The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Mar 12, 2007


Disclaimer/Reminder: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional occurrences. It contains sexual acts between males in high school as well as with males beyond high school age. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy. Emails expressing interest or wishing further information can be sent to:

Note: All names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent. The state in which the story originally happened - coincidentally - has a legal age of sixteen; the "fictionalized" location does not. Also descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional due to story restraints. You understand you are reading a work of fiction; behave accordingly. Again, do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations or activities which can be classified as bdsm. Finally, thanks to all you loyal readers who have stuck with this story through thick and thin.

Chapter Eighty-Nine

Sunday August 11

"Scientists are mired in respectibility. Does it not

penetrate their skulls that some phenomena might only

occur once? Or at a certain pattern in time - only every

third Tuesday, etcetera.

And they have an insatiable appetite for Data: 'More data!'

they scream 'and nothing anecdotal.' (This may be the

only data in some cases.

'Not conclusive!'

Is anything ever?"

William Burroughs Dec 16, 1996

All throughout the evening Billy had little problem showing off his dick to the cameras and anyone else who wanted a look. Hell, after everything that had happened this summer, this little amateur show was the least of his worries. And besides, he could practically hear the helicopters circling by now. This is all about to come to a big fucking end, he told himself. And when it does all these sleezos behind all this shit are going to fuckin prison! But the thought of the two docs in jail made him more than a little uncomfortable. After all both of them had always been nice to him. Shit more than nice! he thought, his hand on his cock, remembering where he was, but the rest of the kitchen help was too busy with the late-night crowd.

After that first time at the docs' office, after his first "exam", when he threw a hardon right in front of the doc, he knew it could have gone real bad real fast. But when the doc just looked at him and told him everything was going to be fine, he felt this gigantic weight come off his shoulders, all his guilt and dark anxiety take a few laps around the room then wave adios out the door. And then when the doc not only did not make a big thing about it, but continued his exam like this was almost par for the course, even making a point of complimenting Billy on his sexual equipment and even encouraging him to relax and "let nature take its course", Billy knew his big hairy monster secret was not going to grab him by the ankles and mop the floor with him! His mega-secredt would not destroy him after all. So when the doc's exam caused him to get more and more turned on and when his surging hormones just ran wild all over and caused him to blow like a huge week's worth of cum all over the poor doc's immaculate white table, Billy knew he blew it, more ways than one But when the doc chuckled and congratulated him, Billy probably passed out. To this day he had a hard time convincing himself he didn't really totally black out. He could reconstruct the part where he saw the doc's face circling his head then the ceiling and floor were switching places, but how he ended up flat on the table after that, he had not a clue. Very odd it was, and he worried about it for a few days, that is until the doc told him to come back in for his results. Uh-oh, he thought, here's where the jack-in-the-box leaps out and grabs him by the balls and it all blows up in his sick little face. But he dragged himself back to the doc's, not sure why his dad was showing like zero concern with Billy's nervousness after that first visit. And when Billy returned and then saw the doc's new assistant, he almost turned and ran out of that room down the stairs down the street without stopping til he was half way across the lake! Even fully dressed, Billy knew the new guy was like the most intensely masculine studly hunk he had ever let his eyes steal a furtive glance at. And shit, had he been stealing looks! And when the doc told him the big stud would be the one doing his exam, Billy did all he could to babble his way out of it, trying every stunt and trick, but no way would they give in to him. And when the doc left the two alone, Billy saw the walls spin once or twice before crashing down around his ears. Like no fuckin way could he get out of his clothes with this stud in the same room! Like no fuckin way could he keep his dick down in front of this guy! So when things got to the put-up-or-shut-up stage, Billy was almost in tears. Kroos could tell Billy was freaking big time so when he left the room for Billy to undress, it was a small temporary truce. But by the time Billy was clutching nothing but those two paper gowns, feeling the room get real real warm like all the air was being sucked out, he felt himself getting that familiar star-spangled vertigo episode starting all over again.

So when Kroos returned, his white labcoat left behind, his big hairy arms stretching the sleeves of his polo shirt, Billy could do nothing but watch the birdies as the floor and ceiling did that spin again. And when Kroos finished the exam, as naked as Billy was, Billy knew his life from that point on was going to be unrecognizable to the kid who came in for his tests earlier, and the rest of the summer was going to be like nothing he could even imagine. But standing in the kitchen, watching the staff fly around him like he wasn't even there, Billy knew that everything up to tonight was just the dress rehearsal; now the real show was beginning and damn! he was not allowed to be there! He wanted to run back there and find Hank but he had strict orders not to budge. And when Klu and then Ern appeared next to the dishwashers as well, Billy could only hope they knew what the hell they were doing. But this was not where he wanted to be when it all hit the fan.

Joel and Mister Doughboy were dancing through the dressing room when the cops burst in. Joel took one look at the blue uniforms, screamed like his voice never changed and tried to break for another exit when Doughboy lunged after him and grabbed him by the arm. For a round guy he could move fast when need be.

"Stop right there son" he pulled Joel off his feet, spinning him around, no mean feat with someone of Joel's bulk "you aren't going anywhere!"

"Lemme go! COPS!" Joe screamed loud enough to alert his friends on stage but by that point more cops were tumbling through the door and the stage as well.

"You okay with that one... chief?" the sargeant asked Doughboy, trying not to be distracted by the supervisor's state of undress "we could--"

"ForGET him!" the sup yelled "get THE RINGLEADERS! They're the ones we're after!"

Joel stopped struggling, a look of baffled panic in his face as he stared at his hairy friend. He could not get the words out,

"B-b-b-but you... you were..."

"Relax kid" the sup let him go "find some clothes and get dressed if you can" and he was through the door onto the stage with the last of the blue conga line.

Joel found clothes, some his and some who knows? and got dressed in maybe thirty seconds. He was looking around for some place to flee but there was that one cop at the door watching his every move. No escape for Boner Boy, Joel thought, then a hunch hit him. It might work, might not. But better he play his last Club than... so with the cop all but shadowing him, Joel went into the "office" set up towards the back of the dressing room and found what he was looking for. He grabbed as many of the papers as he could and bolted around the corner -- around the fake wall -- to the shower area, clutching the papers like they were a football and he was going for the winning homecoming touchdown. The cop was after him in a flash but Joel knew his defensive moves. The dodgy escape was almost that easy!

Joel was half-sliding half-cartwheeling across the slippery floor trying to take in the chaos around him. When his eyes adjusted to the bright glare from the stagelights askewed here and there he saw cops and more cops! fuck there were cops everywere, rounding up everyone whether they were dressed or not, trying to cluster them into manageable groups back where the folding chairs once formed neat lines. Even with all the bright houselights turned on, Joel noticed in all of two seconds the two "Misters" were not in those groups! What the fuck was going on?

Juan crouched there half-buried in Kroos' ass when the lights came on and there were cops pouring onstage. At first he was too shocked to move, but Kroos did the moving for all of them. He was off Mort's dick and uncoupled from Juan before the two braver cops grabbed him. He was screaming something in some language Juan did not understand when he felt someone grab him from behind and try to handcuff him. Without thinking he cold-cocked the dude and was taking another swing when he went down in a heap of blue uniforms. By the time Juan was yanked to his feet he had four cops busy but his hands behind him were solidly cuffed. The cop he decked was reading him his rights and would have sucker-punched him in the gut had his buddies not been holding him back.

"Who's in charge here? Who's in charge here?" Willis was on his feet, yelling over the thousand voices, his booming bass thunderclapping through the chaos. Two cops were ready to wrestle him to the ground but Big Hank kept yelling at them "he's a cop you idiots!" while trying to sandwich himself between Willis and the nearest cop with the handcuffs. The older cop could do little but stand there and laugh at Willis, looking at the big black dude in nothing but his white briefs, his hardon stretching the stained front.

"Cop? Yeah he sure looks like some kinda cop" as his partner tried to grab Willis by his arm.

"I ain't police" he grabbed the cop back, forcing him to consider his recklessness "I'm..." he lowered his voice, not that anyone could hear him over the noise "I'm FBI. Now who the fuck's in charge of this shit?"

"You?" the younger cop looked at Willis then at Big Hank "you FBI? You shittin me right?"

"No he ain't!" Big Hank was looking around the room, noticing two gentlemen very conspicuous by their absence "fuck! They're GONE!"

"Who?" Willis looked around "FUCK!" he yelled "you two morons so busy busting us you let the real criminals get away!"

"What are you two talking about?" the older cop yelled over the noise, then at Big Hank "you FBI too?"

"Fuck no" Willis broke free, looking through the room trying to find the officer in charge "he's assisting me! Now you take me to your chief now! if you know what's good for you!"

"Where is Harrington?" the younger one looked at the older, not sure what to do now.

"There he is" the older one grabbed Willis, more carefully this time "come with me... sir" he said, the last word more of a question directed at Willis' crotch.

He pulled Willis -- with Big Hank in tow -- over to that fifty-something year old salt-n-pepper-haired man by the console almost throttling the poor bastard running it.

"Sir there's somebody here--" the older cop started.

"Walter Willis FBI Special Branch" Willis extended his hand to Harrington, who turned to him with more anger than shock "you in charge of this whole fiasco?"

"Did you say FBI?" Harrington tossed the console operator into the hands of one of his less-gentle officers "you telling me you really FBI? So Mister Dick-Half-Out-Your-Fly, where's your goddamn badge?"

"Back there in my pants" Willis glared at him "I was getting--"

"Maybe you shoulda kept that in your pants as well" Harrington pointed at Willis' bulge. Several of the cops broke into laughter.

"While your officers were wasting all our time totally screwing up this crime scene ruining evidence roughing up the victims of this circus" Willis gave the older cop no more than a cursory glance "the real culprits are half-way to Chicago by now--"

"Who are you talking about?" Harrington looked at Big Hank again "you look familiar, you FBI too?" he asked his crotch "funny-ass uniforms you two're sporting."

"No he ain't" Willis looked around and spotted Mort pinned against the lockers by two -no three! -- men in blue "but we ain't needing to be tell you that's the one we better to be talking to" and just like that he pulled away from the older cop and went over to where Mort and Bernan were now flashing the latest fashion accessories on their wrists.

"Okay where are they?" Willis barked at Mort "where'd they go?"

"Who?" in spite of his undressed state, Mort was in no mood to cave in. He had his eyes on Big Hank's "friend" all evening so this new development was tiresome in its predictability.

"Your friends" Willis heard Harrington come up behind him fast "you know Mister Johnson? Mister Jones? Smith?"

"So Chief am I under arrest?" Mort tried to lift his arms, showing his cuffs "or is this part of the show too?"

"You better believe it" Harrington re-claimed his authority "YOU ARE ALL under arrest" he announced to the room.

"Why?" Brian materialized next to Joel waiving papers "we ain't done nothing wrong?"

"You are all under arrest for Lewd and Lascivious for starters" he looked at Joel closely "and Contributing to Delinquency of Minors--"

"I ain't no minor. I'm eighteen" Joel threw back in his face.

"Even if you are that ain't old enough to--"

"And we all got parental permission!" Brian pointed at the papers Joel was clutching like his "get out of jail free" cards. They were the bogus "contracts" they all signed before, but they were more an informal agreement than an actual contract "see even my dad signed it!" Joel looked at Big Hank, who caught him slip with the word "even". Willis looked at they two like they were nuts.

"Too bad cause you're all going to jail" Harrington announced to the group "now you are under arrest and anything you say.." looking at Mort.

"Even me?" from the doorway to the shower area. Coming through the opening followed by two cowering officers was mister Doughboy, back in pants the shirt not yet buttoned.

"Sir!" Harrington saluted, then gulped and almost lost his balance "what are you--"

"Harrington you idiot! You were supposed to maintain your perimeter until ordered otherwise, Captain" mister Doughboy was controlling his growing anger with practiced reserve "who gave the order to --"

"I did sir" Harringon was crumbling fast "there were customers approaching some of our men, complaining about suspicious--"

"Suspicious? Suspicious?" Doughboy was beat-red now "that's the least of what --"

"And who are you again?" Willis looked at him "besides of the buckass naked stars of this little--"

"Shut yer mouth" he wheeled on him "I don't care if you are FBI, DHS, CIA or NSA! I'm still in charge here" he thrust out his chest, buttoning it in the process "District Commander-in-Chief Harry Connors" he glared at Willis "and until you tell me what your orders are, I'm running this fucking free-for-all" he turned back to Harrington "and you can start undoing the damage you have done here tonight by geting your officers to obtain sworn statements from everyone here. You" he turned to the older cop "can help and I'm telling you right now the only ones I want arrested are the owner, Mort Muskowsi here, the doc, Doctor Kruuslisklivic, our friend with the headphones running the console there" he turned back to Willis "and you, Mister Federal Jurisdiction, you think it's too late to put out roadblocks to find our two hosts? Now that Harrington here" he glared at his sub-ordinate "let them slip through our 'air-tight' perimeter?"

"Sir I didn't mean--"

"You didn't mean to let them get away but they did" he went over to the console, where they had handcuffed the two cameramen as well "okay you two -- wait there were three! Where's the third guy?" he looked around "where's your friend? The one with the hand-held?"

The two cameramen shrugged and looked at each other. They knew they were busted but they weren't going to make their noose any tighter.

"Find the other cameraman" Harry yelled at the nearest cops "Mort here will let you know if there are suddenly more cooks in that kitchen than there were five minutes ago" they looked at him with blank expressions "move it! Take him with you" pointing at Mort "meanwhile these are being seized as evidence" and Harry went to where the cassette tapes were being collected and started to bag them. At the same time he went back to his locker and started throwing his disposable cameras into his grip bag, looking around for the fourth, most recent one, but that one eluded his search.

"Those are state's evidence now" Willis tried to intervene but Harry gave a look at Willis state of undress and laughed.

"First why don't you go find that badge of yours Special Agent Willis and then we will sort this all out" Harry looked at him, then turned to Harrington "and you, you are dismissed."


"Dismissed Captain" and he started going from group to group, trying to bring some semblance of order to the mess Harrington had created.

Billy sat in the squadcar shitting bullets. He knew he had been doing nothing more incriminating than trying to start a food fight with Moose and Doug when the cops burst into the kitchen. It was almost comic the way half the kitchen staff tried doing the forty-yard dash out the back door when they saw the uniforms, but when more cops poured in from that direction as well, it escalated into a bilingual free-for-all, Klu and Doug trying to use the distraction to hide in the walk-in freezer before two cops grabbed them as well, convincing them that option was not their brightest moment. But when Mort and more officers came into the kitchen doing a rapid head-count, Billy knew his number was up; he was busted and there was nothing he could do about. So when the guys were separated and assigned their own "escort", Billy expected to be cuffed and read the riot act. But they guy almost acted like those rent-a-cops he noticed at school last year, all bluster but no backbone. And the guy was spending more time talking to his earpiece than Billy, his expression changing every time. What could Billy do but start confessing to everything he could think of, everything but what was actually going down that is. Billy knew this needed to be his best academy-award performance and damn if he had not been practicing for this all summer!

So Billy sat in the front seat, sweating buckets. At least he was in the front seat and not in the back wearing a straightjacket but shit! Once they got home his mom would have a fuckin heart attack. Then his dad! Oh shit!

He sat there trying to ignore the sideways looks the cop kept shooting him ever since they got on the highway heading east. Fuck, what with all that had been happening all summer he knew something like this was bound to happen sooner or later. But cops? Like a million cops fuckin everywhere? When Hank told him he was bringing "someone" with him earlier in the evening, Billy just assumed it was a new "friend". And yeah, the thought of Billy being pushed to the curb by Hank's new fuckbuddy had crossed his mind.

But Hank assured him several time that was not the case. And when Billy saw Willis he knew for damn sure that was not the case! The guy was huge and yeah he had cop written all over him. Hank told him everything was cool, just stay out of the line of fire okay? But Billy being Billy spent too much valuable time wiggling and dodging all night conning him to believe he would be better on stage in case anything got "y'know like dangerous or if they got y'know like violent with Kroos okay? I'll yell for you if I see so much as a drop of blood okay?" They went back and forth each one thinking they had convinced the other. And look what happened.

Now Billy was sitting there on the cold vinyl seat cursing the fact he was so fuckin argumentative! He should have realized that Hank bringing a fucking cop! would mean something was going down. Something big and ugly! So he spent as much time on stage as he could but when things started getting all screwed up, first sticking to their script then not, then Kroos getting double-fucked for the whole world to see, Billy thought he better see what was happening backstage. Yeah, he left the stage and walked right into a fuckin oncoming train!

"You really eighteen?" the cop asked Billy, one eye glued to the road one on Billy.

"Yeah... why?"

"You sure as hell don't look it."

"I'm... small for my age."

"What's your weight class?"

"What???" Billy snapped to attention fast "my what?"

"Weight class" the cop turned slightly "what you wrestle at?"

"Shit..." Billy realized swearing at a cop was not a smart move. But right now that was the least of his worries "I mean... how do you -- I mean what makes you think -- "

"Billy Herms" the cop continued, maybe slowing down a bit "Joe Herms your dad. You go to North, and no you ain't started senior year, so if you're all of seventeen I'd be surprised. Unless you skipped a grade" the cop continued "I saw you pin that Simpson kid last year, that was one of your better nights."

"You were there?"

"You bet" the cop continued "I always follow the crappers."

"Fuck..." Billy slumped in his seat "just my luck to get my ass arrested by a ex-minnow."

"Once a minnow always a... miner" he corrected himself "name's James" he took his right hand off the wheel towards Billy.

"My name's 'fucked'" Billy shook back "sorry..." turning red in the darkness.

"It's okay Billy" James corrected him "I ain't gonna add swearing to your rapsheet."

"Not will all you got already I guess not..." Billy looked out the window, hoping they could get home and get this lynching over with.

"You really got an eyeful I imagine" James started cautiously "a young kid like you..."

"Yeah you could say that."

"Sorry" James slowed down as they started to approach the city limits, a bit more traffic appearing.

"Nothin t'be sorry about..."

"Yeah but a young kid like you -- "

"I ain't a kid! I'm eighteen--"

"Yeah and I'm the mayor!" James almost chuckled "but still... some of that shit -- sorry -- some of that stuff must have been pretty raunchy pretty disgusting to watch..."

Billy knew enough to keep his mouth shut at that point. He was not going to help the cop dig his grave right then. After all he had volunteered back at Mort's it would be pointless if not suicidal.

"And I been hearing things last couple of months about -- "

"Things?" Billy sat up fast "what things?"

"I can't talk with you about that, you're a minor!"

"I'm a crapper remember?" Billy tried the joke, and was surprised to see James laugh.

"Right, y'got me. Okay, well whatever, you're too young to discuss those things with."

Billy saw that crack forming in the wall and needed to see if his finger could fit,

"You too, you musta been really grossed out by whatever, y'know, whatever y'been hearing about, right?"

"Grossed out?" the cop continued into town, and found the turn for Billy's house. Billy slumped down seeing how the cop knew his whole life, including where he lived even "naw, can't say grossed out. More shocked than grossed out."

"Shocked?" Billy saw they were maybe five minutes from his moment of total meltdown "how?"

"Well all this stuff was going on right UNDER OUR DAMN NOSES" James made the second turn like clockwork "all the stuff at the doc's and at the gym-- "

"Gym!?!?!?!" Billy almost gave himself whiplash "what gym?"

"Shit" the cop swore then caught himself "sorry about that. Did I say gym?

I meant you can call me Jim. Okay?"

"No you said at the gym. G-Y-M, okay?" Billy looked at him "I know about the stuff at the doc's but what--"

"You do?" James stopped hard at the stop sign. Billy was glad he was wearing the obligatory seatbelt "how?"

"Long story short ride."

"How do you know about--"

"Okay Jim I'll tell ya some stuff about the docs' you sure as hell don't know if ya tell me about this gym" Billy knew he was already condemed, so why bother playing cautious now. He wiggled his second finger into the crack.

"You know I can't do that. These are police matters."

"So where were you policemen when I -- " but Billy cut himself off. Talk about baiting the hook and almost letting it slip away.

"When what?"

"You know all about the experiments and the cum studies, why you askin me?" Billy was getting brain all overheated again. Maybe it was seeing their house at the end of the block.

"You mean this stuff at the restaurant tonight was not your --"

"Maybe, maybe not" Billy was gambling fast "so back to this gym... Jim. Tell me about that and why you ain't disgusted when you heard about guys getting into all this kinky sex shit..."

James got real quiet as they pulled up in front of the Herms residence. He looked at Billy,

"Sorry, but we gotta do this."

"First, the gym."

"I can't talk to you about this. But what were you doing at the doctor's office."

"Getting an exam" Billy was going to draw this out as long at needed. If they were still there when the sun came up, all the better "y'know for the wrestling season? Like starting Monday?"

"But school doesn't start until--"

"But training camp starts Monday" Billy started chewing his finger, stealing occasional glances at Jim now and again, hoping for some reaction. But Jim sat there keeping both hands on the top of the wheel, memorizing the dark street in front of them, the carlights and engine off, the sounds of crickets and their breathing growing louder "or it was supposed to anyway."

"So you just went to the doctors for a check-up. What's the deal with that?"

"Well... Jim..." Billy knew he could do this blindfolded in any other situation, but right now he was so flustered it would be his second best performance of the evening "guess there are exams...and then there are 'exams' you could say."

"What does that mean?"

"You ever gone to the docs -- any docs -- for a physical?"

"Hell yeah" Jim turned and shot Billy a nasty look "all cops gotta go every year, it's mandatory."

"And nothing... y'know weird ever happen?"


"You tellin me y'never got boned... or worse?"

"Kid you got balls!" Jim shook his head not smiling.

"For a crapper y'mean."

"No, for a fifteen year old kid. Doesn't all this stuff freak you out?"

"Not any more..." Billy tried the third finger "not after what happened when I got my physical" Billy sat there, seeing if the guy would take the bait. His life hung in the balance and all Billy could do was chew his finger.

"W-w-what... happened...?"

"Well y'know y'gotta get naked right?" Billy saw the hook sink into Jim deep, now it was a matter of reeling him in very very slowly and very very carefully "sitting there in that damn tissue paper gown."

"Yer damn ass hanging out..." Jim's grip on the wheel tightening.

"Yer bare ass sticking to the damn table, yer dick and balls all crinkling and wiggling, then the blood starts pumpin to your croth..."

"Yeah sitting there..." Jim starting to flush, glad it was too dark to notice "not sure if..."

"If yer dick was gonna start springing up right then and there right? Nothing lamer than sitting in a damn doctor's office throwing wood..."

"B-but..." Jim's head turning to watch something in his left rear view mirror "but... your a kid... that's..."

"Yeah... horny teenagers always getting boned at the stupidest times... but a big dude like you..." Billy gave the line a tug "getting a boner in front of the doc like a horny kid... that's another thing right?"

"Damn..." Jim gave himself a tug, then realized where he was. He was too mortified to see if Billy caught the move "but... y'know..."

"Bad enough getting all rockhard standing there..." Billy saw the tug but could not see if his captor was tenting or not. Maybe turn on the interior light? Yeah right! "but then the doc does the "brown finger" routine... and you bent over, feeling that lubed thing inside your hole..."

"Stop it!"

"And y'know us kids... it don't take much for us t'start blowing our cum all over the room."


"But when it happened to a grown-up... man... he must want to crawl under a rock y'know? Pumping out his load and all it took was a finger up his ass..."

"Enough okay?" Jim turned to glare at Billy, expecting to see a smart-ass punk kid snearing at him. Instead Billy had his head lowered and eyes closed, but a dramatic stick poking up the front of his shorts.

"And that was just the beginning... okay?" Billy opened his eyes but did not turn "what happened there after that made a simple accident of blowing a load seem like..."


"Seem like childsplay okay?"

"What... what happened?"

"Tell me about the gym..." Billy let out some slack to the line, letting him run for a bit.

"I... I... can't..." his breath getting ragged.

"Gym here? In town?"

"Yeah" again the tug to his pressed pants, this time Billy saw was pushed at the crease.

"Y'mean the Y right?"

"The Y?" both hands back on the wheel "fuck no!"

"But that's the only gym in town."

"Sorry..." Jim was starting to sweat "shouldn't be swearin in front of..."

"Like that's our biggest worry right now..." Billy caught Jim's quick glance, then nodded at his own hardon and then Jim's "so y'tellin me guys been gettin into sex stuff at this gym?"

"Damn..." Jim wanted this to end but in the back of his head was gambling the kid might give him some tips, some useful, career-promoting tips "we can't be talking about... about this stuff."

"I'm guessin..." Billy pulled in more line, feeling less resistance "this gym just for special guys... big, musclehead guys who were not all freaked out about... about maybe doing some stuff either in... or I'm guessin out! of their clothes, right?"

"But you said --"

"And I'm guessin... just guessing okay? some of these guys doing their exercises, some of them bareass naked, some of them pumping up their muscles, and pumping this muscle too" grabbing his cock right there in front of the cop, and yeah Jim noticed. Not that he told Billy to stop, he was too busy swallowing his tongue "and so y'got a bunch of hard dudes, hard-dicked dudes doing their "gym" thing... Jim. And when y'get horny dudes all packed together in one room, all hot and sweaty... well one thing leads to another... and maybe one dude's on his knees, his mouth around another guy's big tool--"

"Stop!" Jim's voice cracked, a strangled gurgle in his tight throat "s-stop..."

"Yeah... dudes blowing each other... some dudes even bending over and taking it up the ass for each other..."

"Okay, we gotta end this right now" Jim had to beat down his dick, not caring if Billy saw it or not "it's late and we need to -- I need to have a talk with your parents about what happened --"

"Or I can tell you what happened at the docs -- what happened when Kroos gave me my next exam -- me naked... yeah, the doc naked too."

"What?!?!" Jim almost dislocated Billy's shoulder he grabbed it so hard.

"Yeah, we're both naked, bareass naked there in the exam room... and fuck probably other dudes watchin through the one-way mirror--"

"What? He made you..." Jim opened the window, the windshield all foggy and steamed. He took in a few gasps of air like he had been holding his breath for hours.

"Nothin that simple... I made... him..."

"You made him?!??! You made him what?"

"So this gym in town..." Billy gave the line a hard tug "you like never... like never went there yourself did you?"

"Not when..." Jim's head started to clear with the fresh air "not... shit! I mean--"

"You were then when guys started getting into it?" Billy was watching him like a hawk now "but you never... y'know... got involved right?"


"Unless you were like... undercover... y'know... gettin evidence like me gettin evidence at the docs' right?"

"You were what?"

"Y'know... doing anything and everything" Billy jacked himself through the material a few times to make his point "to figure out what they were up to. And for a naive little kid like me, it was a real education okay?"

"W-w-what... what'd they make you do?" Jim needed something larger than his hand to cover his crotch. And he could tell the kid was getting an eyeful "they didn't..."

"Naw... nothing like rape or shit... sorry" Billy's lip twisted into a half-smile "no forced sh-I mean stuff. But you can use your imagination... when they saw this teenage kid who was willing -- hell more than willing" Billy expected and got the desired reaction "to do anything and everything they suggested, more than they suggested some nights..."

"You ain't tellin me..."

"Yeah... some nights I came home and it felt like I swallowed a firehose--"


"And some nights... hell I couldn't sit down for a few days..."

"You tellin me..." Jim was not sure if he was more shocked hearing this kid confessing to this, or his own reaction hearing this confession.

"So after doing this sex stuff... and more stuff you can't even imagine --"

"Like what?"

"So you think you stumbling into some dudes at some private gym pumping iron and maybe pumping a few loads can still shock me? Shit, talk about kid's stuff compared to --"

"You are full of shit!" Jim was furious with himself. Here he was sitting listening to this bullshit from this nutcase of a kid making up all this crap just to get him to admit what he and his workout buddies did that night "you making this all up!"

"Like you making up that crap about that gym that don't exist!"

"Oh it exists all right!" Jim would give a million dollars to make his damn hardon go away "it's right there off Union -- shit!"

"Union? On the southside?" Billy almost licked his lips "bull! Nothing down there but a bunch of warehouses and car-repair shops! Yeah and Southside punk asses like that Stan jerk from tonight!"

"Stan? Stan who?" Jim jerked like Billy stabbed him with a lit cigarette.

"Stan somebody from South. Another..." Billy let out the line "another... football player..."

"Plays for South?"

"So he said" Billy tugged again "but not like I believe what anybody says or does from there. Anymore'n I believe this bull about a sex gym on the south side... Jim."

"Damn..." Jim sat there, trying to calm down. Did this Billy kid just make up that name, a lucky guess, a rare hunch? Or did Billy really run into someone named Stan -- please let it be another Stan! -- tonight who said he was from South. And why won't this damn dick go down!

"Yeah damn is right..." Billy thought it time to go for broke "so this... theortical gym... they have... cameras?"

"WHAT?!?!?!" Jim jumped so high he banged his head against the roof "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!?"

"Yup..." Billy let his left hand grab Jim's thigh, enough to feel the heat radiating from the guy like he was going to die from his fever in another few seconds "just like the docs..."

"What do you know--"

"Some guys get all freaked out showin dick for the cameras..." Billy turned over his last card "some guys it's a turn on" and just like that Billy unzipped himself and pulled his hard dick through the fly. He sat there with his dick pointing at the sky, not sure what would happen next. Of all the things he gambled on, he never expected what happened next.

Two blocks down a car slowly passed the intersection. A slight breeze ruffled the hairs on Jim's forearm through the open window, sending the scent of Jim's panic through the interior to Billy's sensitive nose. The cop's sweat reminded Billy he was sitting in a squadcar with a uniformed cop, exposing himself and flirting with arrest. If not a black-eye! Billy kept his hands to his side, waiting, waiting, waiting. But except for the sound of a distant care it was the deadly silence of the early hours of a small town summer night, hot and tense.

"T-t-they..." finally broke the silence after what seemed like hours. Billy did not need to look to know Jim's eyes were on his bare dick "they make you..."

"You make me do... this?" Billy grabbed his bared flesh, then finally turned to look at Jim "you put a gun to my head?"

"Fuck no!" Jim' heart started racing again, just when he thought the fresh breeze was making him think straight again. What the hell was wrong with him? Sitting in his squadcar with some underage kid, some underage exposed cock -- hard cock! -- kid not two feet from him? And his own cock harder than a rock? Was he losing his mind? Did he know he was throwing away his whole career just because this kid was crazy enough to get them both tossed in jail?

"The docs never 'made' me suck off those guys... anymore than you 'made' me expose myself now" Billy wanted to see Jim's hand now "anymore than you suggested I do this" and Billy's hand reached over and felt the hard tube in Jim's pants. It gave a hard lunge up into Billy's palm before Jim groaned,

"No! Stop!" and threw Billy's hand away from his crotch like it had burned him. He could almost smell the smoldering fabric of his pants where Billy had touched his hard desperate dick "and put that away!" not daring to look at Billy's crotch.

"Am I under arrest?" Billy had to push it one way or the other.

"NO!!!!" screamed Jim, almost waking the whole neighborhood. When a dog started to bark he turned to Billy, seeing the whole show in the dim light "now put your cock away! Are you fuckin nuts kid? I'm a police officer! I'm on duty! I could--"

"But you didn't" Billy tugged his cock sideways and managed to put in back inside the fly, and zipped up "guess we gotta get this over with, huh?"

"Yeah... I guess" and when Billy heard those last two words, he knew he had dodged the bullet. At least for tonight.

"I know I know" Billy unbuckled the belt then looked at James "y'know... hell sorry I guess. cause you been a lot cooler then I woulda guessed... for a cop. Sorry we never got to... y'know... about the gym" and Billy opened the car door. When he was standing on the curb he looked back at James, his face now visible under the car light "oh yeah, not forgettin I'm under arrest by a ex-minnow on top of everything."

"You aren't under arrest" James unbuckled and picked up his two-way calling in his location. He got out of the car with his clipboard "and I'll always be a miner" he went over to Billy and started steering him towards the front door, the clipboard almost big enough to hide the slowly decreasing swelling "but about that being buds..." and the porchlight came on! Joe was opening the door, his face a combination of fury and deep deep dread.

"Good evening officer" Joe looked at Billy.

"Good evening Mister Herms" James took off his hat "can we come in?"

"Mom home?" Billy went in fast, imagining his dad slamming the door in the cop's face. Adrenelin does that to me, he thought.

"Yes, asleep" he looked at the cop "what'd Billy do now? What is he accused of?" like this happened every Saturday night.

"Officer Larson" the cop held out his hand as he stepped through the door "James Larson. And it would be best if we could talk somewhere privately."

"Dad it's about what happened at Mort's--" Billy cut in fast. He knew the next few minutes would seal his fate. Seal both their fates. Seal everyone's fate.

"Mort's? What about--" Joe was dumbstruck now.

"Remember? I asked your permission to..." he lowered his voice in case his mom was not that asleeep "to go to the guy thing out there?"

"What? What 'guy thing'?" Joe was running through all the scenarios fast and they all looked like the end of the world.

"Remember? The doc? and Moose and --" Billy was throwing clues out left and right hoping his dad would get the idea before the officer started in. Which he did fast.

"Okay okay, I need to talk with your father now. Just the two of us."

"Is Billy under arrest?" Joe started as fast "who's under arrest?"

"We can discuss that in private" James nodded at Billy.

"Billy go up to your room and leave us alone a while" Joe gave him the most disturbed look Billy had ever seen on his dad's face. That alone drove him from the dining room.

"We can talk outside" Joe led the officer into the kitchen and to the backdoor. He held the door for James, then followed him to the patio. Remembering where their bedroom window was positioned he steered James to a seat at the far side of the pool.

"Hey great pool" James said sitting down.

"Yes, we installed it a few weeks ago" Joe sat down next to him and lowered his voice "but you didn't come here to talk about my pool."

"No Joe. It's what happened tonight-- "

"Is Billy under arrest?" Joe's face was inches from James' now "you better tell me what this is about."

James started a rather rambling, watered-down, detail-omitted version of what he knew about the activities they interrupted at Mort's. When he realized Joe was not shocked as much as he would have suspected, and when Joe's questions started becoming more blunt and graphic, James knew he did not need to mince his words. He described in detail what he did see before the action ended, what was being done to Doc Kroos the others and how everything was being filmed and who was there and how blatantly pornographic! the whole thing was, make no mistake about it.

"And Billy... where was Billy during all this?" Joe managed to get out, fearing the worst, fearing this was it! "was he... was he involved -- "

"No" James said, seeing Joe's face turn white in the dim light "in fact, he was..."

"He was what? What did he do?"

"When we broke up the filming, Billy and..."

"Who was he with?" Joe was not going to tell him anything he didn't know already "was he with Doctor Kroos?"

"Hell no!" James looked almost shocked "I told you, the doctor was on this mock-up stage, and he was... like I said naked and well... being sexually penetrated by some --"

"But not Billy?"

"I am trying to tell you!" James was developing a new concern that Billy's dad knew more about these sexual activities than he would have ever guessed "no! Billy was backstage --- well not backstage exactly... Billy was in the kitchen."

"With who?"

"With...well I can't tell you. Police matters and I -- well I can tell you he was --"

"Was it one of his school mates?"

"No, I cannot tell you that."

"You mean it was an adult?"

"Yes... I mean no" James saw the look on Joe's face. Yeah, dad knows something "but it was nothing exactly clear what his level of involvment was or had been in any of this, or if either one should be concerned about --"

"Then why is he under arrest?" Joe thundered, afraid he just woke his wife, and quickly lowered to a whisper "he is under arrest?"

"Well... technically no" James tried to reassert his authority fast "I imagine some charges will be pressed because he is a minor" James almost smiled at the word" and he seemed to have some level of involvement in some very illegal activity-- "

"But you said he wasn't doing anything!"

"Strictly no" James produced his clipboard "but just by being there, because of his very presence on the premises he is subject to arrest. Then there's this" and James handed over the clipboard with the quasi-"contract" and let Joe look at it "he said you approved of... of his participation" James pointed at the signature, where Billy forged the name "is that your signature?"

"I... ah..." Joe knew he was sunk. If he said yes, he was subject to arrest as well. If he said no, he was damning Billy "this is something for my lawyer I believe-- "

"You don't know if you gave him permission or not?"

"Like I said--"

"Mister Herms" James lowered his voice "we are talking about illegal homosexual activity between adults and minors, and more!"

"Yes James" Joe looked at him, hoping he heard the familiarity "I am fully aware of what you-- "

"So you understand your son may be involved in... Joe there is good indications your son might be gay."

"No might be..." Joe shook his head with frustration "is. James, my son is gay."

"I'm sorry--"

"Sorry?" Joe remembered not to thunder this time "why sorry?"

"Well finding out your son-- "

"I've known -- his mother and I have both known -- for a long time--"

"Doesn't that anger you? Your wife?"

"Why should it?" Joe narrowed his eyes, wary of James' attitude now "you got some problem-- "

"I have no problem if you don't" James stared back "not with him being gay.

But I have a very large problem with him getting mixed up in immoral activities --"

"Immoral? You just said--"

"And illegal on top of that!" James shouted. When Joe shushed him he continued, "do you have any idea what kind of people your son very well might be mixed up with?"

"I know Doctor Kroos" Joe knew there was no point in denying it "and Doctor Reynolds as well. The doc's been our family doc since before Billy was born."

"Then it must be a serious shock that--"

"I was instrumental in getting Billy that job working at the doc's" Joe threw it in his face. There, now deal with it!

"What?!?!?!" James was on his feet "Billy REALLY WORKED THERE?"

"Yes" Joe was calm on the outside, shaking like a leave inside "why?"

"Do you have any IDEA what's been going on there?"

"Do you?" Joe stood up as well.

"Well..." he was having trouble believing any of this now "we have been investigating..."

"Billy would have told me if anything... dirty" Joe gave him back the clipboard "or inappropriate were going on there."

"He didn't say anything about-- "

"Officer Larson" Joe needed to find a phone fast "it's late and I suspect Billy has had a long difficult night. Now unless you are arresting him and booking him at the station tonight, I believe this is something we will have to finalize tomorrow."

"You have been taking this all very calmly" James started to walk down the driveway, not needing to go back to the house. He was telling Joe that Billy was not under arrest "my father would have--"

"Billy is my son" Joe was next to him, and in a swift move put his hand on the officer's shoulder "and I love him -- his mother and I both love him -- very much. And we support him in his... choices. But if anything illegal happened we will be the first ones to press charges. If not, Billy has our total support" he pressed his hand down harder "total... support."

James stood there, the warm hand pressing into his shoulder. At first he suspected Joe was trying to be ever so intimidating, but the way the hand pressed down felt like something else. Then he remembered Billy mentioning being "buds". So what? Now the father is trying to be "buds"? He knew he needed to leave right away. He walked down to the squadcar and did not look back.

Joe was at the phone in the kitchen fast. The second call was to his lawyer, getting him out of bed. But the first call, that had been to the Muskowski household!

Next: Chapter 90

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