The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Sep 23, 2006


Disclaimer/Reminder: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional occurrences. It contains sexual acts between males in high school as well as with males beyond high school age. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails or flames expressing outrage will be ignored. Emails expressing interest or wishing further information can be sent to

Note: All names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent. The state in which the story originally happened - coincidentally - has a legal age of sixteen; the "fictionalized" location does not. Also descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional due to story restraints. You understand you are reading a work of fiction; behave accordingly. Again, do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations or activities which can be classified as bdsm.

Chapter forty-eight



Bargain with the devil

Wednesday July 3

...maybe another patient might be different."

"Different, how so? Do you think we need to isolate the effect on a more 'standardized' patient perhaps?"

"Yes without a doubt."

"How soon?"

"Who is the next patient scheduled?"

"Chris O'Connoll. He's a coach at the high school."

"Any... predispositions or...?"

"If you're asking whether or not he's had any previous experiences which might affect the results one way or another I don't know. He is happily married as far as I know and yet..."

"Yet what?"

"Well nothing really. Nothing more than a few offhand comments I've heard and in which I cannot place too much stock. Vague rumors that's all. But no. I don't believe he's having much in the way of sexual experiences other that strict coitus with his wife. Definitely nothing anal, and nothing like... like this."

"You think we should try it?"

"I am advising in the strongest terms that we take this one step at a time.

We'll let the exam proceed and then see what happens."

"If we need to isolate the effect of the gel separate from that of the machine, do you not think we should start with the gel exclusively at first?"

"Perhaps you're right. We might want to reserve the effect of the machine until we've seen what the gel does in isolation as it were. We will reserve the use of both in tandam for... let's say... 'advanced' situations."

"Such as?"

"Situations where we need to... let's not call it strong-arm, that would be crude."

"And ironic no?"

They looked at each other, both too nervous to laugh.

So that Wednesday evening, Coach O'Connoll came to the office to get what for all purposes was scheduled as a routine check-up. He wanted to get it out of the way before leaving for the holiday weekend, not knowing when he might have another chance later in the summer. His wrestling team would be keeping him busy once the summer camp started, and then the school year after that the beginning of the season, so he knew if he didn't get it done before the fourth he would just keep putting it off. He did not expect any surprises from the test results -- or anything! -- but still it would be one less thing to worry about. He walked in and was a bit surprised to see one of his students, Billy Herms sitting behind the reception desk.

"Herms what the hell? are you supposed to be sitting there?" as he walked in, without so much as a "hello" or "how are you".

"Evening Coach" Billy stood up and came around the desk "yes I work here part-time now."

"Funny Herms."

"Honest" Billy saw the role reversal and decided to see how far he could push it "I'm earning a bit of money this summer for college. So hang up your jacket on the rack there and then I need you to fill out these forms."

"You ain't serious kid" he made no move to remove his jacket "why don't you just tell the doc I'm here and then beat it."

"Let's see" Billy made no move to leave but sat down again, gathering forms and attaching them to a clipboard "if you fill out the first two and read the third and fourth. Do you need a pen?" adding the pen too, as if to imply, you need me to wipe yer nose for ya too?

"Where's the nurse?"

"She leaves at six. After that... I'm in charge you could say."

"Okay gimme the damn forms" he yanked the clipboard out of his hand "now get the doc, 'nurse'" making the insult as unmistakeable as if he said you-bitch.

Billy left the room, and went back to the exam room. Everything looked ready, but Billy went around the area, double-checking and fussing, making sure all the trays and tools were in place and the room looked the very picture of professional and unquestionable propriety. When he saw a camcorder on its stand he panicked. He was about to go find the doc, when Kroos came in.

"Doc? What's this here for?" Billy blurt out.

"Standard practice now Billy" Kroos put his hand on Billy's shoulder. Billy felt the blood rush to his face, then proceed lower. As much as he hated it when the doc made physical contact with him he knew he would never have the balls to ask him to stop. And after what happened he wanted to make sure the doc was not just mocking him or worse! But the way that meaty hand stayed on his shoulder almost convinced him Kroos was trying to befriend him. For reasons Billy could barely imagine.

"C-c-coach -- I mean Mr. O'Connoll is here. He wants to know -- "

"The doc will be here in a few minutes. I will go and talk to him" and he headed for the door "are we ready here?"

"Yeah except..." and he thumbed at the camera.

"Do not worry about that my young assistant. We will -- I will -- explain that to our patient if he finds reason to object. It is our concern not yours. Now please get the observation room ready and wait for us there."

"You mean I don't haveta--"

"Have to what Billy?" Kroos gave his a stern look "if you and your over-active imagination are expecting anything out of the ordinary, well I must disappoint you" and damn if that meat hook didn't brush Billy's crotch.

Yes I notice you are aroused and now you know I know, the gesture seemed to say "does that allay your worries?"

"But..." like rubbing as guy's hardon is gonna make me stop worrying, he thought, and again pointing at the camera.

"Finish up and wait for us in the other room all right?"

"Okay, you're the doc."

Kroos chuckled in spite of himself and went out to the corridor leaving Billy alone. He went around the room again, noticing a missing towel or basin he did not catch the first go-round. When he could find nothing more to do, he tiptoed to the hall, tempted to join them in the reception area but it seemed Coach was in his "asshole" mode so he kept going and went into the observation room, like the good little wimp he was. As much as he hated to admit it, this room had a different feel, and Billy could not figure out what it was. He had been in this room maybe once or twice, remembering it being used maybe once for a patient on a particularly busy day. Otherwise it was for storing extra equipment, like that new camera for one. So this room had a different feel, less professional, more of an after-thought almost. As Billy went around the room, dimming lights and adjusting the switches on the console he started to notice the difference. This room did not have that medicinal, antiseptic smell to it. If anything it smelled like... Billy's jaw dropped! Damn, he thought, it smells like sex in here! That was it!

And his curiousity went to high alert. He was just starting to open the second cabinet when he noticed Kroos and the coach had come into the exam room. Billy laughed! That idiot still wouldn't give up his fuckin jacket! What a total bonehead, he thought. I almost wish the doc really would give him one of those "special" exams, he muttered. So he went back to the console and flipped a switch so he could hear what they were saying. He slid a chair over and sat down, trying to make no noise. Shit like they can hear, he rolled his eyes. Okay, stick it to him, Billy almost said out loud. I just wish I was in there with them. Anything to make the big jock sweat even more! Besides once the season starts maybe he'll cut me some slack then. Yeah, after I saw him naked and humiliated. Maybe then he's think twice of giving me shit!

"Did Billy have you complete all the forms?" Kroos asked.

"Yeah the kid was trying to give me attitude about that" the coach said, looking around "fuck you'd think it was his money or somethin."

"Well we are very happy to have him working here" Kroos went over to the counter and checked the trays. As he thought, everything looked perfectly prepared "but I expect you know what a good student and athlete he is, do you not?"

"Herms? Good student? Hell I don't know" Chris stayed put "but I hope he doesn't try out for my team this year."

"Why is that?"

"Hell you see how scrawny the kid is."

"Scrawny?!?!" Billy yelled at the one-way mirror, forgetting the room was sound-proof "you jerk!"

"Yes I remember the doc mentioning you coach a team. Football?"

"Football?!?!" Chris sneered and grunted, the reaction as autonomic as farting, but then noted Kroos' build, suspecting he may be up against "one of them" as it were, so it might be in his best interest to play it cool "naw not football, wrestling. We got one of the best teams in the conference."

"Of course."

"So speaking of the doc, where the hell is he? I'm kinda in a hurry here. Leaving town very early tomorrow morning. Holiday in case you don't know" meaning: where you come from, you foreigner "we got a five hour drive and I need an early start. So when's he gonna get this started."

"He should be here momentarily" Kroos gathered everything and motioned to the exam table "so why not get started."

"I'll wait."

"But you just said you were in a hurry."

"I am."

"If it is that my presence is intimidating you -- "


"My size might be too threatening..." Kroos did have a good fifty pounds on the coach, and although Chris was in good shape, his upper body strength was no match for Kroos. In an arm-wrestling match, Kroos would make quick work of the shorter guy.

"I ain't intimidated by NO body" Chris took the bait, tossing the jacket onto the floor. It was followed quickly by his polo shirt and then one, then both shoes were kicked off and with a dramatic defiance, he unbuckled his jeans and dropped them to the floor. He stood with his arms folded in his white briefs and socks, his face flushed with a chorus of emotions, all off-key and shrill.

"Very good" Kroos gave him a long look, up and down. He had to admit that the coach kept himself in good shape, his arms and legs were firm and hard, his stomach a bit full but not flabby.

"You appear to continue your exercise regimens even in the off season?"

"Damn straight."

"Very good. That should make this go more quickly."

"How's that doc?"

"Well we should be able to skip the usual stamina and cardiac tests. Unless we notice anything here" and he brought the stethescope up to his chest. At that moment the door opened.

"Hey doc it's about time" Chris wheeled around, seeing the doc finally joining them.

"Sorry I'm late Mr. O'Connoll" the doc joined them and set a few items down on the counter.

"I was beginning to think you weren't gonna make it" Chris continued, almost nervous "so your 'assistant' had to start" making the word sound somewhere between "flunkey" and "stooge".

"Well I'm glad Dr. Kroos was able to start" the doc took some other items from the drawer "and I hope you don't mind if he continues with your exam. I'm afraid I have another patient scheduled in" checking his watch "seven minutes -- "

"Hey doc I thought I was gonna -- " Chris seemed none too happy with the sudden change.

"Dr. Kroos? You don't have any objections do you?" the doc gave Kroos an imperceptible wink.

"Of course not doc" Kroos turned back to Chris "but you know my expertise in pediatrics is limited."

"What?!?!" Chris flew off the table, his fists clenched and ready. Did this big ape just call me a fuckin kid????

"Well we are expecting two patients, aged ten and fourteen" the doc checked his papers "who need their shots. And well..."

"And they are spoiled and they kick" Kroos finished "so that is why I prefer to do the adult patients. They do not whine" he motioned Chris back to the table and put the stethescope to his back "as a rule."

Chris gave a short cough and glared at Kroos "fuck..."

"Very well" he went over the papers "oh there's one here you did not sign. And usually Billy is so very thorough" the doc looked concerned.

"Yeah he tried getting me to sign them. Can you imagine that? A kid like that telling me what to do?"

The doc and Kroos looked at each other.

"Billy is an important and integral part of our staff here. Now if you could finish this last one?" and he handed the form to Chris. With a careless scrawl he signed it.

"Now if you'll excuse me I must check with Billy and our patients out front" and before Chris could even cough the doc disappeared through the door.

Billy, now very confused to the point of panicking, dashed out of the room and intercepted the doc in the hall "but I didn't know--"

The doc signaled him to lower his voice and directed him back to the observation room.

"But doc don't I gotta --"

"Don't worry Billy, there are no other patients, regardless of what you may have... overheard" raising his eyebrow, and did he wink?

"What? You tellin me you... what? You pimpin out the coach in there?"

"I simply think it might be better that Kroos perform the exam tonight."

"Why's that?" Billy and the doc were at the console checking the progress in the main room.

"Now Billy" the doc turned to him "up to this point you've been involved in some... you might say, unusual things here correct? Things you might not be eager to broadcast to the world, right?"

"Now wait if this is about..." Billy looked down at the floor. He felt the small earthquake beneath his feet, shifting his weight to keep his balance "gee doc you aren't gonna tell anybody? About..."

"No Billy I'm not talking about what happened with you and..." pointing to the other room "but you understand how important it is to maintain a certain quality of... reticence... a certain amount of... very well secrecy now. You of all people know how important it is to respect the doctor-patient confidentiality correct?"

"C'mon doc I promised and you also agreed -- "

"That is correct. So now must understand how important it is not to mention what you might witness tonight."

"Tonight? Why tonight?"

"Well if my suspicions are correct, this might be a critical evening -- "

"Doc if something bad's goin down then I'm outa here --"

"We need you here" the doc put his hand on Billy's shoulder "and no, nothing 'bad' as you say will happen. But by the end of the evening you might have a whole new perspective on a great many things. So can I count on you? On your confidentiality?"

"Well I guess..."

"No guessing, this is serious Billy."

"What is happening? What is going on here doc? What is this all about!"

"You will see, that is if you agree. Do you agree, yes or no?"

Billy looked at the doc and then at the other room. Kroos was thumping on Chris' back and he could hear the coach's fake coughs over the intercom. Maybe the coach was really sick and they didn't want it getting all over the school. Seemed to make sense.

"Okay doc. I won't say a word."

"Not your friends. Not your... father?"

"Fuck!" Billy blushed "I mean, hell no! Y'know I can't be havin my dad find out about... y'know... stuff."

"So we are agreed?"

"Yeah, I swear or whatever. You want me to sign something?" but Billy regretted it as soon as he said it, damn don't make my sign anything!

"No that won't be necessary. But remember, you cannot tell anyone. And..." the doc hesitated "I know that you have been witness to... and participated in some activites that --"

"You're not gonna tell doc! You can't!"

"No Billy you misunderstand" the doc seemed distracted by the dials on the console "but do you regret your participation in anything so far?"


"Yes... are you... sorry you saw... or did anything here to date?"

Billy was not sure why the doc acting so edgy, "should I be?"

"Well Dr. Kroos and I are very happy... yes and very concerned about your presence here."


"Well" the doc turned and looked right into his eyes "we are about to start a second phase of... let's call them experiments, here. And if you feel that you are uncomfortable -- "

"I ain't uncomfortable."

"Look Billy, we don't want to ask you to witness... or participate in anything you might find... repellent."

"Doc it's cool okay? I just think it's kinda weird when it's someone I know."

"Like Mr. O'Connell here?"

"Yeah well... not that I wouldn't mind seeing the coach here put through the ringer -- "

"Put through the ringer?"

"Y'know, get the 'treatment'. Man I like him and want him for a coach and all but... but sometimes he can be such a... well a jerk okay? I wouldn't mind being around just to bring him down a peg or two, if no other reason."

"Well I can understand you have... ambivalent feelings toward an authority figure like Mr. O'Connoll. But remember if there's anything you are reluctant about just say so. Otherwise we WILL need your help at times."

"Doing what?" Billy looked away "like... like okay sex stuff?" Billy decided it was time to stop the beating around the bush and all. He had a feeling he was here because the docs were wise to the fact Billy liked guys.

And to Billy's increasing amazement, not only did they not mind, they seemed to see it as a peculiar advantage. And Billy wanted to see where this would lead. Or rather his dick did.

"Do you have objections?" which was not the response Billy expected. He shook his head to make sure he heard that right.

"Look doc" Billy wished the doc would stop looking at him "y'know my situation. I can't have my dad finding out about... my stuff, and if some of the guys at school find out, well, it could be very good or very bad if you get my meaning."

"Depends on the proclivities of the person right?"

"I don't know from 'proclivities' but if you mean does the guy get into shit or not, then yeah."

The doc went back to the dials "what about your coach here?"

"He technically ain't my coach.. yet."

"I thought -- "

"He's the wrestling coach. Next year, IF I get on the team he's be my coach. Until then he's just a big pain in my side from school."

"You want to get onto the team right?"

"Fuck yeah."

"Well" the doc looked deep in thought "things could be arranged... but as for tonight?"

"What about tonight?"

"Can you make yourself available to assist Dr. Kroos if necessary?"

"With... what?"

"Well..." not looking up "the medical procedure and ..."

"And what?"

"What if you were needed for anything... else?"

"We're back to the sex stuff again, right?"

"Unless you prefer not... after all you do know him."

Billy looked into the other room, watching Kroos poke and prod the bare-chested coach. Billy knew he would not mind getting into his pants but he would be fucked before he'd admit it to anyone. And besides, this guy was gonna be his coach! He knew he'd never get on the team if the coach thought he was... he was a card-carrying citizen of homoville right?

"You know if he found out about me... I'd never make the team doc."


"Unless what?"

"Well, think about it Billy. I won't have you do anything that would put you in jeopardy. If anything..."


"Well, keep in mind it's the patient who tends to see himself in the compromising position, if you get my drift. So if you stick around tonight you might be asked to assist. And remember Billy, whatever you see or do cannot I repeat CAN NOT be mentioned to anyone agreed?"

"Agreed" and they actually shook hands. Damn, Billy thought, what top-secret shit did he get mixed up in now.

Billy watched the exam continue, a bit glad that Kroos seemed to have forgotten about that damn camera.

"Well doc" Chris put a slight sneer into the word "am I gonna live?"

"Your chest field does not sound as clear as it should" Kroos put aside the stethescope "you I hope you do not smoke. Do you?"

"Smoke? Hell no! You think I'd be stupid enough to waste all my time working out and then screw it up with cigarettes?"

"Well if not cigarettes... maybe something else?" Kroos raised an eyebrow.

"If you're implying what I think, you can fuckin forget it! I don't do drugs!"

"Well" Kroos gave him a hard look "it would be cause for some concern if your lung functions were impaired by something other than smoking."

"Well I don't smoke! Anything!"

"Perhaps we had better do a treadmill then... just to be sure" and Kroos wheeled the camera over to the treadmill and hit a few buttons on its display "this will only take a few moments."

"How long has that been on!?!?" Chris backed away from the camera. Fast.

"Since we started. I am afraid state regulations now dictate -- "

"Dictate hell! Turn the damn thing off!"

"If I do we must terminate the exam."

"Fine" and Chris started to look for his clothes.

"But if we do, then I must notify the school board that I am not confident that you are healthy enough for the upcoming year."


"Unless we can clear up this respiratory issue -- which I am sure is nothing -- I cannot sign off on your exam."

Chris sat down on the exam table, checking his watch. He looked from Kroos to the camera several times, squeezing his eyes shut, rubbing his face. After a few moments he said,

"So what happens to the goddamn tape?" thumbing at the camera.

"Nothing. It stays here is a locked cabinet. It is only for insurance purposes if there is some future issue with malpractice or we need to review some aspect of the tests."

"You keep it locked up?"

"Of course!"

"Nobody else sees it?"

"Why should they?" Kroos looked down at him "it is not like there is a black market for cardiac tests, or repetitive physical exams of less-than-prime adult patients -- present patient excluded of couse -- you agree?"

"I don't know. There's a lot of sick -- "

"You honestly think anyone would be interested in seeing you with a tongue depressor in your mouth?"

"Very funny."

Kroos looked him up and down "maybe if you were ten years younger and in better shape."

"Watch it!" Chris jumped to his feet.

"The point is no one would find interest in this, other than a few lawyers in the field of medical malpractice law, allright?"

"Fine but watch the personal comments."

"I apologize, but you realize the average patient here... is not what you would call... photogenic?"

"Hey I'm in good shape" and Chris started flexing for the camera.

Kroos said nothing but raised one eyebrow.

"Well I am right?"

"We will see what the test results say, shall we?"

"I'll pass any goddamn test you wanna give me!" and he threw the bundle of clothes he had been holding onto a chair.

"Fine" Kroos indicated the treadmill, letting just a touch of exasperation into his voice "can we continue now?"

"Let's do this!" and he practically jumped onto the treadmill. It started slowly and Chris had no trouble keeping pace.

"Drink this" Kroos produced from nowhere a plastic bottle filled with a pale reddish liquid.

"What's this?"

"It is like gatorade, but it also has some chemical components we trace as your body metabolizes them. Besides, we cannot have you getting dehydrated, can we?"

"You sure?" Chris took a sip. Yeah, he recognized the flat metallic taste.

"Quite sure."

Chris downed it and tossed the bottle into the trash. It sailed in without so much as a bounce. As the tempo increased Chris kept pace but after a few more minutes he started to bead up, sweat covering his face and upper torso.

Kroos re-positioned the camera. After about ten minutes the machine slowed down and Chris stepped off.

"Very good" Kroos pointed to the exam table "now just sit on the side while I take the last measurements."

So Chris sat as Kroos finished with more readings of his blood pressure and respirations. As much as he hated to admit it, he was a bit out of breath. But he was so distracted that he forgot he was still under the unblinking, unforgiving lens of the camera which captured the image of his semi-naked form, now shiny with sweat, beads running down his chest and belly and into the waistband of his briefs, now almost semi-transparent under the lights. The darker area of his pubic hairs was becoming more visible, and the bulbous knob of his cockhead showed distinctly on the left side.

"We almost through? I gotta piss" Chris was shifting his weight from hip to hip.

"That is a good sign" and Kroos went and took a plastic cup from a drawer "we know now you are not dehydrated."

"That damn gatorade stuff goes right through ya" Chris took the cup "where's the facilities."

"I will need for you to give me a specimen here."

"Is there at least a screen I can go behind?" he looked around the room and then at the camera "you don't expect me to--"

"You understand with the various laws about urine specimens why we need for you to -- "

"You don't think for a minute I'm gonna piss in front of that!"

"State laws are now very strict. There are cases of people going into bathrooms and substituting --"

"Those are DRUG tests goddamnit!"

"All urine specimens now must be produced in front of a documenting process of person."

"At least turn THAT off."

"How would that look in court, Mr. O'Connoll? You take the specimen cup, the camera resumes after a minute or two, and suddenly a specimen appears? That would never hold up I assure you."

"But you were right there!"

"It would have less weight in court."

"Hell if I'm gonna expose myself in front on some goddamn camera!"

"Of course you realize the rest of the exam will be without your briefs."


"You have had physical exams before have you not? Surely you know how this proceeds."

"Yeah but..." looking at the camera "not like... well with that."

"Come come, Chris" Kroos looked at his watch "we can stand here debating this or we can try to finish this all up in a reasonable time. It is up to you."

"This is fuckin nuts!" Chris tossed the specimen cup onto the exam table and turned his back on the camera. He pulled the damp briefs down and tossed them onto the pile, his shiny wet butt pointing at the camera. He picked up the cup and unscrewed the lid. His dick flopped into the container and quickly started to fill it. He was almost too preoccupied to notice that Kroos had brought the camera around to his side. As he finished and was shaking the last drops he noticed the his front was no longer hidden.


"Sorry but it's necessary" Kroos took the container from him, picked up the lid and labeled it, showing the label to the camera "and besides" he glanced at Chris' midsection "you have nothing to be ashamed of."

"Let's get on with this okay?" and he stood there, his hands trying to cover himself.

"Chris there is no reason to be embarrassed" Kroos put on a plastic glove "I have students in here half your age that are less concerned about their false modesty than -- "


"Yes and they would almost put you to shame with your over shyness."

"Like MY students?"

"Of course" Kroos went over to him "now, you know this next drill. We need to check your lymph nodes for infections, as well as check for any herniations or swellings. Just cough when I tell you."

"Short arm eh?"


"Navy term, never mind" and Chris looked at the camera and with his eyes tightly shut, then put his hands behind his back. His cock and balls, still damp from before, began the slow twisting and and unfurling under the lights. When he felt Kroos' hand make contact with his balls he jumped!

Hey!" and tried twisting away from the camera.

"Did that hurt?"

"No" Chris was determined it would NOT happen with that damn camera running "no.. it's just y'know... cold."

Kroos rubbed his gloved hands together warming them "can we continue?"

"Fine" and he slowly unbent his waist, again turning towards the light. He clenched his teeth hard, thinking of every stupid gross thing he could, even doing algebra problems in his head, but all he could feel was Kroos' hand rubbing and stretching his balls this way and that. When he started to feel the blood pumping into his cock he broke contact and twisted away. Fast.

"Still cold?" but Kroos could tell what the "problem" was. Chris was trying to prevent himself, yet failing, from allowing the early stages of a hardon.

"Lemme take a break doc" and he sat on the table, his hands covering his crotch.

"We need to keep going here."


"It is not a problem if you -- "


"Look Chris. If you get aroused during this -- "

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Aroused? An erection?"

"This is nuts!" and Chris tried to stand but glared at the camera "and turn that damn thing OFF!"

"Are you saying you want the exam terminated?"


"And a failed result sent to the school?"


"Well which is it?"

"C'mon doc y'know I can't have you filming me... y'know... like that!"

"Why not?"


"This is standard pratice! Chris, even your own students do not put up such a protest! Chris" Kross paused for effect "you are acting worse than... a girl!"


"I mean it! No one has ever been so squeemish before" Kroos lied with a straight face.

"You tellin me guys will stand there boned up in front of the camera?"

"Sometimes. It is not a crime as far as I know!"

"Like hell it ain't."

"It means you are a healthy male, with a healthy response mechanism" Kross delivered it again "and... not a little girl!"

"Stop callin me that!"

"Then stop acting like it. Now stop wasting your time and mine" Kroos took off the gloves and put on a new pair, bringing a tube of something with him at the same time "now what is it going to be? Coach?"

"Fuck!" Chris gradually slid off the table a millimeter at a time "fuck this! But just hurry the fuck up okay?"

"That is all up to you Chris" and Kroos brought the camera closer.

"You gotta keep doin that?"

"I am afraid so."

"Fuck this" and he stood there, his hands trying, and failing to cover himself.

"Now hands behind you please?"

Chris slowly removed his hands. His cock had softened but was still puffy and a bit reddened. His balls had pulled up tight, making his cock jut out more than usual. But as soon as Kroos started tugging at them, they loosened and unwrinkled. And as soon as that the effect on his cock returned, slowly lengthening and hardening. It took less than a minute to reach full mast.

"Okay ya happy now?" Chris stood with eyes shut.

"We are very close to being finished" Kroos started to apply some green jel to his gloved fingers "now turn around and lean over the table."

"Damn I knew this was coming" and he turned, glad to get his hard cock away from the lens, but not looking forward to having it staring up his butt. He felt the cool fingers spread his checks and find his hole. He gritted his teeth and waited. After a moment or two he felt the slimy finger trace around and around his butthole and finally ease its way it. He instinctively clamped shut.

"You will need to relax or this will be uncomfortable" Kroos said in a low voice.

"Either way it's gonna hurt you mean!"

"Take a few deep breaths and squeeze out."

"Damn!" and Chris tried his best to relax as he felt the finger re-enter him. With the gel it slip easily past his sphincter and go deep -- too deep he thought -- into him. After a few moments a strange tingling began and the pain was gone. Even when he felt and second and then a third enter him there was little pain, but in its place a strong itching and the weirdest tingling he ever felt. Damn, he thought, I'm just glad this stuff's not on my dick! I'd have to beat off right here and now, camera or no camera.

"Do have any pain here?" Kroos pushed against something which had to be his prostate. Instead of pain Chris felt a deep throb that radiated to his already throbbing dick.

"No" he moaned, obviously NOT in pain.

"There is some swelling here" and Kroos removed his fingers "we will have to get a closer look."


"You ever have a proctoscopy?"

"Say what?"

"Proctoscopy. It is a -- "

"You mean the damn tube thing?"

"You have had the procedure before?"

"Fuck no! I just heard about it is all."

"Well it will be no more uncomfortable than what you just experienced" and Kroos turned and in a swift fluid movement brought over a machine, to which was attached the metal tube. To Chris' eyes it looked much too big and strange for what he envisioned. Damn, it was the biggest, thickest thing he had seen outside a porno movie.

"You're kidding right?" Chris tried to stand up "that can't be the right size!"

"This is the standard size" Kroos was already lubing it "it must be big enough to accomodate the lens inside."

"No way it's gonna -- "

"I assure you this is smaller than my fingers" Kroos adjusted it again "now bend over the table as before."

"I'm telling you it ain't -- "

"If you prefer I can put you in the stirrups here" pointing at the foot braces on the table. Chris saw them and knew he did not want the camera pointing at him like a damn pregnant woman.

"Fuck you win" and he turned and bent over the table again, spreading his legs as best he could.

"Now breathe and relax as before" but before Chris could brace himself he felt the cold metal touch his hole and again jerked away from it. Again he felt it bump against him and as it started to stretch his hole he breathed out and that was it! It slid inside him with little resistance. Chris could not tell if it was the fingers before or that damn itchy gel but it was in him before he knew to clamp down. His gut spasmed once or twice but then he was used to it. Damn, he thought when it bumps into my prostate like that, this is almost a turn on! He felt Kroos twist the tube and then a rush of cold air hit his guts as Kroos removed the inner sheath. He had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, the tube turning and twisting here and there.

"Ya getting a good look?" Chris tried to sneer but his breath was coming in short pantings now, the stimulation going right to his cock! Damn it felt like if he didn't stop soon there'd be more than gel on the table! Glad he was bent over and the camera could not see it. He felt himself getting more and more worked up, with Kroos fumbling and twisting the outer tube, and feeling the inner tube going back in he shuddered, a wave of pleasure shooting through his balls. As the tube slowly was withdrawn, he felt some of the goo smearing down to the underside of his balls. It was an unbelievable sensation. Painful and yet stimulating in equal intensities.

"Yes we see what we needed to see."

"Everything okay in there?"

"There are some swellings and it appears your prostate is larger than I would like to see. We may need -- "

"Well doc in the meantime how about wiping that shit off my balls? It's starting to really itch!" Chris reached down and started to touch his scrotum.

"Do not do that!" Kroos barked "you do not want to get that on your hands!"

Chris jerked his hands away "why not?"

"It leaves a bad stain and it does not wash off! Besides you can feel how it reacts with some skin surfaces and if you get it under your nails..."

"C'mon doc then get it off me! Chris stood up ignoring the camera in his discomfort "wipe it off before my balls explode!"

"Your testicles will not turn green... or explode" Kroos almost chuckled "it is only on certain types of skin, like hands and face" and he started to wipe if off, but it seemed to Chris he was just smearing more and more of it around.

"Damnit gimme the cloth I'll do it" and Chris looked around for his clothes, anything, now that the tingling was getting more intense.

"You may need to put these on" Kroos gave him some cloth ties "before you are impelled to rub it in more."


"I better do it" and before Chris could protest, Kroos had secured his wrists behind his back with the cloth restraints. They were not tight enough to cause him any concern but his arms were secured.

"Funny! Now get that shit off me!" Chris was twisting and wriggling around as the gel made his balls feel like there were covered with ants.

So Chris freaked out when he looked down and saw that as Kroos tried to wipe it off his balls it looked like some was getting onto the underside of his cock!

"Damnit get that shit off my cock!" and there was Kroos' gloved hand spreading more of it, now around the shaft and up to the head. When it made contact with his glans, Chris let out a loud yelp!

"Ow!!!!!" and he doubled over trying to protect his most sensitive area "stop!!!!"

"Stand up straight Mr. O'Connoll" Kroos removed his gloves and tossed them away "the more you twist the more you are spreading it all over your genital region."

"Then get it the fuck OFF ME!!!"

"How does it feel?"

"Like I'm being tickled alive!"

"Is it burning or painful?"

"No but it's driving me CRAZY!"

"Then stand up straight!"

"Damn!" but Chris managed to straighten up, his cock and balls now shiny with the gel. And his cock harder and larger than ever before.

"Now please observe the monitor Chris" Kroos flipped a switch or two and and screen suddenly filled with a large color image of himself! Naked and very hard.

"Damn!" but he was amazed by how he looked. He had to admit he was not completely ashamed of the image staring down at him.

"Have you ever seen or remember yourself so... so engorged?"

"Fuck no! I never seen myself... any way."

"You see Mr. O'Connor, the effect of the exam had a very distinct effect on you. And the gel's effect, instead of numbing the area, only enhanced it more" Kroos gave a nod at the one-way mirror "which is something we have observed in a very small majority of patients" Kroos kept the straight face with some effort "and observing your reaction... well do you not want to know how significantly and dramatically your measurements have changed?"

"Hell no!"

"Well we should be thorough" and Kroos brought out a tape measure and placed it on the table where Chris could see it. He was not sure which was worse, having the doc playing with his equipment or just the threat of it. But the way he felt, it would take little more the touch of anything to his cock to make him lose his load whether he wanted to or not.

"Damn..." Chris could feel the steady throbbing in his cock and the itchiness in his balls would not go away "just make it stop. Let me get to a shower already."

"Mr. O'Connoll you are the seventeenth patient to have experienced this gel and only one or two has shown such... dramatic results as you have."

"I don't care. I'm outa here" and he headed for the door trying to pull his hands free from the restraints, but the more he struggled the damper they became and the tighter the cloth wrapped his wrists. He got to the door and was struggling to open it when he heard voices in the corridor. He quickly re-closed the door.

"Tell them to leave I gotta get a shower" Chris stood there trapped, sweat rolling down him now, the salt mixing with the gel making it all the more irritating.

"In a few moments when they -- "

"Now goddamnit!" Chris looked at the door, the camera and Kroos and then down at himself. Damn, he was so aroused, he was leaking pre-cum now, afraid to weep so much it might get onto the floor.

"We both know that if you get to the shower... in your condition" Kroos' hand brushed the underside of Chris' cock "the first thing you will do is masturbate is that correct?"

"WHAT!?!? Fuck you!" and he tried to pull his crotch away from Kroos' hand but a finger or two continued to tickle him right where he was most sensitive.

"Am I correct?" and the hand slowly massaged him.

"Are you fuckin nuts? The camera's watching you play with my dick man!"

"You have had exams before. And you know a semen specimen is standard. In your condition you would invalidate the exam by flushing the specimen down the drain! Admit it!" and Kroos' other hand now went to his butt and a finger found the still-greased area between his cheeks.

"You're outa your mind! This ain't no normal exam!"

"We have time while you consider your options and the importance of getting favorable results from tonight" and now Chris felt himself pinned between the two hands, not able to twist forward and not able to pull back.

"So what?"

"So you admit it?"

"Turn the camera off!"

"Admit it..." and a finger slid into his hole.

"Damn you..." but a deep moan escaped him as he was overwhelmed but the feeling coming from his butt and cock simultaneously.

"The longer the gel is on you -- in you -- the more pronounced the effect may be" Kroos was almost whispering in his ear.

"Fuck you win! Okay!" Chris knew that all resistance was slowly ebbing away. He had never felt anything like this before and if they asked he'd sell his grandmother before he'd want to stop the sensation he was feeling now.

"Okay what?"

"Yeah I'd pull off a load in the shower. Fuck I'd blow my juice as soon as the water hit my balls..."

"Very well" and Kroos took both hands away from him.

Chris felt like he had almost been on the verge of cumming and then bang! it stopped! With Kroos no longer touching him, the itchiness returned only making the agony worse. He bolted for the door and started to open it. As he stuck his head out he saw Billy in the hallway and quickly jumped back in.



"That damn Herms kid it out there! I can't let him see me like this!"

"Why not?" Kroos moved the camera further back "he must have seen you naked at gym practice or such."

"Fuck no!"

"You would object if he saw you now?"

"Fuck YEAH!" Chris screamed "I can't let my students see me like this!"

"Why not?"

"You're kidding!"

"What if I told you Billy has assisted with many exams, and yes, has seen quite a few patients --"

"Not like THIS!"


"C'mon doc" Chris kept struggling with the restraints "look at me!"

"And what is wrong with how you look?"

"I'm a fuckin mess! I'm covered with the shit that's driving me crazy--"

"Which is keeping you very aroused correct?"

"That too!"

"You would not want Billy to see you aroused?"

"Fuck NO!"

"Why not?"

"It's fuckin perverted!"

"Maybe Billy is professional enough that he would not care one way or the other."

"He's just a kid. What would he know!"

"Should we ask him?"

"Hell NO!"

"When you see yourself on the screen" Kroos pointed at the monitor, now showing the whole room, Chris and Kroos both "do you think that is perverted?"

"Doc I ain't gonna stand here and argue with you. Lemme the fuck outa here so I can wash this shit off me -- "

"And masturbate."

"Fuck you."

"You know you're very aroused right now."


"Before when I was touching your sensitive areas you were ready to have an orgasm."


"Admit it!"

"Go to hell!" but damn! there was Kroos' hand again at his cock. This time Chris did not pull away but knew he was close.

"You know you would like nothing better than to have me help you produce a specimen right now."

"Damn..." but Chris just closed his eyes knowing that it would not take much more. He knew he should never never agree to this but it was his dick in control now. The price to sell out his grandmother just went to zero. He took a deep breath, knowing he was the reformed alcoholic walking into the bar, but the point of no return had disappeared in the rear-view mirror.

He downed the double-shot of whiskey "...okay."

"Do you want me to continue with..."and Kroos' hand started a steady insistent stroking "this?"

"Fuck..." Chris could almost feel his knees buckling from the intensity of the pleasure "if you don't stop you'll get your fuckin specimen..."

Kroos took his hand away.

"Damn!" Chris jerked his eyes open "you're trying to killing me!"

"You want to... produce a specimen?"

"Yes... goddamnit you win" he was almost wimpering now "I can't take this anymore..."

"And if I do this..." his other hand was now rubbing between his cheeks "do you agree..."

"Agree to what?"

"How strongly do you want this?" and Kroos' fingers found Chris' greased hole and slipped in. With one or two thrusts he found the very sore and very swollen prostate and started to massage it.

"Oh fuck fuck fuck" Chris was bending over "don't stop don't stop" he felt the beginning of a colossal orgasm building "I'm gonna gonna..."

"You agree then?"

"To what?"

"Agree?" and the fingers were hitting the hot button and Chris started gasping.


"Damn..." Chris felt his cock give a throb and something ooze out the tip "what do you want from me?!?"

"Say you agree" and the finger started doing little circles around his insides.

"Ugh ugh ugh..."

"Say it.."

"Okay, anything anything..." Chris was gasping for air now, his eyes tearing and not able to see straight.

"You agree?"


"Very well... Billy?" Kroos looked at the one-way mirror "could you step in here a minute?"

"What?!" Chris tried to pulled himself off the finger but Kroos had his other arm holding him in place. Right now he had no strength to fight "No please, not Billy."

"Billy could you step in here a moment."

Chris could barely make out the door opening or Billy walking in. His eyes were smeared with tears but he was unable to wipe them away.

"Wow coach..." Billy walked in, trying to act surprised, as if he had not been watching everything already from the observation room.

"Billy I need your help. Actually the coach here needs your help" Kroos said removing his hand from Chris' butt.

"Ah... er... sure... whatever ya need coach."

"Stand up Chris and first, let Billy observe the effect of your exam."

"C'mon don't make me..."

"Remember you agreed."

"Not to this. He's a goddamn kid."

"I ain't no kid!" Billy shot back.

"Herms please leave. Please..."

"Doc, do you want me to leave?"

"I want Chris to stand up straight so you can observe objectively the effect of the exam and more specifically the anesthetic gel."

"The gel did that?" Billy nodded at Chris' midsection "how?"

"That is what we are trying to determine" Kroos found the tape and handed it to Billy "would you mind taking the patient's measurements?"

"Measurements?" Billy held up the tape not sure where to go with it "which ones?"

"You may start with his penis."

"What?" from Billy and the coach in unison.

"C'mon doc, Billy! Don't do this, not with the gel still on me!" or not when I'm so aroused. But Billy's hand was quicker than Chris' jolt. With one hand holding Chris by the straps, he managed to get the tape around the slimy hard thickness of his cock.

"Five and five-eighths" Billy held up the tape, showing it to Kroos "is that usual?"

"Chris?" Kroos was jotting notes, barely looking up. But Chris stood there, his eyes closed, not daring to look Billy in the face,

"Hell if I know."

"And" Billy continued, now measuring the length "eight and seven-eighths" he brought it over to Kroos so he could read it "do you agree?"

"Okay, now can the kid -- I mean Billy -- can he leave now?" Chris gave up struggling, hoping to get this over with one way or the other.

"Wow..." came from Billy "coach you look like... wow..."

"Okay ya find this educational? How you think it's scientific to see me buck ass naked and measureing -- "

"And with a cock to beat all cocks! Man coach you heard the measurements, you get the fuckin prize!"

"Okay y'saw the effect this damn shit has. Now can I have my goddamn shower?"

"So Billy" Kroos started "Mr. O'Connoll was very reluctant to have you see him in this state. He was very afraid you would be disgusted, or worse."


"You do not find anything of this procedure disgusting?" Kroos kept at it.


"You ever see Mr. O'Connell before so you have some comparison to..."

"You mean naked? no never..." Billy could not keep his eyes off Chris' front.


"Damn..." Billy tried to meet his gaze but Chris kept looking away "even without the gel you always were... impressive. But now ... fuckin awesome..."

"So you are impressed with how he looks?"

"Fuck who wouldn't! Man they'd be creaming their jeans if they could see that -- "


"Fuck coach! If you could bottle that stuff you'd be rich!"

"Herms shuttup!"

"I mean it. Hell coach you are a total total package right now! Man dudes would line up to get what you got."

"Billy you think the effect on the coach is... positive?"

"Fuck yeah" Billy looked around the room and saw the camera still rolling.

Fuck, he said to himself, I'm already in deep "don't you think so, coach?"

"I don't know..."

"C'mon coach you gotta admit that's enough to give a dead man wood!"

"Herms!" Chris looked up, tears starting to roll down his cheeks.

"Admit it coach" Billy went over to him "the way you look right now and with that stuff what it's doing t'ya, you could get a reaction from an eighty-year old!"

"Fuck you."

"Want me to prove it?" Billy's heart was racing, but not as fast as his mouth "I bet even the doc here's having a reaction" and he brought his hand down to the front of Kroos' exam coat and then to his pants front, outlining a long tube pointing to the right.

"Billy no!"

"C'mon doc we're all dudes here" Billy's hand was already at the fly, unzipping it. He pulled out Kroos' hefty uncircumsized length and started --


"Wha...?" he came back to earth, his head spinning, the sight of the coach in front of him was making him very light-headed.

"I asked you if you ever saw the coach naked before?"

"Hell no" Billy stepped away from his coach, leaning against the counter, his heart pounding in his chest loud enough for Kroos to hear.

"Are you okay Billy?"

"See? This is not something the kid should -- "

"I'm fine" Billy lied, not looking at Chris "just something I ate. Mom's chili, you understand."

"Billy do you want to leave--" Kroos put himself between the two, not sure who was going to cave in first.

"No I'm fine, sorry" he stole a sideways glance at Chris "where were we?"

"I was about to continue with--" Kroos went back to his notes, flipping notes, pens falling to the floor.

"Continue shit" Chris was struggling with the restraints "we can finish this some other time."

"Continue with the patient's prostatic massage. Billy you will need gloves."

"I'm outa here" and Chris started staggering for the door. He made it two steps before Billy grabbed him by the shoulder and drew him back.

"C'mon coach. Remember you agreed."


"I heard you at the door" Billy brought him back to Kroos "you agreed to anything remember?"

"Damn you Herms!"

"But first" and Billy finished tying off the ends of the restraints to the side of the table "you didn't believe me" and he reached inside Kroos' open fly and pulled out his cock, hairy, uncut and hard!

"I told you, you could give anybody wood" and with that Billy brought out his own cock, equally hard but nothing to compare with the other two. With a hand on both cocks Billy started a vigorous jerking.

"C'mon Herms you've had your fun" Chris felt the hand on his shoulder, one hand almost free of the damp twisted cloth "you can't wait t'get back to the guys and tell them about this!"

Billy shook his head, the image of jerking off with Kroos still fresh in his head. What's gotten into me? he thought, I don't remember smoking anything tonight. Or this week or this month! "what?"

"Damn Herms did you hear me?"

"Sorry coach" Billy saw Chris' hand free and reaching for the door "c'mon, let's get you back to the table. The doc here ain't gonna do anything weird, honest!"

"Billy is right" Kroos was next to him fast "we are almost finished so please lie down on the table."

"So you can do what?"

"So we can..." Kroos looked at both of them "finish here and get you both home before the other patients join us here" nodding at the door "are we agreed?"

"This is just wrong" but Chris allowed himself to be directed away from the door and back to the exam table. This time they put him flat on his back and Billy had the chest straps over him with a minimum of noise. Billy was all flushed, explaining how the straps worked, almost bragging about this "latest technology and shit" until Kroos interrupted him, finishing the explanation in his very soothing professional voice. But the doc was more concerned about Billy at that point than his patient. Twice he almost passed out and Kroos wanted to find out why. On a hunch he directed Billy over to the tray of supplies,

"Billy I need for you to put on those gloves now."

"Gloves? For what?" Chris tried to lift up to see what was going on. The restraints held him fast. Billy went over and snapped open the packet and pulled them on.

"Now please assist Mr. O'Connoll and help him get his feet into the stirrups."

"C'mon doc, what gives? We both know what we gotta do here. You pull me off and get your damn specimen and I go home, right?"

"More or less" Kroos went back to his notes, scribbling fast with the retrieved pen "Billy?"

So Billy managed to get Chris' feet into the stirrups, with a whispered "sorry coach" and get his knees lifted up, his thighs spread apart, his ass exposed "you're a good sport thanks" but Chris decided he was going to lie there, eyes closed and just get it over with.

"This is wrong..." Billy heard Chris say. He looked and the coach's eyes were glued to what was sticking out of Kroos' fly.

"Okay coach, you been wanting to blow your nut all night. Don't it look like Kroos here is in the same boat?" and Billy grabbed Kroos' cock and pulled it over, closer to Chris' shocked face.

"Why don't you stand here so the coach here has a better look" Billy directed Kroos to side of the table and was maybe more than a bit surprised when Kroos went along with it.

"Ya ever seen a cock like that before?" Billy pointed it right at Chris' face, who was making every effort to twist his head away "hell it's almost as big as yours!" and Billy started stroking it, inches from Chris' chest. Chris just kept his eyes wide open.

"Billy you should stop -- " Kroos started to pull back.

"No doc don't move, just stand there a minute" and Billy went over to a drawer and started to rummage around in it. After a few seconds he found a small rubber tube, almost as big as small dildo. He greased it up with the green gel and came over to Chris,

"But now the coach here has a problem I gotta help him with. He's been holdin in a lot of cum that we gotta do somethin about..." Billy started jamming the end again and again deep into Chris, his other hand feeling Kroos' throbbing and pulsing against his hip. Far away he heard a voice,

"Billy? Billy can you do that?"

"Do what?" again his eyes unglazed, hearing Kroos talking to him.

"I asked you could you find a number six device in the second drawer. Are you feeling alright?"

"Fine doc" Billy shook the dreams from his head, wow! talk about a vivid nightmare! Except the idea of poking the coach and jacking off the doc at the same time was not what he'd call a nightmare. But still, these blackouts gotta stop, he told himself. He went over to the drawer and withdrew the rubber dildo from the wrapper and brought it over to where Chris was lying on the table, his ass exposed, his crack still greasy and almost pulsing.

"Billy you may need this" Kroos set a specimen container down on the table as well "just in case. Observe the patient carefully in case..."

"Okay doc..." he whispered to Chris "relax coach. I'll make this as painless as possible."

"Herms you're dead..." Chris said, but his voice was weak and waivering. His eyelids flickered but stayed closed.

Billy brought the end to the coach's butt and eased it in. When he felt it hit the resistance he started to work it around. Chris let out a gurgling gasp. His cock gave a couple of jumps and started to ooze a steady trickle.

"Yeah coach I was hoping you'd like that" and Billy applied some more gel to his hand and started a steady stroking of the coach's cock "but this is what you want right? You've been wanting to blow your load all night right?"

"Damn Herms..." his eyes flew open and he saw Kroos' cock right in front of him.

"Say it!"


"Say ya want me to bring ya off" and Billy started massaging his guts with the rubber tube. Again, a glob of pre-cum oozed from the tip.


"Say it!"

"Okay... do it Herms."

"Do what coach?"

"Fuck you gonna make me say it?"

"Yeah coach say the words. What you want me to do?"

"Fuck... make me... cum" and Billy's hand started a hard rapid jerking. Chris started to gasp and his balls pulled up tight.

"Yeah yeah don't stop I'm -- " but then Billy's hand stopped and gave the shaft a hard squeeze. Chris screamed.

"Y'know coach, that big ol cock right in front of you..." and Billy started to jab the rubber tube into the coach's prostate again and again "don't you think it needs some attention?"

"Damn you!" from Chris.

"Billy no!" from Kroos.

"You don't haveta y'know... nobody's forcing ya" and his other hand started a slow tight slide up to the head of the coach's slimed cock "it's just an idea."

"Herm's I ain't gonna suck -- " and before he could finish Billy plunged his head down onto Chris' cock! Chris almost passed out.

"Now don't that feel good?" Billy brought his mouth off, and started to tickle the area under the head with his finger.

"Damn damn you little cocksucker!"

"Hey watch the language coach" and Billy gave it another lick "admit it! It feels super!"

"Fuck you!"

"It's up to you!" and Billy gave the head another two or three quick sucks.

When Chris started spasming Billy squeezed the shaft tight again.

"Damn you!"

"Say you wanna shoot your load! Say ya wanna cum!"


"Say it! It felt good right?"

"Fuck... okay it felt good" Chris was panting, his face beet-red.

"You don't haveta... it's just an idea..." and again the rubber tube started poking again and again into him. Finally Chris could take it no more. He opened his mouth and leaned forward. His tongue touched the tip of Kroos' cock and slowly he eased the head in. It was much too big for him but he kept the first third in his mouth like a sucker.

"There now I thought you'd like that..." and Billy's hand started a slow steady stroking. Chris felt it and a deep moan came from his throat, vibrating the head of Kroos' cock. The doc closed his eyes and started slow but short in-and-out thrusts with his hips.

"Okay coach ya ready to blow a load for us?" Billy's hand tightened it grip.

"Mugmmmgmgmm" came from Chris' throat.

"Okay one more thing ya gotta agree to..." and the hand stopped and tightened.

"No no more..." Chris pulled his mouth free "I'm right on the edge..."

"You're gonna cum for us right now okay?"

"Yes yes damnIT!"

"Then if ya wanna cum ya gotta agree to bring both me and the doc off okay?" and the finger started to run up and down the crease of his cock.

"Fuck no!" Billy's hand squeezed the shaft again, and the tube was removed.

"Bring us both off and then cum two times more for the camera there, agree?"

"Please no...." but Chris was almost in tears now. Billy went down on his cock again and gave it just one long slow tight suck. Chris almost held his breath he was painfully close.

"What's it gonna be?" Billy bobbed up and down on it one more time. Chris finally gasped,

"Damn you, okay."

"Billy this is too much" Kroos tried to step away from Chris' mouth.

"You agree yes or no?" Billy again bobbed on his dick.

"Yessssss" Chris hissed, his chest heaving with each breath.

"Okay we are agreed. Kroos let him have a taste of that dick again" Billy went over to the camera and brought it in real close to Chris, making sure it got the full effect. Chris leaned forward and took it in his mouth with no further protest. Billy watched the image on the wallscreen, making sure it was perfect. He doubled checked the tape, seeing he had another half-hour left. He applied more gel to the tube and slid it back in, Chris letting out a deep moan. Billy's other hand started a slow, very slow stroking of his now bright-red cock.

"Okay coach show me how much you like that cock in your mouth" and Billy's hand made it up and down the shaft maybe twice before Chris started screaming and writhing as his cock swelled once and then rope after rope of cum started to shoot out of his cock, a good two feet in front of him. Billy's hand kept up a slow rhythm as three, four, five shots fired from Chris' cock and finally droozing down Billy's hand. After Chris stopped spasming he slumped backwards onto the table, his shoulders still pinned beneath the straps.

"What?" Billy's eyes unglazed "say again?"

"I was saying" Kroos looked into Billy's eyes carefully, one hand reaching out to take Billy's wrist. As he suspected, his pulse was racing "you might want to sit down--"

"I'm fine doc" Billy took a few deep breaths "what were you saying?"

"I was recommending you use a few fingers at first, to loosen up the patient. As we have... shown you before" Kroos' stare was starting to spook Billy. He greased up his gloved hand with the green goo and started a slow, gentle massaging of Chris' ring. Chris moaned and starting muttering something, then let out a deep loud "fuck!" when Billy's finger entered him.

As soon as the second was in and massaging that hard knob several inches inside, Chris' hips started rocking. Before the sensations overcame him, Billy unscrewed the cap and put the container in front of Chris' cock just as it swelled and started pumping a violent load into it, almost knocking it out of Billy's hand. But Billy was hunched over, his hips spasming, a wet stain forming in the front of his shorts...

"Billy you know you shouldn't have done that" Kroos stood there, his hard wet dick making a liar of him.

"You cum in his mouth?" Billy reached forward and pulled the foreskin forward.

"No I didn't" Kroos started to put in back in his fly.

"Wait. You didn't cum doc."

"Billy it's okay."

"No it ain't" Billy looked over at Chris "you still gonna bring the doc off remember?"

"Herms gimme a fuckin break..." Chris lay there rubbing his wrists, getting the circulation back.

"You agreed remember? You gotta bring both of us off and cum twice more remember" and Billy's sticky hand went back to Chris' still hard cock "cause this ain't finished is it?" and he started playing with it again, rubbing the shaft and then the balls. Chris let out a moan but made no effort to stop him.

"Billy let him go."

"You gonna finish what you agreed or not?" the hand kept at it.

"Herms why ya doin this?"

"Cause you promised. If you go back on your word you'll never be able to look me in the eye again."

"Damn you!"

"And I'll always remember how you looked with the dick in your mouth as you popped."

"Fuck..." Chris lifted his head and looked at them both "so that's it? It's blackmail?"

"What would you do if it were the other way around? You know what you'd do."

"Damn what'd I get myself into?" but he felt Billy's hand keeping at his crotch and knew he was still as horny as he'd ever been.

"So you gonna honor the deal or walk away" Billy's hand now was tickling the underside of his balls.


"Okay coach, how bout we just let the king kong dick here decide for ya. If you go soft in the next two minutes I'll let you go" and his fingers kept up gentle tickling "and I won't cheat by touchin your dick. Hundred twenty seconds big deal, like you can take it."

"Seein as how I ain't gay that'll be easy" but Chris knew that the gel was still tickling his whole crotch area and what it was doing to his poop shoot was still driving him nuts and until he washed it off he doubted if he's ever go down again. But he tried to concentrate, hoping that the mega-orgasm he just suffered might be enough to let the pressure off. But as he felt the seconds slip by he knew it would not work. He lay there, feeling all eyes -- and the camera -- focused on his crotch. A half-hour ago just the thought of being in the "limelight" and even worse, in front of a fuckin student! would have killed any hard! But now, with both of them watching every wriggle and throb of his dick, and fuck! knowing they were both boned as well... deep down inside he knew this was one of the hottest and freakiest things he would ever do. When he heard Billy say "time's up" he looked down and his cock was as hard as ever.

"Looks like you lose coach" Billy took his hand away.

Chris slid off the table and onto the floor. He looked over to the camera, seeing his image on the wall and then lowered his head defeated.

"Whatda I gotta do..."

"Kroos?" Billy looked at him "what's yer pleasure?"

"Billy you can't make him do this."

"C'mon Kroos... if you do could make him do anything you wanted what would it be?"

"Billy no, I better not."

"I think I know what it is" Billy looked at Chris "I could see how much trouble he had getting his mouth around that club -- "


"And you like nothing better than a guy's butt right?"

"Herms no way!"

"Kroos am I right?"

"Billy..." Kroos looked at both of them "no..."

"Well you're too big for him to blow right?"

"Billy this is enough."

"Whatd'ya say coach? You think you could take the big doc here?"

"I ain't no pussy!" Chris muttered, but it looked like his mind was racing.

He found out how good it felt when those things were in him. And they told him no one, no one! would ever know but...

"So how much ya wanna bet you could pop a load with that dick up your butt?"

Chris looked at both of them and again at the camera. This was his moment of truth!

After a very long time he looked at them again, lowered himself to his knees and finally said,

"You're gonna haveta tie my hands."

"You gonna do it?" Billy sounded almost surprised.

"No Chris you don't have to" Kroos looked at Billy.

"You wanna see how much I can take. You wanna see how far you can push a real stud? You wanna see what a real man's made of? Well then do it! If you think you're man enough! I'm callin yer bluff! Both of you! You ain't got the balls!" he gave a defiant glare at Kroos "you wanna make me your pussy? Well then try and see how far ya get! Cause you'll never get another chance to fuck a real man like me again! Go on! Let's see if ya got what it takes ta make me your whore! Do your worst!" and he spat on the floor.

"Go on Kroos, he's askin for it!"


"What's the matter gettin cold feet?" Chris taunted him "you think you're a big shit behind that white coat! Playing doctor is one thing! But now I'm calling you out Kroos! You wanna fuck me then fuck me! Ya wanna make me crawl and grovel then do it! But I think yer chickenshit!"

"Billy maybe you better leave" Kroos got a strange look in his eye.

"Naw let the cocksucker watch! Let him see you make me your pussy! Ain't that what you want? An audience? Hell you could fuck me in front of the whole team! You wanna see that Herms? You wanna see this big goon fuck me in front of the whole team?"

"Wow coach what's gotten into you..."

"Ya getting scared Herms? Ya never had a real man on your hands before? Well look at me! This is what a real man looks like!" and he looked at his image on the screen and thrust out his chest.

"Billy really you should go."

"Make him stay! Make him watch ya lose yer nerve! Fuck, if ya buttfuck me or not I'll still be twice the man you'll ever be!"

Billy watched stunned as Kroos went over to the cabinet and removed a pair of leather restraints. When Chris saw them he smiled, "yeah doc now you're getting the picture."

"You want to do this?"

"Make me" Chris glared at him.

"Okay stud" Kroos whipped them around him "you asked for this."

He quickly pinned Chris' arms behind him and secured them in the leather straps. The wrist guards snapped into place and locked with a click! Now Chris' arms were stretched behind him, his chest thrust forward. He knelt there waiting for anything.

"You like that don't you?" and Kroos gave him a couple of slaps across his face. When he grabbed him back the back of the neck and forced his face into his crotch, Chris let out a deep "yeah."

Kroos opened his fly again and pulled his cock free. As soon as he did Chris made a lunge for it but instead Kroos used it like a club and smacked it back and forth across his face until he was rock hard and there were thin lines of fluid streaked across Chris' face.

"Get outa those fake doctor clothes" Chris hissed "I wanna see what kind of stud thinks he's gonna fuck my ass."

"Do it Kroos" Billy stood there, his hard dick already sticking out the front of his pants "give'm the full bod treatment."

Kroos barely looked at Billy and started to unbutton his jacket. As he did Billy took it from him and then waited while Kroos slowly unbuttoned his shirt and gave it to him. A deep "yeah" came from Chris when he saw Kroos standing there is his dago-t, the hair bristling out from the openings.

"Yeah you're a hairy fucker ain't ya? Your balls producing all that juice and all ya got to show for it is a lot of hair!"

Kroos pulled off the t-shirt and gave Chris a good look at his powerful chest and turning around, did a lat spread for him.

"Man a real muscle stud aren't ya? Too bad I didn't have ya on my team, I coulda made a real wrestler outa ya."

"I was a real wrestler" Kroos shot back.

"Fuck I thought so" Chris' eyes were all over Kroos' chest "a big fucking hairy wrestler. Man getting you pinned under me, your hairy asshole pink and throbbing just beggin for my dick -- "

"Well now it will be your ass that will be pinned" Kroos was kicking out his shoes, and hesitating with the belt, his cock still at full mast.

"Yeah stud ya think you can pin ME? Fuck you never wore a singlet in yer life" Chris crawled forward until his face was in front of Kroos' crotch. Before Kroos could react Chris had his cock in his mouth.

"Ya like that, ape?" Chris looked up at the big chest above him.

Kroos didn't answer him but instead just smeared his cock all over Chris' face again. Slowly Chris got to his feet and started to run his tongue all over Kroos' chest, making his nipples two hard pink nubs sticking out from the hair.

"Hey Billy you still have your singlets around here, I believe. I want to see his expression when he sees a real wrestler open him."

Billy looked at both of them and left the room. When he returned he was wearing one of his, and carrying two of Moose's which he "just happened" to have with him. He handed one to Kroos.

"Where do you keep finding these?" Kroos looked at Billy, the material at his crotch distended and shiny with the clear outline of his hard dick.

Billy shrugged "I just have'm that's all."

Chris looked at Billy, then at his front and then at Kroos "go on put it on. Let's see what kind of wrestler you are."

Kroos draped it over his shoulder and reaching down, tucked his cock back through the fly of his shorts. He pulled them down and stood naked in front of Chris.

"Man look at the size of those" Chris whistled. He dropped to his knees and crawled over to Kroos and started to lick his balls "now I know ya never wrestled! These would been smashed to jelly the first time ya stepped in the ring. Are they for show or ya got any jizz in'm? You think you're man enough to pump a load up my hole?" and his mouth was all over them. He didn't stop til his mouth was full of black wiry pubic hairs "okay put it on wrestler."

Kroos stepped into it and slowly brought it up his big legs. Billy knew that Moose was almost as big as Kroos but still they were so tight on him that it was a matter of time before he heard a soft rip here and there. He brought the straps up to his shoulders and it looked like a coat of red paint, every vein, every hair visible.

"Fuck yeah!" Chris hissed and started to crawl forward again until his face was buried in Kroos' crotch. He sucked on his cock and balls right through the fabric until the entire crotch was shiny and translucent with his spit. There was a small tear forming where the head was trying to pull through the fabric. Even Billy could tell that Kroos was getting more turned on than he'd even guess.

Kroos grabbed Chris around the waist and yanked him to his feet, rubbing their cocks together. Knowing he could not resist, Kroos forced Chris' mouth open and jammed his tongue down his throat until he started gagging. Then with a quick maneuver he spun Chris around and tossed him down so he landed on his knees. As quickly as he did he was over his back, his crotch grinding into the slick area up and down his crack. If it were not for the thin fabric, it looked like he would have slid right into him.

"You want that? You want my cock up your hole? Is that it? You want me to pin you on my pole?" and Kroos kept rubbing up and down, the head of his cock slowly ripping a bigger and bigger hole until finally his cock was free of the fabric. Once Chris felt that hot tube rub against him he started to buck like crazy. But Kroos held him firm and rubbed again and again until finally he felt the head find the hole. Chris let out a shout as the head stretched the ring, entering him it clamped tight right behind the head. But Kroos just let it lodge there as Chris screamed.

"Yes how does that feel? You have a wrestler dick right at the back door. But you have not earned my dick yet" and he pulled it out with a pop!

"Damn!" Chris shouted, not prepared for the invasion. His hole looked like a red-hot poker had just been in it and he was seeing stars. But damn if it did't look like his cock was throbbing against his stomach.

"That was just to get your attention" and Kroos yanked him to his feet. Billy went to the camera so he could get a shot of both of them, hard and shiny, Kroos in his tight and torn singlet, his cock poking throught the hole holding Chris in front of him, pinned and helpless.

"Have you had enough yet?" Kroos tossed him back and forth like a ragdoll.

"I can take anything you can give!" Chris groaned "you only got yer one chance."

"Billy" Kroos barked "in the other room, second drawer, there's a still camera. Go get it."

Billy dashed out and met the doc in the hall, already holding the camera. Hell, Billy had even taken a few pictures with it before, hoping that the doc or Kroos was not the wiser. He was guessing now the doc was on to him but maybe not? He checked for exposures, set the settings and ran back into the room. They had not moved much except Chris looked redder.

"Get a shot of this" and Kroos lifted Chris off his feet. The camera made seven rapid clicks before Chris felt the floor again. Kroos released the hold and grabbed Chris' genitals with both hands encircling them by the base, making them swell obscenely.

"Okay" Kroos grunted and Billy snapped away.

"On yer knees like before" Kroos tossed him down and without saying any more Chris' face was in his crotch. Kroos snapped his finger and Billy snapped away. Now that Kroos' cock was free Chris could get it back in his mouth. But Kroos had another idea. He held Chris' jaws open and just rested the head on his outstretched tongue. Again, snap went the camera.

"Okay Billy you are next" and Kroos took the camera from him. He didn't have to tell Chris what he wanted. Chris worked his mouth all over Billy's crotch, getting it nice and shiny and then ripped a hole with his teeth he pulled Billy's dick and balls through the rip. Chris now had a cock he could get down his throat and as his lips met Billy's pubes he heard again and again the click of the camera.

"Okay Billy get him on his feet" barked Kroos "and over on the table." Chris put up no resistance as Billy let him over to the exam table and put him on his stomach.

"Flip the bastard over and get him in the stirrups."

Billy propped some pillows under his back so his bound wrists had some padding. With little coaxing he put first one then the other foot into the holders, his ass hanging over the end of the table. With his hole wide open Chris looked down and saw Kroos get in for several close ups.

"Okay here" and Kroos gave the camera back to Billy "and do not run out of exposures. There is another cassette under that" and he pointed at the main camera rolling away. Billy brought it around and checked. Damn, it was almost out of time. He quickly hit stop, yanked out the cassette and put in another. He made damn sure he hit record, then picked up the still camera.

Kroos had pulled a rather nasty looking buttplug from somewhere and was generously lubing it with more of the green gel. When Chris saw it, his snear turned to shock.

"Hell no you can't put that in me" but he made no move to get out of the straps.

Kroos brought it up his exposed crack and let it rest there. He snapped his finger cueing Billy. Billy came around and got the shot just as it started to enter him. Chris gave a gasp but then it started to slide in and with a soft plop it was wedged in his hole. Again the camera went click.

"Okay gimme the camera and get up on the table with him, facing me" Kroos barked.

Billy crawled up on the table until he was straddling Chris' chest.

"Lean back further" Kroos snapped away "further back" and again "still further" until his butt was in Chris face. Kroos got the shot of Chris trying to rim Billy through his singlet, his legs spread wide showing a very visible plug in his hole.

"Okay lose the singlet and get back where you were" Kroos checked the camera, seven exposures left. Billy peeled out of the material, seeing Chris check his every move. He got back up on the table and again straddled Chris' face.

"Okay coach" Kroos accented the word "let's see how good that tongue can make Billy feel."

"You don't expect me to..."

"Yeah, tongue his hole real good" Kroos purred and as Chris' tongue reached up to Billy's now bare ass, the camera snapped its last shots.

"Do not more" Kroos said and went over, reloading the camera. Billy was trying to support his weight off the coach's face but his legs were cramping, and he had to lower his ass right onto the coach's mouth. Billy went nuts when he felt the coach really start to rim him without prompting. His cock went back to full rock hard and was drooling. He opened his eyes to see Kroos shove the camera right into his crotch.

"Okay coach you seem to enjoy sexual contact with your own student. Now... how you feel about giving a little show."

"You tell me what will get your nut" Chris grunted "but you can't break me.

There ain't anything you can't make me do."

"Ever have one of your own student's semen in your mouth?" and Billy felt the tongue pull away from his hole, "you hesitating? You want to admit you're beaten?"

"Damn..." Chris looked down at Kroos, seeing the camera and his condition. He looked over and saw how he looked up on the screen. Either way he was fucked.

"That was the deal right?" Chris said "I get you both off and cum in the process right?"


When Chris made no attempt to move, Kroos gave a chuckle.

"Okay Billy he's all yours" Kroos adjusted the main camera then stepped to the side.

Billy leaned back until his weight was resting on his haunches, just behind Chris' head. He was amazed how much punishment his coach could take! The guy was pinned like a thanksgiving turkey, his arms bundled behind his back, looking back at him.

"Okay Kroos, but I need you to jack him while I do this" Billy lowered his cock until it was over his forehead "nothing would be hotter than to see him nut with his mouth around my dick" and he bent his cock forward until it was pointing at Chris' mouth. He ran it around his lips a few times, hearing the click click from Kroos and then slowly lowered it into his mouth. Chris gagged the first few times from the awkward angle. Billy thought about turning the other way but knew this would make the hottest picture. And what a picture this was going to be. Again and again he lowered his cock into Chris' mouth until he felt it enter his throat. Once it was there, he brought his torso up and leaned forward. He nodded at Kroos who started a slow steady jacking of Chris' engorged cock. After several minutes of this, when Chris saw that Kroos' hand was not stopping he started bucking his hips forward, driving his cock harder and harder into Kroos' hand. As he started to spasm Kroos brought the other hand forward with the camera and sped up the rhythm. Billy felt the trembling of Chris' throat on his dick and as he approached his own orgasm, brought his cock out and started jacking it into Chris' open mouth. Chris gave a grunt and wham! his cock unloaded several shots up to, and then past his navel. Billy heard the clicking of the camera lowered the head of his cock down to Chris' tongue his hand jacking like mad. In a matter of seconds he was pumping his cum all over the coach's nose and chin, some making it into the goal. He looked at Kroos who nodded, Got it!

Billy lowered himself off the table a bit unsteady, his legs almost fallen asleep. Once he was standing he found a towel and cleaned himself up, a bit surprised how sticky his butt was until he remembered the earlier part. He went over to Kroos and took the camera from him,

"Last round doc."

"You had enough yet?" Kroos looked down at him, almost hoping he would relent.

"What's the matter?" Chris was slowly catching his breath "Fuck I knew you'd chicken out! Ya ain't man enough to fuck me?"

"How many times can you... cum?" Kroos looked at him.

"More than you stud" Chris was not letting up.

"Do you want a break?"

"Fuck I'm just warming up."

"Okay then off the table meathead" Kroos guided his legs out of the stirrups and wheeled them over the side. Chris was winded but was not about to let up. He got his breath back and then lowered himself down to the floor. Once he got his weight balanced he looked up "now where do you want me?"

"Assume the position" Kroos snapped. He reached behind Chris and unlocked the straps. Again Chris' arms and wrists were free.

Chris looked around, rubbing his wrists "where's the mat?"

"We are not doing any real wrestling. Do not want to really hurt you" he guided him down to the floor "just some poses for the camera. Unless you are backing out..."

"You couldn't hurt me if ya tried" and Chris was down on his hands and knees. Kroos directed Billy around so he had a shot of him from the back. Kroos bent over him, his hand right at the base of the plug. He snapped his finger and Billy got the image. Kroos rolled Chris onto his back, his hand still on his butt. Again snap! Now Kroos started to slam his knuckle again and again into the plug banging it against Chris' prostate. His cock had gone down some after he shot but with the banging and Kroos' hand slapping at his balls, it wasn't long before Kroos had him full again. He reached down and scooped some of the cum off Chris' stomach and smeared it on his own cock still poking through the tear. He looked at Billy who went over and tossed a tube of the gel into his palm. Kroos smeared his cock well until it shone a dark purplish green and again, snap! the image of Kroos straddling Chris' head, his hard cock pointing straight out. It wasn't long before Kroos had his head pressed between his massive thighs, his cock a half-inch from Chris' open mouth. Billy got several pics of it working its way as far as it would go into Chris' mouth before he started gagging on the bitter gel. When Kroos started to feel his balls tighten he flipped Chris over, back onto his hands and knees as before. With his hard cock resting on one ass-cheek, he slowly pulled the plug free, making sure Billy was getting the whole thing. Then it was Kroos' fingers, generously greased, that worked their way back in there, Kroos again making sure Billy captured it from every possible angle.

"Last chance Chris" Kroos' fingers were busying stretching and poking.

"This is what you been waiting for ain't it?" Chris closed his eyes, waiting now "well you gonna make me your pussy? You gonna fuck me ya fat hairy ape? Or do I gotta find a real man to take my cherry!"

"Okay Chris" and Kroos spun around his head was resting against Chris' now very-stretched hole "this is only is going to happen once" and he started to apply pressure. He snapped his finger and heard a series of clicks from over his head. He leaned back so Billy could have a clear shot as he started to push his hips forward. Chris gave a loud shout as the head again cleared the ring. But this time Kroos left it there. Chris was impaled.

"You want this? you want the rest of my cock to rape your hole?" Kroos reached under Chris and started to massage his balls. He could feel Chris' heartbeat hammering into his crotch area.

"Fuck..." Chris let out a slow deep groan "you wanna kill me?"

"Tell me to stop and admit defeat."

"You wanna... split me in half?" Chris got out between breaths "ya wanna stretch me inside out? You wanna ram me so hard your monster comes out my mouth?"

Kroos slowly slid his cock forward, until the widest part was just entering the ring. A slow scream was coming from Chris. Kroos reached forward and started a slow steady jerking of his cock. After a minute or two he felt it start to swell in his hand.

"You gonna pump my guts until you force a load outa me?" Chris gasped out "you gonna make me take that whole salami deep in my guts?"

Kroos saw the resistance lessening and slowly forced forward until the widest part had cleared the hole. He slowly started to withdraw it until just the head was encircled by the ring. When he saw Chris relax he pushed back in. After five or six attempts he felt the hot wetness of Chris' asscheeks against his pubes. He snapped his finger, he was all the way in.

"How does that feel? Now you are pinned, you got all of my dick in your hole. You are licked now. Admit defeat!" and Kroos started a slow steady pumping deep inside him.

"Ughhhh damn...." Chris felt like he had a mack truck shoved inside him "I still... ain't... beaten."

So Kroos started really slamming it into him, a deep and hard fucking like he had not given someone since he could not remember when. When he started banging into Chris' prostate and started feeling the responding throbbing in Chris' dick he knew he had him.

"There now you are feeling my dick. I am going to pump the cum right out of you" and he pulled Chris off his hands and back against his check, his ass above his dick. Chris' weight was now resting on Kroos' thighs, but the cock was still lodged deep inside his guts. When he leaned back it felt like that log was hitting his throat!

"Damn..." Chris felt Kroos' hand start a steady familiar rhythm on his cock "you gotta slow down or I'll pop right now..."

"Billy over here" and Kroos directed him around to the front. Again and again Billy got the shot of Chris leaning back into Kroos' crotch as his hand stroked back and forth on his swollen and red cock.

"Are you close? You shoot your cum now with my dick deep inside you and you are my pussy forever!"

"Damn damn you ain't man enough to make me cum!"

"Hold a second" and Kroos spilled them both on their sides. Chris felt the jab deep inside him and that almost made him lose it. Once they were down, Kroos stretched his legs straight out and had Chris do the same. Then Kroos rolled again onto his back, with Chris on top of him.

"Okay pussy" Kross stopped to catch his breath "you are going to bring up your knees until you are sitting on my crotch. Then you are going to raise your butt off my dick until just the tip is in your hole you understand?"

Chris saw fast where he was going with this. Kroos wanted to feel him bobbing up and down on his dick. He got his feet underneath him and slowly started to raise himself off the log filling his guts. When he was almost all the way up he head the finger snap and there was Billy getting the shot of him, making it look like Chris was lowering himself down onto Kroos' upright dick. Man, he thought, this makes me look like I'm fucking myself with it. But from Billy's angle he had the perfect shot of Kroos' dick re-entering Chris' butthole, his own cock hard and pointing due south. Then he saw Kroos' hand wrap itself firmly around his cock as he lowered himself back down until it banged his knob. He gave a hiss and muttered "fuck you still can't make me cum."

He felt the hand spead up and as Kroos thrust up again and again into his prostate filling every inch of his guts and it went bang! right to his cock that Kroos was jacking harder and harder and he threw his head back and felt Kroos pull load after load of searing hot cum from his cock. He was too far gone to see Billy zoom in, his cum-smeared cock filling the image. As he raised himself off the log, he looked down and there was Billy and the camera, pointing right at his hole. He tried getting to his knees when he saw the stars and the floor rushing up to his face and then nothing!

Billy came to with a cold rag on his forehead and Kroos' face a big as a billboard hovering over him,

"What happened?"

"You passed out."

"Fuck" he looked around the room, expecting to see a naked Chris smirking at him. But the coach was no where to be seen. As his eyes started to do a better job of focusing he saw that Kroos was stripped down to his dago-t and slacks. And damn, Billy's eyes might be playing tricks with him but it looked like the top was inside out!

"Where's the coach?"

"Ah... er... do you not remember?"

"I... I had this dream... where you... you were... and he was..." Billy looked around the room, expecting to see torn wrestling singlets scattered everwhere.

"Do you know what happened to you?"

"You're the doc! You tell me!"

"Well we need to run some tests... but I believe you may have absorbed... what I mean to say is... some compounds may have entered through your skin and... well..." Kroos gave Billy a long deep look. Billy was so close to his face he could see Kroos' pupils dilate and tighten several times. That was when Billy smelled it! A combination of Kroos' sweat and... cum!

"Was it real?" Billy struggled to his feet, almost toppling in the process.

Kroos was half-supporting him as he did. Billy looked down at their fronts. His shorts were sticky and cooling. But Kroos' pants! There was an unmistakeable spot no bigger than a dime just to the right of his fly. Billy yelled,

"Damn, I didn't dream it!"

"Dream what?"

"You and the coach! It really happened, didn't it?"

"What happened?"

"You were wrestling and then you... you fucked him!"

"Billy you know that is highly improbable..."

"Maybe... okay... but I gotta go home. I don't feel well" Billy looked around at the room, noticing it was more of a mess than he remembered "can I clean up-- "

"I will finish cleaning up. You are right; it would be best if you went home and rested. It is late..."

Kroos was very helpful, getting Billy's jacket and helping him to the door of the exam room. Billy started to get the idea he was getting the bum rush, and Kroos wanted him out of there fast. He was half way out the door when he turned back one last time. Sitting on the exam table, atop the crumpled sheets, was a still camera.

Next: Chapter 50

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