The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Aug 28, 2006


Chapter forty-one Aug 6

Needless to say Billy was caught by surprise when he was called back to the doc's office that night, hoping the previous night with that Milt guy was his final scene, his grand finale, and now Joel was playing the star what? sex boy? medical whore? His head was still ringing with the near rape scene up in his room, trying his best to keep it in a separate pigeonhole from what he did in front of Milt. One was outa control and almost a bit scary. The night at the doc's was all careful and even "scientific", he tried to convince himself. He kept repeating to himself over and over what he did at the doc's was not an out of control kid letting his dick think for him. Even to himself it was a hard sell. So why did he just jump in the deep end like that?

Okay I gotta knock all this stuff out, he told himself, it's starting to fry my brain! When I get to the point I'm VOLUNTEERING to have sex scenes at the doc, well then it's no wonder my house is turning into a three-ring sex circus! So no matter what the docs suggest tonight I gotta cool it! But he kept remembering how that Milt looked when he came in to see the doc's. Damn, he was flabbergasted how scared such a big guy could get, just trying to get a "normal" checkup. So much for any hope of any more "normal" checkups, he shivered. But I gotta really cool it!

So Billy walked into the reception area a little after five-thirty, hoping the next waves of clouds would hold off long enough, and still reeking of pizza as the receptionist was leaving,

"Well Bill everything's here on the desk" she said gathering up her things and slid away. He sniffed himself, was it me? She's like avoiding me now big time!

He went back to the exam room looking for evidence of who would be the patient tonight but the set-up looked semi "normal". Shit why couldn't Joel have taken this one tonight, he thought. I'm supposed to be stopping all of this remember?

He finished his normal prepping of materials and returned to the front. He was just changing the radio station when the door opened. It was Gus!

"Billy! Sweet chariots of fire! What you doin here?" Gus asked, at first with a big smile and then with an apprehensive even nervous expression on his face. Billy got a good idea why the docs wanted him in tonight!

"I work here" he said a bit defensively "I gotta earn some money. I got a big pool bill to pay off remember?"

"Thought your dad was paying it?"

"We kinda both are" Billy said getting the forms out "so ya figured out yet how much am I gonna end up paying for all your hard. Work?" he hit the last two words sharply. But he knew Gus could see him smiling.

"Hey relax" Gus said taking the forms "it's not like we're gonna charge ya extra for... y'know the 'extra' work" Gus looked around "we alone?"

"For the time being."

"Hell kid if it weren't for the others guys I'd be thinkin bout even giving you a discount. Man it was really hot."

"What was?"

"Working for ya kid. Y'know working. Hard" and Gus grabbed himself through his pants.

"Well you guys were really.. super. About the whole thing. Y'know you guys coulda complained to my dad or something... worse..."

"Don't think your dad woulda been one to complain to" Gus was trying to meet Billy's stare.

"What do y'mean by that Gus?" now that Gus was bringing it up Billy wanted to find out as much as he could, especially with yesterday's noon incident... when Gus and his dad disappeared into the basement for... what?

"Just that your dad is... well he's cooler about this stuff that you know."

"Did he fuck you Gus?" there it was out in the open.

"Damnit kid"Gus looked around "someone might hear ya."

"He did. I know he did. Ya don't gotta hide it."

"What'd he tell ya?" Gus was getting redder and redder.

"We talked about it" Billy lied "how you like to take orders. How he told you t'do it. He bent you over and fucked you downstairs."

"Damn Billy y'can't be goin around sayin anything."

"Well that all depends..." Billy was looking over the papers Gus had filled out.

Gus got quiet and then softly said "okay what's your price."

"You don't gotta give me anything" Billy said quickly calculating his angle, how much was this worth to Gus, he wondered "but I think that guy who finished it today... Juan? Yeah he deserves a special bonus --"

"What for?" Gus had his suspicions.

"Cause he helped me in the middle of a big mean hailstorm is all" Billy bit his lip, not all by a longshot! but let them two figure it out "and also that big guy, Hank? He deserves a raise."

"Hank? Why Hank?"

"Cause he wasn't into this shit is why" Billy felt his own face turn red with the whopper "he just went along with it so you wouldn't get sore, and hell he's your best worker."

"Yeah he does good work."

"He does REAL good work."

"Thought you were mad at him" Gus started to get suspicious "You didn't even talk to him yesterday. Cause he never showed up Friday right? like he promised?"

"Hey yeah... I was pissed when he didn't show up" Billy tried not to turn bright red with the bull "but I can't force him to do stuff he don't wanna" Billy bit his lip to keep from cracking up "shit it's not like I can order him around like..."

"Like you order me boss?"

"Like me and my dad both did remember?" Billy saw he had him by the balls.

"Okay you make your point, don't gotta rub it in."

"Don't get me wrong Gus" Billy went for the close "I like ya a lot. Hell even my dad likes ya."

"You could say that."

"So its not like I'm gonna jerk ya around--"

"I wish" Gus started to rub himself again "you think we got time?"

"The doc'll be here any second" Billy gave him a quick fondle, damn this guy is as horny as all hell.

"Well glad to hear we're still buds" Gus said "the offer still stands."

"I'll take ya up on that" Billy said, thinking to himself, yeah but not with things with Hank like they are.

"You just say the word boss" Gus leaned forward a bit, his hardon now showing sharply out from his crotch "you say the word. Anything you want you know how it works."

"Well then don't forget about that raise, I mean it" Billy said "did you fill all this out? Don't forget your insurance card number."

"Oh yeah" and Gus went back to the forms taking his card out of his wallet, "so ya wanna tell me about today?"

Billy all but dropped his clipboard "what?"

"Y'know what happened today."

"What about it?" did Juan already talk to Gus? What happened after he ran downstairs to intercept his dad. All he knew was that when he and Jeff got back to the room everyone looked like a bunch of choirboys. Only the heavy rank stink of sex in the air gave it away. During the pizza "party" the guys just acted like nothing, except Juan and Joel left as soon as it seemed cool. So how did Gus get wind of the scene? "what about today?"

"About the pool kid!" Gus would have to be blind not to notice he hit some kind of sensitive nerve. So something happened with Juan and he was gonna find out what. Fuck if Juan also was into this stuff... Gus felt himself start to stain, just thinking about what the big guy might be packing. As he was about to dig deeper, the door opened. It was the doc.

"Billy glad to see you again. And Mr. Holard glad to see you made it" and they shook hands, Gus not getting up, keeping the papers over his crotch.

"Did Bill here get you all squared away?"

"Yeah he's a real good kid" Gus said trying not to smile "how long he been helping you?"

"Well Bill's been working most of the summer so far. We're real glad to have him back."

"Well hope you're paying him well" Gus tried to stand up "he's got a pool to pay for."

"How's that?"

Billy broke in "Gus here is the guy been keeping me busy last week putting in that pool for me and my dad like I mentioned."

The doc looked back and forth strangely "Oh this is the guy?"

"And did a real good job too. If you even need work done, Gus is your man."

"What do you do Gus?" but the tone was ambivalent.

"Anything ya want doc. Interior, exterior..." looking at Billy "special jobs."

"Well I'll keep that in mind"the doc said "now if you're ready?"

Before they could go in, the door opened again. It was Kroos and right behind him was someone Billy recognized. All too well.

"Hey Herms what you doin here?"

"Hey coach Bernan" Billy held out his hand and was maybe a bit surprised that he shook it "you ain't here for an appointment?"

"Not unless you're running a betting parlor back here in your spare time."

"Coach, this is Gus Holard. He owns Holard Contracting. This is coach Bernan from school. He teaches history and he is also the coach of our awesome football team." yeah for a bunch of scumbag minnows!

"Call me Bob."

"How's it goin? Didn't you guys win all-state a few years ago?" and they also shoot hands.

"Yeah two years back. Last year we made it to finals but Springfield wiped our ass."

"Yeah I had a cousin play for them a few years back. They got a budget like you wouldn't believe! One year they spent fifteen grand just on uniforms alone!"

"You're kidding right?"

"Fuck no. My cousin, Bennie we'd call him, Bernard Abelini you heard of him? well he said when he was playin for them they made sure he never wanted for anything. And got a good scholarship out of it to boot."

"Thought that high school level was restricted. Fuck I know we sure as hell are" coach said, hoping some of this was just hot air.

"That's what I thought too. Until I heard some of the stuff Bennie would talk about. Like they even had a team masseuse."


"I sure as hell hoped it was. Hey we don't want seventeen and eighteen year old kids getting laid more than we do, right?"

"So you follow sports still?" he looked down at Gus' abdomen and then lower, so he accented the "still" more than he needed to.

"Damn right I do. We like to keep our eye on new talent" and Gus gave Billy a wink.

"Well just keep your eyes on our team this year. We're goin all the way" the coach said, but wasn't prepared for the small chuckle that escaped from Gus.

"So we're both here for check-ups?" Gus asked, trying to clear the subject fast.

"It seems so. What time you for?"


"Funny, me too" and Bob looked at the doc "so who gets to go first?"

"Why don't you both follow doc Kroos here. He'll get you started."

"Fine by me" Hernan said "it's just routine right?"

"We have two more scheduled for eight so we better get started" Kroos said opening the door and motioning them in.

Two more? Billy thought, fuck what have I been missing in the last week? Shit maybe they are burning through the whole town! What's left, the county? the whole region?

Billy checked the forms and filed the ones the coach had already filled out. Did Kroos meet him somewhere already? How'd he get them filled out when he just got here? Bily would worry about it another time, but it still seemed things had gotten stranger to him. He even tried the locked file drawer, but things were not that strange yet.

When Billy went into the exam room both the doc and Kroos were looking for their exam trays but Billy had only prepared one. Shit, nobody told me it was going to be another convention, he thought. He quickly went over and started to get another tray ready.

"Thanks Billy" Kroos said "just the usual."

"Make mine a double"the coach said starting to remove his shoes and socks "hold the ice."

"Comin right up coach" Billy would humor him.

"Where do you want me?" Gus said looking around "you want me to wait outside? You mean I'm in here too?"

"At that other table" the doc said "my assistant will assist with your exam."

"Which one?" Gus tried to laugh but the coach didn't get the joke. He looked at Billy expecting someone to let him know this was Billy's little joke, they were all pulling his leg. They did not really expect him to just shuck off his clothes, in front of Billy, in front of the other guy, and have an exam in the same room just like it's all normal, happens all the time, right? And Billy here to do what? just hover around? This is not what he had in mind when the doc's office called him yesterday about the insurance renewal.

"Billy why don't you help these gentlemen store their clothes."

"Right doc."

Billy took the shoes and socks from the coach and put them into one of the lockers. When he returned he took Bob's shirt who was acting like this was the most regular thing in the world. Or was he trying to out-bluff Gus? Billy came up to Gus and waited while Gus slowly removed his shirt as well, then watched as Billy took both shirts to the cabinet and put them on hangers.

"Try not to mix them up Billy" the coach said "it'd be hard to explain to the wife."

"I won't... coach" Billy said watching as the coach casually started to peel off his pants. Underneath he was wearing a baggy pair of white boxer briefs. Billy took the pants and gathered up Gus' shoes and socks. When he came back Gus was still hesitating with his pants.

"Hey doc" Gus stalled looking around for the exit "ya mind if Billy here shows me what facilities you got around here?" and we need to have a private talk!

"If you are talking about urinating I will need for you to hold it a while" Kroos said "we will need a sample from you very shortly."

"Hey doc" the coach said pulling at the waistband of his shorts "I leave these on or you got one of those paper things for me t'wear."

"Billy get Bob here a gown" and Billy went over to the drawer and pulled out a regular exam gown.

He gave it to him then went over to get Gus' pants.

Gus looked at Billy like a caged animal and then looked to the docs hoping this would end right here and now. Doc Reynolds was all but ignoring him and Kroos was busy taking a variety of items from drawers. When Gus looked back to Billy he gave Gus a small nod at Gus' waist. He stood a moment, closed his eyes then finally took them off. His equipment filled out the front of the shorts and to make matters worse there were a few drops of stain on the front. He tried to turn and sit quickly but Bob saw the whole thing.

"Hey Gus" the coach yelled "thought he told ya to hold it? Ya got anything left for that doc?"

"Bob I need you on the table lying on your back now" the doc continued on, his calm tone and steady hand directing him over to the far table.

Bob lay back as the doc went about taking his temp and blood pressure. He next drew some blood after check for swellings and any abnormal internal issues. All very normal and routine. Gus almost felt embarrassed to be making such a big deal about it. Almost.

"What's the blood for doc?" Bob said "I might need that later."

"Routine screenings" the doc took a third and then a fourth tube "don't worry it's all covered by your insurance."

"Whatever ya say doc" Bob leaned back, maybe a bit light-headed "just leave me a pint or two okay?"

Gus had taken his seat on the other table waiting for his turn. It wasn't long before Kross came over and started the same routine with him, but only took two tubes.

"Why's that?" Gus asked "something different?"

"No" Kroos said giving them to Billy for labeling "you are still a few years younger than our coach friend here so we will not need to be running as many tests."

"Thanks doc" Bob said "make me feel like an old man why don't ya."

The doc looked at the clipboard "forty-two right?"

"That's right."

"Well there will be some additional tests we'll need. But right now"and he turned to Billy "why don't you give Bob here one of the lemon drinks."

"Coming right up" and Billy returned with that usual diuretic.

"What no ice?" Bob tried to kid.

"This is a diuretic that'll help you urinate in a short while. Among other things it will also help relax your smooth muscles. Also we sometimes use it to trace the absorption and metabolizing of certain... by-products."

Bob looked at it suspiciously. Finally he took a sip and made a face "doc that's the worst lemonaid I ever had."

"Can't do much about the taste."

Bob finished it and then looked over to Gus "guess you won't be needing one of these huh?"

Gus looked at him with a smirk and then at Kroos "well?"

"Billy if you will give Mister Holard a bottle as well."

"Doc!" Gus leaned forward "the last thing I need is to drink--"


Billy grabbed another bottle from the cabinet and brought it to Gus. With both of them watching -- he did not need to see the smirk from Bob -- he unscrewed the cap, his bladder already bursting. He took a few swallows then felt the effect hit him in the balls, fast and unmistakeable.

"Damn okay. Now I really gotta go!"

"Can you produce a sample for me?"

"Hell yeah" Gus said feeling a bit on the spot "where's the bathroom already?"

"Billy here will give you your container."

Billy reached into the drawer and pulled out one, and then a second plastic jar. He gave one to the coach and then to Gus.

"Okay lead the way" Gus said "and hurry!"

"You are fine right there" Kroos said "we must make sure you do not... cheat."

"Hey it's not like a drug test doc."

"State law I fear, Gus" the doc said "go on. You are not bashful are you? After all we're all men here."

Gus looked at Billy and then around the room "do I have a choice?" Seeing none he set the jar on the bed next to him and then stood up. Turning away from most of them, he pulled down the front of his shorts.

"Billy will you be so good as to take those while you are waiting" Kroos said. Gus looked at him and then reached down and pulled them all the way off. He didn't need to see Bob's reaction when he gave them to Billy. Billy just stood holding them, in no hurry to put them away. Gus glanced at all the clothed people around him and took the cup, unscrewing the lid. He held it to his cock and after a second of squeezing started to fill it. When it was almost full he shook out the last drops. He gave it to Billy with the lid and sat back down on the table. He turned around to see Bob had indeed been watching the whole thing.

"Billy how about a gown for cryin out loud?" Gus half-whispered, feeling like a circus animal. Or the center of attention for some odd reason

"That would not be necessary Gus" Kroos said "let us get back to your exam.

But if you would finish this first?" handing him the half-finished bottle of lemon punch. Gus crinkled his nose but finished it. And there was Billy to take it from him.

Billy labeled the specimen and put it in the frig. Seeing where he left Gus' shorts he took them over to the locker and almost put them in with Bob's clothes. Then as an afterthought he went ahead and did it. Let's see if they notice when this is all over, he thought. Have a hunch they might not.

He went back to the doc to see if he could help. Besides, he wanted a good look at the coach, even if he wasn't all naked yet. Billy had seen him at school of course, usually when he didn't need the inevitable scowl and "late for something Herms?" running down the hall. And of course in gym class either dressed in street clothes -- or what passed for street clothes among the athletic staff -- or wearing his ever-popular school sweatshirt and running shorts. He was not as solid as O'Connell, Billy's wrestling coach but taller and more buffed. Just looking at him anyone could tell he had this obsession with zero bodyfat and did everything to keep himself in the best shape possible for the old man he was, Billy laughed. His chest and belly were not as hairy as Billy had guessed, seeing how hairy his legs were. But Bily peaked and saw a trail of hair from his navel going south. We'll see, he thought. I got all night.

The doc did not need him so Billy got to stand and watch as the doc went through what had become for Billy almost boringly repetitive, the eye and throat checks and the chest percussions etc, etc. He then palpated all the trouble areas of the coach's sides and stomach. He even passed the knee reflex, but really was there any doubt he would not? As the doc was checking the coach's thighs for any unusual lumps or bruises Bob said "man that stuff doesn't take long to work does it? No wonder y'had Gus hoppin around like crazy."


"No doc he already brought one" and the coach picked up the container.

He got to his feet and reaching under his gown started to pull the front of his shorts down.

"Billy can take those for you" the doc said like he was reading it from the clipboard.

"Guess maybe I am just a bit overdressed here" he said nodding at Gus who was on his stomach now, trying not to look. He reached underneath and pulled them down to his feet and stepped out of them. Billy bent down and picked them up, still warm from his crotch. Again he was in no hurry to leave. Bob pulled the front of his gown to the side and then tucked it under his chin, exposing himself. Billy tried not to gasp. The coach was tugging at a very long circumcised cock, maybe one of the longest Billy had ever seen. It was maybe longer than Juan's or Bo's but not as thick as either of those two battering rams, making the shaft look even tubelike. The head was perfectly square, not mushroom-shaped like Billy had seen on other long skinny ones. Damn, he thought, glad Hank didn't have one like that, he'd kill me with it. And double damn it's not even hard yet.

"Nothing to be shy about here right?" Bob said aiming it at the cup "like he said, we're all guys here right?"

He gave it a slight tug and a steady stream started to fill the cup. When it was nearing the top he said "damn but I'm gonna need another" and gave it to Billy. The doc's nervous assistant took it and the lid and set it aside returning with a second one, trying not to stare, or let his hands shake.

"Hope you don't need a third we're running low" Billy tried to joke but his eyes were glued to the monster in front of him.

"Crist doc what was in that stuff?" Bob said and started to fill the second. Luckily for Billy he finished when it was half-full.

"Do yo always produce that much urine?" the doc said taking notes.

"Don't know. How much was that?" and Billy looked at it,

"Almost niney-two ccs"

"Doc that stuff is what did it."

"Well that is something we better check to make sure" the doc said "why don't you get back on the table."

Bob got back up and then started to untie the gown "don't really need this anymore right?"

"Billy?" the doc said and gave it to him "you're right."

The coach lay back on the table as the doc put on some gloves and started to palpate Bob's scrotum. Bob gave a jump but then relaxed.

"Cold hands there doc" he tried.

Billy was doing his best to ignore how the coach's eyes kept coming back to him, gauging his reactions to all this. At first Billy guessed the coach was trying to spook him, or intimidate him back into his place. He always kept a certain arrogant distance from his students, and Billy could only imagine how he lorded over his team. Billy saw his face when he first saw Billy in the reception area, a quick look of shocked recognition before the stone pose came down over it. And now he just kept looking at Billy, waiting for him to make some crack or rude gesture, knowing he could make Billy regret it over and over during the course of the upcoming school year.

So Billy looked away from his stares, and over to Kroos and Gus just as he heard Kroos say "I need you to turn over now."

"Maybe in a moment or two" Gus said very red in the face. Billy went over to them, suspecting the problem.

"It's okay Gus" Billy said "Kroos is okay.."

"Really can we take a break?"

"Kroos Gus here is usually pretty good at following instructions" Billy said looking right at Gus "ain't that right?"

"C'mon Billy."

"Now c'mon Gus, no biggie, just do what the doc tells you Gus. Everything he tells you, okay?"

"It is okay Gus, like Billy said there is nothing to worry about here" Kroos said.

"Geez...." and Gus looked at Billy with a long hard look and then at Kroos who looked all innocent. Finally he realized they weren't going to give him an inch of slack. He turned to face away from them but then rolled onto his back. As Billy suspected, a big fat hard-on popped into view.

The silence was broken by Bob "Hey Gus that for me?"

"Just relax Bob" the doc said "let's make sure you don't have anything wrong here" and continued to palpate his scrotum.

Gus felt his face turn hot and even redder as Kross said to him "is this a common problem?"

"It ain't no problem."

"Actually Kroos" Billy started babbling, not sure why "like when Gus was working y'know at my place... with the pool and all... I did sometimes accidentally notice sometimes yeah Gus once or twice ... y'know have... 'problems' a lot."

"Is that true Gus?"

"Billy!" Gus hissed at him, not daring to look Kroos in the eye "what you say that shit for?"

"Well maybe the doc here can help you with that" Billy said, seeing one more adult putting his head in the noose, Billy holding the tether with calculated innocence "it's cool Gus, just so he can make sure it isn't anything to worry about like."

"Well Gus? Do you have problems with frequent or unwanted erections?"

"Damn!" he lowered his voice to a whisper "it's not like they're all that frequent, or unwanted for that matter."

"May he just likes you Billy" Bob said "ain't nothing wrong with that."

"C'MON coach" Billy turned before Gus got mad "it ain't like that."

"Well if the doc here keeps doing that" Bob said looking down at himself "maybe I'll start 'liking' you too."

Kroos put on a pair of exam gloves and started to lube the fingers. Gus knew what what coming and raised his knees, a bit glad to be hiding his big fat telltale hardon. He felt the finger make contact and slide right in. Luckily Kroos knew enough not to say anything as the second and the third went in. When the fourth slid in Gus started to throb and the piss slit get all wet. There was only one face he dared to look at and sure enought, Billy was memorizing every inch. He gave Gus an innocent shrug. And was that a wink?

"Billy I am starting to think you have forgotten all of your training" the doc looked around" didn't you forget something?" seeing Billy's blank look "I need for you to set up the recording device, you know where it is."

"What recording device" both Gus and Bob said almost in unison. They looked at each to see who was going to blow through the roof first! Looked like Gus by a hair!

"For the purpose of medical clarity and consistency of practice it is necessary to make a recording of patient exams. For insurance and malpractice reasons you understand."

"Goddamnit doc" Bob started to get up "you can't do that shit I'm buck naked here."

"Afraid we must Bob" the doc said "standard practice. I'm afraid it's for your safety as much as ours."

"Safety?!?! That can't be right!" Bob was trying to cover himself, "you know I can't agree to anything like that?"

"No lie coach" Billy was coming back into the room rolling the camera in.

"I assure you this is completely nececcary, both for your approval and for what's coming up..." the doc added the second part quietly. Bob caught the expression.

"I don't know doc" he said as Billy brought the camera around and set it up, adjusting and focusing "but with Billy here...?"

"C'mon coach it's perfectly legit" Billy added "every exam the doc helped me assist at, he had to do this. It's not like it's a big deal or anything.

Hell would I be here if anything weird were going on?"

"Billy it still doesn't seem right."

"Geez coach"Billy said starting to record "everyone's been in here had this done and nobody ever whined half as much as you. Don't be such a... wuss!" Billy knew that word would do it. It was the same the coach used to get under everybody's skin.

"Don't call me a wus!" Bob got very defensive.

"Well then stop acting like one, coach" Billy would not let him go, keeping one eye on Gus and Kroos "stop being such a baby. What if the team knew you were acting like such a wuss!"

"Fuck!" Bob said and got back on the table "if he can just lie there with his bone flapping in the breeze I guess I ain't got nothing to worry about."

Both the doc and Kroos gave Billy a guarded smile and a nod then went back to their work.

Gus felt Kroos' fingers start to reinsert themselves into his hole and work around inside him. When they found his prostate he gave a gasp.

"Damn what you doin there" Bob said, trying to look the other way but always coming back "you tryin to kill him or what?"

"I'm okay" Gus grunted, glad his knee was hiding the reaction.

"Does that hurt?" Kroos said, knowing it didn't.

"No, go on" Gus said but he could feel the effect it was having.

"Well tell me if it does. You will do that, right?"

"Right" Guz said closing his eyes, clenching his teeth.

"Billy said you are very good at following orders, is that so?"

"Yes I guess so."

"Well then I need for you to tell me what the problem here is" and Kroos gave a short poke with his hand "tell me if it feels like this is hitting an obstruction?"

"No doc it's not."

"It seems your prostate is rather swollen. So unless you are actually older than your age here, do you have any idea why?"

"No doc" Gus said. Damn, he thought, what did I get myself into here? And that Billy is just egging him on trying to make it worse or what.

"Then you will understand we need to do a more thorough exam."

"Do we have to... a what?" Gus could not see an out but it was worth the try.

"Gus, I need for you to stand up and lean against the table."

"Okay you're the boss" Billy gave a jerk when he heard the line, knowing Gus was now shifting into his groove "tell me what to do. I'll do whatever."

"It seems that your prostate is enlarged and may need to be palpated to alleviate the condition, correct?"

"Yeah doc, I need to have it whatever you said. Do whatever you want to me. I'll do it."

Bob was lying on his back watching and listening to this. He couldn't believe how hard Gus was and wanted to see where this was going. Instead of the usual comments and jokes he thought he better just keep his mouth shut and watch this unfold. And yes, he was rather glad it was not his butt getting the attention.

He was a bit surprised when Kroos walked away from Gus still over the table, his ass poking out. He lifted his head and saw Kroos take a plastic tube out of the drawer. Damn, Bob recognized it, it looked like a goddamn dildo!

"Doc, I'm thinking maybe I should come back another time" Bob said softly to the doc, feeling his hand now start to press around his pubes.

"Just lie there we're almost finished."

"No really doc I don't like where this is heading. I don't think I should be watching this."

"Bob it's up to you. You can stay or go. But if you leave I cannot guarantee you another appointment before everything is to be approved for your sports training camp coming up. And I know you need a good report and your insurance policy might be jeopardized and that might put a delay on..." he didn't need to finish the sentence.

"Can't you just fill something in?"

"That would be rather unethical Bob. You don't want me to be seen cheating in front of one of your students."

Bob leaned back and tried to close his eyes "then I got a fuckin hellava choice here don't I..."

But he could only keep them closed for a very short while. When he felt the doc start to palpate the base of his cock he could not help but get a reaction. Damn, he thought, now I can't be getting a hardon too?

He looked over as Kroos started to smear some green jel onto the dildo and apply it to Gus' butt. He was really gonna do it; he was gonna buttfuck him with it! And as much as he tried not to, he felt himself getting firmer under the doc's fingers. He got a bit nervous when he saw the doc apply some of the same green goo to his other hand and start to smear it around his butthole.

"What's that for doc?" Bob said feeling the cool jel hit his hole.

"It's a mild anesthetic for the next procedure. We must make sure that at your age you also don't have any prostatic problem" the doc said very casually "after all you are a bit older than Gus there. In someone your age it could develop into serious problems" and the finger hit home and started to worm in. Bob jerked off the bed with a gasp "even cancer" the doc said sliding further in.

Bob had not felt anything like that since he had his last physical. The memory of that quick painful jab came back to him and then it was over. Now he felt the finger start to wiggle around.

"What was that stuff doc? That green stuff?"

"Like I said, just a topical anesthetic, something to alleviate the discomfort since I would expect you are not accustomed to items invading your rectum" the doc said with a straight face "we don't want to cause you any more discomfort than we must" and a second finger was in. As the finger started to probe around inside him it sure all hell didn't feel like it was getting any more numb, in fact, as much as he hated to admit it, he was starting to enjoy the tingling coming from deep inside him. He started to open up for more.

"Seems to be working then" he said as the third finger was in. He looked down and saw the doc smear some of the stuff onto his cock.

"Hey now what's that for?"

"Sometimes a patient becomes over... stimulated during this exam" the doc was now smearing it around the head "we don't want any involuntary 'reactions' now do we?"

"You mean like... like an orgasm?" Bob said the word like it was beyond all possibilities and started to get very very nervous.

"Yes involuntary ejaculation. We don't want you to ejaculate now do we?"

He tried to take his mind off the feelings coming from his guts and his cock so he looked over at Gus and Kroos thinking that would be the big turn-off he needed right now. Instead he was amazed as Gus was leaning back, allowing Kroos to insert the head of it into his butt. Damn, he thought, this is like some weird porno or what. As he watched, the plastic tube slid farther and farther in, until all seven or eight inches were inside him.

"Man I can't believe he took that up his ass" Bob said feeling fingers inside his own butt.

"It can be very painful but sometimes it is necessary to exclude any problems with the prostate."

"But mine's working fine... right?" Bob tried to convince himself, getting more nervous by the minute. No way he wanted the same thing happening to him.

"Yes but Gus there seemed to have a dangerous blockage. Once it is cleared his functions will return to normal."

"Yeah but doc" Bob could feel himself start to become fully aroused, maybe even a bit like the possibility of something worse -- something like losing a load in front of veryone -- might just happen "there's got to be another way."

"Surgery of course is an option" and the doc took his hand away from Bob's cock.

"Whew! glad you stopped" Bob was turning red and breathing heavy "if you know what I mean."

"We don't want any accidents" the doc said, and removed his fingers from him.

"Okay we're finished now right?" and Bob started to sit up, his bright hardon fully visible and damn if Billy wasn't right there looking at it "getting a good look kid?"

"C'mon coach" Billy said "ya gotta admit that's some serious equipment ya got there. You shoulda done porn or something with that."

"Maybe some day when I'm not teaching I just might."

"Man if I had that I wouldn't wait. You are a lucky stiff!"

"Well stiff anyway" he said laughing a bit, glad this was behind him. He started to leave but the doc stopped him,

"Bob we're not finished here. Please get back on the table."

"Hey doc" Bob stay put "ya poked and prodded everything ya could. What's left?"

"Well I'm concerned with some lumps I felt up there and need to make sure there are no polyps--"

"Polyps? What the fuck are those?"

"Little bumps like warts they may not be anything but it's best to make sure" and he was pulling a sort of metal tube out of the drawer.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's a proctoscope. We need to see inside to make sure we don't have any malignancies..."

"That as bad as it sounds."

"Could be. That why this is so important. Now please lie back as before and lift your legs."

Bob got back down a bit scared. All this talk of potentially serious problems was having an effect on his cock. It was back to its normal nine inches.

"Now Billy" the doc said "if you could attach those stirrups to the table like we have done before?"

"Sure doc" Billy dragged himself away from the show and went to the cabinet, removing the stirrups as well as leather restraints. When he had placed them into the slots on the table, he started to secure Bob's arms and feet with the straps.

"Hey doc that ain't necessary" and he tried to sit up "I ain't having a baby for crissakes."

"No but you must be very still or the device will not be effective. I must insist."

"C'mon doc..."

"Also Billy don't forget the chest monitor as well" the doc nodded back at the cabinet.

"You mean?" Billy left the coach half-secured and went back to the cabinet "this?" holding up a large leather strap, all sorts of wires and nobs attached here and there.

"Yes and bring the console over here as well" the doc again pointed at the machine sitting on wheels behind some poles and chairs. Billy disentangled it from the other equipment and wheeled it over to where the doc was standing, the strap over his shoulder. Once the doc had the machine plugged in and the electrodes plugged into the proper outlets, he brought them over to where Billy was trying to place the strap over a very unhappy coach. With a bit of help from the doc and a few well chosen words, Bob lay back down and let Billy stretch the strap over his chest, securing his upper torso and arms to the table. The doc attached the console to the leather strap's attachments and returned to the console, checking readings and punching buttons.

"Why's all this?"

"We don't want an old outa shape guy like you havin a heart attack on us now do we?"

"Herms you are on real thin ice!"

"Tell me about it" Billy ran his finger between the strap and his right bicep, enjoying the twitching response "but seriously coach. Anyone over thirty gotta have this, it's kinda cool all the readings it takes. You'll see the printout... with the bill" Billy tested the give on the coach's chest then stepped away. Yeah I hate my job he laughed!

"Damn, okay"Bob leaned back "not too tight Billy okay?"

"Okay coach" Billy said enjoying this, knowing that now the fun could really begin.

He secured him tightly but not enough to cut off his circulation. Once he knew the coach was immobile he went over to Kroos who was working the plastic dildo in and out of Gus' upturned butt.

"Don't think that's gonna work Kroos" Billy interrupted, making sure that Gus was looking right at him.

"Why not Billy?"

"Think you need something... different, right Gus?"

"Billy gimme a fuckin break here kid."

"Go on Gus, tell Kroos what will work. I think he might be able to... find something to accomodate you. But you gotta tell him."

"Well Gus you feel like this is insufficient to clear the blockage?"

"Geez BILLY!"

"Well Gus?" Kroos insisted "Tell me. Remember how good you are at following commands."

"It might take something... else... y'know..." he looked at Billy with the most pleading look " maybe different like he said... something.. maybe... bigger.. y'know... there."

"I'm afraid the doc here doesn't have any large devices" Billy lied.

"No not like that" Gus said quietly "not ... devices, you know what I mean."

"Tell me Gus" Kroos said working the rubber tube out until it was clear of the hole "what will work?"

"I... can't say in front of.." and he looked over at Bob who was watching the whole thing.

"Gus am I the doctor here?"

"Yessir you are."

"Then tell me."

"Sir..."Gus hesitated "I need something else" almost in a whisper so Bob wouldn't hear "something like... that" and he looked at Billy's crotch "that up me."

Billy looked at Gus and then loud enough so that the coach had to hear "sorry man I don't put my dick in guy's holes man, I don't dig that shit" trying not to laugh "can't help ya there man."

"Yeah but Billy!"

"But what Gus?" and Billy looked hard at him "but what?"


Bob looked around not believing what was going on. He wanted to leave -- breaking through the straps if it came to that! -- but in a strange way he almost wanted to find out if he really wasn't imagining this or what. Hell he already saw a total stranger hard with a dildo up his butt, not something you see every day. For a second there he thought he was going to have to watch one of his students cornhole a guy but that was not going to happen apparently. So what now? He knew he was safe from having to put his own dick in somebody, right? Not now all immobilized on this table like a mummy, he assured himself. But once the thought of his big hard badboy going in some place tight and warm... shit! stop thinking things like that!

Where did that shit come from?

"Okay Gus" Kroos said "short of Billy's penis... what else did you have in mind, that you thought would help this condition?" and he started to hold his hand in front of his crotch "tell me."

"Sir I need you"Gus look down at Kroos not knowing what was under the fabric "I need for you to find something bigger that will help me... sir. Like..."

Ahem! from Bob "y'forgettin there are witnesses here Gus? You hearin yourself?" which was his way of saying, don't even think about getting me -- or my dick! -- involved in this shit!

"Doc...?" Gus knew better than to look over at that other table "I mean... that" and he nodded at Kroos' crotch.

"If you are implying what I think you are implying, that is highly unprofessional" Kroos said. Billy stood behind him nodding vigorously.

"Yes sir but that is it."

There was a long pause. Bob was practically holding his breath fearing what would come next. He was so very glad he was strapped down.

Finally the silent was broken with Kroos "if... you... are quite sure..."

Bob burst out "doc are you completely out of your fuckin mind? for no other reason but the cameras! You can't be buttfucking your own patients! And sure as hell not havin the cameras on!"

"Don't worry about all this Bob" the doc was wheeling another strange looking machine over to his side of the room "now you must lift your legs..."

"But doc! the cameras!"

"Just relax now and this will be over soon" and the doc brought the end of the machine, a metal? plastic? tube up to his butt, but Bob could not bend down to see it, only feel it make contact -- cold and hard -- with his asscheeks first, and then work its way into the crack. When it found his hole he let out a gasp. But when it started to push against him, the tingling and the stimulation of the doc's fingers from before caused his rectum to start quivering like some weird delayed reaction and just like that the blunt end punched into him. He squeezed his eyes shut and braced for the worst pain he could imagine. He was shocked to feel it begin to inch into him... without pain! It felt very uncomfortable and it was bigger than he would have imagined but no worse than a bad case of the cramps. Hell he'd taken dumps that hurt more. Then he felt it hit something!

His eyes flew open and he heard a grunt. He looked over and it looked like Gus was bent over his table, his ass pointing to the sky! But what he couldn't believe was Kroos was leaning into him, his crotch coming dangerously close to Gus' butt. Bob had to blink the tears out of his eyes to make sure he was seeing what he was seeing. Damn, Kroos's pants and underwear were gone and it looked like he was gonna fuck him! Then he saw Billy join them.

Billy held out a container of the green jel to Kroos. He refused it and took another tube instead.

"Hey why not the green stuff?" Billy asked.

"I'm afraid it would deaden the nerve endings too much" Kroos said starting to apply the regular lube to himself. Fat chance of that, Billy almost said out loud.

Gus watched as Kroos' cock was lubed and stroked to full hard. This was a lot bigger than Billy or even Joe for that matter. He hated to admit it but he was gonna enjoy this, audience or no audience.

"Stop doc you can't" Bob burst out "you can't let that Kroos actually fuck him, can you?"

"Gus do you want me to stop?"

Gus looked behind him and said, his voice cracking "no doc, no way on earth."

"Damn" Bob said "Gus you really want him to do you?"

"Damn straight."

"Well don't even think about doing that to me, clear on that doc?" Bob barked, but the goo inside him was giving him all sorts of strange stimulations but still, not a guy's dick, not that!

Kroos brought the head to Gus' now stretched hole and started to push. Gus gave a gasp and started to lean back into it.

"Damn you're big" he hissed "but do it. Push it hard!"

And Kroos felt the ring allow him in. His dick was thicker than the dildo, especially the fat middle section behind the head so it took several attempts before Gus' hole could stretch to accomodate it. But after a while Kroos started to feel his balls bang against Gus' butt.

"Yeah that's it!" Gus grunted "your cock is inside me!"

"This is very irregular Gus. So this had better help" Kroos started a slow in and out motion "to fix your problem?"

"Gimme a second" and Gus pulled off his dick, his hole now stretched wide open. He got back on the table on his back so Kroos could fuck him face to face "now do it doc!"

Bob squinted to watch as Kroos pulled Gus' knees up to his shoulders and repositioned himself. In one long plunge he was back in. Gus gave a loud groan. But Bob had other things to worry about. He looked over and damn! the camera was still on.

"Goddamnit you gotta turn the camera off! You don't want this on the tape!"

"It's alright Bob, just try not to think about it" the doc said and the metal tube was starting to do something else inside him but he couldn't figure out what "but right now I need for you to take a few deep breaths and relax."

"But doc!"

"Go on, deep breaths."

Bob tried his best and then felt the metal tube start to stretch wider. To his surprise it did not hurt but instead felt almost good, like scratching a forgotten itch.

"Ow that hurts" he said but it didn't.

"Only for a few seconds, now take more breaths and relax."

Bob felt it get as wide as he could imagine and now it started to really hurt. Just when he was about to yell to get it out of him it hit that spot again. The doc removed the inner tube mechanism and started to run the camera lens through the opening. With the soft moaning and slapping sounds coming from across the room, Bob felt the tube in him twist and probe. When he thought he could not stand it much longer, the doc removed something and re-inserted the original tube lining.

"Damn you went too far" Bob grunted out but almost started to feel good, almost like it was connected to his cock somehow.

"Are you feeling it hurting your prostate?"

"I don't know. It feels like I gotta piss again."

"Very good. That is your prostate. Now we can finish" and the doc fiddled with the metal tube, and Bob felt it continue its search-and-destroy mission to find those polyps or whatever. But damn if he was going to open his eyes and watch the show across the room. He almost felt concerned about Billy's presence with all this nasty shit going on but... judging by Herms' reactions, the kid was no stranger to all this shit! To think the kid was so nonchalant about all this stuff. Hell if he were that age he would be so embarrassed he'd want to crawl under a rock and hide. Hell when he was in high school guys did not do this shit! Well except for those two he surprised that one time -- damn! what was that? He felt the doc reposition the tube and then it started to collapse down to its regular diameter or something. But it was still doing a major number on that spot inside him. What with all this stimulation you would think it would get less itchy, not more. He tried to bend his head to see what the doc was doing but he waved him back down, a calm reassuring look on his face. Bob dropped his head back to the table as the tube was slowly pulled from him, and before he could react a different colder tube was sliding back into his butt! He tried to protest when the new intruder suddenly start to vibrate or something. He gave out a shout.

"Damn what happened?"

"We've finished with the imaging and now this second procedure is designed to do that when it contacts your prostate."

"Do what doc? It feels like some kinda vibrator?"

"It helps to relax the tissues after the procedure. Just take a few more deep breaths..." the doc started flipping some switches on the panel as Billy came over to watch.

"Cool..." was the first thing Bob heard Billy say, before "doc why's it glowing like that? So you can see in the dark?" so Bob had to crane his neck to see what the kid was talking about.

"Of course not."

"Then what is that?" Billy said watching closely.

"Look" the doc said " now attend closely" and he checked the electric cords running from the tube to a machine on the console. He flipped a few switches and as it started making a curious buzzing occilating sound. Several lights came on and numbers appeared on the display as a soft buzzing started to fill the room.

"Hhhheeeeyyyyyy" Bob tried to pull out of the restraints "what in the hell!!?????"

"There is the slightest currrent running through the device now which is taking additional readings. It does not hurt too much I trust?"

"Hurt?" Bob said starting to shake "hell doc it feels like, damn something is tingling me deep inside. Damn..."

As Billy and the doc watched Bob's cock by itself started to thicken and redden.

"Dr. Kroos you might want to come and see this" the doc said.

Kroos slowly pulled out of Gus, looking down at his hard slick cock. Then he grabbed the exam table under Gus, squirming now that the cold air was rushing up his hole, and wheeled it over next to Bob's table, until they were side by side.

"Billy if you could?" and the doc pointed at the camera. Billy went over and brought it in close.

"Doc you gotta help me here" Gus was whimpering "please doc. You gotta finish this don't leave me lying like this. I'll do anything. Just not like this..." his hand was starting to work down to his crotch and he was fingering himself and working into his exposed asshole.

"Don't touch yourself" Kroos ordered.

"Please doc anything you say."

"Then take your hand away. Show Bob here what that blockage did to your penis."

And Gus lowered his knees so Bob could see the state he was in.

"Damn Gus" Bob grunted "you really get off on that... on him fucking your ass, don't you."

"Tell him Gus" Kroos said.

"I need him in me. I gotta cum man! I gotta have you fucking me!"

"Very well" and Kroos again lifted his legs and slid his cock into him, with barely any resistance now.

"Man" Bob squinted over to him and despite the tears filling his eyes he could see Gus getting rammed again and again by Kroos' big cock not more than a few feet away from him "I never seen a guy get fucked like that. Never!"

"Now, doctor, Billy, please observe" and the doc made a few adjustments to the machine attached to Bob and it began to make a different variable warbling sound. Bob gave out a groan as his cock started to swell to full hard. It must have been easily thirteen inches now.

"Doc stop! I thought you were just taking pictures in there? What are you doing to me!" Bob was writhing side to side, his arms pulling at the straps, his cock just getting redder and redder.

"This program" the doc said, turning more dials "we have discovered, in a few rare cases seems to produce some rather unique byproducts and we are exploring its peculiar side effects. In addition to measuring and scanning for internal problems, it also has this 'unfortunate' effect. It appears to have a direct and stimulating effect on the patient's prostate" and he flipped another switch "and indirectly his penis."

The numbers on the displays continued to rise until they were all in the seventies and going into the eighties. And that's where they stopped.

"Gentlemen as you can see, the numeric displays apparently have some correlation with how close the patient is to orgasm. When all numbers approach one hundred..."

"He'll blow like the fourth of july" Billy said, starting to rub himself.

"Yes if he does not orgasm before then. There are other... procedures" looking at Kroos "but tonight we are just examining this isolated one."

But Gus was way too preoccupied with the big stick slamming into his own prostate. He could feel himself start to lose it. He started to grunt and reach down but Kroos clamped his hand over Gus' cock and stopped his motions.

"Fuck don't stop" Gus screamed "I'm just about ready..."

"You ready to clear the blockage enought to ejaculate for me?" Kroos asked.

"Yeah anything you want. Just let me cum" but Kroos' hand held him tight.

"How do you feel about letting Bob here watch your orgasm?" Kroos was thrusting again and again into him.

"Anything. Anything you want."

"Will you let him do that?"

Bob felt the machine start to do a real number on him, and damn if he did not have more immediate issues to worry about... but fuck a huge orgasm out of him? so he didn't hear that right did he?

"Doc I don't need to see that" Bob panted as he started to feel himself lose it. But just when he thought he was going to start shooting he hung there feeling the vibration decreasing, then start a weird cycling up and down, up and down, each time a bit less. So he hung on the edge, all nerves being stimulated like crazy, but unable to go over the top. He knew if he could reach himself, if he could put his hand to his dick for just a second that'd be it. But his hands were pinned at his side.

"Damnit doc y'almost made me cream!" Bob grunted "fix that thing."

"Very well... let's continue" the doc said adjust the dials so the two of the displays were hovering between fifty and sixty.

Bob gave out a groan and his cock seemed to grow another half-inch and started to stream a steady ooze of pre-cum.

"Billy reach over and untie Bob's right hand" and Billy twisted around and untied it. Bob's hand immediately went to his cock.

The doc pulled it away "no, not yet!"

"Doc you're killing me here!"

"Kroos is your patient ready to release his blockage?" the doc looked over.

"Gus is this" and Kroos lunged again into him "going to fix your problem? Are you prepared to ejaculate?"

Gus just moaned as he felt that cock slam again and again into him "damnit yessss!"

"Very well Bob I need for you to grasp Gus by his penis so you can have proof that Gus is ejaculating."

"No doc you can't be saying--"

"Go on reach over and take his penis in your hand."

"C'mon doc" and the doc adjusted the dials again. One display went down to thirty and the other went to eighty-five. Bob gave a scream "stop not that!"

"Go on Bob" and Bob looked around and then reached over and took Gus' lubed cock in his hand. He had not felt another guy's hardon since, what junior high? And Gus' uncircumsized stumpy dick was all but impossible to get his hand around.

"Go on Bob. Feel him" and the doc readjusted the dials, so now instead of wild fluctuations and stimulation swings the occillations were more uniform and rapid. Before it had been almost torture.

Gus squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the hand on his cock. Kroos started a slower steady fucking motion into Gus and that was all it took. As Bob's hand tried to get a good grip, milking Gus' cock back and forth, he let out a shout and great shots of cum squirted out of him, over Bob's hand and onto his belly.

"Awwww" Bob moaned as then he felt the machine do something inside to him "just get this over with, let me finish don't make me do anymore more just let me cum please" he was almost wimpering now, his cock throbbing and drooling like mad.

In the meantime Kroos was helping Gus off the table and half-carrying him out the room and down to the showers. Once Gus was soaking safely in the shower room he went to the front office checking to see if the other appointment had arrived. He returned, his cock barely hidden by an exam gown he managed to throw on at some point.

"Bob are you saying you agree to allow this procedure to continue to the point of ejaculation?"

"Please doc anything. Anything" as the tube in his butt was sending more and more stimulation to his prostate and his cock was starting to leak, even a bead of something milky forming at the tip. As Billy and Kroos stood watching, Bob's cock filled out and oozed out a tiny glob of cum. Bob practically flew off the table as his cock gave a second and more violent throb and a steady stream of fluid, partly clear and partly milky started pouring out of him. After about ten seconds the doc quickly lowered the dials but Bob continued to spasm and shake for another minute. But nothing more came out.

Next: Chapter 42

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