The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Jun 20, 2014


Disclaimer/Reminder: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional events. It contains sexual acts involving males of high school age as well as older males, not to mention family members. There are scenes of involuntary humiliation and punishment, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. Now kid! You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy it to your hard's content. Emails expressing interest or wishing further information can be sent to:

AND IT MERITS REPEATING: NIFTY NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT! It takes a great deal of money and effort to keep all these stories coming your way so anything you could send to Nifty would be very much appreciated by them. These guys are doing a great job so show your support!

(NOTE: This story involves a "prequel" regarding the O'Toole family mentioned in Chapter Ninety-Seven. Several readers expressed an interest in hearing more about the character of Pat O'Toole. Although these stories are stand-alone, the reader is strongly advised to begin at the beginning all the way back in Chapter One. By reading Chapter Ninety-Seven alone (or for that matter Chapter Ninety-Eight for Coach Don Farbersten), the reader will have a better idea who the characters are and how they came to be in that crowded room with Pat being forced to explain to his roommates all the ordeals he had been forced to endure to bring him to that northern crossroads. That being said, we continue with the story from Pat O'Toole – and friends!

"Fucking your own kid, fucking your own kid" Otis started up his chant in time to his thrusts higher and higher into that perfect ass in time with his father's rocking motions "fuck fuck fuck fuck" in time with the fucking coming from the screen, too aroused now and too close to his days-delayed orgasm to pay notice to what his nephew and that burly Miller guy were doing behind him. Not until he felt something hot splash down on him did he realize someone's load landed on his chest and feeling the second hot scalding mess hit him on his stomach Otis gasped as his balls unloaded and he felt his mega-cannon shoot his first load high into that kid's intestines, squeezing his cock like it could not let go. Then again and again and again until so much cum was gushing out of him he thought he would pass out, barely aware of it leaking out of that stretched hole and oozing down the length of his cock, burning his sticky pubes and soaking his tight tingling balls. Feeling cum tickling his balls began his second volley of cum upwards, the effect of having to hold his load for too long now drooling everywhere. And then he felt that ass contract tight around his cock, squeezing it in a vice grip, knowing his pride and joy made the kid blow his load and that squeezed out even a third volley of cum. Otis was so lost in his never-ending orgasm he barely noticed a third and then a fourth splatter of hot cum down on his shoulders and chest. Only when he felt the room stop spinning did he feel that hot tight hole slowly being lifted off the entire length of his cock, ten no twenty seconds of one long stimulating pull from the base of his cock all the way and when that ring finally let go of his head, the last gasp of cum was squeezed from his barely softening cock. He was on the edge of slipping into that blackness when he heard,

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!"appearing at the door like their worst nightmare two cops, their pistols drawn "everybody FREEZE!"

Chapter 131

Thursday Night Continued

Otis was on the edge of slipping into exhausted blackness when he heard,

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!"appearing at the door like their worst nightmare two cops, their pistols drawn "everybody FREEZE!"

"No!" screamed Paco, his hands flying into the air. Like that didn't make his huge arms look even bigger.

"Looks like we found ourselves a real pervert sex ring here, huh Mark?" the bigger older one turned his head to his younger partner "fucking sick or what?"

"Disgusting sergeant" he caught Pat's eye and before Pat could open his mouth gave a hard glare at him, barely shaking his head: no don't you fuckin DARE!

Pat had to crane his neck around Otis' hip to see the source of the interruption. When he saw one and then two policemen he jerked at his restraints so hard they almost gave way. That was until he saw the older cop, his red face just like the last time and all his suspicions were confirmed. He was about to blow their cover when the younger one gave him such a look like: you open your mouth and you're worse than screwed! All of you! Because Pat recognized them as the two from Saturday afternoon, the two he had to let fuck him at that park building to get his brothers out of their clutches. Like he had any doubts either then or now these two were completely implicated in all these staged ordeals at school and now all over this town. Which means they were not what they seemed. But whatever they were, they were loose cannons and Kruisay's stooges to boot. All the impressions he got from those two last Saturday came back to him, and with it the realization this whole situation was much bigger and darker than he suspected last Saturday. So Pat had the sense to keep his mouth shut and his face erased of any recognition.

"Call for backup, Sergeant!"

"Yes Captain" talking into his collar. Pat heard with growing alarm there actually was a voice answering him back! So this was not fake? Because those guns did not look fake, not in the least. Neither was the total panic on Otis' face. And Paco was too busy trying to be cool as he stepped back into his stained boxers to pull it off.

"No" the older guy yelled at him "as you were. No one's getting dressed!"

"What?" from Otis instead.

"It's for... " clearing his throat "um evidence."

"Look Officer" Pat's dad tried to slip into calm adult mode. Considering he was naked and slimed from top to bottom it was quite the performance "Officer... Smith" reading his badge "I'm sure we can – I mean we need to come to some understanding about – "

"Okay you!" grabbing Mike by his meaty bicep "up on the table. Now!" indicating the padded black leather table towards the back of the room "your son too!"

"Huh?" Mike protested but Pat heard the slip loud and clear. Nobody told these fake cops who they were yet. Paco was about to call them on it when Pat signaled him to shut his trap. Or that's what he hoped his quick gesture indicated before that same red-haired sergeant had his hands on Pat's naked body just like Saturday all over again. His dad was in zero mood to go along with this, fear and anger all over his mug. At least until big Otis stepped between them. Pat thought it would come to a violent confrontation with Otis as the referee but then Otis muttered something into his dad's ear.

"No way!" he whispered back.

"Remember you agreed! Two hours!"

"Fuck that was before..." nodding at the two uniforms "you don't expect me now that..."

"Nothing's changed" Otis growled.

"Are you nuts?"

"Like you when you agreed?" back and forth they went in the span of two point three seconds until somehow all the fight went out of his dad. He looked at his son who seemed resigned to his fate. Something inside Mike's brain snapped when he saw them dragging his son over to that table in the dim corner of the room, Mike knowing he should intercept them but only ended up next to that table as well. Just like planned.

Otis was about to get dressed as well but with some barking from the captain he was enlisted in the developing situation as well, his sudden job tying Mike onto the table. Or rather his hands stretched above his head, then tied to one of the table legs. When Mike almost got a kick into that captain's balls Otis secured his legs to the far table leg next. He was stretched out on the padded table, immobilized and naked while Pat was also tied on top of the table as well, but in the opposite direction, their two naked squirming bodies head to toe.

"Damn..." Otis groaned when he saw what the two cops were planning "sure as fuck plain as day looks to my dim eyes like you ain't here to arrest us..."

"What you intending here?" Paco joined his uncle, handing him a second towel to wrap himself, Paco's waist already wrapped. At least he was covered, he thought, but cringing just imagining where all those stains came from and what was smearing his crotch in the process "I mean this whole thing keeps getting – "

"Long as EVERYBODY plays BALL" the older captain barked loud enough to hush them both. He turned his narrow gaze to Otis, slightly more composed now his two captives were secure on the table. And funny how their faces ended up positioned in each other's crotches "maybe..." he growled at them all "just maybe you sick fucks can keep your butts out of jail yet. Okay!" slapping Mike's butt cheek hard "let's see if you two really as perverted as... um, never saw father and son suck each other off" catching Pat's expression "have you Serge?"

"Hell no!" he lied.

"Okay now show my Serge here – just for... er, educational purposes okay? – let's see you two show some real love now. Do it!"

Mike twisted and flexed until he had most of his weight on his side, Pat doing the same with some help from the older cop. Once they were both on this sides facing each other, it took little persuasion for them to lean forward and use their tongues to lift each other's cock into their mouths. Once Pat felt his mouth encircle his dad's cock it was all over. His dad barely reacted in time as Pat's cock sprang to full hard, almost choking his dad before Mike could believe what he was being forced to do. But his son's serious hardon was the last and most damning indication of how much Pat always wanted to do this. How that brief encounter in their bathrooms so long ago was not a mistake but a major premeditated decision, something Pat had been angling towards for too long. Mike could feel how turned on he was to be sucking his dad; the proof was starting to thrust its way past his tonsils now. Not like the idea of doin a sex show for these dangerous characters was a huge turn-on for Mike but... then why was his cock filling faster than he would have ever thought. Was it the idea of his son blowing him? Or worse did he really get off on this? Was there some deep exhibitionist streak in his bones he never suspected before? When he heard a zipper behind him he would not believe these two would dare. But then he heard muffled arguing between Otis' deep bass voice and that overcharged captain. Then he heard Paco joining in the argument and before he pulled back from that cock clogging his ears he heard something wrong. It sounded like the clicking of bottles. He and Pat were forced to do some kind of sex show and somebody's serving refreshments? Just when he convinced himself somebody somewhere was knocking down those sports drinks he felt something impossible! Somebody's greased fingers were pressing into his crack!

"Whoa!" Otis had seen enough "this is all happening too fast! Just what the hell you think – "

"Only just warming them up for you and" the captain nodded at Paco next "your nephew and – "

"Hey!" Otis heard the mistake, shooting a nervous look at Paco, but he was too busy with his eyes glued to actually witnessing two guys – a father and son yet! – engaged in real full-tilt sixty-nine. And ignoring those constant stares from that red-headed younger sergeant, who seemed to think Paco's towel was almost as much an attraction as what was happening on the table, the two O'Tooles writhing and flexing into each other's mouths like being tied and sucked, or sucking, was a typical family night romp. He heard more than saw the older cop's dress trousers hit the floor with a metallic clang, "just what you think you're pulling here you two?" because Otis knew his fate – and more important his nephew's future – hung on that slip of the tongue. Because now Otis knew this was all bogus. But the O'Toole's didn't? How could they? This was Otis' doing not theirs. Actually it wasn't Otis' show it was –

"Okay Reed – I mean Red" the captain got his sergeant's attention fast "so you don't think anybody's coercing anybody here" nodding at the two naked guys strapped onto the table "you pick which one."

"Huh? Carl?" if he was going to have his name used in front of these witnesses, so would his captain "what?"

"Pick. Which one you wanna fuck? The son or the dad?"

"C'mon Carl, this is all getting too much..."

"Pick goddamnit!"

"Damn" Reed looked at Paco when he answered "the dad" and there it was. Reed was going to do this. After Saturday afternoon at the park, the two had come to some understanding, or so he thought. The agreement had been Reed would do shit with his captain, because it seemed he had a major bone for Reed. But never ever again in public or in front of witnesses. But then Carl received a note earlier that evening and begged threatened, cajoled even flattered Reed into just one more "adventure". When Carl all but promised him the sky, Reed decided to go with it, more out of curiosity than lust. But when they saw those naked guys sneaking into the warehouse, Reed knew the evening would be more than he bargained for. And all bets were off when he stormed into this warehouse and saw the teenage bodybuilder. Because never had he seen so much muscle on someone that age before. And he knew this kid was going to be serious famous one day, and Reed decided it was now his job to keep him out of jail before he got the national attention that was going to be inevitable. He kept telling himself it was more curiosity than horniness that kept drawing his attention to that kid's crotch. Because if he was totally steroid-poisoned then he could not have working balls, right? So some itching part of his brain needed to see that kid in action tonight. Even if it meant his trousers were next to hit the floor.

Pat's face was too buried in his dad's crotch to take in what was happening around him. And too busy taking in all of the workings of his dad's brain hitchhiking into Pat's head by way of the scents and tastes coming from his crotch. But what Pat could make out were the outlines of that red-headed cop taking a position behind his dad, lining up his now bare crotch with his dad's exposed ass. When he felt his own ass start to get greased and fingers forcing their way into his clenched crack and towards his hole he had the horrible vision of two guys taking turns in both their asses while his dad – while they were busy sucking each other's bone. Pat braced himself as the greased fingers opened his hole and more lube applied in an unmistakeable thrust. He wished he could adjust his angle better but the way his legs were tied together it would not be an easy penetration. When he felt hot hairy pubes rubbing against his one cheek he moaned, reminding himself these dicks had been in him before and he lived. But to do this in front of his dad and his friend's dad was – damn! Where the fuck was that Steve guy anyway? He hoped maybe either Otis or Paco would step in – ouch! He felt that fat cock press into his crack just as his dad's mouth flew off his cock, a loud scream from him hot on Pat's drool-covered balls!

"No!" his dad's scream hot on Pat's crotch as Pat felt something as thick as a baseball bat jab into him! Just as it slammed through Pat's already broken ring he remembered he had not taken this captain's cock before, only the redhead now trying to shove his cock into his dad! But the thing ripping him open was so fat, fatter than Paco damn! Pat could not unclench the way he was positioned but this thing was big – bigger than Paco? As big as... damn, Kruisay? Pat remembered how that felt to be savaged in front of his two brothers and how he had to go into a completely shattered collapsed place to allow that cock to force its way into him. But this one felt so much worse because of Pat's angle. And then it was more than the head, the rest of it started forcing its way in.

He leaned forward to take his dad's cock back in his mouth, to take his mind off the growing pain coming from that relentless assault behind him. And maybe help his dad deal with what the younger trimmer cock was doing to his ass. When he felt his dad's cock begin to deflate Pat knew his dad was having a hard time with it. So Pat focused on that cock in his mouth, putting the pain as far back in his brain as he could. When hours upon hours of slowly decreasing pain went by and something like a dull throbbing replaced it, Pat felt something amazing; that cock in his mouth began to swell! And as it did his brain started to fog over, and the images returned again. Only this time it was not his dad it was Humdog's brain Pat's was bleeding into, no it was his dad's! No it was that cop's! No it was Red's – his name was Reed, then it was Carl, then his dad, until there were four brains all colliding together in a skull with room for only his.

Otis had been almost relieved to take a backseat to the growing orgy, watching these two cops tie down the O'Toole guys. But when it became obvious they were going to rape the two of them there and then, he gave serious thought to breaking up the whole dirty game. That was until he saw Paco's towel fall to the floor, his nephew more focused on that younger cop's body. He knew his nephew was far from gay but the way he was drawn to that smooth white – now blushing red flesh, Otis was not sure what the hell was going on in Paco's head. But when Paco's hands started roaming all over that smooth hairless flesh, Otis knew Paco was... what? And the way Paco's dick was hard and throbbing could only mean... and Otis looked down at himself and saw his own shorts were tenting out like crazy! This sick scene was NOT a turn-on he told himself over and over; it was just that damn drug in the sports drink right?. Then why the fuck was he yanking his shorts down and greasing up his tentpole and rubbing it up and down that hairy crack on that older cop. Was he really going to try to force it up that straight cop ass? His hip muscles just took over by themselves as he rubbed his cock into that hot crease between those two thick thighs, banging into the dude's balls and then things got all jumbled like the floor was shifting below him and the lights started flickering and then turning colors and...

Steve did not care if he was being a total coward and rat, but hiding behind a pile of boxes seemed like the safest thing. After that captain gave him one or two sideways glances before he focused in on the O'Toole twins Steve seized the moment to just back slowly away from the group arrests. Because Steve thought the guy recognized him, but the last thing Steve wanted or needed at this point was another trip to the station. His probation was maybe two months finished but getting mixed up in this was not something he could negotiate his butt out of. So he faded far far into the background, hoping these cops did not recognize him. Or were in a hurry to get him in handcuffs. When he didn't send his sergeant after him, Steve decided to lay low in the shadows until he got dragged kicking and screaming back into the bright sex-charged arrest circle. When one minute, then two, then three went by and no one came looking for him he stayed in hiding until even his thick slow brain realized this whole thing was not right; it began to stink of one bad staged set-up. But when he twisted his head around the box and saw Mike and his son tied onto that table he knew this was totally fucked and could only end badly, which was all the more reason to keep away. And when the two were secured and the two cops started stripping out of their uniforms, Steve knew this was best time to make his escape! He looked around to see where Pat had thrown his pants and everything, finally spotting them maybe ten feet from where he was crouching. When he left his hiding place and stepped back into his clothes and even Otis did not call attention to him, Steve knew this was his moment to break for the door and not stop running til he ran out of city. As his hands were checking the contents of his pants pockets for his car keys he remembered his cell phone in his coat pocket. He dug it out and was about to call... who? 911? when he decided just to get the fuck out of there and not look back. But something twisted and evil and yeah maybe a bit sex-poisoned told him just one pic on the way out. One became two became several, even Otis barely acknowledging what Steve was doing when Steve began to notice... something like eye strain or... the lights were wrong... the lighting in the room was... what the fuck the room was shifting or contorting! The four guys were all lit up like they were glowing under a spotlight – a greenish-blue spotlight! – but they were far from the center of the room and the light the light! it was coming from – it was coming from... Steve just about choked – it was coming from them! They were lighting up! The four guys were – damn they were actually glowing! Steve took several more pics before his phone started acting like the electronics were frying or shorting out or some shit! Steve looked at the screen seeing horizontal bands like interference then the damn screen went solid blue. Steve panicked,

"Guys! Guys! GUYS!" he yelled and let out a ear-splitting whistle, noticing out of the corner of his eye the jumbotron screen now mirroring those same lines of static. He inched closer to the foursome and had the horrible idea it would take a crowbar to pry them all apart, the way they were smashed together, humping and squeezing into one big writhing heap of shiny glowing flesh! "GUYS! STOP! STOP!!!" but Steve saw they were far from hearing him. If anything their frenzy was getting worse! "OTIS!" Steve yelled and grabbed his shoulder, almost getting knocked off his feet from the huge shock of what? Static electricity? Steve grabbed again and again got zapped. The third time he grabbed Otis again, this time with a towel-covered hand and managed to yank him free.

"What the fuck?" Otis spun around, furious to have his sex-crazed humping interrupted "What the hell you – "

"Otis stop! LOOK!" spinning him around and then Otis saw it next, the flickering shimmering glow sputtering over the remaining free.

"FUCK!" he yelled and ran over to where Paco was spasming into the other cop, his eyes rolled back in his head, his muscles twitching and quivering out of control "Paco!" he grabbed him, getting a good shock for his efforts.

"Use this!" Steve tossed him another towel. Otis had it over his hands and yanked Paco free in seconds, just in time to see his nephew's cock exploding again and again all over that red freckled ass!

As soon as Paco was lowered to the floor, it was up to Otis and Steve to yank the two cops free. Like Paco before, Steve got this crazy image of both of their cocks spewing out cum over and over, like their strained bladders were just gushing out but it was not piss it was cum just pouring from them. They joined Paco on the floor as Steve and Otis managed to untie the two O'Tooles and got them uncoupled, unable to ignore the two huge pools of cum where their mouths had overflowed onto the table. Otis gave Steve a look like: whatdafuck just happened!

Steve finished dressing and was out of there in a flash, only stopping to tell Otis to keep his mouth shut about all of this – the sex, the rape, the weird lights all of it! – until they had a chance to agree on some kind of – but how could they get their stories straight! That left Otis and Paco to help the O'Tooles come to their senses and get cleaned up and dressed. The two cops were on their own as far as they were concerned. Otis tried to get some kind of info out of Paco, something anything he could remember, mainly to see if any of what Otis could remember had done any damage to his nephew's young promising body. But Paco only gave him a blank stare, not remembering anything except watching the two cops doing their tag-team buttfucking but more than that, nothing. So they got the O'Tooles out of there first, leaving the two fake cops to deal with any damage to the place, then they were the next to clear out of there. As fast as they could without looking like they were fleeing the scene of a crime. Which they just knew they were.

Pat's dad was remarkable calm on the drive home. Finally Pat had to say,

"Well? Dad? Are you there? Are you okay? Well?"

"Well what Patrick?" ouch, that smarted. Pat knew his dad using his full name could not be good.

"So well? I suppose you totally like hate me now, huh?" turning to face his dad for the first time since getting in the car "now you know just how far I..."

"I hate YOU? Patrick you put your clothes on backwards or something? Don't you mean you hate ME?"

"Huh? What?" now Pat was really in a tailspin "you? I'm the one who – "

"And don't forget I'm the parent here!" turning to stare at Pat, the red light taking forever "and I was just as much in the thick of it as you were! Damnit Patrick! Damn there's no way – I mean Sunday I should have put my foot down! I should never have – "

"But Mike was in trouble! We were doing it to keep him – "

"I don't believe that! I thought it was bullshit then" turning to see Pat's shocked expression "bullshit you heard me, bullshit then, should have stopped it when you and what's his name Sunday..."

"Johnson. Theo Johnson" Pat had never seen his dad look so angry and calm at the same time, smoldering with pent-up fury, quiet and deadly. Maybe what had happened down at that warehouse had really unhinged him. Seeing his son take it up the ass from one guy after another – from the entire room eventually, yeah it must have short-circuited something in his brain. And then letting Pat watch his dad getting fucked as well. That Pat reminded him his dad was right there in the thick of it with the rest of them. Oh for sure he was all reluctant and protesting... at least until some internal thermostat hit Tilt and he was just as out of control as Pat. Then his dick was rearranging Pat's guts and then both Paco and huge Otis were doing the same to him and then the cops fucking them in tandem and then what? Then the whole room was all horndog crazy out of control and then what? He remembered struggling with the forced invasion from Carl's brutal cock, then his dad's hardon returning then... what? Something Pat did or said? Maybe that is what his dad was so freaked out about! Not what Pat did; what his father did! And he knew that Pat knew that he knew what he knew that yadda yadda yadda... "that really scared you huh?"

"Not scared me, hell no! Worse!"

"Your reaction to it then? You scared you got up there and the two of us...?"

"Pat I don't know what to do or say anymore, not after... I mean..." he gripped his wheel and would have sat there but the car horns behind them told him to move before the green light got greener.

"About tonight or..." Pat tried but there was that little voice in his head again. The one that kept telling who to ask about what, what hunch to follow, what to run with and with whom. And his hunch told him to ask "or something even more is up, isn't it?"

"What you mean?"

"Wasn't no coincidence the whole thing with the Guzmans or those fake cops, was it?"

"Yeah that kid... taking steroids at his age..." ignoring the reference to those other two.

"Who Paco? The young Guzman? Or..."

"Perez. His last name is Perez. He ain't Otis' son, he's his nephew" yeah his dad was avoiding the real issue.

"Must take after his dad, not his uncle. But dad, you saw, he sure as sh-hell ain't taking steroids, I – we got first-hand knowledge – "

"You mean...?"

"His dick was not – "

"Look Pat we gotta talk about that?"

"You hate me I can tell, or at least talking about all this, like out in the open, huh? You saw me, you saw how I get off on – what gets me off on – " okay he could ignore the cop issue as well. Because if his dad was skirting that issue, it meant that his dad knew something more than he was telling.

"C'mon Pat! No way taking those dicks" Pat waited for it "up the... ass, c'mon! That had to hurt like all –"

"The first time maybe..." damn his dad was really zooming in on that one issue. Like his dad was all about the mechanics of dicks and ass all of a sudden, ignoring the bigger picture.

"That wasn't the first time" his dad pulled over so they could talk without the distractions of the road. And they were now all of three blocks from their house "okay, so Sunday... Sunday was not the first time you were... um y'know..."

"You mean I took a guy's cock up – "


"Answer's... no" and there it was. Pat was outing himself now. Like what had happened so far left any doubt "no, Sunday was not the first."

"Who? Mike?" and then Mike realized he had let something slip as well.

"Mike? Huh? What you think this has anything – "

"Nothing never mind okay?" tipping his hand.

"Look dad don't you think the whole thing with those fake cops – "

"I don't even want to think about – "

"You know they weren't real cops, right?"

"Look Pat..."

"Look dad..." Pat knew it was not his place to name names "okay we need to understand each other okay? First, like I ain't gonna broadcast what we did, don't expect me to spill names, like who and what... okay? Anymore than you want to tell me what's really going on – what stuff you cannot tell me you know, okay? You understand I don't want to get anybody in trouble here the same way you don't, okay? I don't think it's good for us to hide things from each other" like you can dad "but I gotta respect that you're not ready to discuss things with us, okay?"

"Sean? How much does he know?" more worry as more and more began coming into focus.


"Okay I understand what you're saying" and then big Mike O'Toole decided it was time to turn over one more card. It was late Thursday night and his deadline was looming over his head and he was running scared now. Especially with the memory of this night – well most of it – still burning permanent images into his brain, knowing how many assumed upright citizens in the town was capable of just about anything now. No way he could ever imagine his good rival buddy Steve doing a tenth of this shit. And now Otis? And all those guys at school? And even something like uniformed cops? So imagining his sons getting forced into all this dangerously real full-tilt adults-only sex circus, even someone as young as Sean was no longer off limits "but if Mike and Sean are involved in any of this..."


"Shit of course Mike MUST be" Mike slapped himself "that's why that Sunday bullshit" nodding at Pat "yes, bullshit was forced on you" not us, Pat heard "and now tonight if Paco is really also in the crosshairs, not at least the two of us, how we're being held at gunpoint here, sometimes your dad can be a bit dense."

"You ain't dense okay?"

"Okay but you gotta understand it's kinda hard to really get all this to sink in okay?"

"Tell me about it."

"Okay, now I gotta start seeing every guy in this town... okay it's kinda obvious, every dude has a dick, and every dick has a mind of its own."

"No shit – oops I mean – "

"I think swearing is the least of our worries. But never NEVER in front of your mother or sister, we clear on that? I'm still your father and – "

"Don't I know."

"So every dude in this town is involved, is what I am slowly coming to realize... like every straight heterosexual guy has this secret trapdoor just ready to spring open..."

"Not every guy..." Pat bit his finger, wondering how to word it "just those who..."

"Tell me Pat, I need to know, it's really important!" to me, Mike thought. Because all my inner demons are now on public record! And worse, even my own son has first-hand knowledge of what I'm capable of!

"Okay..." Pat took a deep breath before the plunge "dad... what they seem to focus on... at least from what I've seen so far... and what I've seen – and done okay? – is guys who either have a short fuse or a big dick or are susceptible to blackmail or something like a combination of all of the above, okay? No let me get this out okay? And if they also are – well if they got a certain umm... lack of reluctance with getting into it with other guys as well... well in my case four outa three okay? So they start with the threes, then go to the twos..."


"Two outa three, or four, okay? Like maybe they ain't hung but they are hot to mess around. Or they don't have a short fuse but they're hung and eager to do it. Or they – "

"Okay okay I get your meaning."

"Or like you dad, who ain't into guys but they somehow found out you are hung and – "

"Thanks I guess but..." Mike looked at the steering wheel. Yeah how did they find out about that? Mike? Vince? Otis? Even Steve? "But about Mike..."

"What about him?"

"You think he's... um..."

"Two outa three no doubt."

"Which two? No forget I asked okay? I didn't ask I don't – "

"I heard you... dad..."

"What? What you mean? What did you – "

"When... um... when you were fucking me and then on the table – "

"About that uh..."

But Pat waved his hand "no listen, I heard you okay? I heard the slip. When you were fucking me you called me Mike, okay? So something happened between you and Mike, right?"


"Like that day eons ago I sucked you off in the bathroom? Like that? I mean dad, you have any idea how that was one of the biggest days of my – "

"If I had stopped you that day none of this would have ever happened, I'm so stupid!"

"You ain't stupid okay? But c'mon, we both know this was all going to happen well sooner or later."

"But if – "

"If if if" Pat knew he had to find out what was nagging at his brain "if I hadn't sucked you off, if I hadn't sucked off a certain coach in the – "

"What you did what?"

"If I hadn't creamed my singlets wrestling M—a guy, if I didn't let those guys fuck me – if if if but I did and now – "


"Okay you see? You aren't the one who messed up my life that afternoon okay? And you didn't mess up Mike when you – "

"What? What did he tell you?"

"It's not what he told me okay? It's what he..." Pat knew this was the moment "it's the way he reacts to adults okay? Like how he reacts around guys" nailing his dad in his gaze "guys your age, okay? So what happened between you two? Was it like us in the bathroom?"

"Pat... I don't..."

"Did he suck you off too?"


"Okay then what? Remember it's me Pat okay? The guy you fucked not once but twice, the guy you saw take it up the ass from your best friend as well okay? Your son you were sixty-nining with when we both – "

"Okay you don't gotta – "

"So what! Happened!?"

"Damn..." Mike looked into his lap "well..."

"I won't say a word okay? You know I won't."

"It's wrong but..."

"But you still did it right? A dick has a way of" and reaching over and rubbing his dad's crotch was no longer off limits. Mike grabbed Pat's hand then also realized they were past that point "what happened?" and if Pat did not start tugging at the zipper "say it! Get if off your chest" as Pat's hand dug around with seconds to spare before his dad's cock started hardening "say it."

"We were..." and Mike felt a very hot mouth descend on his bared cock and it was like they were back on that table again and Mike's cock was in the driver's seat again and and... and any thought of stopping was out the window "we were... downstairs okay? Down in Sean's room and he talked me into y'know... working out... oh... oh... oh fuck" the memory and that mouth and Mike was tumbling out of control all over again. Damn my dick, he swore to himself. This thing is going to put me in jail and I can't stop it "and first he talked me out of my shirt then oh oh yeah keep doing that oh fuck that's so oh Pat oh Mike oh Mike... damn" catching the mistake "then my pants and he wouldn't stop he would not stop until he had me naked and when I saw how hard his cock was getting I could not help it! I got erect right in front of him lifting weights and he wanted to do push-ups with me lying on top of him and oh oh OH!" Mike just let Pat's mouth bring on yet another orgasm! But how after everything that had happened? Even Mike had never been this horny before in his life, nothing like this! It was like it was not his body anymore, like his cock was somebody else's, like it was not him cumming now, it was a stranger's cum shooting out of it, and not his son but somebody else swallowing his never ending load unable to stop him even if he wanted to. And the way Pat did not yank his mouth away but instead plunged down as soon as he felt and then tasted the first gush of his dad's bitter-sweet jism, plunging down until Mike felt that cock squeezing up into somebody's throat, not registering that mouth was not gagging instead finishing him off with his throat muscles. Mike knew he could have stayed hard enough to keep doing it, keep fucking that throat – his son's throat? like the sick out-of-control madman he was. Even though this was his third? fourth? fifth? orgasm today? He was eighteen again and not able to cum too many times and it felt amazing and disgusting at the same time. He held Pat's head down on his cock until he realized Pat would be willing to pass out before he raised up so Mike had to pull him off losing the struggle with himself "damn I'm sorry. I'm a sick fuck I don't know what's going on anymore I can't get enough I get so carried away I'm sorry!"

"Wow" Pat gasped and took several deep breaths "wow dad..."

"Now you know what I've turned into, now you know – "

"No I don't still... so you saying you and Mike fucked?" returning to that image over and over.

"Fuck no!"

"But you would have, huh? If you didn't shoot off too prematurely, right?"

"Pat... but... um..."

"Mike shot off too I bet."

"Y-y-yeah... I think he did."

"And knowing he would not have stopped you, that's really..."

"I don't know if he would have or not... I hope that..."

"You hope he would have let you, huh?"

"Pat, a father can't admit that he actually wants..."

"Dad Hello! Damn we are SO past that okay? You've cum in me how many times now? And you don't mind fucking me and I sure as hell don't hate when you – "

"Okay okay we're clear on that part... but..." now that he shot his load his head was relatively unfogged for a moment or two at least "but Mike..."

"He thinks you're hot okay? He worships you okay? We all do!"

"Wow... gee thanks then I guess" he let slip "then this makes this much harder..."

"Makes what harder?" but Pat had that nagging hunch again. Something about the taste of cum on his tongue was like a stimulant for him "what you need him to do?"

"Not just..." he wanted to stop himself but could not.

"Me too? Mike and me? Together? Sex with..." cum on his tongue, cum in his bowels, Pat did not need a crystal ball "you need to have sex with both of us..." Pat looked at his hands "wow."

"He'll never agree to such a thing! Never not Mike! Not at the same – " shut up O'Toole! he told himself.

"Yeah he would dad" Pat knew he had gone too far but this was one of those critical forks in the road and Pat knew it "we... um... Mike and me..."

"You two already did..."

"I can't say I can't tell you the details... but... the answer to your question is a definite yes."

"You swear you won't – "

"Not a word! Not one word okay?" Pat knew his dad was sweating bullets, he could smell him. But his dad did not look any more relieved "you less worried now?"

"What about..." this time he stopped his mouth in time.

"Sean too..." Pat rested his hand on his dad's leg "don't ask me the details but he would do anything ANYTHING you asked okay?"

"I didn't say anything about – "

"You didn't need to, okay? But dad..."

"What? What did Sean tell you?" slipped out.

"Nothing about you and Sean but dad..." Pat buckled his seatbelt, signaling this talk needed to end and they needed to get home at this late hour "dad... be careful with Sean okay? He has such as hero complex with you – with adults, any adults okay? – there's just about nothing he won't do for you" his buckle in place he gave his dad a serious look " anything WITH you so be careful okay? He's – he would be putty in your hand so be careful okay?"

"Wow Pat how you know all this?" and Mike started the car and got back on the street "what did he tell you?"

"He didn't... you just did."

Next: Chapter 133

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