The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Jul 28, 2006


Chapter thirty Sunday Aug 4

Billy was trying to avoid his dad for most of the day but not sure why exactly. His dad was being cool and all, and not giving him any trouble but it seemed he was trying to get around to something but Billy couldn't figure out what. After the phone rang a few times and his dad kept answering it never finding anyone on the line did Billy figure out someone was trying to reach him but had zero intention of talking to his dad or let him know who it was. When the coast was clear he tried Hank and Jeff but they were not around so it wasn't them. On a hunch he tried the number Big Hank gave him and bingo, paydirt!

"I been trying to reach you but your dad kept answering."

"Didn't want to talk to him huh? Can't say I blame ya. So what's up?"

"You busy later?"

"Well we gotta eat in an hour but after that I'm free for a while why?"

"Wanna meet me at the mall?"

"Sure" and then lowering his voice cupping the phone "ya horny?"

"Always. But I gotta talk ta ya."

"Problem?" Billy started running bad scenarios.

"No it's cool. Meet me at the mall at six."

"Six thirty works."

"Okay see ya then."

Billy ate his supper as best he could and then told his parents he had to meet some buds over by the park. They said fine but don't stay out late.

Yeah school tomorrow, Billy joked. But he said he'll be back early so he'd get up for the workers when they show up the next morning.

"How much more they gotta do?" his dad asked.

"Well I guess tomorrow they hook it up and see if it's ready for the water."

"I'll check it tonight and see if anything looks wrong" Joe said trying to stay in the project at least somewhat.

"That'd be great. Well I'll be back early and we can take a look then" and he was off.

Billy got to the mall and looked around. He saw Hank ambling around with some bags.

So what'd ya get?" Billy asked looking at the bags, guessing shoes and clothes with some name he didn't recognize.

"Just junk" Hank said punching him in the arm "really glad you made it."

"Me too. So what's up?"

"Can't really talk here. Wanna come over?"

"Naw I wanna stay here and get frustrated as all hell" Billy smirked, punching him back "let's go."

"You wanna get anything while you're here?"

"Can't do that. I'm supposed to be at the park with buds. They don't have any stores there last time I looked."

"See what ya mean" Hank said giving Billy one of the bags "that one's for you but you can't open it yet."

"Why not?" and of course Billy started to look inside.

"You'll spoil the surprise" Hank quickly refolded the bag and they left for the car.

Once they were inside Billy burst out "Okay the suspense is killing me what's up?"

"You'll see you'll see, hold your horses okay."

"No not the bag. Why were you trying to call me? We got a problem?" and Billy was a bit scared.

"I hope not but we got stuff to sort out."

"You tryin to dump me, or tellin me y'ain't interested anymore in this shit..." Billy was doing his best to keep a straight face looking out the window.

"Not even close" and Hank was already parking in front of his apartment "let get inside before you get all worked up."

"So I can come in?"

"Of course bud" and he locked the car and hurried up to his place "you gotta see what I got ya."

So Billy tore off after him and they raced into the apartment. Once the door was closed behind them, Hank grabbed Billy and gave him a big kiss.

"Wow" Billy finally broke free "that's a weird way of dumping someone."

"I ain't dumpin you for crissakes. Sit down want something to drink?"


"Like a pop. You ain't goin home drunk. I don't need you hungover for the big day tomorrow" Hank shouted from the kitchen getting drinks out of the frig.

"What... big day?"

"That's what we gotta talk about" Hank said joining Billy on the sofa.

"So spill it!"

"It's like this stud" Hank started slowly "a lot has happened since Friday, between us and... other stuff."

"What 'other stuff'?"

"Well... just stuff. But that's not what we gotta talk about."

"So what? you ARE getting cold feet!"

"Shuddup and listen or I'll have to gag you."

"Works for me" Billy said not making eye contact.

"Friday afternoon you were just a horny kid getting his kicks bossing around the crew and getting us all into a lot of weird horny shit. Now..."

"Now what?"

"Now" Hank said holding Billy's shoulders "now I'm trying to convince myself that you and me, well we're more than just The Boss and his Sex Slave."

"Oh..."Billy started to remember Friday "you didn't like that scene huh?"

"Liked it? Shit it was a huge turn on. But I'm hoping you and me got something more than just two guys playing... I don't know, strip chicken or shit, in front of Ger and Gus, y'know?. Look Billy let me spell it out. What's gonna happen tomorrow when I show up for work at your house. For you, boss! We can't be going around like we spent the whole weekend playing - "

"I ain't playing!"

"I was really hoping so. But tomorrow when we go to work, then what? You gonna let on to the crew that we been... y'know getting into it?"


"Or ya gonna do your boss routine and make us do god only knows what and if your parents are home or if Gus or that Craig says something about what we were doing last week..."

"Yeah Friday got a bit carried away."

"So you see we gotta figure out what happens tomorrow. Can I make a suggestion?"

"Fuck I need maybe two right now."

"Well don't forget as far as those two are concerned, tomorrow is gonna be like Friday part two. They're gonna be expecting you to do something crazy again."

"Okay it was crazy but man it was hot."

"Can't say it wasn't. But tomorrow, even if the parents aren't around ya gotta be real cool."

"Fuck, I can't pretend last week didn't happen!"

"You don't gotta do that. But tomorrow will probably be our last day-"

"No Hank!" Billy grabbed him and held him like he was gonna lose everything if he ever let go. After a few moments, Hank released the death grip.

"No bonehead not us!" Hank smiled, holding him armslength "but us, like the crew, at your house. If all goes well and Gus didn't fuck up and got the order in like he was supposed to and everything's there, then yeah, tomorrow is the last day for the crew."

"And if everything gets finished then...then what? We don't get to hang around together anymore?"

"That's up to you bud" Hank started to rub Billy's chest "I still wanna get together. But I'm thinking, tomorrow we gotta pretend everything private - all this stuff - between us never happened. Like even that time in your bathroom never happened."

"What? Now you sayin you wish it didn't?"

"C'mon Billy" and Hank continued the rubbing down further "but the way I see it, it'd be a good idea tomorrow if you acted like I never came back Friday night and you are like not too happy about it. Hell that'd be a good excuse to keep things chill between us" and his hand was now rubbing at Billy's crotch.

"What if Gus wants me to order you guys around."

"He'll haveta get over it."

"I guess... maybe... I dunno" Billy was not very happy with the prospect. He wanted one last go seeing what he could get them to go along with. Maybe even a group thing in the backyard. But he did not know who would be home and the thought of his mom or even worse his dad stumbling into it... well Billy saw the point even though he did not want to. Hank could see Billy's mood getter worse by the minute.

"So stud don't ya wanna see what I got ya?"

"Oh yeah" Billy started to come out of his funk "whatdja get me" and he looked around for the bag and finally found it next to the sofa. He reached over and looked inside. It felt like a thin shirt but when he pulled it out he saw what it was. A red singlet.

"Cool" Billy said "now I'm ready for next year" he held it up, seeing the color "too bad I'm not wrestling for South Hank!" a smile returning to face.

He looked at it, seeing the label "a bit small isn't it?" he said trying to hold it against him.

"It stretches bonehead" Hank said "go on try it on."

"Right now?"

"Don't you wanna know if it'll fit?"

"Well" Billy felt suddenly a bit shy "where's your bathroom?"

"No Billy right here. I wanna see this" Hank starting to take off his shirt "you ain't gettin all weird with me now are you?"

"Well it's just" Billy looked down at himself "we were kinda sitting close and you were touching me..."

"Cool" Hank got the picture fast "go on Billy. It'll be hot. Put it on for me stud."

Billy slowly pulled off his shoes and socks and then got to his feet, the front of his jeans full. He pulled off his shirt and then opened his pants.

His white briefs were poking out the opening and seeing Hank pull down his pants and then his shorts past his knees did not help matters. Hank sat there with his cock coming to full, watching Billy standing in front of him and then Billy let his pants fall down to his feet as he stepped out them.

"Yeah stud I could sit here and horn on you and your hard for days. But go on, lose the underwear!" and Hank started to stroke himself.

"Man you really get off on this don't you?" Billy muttered and then pulled them down. His cock jutted out red.

"You don't know the half of it."

"And you sitting there playing with your cock ain't helpin things" Billy looked down at himself and at Hank. He gave himself a tug or two.

"Okay now put on the tights."

"I need a jock or somethin" Billy picked up the singlet and looked around.

"Naw just like that."

"But it'll look weird."

"It'll look hot is what."

"Geez I thought I was the perv" but Billy smiled and stepped into the leg openings then pulled it up, past the obstruction of his balls and hard cock and then up his chest putting his arms through the openings.

"Told ya it was too small" Billy groaned, feeling it ride up his butt and dig into his shoulders. His genitals were plainly on view through the almost transparent fabric.

"It's perfect" Hank grunted, having to take his hand away, his hard cock throbbing and starting to bead a bit "you look so fuckin hot like that." Hank stood up and started to rub his front against Billy's, his hands working Billy's arms and shoulders, their crotches smashing back and forth "don't move."

He left the room and came back a minute later. He was wearing a white singlet now with his headgear as well, but nothing underneath.

Billy looked at him and his bulge and said "yeah I see what ya mean... it is hot. You are hot."

He started towards Hank but Hank stopped him "no stay right there" and reached into a drawer and pulled out a camera.

"Hank c'mon!" and Billy tried to cover himself and sit down "no cameras! I've had enough- "


"Enough cameras I mean - I mean no - oh shit..." Billy turned away and sat down, hit foot firmly lodged in his mouth now.

Hank put the camera down, seeing how upset Billy was,

"Somethin y'wanna tell me Billy?"

"No - I mean, yeah - I mean later okay?" Billy went over to him and gave him a hug. It didn't take long before the heat was firing their groins again.

"C'mon Billy" Hank said, moving the camera and its tripod to the table and the end of the room "I'll make a deal with you. You let me do something really hot tonight and tomorrow night..." he went over and started to kiss him "you call the shots. Anything you want stud. And I mean anything!"

Billy at first wanted to tell him about his situation, and the doc's and the whole sick scene he was trapped in, but then thought, fuck it's not like I ever been shy around cameras before. Hell it's just the two of us, not like the roomful of those guys like at the doc. It's not like a show or something all crazy like that. But he had to admit it was kinda a turn-on, a secret kinkiness just between the two of them. And the thought of having Hank do anything he wanted in return! Man that was too sweet to turn down. And besides it meant he would get another chance to see him, no matter how bad tomorrow turned out with the crew and all. Hank was giving him a blank check.

"You mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"Anything?" Billy said getting back to his feet and pulling his dick to the side for breathing room.

"Billy you don't seem to understand. Of course I'd do anything you would want. I told you that before. And I meant it. So how about it?" he went back to the camera and checked the settings "just a couple of poses."

"Like this?" and Billy gave him a double biceps. He heard the shutter click several times.

"Just like that" and Hank got behind the view finder "wow stud you look super hot!"

Billy stuck a couple of poses he knew and then just started some wrestling stances. When he thought Hank had seen enough, when he knew Hank could not hold back laughing at him any more he stopped.

"Okay that's all I know" and he sat down.

"Not yet" Hank said rubbing himself "let's see you rub it a little."

"Hank that's lame. No one wants to see that."

"I do stud. You know how hot you got me" and he pulled his hand away. Sure enough the fabric on Hank's singlet was stretched full out "go on show me how hard you get."

Billy reached down and rubbed it a bit. As he suspected it didn't take much and he was fully boned again. More clicks came from the camera.

Hank came around and stood next to him and started to kiss him and rub him all over. Billy swore he heard a few more clicks from the camera every minute or so but wasn't really sure. Hank got behind him and started rubbing himself into Billy's butt forcing his crotch forward. As he did he reached around and started to rub Billy's cock back and forth through the cloth. After a while Billy felt himself start to stain the cloth. He looked down and saw a dark spot at the end of his cock.

"I think I better change, I'm starting to mess up the singlet."

"Cool" Hank said and started to rub himself up and down Billy's crack. Billy could feel his head press into him. Hank's hand went back to rubbing Billy's cock very slowly and rhythmically now.

Billy leaned back and kissed the side of Hank's neck and then Hank brought his head around so their mouths could meet. His heart was starting to pound and he could feel Hank's breath getting short between kisses.

"Hank ya better slow down" and he tried to pull his hand away from his cock.

"No stud let it happen" Hank's hand was speeding up now, vigorously rubbing back and forth over the head, the fabric wet and discolored with his pre-cum.

"No Hank I'll mess the new tights. Let me take them off" and he started to reach up for the straps.

"Leave it on. Don't take it off. Go on Billy shoot for me. Cum for me stud" and Hank was wrapping his hand around the head through the fabric stroking back and forth, while pushing his crotch up and down Billy's crack harder and faster. As Billy felt himself start to lose control he heard Hank grunt and a hot wet stickiness smear down his butt. That did it. He felt his cock slide up into Hank's hand and start to shoot off, coating the inside of the tights up to his hip.

As soon as he did Hank came around and stood next to him side by side. The camera took picture after picture of them in their tights, their fronts dark and wet with cum, their cocks showing through the sheerness of the wet fabric. But Billy was too busy feeling Hank playing with his face and then his tongue in his mouth; he was spent.

Finally Billy sat down on the couch and then stood up fast "I'll stain your couch."

"Go on you can take it off now. You christened it good, stud!"

Billy pulled the straps off his shoulders and pulled it down his chest and then down his legs. His cock was shiny with the smeared cum as he pulled it off him.

"You got a towel Hank?"

"Use the tights. They're already cummed."

"I guess" and the camera took pictures of Billy, naked with a slick drooping cock mopping his cum onto the singlet as best he could.

"You gonna wash this I hope" Billy said looking for a place to put the dirty tights.

"Not a fucking chance" Hank said taking it from him "I'm keeping this as is til my dying day. Hell, a hot wrestling singlet broken in with real wrestler cum? No way I would wash this" and he held it up to his face smelling it.

"Hank" Billy said looking at Hank's smeared white tights "then I get to keep yours too."

"You don't really-"

"Yeah I think it's hot. At least yours are. Mine are just smelly."

"Deal" and Hank pulled his singlet off and gave it to Billy. Now they both stood naked as the camera took another pic. Finally Hank went over and turned it off.

"Was that on the whole time? I think I kept hearing it clicking."

"Wait'll you see these. Man you'll see why I think you're so hot."

"Fuck, I can't wait t'see what you look like."

"You can see right now" Hank said turning around.

"Yeah, hot" Billy looked down at himself "but if you don't mind I gotta use your bathroom a second."

"Okay" Hank let him head in that direction "you know where it is."

Hank checked to make sure the images were all there and saved them for future work. He found Billy pissing in the bowl, the door wide open.

"I been meaning to fix that door" Hank stopped to watch, knowing Billy would get the joke.

"Now this is where I take a shower and maybe jack off for you right?"

"Maybe next time" Hank smirked, reaching out and giving Billy's cock a tug "right now we gotta get your cleaned up and back home before the folks call out the police on us."

"Shit how late is it?" Billy panicked looking around.

"Going on eight-thirty. Still time for a shower."

"Okay but then I gotta get home. Sorry Hank wish we could.. y'know" reaching out and starting to rub Hank's front.

"In the shower with you" and Hank pushed him in and joined him "we'll worry about that tomorrow night. That is if you still wanna."

"Or if you still let me after you finish work" and they got into the stream and starting soaping up.

"Just remember what I said" Hank said rinsing off before Billy got any ideas "tomorrow none of this happened okay?"

Billy just stood with his head under the shower letting it rinse him off. After a minute or two Hank heard a soft "okay..."

Next: Chapter 31

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