The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on May 14, 2006


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional occurrences. It contains sexual acts between males in high school as well as with males beyond high school age. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails or flames expressing outrage will be ignored. Emails expressing interest or wishing further information can be sent to

Note: All names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent. The state in which the story originally happened - coincidentally - has a legal age of sixteen; the "fictionalized" location does not. Also descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional due to story restraints. You understand you are reading a work of fiction; behave accordingly. Again, do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations or activities which can be classified as bdsm.

Chapter three, Wednesday June 26

The next morning Jeff got a call from the doc.

"So tell me I passed the exam and I can wrestle now."

"Well there is a little problem - "

"No, no problem Doc. I went through that... " cupping his hand over the phone lowering his voice "that y'know other stuff, and I'll be damned if I don't get to wrestle now."

"Well come in this Saturday for your results and we should be able to give you a clean bill of health."

"Saturday? This Saturday? Aren't you going to..."

"Going to what?"

"Don't you have... y'know other patients that day?" thinking about Hank's exam.

"Don't worry about it. Just be here at ten."

(June 29)

So at ten o'clock Jeff again went down to the office, again without the bike, walking not running this time, hoping Hank's exam would be over by then, or later that afternoon. Much later! He didn't remember if Hank had said, and damn he was too nervous to ask. When he opened the door, sitting there was Hank.

"What are YOU doing here?"

"Shit what are YOU doing here?"

"I told you I had an exam today. So why are you here? I thought you were finished."

"Yeah me too, but..."

"What, ya flunk and gotta take a make-up test?"

"Shit if I know. Doc didn't say." and I didn't ask him, Jeff thought. Don't tell me he's gonna do us both at the same time. Jeff really started to panic. Just then Doc came into the room.

"Glad to see you both made it. Sorry we are getting a bit backlogged so we got to start doubling up our schedule I'm afraid" Jeff now completely panicked. I can't go in there with my friend Hank. He almost started to bolt for the door "that's why I am having help from my new assistant today. These are busy times what with all the new school requirements and all. Jeff, why don't you go in and down the hall to your right. My assistant Dr. Kroos is waiting. Hank, you're with me."

Jeff sighed with relief and practically ran threw the door, trying to put as much distance as he could between him and those two. When he went through the door, a man in his thirties or so - Jeff was terrible guessing ages -- wearing a white doctor's coat was standing there waiting for him, an almost surprised look on his face. He was not much taller than Jeff, but man was this dude big! Jeff almost swallowed his tongue, this guy was a fuckin muscle-bound gorilla! Man this guy could crush Jeff without breaking a sweat. When he recovered from the shock, Jeff gave him a good look, top to bottom. His dark almost black hair was maybe receding a bit but man, this guy probably had to shave four times a day. Jeff guessed he was Italian or Greek, the moustache and the deep tan and the hair sprouting from everywhere, the neck opening black with black curls, and forearms a forest of fur, only enhanced the first impression that this guy was half-ape!

"You are Jeff, Jeff Walker, right?" Doc Kroos asked and Jeff tried to figure out the accent.

"Doc...Kroos?" Jeff held out his hand knowing it would be smashed to a pulp in a second.

"Yes Joe Kruslicekovic, but you can call me Kroos" and shook Jeff's hand, firm but not the crushin he had feared.

"Is that Polish?"

"No, Slavenian. Kroos is as close as most people can pronounce. Come with me please."

As the two of them started down the hall Jeff turned back to see Hank and the Doc entering the hallway. When Hank saw Doc Kroos he got a strange expression, like he recognized him or something. Before he could say anything, Kroos steered him into a different exam room. Hank and the Doc stopped in the hallway.

"So I hope that we're not going to have that same exam" Jeff asked starting to get nervous.

"Same as what?"

"I mean Hank and me - I mean - y'know the same - no, I mean at the same time" Jeff knew he was babbling.

"Not the same as the last time you mean?" this new doc said, starting to rummage in his pockets. His back was turned to Jeff so he could not see his expression, but Jeff felt the cold sweat start to run down his back. What did this guy know? Did he know?

"What did the doc tell you?" Jeff almost swallowed his tongue. He recovered as fast as he could, sizing up the big guy. Jeff started to hope that getting a new doc might work to his advantage and he could get a clean bill finally without having to -

"He didn't tell me" the doc said, finding the key in his pocket and opening the door to a second room. He ushered Jeff in first. While Jeff looked around trying to take it all in, Kroos went over to the console and adjusted some switches. The main exam room came into view, "he showed me."

"WHAT!?! You mean you were watching!?" Jeff started to back away, glad the big guy was not between him and the door. He was three steps - maybe two with a head start! - from getting the hell outa there!

"Some of the exam, yes. But I also was able to view that videotape. Repeatedly."

Jeff was trying to to turn towards the door without signaling his getaway to this doc. At the same time he could not help but look through what must have been a one-way mirror, which he vaguely remembered from last week "and now it's your turn. If you choose to stay."

At that moment Hank and the Doc came into the room, the doc indicating to Hank where to sit on the exam table. As Jeff felt the blood leave his face and his knees actually start to shake he gradually forced himself to focus. He dared not look at Kroos just yet, knowing it would only make this impossible situation worse. He remembered what he was forced to do in there, with this Kroos guy and who else? half the town? watching his exposed and aroused ordeal. And now he was on the "safe" side of the window? But somehow it felt worse being here and doing the watching, even more perverted somehow. He wished he was a thousand miles away but a sudden noise snapped him back to his awful predicament. Kroos closed the drawer with a clang! and Jeff looked at him. But Kroos pointed at the window. Hank had started to remove his shirt.

"I really don't want to watch this" Jeff tried but his legs would not move.

"The choice is yours. We will be very clear about this. You may leave now and -"

"And if I leave I don't get my release is that how it works?"

"You will obtain permission to wrestle pending results of your tests from last week. I has nothing to do with... this" Kroos nodded at the window "but if you stay - and sign a simple release form due to your age - then I can all but guarantee you will have no problems with your coach" and Kroos pushed his clipboard over to where Jeff stood, grabbing the console with both hands.

"And if I say no?"

"Then you are free to go."

"And I never wrestle again, is that it?" Jeff snapped his head towards Kroos, expecting this to get ugly any second. He knew he could never take on someone as big as this guy but he would go down fighting if he had to. To his amazement, Kroos gave out a loud deep chuckle.

"I cannot stop you from wrestling, mister Walker" Kroos was all smiles, putting his hands in the air signaling truce "and no I did not bring you here to box with you" Kroos turned away "at which you would no doubt beat me!"

"Funny" Jeff had one eye on him and one eye on the other room "you're twice my size."

"Which is why I would not box you" Kroos found a pen "besides I am a footballer, not a boxer."

"You played football?"

"Yes" Kroos handed Jeff the pen "but I believe you call it soccer here."

"Man..." Jeff took the pen and looked at the form "so why do I haveta sign this?"

"Because of your age."

"What's my age gotta do with wrestlin?" but Jeff looked and saw Hank sign a piece of paper the doc had handed him. Damn, Hank signed it! Jeff looked at his copy.

"You see? Your friend has already agreed" Kroos went back to the drawers and started going through the equipment there which Jeff could barely see in the half-light.

"I don't know..." but before he could change his mind, Jeff scrawled his signature and slid it back at Kroos "and it's not like Hank - I mean they can see in here right?" and like it can't be worse than last time "I still don't see what this all gotta do with me wrestling."

"Very well" Kroos took the paper, counter-signed it and placed it in the drawer. He slid the clipboard back to Jeff.

"Now, as you want a signature on this release" Kroos tapped on the second form so Jeff could notice his school logo across the top "it would be to your benefit - and mister Jenkins in the other room as well -- if you will stay and yes watch. And more. And I suspect that by the time you leave today, how you look at many things will be changed."

"No really, if it's all the same to you doc, I probably shouldn't watch all this. I know what the doc's gonna do n'all. I really don't need to see my friend go through all that!"

"You may be quite surprised before the day is through. Now if you will be so good and take off your clothes. All of your clothes please."

Jeff looked over and could see that Hank was already down to his shorts and socks.

"Tell me what you're gonna do - what we're gonna do -- they can't see us in here."

"No not at all. But you are wasting time and that would be a bad mark here on this box" Kroos raised an eyebrow. Jeff could not tell if he was joking now or if he was back to playing the serious doctor.

"Okay okay goddamnit you win already" and Jeff begain to toss his clothes into a heap in the corner. When he turned back a very naked Hank was getting onto the table.

"So what do I gotta do? There's no table in here."

"That's right. Your procedure will be different than last time. Different from what his" pointing to the other room "will be. Just relax. Relax and watch your friend carefully."

While Jeff was stripping down to his underwear, he watched the doc take his friend's temp and blood pressure, all professional and normal. Out of the corner of his eye, Jeff could not help but notice Doc Kross was setting up another camera.

"Damn, you're not going to make another fuckin film. What happened to the last one?"

"Yes, it is mandatory. It is for your protection as well as ours. As for the previous tape well, just keep watching."

As Jeff watched the doc start to put on his gloves and apply lubricant to the fingers, he heard Kroos turn on their camera.

"So what sick shit you think I'm gonna do this time?"

"Just keep watching."

Jeff saw his friend not twenty feet away lying on his back as the doc start to probe his butt. At the same time, Kroos applied two electrodes to Jeff's nipples. At first they pinched and then they started to hum or vibrate. When he looked up again he could see in the next room on the wall, a screen start to display an image. Some kind of picture was being projected. A movie? Jeff gasped, recognizing it -- shit it was HIS movie!.

"Hey you're not going to show them - show Hank! -- my movie!"

"Just watch please" Kroos started to adjust some knobs on a machine attached to those electrodes. A tingling started in his chest while he watched Hank starting to look past the doc. His eyes got wide and his mouth fell open as he got a glimpse of the movie. His movie! Hank started to say something to the doc, trying to get off the table, but Jeff could not hear what was going on. All Jeff could do was watch in growing panic as the doc's finger went deeper into Hank's butt. And just like when it happened to him, Hank's cock started to thicken just the slightest. Jeff could see the doc use his other hand to lubricate Hank's scrotum with what looked to be the same goo. He said something to Hank and pointed to the mirror. It felt like Hank was looking straight at Jeff. He started to get off the table but the doc again said something Jeff couldn't hear. After a frozen moment, Hank lay back on the table looking back and forth between the mirror and the movie. Jeff almost backed away from the glass, knowing he could not be seen but still-

"You bastard! You said they can't see us!"

"Did you see us last week?"

"US!?! What us?"

"In time my young friend in time."

Kroos was back at the controls and now Jeff felt a strong surge of power to his nipples and with the loud humming almost forget the camera. He could only watch Hank and see him stare at the mirror with a strange look on his face no longer angry but almost resigned. Hank's attention then returned to the movie. It was the part where Jeff was lying on his back with his butt being probed. And then some serious swelling started to happen to Hank's dick. Without touching it, it began to throb, and stretch down his leg. Hank's doc noticed and angled the table a bit more, so the mirror had a very good view. Hank tried to clamp his legs together, but then gave up. His dick now started to bob up his leg becoming fully erect.

Jeff looked back to the screen and saw it was the part where he was rolling over with his gown getting caught and his own hardon sticking straight up. Hank also noticed what was going on up there on the screen. He looked up, looked to the mirror and looked back at that two foot projection of Jeff's hardon.

"It seems your friend does not mind watching your exam."

"Fine so what if he got a goddamn hard watching me get finger-fucked, what about it?"

"We prefer the term prostatic exam. But if I may point out to you" and Kroos pointed down to his own crotch "you also seem to enjoy this."

Jeff looked down and sure enough his foreskin was starting to tighten with the pressure. His nipples were sending constant stimulations to his cock.

"It's just these things you have on my nipples. It goes straight to my -"

"Yes, you could say that your genitals are remote controlled. But look at your friend" and Jeff saw Hank was now fully hard and starting even to drip some fluid. He had never seen his friend in this state and yes it was payback for the embarrassment at the river, but this was something much more. He could barely tear his eyes away, even when he heard Kroos start to readjust the dials on that damn machine and check the camera angle.

"It is warm in here no?" and out of the corner of his eye Jeff could not help but notice Kroos had unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a solid mat of black curly hair , nothing like Jeff had ever seen before.

"Just keep watching..."

Jeff prayed Hank could not see what he was doing, standing there, getting off on watching him go through this, but finally shrugged as he saw Hank continue to watch his movie, now and then looking over to the mirror but always coming back to the movie. Jeff saw it was the part where the doc was massaging his balls and he had started to leak. And in tandem Hank continued leaking himself.

The doc removed his finger (fingers?) from Hank's hole, reached into the drawer and removed something from a plastic wrapper, something oblong, and when it was free Jeff saw it was a kind of rubber tube, about the same shape and size as -- Jeff suddenly realized it was a rubber model of -- HIS cock! Hank looked down at it, looked up at the screen, and over to the mirror. Jeff had a real real bad feeling that Hank had made the same connection.

Jeff looked over at Kroos who was squeezing some kind of jel, maybe a bit greenish in this light, into his palm. As Jeff looked down he started to apply some to the underside of his hard cock. Jeff flinched.

"Geez" Jeff tried to turn away "the camera's on for crissakes."

"That is what it is on for. Do you notice how that feels? Your penis will soon start to respond to this gel. Can you feel that?" And Jeff looked down to see the doc pulling back his foreskin and smear the green goo under the fold and onto the underside of the head. Jeff started to feel the beginning of that same tingling as last week, knowing the tingly itchiness could almost bring him close to blowing all by itself.

"You like that yes, you almost could ejaculate could you?" and the doc suddenly stopped "but not yet. Look!"

Jeff looked back at Hank, the dildo pointing into his butt. Slowly and steadily he saw it disappear into his friend. And when it was almost half-way in, the doc started to lube Hank's cock. But Hank's eyes were glued to the screen.

Jeff looked and saw on the screen his image now being finger-fucked and milked by the doc that damn morning. Without thinking Jeff's hand reached down to grab his cock. What he grabbed instead was a glob of grease hanging from the head.

Kroos took Jeff's now greasy hand away and wiped it clean.

The doc grabbed Hank's dick at the base and just squeezed it as the dildo was slid out slowly. And as slowly it started to ease its way back in. But the doc just held Hank's cock tightly. And it got bigger and harder every time the dildo went back in. Jeff could not keep his eyes from coming back again and again, not really aware of how hard both his hands were grabbing the edge of the console.

Jeff felt Kroos' hand very very slowly start to massage the underside of his balls. It felt like the best thing he'd ever felt. And still the electrodes on his nipples kept sending the tingling right to his crotch. And with the doc's hand starting a slow massage, Jeff could not help but feel the cum building.

"I can't hold it much longer doc if you keep doing that I'll cum I'm -" and Kroos tapped twice on the glass. Hank heard the taps but then threw his head back, feeling the dildo bury itself all the way to the hilt. And just like that, large jets of cum shot out and landed on his chest, then on his face, and the third jet hit his shoulder. But still it didn't stop. Twice more he shot and the doc grabbed the head and pulled one last spurt out of him.

Jeff felt his knees buckle as Kroos gave his balls several quick tugs and his own cock started to swell. With both hands glued to the console, his cock unaided started to shoot out rope after rope of cum, hitting the edge of the console and drooling down to the floor. He had cum without even touching himself! And Kroos went over to the camera and made sure it was still recording. The camera focused on Jeff's torso and silently sealed his fate.

Next: Chapter 4

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