looked at the rest, but they either looked away or shrugged "Alex?"


"This that important to you?"

"Maybe" Alex did not shrug, he dug his hands into his pockets, his shoulders jutting up, his stomach hanging down "maybe... yeah."


"Just because..." Alex was not breaking eye contact. Greg was getting a weird sinking feeling in his gut. Serves him right for skipping dessert. The more he looked, the more Alex's hands in his pockets were digging around in there. Greg had a hunch if he started peeling off his clothes, those hands would find something down there to tug. So he tugged the bottom of his button-down shirt free of his jeans, seeing Alex's eyes fly to his stomach.

Greg always thought of himself as thin, fit but not muscular like some of the guys. When they would hit the weights, he would run or jump rope or something else. Some of the guys made comments about how could he have those lean muscles if he never worked out. Greg just shrugged and told them they were natural. Even his flat stomach was just standard for him. No sit-ups, no nautilus, just running. And the occasional laps. He could fly around the outfield and run bases and rarely get out of breath, not that he was trying to show off, he just thought everyone was built that way. Except for Alex. Deep down inside he wished he could put on the weight like that guy. And okay a lot of it was around his waist, but he had those big thick legs and shoulders to match. And the way his chest filled out his shirt was something Greg could never do. So if the guys secretly envied him, and his natural fitness, then Greg secretly envied guys like Alex. But when Greg pulled down his pants, and then down came the underwear as well, it wasn't vague envy saw in Alex's eyes; it was horn!

He struggled out of his clothes and jumped up to the stage in a few graceful steps, Alex lumbering behind him. Part of it was trying to keep himself covered, but Greg could see the problem. Yeah Alex called in his debts to get Greg up there for a reason. And that reason was sticking out of his hairy pubes at least six hard inches.

"Anybody else?" Callaher and Tyler asked "last time" looking at his watch "start."

Greg was crouched down, not in a big hurry to suck cock in front of the whole world, but to cover the fact Alex was beyond boned. So when it was Alex that was on his knees first, his fist tight around his own hardon, Greg saw all the puzzle pieces fall into place.

"Why you never say anything dude? I didn't know you were so nuts for a skinny ass punk like me..." he whispered down at Alex's head. Alex's response was to bob harder and faster on Greg's cock, getting it to fill and harden. Greg was too freaked to look at anything other than the top of that blond head, seeing those large shoulders getting blotchy and reddening.

"And gentlemen" Tyler coughed "leave it... alone when you're..."

"He means no jackin your meat" Morrison finished as Tyler sputtered to a stall.

Alex's hands came off his iron rod and started rubbing up and down Greg's thighs. He could feel that thin uncut cock lengthening, not knowing how much more his throat could take. But the damn thing just kept growing and growing! Fuck, I don't gotta worry about not gettin him up, Alex thought, now what do I do? I never had a dick in my mouth like this! What do I do with it? He brought one hand around the base, and even then it was too much. Even with both hands encircling it, there had to be another...

"And no jackin the other guy either" Morrison must have been watching Alex "or more handcuffs come out."

"One minute. Next turn" from Tyler, recovering his voice.

Greg groaned as his hard wet cock came free of that hot mouth. Nobody had ever succeeded in deep throating him before. His girlfriend tried once and that was it. But Greg knew Alex had made it as far as putting his lips around the pointed head, but no one would ever know about that. So when Alex stood there and all but begged him to do this, he wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake some sense into him. Did he really want the whole team to know the two had let some sleep-overs get a bit "physical". And Greg was the instigator not the other way around. In fact Alex always made a point of ignoring everything the next morning. So this major shocker tonight was not something Greg could process; but seeing that hardon in Alex's pants, man that he was processing. So all these times Greg "seduced" Alex in his back-handed way, Alex was not minding it at all. So Greg's mouth was on Alex's hard cock for the first time on that platform, never daring to do anything but tug that thick-necked cock with the weird crooked head, his hand barely getting around it before Alex grunted and lunged and messed his sheets. Once Greg figured out how to bend that head past his tongue it was almost a race. Man but Alex was pumping into him like he wanted to blow any second. If Greg only knew Alex had been wanting a mouth on his dick all this time, he would have risked this months ago. But Greg recognized that wimpering and that spasming of his hips; his buddy was going to let it go and fast.

"Easy bud..." Greg came off that dick and breathing heavy. Not that he was so out of breath. But kneeling there and sucking Alex - finally sucking Alex - was making his heart banging so loud he thought the coaches would blow the whistle on him "relax... I wanna make this - "

"You're doin it... bud" Alex stood there, not knowing if he could last. He felt that amazing mouth on his cock again and then his balls started writhing and he knew it was going to happen. Just when he started going for broke he heard the coach tell them to switch. Another ten seconds and it would have been over.

Moose was standing watching those two trading blowjobs like their lives depended on it. He was not sure which one was more horned up, the blond dude getting off on his slim bud's dick, or his friend eating the blond guy like it was his last meal. He was letting Joey go to town on his thick lob for the second time, toying with him when it was Moose's turn on his knees gobbling his very handsome dick. At first it was difficult to get Joey hard, the poor guy so frightened to be naked and in physical contact with his great big hairy hero. Moose's first guess was Joey's shyness on that "platform of doom" as somebody called it, was having to do "it" in front of his friends. But when Moose's hands on Joey's shoulders almost caused him to topple backwards, his face almost blue, he figured out Joey was not worried about the guys; he was worried about Moose.

"Relax okay? I'm gonna make you cum buckets!" Moose muttered down at him during Joey's first turn. When they switched and Moose took his first turn, Joey was so tense he was sweating bullets.

"I'm sorry" he kept repeating over and over as Moose went to work.

"Relax and enjoy okay?" and Moose's mouth was back on it. He was going a good thirty seconds and not getting any response "let it happen stud" Moose groaned, his lips tickling the head "fill my mouth with your stud cream, you are so fuckin hot!" and that did it. Moose plunged down again and by the time Moose was back on his feet Joey was not so much hard as threatening to do just what Moose asked.

"Daaaaaamn" Joey was back on his knees "I almost..."

"You wanna blow next time?" Moose had the hands back on Joey's shoulder "you tell me and I'll do whatever you want okay?" hearing a questioning hhmmmmggg? around his dick "y'wanna blow just grab my ears, y'wanna make it last, grab my shoulders, got it? But I could suck that hot cock all night okay?" and boy did that head start bobbing on Moose's cock fast.

Behind Moose Hank was again on his knees in front of his lover Jeff. He was almost laughing around Jeff's hard uncut cock, his own deflating fast now that Jeff's mouth was no longer licking and suckin his cut dick. Maybe it was the goofy looks Jeff kept giving him, that cross-eyed look with his mouth full of Hank's dick was not the most arousing thing he ever saw. Jeff was up to something and Hank was enjoying letting his best friend, his only lover, take the lead for a change. Usually it was Hank guiding the situation, using his one year advantage and then some. But kneeing in front of that smooth muscled stud was his total focus; the hot sweaty dudes on either side of him just so much additional window dressing as far as he was concerned. He was doing what he could to keep Jeff hard and wanting to fill him with that sweet cum, something they would have done last night but somehow they were assigned different rooms. The same floor and only a few doors apart, but still they could not sleep together as they had Monday. Not that they didn't spend most of the evening wearing a path between their rooms as had most of the floor. But all the frustration of not having that body next to him last night was going into the hard and fast sucking Hank was giving him. And the way Jeff was giving those little grunts and groans told Hank he had missed their night together as much if not more. When the moans stopped and Jeff held his breath, Hank knew he could go any time.

"Now?" Hank moaned around the head, hearing a "unh-unh" above him which he interpreted as a no! Hank slowed the motion and loosened the friction, teasing and licking until they heard "switch!"

Billy got back to his feet a bit light-headed and sore. The first time he went down on this dude was amazing, but this second time was almost enough to made his dick throb and leak without touching it. He got yelled at the first time and would not jeopardize their chances again, as much as he wanted to cover this hot dude's foot with his cream, knowing it would look amazing splattered all over those huge black toes. And even more amazing on the big screen. He had dropped to his knees first, making sure his roommate Phil got the idea Billy thought having that black cock in his mouth was not nasty in the least but very very hot. When Billy's mouth and tongue started torturing Phil's crown he knew he was driving him crazy, the head filling and swelling with the thought Phil could have had this last night if he just had the balls to ask. And then those balls got a major working when that cock was hard and shiny just as the coach called the first switch. Billy knew Phil was not as eager to kneel with his mouth full of dick so having his pole hard and on display was the least Billy could do. The first time Phil tried to negotiate Billy's already hard cock he coughed and jerked away; this second time he was breathing and sliding his tongue better. Billy made sure Phil knew that grunting meant he was getting close, feeling Phil's mouth back away with that thought. The tenseness in his throat and neck told Billy he was not looking forward to Billy's slime in his mouth. Billy made sure every third thrust went against Phil's cheek, signaling where his white load would land. If Billy could not mess one of those big muscled feet, then Phil's muscular cheek would do just as well. Billy did not know if he could complete his second turn, his orgasm was coming up that fast. Because if there was something Billy loved it was some hot dude blowing him. Almost as much as he loved blowing the dude first.

So when Phil got his third turn to stand and watch this kinda cute guy go to town on his long sensitive dick he started thrusting and moaning, warning Billy he was close. Even when he pulled away and rubbed it on Billy's check, their agreed signal, Billy's hand pulled it back in his mouth, his wet hand massaging Phil's even more sensitive balls. Phil grabbed Billy's ears,

"Dude pull away cause here it comes!" and Phil's balls started emptying, he could not stop if he tried. When he felt his cum flying out his dick he knew Billy had to yank away, but his dick kept slamming deep into Billy's throat now, lost in the overwhelming sensation. But Billy just grabbed that butt and pulled him deeper into his throat, swallowing and gagging in turn. By the time his stomach adjusted to all of Phil's load and he heard another "switch!" Phil was pulling him up by his armpits, their pounding chests pressed together. Billy had a sudden fear the guy would kiss him he was so stunned by this blow job, but he hugged him hard then dropped to his knees. This time Billy went for broke and rammed his cock into that inexperienced mouth until he felt himself start to explode, barely getting his cock out in time. And Billy swore Phil was almost reluctant about wasting that jizz on his face.

The second time Hank felt Jeff's mouth on his hardening dick he knew would be the last for this event. The bastard had been playing with him, knowing he could cum in seconds if allowed. So Jeff just tortured him the first time, but this time he was sucking in earnest. When he felt Hank start the soft whimpers Jeff pulled off the cut head and started rubbing his lips against the underside, watching it erupt down on his shoulder and then the floor. He did it intentionally, making sure Hank's cock was pointing at the audience and the cameras for full effect. Once they saw his cream Jeff plunged his mouth back onto Hank's sensitive cock and even deep throating it, knowing Hank would go nuts with that. The coaches' "switch" was almost a blessing, Hank pulling out and dropping to his knees like it was a reprieve from that torture. Yeah, Jeff had been yanking him the whole time because as soon as Hank was playing with the skin, licking and tugging it back and forth, he had Jeff's hips bucking in those familiar rapid spasms. But Hank could play wicked as well. He kept Jeff on the edge until he heard "switch!" and pulled off just as Jeff started blowing, his shots landing on the same spots where Hank's leaking softening dick had messed the floor beneath him.

If Jeff had been torturing Hank, then what Moose was doing to Joey was just plain wicked! Twice he had him right on the edge of losing it, then his mouth was on Joey's balls and Joey could do nothing to bring himself off. After the third time Moose took pity on him, in part because Moose suspected this guy might be able to suck another load from him. So Moose made Joey kneel, his cock even leaking a bead or two of cum, and then it happened! Joey's mouth started filling with something hot and sticky, Moose's cock just pressing into him, throbbing and blowing his load. When Joey realized what was happening his cock exploded as well, his hips thrusting his cock against Moose's hairy leg before he realized what he was doing. As Moose tugged him up into his big strong arms he started laughing,

"We came together, let them figure it out" and Joey was laughing as well. He hoped the way he twisted his face behind Moose's thick neck the camera did not see him kiss Moose below his ear. But boy did Moose feel it! The way he growled Joey knew they heard it blocks away.

Alex felt his cock getting ready to erupt and hearing all those dudes behind him losing their loads was not helping things at all. He was begging Greg to slow down,

"Please no, stop! I don't wanna.." wimpering and squeezing every muscle in his crotch, hoping one of them would keep his cum from shooting out of dick.

"You just don't want me to get the fiver" Greg laughed, his tongue running around the crease of the flaired head, driving him nuts.

"No I wanna..." whispering and groaning "do you again..."

"You said that last time" Greg whispered back "we're outa time, and..." somehow talking with a mouthful of Alex "I'll swallow..." like it was a proposal of marriage.

"If you cum in me first" Alex looked down at him "you can do anything tonight" and that stunned him so much his head stopped moving. Alex won! When he heard switch he went down to his knees, taking as much of that garden hose down his throat as he could. Alex knew it wasn't his skills at cocksucking that brought Greg off, it must have been that promise that made that long amazing dick start pumping its load deep into him. Even after he gagged and lost some down his chin Alex did not stop. Even when they called "switch!" and Greg had to yank him hard off that cock and back to his feet Alex's mouth did not want to leave that cock. He heard the comments and worse from the guys but it was past that point now. He was just running that taste around in his mouth, something warm on his cock again and before he knew it something was happening down there. He heard somebody in the crowd say "cum" before he realized it was him, his cock was pumping out his jizz, but all he could see was his face smashed into those hairy pubes, his nose filled with the scent of Greg's crotch. His own orgasm paled by comparison.

Greg and Alex were the last ones off the platform, the last to grab their paper towels, the last to claim their papers. Alex was never so glad to get the second-highest number, not sure if he really planned it that way or not.

A part of him was hoping for another event, another task which might cause his cock to find its way into Greg's mouth or vice versa. But he heard those comments about "the other thing" not sure if he could do that with Greg. Maybe but not like this, not in a fishbowl with all the guys leering and snearing. But there was that idea now, and it was not going away.

"Gentlemen thank you" Callaher watched the guys take their seats. But very few were watching the naked guys, some struggling into their clothes, some content to throw a t-shirt or so over their crotch and be done with it. Most eyes were on the screen again, some gasping, some making obscene mutterings. But no one was laughing. Like Billy and Moose and a few others, they recognized Joel with Big Hank in that stage shower, watching with lust and fear as Joel started to clean Big Hank after an omitted section of the film. But the more they watched, the more it looked like Big Hank was trying to get that green stuff out of his butt, and Joel was only too willing to help. When his hands were replaced by his hard cock, and everyone watched Big Hank on the receiving end of Joel's thrusts, there was a wide spectrum of responses. Billy and Moose and the others had a hunch what had happened that night based on Big Hank's violent interrogation of Joel that afternoon poolside. But hearing it and witnessing it were two different things. As much as the guys wanted to find Joel and beat the crap out of him all over again, their dicks were responding to the shower room fuck, much as the film intended.

"Now..." Callaher continued "due to lateness of the hour, and after all you are all still in training - "

"Some training!" a voice or two called out.

"-and therefore we will finish with one last competition. Five points" the guys knew it was going to be another full-bore sexual event "to both entrants. Again each will take turns TWO minutes each this time, total five turns each..."

"Doing what?" only Pat had the nerve to ask. Most guys had a terrible hunch.

"As you see on the screen" Callaher answered calmly, looking up and meeting their eyes without blinking "without orgasm. But you will take turns penetrating each other. Anally."

That set off another riot, more subdued and quieter than the last, but a riot just the same. They could see full well what Joel was doing to Big Hank, and then it was Big Hank fucking Joel, neither one of them looking too upset with being forced to do this with the cameras - several cameras! - in their faces. Billy had heard Big Hank was on the grounds somewhere; this made him want to find him right away. And as soon as he submitted to the interrogation Billy was preparing, he would be submitting to a lot more. Moose was having the same thoughts, but his interrogation was going to be more thorough than what Billy was devising.

"Five points right?" Pat looked at some of his friends, as well as his new roommates.

"Not for a thousand!" from several guys, loudest of which was Bull "right?" he slugged Moose's shoulder expecting to start a fight.

"Make it ten and we'll think about it" Moose said over his shoulder. He knew the big lug was trying to mix it up, and he suspected why. If the two of them got their asses tossed out of there, one of Bull's main competitors would be off his list. Moose would not give him the pleasure.

"You ain't serious!" but Moose heard the tone shift.

"I've done worse" he spun around and locked eyes with Bull. Bull jerked back like Moose hit him with solid punch to his nose "so yeah."

"C'mon Mark - I mean Moose" Bull looked totally freaked "no more fuckin around. We're talkin serious shit here now" lowering his voice, knowing his buds were hanging on ever word "trading blowjobs... well y'know that shit happens" glaring at one or two of the guys "but real out-and-out buttfucking? That's as nasty as it gets!"

"Trust me Bull" Moose did not blink "I've seen much worse!"

"Where? Who?" Bull was hooked.

"I'll tell ya sometime but not here, okay?"

"You serious? You ain't bullshittin?"

"He ain't bullshittin" Doug came between them "and I seen it too. But seeing Big Hank and Joel up there - "

"Yeah we know them" Moose continued. He hoped Bull could not hear the strong emotions in his voice.

"And you were there in that shower room?"

"It ain't a real shower" Doug saw Moose hesitate "it's a set okay? They use it to make movies, sex movies okay?"

"Like sex orgies with chicks and - "

"Maybe, probably" Moose shot a look at Doug.

"You guys?" Bull was almost drooling "you guys make sex flicks?" and heard the silence. Yeah, they did "not like..." he was not smirking, he was too bug-eyed for that "not like each other right?"

"Fuck no" Doug knew he was close to the truth "but..."

"Look Bull" Moose turned his back "that's why two dudes drilling each other ain't the worst y'gotta worry about now okay?"

"But this it the last we gotta do right?" Bull's teammate Lou looked at Moose, like Moose was the ringleader or something.

"Dude you already posed with a hardon" Moose smiled "you give a hot show like that, this should be falling off a log for you."

"Log is right" the other guy Lennie chuckled, getting a punch for his efforts.

"Lou, Lennie don't be sticking it in their business unless you want it cut off" another of their teammates growled at them, a chunky black guy, more football material than wrestling. But the two shut up.

"Ten points?" Lou asked the coaches "I... er... I'm just askin okay?"

"The points were set at five... each" Callaher looked at Lou "are you?"

"ME?!?!!" he almost squeaked "hell no! I was just..."

"Curious is all" Moose came to his rescue.

"I'd do it for ten" Klu chuckled to himself, getting a punch from Will and his roomate Jack simultaneously.

"Gentlemen it is for five each" he glared at the group. After a great deal of grumbling and chairs scraping on the floor their was total silence. It happened. There were no volunteers, nobody stupid enough to put their neck in that noose.

"Need I remind you this is totally voluntary" Callaher narrowed his eyes, looking at several in particular "voluntary" he almost spelled the word for them "and your voluntary involvement guarantees our hosts will continue..."

"No takers" Bennie from the baseball team said to himself, but they all heard him.

"Very well..." Callaher looked at the other coaches "I guess we have no choice" making a few scratches on the papers "then..." clearing his throat "Clarence for TEN points."

"What?" Klu jumped up "what?"

"His name is Klu" Will came to his defense "and even for a hundred he ain't- "

"Chill cuz" Klu stood there "you serious? Ten suckers?"

"Yes ten... points" Callaher looked at him "Klu."

"Now we're gettin somewhere" Klu smirked at the other guys "bustin yer asses for that one-point shi-I mean stuff! I can get me ten points all at once!"

"T'get buttfucked?" Lou was flabbergasted "you totally nuts?"

"Totally" Klu looked at his buds "don't believe me, ask these dogs. They tell ya I do all SORTS of crazy shi- I mean stuff."

"But Klu! You already..." Craig from before stood up "y'know I already..."

"Ya Craig y'got a load from me" he smiled his best arrogant smirk "but I'm good for at least one more."

"You do not..." Tyler's voice cracked "I mean..."

"Klu you ain't listenin!" Morrison came to Tyler's rescue "you two trade off slammin each other's hole, and NO cummin you got it?"

"Aw...." Klu pretended to be disappointed "all that screwin for nuthin?"

"Five turns each, two minutes at a time" Callaher was beet red "and no orgasms we clear on that?"

"Seems a waste..." Klu shrugged "but ten points each guy right?"

"Very well" Callaher conceded "yes, twenty total IF!" he looked at Klu "only if you both comply with the requirements."

"He fucks me" rolling his eyes "hey, that's what we're talkin about here right? for two big fat minutes, then I do him for another two, back and forth, til we each plowed the other dude total of five times right?"

"Yes" Tyler did not look up.

"If this is the worst I gotta do, then..." Klu looked at the various concerned and shocked faces "yeah okay, bring it on."

"Klu really this ain't no damn joke!" Will did not want him to do it. Because if he did, then Will would look at guilty as Klu, guilt by association. And he had some shread of reputation left "sit down okay?"

"And let one of these dogs get my ten points? Now that IS crazy!"

"Klu this ain't the time" Moose tried.

"Sure as fuck looks like it" hoping they'd throw his butt out and that would end this "cause if not now when? The whole thing's blowing up around our heads, hell you saw what happened at the other place? Electrical problems my ass! If it was just that one fuckin buildin then why we gotta drive all this ways to this place? We're like in bumfuck Alaska now or somethin!" daring the coaches to contradict him. They sat there staring like statues "see? No I'm thinkin right here right now, no more playactin! Shit you saw Mort and Soulman up there!"

"Soulman?" some of the baseball players got that part. They knew the name and the reputation and then they started to connect the dots. That was THE Soulman we're seeing up there? Holy shit! No wonder these wrestlers were reacting like that! The Soulman doing sex movies? With guys? With Joel from the g.d. minnows?

"Yeah, the same. Got it?" Klu stood there, dropping whatever he was holding in front of his crotch, letting them take it all in "so yeah I'll do it."

"By yourself?" his roommate Jack shook his head "not like I'm volunteering!"

"Fuck no" baiting the coaches, knowing sooner or later they'd toss his ass for swearing "but somebody! C'mon guys!" and everyone either turned away or waved him to take a hike. Klu stuck his neck out and now he was out on a limb. And he could hear wood cracking "GUYS!" but nobody dared. If Klu wanted to advertise his willingness to take it up the ass, then fine, his funeral. Nobody else, not even guys like Moose or Pat or Tyler or Tim, guys who knew what Moose meant by "a lot worse!" from previous exams, previous ordeals, none of them would pull Klu's ass away from the brink. He was alone and fucked.

"So Mister Harrison" both Klu and Will spun around at Morrison's voice "we seem to have a slight problem here it looks to me..."

"Okay these dudes are right" Klu sat down "I change my mind okay?"

"But five seconds ago you were willing to... you had agreed right?"

"Yeah but..." looking at Moose "I sure as hell can't fuck myself" seeing Moose turn bright crimson, hearing a few gasps and not as many laughs as he had planned. Yeah he was totally screwed now "I mean..."

"Yes Mister Harrison" Morrison cracked a small deadly smile "I knew exactly what you mean. So..." he looked around the room "none of you dogs gonna volunteer to help Mister Harrison out here right?" most faces looking away fast "of course I could assign one of you dogs ain't even got your first point yet - "

"You said it was voluntary!" Bennie yelled from his chair, otherwise not moving a muscle.

"It was, it is" Morrison chewed his lip "so what to do, what to do, what to do" rolling his pen around in his fingers, sweat rolling down his dark forehead "any ideas?" but he didn't look at the guys, he looked at the fellow coaches "Tyler?"

"N-n-no..." was all he said.

"Fleicher?" Morrison looked at him.

"I already..." he looked at Mike in the audience "we already... what about you Morrison?"

"We need Harrison able to wrestle" he smirked "I do this, he's in the hospital for sure. That leaves you Callaher."

"You're joking right?" he sat there, and if his face was red before, now it looked almost purple "you ain't serious!"

"Your call..." Morrison continued to roll the pen around in his fingers "I can't make you do anything..." he lowered his voice to the lethal range "again."

"What?" Callaher lept to his feet, the folding chair flying at least ten feet behind him "what?"

"You heard me" Morrison scrutinized the pen "but this is probably something you want to 'volunteer' for unless..."

"You would not DARE!"

"They probably would not understand some of those pics, not know it was all - "

"Shut UP!"

"You never actually forced those girls to - "

"I said SHUT UP!"

"So like I said... your call... all voluntary like..."

"Damn you..." he swore under his breath, standing there his fists clenching and unclenching like mad "damn all of you..."


"Fuck..." Callaher did not bother with the chair, did not bother looking at his fellow coaches, he just walked up the platform and stood there, arms folding and his face red with rage. Klu saw that and knew the whole thing just blew up in his face. When he heard some of the baseball dudes muttering "coach? coach? our coach?" he had the idea this was a real eye-opener for them. If it had been his coach, Coach O'Connell, it would not have been any surprise, not after all that had happened so far. But O'Connell was not here. Instead it was this tall thin red-haired dude, looking like he could be Ern's dad or something. He was not an old dude, maybe in his late thirties, in good shape and everything but another damn albino! Klu looked at Moose, then the jar of green jel waiting for him like it was smiling at him or shit, then stepped back up on that platform.

"Hey wait!" Minnesota Jim yelled "he can't get points for this can he? He's a damn coach!"

"Damn coach?" Callaher glared at him.

"I mean... c'mon you don't get ten points for this! How?"

"No he doesn't" Tyler looked at the group "he is doing this only..."

"To keep his ass out of a sling" Bull leaned forward towards Moose "just like we all are, right?"

"You're learnin" Moose leaned back.

"I'm big but I ain't dumb" Bull chuckled. Because that is exactly what he was.

"Never said y'were dumb" Moose turned his head "just got a chip on that shoulder big as..."

"Your dick!" Lou chuckled, slapping Bull next to him. They both saw Bull's friend Doug turn, expecting trouble "well it's true."

"Don't let'm get under your skin" Lou punched Bull again "Bull here ain't all bad once y'get to know him."

"Sorry I ain't got that long" Moose turned forward again.

"Now who's the slow learner?" Bull leaned forward, his face almost on Moose's back, hoping that would spook him.

"Depends on the teacher" Moose leaned back and sure enough, banged into Bull's face.

"That a challenge?"

"Big and... smart" Moose leaned away from that hot breath on his neck. Because it seemed that tall baseball coach Callaher was going to do it! He and Klu were going to do the nasty right here and right now. And yeah he saw a resemblance to a certain face he saw that afternoon on the conference call. If he was shocked to see and talk with Ern, Ern was even more shocked. Moose had never seen him like that, even that weekend when all hell broke loose, or even the weekend the two decided it might happen between them, all their hidden fantasies exploding out of them like cans of toy worms. Ern would not explain what the problem was, only his parents were okay and they were heading for some place in Canada, no his dad's idea, something about his new job, and Ern would get in touch with him tomorrow, not to worry. Of course Moose worried, but all these evening's activities were keeping him distracted like it was all planned or something. All these distractions, all these events, everything designed like so many parlor games to keep the little children from seeing the wolves at the door. Like keeping the refugees busy playing cards so they did not think about the hurricane blowing outside. Yeah lots and lots of endless distractions.

So when that Callaher dude pulled off his shirt, Moose was right back to seeing Ern and Ern's dad, not literally, but damn near. Where Ern was smooth, this dude had just a bit of that reddish hair on his pecs, darker than on his head, but still red. And yeah, Ern got his freckles from this guy. Moose pinched himself. This was NOT Ern's dad, but the thought was planted now. He had a hunch this dude would be hung just like Ern's dad would be. He saw Ern's cock up there and added a few years. And a few inches.

When Callaher stepped out of his pants and print boxers, Moose definitely saw Ern's dad. Hell he was even cut like Ern. But he should have added more than a few inches. Yeah Callaher's cock was hanging way past those bright red balls covered with that same reddish-brown hair. Except for those few scattered on his pecs and that thick bush, the guy was almost hairless. Except for his forearms and legs but that was not where Moose was staring. He and Klu - and probably the whole room - were watching what Klu was going to have to negotiate now. Moose almost hoped Klu and his uncle Bo were doing the deed like he heard, because Klu sure as hell needed to be stretched out if he was going to handle that! And Callaher was not even hard yet!

"Fuck..." Klu looked at that long pink tube "that thing real?"

"Afraid so" he could see Klu's thickened cock deflating fast "c'mon Harrison - "

"Klu, call me Klu."

"Tell'm you changed your mind" he looked at their fronts "tell'm to forget it okay?"

"Y'ever..." Klu did not know if he could take that inside him "I'mean y'ever do this before?"

"Fuck?" he lowered his voice, trying not to look at all those faces looking at him, or rather looking at his crotch "hell yeah!"

"I mean..." Klu whispered "I mean up a dude's butt."

"Hell no!" he said too loud "you think I'm some - "

"Then I better show ya" Klu looked around for the gel "you know about this shit?"

"Yeah..." seeing Klu's eyes go wide "don't ask okay?"

"Y'had it on yer dick before?"

"Yeah..." he closed his eyes and felt it there again. Klu started to rub his lubed hand the length of Callaher's cock, knowing it would start swelling in no time. Klu had barely lubed the head as well, smearing some into his own hole in the process, before that long pale tube was sticking straight out of Callaher's flame pubes, at least as long as anything Klu had ever seen before, big as Bo's but mercifully not as thick. Except for that bright red head.

"Now or never stud" Klu got down on his hands and knees, offering his big black ass for Callaher to fuck. A real guy's ass for that hard cock to enter. The coach crouched down behind him, not sure how to do this. It was one thing fucking his teenaged female students, but this was a dude! Then he felt Klu's hand grab it and direct it between those red-hot glutes of his. As soon as Callaher felt the heat against his sensitive stinging head, the sticky hand directing him to a wrinkled pucker somewhere between those big globes, his cockhead pressed forward.

"Fuck, easy!" Klu winced, the pain of that big head more than he expected.

"I'm sorry, this must hurt like hell!" he leaned back, letting Klu catch his breath.

"Just go slow okay dude? That monster got a big head on it okay?" Klu leaned back and grabbed it again. This time he knew what to expect as his hand pulled that length of cock into his hole again. With a great deal of grunting and squeezing he pushed back on it, and his hole widened as much as it could. Damn, this dude thicker than Bo? Maybe because he was not ready for it. But with a hard painful shove the head shot past the ring and he was in. A good three inches of it pressed deep into Klu, the worse over.

"Fuck you're tight" Callaher was breathing heavily "this must hurt like hell."

"Some..." Klu was just getting used to the pain when he heard a distant voice yell, switch!

"Damn!" Callaher pulled the head out of that hot tingling hole, a sensation he had never experienced before. Some of those fourteen year old virgins were not this tight! And with all their screaming and whining, this dude was a much better fuck, no question. But then the bolt of lightning hit him! He had to bend over for the kid's black dick now! He never even had a finger up his shithole before "I don't think I can..."

"Relax dude" Klu staggered to his feet, crouching to get his balance "lemme do this for ya."

"No I don't think I can... it won't fit" he was sweating bad, knowing his cock was deflating like crazy with the fear "I never, before, it'll split me..."

"Relax" Klu got him on his hands and knees "just relax and breathe" and a great big glob of the green lube and rubbed it up and down that pink crack. When he found the hole Callaher hissed and bucked "relax let it happen, let my big fat finger... in" and he rubbed it around the puckered flesh and then slid it in. Callaher pinched down so hard Klu thought he would break it off "relax! relax your butt and squeeze out!"

"But that's nasty!" Callaher knew it would feel like he was taking a dump.

"That's what ya gotta do" Klu's finger slid out and then pressed in again "or my dick's gonna rip ya open okay?"

"I don't think I can" Callaher groaned.

"Big strong stud like you?" Klu felt the ring relax a bit "shit, a little punk like me can, a big strong adult like you sure as fuck can..." and Klu's finger was in all the way. He managed to force more and more of the gel inside the hole, even getting a second and finally a third in. But Callaher was whimpering and writhing.

"Damn damn... that shit inside me is burning me up!"

"Feels good don't it?" Klu's three fingers were spreading the hole wider and wider "at first it's like a red-hot poker in there, then this" finding the hard, very very had knob inside him "this feels just awesome right?"

"Fuck what are you - "

"Prostate man! Don't they tell you dudes about that?"

"That's it? God that feels!"

"Awesome right? Klu was glad for the long preliminaries because it was taking that long to get his dick to recover from that mushroom head invading his hole. When he was good and hard again he yelled over his shoulders "two minutes, now!" and brought the head to the super-stretched hole and pressed in! Callaher clamped down and yelled,

"No stop!" knowing he was allowing a dick, a teenage black dick to invade his asshole! In front of everyone! His hole tightened with the realization of what he was doing.

"Relax, breath, squeeze out" Klu left the sensitive head just inside the ring, hoping this dude would relax some time soon. When he felt the ass below him stop shaking he pushed in. Man did that get a scream from the guy.

"No stop! I can't take it!"

"Relax and breathe, relax and breathe" Klu's hand went around the coach's slim waist and found that hose hanging down almost to his knees. He started a slow slippery tug up and down on those eight-plus inches, feeling it regain some of its rubbery hardness. Another inch or two of Klu's dick inched into him.

"Switch!" and Klu carefully pulled out, a sharp gasp from Callaher as his ring felt that head pop out. By the time Klu was back on his knees, Callaher's cock was hard enough to push that head past the ring again. Klu gasped and felt forward, his head on the floor as half of that cock slid into him, the angle and the gel making it impossible for Klu to prevent it. He reached beneath himself to massage his burning cock, but then felt the coach's hand replacing his.

"Fuck lemme..." Callaher was panting over his, his sweaty chest pressed against Klu's wide back "damn that feels..."

"Fuckin a tight wrestler butt, yeah, fuck me, fuck my big black ass!"

Hearing that, realizing that is exactly what he was doing, something inside Callaher's brain just short-circuited. He plunged his cock even deeper into the hottest tightest, most burning and itching hole he ever felt and then he was all the way in! Those girls could not take all of him, hell even his wife "suffered" him to do it, but here was this big black kid taking all of his cock inside his ass! And judging by the swelling uncut cock in his fist, he was getting off on it. Callaher's cock took over and started fucking that hole, again and again pressing deep into him. He almost didn't hear that damn "SWITCH NOW!" when it came.

Callaher pulled out and saw what his cock was doing to the kid's rectum. It was red and swollen and even gaping open a bit, some green ooze sliming from the hole before it closed completely. Seeing that image only made his second impalement more difficult. But once Klu got the ring stretched again with his cockhead, Callaher felt himself squeeze out to accept it. When even more pressed in, thicker than that head, he did not know if he could accomodate it without ripping inside. Then that hand was back on his cock - his HARD cock! - and more of that treetrunk was inside him. Then he felt it. That cock was banging into that spot inside him and he felt like he was going to erupt all over the floor.

"Relax" Klu moaned over him, his big sweaty body pressing down into Callaher's bony spine "don't blow yer load yet."

"I thought... shit... it felt like..."

"Y'could blow your load with a dick hittin yer knob?" Klu gave him a demonstation "like that?"

"Fuck yeah..."

"Feels like something amazing right?"

"I never... ever..."

"Me either until the first time" Klu pressed another few inches into that stretching hole. He was almost there "then I just blew like I never blew before."

"Do it!" Callaher was jacking himself fast "do it! Make me!" and again the damn SWITCH!

Callaher was off that cock and burying his own in that tight hot tingling hole so fast he almost slipped on the floor. He was pumping hard and fast, knowing he could cum like this, he could deposit his load deep inside some dude's, some highschool wrestler's, ass. He had a bad suspicion before, hearing the hints, seeing the guys sitting there doing increasingly sexual things with each other. And last night when the guys suggested a circle jerk in their room, which he sat and observed from a distance, not sure what to make of his chubbed dick in his sweatpants, he knew his involvement might get past the point of "observing". But now he was burying his hard urgent dick deep in the butt of this big black kid, wanting nothing more than to deposit his load there. He knew it would be only a minute or two before he was gonna lose it.

"Slow down" he heard from the groaning body beneath him.

"Fuck... sorry... I just never felt..."

"Ready to cum ain't ya?"

"Fuck yeah!"

"Slow down stud" and Callaher felt those stickly fingers around his balls. Boy did that get his mind off cumming, and fast "we got more time" and then Callaher heard something that almost made him flip "we got all night."

"What?" he shouted just as they heard SWITCH!

This time Klu was in and plunging with little preliminary. This pink dude beneath him was starting to adjust to his fat black meat just like Klu knew he would. Only the third time and this pink stud was taking it like an expert. Klu had to reach beneath Callaher again, fighting that hand away, otherwise this dude would pull his load from that snake just like this!

"Relax chill out man" Klu whispered down at him "that meat o'yours gonna take a lot more trips up my butt, got it?"

"What'd you say before? About all night?"

"You like that?" Klu was in all the way, his balls slapping against that pink ass below him "you like that?" now that he was in and the guy was getting used to this fucking, Klu could keep this up all night. But like his Unca Bo, something about Klu's dick in a guy's behind made him want to unload something fierce. Klu chuckled to himself; yeah he had it! He was the stud!

"You'd do that?" trying to get at his own dick, but the kid's hand preventing him from bringing himself off "I mean all night?"

"You got it" Klu hissed down at him, their bodies glued together now "this dick up your chute, or your flagpole pumpin your splooge deep inside my pussy, whatever y'want. As many times'z y'can handle, y'hear me?"

"Fuck..." Callaher was actually rocking back into Klu now, not caring how it looked. He just wanted to feel every inch of that hard burning rod slamming into his prostate inside, the electrical shocks going right to his dick. He was getting into the zone when they heard that damn SWITCH!

Callaher felt Klu's weight come off him and then he was pressing his cock deep into that hole in one swift plunge. As soon as he did he regretted it.

His cock was starting to spasm he was so close.

"Dude you cum now" Klu grunted up at him "and deal's off, got it? No fuckin yer brains out tonight, just you and your fist thinking about what you missed" Klu reached underneath them, again those balls got a hard pinch.

He almost could not grab them they were pulled up so tight Klu thought there were gone, the coach inhaled them or something "hold it! Don't you fuckin cum!" feeling the hard tight body above him tighten and freeze. Yeah the guy was panting he was so close. This time that SWITCH! was a blessing.

Klu slide back into that hot hole, amazed at the damage his cock had done. Talk about ripping his hole wide! But he did not sound like he was in pain, hell the dude was whining and moaning like one of Will's whores. He grabbed that long hard dick beneath him and just held it by the base, knowing the slightest touch against that fat mushroom would bring the dude off. His own cock just kept up a slow steady in and out motion, even mugging a bit for the dudes. Cause he knew how it looked, seeing his black meat going in and out of this tortured pink ass. It was a long but amazing two minutes.

"Okay last time" Klu pulled out at the command, almost enjoying this fucking and getting fucked on cue. He pressed his ass out and immediately his hole was full of hard urgent long! dick "just go slow and don't you fuckin cum! Y'hear me?"

"I don't know if I..." Klu heard him struggling, knowing this guy was not going to make it. This time Klu's fingers went tight around the base of Callaher's cock, not like he could not spare the two inches. His thumb pressed hard into that soft underside, hoping to pinch off the flow if it came to that. The way the dick was throbbing and flexing in his ass Klu suspected the guy was almost cumming now. It was the longest two minutes of Callaher's life!

"SWITCH!" they finally heard and Callaher yanked out fast, his cock starting to erupt. But Klu's fist tightened like a tourniquet around the base, the other hand tugging his balls away from his crotch as best he could. Had he not, Callaher knew he'd be standing there pulling the load from his balls like he could stop his orgasm if he tried. He looked down at his cock red and spasming, even seeing a small drop of something milky at the end. He was cumming like he never came before, but nothing was shooting out! It was the most painful and intense feeling he ever had. Once the tidal wave of sensation passed, Klu directed him to the floor and his knees.

"I can't..." Callaher was almost sobbing "I feel that in me I'll lose it, I'll spill my balls all over..."

"Then let me" and again Klu's hands were on Callaher's balls, this time able to get a grip around the top of that red hairy scrotum. He could feel and was sure some guys could see that rope of goo hanging from the end of Callaher's cock almost touching the floor.

"Don't you ejaculate or you both lose" Klu heard from the coaches' table.

"I ain't gonna let this fucker cum" Klu grunted as he entered him again "he just gonna feel like it!" and Klu was deep inside, knowing every rub and thrust was driving Callaher crazy. But the painful yank on his balls would prevent him from going over the edge completely. Instead he was caught in that middle area between blowing and not blowing, the gel making every square inch of his crotch burn and itch, the drop of cum burning inside his tube, begging to finish emptying onto the floor. The two minutes felt like two hours. When he finally heard TIME! he was seeing stars. And when that tube pulled out of him he would have flooded the floor beneath him had it not been for that pain in his balls.

"Gentlemen that concludes this evening's activities" Callaher heard and then the lights were spinning around his head as he fell to the floor. Klu grabbed him in time but almost did not prevent him from hitting his head on the way down. Fleicher and Morrison were over him in a flash. By the time most of the guys had fled the room and Tyler found some water to pour over his face, Callaher was starting to wake up. When the cold water hit him he was fully awake.

"FUCK!" he screamed, arms and legs flying everywhere.

"Relax y'passed out" Klu grabbed one of those long legs, but not before catching a kick to his ribs. It hurt like hell but he would be okay.

"Damn what happened?" looking down at himself, his crotch burning and green, the end of his softening cock shiny with a bit of milky ooze.

"Y'almost came" Klu looked at Morrison "almost!"

"I can see that" Morrison then reached down and gave that slimy tube a tug.

When it started hardening immediately he chuckled "yeah, you're awake" looking at Klu "get this dude cleaned up and in his room. Y'think y'can handle that?"

"Yes!!!" Klu knew exactly what he could handle.

Next: Chapter 101

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