The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Nov 10, 2006


"Joel! Joel! Are you all right?" Joel came to with Kroos yelling beneath him. As soon as he was conscious his dick was on fire. He pulled his half-hard from Kroos' ass and dashed to the bathroom. This time the cold shower took longer but finally he was clean.

Joel raced back to the bed, but Kroos was lying there peaceful. And it looked like somebody had beaten his ass with a paddle. The white ass was blotched red, his puckering hole swollen like a donut. Joel started to untie the knots, but they were wet and tightened to the point of impossibility. He pulled the knife from the floor and before Kroos could panic managed to cut the rope from his right wrist. It took a few seconds before the other three were cut. Kroos' hands were numb so Joel had to work the ropes off his wrists and ankles. All the while he worked, Joel was braced for Kroos to sucker-punch him, but Joel guessed his hands were out of commission.

Joel watched Kroos roll on the bed until he was sitting up, rubbing the circulation back into his hands and wrists. He knew what was coming next.

"Thank you... I guess" Kroos was looking at his hands but talking to Joel. Joel literally fell out of the bed! Of all the things that happened to him that day this was the most flabbergasting! That was impossible!

"WHAAAAAA?????!?!?!" Joel rolled to his feet, the squashed container of lube glued to his ass "doc?!!?!"

"Come with me" Kroos lowered himself onto the floor, his legs a bit unsteady under him "we both need a shower" he wobbled a bit, grabbing onto Joel. Kroos looked back at the bedroom. It looked like someone had staged a wrestling match and trampoline exhibit combined on the bed. Even Joel looked shocked.

Once they were in the shower, rinsing and scrubbing all the sweat and slime off Kroos - and out of Kroos - he finally opened up. He explained to Joel his explanation, or more of a theory really, about the interaction between the ingredient in the gel and some component of semen. Or maybe it was only certain guys, he could not tell. But he had found the secret that had eluded them so far. He explained that one of the problems with the gel is the violent reaction some patients had to it, but the docs were unable to find a counter-action to it. And no they were not about to have Joel fuck every guy who had the reaction. Joel made a point of looking very disappointed. Kroos gave him a friendly punch, then did something even worse! He leaned over and kissed him! Right there in the shower. At first Joel was too shocked to respond. But when his brain cells kicked in he started kissing back. Hard. And the two of them were wrapped around each other tight like that when the warm water finally gave out and they had to bolt out of the tub before they turned to frozen blue penguins.

After they dried off, sharing the last towel, they returned to the living room.

"So I suppose I should let you go..." Joel could not look at him, too many emotions were colliding inside his overstuffed brain. Another shock when Kroos came up behind him and said,

"No, unless you truly want me to."

"You mean... I mean..."

"A deal is a deal" Kroos kissed him again "you say I do, remember?" Kroos lowered his eyes "unless you..."

"Shit no!!" Joel pushed him away and held him at arm's length "you ain't shittin me are you?"

"I remember the deal was you have me until Monday morning" Kroos stood there looking beat "unless you..."

"Not a chance" Joel grinned like he knew he was not really deserving this "you mean it?"

"Yes...sir" Kroos cocked his head.

"Okay..." he looked around the room, waiting for someone to burst in and tell him it was all a joke, it was over, you can go home now "oKAY!"

"What do you want me to do?" Kroos assumed parade rest, arms behind him.

"Hell for starters" Kroos looked at the bedroom behind him "we gotta clean that up!"

"Yessir!" and the two of them went to work, making it fit for human habitation again. Joel made a point of cleaning all the "toys" and putting them away. Kroos got busy changing the sheets and tossing the bits of rope scattered everywhere. In a short time the room was a bedroom again. Kroos jumped into bed like a kid on the first day of vacation.

"Where do you want me?" Kroos stood there looking a bit sheepish.

"Right here next to me idiot!" and Kroos let himself down on the bed next to Joel.

"And...?" Kroos lay there on his back.

"Stud?" Joel leaned over and looked at him "there's one more thing..."

"What?" Kroos leaned forward "more pictures?"

"No" Joel almost felt indignant at the suggestion "I know I'm gonna wake up tomorrow back in my own pad, the dream over, so..."

"What must I do?" but Kroos did not sound upset, "what? Is it something... bad?"

"Last request - I mean, no request - for tonight."

"What is it Joel?" Kroos' face had fallen. Oh no here it comes, he thought.

"I want you to.." Joel's hand roamed down Kroos' front until it came to his cock "fuck me with this."


"Yeah stud" Joel rolled onto his stomach "fuck me Kroos."

"No Joel I can't!"

"Why not?" Joel turned to face him "you blown too many loads already? It's not that green shit - "

"No Joel!" Kroos grabbed him by the face "not that. I mean..." he grabbed his cock "this would rip you open, that would - "

"Fuck..." Joel almost laughed and rolled onto his stomach again "dude if you can give it I can take it..."

"No Joel it would not be - "

Joel rolled back and gave him his best mean look "I say, you do. Got it?"


"Got it?" hiding his smile was the hardest part "oh and Kroos, spare me the green shit okay?" and he spread his legs, opening his crack for him.

Kroos looked down at the willing ass and started rubbing his hands up and down the warm cheeks. He felt a deep groan escape from the bottom of Joel's lungs. This was not what he had been expecting but by this point he was past the point of arguing. So he found the lube - the regular lube - where Joel had placed it, and started working one of his stubby fingers into Joel's hole. He was a bit surprised by what he found.

"Joel... why is your..."

"Yeah..." Joel was pushing back to work Kroos' finger deeper into him "yeah, get me nice and open for that monster dick of yours - "

"But Joel... it feels like... "

"Sorry Kroos but it ain't no cherry" Joel twisted around to look at him "someone already beatya to it today - "


"Yeah... some of the - I mean somebody gave me a good riding today. But it won't be nothin like this" Joel started massaging Kroos' cock "can do to a guy... right?"

Joel found the lube and started lubing up Kroos' cock as Kroos started working two then three fingers into Joel's stretching hole. As much as Kroos was approaching this with a bit of hesitation, it did not take long for Joel to have Kroos' cock lubed and hard. When he did, Joel went back onto his stomach, his ass pointing skyward.

"Joel if you have already... I mean if someone already penetrated you today - "

"Y'mean if some dude already fucked me, yeah they did. But that ain't got nothin t'do with this...okay?"

"I meant if you are still sore there from - "

"Fuck... yeah I'm sore" Joel was pushing back hard on Kroos' three fingers "but if I wouldn'ta gotten fucked by Sou - I mean some guy - there's no way I woulda been loose enough for you."

"Joel maybe this is a - "

"I'll decide that" Joel gave a hard shove back onto Kroos' hand, almost forcing it to the knuckles "oh... fuuuuuuck yeeeeaahhh..."

"Maybe we could wait - "

"Fuck wait! I say, you do. Now throw that dick of yours where it'll do the most damage!"


"Do it Kroos!"

But Kroos slowly removed his slippery fingers, closely examining Joel's stretched and swollen ring. He brought his slick dickhead up to Joel's crack and almost gasped when he leaned back, forcing the head to pop into him. Joel let out a gasp!

"Joel wait!"

"Fuck wait!" and Joel leaned back again, and this time the head stayed lodged in him "oh... fuuuuccck yeeaaah..."

When Kroos sensed that Joel was getting accustomed to the wide head in him, he slowly started a steady pressure. Again he was amazed when the business end slid in with minimal resistance until almost the whole cock was buried in Joel's reddened ring. A series of animal noises was coming from the hot sweaty body underneath him. At one point Kroos tried to pull out, thinking Joel was in pain, only to feel Joel's hands reach behind him and grab his ass, holding him in place. So after several minutes, Kroos came to the decision he had hit bottom.

Kroos lay there, with his dick completely stuffed into Joel's butt, not moving a muscle. As much as he tried to drive the thought out of his head, he realized that finally getting to fuck one of his teenaged patients, one of his wrestling team "experiments" was doing quite a number on the nerve endings of his cock. He looked down at where his cock disappeared into that big muscular ass, and he knew this was one of the most intense experiences he would ever have. Almost by itself his cock started a steady pistoning in and out of Joel's ass. At first he feared he had gone too far, that he was hurting the kid, but when he found Joel's prostate, and Joel let out such a wild groan, he knew he could not stop if he had to!

"Like that?" Kroos felt the rocking of the bed beneath them as he started slamming his full weight into Joel, their bodies rocking hard into the mattress "that what you want? You want me to fuck you hard like that?"

"Oh fuck yeah" Joel could do little more that lie there, as Kroos' body kept slamming down on him. His guts felt like they were trying to make room for a goddamn Buick down there, and when the baseball bat started drumming into his prostate he started seeing lights fill the room, "yeah stud, slam my hole, fuck me harder!"

But Kroos slowed down, knowing he could keep this up for hours if he wanted. After all the orgasms so far, he was now at his plateau, where he could keep screwing this kid til dawn if that's what he wanted. And that's just what he seemed to want. And Kroos was more than happy to comply. If this kid is going to order me to fuck him silly, then I will just have to fuck him silly. Doctor's orders, he thought.

So Kroos kept up a steady deep plunging for what seemed like an hour. Slowly he began to sense his cock was enjoying this too much, and if he kept it up he would have to add another ejaculation to the steadily growing list for the evening. So he slowed his rhythm, reducing his depth to barely grazing Joel's knob.

"Oh man..." Joel grunted out between sobs "man don't stop..."

"I may be getting very... close..." Kroos was almost biting his lip to slow down the increasing sensation in his crotch.

"Yeah... fuck me... lemme feel ya cream my guts..." Joel was squirming around, but there was little room to squeeze his hand under his belly "wait!"

"What? Are you okay?"

"Lemme turn around" Joel was forcing his ass back, trying to make some room "lean back a bit, but don't pull outa me..."


"I couldn't stand t'feel that thing pull out, I'd lose it I swear..."

After a while Kroos figured out what Joel had in mind. He rocked back, pulling Joel's hips with him, until they were both on their hands and knees.

With a bit of maneuvering, Kroos rocked back until he was almost sitting, Joel still pinned to him crotch. As he leaned back, Joel managed to spin around, until they were face to face, with Kroos' cock still inside him. With Kroos' arms behind Joel's back, he lowered him back down to the bed. Joel got his knees over Kroos' shoulders, just in time to feel Kroos give a deep lunge, burying his cock back to the hilt. Joel lay there, nowhere to go, almost bent in two. Now he could feel the top of Kroos' cockhead banging into his prostate from a more serious angle. And now he had room to reach down and wrap his greasy hand around his cock.

It was a long hard race for both of them, but Joel's cum blew out of him first. He pumped his load onto his shiny stomach, spasming like the end of the world was crashing into their building. And the contractions on Kroos' cock were the final punishment and it was maybe another minute or two before he was slamming and blasting his load deep inside of Joel. Kroos leaned forward and plastered a deep wet kiss onto Joel's gasping mouth. And that's how they stayed until Kroos' slowly deflating slab of numb rubber hose started sliding from Joel's greased hole.

"No... don't pull out..."


"I want to fall asleep like this... with your cock in me..."

"Joel we cannot..." Kroos pulled out with a soft wet pop "we are a sweaty greasy mess..."

"I don't care" Joel looked down at their midsections but had to agree. He smiled and shook his head "okay maybe a little..."

They took a brief shower, the warm water quickly exhausted. Instead of towels they dashed back to the bed, drying themselves on each other and the sheets. Before long they were dry - relatively - and back in an intertwined spoon. Before Joel could think of the next punishment they were both dead to the world.

But the world was not dead to them...

Next: Chapter 64

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