The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Jun 6, 2006


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional occurrences. It contains sexual acts between males in high school as well as with males beyond high school age. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy. Emails expressing interests, concerns, outrage, shock, awe or wishing further information can be sent to

Note: All names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent. The state in which the story originally happened - coincidentally - has a legal age of sixteen; the "fictionalized" location does not. Also descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional due to story restraints. You understand you are reading a work of fiction; behave accordingly. Again, do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations or activities which can be classified as bdsm, or that might give you unquiet dreams.

Chapter fourteen ----- Special two-hour season finale ------

Saturday July 27

The Big Day

Even with the air conditioning running full blast the group was starting to sweat. They were waiting for what seemed like hours, feeling the room heat up from their combined bodies, the whirring of the fans on high barely keeping up with this large group. They looked back and forth while little trickles of sweat ran down their faces and necks. Some of it was nerves but today was one of the hottest Saturdays of the summer so far. The constant buzzing from the wall unit was loud but that didn't seem to be the reason most were barely talking. Rumor had it Moose was back in town and with the thought of the new-year registration - and with that the summer training camp - coming up fast, it made sense the captain of their team might actually show up. Even Doug the co-captain had come back to town for this one, and was sitting over there in the corner, trying to figure out why everyone looked so freaked. He kept asking what this was all about, but all anyone would say is that it was for the team. There was a rumor of some kind of fund raiser or something. Some of them had a very good idea what kind of "fund raiser" might be in store, but were keeping their fuckin mouths shut, part from embarrassment but more not wanting to start a riot! None of the ones who had visited the office before would dare explain the details of their previous visits. But things got dead quiet after several middle-aged guys came in and were ushered into the back by Kroos. Billy was sitting behind the desk shuffling forms, making small piles out of large ones, and avoiding eye contact with most of them in the process.

"So how long we gotta wait, it's almost ten-thirty" Doug tried breaking the silence "I thought the appointment - appointments? - were for ten."

"They usually are."

"What, usually?"

"Chill, Doug, we don't know any more than you do" said Mannie on major damage-control.

"Hell we got almost the entire senior varsity team here" Ernie was looking around the room, trying to keep his gaze from resting on anyone too long.

"Yeah where are those underclass shits..." from Klu, making a point of staring at Billy. But Billy was having none of it.

Again silence and waiting and the loud rattling humming from the air conditioner. Jeff thought of starting a pool to guess when it blew out.

After a long five minutes Will said "Fuckit, I'm goin in there!"

"Don't" Billy flew out of his chair, trying to get to the door first.

"Your scrawny ass ain't gonna stop me" and he started to grab the kid.

"Hey let him go" Jeff yelled and several started to grab at the two. The jostling started to get rough when the door opened,


"Hey Moose's here, Moose's here it's Moose!" and the rumble stopped fast when Moose, very tanned and very bulging, came in. He was wearing a short flat-top and something new for him, a goatee. His white muscle-t made his tan arms look almost as huge as Bo's and not much lighter. His right bicep had some purplish angular tattoo that seemed to go the long way around the ballooned arm . His tan khaki shorts, a bit worn and baggy, were riding low on his hips, a thin strip of white flesh showing in back. His huge feet were sporting some kind of boots the guys didn't recognize.

"Those are some mean shoes y'got there Moose."

"They ain't shoes, they the latest boots all the goons're wearin in Berlin now."

"Berlin? You were in fuckin Berlin?"

"The whole last week" he said looking around "man is the whole goddamn squad here?"

"Just about."

"What the fuck this all about? The coach called and said we were all needed for a group thing, damn it sounded like he said 'fund raiser'? At a doctor's office? What kind of bullshit 'fund-raiser' you do at the doctor's office?"

"You'll find out" said Fred too loud.

"If you know what this is about you better spill it Fredricks" he said looking from Fred and then around the room "any of you, you know what's goin down and you don't tell me, y'better think hard where y'wanna be spendin the rest of the year. Either on the team or in - a fuckin hospital bed!" which was no idle threat from Moose. He could wipe the floor with any of them, but they knew - or hoped - it was all bluff since Moose was their unspoken leader, staying that way by keeping on everyone's good side, and rumor was he was angling for captain again in his last year.

In the excitement nobody noticed that Billy had slipped inside. As they were talking, he came back out with doc Kroos.

"And this must be the very famous and very fine wrestler Mr. Muscowski." he said reaching out to shake.

"Moose" he said looking the doc up and down and then shaking hands.

"Well gentlemen, now that... Moose? is here we can all go in, follow me" and he led them through the inner door and down the hall to the exam room. For some reason - the heat was addling their brains? - they followed him. Or Moose?

The guys started to file down the hall and then one by one into the exam room. They looked around not sure what this meant. The ones there for the first time looked at the room and smirked, while those lucky veterans who were returning noticed how the whole room had been rearranged. Most of the equipment and cabinets were gone except for one exam table. And the reason for the redecorating was obvious: a row of metal folding chairs lined the back of the room, and was occupied by the handful of middle-aged guys from before, and damn! but if Bo, and Billy's dad Joe, and yeah even Mannie's dad were there too! Next to him were two guys no one had seen come in. They were all wearing plastic medallions on a cord around their necks.

As the guys were directed in, they were grouped towards one side of the room. As soon as they were lined up, Billy started to pass out more of those same medallions. They put them around their necks seeing each one had a large number stamped on the front, the highest seemed to be the "42" Jeff received. Well, I'm either going to be very lucky or very unlucky today, he thought. He looked back at the guys on the chairs to make sure his own dad wasn't materializing back there. He wasn't. Jeff was more than relieved about that. And in a way glad to see the adults there, hoping their presence would prevent anything "unusual" happening. And very reassured they were all fully dressed.

"Hey Billy gimme one of those" said Moose holding out his beefy paw for a medal.

"Doc?" Billy looked to the doc.

"Moose you won't be needing one of those today" he said. Moose heard a "lucky fuck" from, it sounded like, Mannie or Jorge.

"Why not? If the guys gotta wear'm then I should too. I'm part of the team" Moose snapped, fearing he may have missed something important over the vacation. Like his chance at captain. Or worse, wrestling!.

"Well Moose the team has been through some very 'preliminary' procedures and testings while you were away" doc said hearing a few "no shit"s and "say that again"s from the team "so you'll have to... make up your share today. It will assure that you don't lose your spot."

"Doc I'm gonna wrestle, this is my big year, I put way too much training into this."

"Well Moose I'm sure you'll do fine. You may or may not have heard while you were away, but..." he looked around the room, about to drop the bomb "the school - most high schools - are facing severe cutbacks, in part due to Title IX, and in part due to - no don't interrupt - due to general funding issues. And had the coach been here it would have been his unenviable task to inform you, all of you, the referendum for sports funding has been slashed for next year and as a result many men's sports programs have come up short on funds - listen! LISTEN! - and unless we come up with" he took a breath knowing the bomb was no longer ticking "ten thousand dollars" the noise level in the room took off "your wrestling program will be... SUSPENDED."

All hell broke loose when the bomb finally exploded! The guys started to swear and yell and pound anything in reach. It sounded like a plane crashing into the roof!

"They can't do that!" yelled Moose over the noise "that's our team! That's our life!"

"That's right Moose it's your team - "

"We gotta wrestle!"

"So there will be no wrestling - "

"Fuck that!"

"...unless you, YOU Moose! agree to help out the team."

"Of course! Sure doc! anything!"

"Careful Moose" Doug said "you don't know what this is all about yet."

"We need your help Moose" the doc continued, waving everyone to quiet down "some very loyal and generous local - and even non-local - sponsors have come forward with various solutions, and we are both amazed and very very grateful for their generosity."

"So what's this all about? Like what the hell can we do? We heard something about this kinda 'fund-raiser'? Just tell us what we're supposed t'do."

"Not what they're supposed to do. What YOU are supposed to do."

"Okay already what am 'I' supposed to do?"

"You are in agreememt then?"

"Yeah yeah yeah! okay?"

The guys saw a messy ugly trap forming and a few "don't do it Moose"s "'no way"s were being muttered and even yelled. Moose waved them away.

The doc looked around and set the trap "Well I'm not going to tell you it won't be strenuous. Actually..." he looked at the men assembled in the back, "I'm not sure you can handle it" and there it was! They were calling his bluff and Moose was never one to back down from a bluff "and no one would blame you if backed out -"

"Doc look at me!" Moose said, pointing at his chest "I ain't one t'back outa anything! I can take anything y'throw at me! Anything!"

"If you don't think you're man enough maybe Will here-" and the doc threw it in his face.

"No WAY Doc. I'm twice the man he is. Whatever, doc just tell me what it is already!!!"

"Are you sure?"

And several of the guys were now openly yelling, hell screaming "don't DO it Moose. DON'T!"

"Yes doc. I'll do it! So what is it???"

"Very well" the doc continued "now please sign your name here" he produced some papers from nowhere "and not 'Moose'. Your FULL name please."

"Don't sign it Moose!!" yelled Will.

Moose quickly signed it and turned to Will "You just want my slot that's why you don't want me signin it. Well fat chance of that Will!"

"Very well. Gentlemen now that this is out of the way we can begin" the doc said and gestured to Billy and doc Kroos. Billy went and set up the camera while Kroos got a stack of hangers and went over to the guys.

"No good doc!" came a voice from the back. Joe stood up "y'can't make him sign it. Unless he has parental permission" damn he looked right at Billy! "that piece of paper is legally void. It ain't worth...shit!" not looking at Billy "there could be a huge lawsuit" he looked at some of the adults sitting in the chairs "or worse..."

"Doc?" Moose looked at him "now what's the hold-up? what's mister Herms talkin about?"

"Well there is that" the doc looked at Kroos "he's right. Up to now we have obtained written parental permission for everyone under eighteen" he looked at Moose "and I don't think we can get your parents - "

"Why you gotta involve them?" Moose saw the expressions on the guys. They ran the gamut from worry to outright panic "guys?"

"So what're we gonna do?" Hank looked at the docs "I think I'm the oldest here and I don't turn eighteen til -"

"Y'ain't the oldest" Moose muttered almost to himself "I am."

"What?" Hank snapped at him "what y'talkin about?"

"I'm already..." he spun on the doc "you knew that! You knew I was already eighteen didn't you!"

"What? How?" came from half the room "Moose you ain't eighteen?!"

"Somehow the docs here got my records" he glared at them "right?" When they didn't say anything he continued "I hadda repeat a g.d. grade okay?" he glared at the team "oKAY? Y'guys happy now? Moose is a big fat flunkie!"

"Moose y'ain't no flunkie" Hank yelled "hell a lotta kids repeat a grade or shit. It don't make ya a flunkie. You are the STUD okay?"

Moose's expression went from anger to shock when the guys took up the chant "stud! stud! stud! stud!" He looked at the docs then at Joe,

"So my signature's good enough now right?"

Joe looked at the doc. He looked at Moose then at Joe and nodded. Joe sat down, feeling Billy's eyes burning into him. If Billy never spoke to him again, he wouldn't blame him.

"Okay, you gentlemen you know the drill" Kross said "form a line and strip down to your shorts. You can give me your clothing one at a time."

"What the FUCK!?" from Moose who looked at his team members like the floor had dropped out "what IS THIS SHIT?"

"Moose I need you over here" and the doc led him to the front of the room next to the exam table, right in front of the larger camera.

The guys looked at each other and looked at the men sitting watching, some of them their fathers, and then looked at Moose as they started to undress in slower than slow motion.

"And keep those medals on. You will need those numbers."

"So that's it! You gonna pick us off one by one" said Mannie "like some sicko hunting season, right?"

"Gentlemen when you are finished please form a line over there" said the doc from next to Moose "and you know how this works. You are to keep your arms folded unless directed otherwise."

Some slowly, some rather quickly at that point, shed their sweaty clothes and one by one gave them to Kroos or Billy, who carried them into another room, the cabinet gone. As they lined up in their shorts already discoloring with sweat they made a point of not looking at their fellow chain-gang teammates. Those with dads across the room were focusing most on Moose, not wanting to see the expressions on their faces.

As they were finishing the room became very quiet. Except for the whirring of the air conditioning and the nervous squeaky sounds from the metal chairs.

"Very well Moose let's start."

"This is totally fucked" Moose looked around the room "you guys - all of you! Especially Will you bastard! - you are like totally fucked! You knew all ABOUT this the whole TIME!!"

"We tried to warn ya" from a few.

"No more comments from any of you unless necessary" the doc went back to Moose.

"What the FUCK did I just agree to doc!!! Tell me RIGHT NOW!!!"

"The auction..." the doc turned back to the room "for Moose's clothes begins at twenty dollars -"

"WHAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?!" Moose screamed at the doc, some of the tan draining from his face.

"Twenty dollars per item. And you will need to make a total of two hundred dollars for this current round."

"ROUND?!?! What 'round'? Doc are you fuckin outa your MIND!?!?"

"Gentlemen who bids on the hat?" and Moose reached up and grabbed his Packers cap protectively.

"No way I lose this hat. This is my lucky hat."

"I'll bid twenty" from Hank who knew he'd give it back to him, cause he knew Moose and that hat were as inseparable as jock and strap.

"Jenkins you really wanna die!"

"Twenty from number 14."

"Moose relax y'get it back" so Moose finally let go of it and tossed it at him. Hank caught it and looked down at himself, shrugged and stuffed the visor down his shorts. Several guys and some of the men started to laugh.


"What? Okay I'll put it in back" and Hank pulled it out and was going to move it to his ass but stopped.

"You're fuckin dead Jenkins!" but the dead man shrugged and put it on his head. Backwards, ala Moose. The guys snickered; Moose glared.

"Okay what is my next bid?" and Billy was clutching a clipboard scribbling furiously.

"Twenty for those shoes!" yelled Jorge.

"Boots! And ya ain't getting my boots!!" Moose yelled.

"Twenty from number 8 there" said the doc.

"Fuck!" yelled Moose "only one boot goddamnit"

"Very well twenty for the left boot."

"Twenty for the right one" yelled Mannie still chuckling at Moose's embarrassment.

"Twenty from number 20" several guys laughed at the flat joke, but Moose was kicking out of the boots and flipping them at the two trying to brain them. He almost did.

"Twenty for the socks. Both of'm" said Jeff.

"Twenty from number 42. and yes we don't want to split those up" so Moose bent over and pulled them off. They were dirty and full of holes and looked rather ripe.

"Walker I woulda paid YOU!" and he threw them at Jeff who also stuffed them into his shorts. Everyone was laughing and clapping..

"Gentlemen a fine white muscle t-shirt is next" and suddenly the room got quiet. After a long moment one of the middle aged guys said,

"Twenty for the shirt"

"Twenty to number 4" and Billy was scribbling away.

"You can't be serious man. I been sweatin this thing all morning" Moose said sniffing himself.

"Very sure" the man said dead serious.

So Moose looked around and slowly pulled the shirt out of his khakis and as slowly pulled it over his head. His very tan and very muscular chest came into view. Several grunts and "yeah"s came from the audience. Moose really had been working out. His chest was now twin slabs of hard pecs with just the slightest ring of hair around each nipple. The smallest patch outlined where the slabs met and then down the middle of his full stomach where a line started below the navel growing wilder and hairier heading south to the top of his pants. Normally dark, the hairs were now bleached to a very pale almost blond, but were darkening under the sweat beading on his belly.

Moose took off the shirt and giving a couple of flexes making his pecs and arms jump, he tossed it at the man.

"Twenty for the pants" said another of the men.

"Twenty to number 5" the doc repeated and Billy scribbled it down.

Moose looked around the room, at the man, to the doc and back at the man.

"Go ahead Moose. This is what you agreed to" said the doc very slowly and calmly.

"Shit, enough's ENOUGH! I thought so far... I mean you guys been yankin me right?" he looked at his teammates who were not laughing any more "c'mon okay you got your fun..." but the doc was serious and the guy who was bidding looked like he would kill for those shorts in a few seconds.

"Moose?" doc saw the hesitation.

"Doc this ain't real..."

"Moose I assure you it's as real as your signature - your adult signature -

here" and he held up the papers.

"Fuck then you gotta turn that damn thing off!" pointing at the closest camera.

"That is very much part of the deal" from Kroos now, his arms crossed and bulging "unless you default in which case the arrangement - and funding - is cancelled. Well?"

"Guys???" Moose looked at them one by one "you gonna all just stand there, y'gonna go along with this fucked up shit?"

"Moose remember we're a team" from Jeff "we don't expect you to do anything we wouldn't do ourselves or haven't alre - shit!... I mean c'mon dude remember it's for the TEAM! We are YOUR team Moose! You are the only one..."

Moose looked around the room, hoping someone, anyone! would jump up and say "just joking! we're done here! okay show's over!" but all faces were serious and fixed on him. He looked at them all and then at the camera,

"Fuckfuckfuck... fuck" and turning his back on them he struggled with the belt and finally let them fall. His ass was covered by a pair of very very white briefs, blinding white against his dark skin under those lights. His hairy thighs, also tan, were starting to shine and glow as well. He kicked them off and to the side. The doc picked them up, emptied the contents of the pockets into a plastic bag on Billy's desk, and walked the stained khaki shorts over to the man. Moose was in no hurry to turn around.


"Geez, doc" Moose stood there, his shoulders slumped, all the bravado and swagger slowly ebbing away.

"Moose turn around." and in slow motion, with his hands plastered over his crotch, Moose finally turned. A couple of the guys started to hoot but were quickly glared down by the others.

"Very good. Moose you have nothing to be ashamed of. You are a fine specimen in the peak of health. Look at yourself" and the doc pointed at the screen. Moose looked up and saw his image and begrudgingly had to admit his summer of working out was paying off. But all his hard work was not for something as weird as this! He never intended the results of his eternal, endless workouts in those weird foreign gyms to be on display for the whole goddamn world to perv over! But out of the corner of his eye he saw himself up on the screen and damn! he didn't look half bad!

"Billy what are total bids so far?"

Billy ran down the numbers " One twenty, so far."

A murmuring started through the group.

"Well we have a bit of a dilemma here" said the doc "we need two hundred on this round, but Moose here seems to be down to his last item" and there was a long pause.

"Eighty for the shorts!" and a loud gasp went through the group.

"Very well. Eighty to number 10."

"One condition...." and the room became very quiet "he gotta piss em."

A loud shouting went up, the loudest from Moose yelling "No WAY man that's nasty SICK!! No fuckin way I gonna do that!"

When the room quieted the doc turned to Moose and said "Moose if you change your mind you know what that will mean. No team. No sponsorship. No senior year wrestling..." and Moose started to almost shake "and then there's the matter of our contract."

"You wouldn't!"

"Everyone here saw you sign it voluntarily."

Moose looked around the room, trapped. Like the proverbial rat in the trap. Or in this case the grizzly in the semi's headlights. The doc went over to the cabinet and produced a bottle familiar to some of them.

"Drink this, it may help."

"What is it, poison?"

"No it's only a... a diuretic" the doc stammered.

"Shit not that stuff again" came from Bo's direction. Several turned to look but then all eyes went back to Moose. The moment of truth was now hanging in the air. Would Moose take the bottle? Would he do it? Would he step off the cliff? Would the semi turn him to ground meat?

Moose gave one last look to his teammates. Before anyone could say something he took the bottle from the doc and tried to open it with his teeth. Eventually he had to give up and was forced to use both hands to pop the cap. It had the desired effect, and the front of his shorts was uncovered as several "whoah"s came from the audience. Moose looked to be as big in his shorts as was the rest of him. He threw it back and chugged it in one gulp, some of it trickling down his chest.

After a minute of shifting his weight back and forth Moose said "Shit no way it's starting to work already."

"Well then go ahead Moose."

Moose looked around "you got a screen or something?"

"Right where you are standing is fine. And face forward please."

"Goddamn you want me t'stand here and just start flooding my shorts?"

"You got it stud" from that same voice in back.

"This is the fuckin sickest..." Moose snarled, squinting his eyes shut. Finally he started to breath heavily and a dark spot formed on the front of his briefs.

"There, okay?" Moose said. But after a few seconds he muttered "damn!" and the spot started to spread. Moose grabbed himself, but could not hold it once he started and the front of his briefs soaked and became almost transparent and some piss started to dribble to the floor. Now his dick and balls were clearly outlined.

"Okay now you got the idea Moose" from that guy.

Moose looked down at himself and at first gingerly and then rapidly pulled his briefs down, turning as he did. When he stepped out of them Billy went over, picked them up and put them in a plastic bag and gave them to the man.

When he went back he took a towel and cleaned up the spill on the floor, then led Moose over to the sink. Moose kept his back to the audience displaying those bright white buttcheeks as he leaned over the sink. As he finished, the muscles in his butt clenched and unclenched making them look even whiter. The sound of his urine hitting the metal echoed through a silent room.

"Very good Moose we raised our two hundred dollars."

Without turning Moose said "Billy gimma a goddamn towel here" and Billy handed him one. He wiped himself off, and then wrapped it around his waist and returned to his previous spot, his eyes fixed on his former friends.

"Okay everyone happy now?" Moose snarled and glowered around the room.

The room broke into applause.

Moose started to leave and join his teammates,

"Not so fast Moose, where are you going?"

"I'm finished doc you got your two hundred bucks!"

"Yes we completed the first round. But we are just starting."

"Well I'm finished."

"No not at all. You signed a contract, agreeing to raise five thousand dollars-"


"And so far we only have two hundred."

"Well somebody else then" Moose said pointing down at his towel "I ain't got no more clothes to sell, doc."

"I wish our other guest were here by now, but we will have to continue without him" the doc said looking at Kroos.

"What 'other guest'?"

"A mister Wins-I mean Bishop but-" and some of the guys yelled "cool" and some "oh shit" or "damn Moose".

"but he seems to be delayed momentarily so we must go the next higher round without him."

"What are you TALKIN about doc!? You make this sound like some fuckin game show!"

"Let me explain how this works, how this is going to work. At the next level there is a card - a card with written instructions on it - on which the two of you would have been bid for completing. After that level, one of you must draw one of two cards; the other person given the unpicked card. There are a series of five levels, five pairs of cards. If you end up with the greater amount from the bidding AND you reach the goal of five thousand your team gets its sponsorship. If however, Mr. Bishop is able to raise more, well then... you... don't."

"Fuck gimme that damn card."

"And the condition is you must complete whatever task is written on that card."

"Sure fine doc whatever. It could not be any worse than this."

"Very well" and the dock went to the tray and picked up the card.

"The first card is..." and the guys looked back and forth muttering: this is gonna be baaaad, and back to Moose "the requirement is you masturbate to orgasm- "


" full view of the group."


"What am I bid?" and rather quickly one the men yelled "two.. HUNDRED!!"

Shouting and yelling echoed around the room. Moose was almost hoarse trying to be heard above the free-for-all.

"Any other bid?" but if there was it couldn't be heard.

"Very well two hundred to number three."

And Moose looked around and got scared. He gripped his towel so hard his hands were turning white.

"Give'm the gel doc give'm the gel" some of the guys started to chant.

"Very good" Kroos went over to the bag and tossed Moose a tube of something. Moose caught it but held the towel tight.

"C'mon Moose you can do it" yelled Klu, starting to see the evolution of this whole scenario.

"Fuck all of you assholes" Moose said but with some hesitation. Looking around the room he realized he was trapped again. He knew if he quit, the team would collapse and all his hopes would be ruined. Not just his but all the guys, and he knew how important it was to them. And when he looked at them he knew he couldn't let them down. Even if he hated their guts right now. And the more he glowered at them, the better it made him feel. They may all be punks and traitors, but he was gonna show them he was better that this. Better than all of them. Times like this, he said to himself, the captain has to show them who really has the balls. But then he looked over at the camera and himself on the screen. And he did not want to see those balls on that screen.

"Fuck this" he said but started to unscrew the cap and squeezed some in his palm. There started some murmurings of "shit he's gonna go and really fuckin do it" "he's actually gonna do it."s from the line. Even some shocked noises came from the folding chairs.

"What is this shit? KY?"

"Don't do it Moose" Hank yelled "it works like nothing you can imagine."

"Jenkins if you're fuckin with me- "

"Trust me on this one, Moose. It's the most nasty stuff!"

"What is it doc?"

"It's a formula we" he looked over at Kroos "are developing here and hope to market in due time. It a combination of ingredients, completely safe but very effective. Like the guys say, you will never forget the experience."

"Well lemme just try a little then" and he reached under his towel and started to apply what he thought was just a small dab but was instead almost too much. He tossed the tube and continued to blot it onto a few spots on his cock, but all the while making sure the towel covered his equipment.

"No fair man..."

"Lose the towel Moose" but suddenly Moose got a strange expression on his face.

"Goddamn what's IN this stuff?" he said his eyes wide, his legs starting to shake.

"Moose you will need to give me the towel sooner or later."

Again Moose looked around the room and down at himself. He was now having to hold the towel out in front of him, keeping it from rubbing against his suddenly tender cockhead. The untanned section of his left thigh was bared to the knot which was starting to give way. Moose looked around the room as the back of the towel fell off his butt and then almost by accident his other hand caught it in front but the doc grabbed the side of the hem and started to ease it from Moose's too slippery hand.

A very shocked reaction came from just about everyone. The first thing they noticed was how white the skin of his crotch looked. His dark brown pubic hair against the white skin of his hips above the dark tanned thighs looked almost artificial, like he almost wanted this visual effect. And the more Moose tried to cover it, the more a very adult-sized and thick uncircumsized cock started to grow for all to see. His scrotum was one large softball-sized bag already tight up against his crotch and covered with the same dark brown hair. Moose tried to keep his eyes tightly shut but after a while, as his dick started to come to full mask and the head started to pop out of the foreskin, he looked down at himself.

The murmuring coming from the seated audience started to get louder as Moose continued to grab himself, at first just to cover it, but when he felt the tingling and itching his hand was causing, a rapid skinning of his foreskin started, then a firm whack to the underside of his cock, not believing how it felt. Some men looked over at the guys seated on either side of them and yes some were also starting to get turned on. Klu and Jeff and even Ernie were starting to stretch their shorts as well.

Moose looked down at himself and up at the screen watching that image like it belonged to someone else. His breathing got heavy and after a minute his knees started to shake.

"Stop now" said the doc.

"Shit... I'm almost gonna cum" Moose grunted, out of breath.

"Take your hand away. Show them!"

Moose inched his hand up to his waist and his fully erect cock, covered with gel and shiny under the lights, was full and pointing straight out.

"Turn to your left and then to your right" and Moose, too stunned to object, turned so the camera could see it sticking straight out and a hefty eight and a half inches was in profile.

"Okay now ejaculate for them" the doc said and Moose slapped his hand back to his cock all but primed for shooting. He had given it no more than two or three yanks when he got a weird look on his face,


"Problem Moose?" but everyone could see there was not problem. Moose's cock was bobbing out full and hard, and it looked like a simple sneeze would set it off "having difficulty-c"

"What'd y'make me drink?!?"

"Just a simple-"

"I gotta I gotta...." almost whispering to the doc "piss again?"

Kroos rummaged around in some drawers until he found a metal basin. It seemed the jugs disappeared with half the equipment in the room, "I am afraid this will have to do."

"Damn lemme just go down the hall, use the bathroom already!"

"You might be tempted to..."

"I ain't gonna jack off in there! Just lemme-"

"Sorry Moose" Kroos handed him the basin "you will need to stay here-"

"Fuck this" but Moose grabbed the basin and held it below his crotch. He tried to point his cock down at it, but he might as well have been trying to bend a crowbar with his bare hands. His cock stayed up and hard, in no mood to cooperate "damn damn this... I gotta piss so bad" clenching and unclenching his bladder muscle, trying to relieve the pressure building "I'm gonna explode if I don't..."

Kroos stepped over to the sink and filled a cup with cold water. Before Moose or anyone could react he poured the cold water down Moose's crotch!

"Damn!" Moose yelled, yanking away from the icy splash. But that did the trick. His balls and dick gave a lurch and a yellow arch flew out of his hard cock, some of it making it into the basin. Once he got the flow going he managed to twist his cock down a few degrees and bring the angled bowl up to collect the rest. As he finished Billy was there with a towel, cleaning the floor and taking the basin from Moose's shaking hand.

"No more of that damn diurectic shit!" Moose yanked the towel from Billy and finished cleaning himself off "y'tryin to kill a guy?"

But Kroos returned with the tube of green goo and gave it to Moose, who had little choice but to reapply another coating to his half-hard cock. Whatever reluctance or shyness Moose had before was not long gone. After pissing himself in front of this whole audience he figured he had nothing more to hide. His shame and embarrassment were almost enough to keep him from getting his full hard back. Almost. But between the gel and the stimulation before his bladder decided to interrupt the fun, he did not take long before his long steady strokes were getting him back to the same point as before. He almost wanted to pretend he might not be able to bring himself off like this, with everyone pervin on his display. Hell, like no way he was gonna let on he wasn't getting any during his long vacation. Not Moose the Stud! Only he knew he spent the whole vacation trying to keep his hand away from his eternally horny cock and use all that energy to deal with the competition in those damn foreign gyms. It seemed everywhere he went he felt like the puny outsider, the puny and very horny outsider. And those killer work-outs kept him distracted enough, he reminded himself. So when he felt himself lose the battle he hated to admit it was gonna be like two months of cum blasting out of him!

"Do it Moose..." he heard a few voices mutter and that did it. With about five quick yanks it started to shoot forward onto the floor. The guys and some of the men started to clap and whoop.

Moose looked down at himself and then up at the picture, more stunned than anything. When it sunk in what he had just done, he reached down for the dirty towel and started to wipe himself. When he looked back up and saw the reaction he almost cracked the smallest of embarrassed smiles.

"Okay doc NOW I gotta get cleaned up."

"You're fine like that" the doc said, taking back the towel.

"No really doc I need a shower. I gotta get this shit offa me."

"Yes but not now. Just stand there a moment" the doc gave the towel to Billy who delivered it to the bidder "Doc could you see if our guest has arrived yet?" and Kroos headed out the door.

"Okay doc you got what you want" Moose said, again trying to cover himself with his hands but when he did he felt how super-sensitive his dickhead had gotten, and was forced to keep his hands at his side.

He looked at his teammates and saw some of their tented fronts "you stupid fucks are all so dead" he sneered but in a strange way enjoyed getting that reaction from them. Okay I AM the stud, he thought, and looked back to that huge dick on the screen.

When the door opened Moose gasped, watching his coach come in and with him a short but totally bulked-out guy.

"Coach! Jeez! "Moose gasped covering himself as did a lot of the other guys, especially those who were a bit puffy"what the hell are YOU doin here for crissakes!!!"

"Well Moose welcome back glad you could make it. I knew you would come" he said looking at some of the drops still on the floor "through for the team."

"Very funny! You tellin me you actually KNOW about all this?!?!"

"Well the doc and I had several... discussions, and yeah we were forced to come to some kind of... agreement. Like I could come up with some way to raise THIS kind of dough" he said taking a medalion from Billy: number one!

The guys looked back and forth, he's in on this! Our own fuckin coach is IN on this! This whole stinkin thing was rigged! Moose is fucked! We're fucked!

The coach went and sat in a chair one of the middle aged guys vacated for him fast. As he stood the front of the guy's shorts was tented and the small dark wet spot made it look even worse. The coach could not help but notice it as he sat down, the guy's shorts now at eye level.

"Moose this is your fellow contestant as I mentioned."

"Right" Moose nodded but did not shake, showing the residue still on his hand.

"The name's Mark" he said and looked back at some of the guys and then at the rest of the group.

"Mark you were not here for the first part, but Moose completed it very satisfactorily" and a couple of the guys yeahed for him "but now we need to continue on to the next level."

"Sorry I'm... late doc. What do we gotta do? I'm almost afraid to ask" Mark said looking Moose up and down but definitely giving his dick a good sizing up. Moose also gave Mark the up and down but tried not to look below the waist.

"As I explained to Moose here, one of you will draw a card and the other gets the unpicked card. You are then to complete the task written on that card. When all the cards are finished whoever has raised the most money with the highest points wins."

"You sure about all of this?" Mark was looking around the room.

"And if there are no objections Moose" doc held out two cards for Mark "we will let our guest do the draw."

"Hell be my guest" Moose shrugged and backed away, seeing himself off the hook. In a big way. Hell, he might survive this after all. Shit, the worst was over, he told himself.

Mark reached out and tapped the left card.

"Very well" the doc started to read "the requirement is: Rather than masturbate, you are to BE masturBATED to orgasm."

Mark looked at the doc and around the room "Say again doc? I know I didn't hear that right."

"Someone must masturbate you to orgasm."

" who?" he said, in part as a challenge and in part out of curiosity. He could not imagine any of the guys he recognized eager to jump up and grab his dick. He knew this had to be some kind of joke, but seeing that Moose guy naked did not look like a joke. Maybe some kind of game of chicken?

"Billy?" the doc looked over and Billy reached into a jar and pulled out a small ping pong ball.

"Number 15..."

All the guys looked down at the medals but Hank shrugged 'one off" he thought.

"Number 15 please come over here."

And standing up was Mr. Herrer wearing a number 15.

"Dad?" yelled Mannie. Mr. Herrer looked at his son and went up to Mark.

"Gentlemen the bidding is at three hundred. Who will start the bid?"

"Three fucking hundred right here!" yelled Mannie "This I gotta see!"

His dad looked at him and mouthed something no one heard.

"Three fifty" said Bo "and let's see him dig it out for him too." So Bo upped the stakes and at the same time got Mannie off the hook, as it were. Bo looked at Will when he was finished, with a daring look aimed right at his son. Whatever the issues were between Mannie and his dad, Bo saw something similar to what was starting between Will and himself.

A pause, "going once, going twice, three fifty from number eighteen."

Mannie's dad, Rico Herrer, went up to the doc who pointed to Mark.

"Mannie hope you gettin off on this shit..." his dad said and went over to Mark, just slow enough to show everyone his reluctance. He stood right in front of him, their faces not five inches apart, and keeping his eyes on Mark's, started to unbuckle his belt, but when he got to the snap his hand met with some resistance. When he finally let his fingers inch under the waistband, doing everything he could to keep them away from Mark's goods, he felt the snap open and managed to get the pants open. He looked up at the screen and saw his one hand lower Mark's zipper, exposing nothing but a bush of pubic hair underneath. Again commando, Mark decided to skip the underwear, having a good idea why they called him. Rico fished around inside and pulled out Mark's cock but yanked his hand away when felt something metallic.

"What's this shit?"

"It's cool man you won't hurt me."

"Don't you want to take it off or somethin?"

Mark looked around the room "man ain't you ever felt a cock piercing?"

"I don't feel cocks?"

"Well, it's supposed to be like that. Go on."

And the doc held out the lube and squeezed some of the jel into Rico's right hand; he kept the other tight behind his back. Rico started to rub in around the shaft, staying away from that metal thing at the head, the cock swelling quickly. As he started to get fully hard, Mark lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it and then let his pants fall. Rico started to get a rhythm as that foreign-feeling cock came to full.

"Hey may look at your dad."

"Yeah" Mannie said "this is worth the price alone" but no way he could believe it when he thought he saw the front of his dad's pants possibly showing a bit of fullness. Next to him Will smirked and whispered "yer old man groovin on this shit."

"You ain't see shit yet... just wait til YOUR old man gets his number called" Mannie said, guessing Bo was here for some reason. And it couldn't be good.

"Hold off a second bud" Mark said starting to get short of breath. Rico could not get his hand away from that cock fast enough. Mark reached down and got his feet untangled from the pants. He tossed them to the side making sure that Moose dude got a good look of what was sticking out of his crotch. He even gave his dick a throb or two and flexed his pecs once or twice for him to see. Moose could not help but look, seeing the expression Mark's face: you goin down!

"Okay man" Mark said again facing the front "you can jack my dick again, I know you drooling to make it shoot all over you" and Rico raised his slimy hand back to that mutilated cock and in a very short time Mark grunted and started pumping his cock back and forth into Rico's hand. He closed his eyes as Rico started to increase the speed and it wasn't long before a streak of cum shot onto the floor. Rico pulled his hand away fast but Mark grabbed it and yanked it back onto his cock and another and then another spurt shot onto Rico's hand..

Rico fled back to his chair wiping his hand but his pants were definitely tented now and under the bright lights the guys could actually make out the crease of the circumcized crown. He quickly sat down.

"Very good Mark" the doc said tossing him another towel.

"Now Moose it's your turn."

"So soon doc? I was just getting to enjoy the show" he was leaning against the exam table his hands draped carefully over his crotch. He stood up and took his hands away revealing his still reddened but soft dick. His balls were hanging low and full.

"Okay good fucking luck whoever gonna try and jack me" Moose looked around the room then down at his cock.

"Actually no Moose" doc said looking down and reading the card "the condition is: you are to masturbate to orgasm-"

"Doc you confused? I just did that!"

"You are to masturbate to orgasm the person of the draw."



Again he reached and pulled out "Number six..."

Some of the guys were almost disappointed and a distinct "sheeyit" came from Will.

"Number six?"

Everyone looked around. Finally Joe Herms, Billy's dad, stood up. A shocked silence. Everyone knew Joe and what a cool guy he was, but this? Would he go through with it, and with his kid right there?

"NINE!" Billy yelled "I meant nine!"

"What?" the doc turned back to Billy, who looked like he was going to pass out or worse.

"Nine!" Billy was too freaked to look at his dad "it was upside down. It's really a nine - "

But Kroos came over fast, and found the ball on top of the pile. He held it up so Billy, then everyone could see the line below the six,

"Sorry Billy, this is very much a six."

"Shit..." Billy sat back down in his chair, looking defeated. As much as the idea of Moose getting his dad naked and hard would have been a turn-on for him a day or two ago, now that it was happening - and happening right in front of everyone he knew! - it was too much to take in. When his dad showed up Billy was too stunned to say anything. And now?

"Doc, Billy's gotta leave for this one."

"Billy?" but Billy came out of the chair like a zombie, and looking at his dad beet red in the face started to crawl towards the door.

"Gentlemen again bidding starts at three hundred."

There was another long pause then "three hundred" from Hank.

"Shit Hank what're ya doin? That's Joe!"

"C'mon cuz, you know you're a good lookin guy and hell like you got nothin to be ashamed of" Hank said looking at Joe and then Jeff and then the rest.

"Very good. going once, going twic-"

"Three fifty" from another of the middle aged men.

"Three fifty onc-"

"One condition... the kid stays."

There were sounds of protest and a "gimme a break it's my kid" from Joe. There was a bit of discussion around the room. Finally Joe said "no deal". The doc looked at the bidder who finally shrugged.

"Very well, three fifty once, three fifty twic-"

"Three six...ty" came quietly from Billy next to the door, his head down.

Now everyone really gasped.

"Billy what are you thinkin?" said Joe looking at him.

"I don't mind. I... kinda... y'know it'd be cool" Billy said still not looking at his dad.

"Shit the kid wants to see his dad nut" Mannie said quietly to the other guys.

"Billy no."

"Doc is my bid good?"

Doc had to make a call on the fly, "Well... yes Billy your bid is good."

"Doc he ain't got the money."

"I do too" Billy said looking at the doc hard "remember I've been working all summer."

"But you need it for school!"

"Well there won't be any school if we don't get the money will there?" Billy yelled and knew he had him.


But Joe just looked down and after taking a deep breath, nodded his head.

Moose walked over to Joe, a bit less reluctance in his stride. He had very little left to hide now and was very relieved his own dick was out of the woods for the time being.

"Don't worry Joe, I'll try to make this as painless as possible okay?" and started to unbuckle his belt.

"Thanks Moose we can handle this part."

"Let Moose do it" from Billy.


"Dad, go on. Hey it's my bid okay?"

So Joe just put his hands behind his back as Moose opened the belt and then his pants. Underneath Joe was wearing plaid boxers. When Moose pulled everything down Joe's shirt covered up the rest. Joe looked down and gave up and started to unbutton his own shirt.

"Moose" from Billy.

So Moose finished unbuttoning Joe's shirt. When he finished he pushed the shirttails to the side but they kept falling back so Moose pulled the shirt off Joe's shoulders, letting it bundle around his arms. Now Joe's genitals were finally exposed. He had a very plump circumcised dick all but hidden by a forest of dark blond hairs. His balls were completely buried in the fur as well. Moose pulled up the front of Joe's t-shirt and the forest continued as far north as Moose tugged, finally tucking in the t-shirt below Joe's chest line. A few appreciative "yeah"s came from the group. Billy's eyes were fastened to the screen watching the up-close version but then he went around to watch it live from a few feet away. Joe looked at him and then closed his eyes.

Moose saw the doc offer the tube of gel but nodded no. The doc grabbed Moose's hand and squeezed a dollop into his palm, letting him know it was not optional. Moose raised his hand to Joe's crotch and started to rub the underside of Joe's dick right behind the crown. Joe let out a hiss and with a few strokes he started to lengthen. Billy was frozen to the spot, his hand starting to inch its way underneath his own waistband. Joe kept his eyes tight as he felt himself grow in Moose's hand. Damn, he thought, this goop is as intense as it looked.

"Doc this stuff feels... good" Joe gritted his teeth, keeping his eyes closed "how about some for my store?"

A few chuckles slipped out of the guys.

"Moose is gonna help ya out... stud" Moose said, telling himself he could bring Joe all the way "just relax and let me do the work."

"Oh shit" Joe said through clenched teeth "oh shit oh shit..." and before Moose could readjust his grip, Joe suddenly jerked his hips back and let shoot a huge white geyser and then four more in rapid succession. Huge globs of cum like he'd been holding it all summer and one actually caught Billy on the cheek. Billy's hand shot up to his face as a big wet spot started to spasm in his shorts. Before his dad's eyes could open, Billy got off his knees and crawled back to his chair, but just about everyone could see he blew a big dark nasty load in his pants.

"Goddamn" Joe said opening his eyes "that was something else. Thanks I guess Moose" and took a towel from the doc wiping himself off and pulling up his pants. He looked down on the floor and saw the very large puddles of cum beneath him and his face stayed red.

"That wasn't so bad Joe was it?" Moose said feeling just a tad bit proud.

"I guess I'll live" Joe said going back to his chair. When he finally got the nerve he looked at Billy who was wiping his face. Damn, he thought, the kid's crying. Shit now I really did it.

Moose went back to his spot against the exam table covering his crotch with his wrists but still had to keep his hands from touching himself as the gel continued to do a number on his sensitive skin. Now that he was out of the spotlight as it were, he slipped over to sink and pissed again, his broad back hiding it from almost everyone. Kroos and Billy both noticed but both were too busy to say anything.

"Very good gentlemen, now to the next round," the doc said producing the next set of cards, "Moose I believe it's your turn to pick a card."

He looked down at the two cards but was super wary of what this new trap might be. And he was still trying to recover from what he was made to do in front of his buddies. Shit, not only did he stand there and jack off with the whole team watching, and not just the team but like half the male population of the town! And to make sure everyone who might have missed it got to see it too, they fucking were filming him do it! And then the grand finale was the entire world just watched him jack off somebody, and not just somebody but Joe! right there in front of everyone, even his own fucking kid!. Jacking yourself is one thing, he thought, but another guy? With everyone and their mother watching? He looked at the floor.

"Let mister body builder here go first, I can wait back here" Moose said hoping to buy time.

"Mark?" asked the doc.

"Hell I ain't chickenshit!" he said looking at Moose "like the big baby."

Several of the guys started to boo, but he just gave them a good couple of muscle poses so the boo's gradually turned to whoops.

"Very well which one you choose?" this time Mark tapped the right.

"All right Mark" doc looked down reading "the requirement is that you are brought to orgasm-" again a few gulps and gasps "by the number of the draw-"

Moose thought, shit another jacking.

"-with his hands tied behind him."

The room quieted to a few whispers.

"Billy?" and again Billy reached into the jar "number 8" he produced. And it wasn't upside down!

They guys looked back and forth and down at their medallions. But nobody came forward.

"Doc it's-" started Will and Billy both.

"Shut your mouth!" said Jorge.

"Jorge, what's your number?" asked the doc slowly.

"Ah 21 doc" he lied.

Will reached over and after a struggle flipped it around. It was still number eight.

"Up here Jorge" ordered the doc.

Jorge half-swaggered half-crawled up to the stage while Mark turned around, putting his hands behind his back, "doc?"

"What are you doing?"

"Don't you gotta tie my hands?" Mark looked at the card.

"Not your hands Mark, HIS hands" pointing at Jorge.

"What?!?!!?" from both of them at the same time.

"How the fuck you expect me to jerk-- " Jorge stopped himself in mid cough, "no fuckin WAY!!" as it dawned on him. He tried to pull away but Kroos was out of his chair. When Jorge saw that he looked at his team, "c'mon guys! You don't think for one fuckin minute..."

But the guys looked at each other then back at him. Will and Klu were almost high-fiving.

Jorge looked around "damn I shouldn't a bid before" and after a bit of arguing with Kroos, he turned and had his wrists tied behind him. His one bit of clothing was now soaked with sweat way past the waistband and clinging in all the wrong places.

"Bidding gentlemen?" the doc looked around the room.

"THREE hundred" said one of the same middle aged men as before.

"Very well three hundred, once? twice..." but the room grew quiet "three to number ten."

Jorge looked around and then at Mark.

"Very well, you have five minutes to produce an orgasm - a second orgasm - from Mark here-"

"But DOC!!!"

"starting NOW!"

And as a chant of "do it do it do it" started from the guys Jorge went over and stood in front of Mark. Mark stood with his hands at his side and didn't move. Jorge went up to him and put his front against Mark's but realized their crotches were touching which was something he didn't want to be seen doing in front of everyone. So he started to crouch down and tried to rub just his stomach against Mark's cock. He swayed back and forth rubbing Mark's cock sideways, pulling it first one way then the other. After a short while Mark started to pull and harden.

"Man he's doing it, look he's getting him stiff with just his chest."

"Yeah but he can't make him cum that way."

"Or maybe he can" Doug said and everyone turned to him.

"How that?"

But Jorge got the dick to harden and when he did, got it to point up so he could rub the underside now with an up-and-down motion instead of the awkward back and forth. Kroos brought the second camera around to get a side shot. As Jorge got sweatier and sweatier his stomach got slicker and slicker and squatting up and down finally his legs started to tire and he began to squat lower and lower til finally his knees were touching the floor. Now Mark's cock was sliding up and down the furrow between Jorge's hairless pecs, right where the sweat was gathering.

"Two minutes" reminded the doc and Jorge tried to increase his bobbings but his knees were just about given out. Mark was now pushing his cock further and further up as he started to stand up straighter. Even though he was short, Jorge was not much taller so Mark's cock finally start to hit him in the neck and then the bottom of his chin.

"Shit man look at that" Will said "look where that dick is heading" and as Jorge tired the dickhead started to rub against the front of his chin and finally the front of his lips.

"Shit he's gonna do it" Will continued "he gonna suck him" and Jorge did his best to keep his lips tightly pursed shut.

"One minute left" the doc said louder now.

Mark looked down and whispered "If I don't cum man your team is fucked so do it man, you gotta do it" and Jorge finally started to relax his lips and after three thrusts the metal ring and then the whole head when through his lips.

The team started to hoot "yeah look he's suckin it, yeah he's actually suckin that cock!"

"Thirty seconds" and Mark started a rapid humping of his dick all the way in and out and down his throat. Jorge was gagging it down and spit was flying out of both sides of his mouth but Mark was shoving faster and faster.

"Ten... nine... eight" and all the guys started to join "seven... six... five..." and Mark gasped and pulled out and bang! a glob of cum hit Jorge right in the nose.

The room went wild with cheers and Mark plunged it back in two more times, then pulled it out as the last drops started to fall away from the tip.

"With five seconds to spare, Jorge by a head" Will shouted, Kroos smiled and the guys burst into laughter. Jorge shakily got to his feet and turned his back on the group so he could get untied. When he turned around the frond of his shorts were completely soaked and a distinct red cockhead was swollen against the material. He quickly covered himself and got back in line.

"Way to GO MAN" several started to slap him on the back but Jorge was mortified "what a talent you got there!"

"Shuttup Will" Jorge said and tried to look anywhere else.

When the room started to die down the doc turned,


Moose went up to the doc, his dick filled out and red but still hanging down, "Okay who gets to suck me off?" he said, looking at his teammates and then down at the card with little enthusiasm in his voice.

"Your requirement" the doc read "is that your BRING to orgasm the number drawn..." several mutterings quickly quieted "again without your hands."

"So I just gotta cream someone without my hands..." Moose said looking back at Jorge thinking, that ain't gonna be me "right?"

"Billy?" and again Billy reached in and pulled out a ball. He looked at it but didn't say anything, "Billy we're waiting."

Finally Billy said without looking up quietly but everyone heard "number... one."

The room gasped and the guys started to yell back and forth "the coach the coach, Moose gotta nut the coach!"

"Gentlemen what am I bid?" and quickly there came a

"FIVE hundred!" and it was from Joe. Everyone looked at him and shut up, and after a moment or two cheering came from the guys.

"Five hundred going once, going twic-"

"Five fifty" came from Rico Herrer. Again a quiet in the room, "with one condition."

"What's that Rico?"

"We gotta see Mannie here do t'Moose just like Jorge did the musclehead..." and the room got very noisy. Man your old man's setting you up, they muttered, pay back time Mannie.

"Dad knock it off!"

"Five fifty going one, going twice-"

"And other fifty if Mannie gets the GOO!" yelled Hank looking at Rico, who almost chuckled.

"Sold! Five-fifty and fifty... and another fifty, number 15."

Moose had already turned his back and was standing against the wall. He felt completely betrayed, by the doc, and worst by his teammates. But the coach? Man that was something else entirely.

"Moose if you please" said the doc pointing to his spot at center stage. The big guy turned around and glared at them all, and then pointed at Hank like it was his fault.

"Jenkins you're dead."

"Hey Moose all I did was mess up Mannie so don't look at me like I'm the shit" he said all innocent.

So Moose stood as Kroos tied his arms behind him, making his chest and arms really pop out. Without resistance he got to his knees and hung his head like a prisoner waiting for the firing squad. He sneered to himself at the analogy.

"Five minutes shit!" he muttered not looking up.

"Well Moose you've been such a good sport we'll give you ten" the doc said looking around "unless there are any objections."

And the guys started to yell out "give him the ten, give'm the ten", and then looked over and the coach was starting to stand and make his way through the other men. Damn but if some of them didn't sneak a grope on the way by. By the time he got to Moose he was slowly unbuckling his belt. He pulled them down and then in a quick tug he yanked down his undershorts. He let them both puddle around his ankles and stood close enough to Moose's face that he could smell what was in store. His long circumcised dick was already half-hard, his balls low in their sac. Moose looked at them and then just closed his eyes.

Shit he gotta suck off the coach, they started to mutter, shit he gotta do the coach in front of everyone, they went back and forth. Fred and Hank were both openly rubbing themselves and Ernie and Klu also were hard but didn't dare touch themselves. They started to push Mannie forward who was not in any mood to even consider joining them.

He looked back at them with the dirtiest look imaginable and when Kroos started to tie his arms he almost took a swing, but then it was too late and his arms were tightly bound. He looked down at Moose on his knees with his balls and cock half way to the floor and said "no way on earth."

"You're right Mannie this won't work like this. Moose stand up" Moose stood up his crotch now at the level of the coach's, their two cocks almost touching. Kroos went over and yanked the chair out from under Billy. His stained crotch was suddenly very noticeable as was the fact he was again hardening. He looked at his dad who looked right at him, trying not to adjust his crotch but ended up doing it anyway. Billy looked back at the Moose and then coach and when he looked back at his dad it seemed he was looking back to them but Billy couldn't be sure but he could see his dad's hand still tugging at his crotch, shifting his weight from hip to hip uncomfortably.

The doc took the chair over to the coach and said" stand on this" and the coach saw the scene quickly. He looked at his team and turned now so they finally saw where Moose's mouth was going, then stepped free of his pants and still wearing his grey pullover hooded jacket, got up on the chair. And his crotch was right at the level of Moose's face. Again Moose took in the scent of his downfall and closed his eyes tight.

"Hey doc" yelled Rico "just to sweeten the pot" he looked at the teammates "another fifty if the Moose there shoots first!" and the crowd started to mutter and shout.

Man that's evil, they whispered, his old man is really out to fuck him over, man is he getting him back and playing with his head. Hey, Mannie may just try to do it just to spite his dad, man talk about payback, naw, Mannie's gonna let him lose the bet man, hell no, he'd rather see him shell out the bread, he's gonna break his old man, shit either way Mannie's totally and completely fucked!

"Any objections?" doc looked around "very well ten minutes. Starting NOW!"

And Moose didn't even try to start rubbing the coach with his chest but just closed his eyes and opened his mouth. When the guys saw that, a shocked gasp went through the line, shit! he's really gonna go it, he's gonna let the coach nut in his mouth, damn Moose you're gonna let the coach do you.

And the coach lifted his cock with one hand and plunged in deep into Moose's mouth. The coach started a slow rocking motion and the guys could see each time the dick slid out it was getting wider and thicker and each time it seemed to go deeper into Moose's mouth. The camera moved around and there four feet wide up on the screen they could see Moose take the cock in again and again and each time it plunged in further and the muscles in his cheeks and jaws were stretching and they could actually see Moose's throat muscles now swell and contract as the Coach was actually going down Moose's throat.

Man, will you ever see anything like that!, the muttered, he's deep throating the coach, he's taking the whole damn thing right down his gut, man the coach is so damn hard, never saw him hard like that. And the coach heard, and pulled it all the way out and just held it in front of Moose's face, his gaze not down at Moose, but looking at each of the team one by one. The guys just gasped, damn look at that pole! Man look at him, look what he's doing to Moose, as it slid back in.

Then they noticed that Kross had crouched down next to Mannie and reaching into his shorts smeared a huge hand-sized clump of the green lube under the waistband and down to his crotch. Mannie had been just holding his face in front of the Moose's crotch but what he was actually doing could not be seen. When Mannie jerked back suddenly they could see that Moose was now starting to lengthen but his dick was not shiny and pieces of the drying goo were flaking away as his dick began to grow. Mannie was now wiggling his hips around shifting his weight from knee to knee as the gel started to stain the front of his shorts but he could not reach himself or even yank the fly away from his dick. And the more he wiggled the more the cloth chafed against his now very sensitive cock.

"Seven minutes" the doc said looking back at the seated men. And then Mannie looked back at his dad and turning back plunged Moose's cock into his mouth. He started to gag but kept it in.

Cheers broke from the guys seeing Mannie finally fully disgraced and making things worse the front of his shorts was now starting to strain straight out as the gel took effect and Mannie was powerless to stop it. Getting adjusted to the dick growing even bigger in his throat Mannie now started to give Moose a full and deep blowjob, and Moose turned his attention back to the coach's cock. They were both bobbing away like crazy when the doc said "four minutes."

But it looked like Mannie didn't hear him. Now he was going just about crazy with the pressure on his sensitive cockhead. He started to rub his crotch back and forth against Moose's left calf and after several of those swipes his dickhead actually started to poke out of the fly. It was completely green and as swollen as anyone had seen. Once he pushed the full length free of the fly he started to hump Moose's leg in short jerky thrusts. At first Moose tried to lift his foot away but then got the idea that he could not balance on one leg and suck off the coach at the same time. Mannie was going crazy and moaning loud enough to be heard by some of the guys but still he kept humping.

"Two minutes left" and Moose impaled his throat on the coach's cock as deep as it would go. On the screen the guys could see Moose working his throat muscles harder and harder while the coach finally grabbed Moose's head with both hands and started making rapid shallow thrusts deep in his throat. Suddenly Moose started a deep loud moan and threw his hips forward. It was obvious Moose was cumming. As Moose made his third thrust into Mannie, Mannie pulled his head away and pushed Moose's dick alongside his cheek as the last spurt oozed out of the head and drooled down Mannie's neck. Simultaneously the coach pulled out and shot several loads all over Moose's face without touching himself and at the same time Mannie grunted and started to spew all down Moose's leg. The coach finished the free-hand cumming and then slowly slid his dick back into Moose's open mouth. Mannie also leaned forward and held Moose's still hard cock in his mouth. The room was dead silent.

No one muttered no one even squeaked a chair. It was perfectly horribly quiet. After a very long pause without anyone moving so much as a muscle, the dead stillness was broken by "Time."

Almost in slow motion, the three came uncoupled, like a trainwreck in reverse, almost reluctantly they slid apart. The coach's cock came back into view, now drooping slowly with a lot of spit running off the end. Moose's dick when it finally came out for air was still perfectly hard and much redder and shinier than when he had jacked it before. It almost looked like it was pumped from inside, like a balloon stretched to its maximum. Kroos went over and helped Mannie to his feet and then undid his restraints.

As soon as his hands were free he yanked the sticky shorts off himself , pulling his slimy dick back through the fly painfully. He helped himself to a towel and did his best to rub the goo off his crotch but after some rubbing and them some careful dabbing he threw the towel away in disgust. If he tried to clean it off it stung and if it stayed on it stung but not as much so he mopped as much as he could but gave up. He walked back to the group looking at his dad and hissed "pay the man papi", then stood by the guys, not ashamed not angry, just staring straight ahead. They tried to catch his eye but Mannie just shrugged, and yet the shiny goo on his dick kept Mister Cool squirming first on one foot then the other.

The coach picked up his pants and shorts and shrugged but did not put them on. Instead he just carried them back to his chair where he tossed them under the seat. At this point it was all out in the open, his whole goddamn team had watched him get blown by no one less than Moose. It seemed like there was very little left to hide at that point. And the dark menacing thought that this was just the beginning of his demise hung over him. He looked at the team, expecting to see their loathing, their hatred. Instead, he saw something else, but could not identify it. What he did see was his whole life, his whole career turning the corner to a place he could not have imagined a few months ago, and there was no turning back it seemed.

Moose just stood with his hands over his face, but it seemed he was more concerned with getting some feeling back into his jaws than hiding his shame. After massaging his face for a while he just dropped his hands to his side, his face blotchy as the circulation returned, and stood looking straight ahead not making eye contact with anyone. His dick stayed full out.

"Gentlemen that was the most impressive thing any of us had ever seen" Kroos said and there were a few quiet mumblings from the group. The guys did not look back and forth at each other but instead one by one they looked down at themselves, where their hands were trying to cover their responses. Kroos gave them all a long look and nodded at their crotches, reminding them to fold their arms again. Slowly they brought their hands up and put their arms back across their chests, some proud, some reddening. Most of them were now blatantly hard. Some had been in the midst of stroking themselves when Kroos grunted at them, completely mesmerized by what they had just witnessed. But Mannie was the only one in the group who was now totally naked and he was squirming like a worm on a hook, the remnants of the gel keeping him from getting completely soft.

"Very well... we go to the next round" the doc said taking two more cards "Mark started the last so Moose it's your turn."

Moose just looked at the doc and waived him away, too tired to bother. He went back and lay down on the exam table on his back. His dick flipped up red and swollen onto his belly. He threw his arm over his face and just lay there.

"Mark it looks like Moose needs to recover a bit so again if there are no objections?" but the room was still.

Mark reached out and tapped the left one this time.

"Very well" the doc began" the condition is as follows: The contestant is to be clamped and tied and have a number three plug inserted. With the help of the person whose number is drawn, without hands" pausing "OR mouth-"

"Shit doc how many times-"

"He is to produce an orgasm."

"How in hell doc?" and the room started to buzz, no way, he can't cum again, how can he cum like that? this time it's impossible, now what do we do.

"Billy?" who was back in his chair reached in and announced "number 14"

"Tag I'm it" Hank turned to the other guys "any ideas?" but Jeff just shook his head no, and Hank went up and stood in front of Mark.

"Bidding gentlemen?"

"Four hundred but the musclestud can't do it" said one of the middle aged men.

"Very well, four hundred once? four hundred twice..." looking the room but people were befuddled "sold to number seven."

"Okay doc" said Hank "I gotta make Mark cum?"


"And I can't wank him or..." he said looking back at the guys softer "suck him..."


"So what's left?"

"You have ten minutes to figure that out."

"Mark?" Hank looked at him.

"Don't worry kid there's a way" Mark said almost like a code.

So Hank stood and put his arms by his side, while Kroos dug through his bag and pulled out the tit clamps and applied them to Mark's nipples but they kept sliding off the hairs. After the third attempt someone yelled out,

"Another fifty if ya shave that ape" and they turned and it was Joe not even trying to hide his crotch, his dick sticking straight up. He had his arms hanging to each side of his chair with his hips full forward almost thrusting his crotch up as high as it would go.

"And another fifty" said Hank "if you do his crotch again at the same time."

"Who?" said Kroos.

"Mark who else?" he said "that stubble ain't givin me no road rash" winking back at Jeff. Nobody else was laughing.

"And another fifty if our Joe gets his crotch too!" yelled Klu, "we almost didn't get to see the whole show before" and a couple of the guys elbowed him, barely keeping from chuckling themselves.

"Hell I don't-" started Joe but his crotch was still shoved forward.

"C'mon Joe, for the team" said Jeff looking at Hank. Hank looked back and forth.

"Geez what next?" Joe said but actually stood up "this better be worth it..." It looked like he had a cucumber pushing out the front of his pants as he got up and started for the stage. Now several of the men gave it a good rub as he walked by but Joe didn't try to stop them. When he got up to the lights of the stage several distinct dark wet spots were visible all over the front of his pants. He looked over at Billy, "not if you're gonna cry again..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Last time I was up here you started cryin?"

Billy looked at him and then it dawned on him, his dad saw him wipe the cum off his face and thought he'd been crying. He bit his tongue to keep from laughing, "no I won't this time."

So Joe turned around and as quick as he could kicked out of his shorts and plaid trunks. But now his dick was full hard and his balls were a tight hairball beneath. Although he was totally erect a third or even half of his dick was still entangled in the forest of his pubes so it looked like the business end of his hardon was floating free, an unattached and weightless dirigible. He reached down and scratched repeatedly, "Hurry up doc I'm dyin here."

"You wanna go first?" Mark looked at Joe's condition.

"Anything to stop this damn itching y'don't mind?"

"Fuck no" Mark looked at Hank "it might give ya time t'think how yer gonna make me spunk kid" and Hank did not want to notice where Mark was looking.

So Kroos got a cordless razor out of a bag and started to shave the top of Joe's pubes. Great clumps of the dark blond hair started to fall to the floor and then he started to work around to the thighs and into his crotch. Joe spread his legs wide and crouched down. Kroos went under his balls and back to Joe's butt getting all of it. He came forward and then carefully pulled the balls tight and one by one freed them of all the hair. He finished by pulling Joe's dick tight and getting all the last hairs around the base of the stem. When he turned off the razor Joe stood and the full effect of his large tight balls and now significant dick could be appreciated. A few appreciative "yeahs" and "man he does have a dick"s came from the guys. Kroos returned with one palm covered with shaving cream and a disposable razor in the other.

"Hold a minute there doc" Joe said rather nervous now" I don't want to end up castrated here."

"Just how many hundreds of surgical preps do you think I've done Joe?" Kroos said impatiently "and not one of them even nicked."

Kroos lathered up Joe's whole crotch area and before it sunk in, Joe was shaved baby-ass smooth. When Kroos took away the towel everyone gave him a bit of applause.

"Joe look at yourself" Hank said rubbing his crotch slightly "you never looked so good!" and Joe looked up at the screen and his dick gave a squeeze and a single drop of fluid formed at the head. But the whole package looked amazing.

"Mark you're next" and Kroos went through the same routine on Mark, but this time did his entire torso front and back. It took a bit longer to shave him but when he was finished Mark looked at himself and started a to flex and pump. Guys clapped and cheered. Now he indeed looked like something out of a muscle mag, and he smiled at the audience, digging their attention, flipping pose after pose, all the rips and striations showed clearly and dramatically.

"Mark you look great but..." and Kroos produced the clamps.

"Go on doc" Mark braced as they were applied. This time they dug in and Mark winced a bit. Hank went up to him and started to play with his nipples.

"Hank no hands remember? and besides we haven't started..."

"Sorry doc" Hank stepped back and watched as Mark's clamps were stretched and then pulled through the loop of his cock ring. Several gasps and whoaws came from the group.

Mark stood bound and restrained by straps around his wrists behind his back and then up to his nipples and down to the head of his cock pulled tightly towards his navel. He squeezed his eyes tight as his cock was stretched. He did not turn when Kross returned smearing the green goo onto a five inch tapered butt plug. When Mark felt the cold wetness make contact with his crack he flinched causing thoss straps to yank his PA. Finally he leaned back and the doc made several probes and then plop! it was in. Because of its thickness it was not going anywhere.

"Okay doc tie my hands I don't want to be tempted" said Hank "and tie Joe here too he can help."

"Well that was not part of the-"

"C'mon doc!"

"Objections?" but no one could figure out what Hank had in mind.

"Very well" and Joe's hands were also bound.

Kroos stuffed some bandages in Hank's mouth so he would not be tempted to use that either and when Hank nodded at Joe, he got a similar gag.

Finally as they were about to start, Hank grunted something at Kroos and looked down at his shorts. Kroos finally nodded and yanked them down. Now he also stood naked and very hard next to Joe.

One last time he grunted at Kroos and nodded his head at the tube of jel. Kroos held it up questioning. Hank looked down at Joe's dick and then at his own. Kroos gestured, you want me to lube both of you? Hank nodded yes; Joe tried to grunt no but too late! When they were both slimed, the doc said "Hank anything else or we start the clock at ten minutes." Hank shook no.

"Very well. You have ten minutes starting... NOW!"

Everyone watched as Hank directed his dickhead... at Joe! He started to poke it into Joe's balls, and that brought Billy out of his chair, bringing the camera around and in for a close-up. The first lunge into Joe's crotch caused him to yelp but after several lunges and nods towards Mark, Joe got the idea. Joe went over to him and started to ram his dick into Mark's balls. Mark also let out a yell the first couple of times but then as more and more of the goo was rammed into his balls he started to close his eyes and throw his head back. Hank quickly figured out that a guy with that kind of build had to have some kind of thing about pain. So after a while Joe stopped and Hank took over, banging again and again into Mark's balls and then as Mark's cock started to respond to the painful stimulation, Joe and Hank took turns slamming against the underside of his cock right beneath the head. As Joe took his turn Hank went around to the back and started to bang his cock into the flat end of that buttplug causing it to slam deeper into his asshole. Mark's eyes flew open then and his ring started to free itself from the skin, a shiny wetness starting to coat his crown.

"Five minutes."

And now the two set up the rhythm, bang! Joe into his cock then bang! Hank into his plug. As the thrusts became almost brutal, the jerking of Mark's frame was causing the cords to yank at his ring and tits pulling them with the same rhythm.

Even before the doc could say "three minutes" Mark started to scream and his cock swelled and the cum gushed up and coated his shiny shaved belly and then start a slow wet drool down to his smooth pubes and all over his shaved balls. The two stopped although it was obvious both were on the verge of shooting themselves.

The room broke into applause and the guys were looking back and forth like, that was the freakiest shit, yeah but he shot his nut, just by getting banged! never saw anything like that!

"Gentlemen, Hank, Joe, that was something else. You really outdid yourselves." and he went and helped Billy untie them. Billy just looked down at their hardons and said "Dad you look too TOO awesome."

"I guess" Joe said "but don't just stand there get me a towel already" and the doc tossed one but like Mannie and Hank next to him tried to wipe it off but his whole newly-shaved crotch was exquisitely sensitive so like Hank he tried blotting it as best he could and finally gave up. Joe took his clothes back to his seat and like the coach a few seats away just threw them under the chair. He sat pointing at the ceiling and trying to ignore the looks from the other guys in his row. Only the coach was making a point of looking straight ahead.

When Mark had all the items removed from him he cleaned up as best he could and went off to the side. Everyone turned to Moose.

Moose lifted the arm off his face and bending forward slid off the table. His dick now looked a dangerous reddish purple but hung to the side neither hard nor soft. But very swollen.

"Just give me the damn card doc" and he took it and read it himself. He closed his eyes and then read aloud, "The condition is as follows: The contestant is to be clamped and tied and have a number" he gulped catching his breath "four plug inserted. Then without hands" gulp again "or mouth he must produce that other person's orgasm."

"Doc I ain't gonna do THAT to nobody..."

"Well Moose you have ten minutes-"

"Shit doc give'm fifteen" came from Will.

Doc looked around the room not expecting an objections.


And Billy reached in an pulled out "number... eleven..."

"Wwwooowwww" came from Ernie's lips but was drowned out among the various "no way"s from some and a few "damn's" from those not chosen.

Ernie was up next to Moose in more of a hurry than would be expected.

Moose looked over at Mark's body and saw the various bruises and scratches marking his flesh and then down at his own body, the one he once was so proud of. Proud until this morning. Then he looked over at Ernie's pale almost white skin. Damn, I don't want either of us ending up looking like Mark, he thought. No way I want to mess up the kid. And then he looked at Ernie's very hard and very red cock straining at his shorts. Daaaamn, he almost said out loud.

"Very well the bidding begins at four hundred."

"Four fifty and the Moose's shaved" from the one of the strangers.

"Jeez, man" and Moose looked at him "how much more do you want to humiliate a guy?"

"Not humiliate Moose. Exhibit" the stranger said, looking at the exposed crotches next to him, as hard as ever.

"Very well Four fifty once-"

"Another fifty if you do just that lily white crotch" came from Jorge of all people "just to the tan line and leave the rest alone."


"Whatever" and Moose hung his head.

"Very well, Four fifty once, four fifty twice-"

"Sold. Four fifty - and fifty - to number five" Billy went back to scribbling.

Again Moose hung his head as he slowly put his arms behind him and let himself be tied. When Kroos brought the clamps to his each of his tits Moose let out a yell. But they stayed in place. His dick gave a hard twitch as each was fastened. Since Moose did not have the same forest as Joe, Kroos went right to the foam and razor. It went quickly and when the doc pulled away the towel, the room let out a huge gasp. It was the most amazing sight! Moose's now very white crotch was practically glowing under the lights and the contrast with his reddened cock could not have been more severe. His balls also glowed a bright red from the shaving. Moose almost wished this shaving part had taken longer trying to avoid the final humiliation: Kroos stood there holding the buttplug.

"Doc please not my ass..."

"You heard the condition Moose."

"C'mon guys" he looked pleading at his teammates "give'm a bid so he doesn't have to do it."

"Moose you can take" said Jeff "you have no idea how hot you look, stud."

"And fucked" came from Will, but most looked at him angrily.

"Go on, Moose take it."

"Guys please!" but he looked at all the tents pointing at him and knew it was useless.

"Okay doc" Moose said "one favor then..."

"What's that."

"Let me... ah... do it myself."

"Moose you are a bit incapacitated right now..." Kroos said almost smiling.

"Billy, get yer ass outa that fuckin chair" Moose snarled not turning around.

Billy got up with a quizzical expression, "sure Moose but-"

"Billy put it here..." and as he did Moose turned to Kroos "just set that damn thing on the seat. I'll do the rest."


But the room was quietly buzzing "shit he's gonna impale himself, he's gonna sit on it" as the doc placed that larger buttplug, a good third larger that Mark's, upright on the seat and applied a good glob to the point.

"Okay Moose turn around and bend over."

Moose turned around, again showing the two white globs of his massive muscular butt to the crowd. One of the guys started to whistle but was quickly jabbed. With his hands behind him Moose slowly bent forward as Kroos spread his cheeks, showing a slightly hairy crack. He opened Moose up and started to finger his hole. Now the sound of squeaking chairs got louder. Moose could be heard moaning "fuck no fuck no fuck no" as his broad shoulders started to heave with the grunts. Slowly the doc slipped one and then two gooed fingers into his butt. After several moments with three fingers in him Moose started to pull away "enough!" and he turned around. His dick was still at half hard, bobbing to his heartbeat.

Moose went to the chair and straddled it. Gradually he lowered himself until he felt the tip make contact with his crack. He slid it around until he was over it, knocking it over. Billy quickly reached from behind the chair and put it back and held the base to steady it. Now comments started to wind through the room, Moose is gonna do it, shit he gonna sit on it, man look he's moving down, shit it's actually going in. And millimeter by millimeter Moose started to lower himself, the muscles in his legs tensing and flexing, as he tried to support the awkward half-squat. His eyes were tightly squeezed shut as he started to force himself down. Then a loud AAAARGGGGEEEZZZZZ came out of his chest as his ass smacked into the chair. His full weight fell onto the seat and the chair gave a loud thud.

The room buzzed loudly as Moose leaned back and caught his breath. Huge rivulets of sweat were running down his chest and belly and plopping onto the chair and floor. Finally he gave a loud grunt and he was standing. The room gave some scattered clapping but most guys were just breathing real heavy, glad they were not up there.

"Moose, turn around" Moose now on his feet, turned around showing the two red blotches on his butt, as Billy pulled the wet chair away. He sat back down on it and felt the warm wetness against his own butt now and if that didn't make a small stain where his dickhead was pressed against his shorts.

"Now spread your legs and bend over" and the camera came in close so all could see the large bright pink plastic circle firmly plugged into him.

"Very, very good. Now Moose are you re ready? You have ten - no fifTEEN - minutes to produce an orgasm in your teammate here."

And Moose looked over at Ernie who was standing almost shaking, his face and upper chest flushed red and his dick bending upwards, straining against the white cotton briefs.

"Okay Ern drop'm!"

"Moose?" Ern could not meet his gaze but stared at the bright red club, so close to his crotch he could almost feel the heat coming off it.

"Do it."

Ernie reached into his waistband, still not daring to look him in the eye, and tugged his briefs down and stepped out of them, his bright red cock pointing straight up from his red pubes, almost touching his belly, "start it."

"Fifteen minutes starting NOW!"

And Moose went up to Ernie until his dick was touching the underside of Ernie's cock. Ernie gave a shiver and said in a whisper no one else could hear, "Man don't! Moose please! If you so much breathe on it Moose I'll cum I'm so embarrassed. You ain't got no idea..." Moose looked into his eyes and saw the glazed expression. Shit, he thought, this kid really is cranked over this. Without saying anything, Moose stepped away from Ernie and got down on his knees. Ernie closed his eyes waiting for the mouth to make contact.

"No mouth Moose" the doc said and tapped his watch.

"I don't need no goddamn mouth to make my teammate pop his load" Moose crowed confidently. And as he was on his knees he started to flex his massive arms and back. Just when they couldn't get any tighter or Moose's cheeks any redder everyone heard a loud POP!

"Damn he dislocated his shoulder!" Hank said and everyone started to yell. But Moose just gave a coupled of flexes and the cords dropped from his wrists.

"Moose no hands you cannot use your hands!" Kroos was trying to stop him.

"My hands don't need to touch his cock" Moose said rubbing the red marks on his wrists, "but for this one my arms are gonna be free and if you try to stop me" he looked around the room with a grim expression settling on Kroos "even you will not like it."

The room grew quiet.

Moose continued "cause I'm a WRESTLER! What I do is wrestle! And I'm the best damn wrestler you ever saw!" and all the guys broke into the loudest cheers and whooping ever. As they quieted Moose went down to his hands and knees, his ass sticking out showing the plug still firmly embedded in his ass, and assumed the familiar stance. He looked up Ernie. Ernie broke into the biggest smile and crouched over him, his hands nowhere near Moose's crotch. Ernie looked like the ultimate mismatch, trying to straddle someone a good ninety or hundred pounds stronger. In any other situation it would have been comical. But Ernie's white skin pressed against Moose's deep brown back was hugely erotic and the sight too amazing to make anyone laugh.

The guys looked around at each other and quietly the chant started "pin, pin, pin, pin!" Ernie made his move, grabbing Moose's knees making a brave attempt to flip him. Moose was way ahead of him and twisted him back into a little ball. Ernie's air went whooshing out of him and then Moose as suddenly relaxed his hold. Everyone could see Moose could squash him to a pulp without any effort but Moose was holding back and after a few seconds Ernie came to the same conclusion. They both got to their knees in a bear hug and Moose let Ernie flip him on his back. With a grunt Ernie was on top of the huge guy looking a bit shocked. Still the guys chanted, pin, pin, pin.

But Ernie started to press his crotch against Moose's hardness his eyes closing as the blood rushed to his cock, feeling his impending climax too too close. But Moose was almost smiling now and easily bucked him off to the side and stood over him, his dick now full hard and a swollen purplish red "I don't need no damn hands or damn mouth to make you blow your load Ern, I'm the fuckin hottest damn wrestler you ever gonna see!" The Moose picked him up and put his arms around Ernie's waist pulling his crotch into his. Again he started to rub himself against Ernie until he heard Ernie's breathing get ragged, then quickly let go and dropped to his hands and knees. Ernie went back over him but not before everyone saw that his cock was shiny with precum! Damn if it didn't look like a bead of something thicker was starting a slow ooze from his dickhead!

"Don't cum Anderson! don't fuckin cum until I tell you to!" Moose said his voice a deep rumble of thunder. Around the room the voices were murmuring, shit he gonna wrestle the cum out of him, man he's gonna pop a load like they're in a meet, man, cum-wrestling, man, what a way to blow a wad!

And Ernie got back over him and started again to pin Moose's shoulder when they heard "one minute" and Moose went down with Ernie on top of him and Ernie raggedly panting "I gotta cum I gotta cum" and Moose lifted Ernie off him with his knees and rolled him over until he was flat on his back and Moose pressed his crotch into him "you wanna cum stud?" but Ernie was beet-red trying to hold his breath, trying not to let his balls erupt, "you want me to make ya blow stud?" and again and again he shoved his crotch into Ernie until Ernie started to spasm like a wildman "I'm cumming I'm cumming" and Moose lifted off him as the first shot flew up past Ernie's head and landed on the floor behind him and Moose grabbed him from behind and pulled him up till they were both on their feet as Ernie's next shot went straight up in the air and arced back into Moose's shoulder. Moose leaned forward and started to jab the tip of his cock into Ernie's ass as the last gobs plopped down to the floor. Moose released the hold, letting Ernie collapse at his feet.

"That's how a WRESTLER cums" he said and looked at the audience. The guys went crazy!

Ernie just lay there, completely out of his mind, "man I'm never wrestlin again..." his face bright red gasping for air. Several guys rushed over and helped him up, someone else holding both of their hands in the air, "a DRAW, a DRAW!" clapping them on their backs. Moose reached down and carefully pulled the clamps off his tits, his very hard cock swelling up each time. He was still painfully hard.

"Time" the doc announced officially but a smile on his face also.

After a while Kroos sent the team back to their spots and the doc went and held up a single card.

"Gentlemen we enter the final and most critical round. As you can see there is only one card, because you both must complete the same task."

"Doc" Moose said standing a bit stiffly, "this fuckin thing in me-"

"Of course" and Kroos went over and started to reach for Moose's butt.

"Doc" Moose said quietly to Kross "real bad idea to take it out... here..." Kroos looked at him furrowing his brows "unless you want me to clear the whole fuckin room."

"Dr. Kroos" said the doc to his assistant "please assist Moose and Mark here and make sure they are ready for the final round."

So Kroos led both of them out of the room and down the hall. Now all the guys looked around the room as did the seated men whispering and trying to figure out what was next. Billy went over to take the card to make sure no one saw it first. He looked at it and his face went white as a sheet. He sat back down, covering his face, not looking at anyone.

After a few minutes both returned looking very wet and a bit recovered. As soon as they got back to their spot they looked around and started to do a few stretches just to get the kinks out, and maybe enjoy being the centers of attention and maybe even trying to outdo each other just a bit. Both now had softened significantly and some of the redness was out of Moose's cock but the water dripping down his shiny two-toned chest and stomach made for quite a sight for a lot of the audience. Mark's muscles looked pumped still and the wetness on his smooth skin made him look camera perfect. He looked up at his image on the screen and gave his dick a good shake, smiling and cocky.

"As much as we all enjoy this show" the doc interrupted, returning to the card "we must continue with the last... task."

He paused and looked at them both "As you know the condition stated by the card will be the same for both of you" and he looked back and forth "now who will take it and read it aloud for our audience."

"All right gimme that mutherfucker" Moose said a bit confidently "I guess it's my turn." He took it and looked at it. His face went numb "impossible" was all he said.

"Gimme the card ya big wuss" Mark said and yanked it out of his hand. He read it and a quiet "fuck" come out of his mouth.

Then Mark looked first at the men in the back row, then at the docs, then at the team. He cleared his throat and said loud enough to be heard "The condition is as follows: The contestant is to..." he paused and looked again at the docs and then at the crowd "FUCK... himself! and produce as many orgasms as he can, hands free."

The crowd burst into shouts WHAT!! IMPOSSIBLE!! SHIT NO WAY!!

The doc turned to the crowd and said "Gentlemen who will bid on the first contestant!" but the room kept shouting and yelling until finally a much louder voice could be heard saying MARK MARK MARK!!

The doc turned to see where it was coming from and it was number three again, "I will bet a THOUSAND dollars on Mark if he can do it."

The room went crazy again, what? a THOUSAND??!!! is he kidding?!?!?! It's impossible for a million!!

"Very well a thousand once, a thousand twice..." and the doc paused looking around but no one was saying anything "a thousand for number three."

"What's the time limit?" someone yelled.

"Mark? Moose? What did the card say?" the doc looked at them.

Moose looked at Mark "It didn't say shit."

"Very well" said the doc "for the sake of fair play, shall we hour?" and he looked at Kroos who didn't even blink.

"Shit might as well make it all day" Klu said "he still can't do it. It's impossible."

Mark looked around the room his face blank and a bit scared. He looked down at himself. Yeah, maybe, just maybe he was long enough to do it but without hands he could not maneuver it around and under and oh shit now what?

"Mark let us know when to start the clock" doc said.

"Give it up doc" Hank said "he's licked we win!" and all the guys started to cheer, dancing around, their wet shorts bobbing up and down shaking drops of moisture on the floor. Mark looked at them.

"Give it up man you lost!" Will said shaking his crotch at him. "Man you LOST!"

And everyone had to admit that Will was right. Mark looked over at Kroos then with a strange half-smile on his face "you're a doc, you got any sounds in this joint?"

"Hey doc give the musclehead his tunes" Klu mocked "he wants a little exit music!" and high-fived the guys around him.

Kroos looked at the doc and back at Mark "you referring to plastic sounds I would imagine?"

"That's what I'm thinking yeah."

And the room started to buzz with: sounds? sounds what the fuck are sounds, and Kroos said "I just may..." and left the room.

Now the guys started to quiet, thinking maybe something was going down, something that could trick them out of their hard-won victory after all. They all looked back and forth, shrugging and muttering. After a few moments Kroos returned with something long, wrapped in a towel. He showed it to Mark and he picked something out from the towel and held it up. It looked like a ten inch long stick of whitish plastic a bit thinner than a pencil, like a long glue stick. The guys looked at it stumped. Hell it ain't no dildo so what was it?

"Yeah doc this will do" and Mark started to test it for thickness and stiffness. "Doc I expect that I can make a few modifications to this?"

"Whatever you want Mark" Kroos looked at number three who nodded.


"Objections to what doc? What can he do with that?" the guys were asking.

"Doc I'll need boiling water and some gloves."

So Kroos put a tray of water in the microwave until it was boiling then added the tube and cooked it for a short while longer. When he removed it the tray was steaming. Mark was wearing thick rubber gloves and removed the stick quickly by one end. It quickly drooped like a limp licorice stick. While it was soft Mark bent it until the two ends almost joined in a ring. He held it until it started to harden.

"What's that doc, King Kong's cockring?" Will yelled but no one laughed.

When it had cooled and regained its rigidity, Kroos rinsed it and then, also applying gloves, covered it with a mixture of fresh green gel and a white cream.

"Doc I'm gonna need your help but you can start the goddamn clock whenever" Mark said standing up facing forward his hands behind his back, his head thrown back and eyes closed.

Everyone watched as Kroos smeared the same mixture on the tip of Mark's cock. A few gasped as Kroos applied one of the ends to the opening of his cock and slowly started to push it in.

"NO WAY DOC!" Moose yelled "I'm outa here right now!" he shouted and started for the door. The doc grabbed him and stopped him.

"You will sit on the table and you will not say a word. Neither will you leave unless you want to forfeit."

"I can't doc I can't..." and he almost started crying.

"I mean it Moose" the doc said pointing Moose away from the procedure "don't look but you will stay!" and Moose sat on the table but could not bear to watch. His dick started to wrinkle and shrivel.

The guys and men watched as Mark gritted his teeth and inch by inch the tube entered his pissslit, bending his soft dick downwards and backwards as it did. Some of the guys looked away and most of them were losing their hardons. One or two, like Hank, stayed a bit puffed but not jutting. Some of the men seated were straining forward to watch, including the Coach. Joe went so soft his cock would have gone invisible had his pubic bush been intact.

After the first three or four inches disappeared into his cock Mark started to breathe rhythmically and he started to clench and unclench his groin muscles. Slowly his dick began to lengthen but now it was coiled between his balls which were stretched to either side. Finally the entire tube was buried in him.

"Loop the ring through the end" Mark said, his eyes closed and Kroos slipped the fattened end of the sound through the loop of the piercing, locking them together.

"Okay Billy, my plug back on that chair again" Mark ordered "and watch closely! All you bastards! You will never see anything like this again!" Billy produced them both, putting the still slimy plug in position. Mark straddled the chair and set the plug down on its side. As he turned and sat down on the chair backwards, everyone could now see the tip of his cock right at the opening of his asshole. He eased down slowly onto the chair until the side of plug met the cockhead at his hole. Carefully he pushed against it as the pressure and tension caused his dick to lengthen fully but with the sound firmly stuck in his pisstube his head had nowhere to go except... and he bumped down again and again and finally his cock started to slide into his hole.

The room gasped and Kroos brought the camera around for one amazing close up. A good inch or two of the head was now inside his hole as he lifted himself up slightly, his arms and most of his weight resting on the back of the chest and his legs spread wide. Again he brought himself down but now the tip of the plug was further back on his dick and again he pushed down and another inch was forced inside.

"No fucking WAY" Will said watching the screen.

"WAY!" Klu said his eyes glued also. Everyone watched as Mark methodically used the plug's end to push the next inch into himself working it farther and farther down the length until the head was all the way in. He used the side of his thigh to tip the plug sideways so it was forced against his cock and then he just started to bob up and down on the plug again and again, as his cock worked its way in farther and farther. After two minutes or so he lowered all of his weight down on the plug, fully impaled. He stopped and caught his breath, his eyes shut tight, every muscle tense and flexed. When he had recovered he raised himself up several inches and them slammed himself down on the plug, again and again he threw himself down on it, each time his cock sliding back in an inch or two. Mark's face was a red tight grimace, concentrating on the sensation and after a while his breathing got heavy and ragged.

"Damn he's gonna do it!" Will said "he's gonna do it he's gonna juice in his own butt."

And in spite of themselves the guys started a quiet chant, cum, cum, cum, cum. and Mark hearing that started a faster rhythm and the chanting picking up the same rhythm and Mark bucked faster and faster and finally a strangled AAAAHHHHHHHHH came from his throat and he pushed his full weight down on the chair.

"Doc take it out take it out!" Mark started to yell and Kroos reached underneath his cheeks and carefully with one finger unbent the end from his hole and it popped out. Kroos unhooked the end from Mark's ring as the contractions continued to force the tube from his slit bit by bit. A few small drops of cum started to leak from both holes or it could have been the cream. Kroos started to clean him up with a wet towel and still wearing the gloves started a slow steady tugging.

"Doc let me" and Mark took over, working the next inch out from between his legs. Like something impossible, the tube started to emerge as Mark's cock softened a bit and more of the curve started to loosen. More and more emerged until finally the last inch came out with a soft pop. Mark dropped it to the floor, his dick still spasming, and whether it was cream or cum, he started uncontrollably wanking his cock, a final dollup of very thick cum globbed out of the stretched pissslit and it was over.

A very soft "fuck" echoed through the room. Mark looked around the room and then staggered out the door and was gone.

No one said anything. No one looked at anyone. Those who were showing wood just stood or sat where they were.

One by one people started to glance at Moose, who at some point during the display had turned to watch but his face was flat and his mouth was hanging open. Finally he looked up at the guys and a single tear started to form and run down his check before he lifted his hands and hid his face.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry" he started to sob.

The guys looked down too ashamed to watch him cry. Finally Will marched over to the doc and barked "Gimme that goddamn mutherfuckin card!"

The doc gave it to him and said "tear it up but that won't change a thing."

Will looked at it and read aloud.

"The card says and I quote" he said clearing his throat "The contestant is to fuck himself" and he held the card to the doc "ain't that right?" and the doc nodded yes "the contestant is to... fuck... himself... period." and he held the card up "there's a goddamn period after 'himself' look doc right there!" and the doc said "yes but so what?" but Will kept reading now picking up steam "New sentence. Capital A And..." he said looking around the room "And produce as many orgasms as he can hands free."

"That is exactly what the card says" the doc affirmed.

"It doesn't say anything about HOW he fucks himself right?"

And the doc hesitated and said "right..."

"or about WHOSE orgasms they gotta be!" and the room started to buzz and the noise started to swell.

"So there are several guys right here now who 'fucked themselves' already, am I right?"

And some of the guys looked back and forth too shocked to try to deny it, and then Hank said "I did" a bit ashamed and a bit proud "and some of you other guys did too but I won't say who and you don't gotta admit it."

And then some of them started to figure it out: the dildoes! The doc had made copies of their own cocks in rubber and when they had it up their butts yeah, you could say they were fucking themselves.

"Okay doc you done Moose's cock here yet?"

And the doc looked around and saw he was had.

"Wait a minute that's not what the card says-"

"The goddamn card says fuck himself but it don't say how."

Moose, completely in the dark, looked up rubbing his face and bellowed "Will just spit it out do I gotta do that... that...THAT thing?" meaning Mark's ordeal.

"No Moose you do NOT!" and Moose started to get up.

"So then what DO I gotta do?"

"Show em doc" said Jeff and Hank and a few others.

"I don't have... his..." the doc said.

"Okay doc then show him mine. Show Moose what we talkin here" Will said defiant.

Kroos hesitated but realized he had nothing if anything to lose. He went out of the room and returned with another package wrapped in a towel. With everyone mesmerized he unwrapped it and produced Will's dildo.

"Holy fuckin shit" Moose said "Will that your dick?" From the chairs several guys heard Bo moan.

"Okay guys" Will said looking at his teammates "we gotta be straight up honest now. No fuckin around. We all seen each other naked" he said holding his dick out "and now we seen each other at full hard right?"

The guys looked around, some guilty some proudly, "yeah guess so."

"So not to brag or anything" Will said trying to hide a smile "you could say Moose and me got the Super Sizers on the team right?"

And one by one they started to nod and say "yeah you're both big."

"So doc" Will turned "if Moose were to be fucked by this big ole pole here" he said pointing to the dildo but really bragging about what hung out of his crotch "you could say he was fucking himself."

"Well not exactly."

"C'mon doc we got the same dicks more or less. He fucked with my pole he fuckin hisself right?"

"It's not the same!"

"Well then where's Moose's dildo?"

"I -- I mean we -- I never made one. Remember he just got back today and this is Moose's first..."the doc hesitated "visit."

"So you never had time to make one right?"

And Kroos looked around and then at the doc "well..."

"Shit!" Hank yelled "you got it! You got the Moose dick finished!"

"Well..." Kroos looked at the one-way mirror for just a moment.

"Damn they made one. They really made one."

"But how?"

And the door opened and Mark re-entered now wearing streetclothes and holding another package in a towel.

"What, doc? more damn sounds?" Moose asked suspicious but suspecting.

Kroos carefully pulled the towel back from one end and there it was. A perfect cast of Moose's cock at its hardest, perfect except a pale pink and they even got Moose's balls, and the balls were perfect, but not the purple red of the real cock or the reddish tan of the real balls but still...

"Careful it's still warm" Kross took the package over to the sink and rinsed it off.

"So you just whipped this up or what doc?" Will said looking at it amazed as Kroos brought it back. It was cool to the touch and a bit firmer, "what twenty minutes all it takes? You got yourselves a dildo factory hidden away back there?"

"Damn they really did it."

"Damn Moose they cloned your dick! Down to the last damn wrinkle and vein."

But Moose looked at it with the oddest look. It seemed weird to see his own cock being held like that and it couldn't be that size could it? "Gimme that thing."

He took it and felt it. Damn he thought, this is my dick, and almost without thinking held it down against himself, "if anything it's bigger" Moose said but with the modesty was growing concern.

"Okay everybody" Will said "if Moose uses this dildo he IS fucking hisself am I right?"

"Do it Moose" a couple of the men yelled, and one voice was distinctly the coach's.

"Two thousand dollars" someone yelled "if Moose can take that."

The doc looked around and said "Very well, Two thousand once-"

"He's gotta fuck himself" the guy said again "all the way! all the way down to the balls."

"Two thousand twice..." the doc looked around.

"And another two hundred for each load!" the guy said daring Moose on more.

The doc paused "sold to number three."

Again, the guys thought, again that same guy, looking back trying to see him better, who is he? Did he look familiar? The guys looked back and forth, you know him? who is he? and just shrugged, but a weird suspicion growing.

Finally Moose looked at it and around the room and said "damn..." a strange look was in his eyes.

"C'mon Moose you can do it" Will said looking at what Moose held in his hand and starting to feel a bit of reaction in his groin "do it man. You can do it."

"Godddamn" he said.

Hank spoke "Moose you really can do it. Hell stud you got a whole goddamn hour!"

And a quiet chant started, stud moose moose stud stud moose.

After a few moments Moose turned to Kroos and said "I need this goddamn thing on the floor..."Kroos looking at him questioning, "c'mon doc what ya got to glue it down - "

And the muttering, shit he's gonna do it, he really is gonna go through with it, shit this I GOTTA see, man he's gonna DICK himself, man I NEVER thought I'd live to see this.

"- like something to keep it steady so it don't move around?"

And Kroos went into a drawer and took out a different metal tube of something. Moose looked and saw something that looked like Super Glue.

"It is for prosthetic devices. It is a contact cement. Water soluble and harmless" and gave it to Moose. He took off the cap and applied some of the paste to the flat balls-end of the dildo and then pushed it onto the floor. After a minute or so it was stuck firmly to the surface. Moose gave it a tug and it stayed.

"Okay doc start the goddamm mutherfuckin clock" he said and taking the green gel tube from the doc emptied the whole thing over the end. It covered the plastic head and started to ooze down the sides covering it completely.

"That's too much Moose" Hank yelled "No don't! wipe it off!"

But Moose got down on his knees on the floor in front of it and started to lean back into it using one hand to guide it to his crack.

"Moose, let me loosen you up first for crissakes" but Moose pushed Kroos' hand away "doc this is my show now, I gotta do this myself" and winced when he felt his hole make contact with the plastic cock, with HIS cock.

The guys went and stood around and the men started to get out of their chairs so Kroos got the larger camera around and brought it in next to the floor behind him. The screen filled with the image of the big green-slicked head, Moose's head, making contact with the hole and then slowly start to spread the ring.

"Damn look he's gonna do it. He's gonna actually take that huge tree-trunk up his butt."

Again Moose lifted his weight off his knees so he was balanced on the balls of his feet with gradually more and more of his 288 pound muscled frame resting on the cock. Slowly he squeezed out and then felt just the head enter him. There was gasping and groaning as the screen showed the head disappear into his asshole.

"Oh man Moose you are the stud! You are the STUD of studs!" Klu said starting to stroke himself.

"Klu you asshole, you jerk yourself" Hank said looking around "and you get that thing next!" and seveal others stopped their rapid jerking but could not help it as one by one hands slowly returned and with the slightest motions started fondling themselves. Soon all were hard and some even started to pull their dicks through their flies or pull down the fronts of their shorts. Except for Doug who had been doing everything he could to disappear into the woodwork, his heart almost stopping every time a number was called. Even now he was staying as quiet as possible, but doing a very bad job of keeping his own boxer briefs from tenting like the rest. He made of point of not touching himself but after several occasions of Jeff "accidentally" brushing against it he stopped pulling away. And when he started to make another small wet spot on the front of his white briefs he gave up staying clear of Jeff's hand.

The men were crowding to the other side, some transfixed on Moose some stealing glances at the guys across from them, some opening masturbating watching both. But serious or not, they heard Hank and decided not to splooge accidentally.

Now that the full head was in, Moose started to relax and let his weight on that cock take over. His bowels stopped the cramping and slowly allowed more of the wider part to slide in. The enemas he got from Kroos before were helping him to loosen up a bit, and the buttplugged wrestling seem to have helped relax his ring as well. Once the widest part was in he started to ease up to a crouching position, allowing it to pop out.

Everyone looked at the bidder who was starting to say something -

"I ain't finished!" Moose grunted at that mister number three, whose pants fly was wide open and a very hard thick stubby dick was out, the head completely covered in slime.

"You getting your money's worth man?" Moose growled, looking right at him "you like watching a real stud getting his ass plowed by his own fuckin cock? Look at your cock man" Moose started taunting him "look how your bone is giving you away, you can't keep it down if ya wanted, how you been digging this whole sick thing and now you get to see THIS" and Moose sat back down on the tube shoving half of it into him "that's what you want right? You want to see this big muscular stud ass get stuffed full of hard cock right?" and the guy stopped jacking and just stood staring, more drool starting to coat the angry red head.

"Well then watch this!" Moose yelled and again pulled off of it. His butthole was getting so stretched it didn't close all the way and the camera could even see about half an inch inside him. And again Moose plunged down a bit further and then his eyes went wide "holy shit!" he groaned.

"Man he did it, he found his spot."

"Shit that feels like somethin!" Moose moaned through gritted teeth, feeling the head start to rub the gel into his prostate.

"Moose keep bumping like that. Feels like nothing you ever imagine right?" said Klu.

And Moose started to rock up and down on the dildo in short slow motions up and down. Each time a soft "oh oh oh" escaped from his chest which was again starting to bead up, the sweat almost trickling down his belly.

And his dick all by itself started to lengthen and redden again.

Look at Moose's dick, he's doing it he's getting himself off, came from several directions. Moose's dick started to swell and shrink, swell and shrink with each plunge but each swelling was a bit bigger a bit redder and Moose reached out to grab the two nearest thighs but his hands instead grabbed two cocks. He gave them a quick tug before letting go and then grabbed onto their waists for balance. Now he had better leverage to rock himself up and down and as he lowered himself farther and farther down the dick, his own dick started to lengthen more and more sideways coming to rest inside the crease of his groin.

"Man look at that thing swell up! Ain't that a mutherfucker!"

And finally it bobbed away from the side and began to point straight forward curving up revealing the hairless crease going down to the hairless and rapidly tightening balls.

"Okay man now LOOK at me" Moose shouted staring right at the man's cock "you gettin what you want. You gettin what ya paid for. Look at me! I'm fucking myself with my own dick and I'm as hard as I can get and I got a dick up my ass and my cock is rock hard and red and swollen and my ass is plugged full of dick and this stud cock is pointing right at you!" and Moose plunged all the way down and with a loud AAAHHHGGHHHH hit rock bottom.

"Damn he did it! He took the whole thing in his ass! Moose did it! He fucked himself!"

And Moose looked at number three and the guy's dick swelled and twitched and turned almost purple and a single drop of cum formed at the fully stretched pissslit.

Moose smiled "Look at you! Fuck, I made you cum without you even touching yourself" he taunted as the guy tried to squeeze it tight but the head swelled even more, the second shot trapped "you can't hold it man, not looking at my rock hard cock feeling my nuts squeezed tight my cocks banging right into each other" but the guy squeezed with both hands and held his breath and although the slit opened wide he didn't erupt.

And Moose started riding up and down up and down his cock red and shiny swollen and the chant started, cum, cum, cum, cum, and Moose squeezed his eyes shut and the sweat poured down and his pumping went down up and down the full length but.. he... couldn't.. push himself that last yard. He couldn't bring it over the edge.

Hank looked down and started to get the picture "Moose you can do it."

"Fuck" came out of Moose's throat.

"C'mon Moose let it happen."

"Aggghhh" he gasped but only a clear drop of precum was pumped out.

"Do it Moose!" Will said.

"Ah-hg-gh-gh I... can't" he said his face now beet red, the veins popping out of his thick neck.

And after a bit Moose sank down all the way onto the dildo his energy spent.

"I can't I can't... shoot. I'm all cummed out."

And Will looked around at the guys, his teammates, Moose's teammates and slowly said. "The contestant is to fuck himself period" he looked over at the man who was practically strangling himself now "And produce as many orgasms as he can hands free." and Will in one steady motion pushed his hard wet dick right down the throat of Moose and bang! fed Moose his load! A big glob of cum hit Moose on the chest as the sight of Will's dick in Moose pushed number three over the edge.

"Two" said Hank looking around.

Jeff reached over and pulled Doug's dick free from the fly. It was unlike anything anyone had seen before. The head was half-out of the skin but could not retract any more. And it looked like a small donut had been stuffed under the foreskin. Jeff led it over to Moose's still opened mouth and pushed it in. Doug let out a gasp and tried to pull back and as he did out shot a solid chuck of white paste right into Moose's chin. Moose leaned forward and brought it back into his mouth. Somebody grabbed Doug's hips and pushed him forward and Doug shot again and again and again for a full minute.

"Man didn't he ever nut before?" Will said still hard but with the biggest smile and they realized no one had ever seen him hard or anything before.

"Moose you nutted a VIRGIN" and one of the men slid his dick across Moose's shoulder and as he pushed in towards his neck a rope shot out and ran down his broad tan back.

"Four" Hank shouted.

And then Ernie pushed his way up to Moose and as soon as his dick touched Moose's chest it also came by itself and he pressed down hard on it feeling Moose's hard pecs squeeze back.

"Five" Hank said and looking at Ernie "shit, how many times you gonna have Moose bring you off?"

But Ernie just backed away still hard and too stunned to say anything.

Moose finally grabbed onto the two guys next to him and started to pull himself off the dildo. As he did another single drop of clear precum slid out of him.

Without saying anything he fell forward to his knees and broke the fall with his hands. Klu tried to lift him to his feet but Moose was 288 pounds of muscle and dead weight.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

"Moose buddy are you okay? We did it. YOU did it!" Will said and tried to help Klu lift him. Moose still could not be budged.

"Moose it's okay get UP!" Hank yelled, "c'mon man you're beat. Let us help you." But Moose just stayed there.

"Are you hurt?" but Moose nodded his head no.

Slowly everyone got quiet, real quiet and the rapid wanking slowed and stopped. Moose opened his eyes, looked around and then closed them. He spread his knees wider so his hole was totally showing, and then he pushed his butt farther back and the opening started to unpucker. Slowly he closed his eyes and firmly said "as many orgasms as he can."

Ernie went back to him and said "Moose no..."

But Moose just push back farther. Ernie crouched down besides him similar to the wrestling stance but his crotch pressed against Moose's asscheek, "Moose you don't need to do this man..."

Moose just nodded his head and as everyone stood shocked Ernie slid around behind him and that very thin long and very red cock went right into Moose's open hole.

"Goddamn!" Will said "Moose is letting us fuck him?" and Ernie who had never gotten soft started lunging into him. Moose started to groan as he felt Ernie hit the spot and Ernie gasped and after only a minute or two shot again, deep into Moose's bowels.

"Ernie just came in Moose. Ernie nutted inside of MOOSE!" but Ernie collapsed backwards and his long red cock, covered with a greenish goo slid out.

Hank looked at Ernie's dick and muttered "Moose is full of that stuff. He's completely stuffed with that goo. Can you imagine what that feels like?" and he turned and there was the coach with his hard cock right next to his face. Hank was maybe a bit tempted to lean forward with his mouth but before he could someone was behind the coach, nudging him forward.

"Don't DO it coach" Mannie yelled "it's MOOSE for crissakes."

But Moose just looked back and closed his eyes, and opening his mouth he said "no hands" and his mouth stayed open. As the coach tried to pull away, he felt someone's hands on his shoulders pushing him to his knees.

"Moose tell me to stop and I will" but his voice was wavering and he looked at the team, his team, hoping someone would stop him. Damn if he had the strength to stop himself. Even when the weight behind him let go he felt himself leaning forward. The scene in the shower with Stoo was still fresh in his mind, hell he could almost smell the chlorine still. Unless someone stopped him he was gonna do it! He leaned forward until his hands contacted Moose's shoulders. The heat coming off his back was too much and he felt his cockhead home in on the heat coming from Moose's butt and then it slid between his cheeks,

"Moose tell me to stop" but his dick took over and found the wet slimy hole and fuck! he felt Moose actually lean back onto his dick and before he shut his eyes he saw Jeff get down on his knees in front of Moose with his prick pointing at Moose's mouth, "are you sure Moose?"

Moose kept his eyes closed and nodded and held out his tongue. Jeff just lay his dickhead on Moose's outstretched tongue and Moose closed his lips around it and slid it in. He rocked back harder onto the full length of the coach's dick and again opened his mouth and Jeff gasped as his dick rubbed along Moose's tongue and cum flew out and started to ooze out of the corners of his mouth. Moose kept his mouth open so everyone could see what Jeff had done.

"Goddamn" Mannie said looking back at the coach whose cock was all the way into Moose's hole and then the coach froze, every muscle clenched. He was holding his breath and his neck was bulging and Mannie looked down at Moose with the cum still dripping from his chin.

"Moose just let Jeff nut in his MOUTH man, Moose blew JEFF and now the coach is up his goddamn butt FUCK" Mannie said and knew without looking or even touching he was full hard, "I ain't ever seen ANYTHING like this!" and the coach quickly pulled out but not in time! his cock started shooting rope after rope along Moose's crack up to the broad back puddling with cum.

"Eight" Hank moaned and quickly stood up over Moose clenching his teeth and closing his eyes strained out "nine" and without touching himself his dick swelled purple and began to spurt all over Moose's back too and with his fists jammed into the side of his hips Hank just rocked forward rubbing his dick all over Moose's huge shoulder as one last shot pumped out.

"Damn he just came by himself" Mannie said "Hank blew just fucking STANDING there godDAMN!"

And then Joe looked over and sputtered "Billy!" but Billy was already moving around, looking down his dad's front. When he finally made eye contact Joe's cock was pointing towards Moose's open mouth. "is this what you want...." and Billy not sure if he heard his dad or someone else got on his knees behind Moose, "dad?"

"It's your call you know you'll never have another chance..." Billy looked around to see who was talking, afraid to see his dad's lips moving.

And there were several gasps and grunts from around the circle.

"If you don't want to" but Billy slowly raised his hips forward until he felt the warmth of Moose's crack. He let his very hard and very slick dick rest up along the top of the crack his balls right at Moose's hole.

"Shit look at that, Joe's actually getting off on his son." and now Joe was squeezing the end of his dick very hard trying to hold off his second orgasm watching Billy's every muscle. Billy's eyes were glued to his dad's cock, his own rubbing back and forth up and down Moose's crack. Finally seeing his dad start to lose his battle and a strangled groan come from him, Billy plunged his dick deep into Moose.

"Man..." and Moose leaned forward and used his lips to push Joe's cock up against his smooth shaved belly. As soon as Moose's mouth made contact with the underside Joe let go and the bright red head throbbed and shot after shot went up into the air and landed on Moose's forehead. Billy yelled "yeah" and fell on top of Moose his ass squeezing shot after shot deep into him.

Mannie looked back and forth and then at Will "Like nothing you could imagine. Dad and his son both cumming on Moose. On MOOSE!" and he looked back at Will's dad Bo and then at Will.

Will looked around and said "Okay this has gone far enough. We won the goddamn contest but enough is enough!" and looked down at Moose "you bastards getting your nut all over this guy all you care about is getting off and look at him. Look at the biggest stud you'll ever see and you're nutting him like a cheap pussy!"

"And he deserves to be the one popping a load not all us" said Mannie "c'mon big man you deserve a break."

"No" said Moose getting up off his hands "not until I'm finished" and he leaned back, his cock connected to the floor with a long strand of stringy fluid.

"Moose you gotta be givin it up by now."

"I done all that you ask of me didn't I?" he said looking around "now you do what I tell you okay?"

"Anything... you want man" Hank said "you just say the word."

But Moose got to his feet and hobbled over to the exam table and sat on the side.

He looked around and before anyone could say anything he lay back and pulled up his knees until his feet were touching his asscheeks. His crack was now at waist level and green goo mixed with cum was starting to leak out of his unpuckering hole He gave a short grunt and the ring spread out.

"Okay now it's Moose's turn to nut" Mannie said and walked over to him "and I know just how to do it."

But Moose leaned back and said "no hands."

"Goddamn he's still counting why?" Ernie said and as Mannie approached him, he got up on the table next to him.

Mannie rubbed his cock around the throbbing ring and said "Moose you want this?" and Moose nodded yes "then tell me. Tell me you want me to do this" and Moose said deeply from way down his throat, "Fuck me man, fuck this wrestler hole. Plug my fuckhole and make me cum man..." and Mannie slid it around the ring teasing "you sure? you want me inside your big slimy meaty hole?"

"Mannie nothin I want more'n that dick of yours in my hole. Do it!"

"You gonna cum for me?"

"Yeah Mannie do it!" so Mannie folded his arms across his chest and said "all right stud here's my dick for you" and slid it in. Moose threw his head back and groaned.

Mannie plunged in and out a couple of times and then pulled his cock out, now covered with slime and cum. He looked at Ernie then nodded at his dick.

"Suck it Ernie" Mannie commanded.

"But man!" Ernie balked.

"Don't touch it with your hands just put your mouth on it."


"Do it now!"

And Ernie leaned forward and slowly took his cock in his mouth. At first he gagged but then started to pump back and forth.

"No man just hold it in your mouth" so Mannie stood with his dick stationary in Armie's mouth. After a moment he said "stay just like that don't move a fuckin' muscle" and withdrew it, again plunging into Moose's butt. Moose moaned again and Mannie swirled his cock around inside him, around and then withdrew, more green glob covering it. He put his dick back in Ernie's mouth transferring more and more. Finally after the fifth time he left it in Moose. Ernie's mouth was now totally slimed and his tongue was green.

"Okay now Ernie, knock yourself out. Go on do it" Ernie a bit embarrassed lowered his mouth onto Moose's dick and swallowed it. Moose let out a great long groan and started to hump his mouth.

"Yeah Moose you like that? I thought you would. You like Ernie on your dick stud?" and Moose let out another moan, "you like this big spic dick working your hole Moose?" and Moose started to grunt again and again and Mannie shoved harder and harder into him.

"Oh Moose your hole, Moose godDAMN!" and he pushed all the way and Mannie's ass muscles were quivering and shaking uncontrollably, his cum pumping again and again into him "I can't stop godamn I can't stop" and he finally jumped back his cock still spouting.

"Damn I couldn't help it" he said looking around "that stuff in him godDAMMM!!!!!" but Ernie just kept slowing sliding his mouth up and down on Moose's pole.

"Well I won't wimp out on ya stud" Klu said positioning himself at Moose's butt "you want this Moose?"

Moose just leaned threw his head back and moaned "Klu do it man." so Klu leaned his cock into him and started to probe for the knob.

"GodDAMN" Klu shouted as his cock slid into him feeling the swollen tissue lining of Moose's hole all nubbly and slicked with how many loads now? and the goo went right into Klu's skin and he felt himself shudder, "goddamn I ain't gonna nut" and he pinched his balls hard and that stopped the rush.

"No man, nut in me" Moose muttered , "the cum hits something inside me" he said so only Klu and Ernie heard.

"Moose, Ernie and me here are gonna make you nut like you never nutted before" said Klu with his balls pulled down hard grimaced with the pain. But he started into his rhythm and then bang! he felt it, he found Moose's knob.

Moose screamed "Damnit Klu you're killing him!"

"Moose you want me to stop?" Klu said before anyone could pull him out.

"NO!!!!" he yelled. so Klu started to bang again and again, his balls now stretched balloon tight.

Ernie began to feel Moose's cock swelling in his mouth, but no matter what, he would not gag, even when he started to let it go into his throat and down his gut. It took him a couple of plunges before he figured out to breath between bobbing. His throat muscles started to massage Moose's cock.

Moose started to chant fuck, fuck, fuck and Klu, his balls on fire hissed "Moose this is my dick in you, and my dick is going to pump your cum right out of you is that what you want?"

And Moose kept grunting fuck, fuck, fuck...

"You want this pole to make you cum man? Tell me! Tell the whole goddamn room!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Moose was near-delirious.

"Okay Moose when I count to ten your cock is going to explode like fourth of july! one" and he rammed as hard as he could into Moose's prostate. Ernie plunged down as hard as could with at the same time "two...three...four..." and the whole room started chanting "five... six...SEVEN...EIGHT..." and Moose started a high loud scream "NINE!!!!!.....TEN!!!!!!!!!" and Moose's cock exploded deep into Ernie's throat and everyone could see his neck muscles swell with each shot until finally he gagged and pulled off but Moose continued to shoot glob after glob into Ernie's face.

Klu screamed even louder as he yanked his hand away from his balls and like he hit a high-voltage line spasmed and spasmed, his hips and legs shaking, and he jettisoned his load into Moose's prostate again and again. They stayed glued together writhing until Hank finally pulled them apart.

One by one they broke into cheers but Moose and Klu were too far gone to hear them. Klu let himself fall to the floor where he lay still quivering a bit. Moose just lowered his legs still gasping for air. Ernie just lay his head on Moose's chest too shocked to move.

Slowly the cheering and clapping stopped and everyone started to move away.

Moose raised his head and said loud enough "no hands" and slowly almost painfully let himself slide down off the table an onto the floor. There he got down on his hands and knees and lowered his head, "no hands."

"Moose get up enough is enough" Hank said "everyone here is spent" he looked around the room "you did it, you won the whole damn thing you're finished Moose enough get up."

"No hands" Moose said "not until everyone gets their goddamn nut! Everyone gets their money's worth!!"

"Moose you did it. You got the nut of this whole damn ROOM!"

"Everyone!" and Moose flexed his muscles daring them to budge him.

"Moose everyone came everyone-"

"Not everyone" Will said his eyes narrowing.

"Will fuckoff!"

"Not my dad there..." he said pointing at Bo off to the side. Bo had tried to keep out the action as much as he could. But it was a bit hard for someone of his size and physique to be invisible. He knew his "situation" was not something he wanted the whole room to know about. He looked around and then at his son.

"That's fine boy just keep that mouth shut."

"Moose you didn't nut my old man" Will said a bit taunting and a bit serious.

"Will shut UP" Hank said "Moose has had enough goddamnit."

"Moose you up for one last one?"

Moose just nodded and spread his knees and pushed his ass out.

"Go on Bo do it he wants it" the men around him started to egg him on, pushing him towards Moose "go on give him the fuck of his life."

But Bo was too big to be pushed and just knocked their hands away like gnats.

"I ain't leaving" Moose said not looking up "no one is leaving... til Bo gets his nut" and he lowered his chest to the floor so his ass was pointing up.

Now all were looking at Bo who was getting very very nervous. Daaamn, he said to himself, looking at Moose just lying there bent over just waiting to be fucked! Damn, he could just do that with his ass out for all to fuck and not feel the slightest anything about it. Damn he is either the craziest muther or he got balls, Bo thought, looking at him. How can he do that? He looked around and saw that everyone looked at Moose not like some pussy but like some kinda hero almost. They didn't despise him for being fucked in public like that. Shit, if anything they thought more of him. Damn, that little voice in his head said slowly, if he can do it...and he started to unbuckle his belt "Hey Moose" Bo said in his deep bass voice "lemme see that big goddamn prick of yours."

And Moose thinking maybe Bo needed some odd bit of encouragement raised himself off the ground back to his knees. As he leaned back everyone could see he was still hard! Moose was still rock HARD!

"Goddamn Moose" the guys were saying "ain't you ever going down?"

"This wrestler don't go down" Moose bellowed as best he could.

Bo looked down at him and said "Moose you think you can keep that thing hard a little longer stud?"

"Whatever you want man" and Moose started to bob it into the air once or twice to show him it wasn't going down.

"Well then I guess" Bo said pushing his pants and shorts past his knees "that's good enough for me" and without looking at anyone he dropped to his knees. Next to Moose!

He bent forward until his head touched the floor "just shut your mouth, all of you shut your mouths... now do it Moose" he whispered to him but the room started to go nuts, goddamn look at Bo on his hands and knees, goddamn look at that big muscle ass, shit he don't wanna fuck Moose, he wants Moose to fuck HIM! and when Moose saw it, looked at the big muscular ass pointing skywards and said "Bo you gotta be jerkin me! You don't want that! I ain't doin that t'you in front of these dogs."

"But YOU did it! You let these dicks fuck your hole for the whole damn world t'see" Bo hissed "so just shut up and do it!" Moose looked at him and then spun his head around and glared at Will "you goddamn..." but Will just looked at him, not grinning, not smirking, but just nodded "go on Moose, your turn."

And the room started to mutter and say, do it do it, fuck him fuck him, and Moose got to his feet and said, "Enough don't say another word. This room is gonna be so quiet I can hear my DICK HUM!" and he stared down everyone until he was satisfied "Bo you ABSOLUTELY sure stud?"

But Bo just leaned back and then he said "no hands" but the room was perfectly still when Moose got down on his knees behind him. He reached behind and brought his hand to his own ass squeezing out the green glob onto his fingers. He brought some to Bo's asshole and started to probe. When the fingers slid in easily someone started to say something but Moose shot him a quick and vicious look. Moose felt the resistance cease. He took his hand away and bringing his still formidable cock to the hole started to push. He could not believe it as his fat tube just slid right in. A few gasps from the crowd which quieted when Bo started to groan. Moose's dick, bathed in the juices from how many guys mixed with the green goo started to coat the insides of Bo's ass and as Moose started the steady fucking Bo started grunting in rhythm. When Moose was all the way in he felt his semi-numb cock hit Bo's knob. Bo let out a deep yelp. Damn, Moose thought, that must be that spot, so he started ramming his cock again and again into it, but his head was so desensitized at this point it could have been slamming into a brick wall for all Moose felt. But Bo now started to harden as his prostate took the pounding.

"Moose!" Bo gave a loud grunt.

"Ya want me to stop?" Moose said knowing he was really giving it to him.

"Just let me turn over..."

"Why?" and Moose pulled out his cock slimy and rock hard and leaned back resting his butt on his ankles.

"So I can watch ya screw me, so I can see the biggest stud in this fucked up town have my hole and..." Bo rolled over, his equally massive and now hard cock flipping into view. He backed himself into Moose's lap and then onto his cock and let it slide in as his feet lifted up to Moose's shoulders. Moose felt Bo impale himself on his cock but had little room to move his hips "and so I can see that asshole son of mine suck my LOB!" and bent his head to Will.

"Man you're fucked."

"Do it."

"Dad you're wacked!" Will said looking around at his teammates. He could see that some of them actually wanted to see this.

"Do it kid..." Bo said as he felt Moose make little short jerks into him, again hitting that spot and his cock started to throb in time "do it or the whole world finds out about... hopin I didn't recogni-"

"You bastard!" but Will knew and he knew and they all knew.

"Now do it" and Bo closed his eyes his cock pointing up waiting for the mouth. Will looked around and looked at Jeff and Hank who just raised their hands shrugging. Before he began to hear any shit from anyone he slowly got down on his knees and hearing soft voices, shit he actually gonna do it, he gonna suck his old man, he leaned forward closing his eyes.

But Bo didn't let on that between Moose's dick and the goo working his hole, his load was already half-way to blowing . He didn't want Will to figure out the real reason he had to turn over, because his dick was getting close to shooting he had to get that massive Moose dick outa his hole long enough to catch his breath. Now that Moose was again hitting that spot and the jel was pushing him over the top, it took about three good thrusts of Moose's dick into him and before Will had a chance to open his eyes Bo grabbed his head and pulled it towards his cock but not fast enough. His purple dick swelled and starting blowing huge jets of cum up at Will's face and before he could react Bo pulled Will's mouth down to his cock as more and more pumped out. Will tried to jerk away fast but Bo held his head in place and shot after shot continued to dribble out of the corners of Will's mouth and splash down to Bo's belly. The crowd gasped.

Finally Bo let go of the hold and Will jerked to his knees, his face smeared with his own dad's giz. As Will started to crawl away wiping as fast as he could, Bo lifted himself off Moose's cock and rolled onto his side. Moose's cock still red and wet eased from Bo as hard as ever.

Moose looked around "All right, all of you, have you had enough?" He looked around his jaw set and the muscles pulled "ENOUGH!!??????"

And he let Hank and Doug lift him to his feet then looked around the room. No one dared meet his gaze but everyone slowly started to walk away.

Then the doc went over to Moose "Okay Moose..." he said taking him by the shoulder "it's over okay?"

Moose just stood there.


Finally Moose looked at him "okay."

"Now let Kroos here get you cleaned up" and Kroos came over and putting his very large arm around Moose's as large shoulders, wrapped him in a dry soft bath towel, covering his naked and bruised torso and led him out the room.

Next: Chapter 15

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