The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on May 12, 2007


Disclaimer/Reminder: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional occurrences. It contains sexual acts between males in high school as well as with males beyond high school age. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy. Emails expressing interest or wishing further information can be sent to:

Note: All names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent. The state in which the story originally happened - coincidentally - has a legal age of sixteen; the "fictionalized" location does not. Also descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional due to story restraints. You understand you are reading a work of fiction; behave accordingly. Again, do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations or activities which can be classified as bdsm. Finally, thanks to all you loyal readers who have stuck with this story through thick and thin.

Chapter Ninety-Eight

Tuesday Aug 12

"There sees to be a general agreement amongst

modern evolutionists that before any evolutionary initiative

is provoked there is likely to be a crisis in the environment.

It can be a dramatic change in the climate, a food crisis,

a poisoning of the atmosphere with waste products or some

other drastic upheaval in the planet's ecosystem..."

Yantri "Unknown Man"

Billy awoke to someone knocking at the door. He rolled away from Linc and staggered to the door, tripping on Moose's frame as he did, not that Moose could be awakened by a swift kick even.

"Wha what's going on?" he tried to see the guy's face but it looked like only the emergency lights were on in the corridor "is there a fire?"

"Sssh! Don't say that" the voice was that of that assistant coach, Fletcher? Fleischer? they met at practice that afternoon "we're leaving in a half hour. Get everyone packed up and downstairs in a half hour" and he was banging on the next door "wake up wake up!" he looked back at Billy still standing there "and use the stairs. No elevator."

Billy went back inside and tried the light switch. Sure enough the power was out. Too creepy for words.

"Guys!" Billy yelled "wake UP!"

"What?" Jeff rolled away from Hank "Billy?"

"We gotta be outa here in a half hour. Fletcher's going up and down the hall tellin us t'pack and leave."

"What time is it?" Linc was awake.

"It's still fuckin dark Billy" Jeff looked out the window. There was not the slightest hint of indigo in the sky and even the crickets were silent. Outside the world was dead.

"Is this one of your jokes like last night?" Linc sat up and rubbed his eyes. He adjusted his shorts, the inevitable morning wood. Like these guys would care.

"Sorry that was stupid" Billy tried the bathroom light a futile attempt "but no, I think this is serious. The whole place is outa power."

"Not another power outage" Jeff rustled Hank "wake up bonehead, Billy thinks it's morning."

"What time is it?" came the muffled voice beneath the pillow "I just got to sleep."

"Time to beat Herms to a pulp" Jeff dragged himself to his feet. His "morning" wood was tucked under his waistband before anyone said anything. Like these guys would care.

"Okay Herms then you wake Moose" and Jeff was in the bathroom. When Billy heard the flush he knew at least something was still working. And when the shower came on it sounded like music.

Linc and Hank followed Jeff through the bathroom. Still Billy could not wake Moose.

"Let him sleep he came in late" from Linc.

"Yeah he would sleep through an air raid if you let him" Hank came over and somehow got one eye open. It took three guys to get him on his feet and into the shower. They had seen the Moose club before. No sweat.

It was not easy packing in the dark gloom. Still no light filtered in the window and Billy's flashlight found some smaller important things like keys but when their bags were all packed half the clothes had new owners. But that was a way of life already for guys like Moose and Hank. Billy and Linc promised to go through their stuff again once outside in maybe the early dawn light, since they were about the same size.

The group headed for the door, the hallway already noisy with the late stragglers. By the time Billy convinced them the elevators were fucked and they were down to the parking lot some of the buses had already left. They had to pack in with the baseball players. Linc rolled his eyes but Billy was thankful it was the minnows. Not that the rivalry had flared up again. It just simmered and bubbled below the surface. Something Billy did not need to stir up, or be around when someone else stirred it up. Like Joel for one.

Billy and Linc found seats right away up front, but Moose headed back seeing some guys he knew. Billy looked over the heads and saw him sit down next to Stewart Connors the Third of all people. They were in a fast huddle like old friends. The third guy in their huddle was across the aisle, and tall guy with short light brown hair and shoulders like a football player. Moose waved and Billy sat down across the aisle from Linc. Soon the two seats next to them were taken by guys from the baseball team. Linc exchanged a few words with the guy next to him, somebody Billy might have seen before but was nameless. The guy who sat down next to him was familiar.

"Hey" he said throwing his gripbag into the overhead.

"Hey" Billy nodded back. Friendly so far.

"Damn this sucks."

"No kidding."

"Herms right? Billy Herms?"

"Yeah... Scott right?"

"Scottie yeah we had homeroom together."

"What two years back?"

"Three" Billy smirked "we're getting old."

"Nope, just look it when we gotta get up in the middle of the fuckin night!"

"What happened?"

"Some transformer blew I heard."

"One transformer? And the whole place goes?"

"I don't know ask..." looking around not seen him "Mitch he's the engineer."

"What time is it?"

"I'm guessing around five, maybe earlier.

"We goin home then? Damn this really sucks."

"Home, nope. I heard something about another camp we're going to. We're gonnna join up with Minnesota or something."

"Minnesota? They hate our fuckin guts!"

"Yeah I'm looking forward to it to" watching the last of the stragglers get ushered onto this bus. The bus driver came on - someone different Billy was relieved to notice - sat down and gave the announcement. It was not that dissimilar from what Scottie just said. In no time the bus was moving and they were back on the street, then the road then the highway. Billy was awake long enough to realize they were not returning the way they had arrived.

Billy awoke some time later, his mouth parched and still not clear mentally. He looked around and it was still dark. Billy's stomach told them they had been travelling for hours but it was still dark. So when did they leave? Midnight? He thought the guys had gone to sleep, finally gone to sleep not long after dark, maybe nine? But like Hank muttered it felt like his head had just hit the pillow when the pounding at the door started.

So where the fuck were they? And what time was it?

Billy looked through the back of the bus but there were no lights on. He inched himself over Scott's sleeping knees and headed for the john. No one was awake, not a soul! He pissed in the small bright room, shielding his eyes as best he could. He made sure the light was off before he opened the door, knowing it would wake someone. But even if he set off a firecracker back there no one would have stirred. He crawled his way to the front of the bus and way off to the right he thought he saw the faintest line of blue on the horizon. He made his way to his row then decided to ask the driver. Memories of his weird dream or whatever it was from the previous day returned but he needed to risk a repeat. He found a vacant seat right behind the driver's divider.

"What time is it?" Billy asked his right shoulder.

"What are you doing awake?"

"I.... ah... couldn't sleep" Billy rubbed his eyes and yawned, looking the perfect liar. He thought he heard the air conditioning change its pitch.

"Go back to your seat it's still a long ride."

"To where?"

"To the alternate center."

"Where's that?"

"Another few hours. Now go back to your seat."

"Why all the mystery?"

"You really can't sleep huh?"

"Not really" Billy yawned "why?"

"You must one of the immune ones."

"Immune? To what?"

"Some long rides like this, we sometimes put a mild sedative into the air supply."

"You mean they're all drugged?"

"Not like you are imagining?"

"Look we're all in training! If we got shit - I mean chemicals in our systems then we can wrestle. Or play any sports okay?"

"It's not that kind of substance."

"Then what is it?" Billy was almost as angry as he was sleepy. He could feel something trying to dull his senses but he was determined to fight it.

"A mild sedative."

"Or mild hypnotic you mean" Billy ran through his talks with the Kroos "or soporific" surprising himself he remembered the word.

"You a doctor or something?"

"No" Billy's head was swimming "I just play on on on tele tele vision..."

Billy awoke with Scott's head on his shoulder, or was his on Scott's. Either way he rubbed his eyes and looked out the window. It was gloomy but it was light, a steady rain blotching the window. He sat looking at passing scenery, his stomach growling like crazy. With the heavy clouds it could be any time of the day, but it was day. Billy's nightmare about eternal night faded quickly and then was gone. Scott's heavy breathing next to him was soothing in a way.

He and Scott exchanged maybe more words on the bus than their entire school career. Not that they were enemies, they just traveled in different circles. He thinks he might have dated that Jennie whasername, the friend of his girlfriend Karen a few years back. They may have double-dated even but Billy could not remember. Billy always thought Scott was in band or something, not a sport. Obviously he was a baseball player, a slightly round baseball player. Billy thought of big pudgy Babe Ruth running bases in his slow gallop, imagining Scott doing something similar. He laughed out loud and Scott stirred.

"Wherrerweee..." he slurred still half-asleep.

"Bumfuck nowhere" Billy tried to see a passing sign or two but it was something Falls or something Creek and that could be anywhere "go back to sleep it's still early."

"I'm hungry."

"No shit" then Billy remembered his emergency rations. He ran his hands through his bag beneath his seat praying the Bottomless Moose hadn't found them already. He pulled out a warm bottle of sports drink and an energy bar "here."

"Wow thanks" Scott inhaled half the bottle and most of the bar before he stopped.

"Sorry, it's warm."

"No I mean" handing it back "I can't inhale all of it, I'm not a pig."

"Or a Miner" Billy feared he might be a football player in spite of everything.

"Fuck do I look like a minnow?"

"Do I look like a crapper?" Billy replied.

"Knock it off you wrestlers are cool."

"Tell my coach that."

"Really" Scott "I even go to some of the meets. Even watched you a couple of times."

"Even?" Billy smiled "like there was nothing on tv?"

"Not that I didn't mean that" Scott shrugged "wrestling's cool."

"So why don't you try out?"

"Yeah right, me?"

"Sometimes it's fun" Billy told himself, and this ain't one of them!

"Don't think I'd fit in, y'know?"

"Why not."

"Hard to explain."

"Hard? Like your morning wood?" Billy patted on the leg all innocent.

"Geeez..." Scott turned away and adjusted himself "like that."

"Like what?"

"Like that, always talkin shit like it's no big thing."

"Dude... Scott..."

"Scottie okay?"

"Okay Scottie, it's not a 'wrestler' thing, it's just acting stupid, saying stupid things, doing stupid stuff."


"I don't know" Billy smirked. His mind listed about a thousand things "like what the wrestlers and the minnows do to each other. They fuck with our singlets so the seams rip. We retaliate by putting itching powder in their jocks. It's all bull."

"You really did that?"

"No of course not" Billy punched him "not me, I just heard about it."

"Well it's still weird talkin about stuff like that."

"Like what?"

"Like woodies" looking down at Billy's crotch "or jock itch, or stuff like that."

"Scott y'gotta get out more."

"Maybe" he curled up again "and thanks."

"For what?"

"For feeding the orphan" he closed his eyes "and stuff."

It was hunger more than anything that brought most of the bus awake. Billy was about to enlist Moose to quell the riot when it seemed like the bus was leaving smooth pavement and going onto gravel or something worse. Billy tried to clean the window but all the muck was on the outside. Another fifteen minutes or so and they were on pavement again. Billy saw the signposts of heaven ahead of them. It was a McDonald's!

Rather than stop the bus pulled up in front of the place and several guys ran out with boxes and boxes of stuff. The bus had barely put on its brakes than then door opened and several guys all wearing sunglasses started distributing the boxes a various points in the aisle. They barely made it off the bus alive. Billy and Scott were inhaling breakfast sandwiches and cheeseburgers, Billy only imagining what it must be like on the football bus. Pure carnage.

"Wow talk about service" Scottie was eating sandwiches from both hands "I never- "

"Yeah kinda weird" Billy wiped some catsup from his chin "like call-ahead or something."

"And those dudes? Sunglasses? It's like pouring rain out there!"

"Too many cheap movies I think."

"Y'think?" punching him.

"I think" punching back.

That was good to keep the animals quiet another few hours, Billy sniffing the air for those chemicals. What chemicals? Did he talk to the driver about - oh no it's starting again Herms, he told himself. Before the ether cloud descended he went to the front of the bus, finding a vacant seat on the right side this time. That was odd too.

"Hey" he said to the driver.

"Hi" he said back. Billy watched the road as they approached something like a freeway. But it looked different or something, like they were in England driving on the wrong side of the road. He couldn't put his finger on it until he saw the large signs. He was seeing fuckin Maple Leafs! Were they in fuckin Canada?

"So we're not in the states anymore huh?"

"What?" the bus joined the freeway and headed somewhere to the left "what'd you say?"

"I said this don't look like Minnesota. More like Canada!"

"We're just over the border, right."

"Don't we need shots? Or passports or something?"

"Taken care of" was all he said.

"Like the sedatives in the air vents?" Billy smelled something real fishy now. And it wasn't the MacDonald's grease.

"What sedatives?"

"Thought somebody was talking about how you guys put stuff in the air to keep people asleep. That true?"

"Your friend has a very active imagination" he steered around a few cars. Billy saw the odd plates.

"I guess thanks" and this time Billy got back to his seat on his own, no weird teleporting or whatever.

"Found out where we are" he slid past Scottie.


"Fuckin Canada!"

"Yeah right."

"Yeah! Right!" Billy tried to see something outside his window but it was still all rained over or something "saw the signs up front."

"You really serious?"

"Serious Scott - Scottie."

"Our parents know we're being smuggled by foreign agents across enemy lines?" Scottie smirked "no seriously. This is weird if we are in Canada. Who's gonna tell people where we are?"

"No shit."

They went back to eating the rest of their food and finishing the shakes with a certain noisiness characteristic of Billy. When his eyes started getting heavy he had no reason to fight the drugs in the air. He was asleep in fifteen minutes it seemed.

When Billy awoke next it was still gloomy maybe even darker. The faint smell of stale fries in the air was a bit reassuring. At least that part was real. He was about to head back to the john when he heard the bus down-shift and again they were on some kind of gravel road. He looked out the window and thought he saw pine trees. By the time he had Scottie awake the bus squealed to a stop. One of the other buses was on their right. Very reassuring indeed.

As soon as the driver opened the door Billy could smell the fresh crisp air. Where the hell were they? Alaska? He even thought he heard bears or caribou bellowing in the distance but it was probably just the minnows. This time Billy and Scottie were one of the first off the bus, the usual stampede was delayed somewhere behind them.

What greeted Billy's bleary eyes was not what he was expecting. This was no country club like last time. This was some kind of rustic resort. But what it lacked in refinement it made up in size. Billy counted five, no six buildings next to each other. He could smell a lake nearby as well. Now this was his idea of a training camp! He almost wished he brought his fishing pole or deer rifle. Lot of good it did having a dad like Joe and not have a rifle when you need it. Not that Billy was the Great White Hunter. Once or twice huddled in the blind or around the hole in the ice was enough for him. Got the merit badge, move on.

This time there was not race to the main entrance. Billy and Scottie were almost the first ones at the desks. Everywhere was the smell of fresh-cut pine. After the bus it smelled like heaven.

Soon more and more guys were crowding tables, getting room assignments. Billy and Scottie discovered they were in separate wings. They promised to check out each other's rooms before they went towards different stairs. Billy got turned around and lost twice before the trail of red signs told him he was in the "Pioneer Wing". Dad, where's my coonskin hat?

He found his room and went in. There were three beds this time, a lot better than the nice but cramped facilities last time. Of course Billy grabbed the bed by the window. And there was his lake. Dad, where's my fishing pole?

Billy looked around the room seeing the clock saying one-oh-eight, and there was a phone. He picked it up hearing a dial tone. There were back in civilization again. He picked it up and dialed Hank, but got a message to please re-dial. What? Next he tried his home and got the same recorded message! If they were in Canada he had no idea how to work the international code. Now what?

"Is this cool or what?" he heard behind him. There was Doug Hampton and right behind him Jimmy Duffy, or else his clone.

"Jimmy?" Billy looked at him "what happened to you?"

"Don't ask" running his hand over his pale blue scalp.

"Jimmy had a little diagreement with his roommates last night huh?" Doug came over and pounded on Billy for luck "they shaved him in his sleep."

"Real funny" he found a baseball cap in his bag "there it is."

"That's not yours, that's Moose's" Doug tried to yank it off his head.

"He hasn't seen it in months" Jimmy laughed "like he'd remember."

"He would definitely not" Billy sat on the bed waiting for the next dudes to show. Someone's key in the door and there was Jorge, and with him that new guy from yesterday, Tom? Todd? Billy needed a blackberry or something.

"Much fuckin better!" Jorge threw his bags on one of the beds "why didn't we come here first? Dudes!"

"We ain't got the papers?" Billy shrugged "Hey Jorge, enjoy the ride?"

"What papers?" Jimmy was already throwing things in the closets. Cedar closets? Man what is this place?

"To leave the country I think."

"Herms Minnesota is not a foreign country" Doug delivered in his best "fargo" accent "at least I do not tink so is it Ollie?"

"Funny Hampton" that Tom guy said.

"Billy" he held out his hand "I suck with names."

"Tom, Tom Travers remember?" he shook and then knocked "I don't blame you, I ain't that memorable" which was the last thing he was. The dude was Billy's height but if he had an ounce of fat on his thick muscular body it would be a miracle. He had shoulders like Doug but without the bulk. Like he was really busting his ass to make his weight class. If Billy came up against him at a match he would run the other way. The dude was that impressively built. But he had the face of a middle schooler, and Billy doubted if he shaved even. Black hair and blue eyes, maybe Welsh or something.

"Yeah that's right" he looked around the room "so you're in this dump with us?"

"Dump?" he went to window and whistled "compared to last night?"

"Who were you with?"

"Like six of us okay? And I'm the only wrestler."


"How'd ya guess?"

"They give ya shit?"

"Actually..." he looked around the room "no. Except one dude."

"He try to pick a fight?"

"He tried to grab my dick" Tom laughed. When he realized nobody else laughed he added "not that it wouldn't happen in a room with six guys. But not a fuckin minnow! I gotta have some standards!" and then the room laughed.

Again there was the sound of a key in the door. Billy counted heads as two guys nobody knew came in.

"Is this five oh five?" one guy asked.

"Yeah" Billy remembered getting lost "you want the Pioneer Wing or whatever it's called?"

"Yeah" he held up his card "looks like it."

"Then this is it" Doug held the door for them "come in and join the party."

"You guys all know each other?" the first one, the big one asked.

"Yeah we're all from North. S*******n North that is. You ain't South are you?"

"We're both Saint Cloud."

"Isn't that in Minnesota?" Billy needed to figure this out once and for all.

"Yeah, why?"

"So you know where we are then, right?"

"Fuck beats me" the big guy put his bags on the floor, his short friend did as well "not again?"

"Again what?"

"Last place they had us stacked to the rafters" he looked at the guys "all jammed in together, wrestlers, baseball players, football players, even some hockey dudes. What a zoo!"

"Where was that?" Billy wanted to ask: where is this?

"I don't know, some place downstate by Mankato I think" he looked at Doug "sorry we gotta be in the wrong room, we'll go."

"Sit yer butts down, no this is the place" he held out his hand "Doug, Doug Hampton 215" feeling the guy's grip "wrestlers right?"

"Finally" he knocked fists back "Niels, Niels Swensen 215 too. And yah I'm Nor-vee-gen" breaking into his best caricature.

"Okay no big Swede jokes then" from Doug "or in your case very big Norweigen jokes."

"As long as they're not about his dick" from his friend "in that case it wouldn't be a joke" and there was some predictable but low laughter.

"Don't mind my buddy here" Niels slapped the back of his head "when you look up 'dickhead' in the dictionary, that's his picture."

"Hi, I'm Dickhead" he held out his hand to Doug, "Doug?"

"Funny, what's your name? Really?"

"Dickhead" he smirked, punching Niels back.

"Seriously we can't call you Dickhead all week."

"Why not everybody else does" Niels looked around the room, counting beds and heads.

"C'mon seriously" Tom ganged up on him as well "what's the real name."

"Dick, Richard but nobody calls me that but my grandma when she's really really angry about something" he shook and knocked with Tom "Dick Oberheid okay?"

"Tom Travers" he looked him up and down "oh I get it, Dick, 'Heid'. I'll call you Dick okay? So what are you?"

"You mean like straight? gay?"

"Fuck I mean like what do you wrestle? One sixty-five?"

"How'd you know?" looking him up and down "you too?"

"Yeah" looking back "guess we might be squaring off some time."

"Can't wait."

They went around the room shaking hands introducing each other. The two Minnesota guys seemed friendly, even when the others mentioned they were the arch-rivals.

"Big deal, Packers and Vikings" Niels moved his bags to the closet until the bed situation was settled "let the knuckle-dragger football idiots sort that shit out. As long as you ain't Iowa" he looked at Doug "then I'd have to kill you."

"You hate them that much?"

"Man talk about always being in someone's shadow! Every meet I say I'm from the Midwest they ask Iowa? When I say no Minnesota they look at me like I'm suddenly a big fat nobody."

"Dude you ain't fat" from Jorge "and I know fat!"

"And you ain't a nobody" Billy chimed in "I know 'nobody' right?" feeling like the runt of the litter.

"Thanks you guys are cool. Now I don't know how you guys settled the 'bed situation' last night but - "

"Don't ask what we did last time" Dickhead finished.

"We just..." Billy looked around the room "I don't know, just depended on your size I guess."

"Fuck not again" Dick looked at Niels.

"Knock it off okay?" Niels smiled at him "these guys are cool okay?"

"We had to figure out who slept where depending on the size of your dicks. Big honkers got first dibs."

"Then I'm on the floor" Billy chuckled. He could just see a bunch of guys comparing cocks to see who was top dog. Funny. Yeah and kinda horny.

"Now you know why everybody calls him Dickhead" Niels tossed his bag at him. Dick caught it with a smile and "thanks".

"Why they call him what?" the door opened again, did they not close it all the way? Standing there in the flesh was Donald Farbersten, the talent scout from Iowa and one of the star facilitators of this training camp. With him was some college age guy, dark-skinned, shaved head and built like he could take Nationals without breaking a sweat.

"Wow Mister Farbersten!" Niels was closest and fastest extending his hand "you made it!"

"Yes gentlemen sorry about the unscheduled change of venues" looking around the room.

"Sir if we knew this place was here I would have come here first!" Billy extended his hand too introducing himself.

"Again I apologize but when we needed to accomodate more participants than we first anticipated."

"Don't apologize sir" Dick's hand was out next introducing himself as well.

"And guys don't call me sir or Mister Farbersten okay? It's Don okay? Mister Farbersten makes me as old as my father" turning to the person next to him "some of you may know Rod here. Enrique Rodriguez, also from Ohio State. He's helping me here scout talent and help with your training overall."

"M'gusto" Jorge extended his hand then knocking first with him "Rod? Ricky? Which you prefer dude?"

"Either way's good" the accent was more Brooklyn than Buenes Aires. The group finished introductions all around. Billy took the time to look at them closer. This was the first time he saw either of the "up close" only seeing Mister Farbersten - Don now - at the reception banquet and at yesterday's practice across the room talking with the other coaches. But seeing him now like this Billy realized he was younger, and bigger! than he first thought. Not tall, hell he was barely taller than himself, but this dude had to turn sideways to walk through doors! And the black guy, Puerto Rican? Cuban maybe? was built very much like that Todd? no Tom! guy. Not a friggin ounce of fat on him. And the way his muscles in his forearms were all piled on top of each other Billy could only imagine what the rest of him looked like. Not that he was eager to find out.

"So Mister- I mean Don" Doug corrected himself "to what do we owe this honor? Or you just going around to introduce Enrique here?"

"No gentlemen - guys" he also corrected himself "I'm afraid we must impose on your hospitality."

"Our hospitality?" Niels chuckled " Don we're like YOUR guests here."

"We are all kinda guests of our hosts" Rod continued, looking at Tom and Dick back and forth "and that's why..."

"That is why we must ask if we could stay with you guys tonight. Just tonight" Don saw the shocked expressions "don't worry, we have some rollaway cots coming up here later tonight. So if you guys can put up with some old geezers like us..."

"Maaaan, Don that would be more than cool" Niels slapped him on the back not very hard "not only cool but an honor."

"I know you two guys get a lot of crap being from Minnesota" Don slapped him back harder, enough to let him know he enjoyed the show of familiarity "but we hope to show you not all us Iowans are big-headed arrogant show stealers okay?"

"All we ever get is: Minnesota? Ain't Iowa" Dick lowered his head "like second class citizens or shit - sorry."

"I don't mind swearing guys" Don looked around the room "just not at me okay?"


"Now what about... have you guys figured out where the rest of you are sleeping?"

"Nah we haven't compared dicks yet" Dickhead laughed.

"Funny" Rod looked at him "they make you do that last night?"

"Yeah, what d'you expect for a bunch of downstate farmers."

"Hey" Don folded his impressive massive arms "downstate is almost - "

"Yeah sorry, almost Iowa."

"And I grew up on a farm so don't - "

"Good going Dickhead" Niels slapped his head again "way to make points with the big man here."

"Sorry... " he looked up "that's why they call me Dickhead. I got a reputation to uphold he okay?"

"Can we leave our things here?" Don piled his luggage into the already crowded closet "we need to do about a thousand things but" looking at his watch. Billy took a few seconds before he realized why that gesture looked strange. The guy had a working watch! Billy could almost hear the traffic and car horns outside the window "one of the things is let everyone know there will be a practice as soon as you get cleaned up and ready. Don't worry about gear, it's all downstairs."


"I have something here" Don fished around in his briefcase, pulling out a piece of paper "here's a map of the complex. Our facilities are" pointing at the area high-lited in red "right there and there. Room three okay? As soon as you can?"

"Wow" was the general consensus. Seeing the extent of their resort or camp or lodge, whatever it was, was a bit daunting. And three training areas? >From looking at the rest of the place, they had the impression that was just for the wrestlers! Half-way off the map was something that looked like a football field and maybe that was the corner of a ball diamond, that in the other corner part of of a track field? What was this place?

"Thanks" Doug barely looked up when the two said "later" and were gone. The guys looked at the paper, their room, each other, and could only whistle.

"You heard the coach" Doug was pulling off his shirt heading for the bathroom "let's move!"

Some took a quick shower, but most were too eager to find out what lay in store for them. They tore down the stairs and threaded their way through the complex, paper in hand. There were more colored signs up now so they found their "Room Three" easily.

They expected to see thousands of guys there but it was not much more than what they dealt with yesterday at that other resort. The afternoon went well, in spite of the coaches, especially Mister Fabersten sir! putting them through a grueling practice. By the time they were all showered they were starving. They were in the dining hall - maybe one of three? - as fast as they could tear down the corridors. Again there was a mix of the various sports teams all jockeying for tables, but except for a few loud exchanges it was almost civilized. There were the usual speeches and announcements after everyone had eaten their fill. Some of the guys were a bit put off by the selection of food, but once Billy explained it wasn't nasty beef, it was venison dude! and how much you would pay for it at a fancy market they dug into it. It looked like most of the vegetables were locally produced and there were enough berry pies to almost start a pie-throwing incident. The staff had the foresight to cut them first.

Billy groaned and wanted a wheelbarrow to roll his back to their room. He was not sure if it was too much food or the sore muscles but he sprawled in his chair not moving. Doug threatened to throw him over his shoulder and carry him back; Billy thought it was a great idea.

They dragged themselves back to the room and collapsed into various beds. It was one thing three guys sitting in that third bed but sleeping together like that? Billy offered to double-up with Doug, since he knew Doug was not eager to sleep with one of these other guy's he barely knew. And after the events of the weekend he was still very spooked about "guy stuff" as he called it. They were about to figure out the arrangements for the other two beds when there was a knock on the door.

"C'mon we're decent!" Dick yelled.

The key opened the door and Don and Rod came in looking very flushed and even sweaty.

"Evening guys" Don came in and immediately went for the bathroom.

"Hey guys" Rod looked around "what's going on?"

"We're all sitting here trying to recover from this afternoon" Tom belched "you trying to kill us down there?"

"Kill ya, no. But we gotta a lot to accomplish in only one week."

"Minus one day" Niels added "Monday was kinda fucked" seeing if the word bothered Rod.

"Fucked is right" obviously not.

"What's up with you dog?" Jorge looked at him "you like just run a marathon or shit?"

"No... not exactly" the bathroom door opened and Don appeared. Shirtless. Several guys took a loud intake of air.

"Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable."

"Man if that's what a week of your torture can do" Niels whistled "bring it fuckin on. Sorry."

"You can 'fuckin' swear Niels" Don smiled "just not at me and not when were at practice okay? As for what you guys - us guys - do or say in our rooms, that's another matter entirely."

"Cool!" Dickhead's shirt went flying next "hotter'n hell in here. For Canada!"

"Say that again" Billy was starting to enjoy the show as well. But he hoped Dick did not mean it that way.

"You ask the guys yet?" Rod came out the bathroom still clothed although his t-shirt was hanging out of his jeans, more wet than dry. And a lot more of his tight toned muscles, especially those hard pecs could be seen pressing out the wet fabric.

"No not yet Rod."

"Ask us what? About the sleeping arrangements?" from Doug. Just when he and Billy had a start on the problem he saw it slipping away "cause we were almost - "

"No that's not what he means. Like I said us two can sleep on cots for tonight whenever they finally arrive."

"Said they're gonna get them here soon."

"So what you need t'ask us?" Jorge looked at Rod "about the fees right?" Jorge was one of the guys who had not gotten their week's fees paid yet. Yesterday they just told him they were trying to reach his dad, and not worry in the time being.

"I know some of you are worried about the costs but as we mentioned to some of you or not" looking at Jorge and then the two Minnesota boys "we will sort that all out tomorrow or Thursday at the latest. Most definitely before you leave. Don't worry until then all right?"

"Fine" Jorge wiped his sweating forehead. He looked at Billy and shrugged, as confused as relieved.

"What Rod's talking about is, well we need a favor from you boys."

"Sure thing ask!" Doug was eager to do anything to get on this guy's good side. This guy was one of many who could make or break his college situation "anything! Just name it!"

"I know it's a bit crowded here, but before tomorrow Rod needs some publicity photos taken of himself."

"Sorry my camera's at home" Billy saw Jorge's shocked expression.

"Herms shut up!"

"Easy Jorge, just kidding!"

"I know it's a bit of an imposition."

"Stills or movie?" from Billy again.

"Well we were thinking just still photos" looking at Rod "Rod?"

"Movies too unless.." looking around the room.

"Unless you young guys think movies is too invasive of your space here."

"It's our space" Niels saw Doug's expression "our room. Yours and ours" getting off the bed "you want us to move furniture or shit?"

"No these are not studio pictures" Don walked over to his luggage "more of a..."

"I get it" Billy was on familiar territory here "you want like informal daily stuff. Like 'the man behind the legend' right? See what a typical day looks like. Shit like that right?"

"That's exactly right" Don smiled "you seem to have some experience with" that got a loud cough from both Doug and Jorge.

"Don't mind them" Billy got off "his" bed "they're just camera-shy. I think I spent this whole fucking" looking at Don "this whole stinking summer either in front of a camera or behind it."

"Herms shut up!"

"How's that?"

"I'll tell ya sometime" Billy lowered his palms to Doug: relax! "maybe Friday" as the bus door closes and I'm free!

"Let's do that" Don looked at Rod "where do you want to start."

"Like I'm just unpacking how's that?"

"Fine" Don pulled out a rather expensive looking camcorder "you know how to use one of these then?" it could have come right from Kroos' office. Billy held it up and turned it on, hitting the various settings, adjusting for the room light "guess so."

"We need more light" Billy looked at the various desk lamps, having the guys turn them on. He kicked himself seeing the room getting brighter. Why didn't we have all this juice when I was trying to pack by a goddamn flashlight this morning!

"I also have this" Ron pulled a small flood rectangular floodlamp from his luggage after producing his digital SLR.

"Man you pack the whole store in there?" Dick was almost looking over Don's shoulder.

"Didn't know it we would use this or not" keeping on his best poker face "but better prepared than not right?"

"Once a boy scout always a boy scout right?" Niels was very impressed with all this equipment.


"Same here" he answered, leveling the playing field by another inch.

"Excellent, congratulations."

"Thanks" looking at Dick "some dudes think it's dorky."

"Something to be proud of" Doug added.

"You too?"

"Almost maybe in senior year."

"Do it" Niels slugged Dick's shoulder "don't let anybody give you shit about it."

"Might do that."

"I'm ready" Billy announced. Shit I'm more than ready, I'm starting to get hard. Something about the smell of electronics was getting to be like an aphrodisiac for Billy.

"Just about ready..." Don plugged the lamp into the wall and turned it on. The room was bathed in brilliant white light. He used the spring clips to attach it to the moulding in the corner. Having the rustic unfinished walls had its advantages "okay ready here too. Rod?"

Rod went over and started throwing his suitcase on one of the beds, quickly vacated as Doug and Niels and Dick jumped out of the way. Even with the floodlight, Ron's flash went off now and again as Rod continued to go through the motions of unpacking and hanging up his clothes in the crowded closet. When he was finished he pulled his shirt over his head and hung it up as well. This time the gasp from the room was audible. Rod's perfectly muscled chest gave new meaing to te word "ripped". It looked like every line was deeply etched, like someone took a carving knife to his shoulders and chest. And was a chest it was. Smooth and heavily muscled, the dark brown skin glowing under the lights like chocolate. Semi-sweet not milk. And his nipples were almost as big as Jorge's, only much darker.

"Dude no wonder they want you to model for this" Dick's eyes were wide as baseballs "you fuckin rule!"

Rod nodded and contined to rearrange his clothes.

"I know it's not part of your plan but how about" looking at Doug trying to glare him down "some poses. Cause dude you definitely got the bod for it."

"Yeah" from several voices around the room, Dick's probably loudest.

"Guys?" Don looked at them "you don't think that's maybe a bit too... suggestive?"

"Fuck no" from Dick. Niels raised his eyebrows: you sure about this?

"Rod up to you."

"Cool I'm down with that" and he started flexing and posing. His shiny muscles under all that light gleamed and popped. And it looked like Rod had done posing before.

"Dude that's awesome" Jorge looked at Billy "but jeans? Like nobody poses wearing baggy jeans like that dude."

"I don't mind" his hands hestitated at the waist button.

"Guys are you sure about this?" Don took a picture of Rod standing like that, almost pushing the front down an inch or so "if any of you think it's a bit too blatant or inappropriate - "

"Do it" Tom found his voice, maybe a bit cracking "it'd be different that's for sure."

"I'm all for it" Billy brought the camcorder closer. He wanted Doug's and Jorge's disapproving faces behind him.

"Guys are you sure?"

"Sure as shit" from Dick.

"What about you?" Don looked at Jimmy sitting plastered into the corner "you haven't said a word all night."

"I-ah... er... up to the guys... I guess."

"You don't mind or think this is kind of weird?"

"Not really, no" looking at Doug "it's just your pictures, right?"

"Rod" Don took another pic of him in profile "up to you."

"No sweat" he said sweating. And the front of his pants was open and the fly unbuttoned as Rod tried to look like he was just changing clothes after a hard day. Before they could get the air back in their lungs his pants were down around his ankles, the flash going off more than they would have guessed. He stepped out of them and started walking around the bed. As he did the huge package in those pouch-front boxers flopped around like crazy.

"Dude is that all you?" Jorge said out loud. He realized the others heard him and shut up.

Rod just shrugged.

"Some kind of amazing total package there" from Niels before Dick said anything worse.

"Rod how long you've been working out?"

"I started when I was ten. Nautilus, cross training, boxing and of course" looking around the room "wrestling."

"What class?"

"I used to be 165."

"Same as you" Niels shoved Dick.

"You too right?" Dick looked at Tom. Tom nodded glad to have somewhere else to look.

"Show them the difference" Don looked at Dick "Dick right?"

"No Dick head" Niels chuckled.

"Dick could you stand next to Rod for comparison purposes."

"I don't know" looking at Niels "maybe somebody else."

"I'll do it" and Tom stood up. Before anyone said anything his sticky t-shirt was off "wanted to get out of that anyway. Good excuse as any" and he stood next to Rod, feeling very pale and sickly.

"Man you're almost as ripped as this guy!" Niels was impressed "like you."

"Maybe" Dick knew he and Tom were evenly matched mucle-wise.

"Do what now?" Tom stood there, and Rod shook his hand. There were several pictures of them just standing next to each other, two roommates sharing space.

"Lose the pants dude" Niels was concentrating on them "for comparison like.

I saw your legs at practice and they're just as impressive as this guy."

"Guys?" he looked at Doug "you think it's too vain or weird?"

"Not either" Jimmy piped up "you got it, show it."

"I guess" and then Tom's khakis were down around his ankles as well. Rod stood close enough that his boxers were almost touching Tom's white briefs. Again more flashes than the guys expected.

"How much in here?" Billy asked "sixty or one-twenty?"

"One twenty" Don answered. Yeah, the kid knew what he was doing.

"Too awesome Tom" Doug started to clap a bit. Tom looked embarrassed but smiled and hit a double-biceps pose. Then Rod did the same. Soon the two were doing a pose down.

"You should do that do" Niels elbowed Dick "you're as good as they are."

"Not even."

"Dick?" Don nodded "why not?"

"Bad idea."

"Do it" Niels almost pushed him off the bed "you know you want to. You know I won't stop gettin in your face til you do."

"Fuuuucccck" he stood up "I'm fucked either way" and he stood next to Rod, two young guys flanking his dark body.

"Lose the pants too" from Jorge.

"For comparison like" from Billy. He saw the trap closing fast. And the sooner it closed the sooner a lot more would make sense. He was not buying the crap about these two just "accidentally" staying in their room that night any more than Don "accidentally" having all this equipment in his luggage. Don't bullshit the bullshitter, he thought. But right now his main concern was staying in focus and ignoring the various looks at his tenting pants "just a quick one, real fast."

"Guys..." he looked at Niels especially "not sure about this."

"Since when is the Dickhead shy" Niels answered back.

"Fuucccckkk..." he unfastened the rope belt and opened the front of his pants. He turned his back on them as they went down past his muscled ass covered with white briefs almost identical to Tom's. He kicked out of them and stood facing the wall. The other guys did the same for comparison. They struck some casual relaxed poses, just three guys sharing a room. A hot un-airconditioned room. Again a series of rapid flashes. When first Rod turned so did Tom, but not before he looked down at Dick's front with a soft "maaaaannn".

Finally Dick turned towards the room and the cameras, his hands plastered over his crotch. Niels just looked at Dick and smiled, even giving him the thumbs up. They did a few more casual positions standing there until Rod hit a double biceps again. Tom shrugged at Dick and did the same.

"You too Dick" Don could see the problem "for comparison."

"Do I haveto?"

"Go on Dick" Niels said "sooner or later."

Dick let out a huge sigh and did the same. As soon as he did it was obvious why he was covering his crotch. He was fully erect, the front of the fly pushing forward and gaping open on the side. Don took one more bright flash picture and lowered his camera. Billy hit pause.

"Guys?" Don looked around.

"W-what?" from Jimmy like it was his fault.

"You think we should stop this here?"

"Look I'm sorry... I just" Dick's hands were covering himself, adjusting himself now he had the freedom to grab and fumble and tuck.

"Now you know how he got the name Dickhead" Niels smiled "relax Dick it happens!"

"Guys" Don looked around the room "just because Dick here has an erection does not mean anything."

"Besides the fact he's one horny bastard" from Niels.

"Who ain't" from Doug looking at Niels "we all are. Okay Dick? You ain't the first" to get hard at the wrong time, looking at Billy.

"Story of my life" Billy nodded back.

"See Dick?" Don continued "nobody's callin anybody names here. It happens" looking at the group "in fact if nobody saw any hardons before tomorrow morning I would have you all drug tested for steroids!"

"Nobody's taking steroids" from Niels, the biggest of the group.

"Nobody is accusing you" Don continued "all it means is - "

"Is we got a roomful of horny guys not used to all this fresh air" from Niels smiling back at Doug.

"Who are pumped and full of venison?" Doug looked at Billy "deer meat?"

"Meat of some kind."

"Yes venison Billy" Don looked at him "a smart knowledgeable kid for your age."

"Too smart" Jorge smirked "for his own good."

"Got that right."

"So we find ourselves at a crossroads here of sorts" Don put his camera away "I imagine all of you have seen enough... enough exhibition and posing for one night."

"Hey it's cool" Dick grabbed a towel from the floor and sat down on a bed covering himself "sorry I fucked up your... photo shoot."

"You didn't fuck it up" Tom sat down as well, but not covering himself "maybe if I was hard too it wouldn't have looked so weird."

"Weird?" Dick turned on him.

"Good weird, not bad weird, okay?"


"So we should stop then" Don finished, but it sounded like a question.

"Or not" Doug was watching this all. As much as he hated to admit it, this was as bad as that website he found "accidentally". Something about knowing the guys, watching them do very very intimate and very horny things made it all the more intriguing for him. He hated to admit he sat there with his crotch full of cum watching guys he knew on that pay site. Because he KNEW them. So sitting here was not that different "hey it's cool by me. Finish up what you wanted to film."

"Guys?" Don looked around "nobody objects to this?"

"No" Dick looked at Niels for permission. When he saw the slightest nod he added "shit you saw my bone. It's kinda a turn-on in a way."


"Yeah go ahead" from Jorge almost adding: we've seen lots worse.

"Well..." he looked at Rod who shrugged his folded arms "we did not have more pictures to take" delivering the baited hook to the barrel " unless you guys have any suggestions..."

"Sure" Billy looked at the camera blinking "stand-by" and lying like a loaded gun in his lap "there's like lots of things. We could take pictures of" and then other voices were adding ideas. Things like workouts and wrestling maneuvers and more competition poses and before long the room was echoing with ideas. When Don he thought heard "dickshots" he raised his hand and even whistled for silence.

"What was that?"

"I meant" Billy quickly shifted the camcorder "shots more shots of Dick here. He's like awesome under the lights" looking at Tom "not that you ain't either."

"Okay okay okay" Don smiled and picked up his camera again. At that point a few of the guys noticed he never turned off that floodlight "you all seem to have a lot of various" looking at Billy "and unusual requests."

"I'm all for it" Rod looked at the guys "bring it on."

"But!" Don raised his hand "if were were to do even half of what you guys were yelling out we'd be here all night. So here's my solution. Everyone gets two, only two! suggestions."

"Who goes first?" from Jimmy knowing he had a few things he'd like to see. Like turning off all these lights and getting some sleep! Unlike most of these guys he got very little sleep on the bus, the bad air just keeping his lungs itchy. And he hated to admit it, his dick hard the whole goddamn time. It was like they were pumping Viagra into the airconditioning or something. So as horny as he was, he was even more tired.

"Let's do this the democratic way "Don found a piece of paper lying on the floor. He rapidly wrote some things on it and tore it into ten pieces. He folded them up and dumped them into someone's baseball cap and held it out "everybody take one" and boy did the hands fly, almost knocking it out of his hands.

Billy held up his "number one!"

"Then you go first" Don looked at Rod "well?"

"Anything?" Billy looked at Doug and Jorge, getting two groans.

"Billy be cool."

"Well Billy don't forget Rod needs to be in one piece tomorrow okay?"

"Nothin y'wouldn't want me t'do to you Billy" Rod looked at him "unless you like pain and suffering."

"No nothing like that" Billy almost said, gus!

"Then what?"

"You two want to film this 'reality' thing, right? Day in the life stuff right?"

"You understand."

"Okay then" Billy hit the record button "what did we do guys? When we came up here? We changed clothes" looking at Rod gauging his reaction "some us took showers to clean up right?"

"Billy?" Niels looked at him like a harmless kid had morphed into this dangerous alien "what?"

"Okay my first idea" Billy raised the camcorder "of two right? Let's see Rod here finally get that shower it looks like he needs."

"Don?" Rod looked at him.

"Good to go" Don picked up his camera and took another pic. Rod looked around the room.

"They can't all fit in the bathroom" which sounded like he was going to do it.

"We'll take turns" Dick smiled. He looked at Billy with something like admiration.

"Man" Rod went to the bathroom door and opened it, turning on the light as he did. He walked over to the step-in shower and turned it on, adjusting the temperature. It took a while but he finally had hot water.

"Not real hot" Billy was elbowing at the doorway "fogs the lenses."

"You've done this before" Don said, and this time it was not a question.

"Herms got a basement full of'm" Jorge chuckled before he realized what he said. He knew that when Billy did not turn did not cough just froze. To anybody else it looked like he was locking the camera in place. But Jorge and even Doug knew what Jorge just let slip out. If anybody else caught it they didn't acknowledge it.

By the time Billy found his spot just beyond the door frame, and Don was almost standing on the toilet Dick had wriggled his way in front of Don. And Rod was under the tepid water the curtain pulled closed.

"Can't see shit" from the guys clustered at the door "open the curtain" which was was he did. And there was Rod standing there still wearing his boxers but the way the water coated them the whole group could see that long cut tube almost down to the bottom of the leg opening. Without saying anything he slowly lowered the wet clinging underwear down and gave everyone a view of his muscled glutes, the water running down.

"My turn Dickhead" and then it was Niels shouldering past Billy as Dick groaned and left. When Rod turned sideways finally showing what they only thought they saw before, Jorge was replacing Niels, his hands plastered over his crotch. And when he turned full frontal to the guys, rubbing the foamy white soap all over those dark brown muscles Tom's briefs were almost as bad as Dick's before but he had the wisdom to fold it up and to the side so he could leave and not poke Don with it. By the time Rod had himself clean all the guys had their turn.

Billy backed away and found a spot next to that bright lamp, Rod and Don the last to two out after a few words. But that did not stop Don from getting a few shots of Rod leaving the bathroom wearing a towel.

"Is that what you had in mind?" Don looked at Billy, seeing the camera in steady hands.

"And then some" looking at Rod "dude you are something awesome okay?"

"Thanks" looking at the rest of the guys "maybe a bit kinky huh?"

"Kinda?" from Jimmy "how about very."

"So now you guys have a better idea?"

"You yell at me for getting hard" Dick looked at Rod "and you weren't even hard and that thing's down to your knee."

"Like I have any choice it it" he retightened the towel "talk to my dad."

"Number two!" Doug held his paper "my turn."

"You guys have a better idea about this now" looking at Jorge and Jimmy "this might get a bit... raw. Anybody wants out?" but nobody had the nerve to look chicken in front of the rest.

"You have any singlets in that luggage or just more electronics" Doug looked at Niels. He looked back with the most puzzled expression.

"I think so why?"

"Okay I wanna see some wrestlers wrestle for once. Like real wrestling, like the kind you don't always see in the ring. You and Rod" looking at Niels "something you might wanna see?"


"Okay let's make this real interesting" Doug looked at Don "because we're burning juice here. Show us how... if you have your way, how you'd like to see" looking around the room "let's say Dick and Tom here wrestle. Like you're callin the shots and you were the coach and you could get them to wrestle like you'd wanna see them wrestle."

"What?" from all three.

"If you could get them to wrestle anyway you want" looking at Niels eyes wide open "and not call the cops on you. Show us what that would look like."

"Are you serious?"

"C'mon guys let's move these beds give them some room" Doug shooed Niels and Dic off their bed and enlisted their help. By the time two beds were up against one wall, Don and Rod had finished their quiet discussion.

"This is really what you want?"

"Show us what you two are made of if y'got the balls" Doug felt like the director now "because dudes like you don't go walking around with all those cameras unless they want to use them. So show us, the whole nine yards."

"Bunch of guys giving their own coaches orders huh? Horny guys making us do maybe kinda y'know... things for them huh?"

"Big turn on isn't it?"

Don took the camera and handed it to Billy. Billy in turn handed his camera to Doug, knowing he would figure it out. Billy saw the SLR's settings and knew he could handle it. When Don saw that he knew what was about to happen. He went to his other piece of luggage and dug threw some clothes. Sure enough he found a black singlet which he kept, tossing the white one to Rod. He was in the bathroom before anyone could stop him.

Billy took a few pictures of Rod dropping the towel for practice, getting a nice one of his striated glutes and he stepped into the white one. When he took a few shots of the guys sitting on the beds he got a few things tossed at him, but they soon settled down and he took a great pic of Niels slugging Dick, almost dislodging his towel. He almost didn't hear the bathroom door open again.

Donald Fabersten, two hundred pounds of National title holder muscle packed onto a frame barely five ten came into the room and show the guys was had been hidden under all those clothes the last two days. The tattoo on the right bicep, the repaired shoulder dislocation scar, the banged knees over those amazing thighs, the round package in that black crotch, all of it. He stood still while Billy took a few pictures, one or two obviously of his crotch before Don turned around, showing the singlet riding up past the bottom of his glutes, a slight covering of fur on his back reappearing on those hard globes and covering his legs. What he lacked in hair on his upper body he made up for on his legs. Almost like they didn't match the rest of his body. He took a look at Rod in his white singlet and whistled,

"Don't leave much to the imagination does it?"

"Wasn't that the idea?"

"Okay you two" Doug moved his camcorder closer to the ground following Billy "like I said, what would it look like if you were directing let's say Dick and Tom here. Makin them do this nice private show just for you. Go!"

The two circled each other in a crouch, getting a better idea how much room they had to move. They locked arms and Don allowed the taller Rod to flip him to the carpet. They twisted and turned, first Don on his back, then Rod, then Don in a scissors, then Rod half-nelsoned almost to a pin. The guys could tell they were not going at it full bore but it was still amazing to watch. When Don pulled the back of Rod's singlet up, one dark hard buttock fully exposed there was a slight ripping sound. By the time Don had flipped onto his back, Rod on top of him face up as well, it looked like something round and black was popping out of the side of the bottom. Don's hand reached around and finished the job. All of Rod's cock and one of his balls was out the side.

Dick gave Tom a nervous look, but when he saw him opening rearranging his thicker knob in his briefs he tossed his towel aside. Before Dick was hard, now he was hard and pressing against the wet fabric, his pre-cum making a big red circle where his head was flexing forward.

"Which one you think you're supposed to be?" Tom's eyes were between the two on the floor and Dick's red outlined cockhead.

"Either one" Tom smiled "can you believe this?"

"Not at all" Niels answered for him.

Rod broke the hold and managed to twist away until they were facing each other on their knees. When Rod made no effort to stuff himself back into the torn singlet Doug knew he made the right call. These two were way way into erotic wrestling. But how far would they go? What did Don really want to see those two do if they would agree to wrestling under his "instructions"?

The guys had the impression Don was really enjoying this and did not have a real good idea how much until the two locked back together again and this time Don was flat on his back atop Rod, his arms pinned behind him. He did not put up too much resistance when Rod held both his arms with one hand, the other reaching down the front of that black singlet through the large arm opening and all the way down until that hand was opening stroking Don's upward bent cock. The guys gasped and leaned forward, never seeing two guys wrestle like this! By the time Don broke the hold his six plus inches were pressed against his navel, the singlet pulling up to the point one of his hairy balls was threatening to break free. Then Don pinned Rod's shoulders down to the floor, pressing their fronts together in a way that could only be interpreted as blatant frottage. A shock of recognition went through the room. This was something they had all skirted many times. But never actually done with a hardon! When the two started rolling sideways over each other they didn't stop until they hit the wall. But that point Rod's shoulder straps were down past his waist.

When they locked again the guys could tell they were getting tired. Or else they were just slowing down for the cameras. That's when Don managed to pull the back of the white singlet down past those hard glutes, his hand reaching between them and grabbing Rod's balls from behind. Rather than yell and break away Rod started rocking and flexing his back muscles, almost like he was allowing Don to masturbate him from that angle. When it looked like the two had run out of other ideas, Rod exploded like a spring flipping Don on his ass. When he got his wind back, his singlet was down around his waist as well. When Rod twisted him into a leg log his hand went down the front of Don's singlet this time, pushing it down further and further until they could see his brown pubes. He didn't stop until those six inches of hard uncut meat were sticking straight out, the singlet down past his balls.

When Don broke the hold and pushed Rod onto his back the frottage this time was flesh to flesh. He pushed upwards until it looked like he was going to go as far as pressing his cock into Rod's mouth. Then Rod's hand was between Don's legs grabbing his balls, releasing them when Don cried in pain. He flipped Don onto his stomach and then the guys watched what looked like that gigantic black tube rubbing up and down that hairy crack, simulating a mean buttfuck. Don flipped him off his back and strugged to his feet, his singlet around his thighs.

"Okay gentlemen" he stepped out of it and tossed it to the floor, wrapping a towel around his waist, his hard cock pressed up and sideways "that is as much as you" Doug blushing and turning his head "will see at your age. But that's enough for you to get the idea? We have an understanding now?"

"That was fuckin amazing" from Niels "I never ever saw two wrestlers go at it like that. Wow, hard and naked?" elbowing Dick "have you ever?"

"Like you said wow" he looked at Tom's crotch. Tom's dick said wow also.

"Now we need to clean up" Don headed for the bathroom.

"You're fine relax" Tom looked at Dick "we're used to a little sweat. Right guys?"


"Okay who's three?" Billy looked around handing the camera back to Don. He was hoping that might dislodge the towel but no such luck.

"We get two rounds right?" Niels asked, letting the room know who number three was "right?"

"If we last that long" Jorge wished he could adjust himself soon. If he didn't it would break in half.

"Yeah I guess" Don looked at Rod "like you said, if we last that long. So what is it coach?"

Hearing Don call HIM that was as much a turn-on as watching real live hard wrestling.

"You want me to be your coach?"

"Yes coach" he lowered his head.

"Then give that camera back to Billy boy."


"Cause your coach wants to wrestle... you!"


"Yeah" Niels was much bigger and outweighed him by a good twenty or so pounds but it wasn't a fair match he was looking for "this time you get the white."

"But it's ripped."

"You shoulda thought of that before when you were in such a hurry to get your hands on his nads" Niels grabbed the black singlet off the floor and disappeared into the bathroom. By the time the cameras and camcorders were back in those other hands and Don had turned his back on the group, dropped the towel and stepped into the torn white and sweat-stained singlet Niels was out of the bathroon. If the black singlet was tight on Don, it was almost obscene on Niels. When Billy's flash started going off in Niels' direction Don tried to stop him.

"Hey I don't mind" looking at Dick "too late for modesty now right Dick?"

"Fuck..." but he was reacting to seeing the big blond teammate in the singlet stretched to tight there were already angry red marks digging into those pale alabaster shoulders and thighs. When he saw one of Niels' great big balls hanging out the side he wanted to say something but it was dawning on him he wanted it this way. The two had been good friends for the last two seasons, but never THAT good. Not to the point of admitting to each other how far they would push this. Dick played the part but could not bring himself to actually be a full blown "dickhead" around the much bigger Niels, or even if he wanted to. Because if he was wrong, if all the homo jokes and sexual brinksmanship backfired, he'd be roadkill under this giant.

So this all was a huge huge revelation, like maybe Niels was the one who wanted to push the envelope, not Dick. Seeing his almost hanging out of the singlet, no jock, no cup, just bareballed and clearly outlined was almost more than Dick could handle. His cock was already burping so much precum his dick was visible through the almost trasparent front of his briefs now. He was so close to blowing his load right in his shorts he was almost holding his breath. And now watching those two do... he could hardly image.

"Cameras on cause your coach wants to show you some of his moves now got it?"

"Yes coach whatever you say" and Don dropped into a crouch.

"Fuck that greco-roman shit" Niels would have settled for this "assume the position."

"Yes coach" and he dropped to his knees. When Niels hand went around Don's waist, he grabbed that cock without pretense. Don signed and allowed the contact to bring the blood back and then bam! Niels was on his back, size or no size. Before he knew what happened Don was straddling him, but unside down, rubbing his crotch down into Niels' face. And the way he was rubbing it didn't take much to push his cockhead out the side. Soon Niels felt something fleshy and damp pressing against his mouth. He decided to fight back and then his hand was forcing its way through the leg opening and finding that hairy crack. His dry finger was pushing against that swollen ring so fast Don barely had time to roll them both onto their side. Then they were wrestling in earnest each one trying to use their advantage, Niels longer limps, Don's better technique to press the other one's back to the carpet. Two bounces off the wall convinced them to cool it before the neighbors complained.

"Geez you two don't kill each other" Billy almost lost the camera a few times when he did not get out of the way in time. Remembering where they were they got up to their knees, sweating and panting. This time their hands went to each other's arms trying to get a good grip on all that slippery flesh. They both stayed on their knees, something unplanned and as arms and hands started flying everywhere, two sets of shoulder straps were tugged down to their waists. With their shoulders bare and their arms locked around each other they forced themselves to their feet, trying to kick each other off balance. But Don remembered his role and buckled over and as he collapsed onto his back, Niels managed to tug the white material down and over his hairy buttocks. He pressed Don's knees up almost to his chest, his developed musculature not as limber as others. With his crotch and crack exposed, Niels' hands were free to roam and rub and poke everywhere. Don could have kicked out of it but allowed himself to be felt and rubbed everywhere, his knees tied together with the tangled singlet. Niels caught Dick's shocked face as he pulled the front of his own singlet down past his crotch, his blond pubes and then his fat uncut dick and then his large, almost swollen-looking balls exposed as he pushed his cock up and down between Don's thighs. By the time Don kicked out of it he was fully erect and Niels was full, but not rock hard. They got to their feet.

"Assume the position" Niels panted, not bothering to tug his singlet back up. He knew he was giving Dick more of a show than he would have dreamed, and that was a big turn-on as well. The other guys and the cameras he could have done without, but having this amazing specimen and famous wrestler submissive beneath him made up for it. This time Niels did not even bother grabbing him from the side but crouched over his upturned muscular furry ass and made the motions he was fucking him right in front of everyone, even reaching underneath to tug his dick and keep it hard. Niels got the idea Don's idea of a good match would always end with him on his knees and a fat cock up his butthole. But not like this and not in front of his friends. He made his point.

"Stand up boy!" slapping him on his ass. Don grunted but stood up. He balanced there on his feet, Niels' hand around his dick stroking it towards the guys and the cameras. Billy found the multi-exposure feature and the room was filled with five quick strobes "tell them who won."

"Y-y-you did coach" his eyes closed, knowing what this looked like.

"And what happens to guys who pin you?"

"I... I what do you mean?"

"What do the guys do after they pin you?" Niels licked his middle finger and pressed it against that stretched pucker again. Don let out a deep hiss,


"Tell them. What do they do to you?"

"Coach, don't make me" but Niels' finger was in to the second knuckle.

"Tell them or this is gonna hurt!" and he pushed it in as far as it would go.

"They... they..."

"Say it!"

"They" his hips quivering with the invasion "they fuck me in the ass... coach!"

"Good boy!" Niels released both hands, and stepped out of his singlet. He found the discarded towel and wrapped it around himself, his thick tube still showing in a downward arc.

"Wow" from around the room. Dick was too freaked to make eye contact when Niels sat down almost on top of him.

"Real eye opener huh bud?"

"Damn..." he looked down at himself, trying to cover his crotch.

"And it looks like you enjoyed it huh?" knocking his hand out of the way "don't be shy. You get off on that, don't gotta hide it" and slapped him in the gut. Dick exploded the breath he was holding and almost fell backwards, catching himself in time. Niels exploded with laughter.

"Guys?" Don looked around for a towel but his was stolen "maybe that's enough for tonight okay? This already has gone farther than it should" looking at Rod but he just shrugged and leaned against the wall, everything on display.

"Just when it's my turn?" Jorge held up scrap with the number four barely readable, so folded and refolded it looked like he had been chewing on it.

"Guys..." he looked at Niels like this was all his doing "so far we have been playing around and simulating a lot of things" staring him down "but you know that's all it has been right? Just pretend stuff okay?"

"Do I get a turn or not?"

"If we continue I cannot guarantee that simulated activities may not spill over into... more explicit things" looking at Billy and Doug with their cameras "just as long as we all understand that and agree to it. Niels?"


"If no understand say so."

"I understand okay?"


"Yeah me too"

Don went from person to person, no one wanted to back down now, and say it was their fault the party broke up.

"Okay guys as long as we all agree then" looking at Jorge "what do you want us to do?"

"I know this is like real... gay okay?"

"Shit dude" Pat looked at him "like buttfucking your coach ain't gay?"

"We didn't actually" Don looked at Niels "I mean..."

"I never got my dick in there" looking sideways at Dick "just my finger."

"No way!"

"Wanna check it?" holding it towards his face but Dick was almost falling off the bed to get away from it. Not that it wasn't clean, it was just the idea. Dick slugged him but Niels laughed.


"I mean it's" looking at Billy "but man Rod you look so fine."

"What you want me to do homey?"

"Got any oil around here?"

"What kinda oil?"

"Like baby oil? Massage oil?" Jorge gave it away.

"Yeah I do" Rod went to the closet and crouched down, giving everyone a good view of what lay between his cheeks. He straightened up "my skin gets real dry sometimes" holding a large bottle of skin lotion.

"Perfect" Jorge threaded his way through the room and stood next to Rod "I always..." looking around the room "I always thought it'd be cool to do this to someone all covered with muscles like you."

"You want to oil me?"

"Too cool" Jorge got the container open and smeared some in his hand. It looked like a pale tan cream. He pressed his greased hand against Rod's right shoulder "just stand there. I'll tell you when to move cool?"

"Your show" and Rod stood there as Jorge started to smear the cream all over his shoulder and down his arm. As he smoothed and rubbed the cream turned to a shiny clear coating, his hands moving effortlessly over the corded muscles. Jorge saw the reaction to Rod's flesh, making it glow and shine, every ridge and ripped line standing out in high relief. And his hands were just rubbing and smooth and touching like he was a kid again playing with playdough. Except he was no kid as his throbbing cock kept reminding him, and this was no clay. This was hard and hot beneath his fingers. When Rod's arms and chest were shiny and warm Jorge said "turn around man, let them see that hot ass of yours" which is what Rod did. His rippling back went from pale cream to shiny muscles in very quick time, Jorge eager to get lower. Rod's ass and thighs were covered with more lotion that Jorge intended but he was just as happy to have too much lotion than not enough. He looked at the large container but he hardly made a dent in it.

"Okay spread those hard legs and lean against the wall."

"Jorge you don't mean?"

"Do it" and the excess lotion started getting smeared deep into the crack, the coarse hairs deep in there getting just as much a workout as the rest of him. Jorge stole a glance back at Niels as his lotion-smeared fingers found the ring and started rubbing little circles around it. When he heard the small gasp Jorge knew his fingers were making the studly dude all quivery and tingly. The first finger went in easier than he expected, as did the second. When he started forcing the third and then all of them into that ring he expected a shout of pain. But Rod grabbed the wall and just took it.

"Man lean back more" Jorge slapped one cheek, then the other "really show these dudes what you got" and Rod leaned forward and bent down until his back was almost horizontal. Jorge spread the cheeks as far apart as he could with his greasy grip, a steady repeating flash behind him. He shoved two fingers in and pulled them out, watching the hole open and close as he did. This was too freakin nasty.

"Okay turn around" Jorge was panting like he had been running the whole time "let's do the rest now dude."

Rod turned around, his naked front barely forward before Billy got a few pics of the rope of pre-cum hanging down from that eight inch cut dick. He barely had the second image stored before Jorge was greasing up that cock, then those low hanging purple wrinkled eggs below it. When it was good and coated he smeared the rest up and down those corded thigh muscles, flexing and spasming under his pressure. When everything was shiny and awesome under the lights he started a slow steady stoking up and down the full length of that cock, the other hand rubbing the balls back and forth, even the area underneath as far back as that stretched hole. But his right hand kept up a steady stoking until it became obvious to everyone in the room: Jorge was jacking him off.

"Let's see this chorizo full mast Enrique" Jorge order, his face only a few inches in front of it.

"Either suck it or move your head" Dick shouted "I can't see shit."

Jorge snapped out of his horny fog, remembering he was in a roomful of guys and he's jacking this huge slab of meat for all to see. He leaned to the side almost glad because his face was leaning in closer and closer all by itself. As he did the guys could see all that lubed stroking was having an effect. That deep brown tube was now almost standing straight out, the head tight and shiny and swollen with Jorge's tight grip. But soon Jorge's face was right in front of it again.

"Go on Jorge" Billy brought the camera to the side "one chance is all you get" and that did it. Jorge brought his lips down to the burning hot head and let his mouth swallow the first two or three inches. Feeling that spongy hard flesh press into his tongue almost made him shoot off right then and there. He yanked back with the shock of what he had done. He stood up so fast he almost passed out.

"You did that real fine" Rod looked at him "I should hire you."

"Okay" before he changed his mind, like Billy said: one chance "no you do me the same. The whole thing full body and..." looking at his mouth "everything."

"You sure you want to do that in front of all your friends here?"

"Yeah hurry!"

"But you have all your clothes on."

"Take them off."

"Okay" and Jorge let Rod pull his t-shirt over his head. By the time he went for Jorge's jeans they were already around his thighs and falling fast.

He kicked out of his shoes and was stepping out of his pants when Rod's hands went to his baggy briefs. They were as wet and showing as Rick's over there.

"Dude another leaker" Niels elbowed him.

"Don't rub in it."

"Not, just jealous."

"What?" Dick looked at him but he was watching Jorge's underwear come down, his hard cut brown cut sticking straight out. Rod started smoothing some of that lotion into Jorge's round chest and shoulders, almost a before and after picture comparing them. Where Rod was tight and lean, Jorge was round and bulging, although he was trying to suck in his stomach for the room. When Rod's greased hand went for his dick his belly ballooned forward. Seeing how hard and leaking he was Rod knew the kid could blow any second.

"Now you turn around like me."

Everyone thought Jorge would laugh or refuse but he turned his full round ass on them, almost glad to hide his dick. Because his dick was ready to explode right then and there. When those slippery hands went down and rubbed his big glutes he did not know what to do. But a smooth hand up and down his crack once or twice had him gasping. No way Rod wanted it to end like this.

"Turn back, we're gonna finish this just like you want" and Jorge's hand found that tube as he turned. He barely started stroking it before Rod's regreased hand found his cock again. Jorge could do little but stand there and stroke that ten inches of cock as his own cock shot huge globs of cum several feet forward, almost hitting Billy right in the face. Rod continued to jack him until there was nothing left.

"Wow" again echoed around the room.

"I tried to warn you" Don finished taking pictures as Jorge's cock almost drooped. Rod did the duty of wiping up the carpet with Jorge's already soiled briefs.

"Who's five?" Billy pointed the camcorder around the room.

"Can I skip a turn?" Jimmy looked nervous.

"C'mon Duffy it can't be that bad."

"I don't know" looking at Tom "guys might not like it."

"Like what?" Tom looked at him.

"Okay but if you don't wanna do it, skip it okay?"

"Do what Duffy?" Tom was more impatient than pissed.

"Before?" he bit his lip "y'know when you and Dick there were standing next to Enrique?"

"Yeah I remember" Dick looked back at Jimmy in the corner.

"Your dick's still remembering" Niels patted him on the shoulder.

"What about it?" Tom asked.

"I don't know... if you guys don't want to do it."

"Do what?"

"Do that again but with Don this time okay?"

"Just stand there?" Dick thought just doing that would be kinda intense.

"So we can y'know compare."

"Compare what? Our dicks?"

"Everything" he looked at Tom "every thing."

"Dude, you serious?"

"You'd like totally amazing standing there side by side."

"Just standing there?" Dick had to hear what he was thinking "not doing anything?"

"Well...." chewing a whole in his lip.

"Why me Jim?" Don looked back at him.

"And..." he looked at Don knowing they would refuse "see who can cum first."

"Me no contest" Jack laughed.

"No... I mean... not yourself" he was already in too deep "each other. Really compare and show each other."

"You want us to circle jerk each other?" Jack looked at Niels, or rather his towel.

"Yeah. I know you won't do it."

"Make it interesting" Niels patted Jack's crotch "y'gotta jack each other, take turns like, but no one cums for" smiling at Jack "I wanna see ya edge that boy for like five long fuckin minutes!"


"Close without cumming" Niels laughed "for a dickhead like you the fucking ULTIMATE torture!"

"C'mon no fair."

"I'll do it" Tom stood up, throwing away the towel. Somebody else looked like they might have trouble lasting five long minutes.

"Guys you have to agree to this."

"Fuck agree" Tom looked at Niels "okay Don, your two best wrestlers. The two you want to see wrestle like you wrestled that stud there, well we want you to jerk with us and you ain't got no say in the matter you got it?"

"Yes coach" he stood up and again the cameras were redistributed. This time that fireplug squat pile of muscle was covered with a fine sheen of sweat, naked and looking amazing "where?"

"In the hall where there's room!"

"No absolutely not" Don said "it's one thing to do sexual things in the privacy of our room, but not in public. What if somebody saw?"

"We're seeing right now."

"But we're behind closed doors."

"Maybe another time" Billy wanted this to continue "usual spot against the wall then" and as soon as Don took a spot, flash went the camera "talk about 'reality' movies!"

Tom threaded his way through the obstacles and took his stand on Don's left, hoping he was right-handed. That would Dick would blow his load and they could go on to more interesting things. With a great deal of shoving and jabbing Dick got to his feet and took Don's other side. Two guys wearing tented matched briefs flanking one of the most amazing wrestling physiques anywhere.

"Use my watch" Don flipped it to Niels underhand. He caught it with no effort.

"Baseball or wrestling?"

"Both now" he chuckled at Jorge catching his breath in the corner "that was a real ice breaker Jorge, I owe ya."


"Okay your three, starting... now!" Niels opened his towel and started pulling on his long pale dick, knowing that would spook Dick big time. But when he felt Don tugging down his briefs he almost came right there. He was not going to make the one minute mark, much less the five minute mark. When Don turned to Tom next he was already standing with his briefs around his ankles, scratching his faint line of black hairs running down to his black pubes. Then Don's two hands went out and grabbed both their cocks. Tom lost; he was left-handed. When he felt that muscled grip on his cock he wanted to buckle forward but knew he couldn't. He could only stand there, glancing over and matching muscle for muscle with Dick. It was almost looking in a mirror and boy did that turn his crank.

"You too Tom, Dick" Niels was openly masturbating now "jack that fuckin hot Don. Make him hard and begging."

Both of their hands went to Don's thighs, not wanting to be the first to grab dick with an audience. Tom's hand beat Dick's, and wrapped it around that soft tube. It started filling fast, but it wasn't from Tom's expert technique. He had his hand on maybe two dicks beside his own, but the beers did not help him remember the precise details. So when he felt Dick's hand playing with the stud's nuts he assumed that was the reason it started filling and hardening so fast. By the time they switched it was standing straight out and even threatening to bow up higher. Tom looked down at it and it was his dick, only bigger. By maybe an inch if that.

Fuck fuck fuck!" Dick started grunting and thrusting his hips like crazy. But Don's hand grabbed his nuts tight, making a tight ring around the base of his shiny oozing cock. It gave a hard throb and swelled but Don caught it in time.

"Dude knows all about edging" Niels announced "man after my own heart."

"Cock you mean" from Rod.

"Same thing" Niels cock was long and hard, leaning down and resting against the blanket. What it lacked in angle it made up for in overall size. It was long and thick and when he jacked it that head got mean and round.

"Don't do that!" Jack tried to reach for his own cock but Don's strong hand pushed it away. Twice.

"Five minutes is up I can't take this!" Jack was bending and twisting, which had the desired effect. Jimmy sat there and watched three perfectly muscled guys side by side, every muscle flexing and shaking with their impending orgasms.

"Little more'n three" Niels flexed his cock with his groin muscles making it jump for Jack's entertainment. Being a pricktease was one thing, he was pure pricktorture. He yelled at Rod "give'm the lotion now."

"That's evil" he hissed but found it on the floor. Before they could stop him he slapped some pale lotion into each of their pubes. In seconds three, then four sets of hands were rubbing it all over each other's cocks. If Dick was dying before, he was almost screaming now. But Don knew exactly what Niels wanted to see. It three quick pulls and then a painful pinch or grab to his balls. As for Tom his equally matched dick was getting the full benefit of his trusty left fist. And that left fist had a hard steady motion no dick could resist.

"Thirty seconds!" Niels yelled, his fist flying forward and back on his own cock "cum for me Dick cum for me Dick he started chanting. Don managed to get one more near accident and one more hard grab to Jack before it was all over. His cock went off like a bomb hitting himself in the face as Don pinched it upwards. And then Tom's was shooting down to the floor three, four, five long ropes, his abdominal muscles flexing and his hips pumping hard into Don's perfect fist. And what could Don do with both hands full of the cum of the two best specimens in the room who were both fighting over his over-primed dick but fill their hands with his cum as well.

"Fuckin amazing!" from Jimmy whose idea this was.

"Five" Niels announced about ten seconds later "you all blew it. None of you studs could hold it."

"So what, that was more than I was expecting."

"We gotta make them do a penalty for not being able to hold their shot."

"I don't care" Jack stood there, shaking the last of his goo off the end of his dick, cum flying everywhere "that was the most amazing orgasm I have ever fucking had in my fucking life!"

"Same here" Tom looked at Don "sorry we could not have made that better for someone as fucking hot as you."

"Oh you did guys" he looked at both of them and then at Rod "that was like my birthday present and christmas rolled into one."

"So what's the penalty?" Jack went over and sat down next to Niels, getting a real eyeful up close like that. He had seen Niels a thousand times in the shower and deep down inside always wanted to see that studpole hard. Well there it was hard and inches from his leg. What else could he do but reach over and grab it. Niels did not knock his hand away,

"That's gonna help me think of your penalty."

"Sorry couldn't help it" tearing his hand away with a great deal of difficulty.

"Fuckin took ya long enough."

"Thanks you two" Don cleaned his hands but left his dick shiny and hanging.

He went to Billy taking his camera.

"Lucky six!" Tom cleaned his dick though as well as his hands. He laughed and looked around the room "well I guess my need to drop a load is taken care of. And then some wow!" looking at the other guys "time to return the favor I think" seeing who was still holding blue balls "Doug my man!"


"Which one of our two studs you wanna fuck."

"What?" from more than three directions.

"Okay okay I'm jumping the gun a bit here. Which one of these two studs you want to give a really hot wrestling lesson to?"

"You can't be serious" from Don.

"Up to you my man" Tom raised his hands "serving it up on a silver platter.

For all your past favors. Take it or leave it."

"I couldn't" looking at Billy then the rest "not like this. Not in front of" in other words, I would do it.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, thanks I think."

"Okay can't say I didn't try" looking at Don "your coach thinks you two studs been resting long enough. Let's see you two in another match, this time don't even fuckin bother with those singlets. And I wanna see you make sure the other guy is so covered with lotion in front and back if you fell you won't stop sliding til you got to Boston okay?"


"I'm your coach and that's an order guys. And when you're both so greasy I could fry an egg on your asses then we're gonna see some serious wrestling. Except this time it won't be none of that fake humping. I wanna see dick in butt you got it?"

"Tom you do not know what you're asking. There is a roomful of witnesses like your friend Doug said. This is not kidstuff jacking, this is serious - "

"Fucking you got it. Get to it."

"No cameras then" and the whole room heard: we'll do it!

"Fine, Billy?" holding out his hand. Billy gathered up the SLR and turned off the camcorder and put them on the bed behind Tom.

"No cameras like you want. Now your coach wants to see a REAL wrestling demonstration. Move!"

"You hadda know it would come to this" Rod looked at Don.

"Never expected it like this" and looked for Rod's lotion. He found it and started smearing some on his crotch.

"Didn't listen. Each other, studs."

"Here" Don handed it to Rod. And then right there in front of the whole room of highschool kids the two talent scouts started smearing each other's crotches with handfuls of pale lotion until everything from their pubes past their balls was covered with a heavy thick coating of the grease, too thick to be transparent.

"And the back now guys" Pat looked at Niels jacking away like he was at home and he had all day to finish. Tom bumped against Dick "move over" and pressed down next to him. Jack found himself wedged between two warm naked asses. Before today we would have bitched and moved. Today everything was different. When Niels other hand landed in his crotch he had no where to go. And then Tom's hand was there as well, taking turns rubbing and stroking like they had tortured Don before "and you probably want to get as much as deep as you can unless you want to be walking funny tomorrow."

"You sure know a lot about this" Niels leaned over to Tom.

"Good guesser is all" looking down into his lap seeing Jack's hand inching across his thigh.

Don finished with Rod's ass first, still slick from Jorge's "massage" earlier. But Rod's application of lotion to Don's hard thick butt took longer and getting his already sore hole looser and full of lotion took a while. Long enough that when he was finished Don's dick was filling out again.

"Let's see it now. Assume the position."

The two dropped down, Rod getting to his knees and Don's wide muscled back arched over his dark corded flesh. They twisted around and rolled on the carpet, but with both their hands covered with lotion neither one could get a good grip on the other and soon were just rolling over and around each other. Their grappling soon looked more like writhing. It was maybe another five minutes before Don had Rod pinned on his stomach, and was rubbing his very greasy crotch up and down that even greasier ass.

"Pin him Don, do it. Put it in him. Coach's orders."

Don arched his back so he could look right at the guys watching him, seeing the three masturbating each other as he and Rod pressed against each other. All the rubbing and sliding had his cock more than hard enough for the task and when he knocked Rod's legs apart and reached under his stomach bringing his ass up his dick pushed down into that pucker. They were both to lubed for it to offer much resistance. Don looked at those faces as he felt his dickhead push into Rod, Rod yelling and throwing his head back.

"Daaaamn he's really doing it. He fuckin his ass!"

"Lemme see" Tom got down off the bed and crouched over Rod's shouders looking down those black muscles to where Don's crotch was pressed against those dark globes "pull out I wanna see your dick go it his hole. Coach's orders."

"Yes coach" Don pulled his hips away from Rod's ass and his shiny dick came into view. He held his dick and applied the head to the stretched hole, Tom leaning in closer and actually saw the tip push in and past the ring. Then Don's pubes lowered until he was flat against Rod's ass. Rod lay there gasping and groaning.

"Okay" Tom stood there his cock in his hand "now switch!"


"When I told you guys to do this I never in a million years thought you'd actually do it. You actually buttfuck each other. But now I've seen it with my own eyes I wanna see the real deal. You coach wants you to wrestle one more time. This time you" lifting Rod's face "are gonna pin the champ!"

"No way" Doug and Niels and a few others were competing to be the loudest "he can't do that! The dude's like huge!"

"Coach's orders. Do it."

"Tough" Don got up from Rod's ass and rocked back onto his knees.

"Doesn't matter" Tom looked at Rod lying flat and still on the floor "just knowing you of all guys would actually do it. You'd fuck a guy in the ass" seeing Rod roll onto his side, much too hard considering what he just did "and you'd let him. I've seen enough."

"I haven't" Dick stood up, his dick looking like it hadn't cum in months "now I wanna see somethin too."

"Like what?" both of them looked exhausted.

"Okay we figured out this musclebound hunk takes it up the ass" then at Don "but this bulldog says he don't" reaching into the closet and running his hands around in Don's first piece of luggage.

"Hey get outa there!"

"Then what ya doin with this!" throwing the buttplug onto the bed. Some of the guys had never seen a thing. The others just groaned. Because this one was something maybe only Kroos on Saturday might have been able to take inside him. It was that big. Not as long as Rod but as fat. At its thickest it was close to the same diameter as Rod's at its wide base.

"Put that back."

"Too late stud, too late. Had a hunch this was meant for one of us right?"

"Fuck you."

"Maybe, maybe later" looking at Niels: I'm KIDDING already!

"Okay and guess whose number is next?"

"Mine" Rod said.

"No way!"

"Tom my boy look at your number again."


"Do it!"

Tom found his crumpled piece of paper again and showed it to the guys "see?


"You bonehead" Doug looked at it "that ain't a six it's a fuckin nine!"

"THIS is a six" Rod showed him his paper "you guys forget me and Don got numbers too!"

Tom looked at his scrap again and sure enough, there was a line below the dash not the hoop. What he thought was a smear was a noose around his neck,

"So why didn't you say anything?"

"I wanted to see how far you guys would go. We both did" looking at Don "we wanted to see what a bunch of cooped up horny guys could come up with. What their inexperienced minds might devise."

"Speak for yourself" Billy looked at the cameras.

"Then there is Billy" Don looked at him "who seems to know a lot about cameras, who never seemed to be phased by any of this, who keeps his hand calm and steady even when filming things most guys his age never even imagined. Very curious Billy."

"I read a lot" he mugged.

"Reading can get you into trouble."

"A doc named Kroos can get me into more!" looking at Jorge and Doug. Both were past trying to keep Billy bottled up.

"Kroos or Kroozh?" from Niels.

"That guy?" Dick had heard some of his stories, thinking them either fishing expeditions or just bull.

"What he look like?" Niels looked more serious than he had all night.

"Big dude hairy as shit" Billy smiled "built like Don's bigger brother, I mean bigger! And an uncut cock like yours."

"Different guy" looking at Dick "this guy's blond, not like me but blond. But yeah hairy."

"Weird as shit" Billy thought.

"Weird indeed" from Don.

"So this is gonna be bad right?" Tom looked at Rod, or rather Rod's rod.

"Depends on what you call bad" looking at the cameras "we don' need those."

"Why not?"

"Too dark where we're going."

"Where's that?"

"No Rod not tonight okay?"

"C'mon they seem real eager to do sex stuff" looking at Jorge.

"Just not tonight okay?"

"You're the boss."

"Not really but, later okay?"

"What are you two talking about?" Tom knew he was in trouble.

"Later, you'll see later okay?"

"Your call."

"So number six what else you got in mind?"

"How about a taste of their own medicine like."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Of course I'm trumping your idea. You'll have to come up with something else."

"Oh I will."

"What are you two talking about and does it involve me?" Tom knew it did.

"Okay now it's your turn" seeing Don already retrieving his SLR "same as before" tossing Tom the large plastic bottle of lotion "make sure Jack is good and lubed. But I won't tell you who gets dicked, you two figure it out."

"What?!?!?!" Tom looked at Jack, who looked at Niels.

"You better win this one."


"You two are well matched, go on."

"Fucccck" Jack slid to his feet making a big display of being pissed and disgusted and reluctant as hell. But he was none of them. As soon as Tom's hands started applying the lotion to his hairy pubes he was hard. Angry hard. Desperate hard. Even when Tom was rubbing it into his crack and wiggling his finger into his hole he did lose his hard. But he did not think Tom's finger would ever stop pushing more and more lotion inside him or up and down his crack. Ever.

"Gimme that" yanking it away from his slippery hand and then he was smearing all over Tom's front until it was almost sliding down from its own weight. And if his front looked like it was almost tan with the excess, Tom's butt looked like it had two coats of paint when he finished. He really enjoyed the part where he had to push more and more inside that hole.

The more he pushed the looser it got. Did his hole open up like that before?

The two did not need Don to tell them to start and they were sliding all over each other, losing their footing then they were rolling around on the carpet still sticky and slimy from Rod's ordeal. But like those two neither one could get a good grip and they ended up tiring each other out just rolling and sliding around, legs and arms flying and twisting so much the camera could not tell whose were whose from some angles. But with the greasy hands grabbing balls and cocks, they managed to keep each other hard most of the time. But that must have been by accident. Things were evenly balanced until Tom banged his knee on the edge of the bed and Dick used the temporary distraction to twist him onto his side, the bad knee bent forward, Dick's hardon pressed into Tom's spread crack. Before either of them realized it Dick's head was pushing against Tom's super-greased hole. When he felt the resistance give way he hardly believed it until Tom grunted "get it out of me."

Dick was more shocked than Tom and rolled away. But the bright red head of his cock was free of grease where it pressed past the ring. A good inch and a half of cockhead had been in a guy's hole! Holy cow!

So when the two tiring guys went at it one more time, Dick did not need to bump his knee to find his face pressed into the carpet.

"Easy way or hard way" Tom's mouth against Dick's ear. Dick spread his knees and bent his hips. When he felt Tom rubbing his cock up and down his crack getting it harder and harder with each stroke he knew what was going to happen. What had to happen. He was going to have this dude pop his cherry right here, with the flashes going off, and all these guys watching and jacking. He felt Tom grabbed his cock and line it up, the head pressing against his hole. He moaned and tried to relax, knowing it would hurt like hell. When the head rammed forward he lifted his ass back into it, trying to get this over with as soon as possible. Just when it felt like his hole was stretching and Tom was entering him Tom rolled off him.

"That's enough" slapping his greasy cheek hard enough to leave a bright red mark, "I got what I want. That's all I needed to know.


"You woulda let me fuck you. That's enough" and Tom was on his feet and in the bathroom fast.

"Well I would be the next up" Don held up his eight "but since I'm such a nice guy" looking at a few faces "I'm going to hold my turn for some other date. Billy? You were so eager to find out if you get two turns, okay. Last turn for you and make it a good one."

"Wow" he looked around the room "anybody here who hasn't gotten their rocks off yet?"

"What about you?" Jorge looked at him. Jorge thought if I'm gonna have these guys see me suck cock, what about Billy? Because he would do anything in front of anybody any time and he is is still fully dressed "you trying to see how long you can keep your clothes on?"

"I just don't wanna look..."

"Like a total homo?" from Doug.

"Like a total sex pig" Billy laughed, putting the camcorder down long enough to throw a pillow at the big guy.

"Here's your chance Herms" Jorge smiled.

"No shit" handing the camcorder to Doug "you take over with this."

"We need this filmed Billy? You sure?"

"Yeah why not?" looking at his two closest friends "little late now for camera shy right?"

"Your call."

"Gimme on of those beds" Billy saw the hardest part of this was going to be getting the guys to move their butts "just for a while. Cause you guys are too big for a puny punk like me to wrestle, I'm gonna stretch out."

"Why you getting tired?"

"Something like that."

"Billy you are going to bed already?" from Don. Billy swore he heard a bit of disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah I'm going to catch a few zzz's" he looked at Don, as the guys moved to a different bed, pissing and moaning the whole time "and that's when you two dogs stumble into the wrong room."

"Wrong room? What?" Rod looked at him "this is our room. Tonight I mean."

"Well here I am, trying to sleep" Billy sprawled across the bed on his side a pillow already over his head "and you two super studs wander in on the wrong room and find me sleeping here."

"Sounds like real life" from Jimmy getting a few laughs.

"Real, real life" Billy smiled back "here I am sleeping" even making a few fake snore sounds for effect "you two horny studs wander in my mistake" looking at Jorge "and rape me."

"What?" from too many voices.

"Yeah, real life only more real" Billy looked at them "these guys know I don't bullshit I play for real" looking at Rod "I don't know if I can take all of that" looking at Doug more interested than shocked "but you're so horny you're gonna try. Same for you" looking at Don "because if only get one chance to do it with an amazing looking stud like you" looking at Jorge "I'd be a total bonehead not to."

"Billy you are not serious."

"The dude's serious" Jorge looked at Rod "you don't know Billy."

"Are you like totally?" Niels looked at him.

"Gay?" he looked around the room "yeah probably. But you guys are kinda late to be getting all weird about being a room with a totally gay horny kid now. Not after all of that" looking at the spot in the room where most of them have already done things in real life they only dreamed about up to that evening.

"So we just walk in here and do you?" Rod looked at Billy then Don. Tom and Dick came out of the bathroom, sharing a towel.

"We miss something?"

"Not yet" Billy looked at them "go get a seat" then at Don "but yeah basically. Oh I'm fight and complain like everything, but yeah. You two studs are gonna do what you want."

"Do what they want?" Tom looked at Doug "what's that mean?"

"Sit down and find out."

"We better clean up first" Don started for the bathroom.

"No you're fine like that" Billy looked at Dick then Tom "a bit underdressed for starters."

"Billy we both are all sweaty and" looking at his crotch "slimy with lotion and worse!"

"I can handle it" looking at them "you're clean enough" at a few faces "but not lubed enough."

"What?" Dick looked at Niels "what's he talkin about?"

"Sit down and shuddup" he patted a new seat next to him "you're gonna learn something."

"I gotta piss" Rod was in the bathroom "or is that?"

"You can do it after you come it. Doug you got the camcorder, who gets the other camera?"

"I... I... er... I know how" Jimmy muttered in the back.

"I don't know about this" Don handed him the camera.

"Get dressed already!" Billy lay down again "or I will fall asleep."

"Damn" Don stood up and started pulling on someone's t-shirt and his pants.

When Rod did that he whistled and did the same. Soon they both looked very rumpled but almost presentable. They left the room barefoot.

"What you doing Billy? They leaving?" from Tom.

"Be quiet" Niels between the two "Billy's sleeping" looking at Tommy checking the camera and taking two shots for practice "and we ain't even here, so nobody says anything. We're like flies on the wall got it?"

"What if..." Doug lowered his camera "Billy you need a word to say in case it's gets too... y'know bad."

"If I say 'uncle' that means I'm not acting okay?"

"Okay" Doug looked around "unless Herms here says 'uncle' we don't say shit okay?"

"Why?" Dick looked at Niels "this gonna get bad?"

"No, just totally randy."

The room quieted down and then they heard voices outside the door. It sounded like Rod was arguing about something. The guys looked at each other, guessing Rod did not want any part of this. Billy just lay there snoring away like he was truly sleeping. After a minute or two they heard the key at the door and then it opened. Rod came and did not look at the guys but saw Billy sprawled on the bed. Then Don came in but he was not alone. Looking wide-eyed and very panicked was somebody some of them recognized.

He almost nodded and say "hey" to Niels and Jack, but Niels had enough sense to cap his mouth over Jack's mouth and wave Otto's gaze away from them. Because yes it was Otto Rulfsen, their star wrestler, all one-ninety pounds of pure blond medal-winning muscle. Well Niels and Jack knew he was blond, the other guys only saw the shaved head. Maybe his eyebrows and sunburned skin gave some clues what those pubes would be like. He already had gone on to State in his Sophmore year, wiping the mat with anyone they threw at him. He made co-captain in his junior year and was now a shoe-in for captain in their senior year. He looked at his fellow teammates and tried not to acknowledge them as Don had instructed. But Jack just looked at him, trying to signal: get your butt out of here!

Doug and the rest had seen the guy at practice, totally amazed at his unbelievable skills. Which made it all the stranger why the coaches and especially Don were riding his ass so hard. A few times they thought Otto would either deck on them or run from the room screaming. But he sat there and took it, training harder and trying more to impress them. Talk about a sucker for punishment! Moose and a few even had a bet going how long he'd last before he snapped. But they didn't know Otto like Niels and Jack did. They knew the level of his dedication and he would do anything to go on to Nationals. Well they had a sinking feeling in their gut they were about to witness what he would do. They suspected it wasn't that venison that was making their guts churn. And it sure as hell wasn't the food that was making their dicks grow. And yeah, Otto eyes were flying all over the room, taking in all those naked and semi-naked guys, their crotches showing more than a few hardons.

"You sure this is the room?" Rod started, looking at Billy sleeping there.

"Naw this ain't it let's leave" good try Otto.

"The key works, it says six-oh-six, this has gotta be it."

"I gotta piss" Rod went for the bathroom.

"Me too" Otto wanted to lock himself in there and not come out. All week. Seeing his two friends on the bed there, naked! he was totally spooked. Don told him what he was going to do, but forgot to mention the part about witnesses. And cameras! I gotta go- "

"After Rod okay?"

"No I mean - "

"Relax, everything's cool. Just go with the program" and just like that Don put his hand on Otto's big chest. At first it looked like he was just calming the spooked horse. Then the hand started rubbing his right pec down to the nipple. Otto hissed and pulled away, his eyes darting to Niels.

"It's cool, no one here just us and this passed out kid there" yeah Don had the script down pat "relax Otto" so much for fake names Billy snickered on the bed.

"C'mon... coach... I mean..." Otto bit his lip as Don pulled his polo shirt free of his khaki cut-offs "no c'mon..."

"It's cool" Don had his hands under the shirt, feeling up Otto's chest with both hands. Niels saw the reaction; it was the same when he got his mouth on his girlfriend's tits. Dude loved to have his nipples rubbed. Niels was taking notes.

The bathroom door opened, the sound of fading flushing. Rod came out, his face and hands wet.

"Okay I'm next" Otto lept for the bathroom.

"I'll go with ya" Don looked at Rod "make sure you don't jack off in there."

"Coach!" Otto looked at his friends in spite of himself. It was hard enough standing there getting his sensitive nipples touched with that flash going off. So he bolted for the bathroom at the first opportunity he could.

Don right behind him.

"Kid..." Rod sat down on the bed next to Billy rubbing his shoulder "wake up, you're in the wrong room."

"Wha...?" Billy pretended he was asleep. Or was he really dozing?"

"C'mon wake up. Y'gotta leave" Rod meant that last part.

"Wha... who are you?"

"Wake up get your ass outa my bed."

"I'm sleeping, it's my bed" Billy started to roll onto his back. He had used the earlier distractions to open the front of his pants. His large erection was pressing his white briefs out of the fly.

"Kid you just woke up" Rod looked at it as another flash went off. Billy just lay there on his back, the white tent several inches up "and cover up. You're all wooded."

"Can't help it" Billy pulled the pillow over his head. It looked like an open invitation. Rod knew what he had to do. Hell it was what he wanted to do. All night he had been watching this kid, a bit impressed by his self-confidence, his cockiness even. And if there was something Rod liked, it was a kid who knew what he wanted. Rod's hand went out to the bare strip of flesh where his shirt had pulled up, rubbing that smooth pale belly "hey!" trying to double up.

"C'mon kid" Rod started wrestling with Billy, who was putting up enough of a fight to look good "lemme just feel ya."

"No" Billy squirmed "don't touch me."

"C'mon just a little" Rod was getting into this. When he heard Billy's suggestion before, bells went off. If there was something that got his nut it was doing just this "I won't hurt ya."

"No please stop" Billy groaned and twisted and Rod's strong hands started rubbing his chest lifting his shirt. When it was up to his chin Rod's hands were all over his pale chest, the few blond hairs getting stroked and tickled "stop that tickles."

"C'mon just a little" Rod's hand were down to Billy's stomach then the waistband of his briefs "lemme see what you got kid."

"No please, don't touch me down there that's bad" Billy squirmed and rolled back and forth but all it did was make Rod's job of getting Billy's pants past his ass easier. So it was only a few more seconds before Rod had the front of Billy's briefs down and was stroking Billy's very hard cock.

"Yeah thought you'd like that, feels real good doesn't it?" Rod's hands were all over Billy's front, up to his chest down to his balls, paying lots of attention to that pole flat against his belly "lemme just play with ya okay?"

"Stop no, don't touch me any more" Billy rolled onto his stomach, his ass no longer covered. He lay there and heard the sound of someone's fly popping open. What he could not see, but everyone else could, was Rod pulling his pants open and down. His hand tugging at the impressive long brown dick. When Rod had his pants off and back on the bed Billy felt his weight return. He did not expect to feel Rod's mouth on his ass "NO!"

"C'mon kid, nice tight ass like that" running his tongue up and down Billy's crack. Billy was trying to twist away but those strong hands were pushing his ass down into the bed and spreading his cheeks. When the tongue returned it was licking his hole. Billy almost shot off right there ruining the whole show.

"What the hell you doing?" Don came out of the bathroom, sounding very angry. If he was acting he was doing a real good job "what are you doing to the kid?"

"He's horny, I'm horny, why not?"

"Fuck..." Otto emerged right behind Don. He looked totally freaked when he came through the door. Seeing what Rod was doing to Billy's ass was almost too much for him "coach?"

"Come on and get comfortable" Don's hands were back on Otto's shoulders this time, steering him towards the bed "so who's your friend?"

"Kid?" Rod rubbed his hands up and down Billy's back and ass.

"B-b-b-billy" he rolled onto his back seeing Otto for the first time "who are YOU?"

"This is Otto" Don stood behind him rubbing his chest from the back, lifting his shirt up to his pits "I think he's as horny as you look kid, Billy."

"I just woke up" was his best excuse.

"Woke up horny right?" Rod's hands running up and down his front, then grabbing his cock and holding it straight up "right?"

"Don't do that!" Billy tried to turn away from them "I ain't, I don't mess around with guys!"

"Leave him alone" Otto tried "you're molesting him."

"What you call this then?" Don hands were rubbing this nipples again, Otto's eyes closing and moaning "stop okay? This is wrong."

"You like having a big jock like this feel ya up?"

"Fuuccccck" was his answer. When Don tried to lift his shirt the second time, the room saw those blond pits, their guesses confirmed. His big hard muscled arms went up as Don pulled the shirt over his head, Otto protesting but little good it did.

"Man look at you stud" Don's hands all up and down his bare chest "fuckin muscle stud you are right?"

"Please... no..." Otto tried to keep his eyes closed. Seeing Billy get felt up by the amazing Rod was bad enough, but standing there having to watch it as his most admired and feared coach was pushing all his buttons was worse. No what was worse was glancing over and seeing his buds Niels and Jack pulling their cocks watching this. Watching him! When he saw them switch hands, jerking each other and staring at his front he almost lost it.

His buds got off on guys? They were getting off on.... him???

"Look at you big blond stud" Don's hands rubbing up and down his abs "quite a bod y'got there."

"I... er... I try to keep up the workouts - "

"Keep this up too?" one hand rubbed down to the front of his khakis, the other rubbing and pulling his nipple.

"Fuck don't!" trying to pull away from Don, but Don's arms were strong enough to pull him back.

"C'mon a big stud like you" Don murmured in his ear "don't fight it Otto, it's gonna happen like we said."

"Please coach no, not like this."

"Gotta do it sooner or later" Don's hand back at his pants "this is sooner."

"No..." he squeezed his eyes shut as Don opened the front of his pants, unzipping his fly. He was wearing a brand-new jockstrap, little realizing when he put in on before, more than the guy he was going to be sharing that bed with would be seeing it now.

"See Billy?" Rod's hands were all over his cock and balls "we're all horny like you. Let's mess around a little."

"No! Leave get out of my room" Billy twisted back and forth but that only made getting his jeans and briefs off that easier. Somehow Billy's shoes had been kicked off in the process. Doug smiled but man was this hot to watch. Seeing that Otto dude was hot, and seeing his teammates perving on him was even hotter. He would have been jacking right along but he knew that week's worth of cum was just ready to shoot out of his cock.

"C'mon kid let's mess around okay?" Rod's hands were all over Billy's half-naked body now, not having to do a lot to keep the kid hard. He was as bad as that Jack guy, talk about the eternal bone! And his own meat was really enjoying the attention his free hand would give it when it wasn't all over Billy's body.

"Amazing ain't it?" Don pushed the khaki cut-offs down and was rubbing the front pouch of Otto's jock "Billy could almost be your kid brother huh?"

"HEY!" Otto yelled when Don's one hand slippped beneath the material and got a grip on his cock "no!"

"Yeah, both of you blond, he even has blue eyes like you, and same big nose."

"Knock it off" but Otto's arms were reaching around behind Don's back pulling him forward. Guess he was finally getting with the program, Don thought. His hand went to his fly and fished out his growing bone. When Otto felt it against his bare ass he just whimped "no please, not" whispering behind him "not in front of the guys."

"They're getting off on this" whispering back "seeing more and more of your hot bod."

"They seen it before" Otto groaned.

"Not like this" Don pulled the pouch to the side, showing them how his hand was pulling and tugging Otto's perfect cut dick, narrow head and fat neck much like Rod's. More the king size not the jumbo extra-large.

"C'mon say something!" he looked at his teammates almost saying, Niels!

But Niels just gave him a thumbs up and pointed his his long thick dick and then at Otto's front. But when Otto saw Niels point again at Otto's dick and then bring that finger to his mouth Otto almost did a double take. But that hand on his cock was starting to have a noticeable effect. Never in a million years did Otto think he could get hard like this with all the guys and cameras watching and ogling. But it was happening. His worst fear was right here right now. Being exposed in front of guys he knew and showing them his cock. But when he felt his cock rising the spell was broken. Not only was he showing dick but his dick was getting jacked and hardening. If he could do this he could do anything. He was about to find out how far "anything" was from his imaginings.

"No don't do that" Billy looked down and saw Rod starting to rub their two dicks together. Comparing his hardon to Rod's semi-hard was a bit odd. But shit was that hot, seeing that tube next to his, brown and pink. He thought about Will and Mannie and Klu and all the guys, even the guys in the room watching and jacking to this. His dick got harder and harder "don't put your dick on me it's gross. I don't do that guy stuff."

"C'mon Billy let's play, we're gonna get to know each other real well. All of each other."

"Go on get on the bed" Don pressed his dick harder into Otto's crack, a dull hard cattle prod to his virgin ass "and straddle your baby brother there."

"He ain't my brother!" Otto shocked himself at the strong reaction. He never imagined himself and Billy his younger brother - same name how did they know? - naked in the same bed. The thought was too... too... he could not find the word.

"Go on the bed's big enough for all of us" Don looked at the guys. He might have heard Jimmy mutter "if it don't break" but those guys weren't breaking theirs. But they were not giving it the work-out Don envisioned giving this one "go on get on the bed."

"It's wrong" Otto put on knee up "he's my brother!" where did that come from? It seemed Don hit a nerve. Either Otto was going along with this now or else he did not know what he was saying.

"Just get up there" Don pushed him and then Otto's second knee was on the bed. That was it; they had crossed the dividing line "yeah, Billy wants a real good look at you. Go on straddle him now."

"Sorry baby bro" Otto lifted one knee over Billy's midsection as Rod slid down on the bed, his hand now rubbing below Billy's balls. Don was already handing him the bottle of lotion, and then kicking out of his pants. Now all three were naked from the waist down.

"Don't make me do this Otto" Billy's eyes were glued to the front of Otto's body. He looked up and down this guy. Man, if he crossed Big Hank and himself, it would be Otto! That thought made him buck his waist up, Otto's ass settling down on him just below his ribcage "don't break me" he whispered down at Billy "they're makin me do this."

"Oh don't do this Otto get off me!" Billy's eyes were at what was hanging free of the side of his jock.

Otto tried sliding off when he heard that, but Don just pushed him back.

"Go on Otto lean forward, give Billy a better look at you."

"No he doesn't want - "

"Do it Otto slide forward more!"


"Do it!"

Otto slid forward until he was straddling Billy's chest, his cock almost hitting him in the chin. He made sure his weight was on his knees not on Billy's chest. The kid was right; he could crush him.

"Yeah real good look right?" and Don stepped onto the bed, hoping the newly cut pine logs would hold their weight. He did not hear and creaking or snapping so brought his other foot up until he was standing over Billy's head facing Otto "yeah get to know each other, better" and Don crouch down and lifted Billy's head towards Otto's crotch. Billy did not need to be told to open his mouth and started swallowing that tapered head. Otto did not know whether to lean back or forward. But his dick told him forward and that's what he did. He never felt a mouth on his dick before, and never someone like Billy. Billy's tongue and throat had him very hard very fast. He was so busy rocking his cock in and out of that hot wet mouth he did not notice when something warm and moist brushed against his nose. When Don grabbed Otto's ears and pushed his cock between Otto's lips, he could little but let it go in his mouth. He looked up at Don, his hard amazing body towering over him, the same Don he admired and worshipped and would do anything for and started sucking like this was not his first blowjob.

"Fuckin wow!" Niels hand was keeping his cock happy "Rulfsen sucks dick! I woulda paid money to see this."

"I still don't believe it" Jack pulled his hand away from his cock it was so sore and still wanting to blow "I'm seein it but it ain't real."

Billy was so happy sucking this dick he barely noticed when Rod lifted his legs and started smearing his crack with that lotion. He knew this was coming, he knew he was asking for it, but could he really do this? Could he let himself be fucked in front of all these dudes? He knew he would try. But if he could take Rod up his ass was something else. He barely could take Big Hank without screaming, but Rod? So when those fingers smeared with lotion started rubbing his crack and then one was pressing around his ring he moaned.

"No no don't touch me there" Billy pulled off Otto's dick, now hard and shiny with his spit "not my butt."

"What?" Otto spun sideways seeing what Rod was doing "leave him alone! Don't touch his butt that's nasty!"

"Don't worry about it" Don pulled Otto's head back between those gigantic thighs "the kid's gonna get his cherry popped" Otto's mouth again full of the dick of his hero. Otto felt his own dick return to that hot tight suck and was not complaining "and you're the one gonna do it."

"Wwwwww" was the best Otto could do with his mouth full of dick. He was gonna buttfuck someone? This kid? In front of his teammates? No fuckin way! But the dick in is mouth and the one in his crotch were distracting him big time. Even when he felt a slimy finger at his own butt he barely could stop the pumping and rocking into that kid's mouth. Then he felt the finger enter him and almost lost it. He groaned as his dick felt like it was swelling to twice its size, Billy even coughing and choking at Otto pushed forward.

"Don't you dare cum" he heard about him, vibrating into the cock sliding slowing in and out of his mouth "you cum in your brother's mouth and you'll regret it Otto."

Otto slid his cock out of Billy's mouth, sliding back harder on that finger in his shithole. He never felt anything like that. Even when the second finger pressed in it hurt like the devil. Nothing compared to that dislocation or that broken leg but fuck that hurt! After a while of coaxing and massaging something deep inside him his pucker started to relax and he was almost enjoying it. He did not want to look at his buds having them see how much this was getting to him. When the third and then fourth fingers started really stretching and really hurting him he winced.

"No ow!"

"Relax Otto" Don pulled his spit-covered cock away from Otto's mouth. It almost looked like disappointment on his face "get off Billy now."

"Finally" he brought one knee over Billy's chest landing on his hip.

"Now get behind Billy, put his knees on your shoulders."

"No please" Otto knew exactly what that meant "he's my brother for crissakes."

"We're gonna help ain't we Rod?"

"Make your first fuck real memorable" tugging Billy's cock with his greased hand "both of you."

"No not that anything but that" Billy moaned and rocked to his side "I never took a dick in my ass" hoping Doug or Jorge didn't chuckle. All he heard was heaving panting and the soft flap-flap of flesh on flesh. Yeah, they were enjoying this and then some "don't make me do this! Please not my ass, not in my ass I'm beggin please no!" Billy moaned and groaned and twisted but with Don holding one leg and Rod the other, they pinned Billy's knees over Otto's shoulders. Otto's dick drooped a little seeing Billy's protests, his brother's protests! but when Rod's greasy hand started stroking his cock and aiming it at Billy's hole it filled out and lifted up and before he could lean back the head was pressed against something so warm and slippery Otto could hardly stop himself. And when that slippery finger was back between his greasy buttcheeks pushing his crack forward his dick pushed into something like he imagined a real pussy to feel like. But even his jackoff fantasies were not this hot and tight. He pushed and thrust as far as he could, ignoring Billy's screams beneath him. And when that finger found that electric buzzer deep inside his hole he was rocking and fucking like he could not stop himself if he wanted to.

"No no don't fuck me! Otto I'm your brother don't don't it hurts take it out take it out" Billy's hard cock grunted again and again. Don panicked at first hearing that scream but seeing Billy's cock not showing one wrinkle told him this kid was gonna get an oscar for this performance. When Rod's finger left that hole Ron's finger was there in a second. If there was one thing better than having the star athlete suck his lob is was playing with his virgin ass. Between Don doing a real number on his hole and then Rod on his feet leaning over Billy's ball of flesh between his calves and leaning his cock towards his mouth, Otto did not know if he was coming or going. He felt the head of that fat brown dick force into his mouth and start gagging down his throat. He was going to pass out.

Rod started a short fast pistoning into that hot mouth, his fist tight around the base of his cock, knowing it was a matter of time before that mouth would make him hard enough he would not need to squeeze it so tight. He almost didn't hear Otto start to moan and grunt.

"Oh fuck oh fuck I'm gonna cum" Otto tried to pull out of that hot hole but the fingers only pressed him forward.

"You're gonna cum in your brother's ass. You're gonna fill him with your juice."

"Don't make me cum don't make me cum" over and over.

"Do it! Fill him up until it's coming out his mouth. Fuck him!"

"I can't stop I can't oh FUCK!" Otto pushed as far into Billy as he could and his whole body started convulsing. Billy felt his hot jizz blasting against the lining of chute he was cumming so hard. Billy felt like an enema was flooding into him, this guy could not stop cumming! When he thought he was gonna start exploding with it Don barked at him.

"Pull out of him. Show us your cock!"

Otto was still spasming as he pulled away, his cock on fire and still oozing another puddle as he fell backwards, Rod rolling Billy's knees to the side so the guys and the cameras could see his hole stretched and swollen even some milky fluid seeping out.

"Fuck" Jimmy gave up trying to cover his tent "he came in his butt. He really jizzed in his ass!" loud enough to get a few slugs.

"Get Billy on his knees now" Don ordered as Rod twisted and lifted Billy like a rag doll "so Otto here can see where he raped his brother! See? That's your cum dripping out of his hole. Look!" almost pressing Otto's face into Billy's ass. Otto was too limp to resist.

"Now you're gonna watch me fuck your brother's ass next!" wasted no time getting behind Billy's spread ass and lining up his cock still hard from the constant jacking "watch me fuck him with you cum still in his ass" and before Billy could brace for it Don's slighter larger cock was pressing into him. Between all the lotion and the fresh depost of cum Billy could do little but relax as Don's cock pushed against his ring. He was smaller than Hank so it forced its way in with a certain amount of pain but not enough for Billy to black out. He knelt there with his face in the pillow, knowing everyone was watching the stocky built man fuck him like he was pounding an opponent into the mat.

"Yeah assume the position assume the position" Don grunted over and over, his eyes boring into Dick and then Tom back and forth over and over "take it take my cock up you ass!" and he shoved so hard Billy almost went through the mattress.

"C'mon Billy" Jorge whispered "say it, say uncle."

"Fuck fuck" Billy twisted his face away from the pillow "you're raping me! You're raping me, stop stop it's too big you're killing me..." but Don's hand on Billy's hard dick was proof he was still acting. Damn this fuck boy was good he thought. He's gonna be real popular when his rep gets out this week.

"Get Otto cleaned up and bring him right back here" Don barked at Rod. Otto was only to happy to topple towards the bathroom. He would have like to hide in there behind a locked door until morning but the door did not lock and Rod had other plans for him. They were in and out of there in one minute if that.

"You like that? You like a real man fuckin yer ass huh?"

"Stop no it hurts no I don't like it no" Billy groaned over and over.

"Get up on your hands Billy" Don's big arms grabbed Billy beneath his chest and lifted. He was strong enough he could have held Billy up on and balanced him on his cock if he wanted but Billy's arms went down until he was supporting himself as best he could. Don's thrusts lessened but Billy could feel that cock inside him swelling and filling.

"Otto get up here" Don barked "Billy wants a good luck at his brother's dick still red from fuckin him."

"What? C'mon no more I did what you made me" Otto looked at his buds: they made me!

"Give Billy's mouth somethin to do while I pump my load into him next."

"No" Billy grunted but Otto got back onto the bed with some help from Rod. It seemed once Otto's knees hit that mattress he lost all reluctance. He lifted Billy's mouth to his soft cock.

"C'mon bro, just like before."

"No Otto don't make me."

"C'mon just lick it a little" which Billy interpreted and deep throat. Otto gasped as the suction started to make his cock swell again. It did not take long for the blood to rush into his cock. By the time Rod found what Don was pointing at he was hard and pistoning it into Billy's mouth.

"Time Otto meets his new friend" Don grunted between thrusts "right Rod?"

"Your call."

"Do it."

Otto was too busy thrusting those blond pubes against Billy's face, his hands running through the same color hair as his to see what Rod was covering with lotion behind him.

"Okay Otto" Rod grunted behind him "reach over and play with Don's chest."

"Like this" and Don did the same to Otto's. As soon as those fingers were back on Otto's nipples he was putty. But that dick in Billy's mouth was not putty; it was a slab of pig iron the way it seemed. When Otto felt those greasy fingers playing with his hole again, the fingers on his tits told him to relax and enjoy the ride. When all four were squirming and stretching him like before he almost was getting used to it. Then he felt something different, something hard and blunt pushing against his butthole. His first reaction was Rod was trying to fuck him with that monster but he could almost feel Rod's breath on his wet ass. This was something else. And this thing was not stopping until it was going to invade his hole. He felt his ring stretch wider and wider until he could not take it any longer. Then Don's fingers were pinching and pulling his nipples and that sent a crazy current right into Billy's mouth. The thing in his hole pushed hard and suddenly his ring tightened around it. Something was lodged deep and wide in his ass.

"You like your new friend?" Don was starting a steady rocking into Billy's ass now, signaling his closing orgasm "you two are going to know each other real well from now on."

"Get that out of me."

"Nice big fat buttplug" Don closed his eyes and started rocking fast into Billy "just like he made me train with. Wrestling and grunting and lifting with that in my hole all the time! Sleeping with it always there, doing leg presses, running laps, wrestling my coach and that plug in my ASS!" and Don's load joined Otto's deep in Billy's ass. He pulled out and finished by splattering some on Billy's back "YEAH!" hee pulled out and crawled up the bed, his dick dark red and shiny "switch!"


"I'm gonna make sure Otto and his new friend and real comfortable. You know comes next."

"He's not ready."

"One way to find out."

Rod switched places with Don and was behind Billy's ass in seconds. When he saw that hole all stretched and dripping two loads of cum he wanted to bury his face in that blond ass and suck it dry. But he knew everyone - even Don! - would freak. He contented himself by smearing more of the lotion over his crotch and leaning over Billy rubbing his semi-hard up and down that crack, Don's cum smearing his navel. That feeling got his cock rising fast.

"No I can't!" Billy roared "you're too big! You'll rip me open!"

"Relax kid one step and at time" Rod continued to rub his cock up and down Billy's crack "just relax just relax..."

"Turn around Otto don't ya wanna see your brother get skewered by that monster cock?"

"Don't to that to him he's only a kid."

"You sure as hell didn't think that when you were popping his cherry" Don forced him around and made sure he saw Rod's growing dick getting longer and thicker each tim it slid back and forth over Billy's hole "or when I was taking a turn up your brother's hole. You thought that was hot right?"

"It's disgusting."

"How does that thing feel in you? You getting used to your hole plugged?"

"It hurts like hell" but all it did was make Otto's butt and thigh muscles flex for the flash camera. His hard abs tightened as he tried to find some position that was less painful. But no matter how he strained and untightened his butt he felt that fire hydrant filling him up.

"Do some deep bends, and grab your ankles between them."

"Are you crazy?"

"Do it" Don smirked, jacking himself slowly "or there's worse where that came from."

"Coach..." was all he said as he stepped down to the floor. He did not know which was worse. Standing and facing the guys, his buds! and seeing them masturbating to his nakedness, his cock embarrassingly more than half-chubbed because of that thing pressing against that knob inside him, or turning around?

"Turn around" like Don heard his thoughts "and nice and slow down you go."

Otto knew this was going to really sting and down he crouched, just feeling all those eyes on his greasy ass, that round thing sticking in him. He raised himself up glad to close his crack. Seeing Don's finger point down he leaned forward, almost grabbing his toes.

"Spread your feet wider Otto."

Otto knew what he was making him do. He knew how it would look, all the muscles in his thighs and glutes straining and flexing, his crack wide open with the thing plain as day.

"Keep going."

Otto raised up then squatted down. With his legs apart like that it looked like he was trying to take a dump on the carpet, and almost wished he could force that thing out of his ass, but it was lodged tight. He raised up again and bent down he legs wide, even hearing a "fuckin awesome ass!" behind him. The worse part was he knew it was Niels. Niels behind him jacking that beautiful stud cock of his watching him do his deep squats his ass full and plugged. After about ten or so he thought the plug had fallen out his ass was so sore and yet numb.

"Okay up on bed on your back. You too Billy" he looked at Rod "think they're as ready as they'll be" watching Billy roll onto his back so close to Otto they were almost glued at the hip.

"Now boys" Don looked at them "we're gonna take your cherries, both of you."

"Please coach no... not like this."

"Yeah Otto just like this, now lift them up" he rocked Otto's legs back, the bright pink circle glowing against the blond crotch "this will be real easy just squeeze out now!" and Otto felt like he was shitting out a brick as Don pulled the plug from his hole. It was forced out before he knew what hit him. Then Don's greasy fingers hit his still gaping hole "just like that, we're gonna go real easy. You too, don't break Billy, don't hurt Otto's brother."

The guys watched the two side by side Don leaning his hard cock towards Otto's virgin ass, Billy's ass bent high as the tip of Rod's cock, harder and bigger than anyone in the room had ever seen, started moving into Billy's hole. Billy groaned and yelled but after all that had happened he felt the head go in his with little discomfort. But when the next four inches pressed forward, a lot thicker than that head Billy winced.

"See? Your brother can take dick up you ass. A fucking big black log so you can sure as fuck take this!" and right in front of everyone's eyes Don slammed his cock forward, burying half of it in Otto's ass. After all he had done in front of his friends he was more shocked than hurt. When he felt Don's pubes against his balls he knew he was being buttfucked. It all hit home when more flashes went off.

"I cannot fuckin BELIEVE this!" Niels said too loud "Rulfsen it taking dick up the ass. He takes it up the ass! I am fuckin blown away!"

"I think I'm gonna cum just watchin" Dick pulled Niels hand from his crotch. He was not kidding.

"You like that? You like your coach taking your cherry?" Don's hips were on auto-pilot now "cause after dropping two loads I can fuck all night now. You'd like that? Feeling this dick plow your virgin ass all night?"

"Fuck... damn... coach..."

"Look at your brother, open your eyes and look!" Don forced Otto to turn "see that? He takin big fuck dicks up his ass now? See what you started when you popped him open? Hey Billy you like that dick up you?"

"Fuck... fuck... fuck me" Billy grunted, trying to open up as another inch was rocked into then out of him. He knew he was stretched as far as he could go and Rod knew it as well. Rod was making sure only the front half was going into that butt. And that was enough to make his balls get ready to fill this kid with even more cum. Knowing that his dick was sliding in and out of Don's jizz only made it better.

"See?" Don was fucking like a slow relentless pile driver hitting mud, even making the same wet slurping sound in Otto's ass "if your kid brother can take that huge black fuckpole so can you right?"

"What?" from Rod and Otto both.

"Okay fucker switch" and Don pulled out of Otto's ass and crawled back on the bed. Otto did not even have his legs lowered before he felt a different sharped dick forcing against his hole. This one was small enough to slide into him with no resistance and then he felt it press deeper. His asshole felt like it was tearing in two. He grunted and yelled and it slid back out, then in again not as deep. In and out in and out until Otto was seeing stars. After a while he could not tell if it was deeper or not than before, only his hole was stretched so wide it felt like someone's hand up inside him. He was even gagging feeling it trying to come out the other end.

"Yeah two brothers getting dicked by the same club. Okay switch one last time" and the two changed places again. Both their cocks were hard as steel and covered with so much slime they were dripping. When Otto felt Don's dick return to his gaping hole he clamped down around it like it belonged there "yeah feels real good now doesn't it? After that thing in you you're all nice and stretched for you coach right?"

"Yeah... yeah coach fuck me fuck my cherry."

"Y'like my dick?" slamming it hard several times in a row "you like getting dicked hard and fast?"

"Harder harder fuck me harder."

"Cannot believe I'm fuckin hearin this!" Niels cock was so hard it was bowing upwards. And it took a lot of blood to force that that to climb like that. He started yanking on Jack's cock just to keep himself from losing it.

"You like your coach's cock?"

"Yeah yeah fuck me."

"Okay grab your brother's dick now" Don moved their hands "both of you. Your baby bro been holding in his cum real long and he needs to blow now. You're gonna keep jackin him til he cums got it?"

"Cum for me Billy cum in my hand, cum cum cum" Otto was yanking and pulling, his hand as greasy as Billy's cock. When he felt Billy's hand return the favor, and with that steady pistoning in and out of his hole, Otto was lost in unbelievable pleasure.

"You like that huh?"

"Fuck ya!"

"You like you coach's cock?"

"Yeah yeah fuck me."

"Who else you want fuckin this cherry?"

"Oh... ah... fuck...!"

"Whose cock you want fillin your hole with their jizz?"

"You coach!"

"Who... fuckin... else!" slamming him as hard as he could.

"Ah... ah... ah...!"

"Tell me!" his cock a brutal battering ram hard and deep and fast.

"Ungh... ungh... ungh... Niels..." he groaned "fuck me... fuck me..."

"You want Niels fucking you?"

"Yeah yeah fuck fuck fuck..."

"Okay here's Niels' dick fuckin you fuckin your cherry ass. Say it!"

"Fuck me fuck me fuck me Niels fuck me" and Billy filled Otto's hand with his cum, Rod's dick just far enough in to pound Billy's prostate and force him to blow like crazy. As soon as Don saw Billy lose his load he pulled out.

"Show's over" he looked at Rod "next one gets that load, okay?"

"Fuck" he pulled out of Billy and topppled off the bed. He helped Billy up, almost tossing him over his shoulder and carrying him to the bathroom. Otto was too tired and too embarrassed to move.

"Go get cleaned up" Don looked at him "you're a mess stud."

Otto rolled off the far side of the bed, avoiding everybody as he pushed into the bathroom. He was in there long after a clean and happy Billy and a still-hard Rod emerged. Don went in after Otto making sure he hadn't flushed himself down the drain.

"Think you're up again" Jorge nudged Doug. But there was no way Doug could move. Between his full bladder and even fuller dick, there was no way he was going to budge without making a whole lot of mess "c'mon Doug."

"Not after that."

"It's okay Doug" Billy pulled his t-shirt on and left it at that "you know I get carried away sometimes. Nobody expects you to do anything even close to that."

"Who could?" Tom looked at him then at Dick. But Dick and Niels were too busy watching the bathroom door, fearing Otto was in there having a major freak-out. When he emerged wearing a dirty towel they almost applauded. But took a seat on the floor looking for his clothes.

"Can I leave now?" not looking at his friends.

"C'mon Rulfsen you like earned the front row seat" Niels said.

"Don't talk to me."

"C'mon it's cool!" going over and putting his hand on Otto's hot shoulder. Otto yanked away.

"Don't touch me."

"Why not?"

"Just don't okay."

"Look Rulfsen" Niels grabbed by both shoulders so he could not pull away "Otto, we're still buds okay?"

"Not after what I did, what you saw me do."

"I know you are the most pig-headed bastard in the whole fuckin school but listen to me okay? Listen! We are still buds. I think you're cool Dick thinks you're cool."

"Not cool, hot as shit!"

"Knock it off."

"We're serious and when - "

"The whole team finds out? Then what? They're gonna take turns beating the crap outa me or worse!"

"Not if I'm around got it? We're buds and always will be buds" grabbing the polo shirt from his hands "now come over and sit down and cool off. We're cool here okay?"

"Fuck you."

"We're cool here okay?" punching him in the gut, knocking the towel open. The dude was as hard a rock "okay?"

"Fuck..." he pulled the towel tight "don't think I could go back there if I wanted. I stink like..."

"You smell like cum" Niels pushed Jack a few inches to make room for Otto "and I think it's fuckin awesome."

"Fuck" Otto lowered his head as Don came back in the room.

"You guys seen enough? Had enough?"

"Yeah enough" from Doug "okay?"

"C'mon Dougie" Jorge taunted him "are you like the only guy in this room still nursing blue balls?"

"A full bladder's more like it" getting to his feet with great care.

"Me too" from Niels.

"Same here" from Rod.

"You just came outa there."

"Like I had time to piss" looking at Don.

"Okay guys hurry up okay?"

"I'm going for cokes if this place has- "

"Down the hall turn left" Don dug a pile of bills and coins from his pocket "my treat."

"Shouldn't I be gettin all your money?" Billy sat there "I'm the one you fucked."

"Yeah but you wanted it" Don gave the pile to Jorge already in his jeans. Barefoot and bare-chested he was out the door in a flash.

"Enough" and Doug waddled to the bathroom. He had just turned on the light when Rod was pushing in as well "room for two."

"Three?" and Niels was in, right behind Rod. Doug would have laughed at Niels trying to push the more toned Rod around but his bladder was bursting he was even dotting his slacks. He tried to get his pants open but Niels was closest to the toilet and already letting a long stream of yellow piss fly from his semi-hard. He looked at the two and saw the most astonished look on Doug's face "what?"

"Close the door."

"It's closed okay?"


"Sure!" he stopped the flow "what?"

Doug looked at that dick hanging there long and full and oozing piss. He bit his lip and lowered his gaze.

"What is it dude?"


"Promise what?" Rod looked at him, seeing Doug's quick nervous glances between their two dicks "something you wanna ask?"

"Guys I mean it! You can't say shit. Not anybody okay?"

"About what?" Niels looked at where he was looking as well. He grabbed his cock, making sure he wasn't leaking.

"Just never leaves this room promise me."

"Dude - Doug right? I just saw one of best friends get buttfucked for the first time, my best friend hard and cumming for the first time what could be worse?"


"What's this?"

"If you think it's nasty just say so and we don't breathe word okay?"

"What, how bad could it be?"

"If you thinks it's too gay just leave okay?"

"Okay now y'got me curious. What could possibly be so nasty and kinky you don't want those dickhounds to know about it."

"You're gonna hate me but..." Doug turned the corner. He always fantasized about it, and seeing Moose do his ordeal that Saturday told him maybe just maybe it was possible. He paid his money and scanned that website "Jock Exams" for maybe a hint somebody he knew might do this with him. But no such luck. And when all hell broked loose on Saturday, his kinky little secret was WAY on the back burner. But seeing this roomful of guys maybe just maybe... as long as Moose never hears about, Doug promised himself "not a fuckin word okay?" and just like that Doug Hampton, one of the best looking studs on the wrestling team, if not the whole school pulled down his pants and briefs so fast it looked like magic. His shirt was over his head and he sat down in the shower stall, his cock hard and bouncing against his hard belly. In spite of its condition it was leaking a few drops of yellow piss from the distended slit, his cock so hard the mushroom head was even pushing though his tight foreskin "do it..."

"What man?"

"Piss" Doug lowered his head waiting for them to flee out the door laughing and pointing "piss... on... me..."

"That's it?" when Rod saw Doug squeeze his eyes shut and hold his breath he said "open your eyes."

Doug had barely cracked them open when Rod's piss hit him right in the stomach. When the hot liquid hit him in his pubes Doug's cock erupted, first white burning cum as he pulled his foreskin back and forth real fast, then when Niels' stream slammed into his dick as well more cum, great thick clumps of it leaping to his belly as thick as paste sliding back down into his wet pubes and then his still hard cock started emptying his bladder through his hard cock hitting him in the face as Rod and then Niels finished emptying their own bladders all over and down his front. Doug sat there covered in smelly urine and his own white cum harder than ever.

"Wow" Niels shook his very chubby dick and wiped it "I never saw a guy cum like that."

"Not when he's being pissed on" Rod shook his cock which only was making it harder. Seeing the very good looking stud sitting in his piss was going right to his cock. He found himself a new hobby "dude whenever you want me to do that again, let me know and I'll run over, got it?"

"Please don't say anything promise?"

"Not a fuckin word" Niels flushed and washed his hands "no wonder you don't what this getting around. You ever do this before?"

"You crazy? No!"


"Fuck no" Rod washed his hands next "but fuck was that hot! I mean it, I'll piss you in a heartbeat. But dude take a shower before you go out there okay? Unless you want your secret stinking up that room" turning on the water for him. Cool not cold water brought Doug out of his trance and back to his feet.

"I can't believe I did that. I let you guys do that."

"You were practically begging us okay?"

"Not a word" Niels opened the door and a large amount of the piss and smell was going down the drain. He and Rod came into the room, looking more hard than not.

"What happened to Doug?" Billy asked.

"He's washing his face" Niels sat down between Otto and Dick "he'll be right out."

"Takin his turn?"

"He's gonna skip, who's next" Rod nodded at Niels.

Everyone looked around not sure what to do. Don was changing the memory card in both cameras "you guys had enough? You can say 'uncle' any time y'know. Just because I can fuck all night don't me you have to. No obligations here."

"I'm one Doug's two who's three again?" Billy looked around.

"Fuck.." Niels looked at Dick and then Otto "guys?"

"Don't look at me" Otto covered himself.

"C'mon chance in a million" looking at Don "you too."

"Me too what?"

"You said you can fuck all night" Niels got onto the bed "prove it. Dick? Otto? You too."

"C'mere" Niels patted the bed "get a load off" he smiled "or three."

"What are you thinking?" but Don brought that hard bulldog body to the bed next to Niels.

"Dick you here on your back."

"I ain't taking dick up my ass!"

"Relax that's not what I was thinking" looking at Otto "you can say no and it might never happen. Or say yeah and next time it's just the two of us. You hear me Rulfsen?"

"I'm hearin but I ain't understanding."

"If half of what you were saying was not bull before" Niels started tugging on himself "then all this is yours to do with for a whole night. Just one on one, mano a mano, now your hearing me?"

"Maaaaan.... Swensen..." Otto looked at the floor "you want me to mess you up?"

"No..." he looked at him "unless that's what you really want. If so then yeah. You can beat me up anything you want in exchange for - "

"For what Swensen?"

"Get your butt over here and find out."

"Fuuuck" he looked around at the room, the cameras coming on "it's gotta be like this first?"

"Yeah, it sucks but yeah."

"Fuuuck" he contemplated his hands a long time. But here was Niels Swensen, the biggest meanest stud on the team, well in his eyes anyway, offering his ass on platter to him if he only... what? When that Don was plowing his ass he knew he could have shot his load imagining it was Niels riding him instead. And that Don literally fucked the truth out of him, and in front of Swensen on top of it. Now he had to pay the price, he thought. But maybe if it meant keeping their mouths shut about it, maybe he could do this. Maybe just maybe "fuuucccccck" raising his ass of the bed "why me?"

"Because you're as horny and just as curious as I am right?"

"I'm gonna regret this" he stood up next to the bed "on my hands and knees I suppose."

"No just like that" and before anyone could react Niels' mouth was on Otto's dick, those blond hairs tickling his nose. He was hard before Niels was even breathing hard "nice fuckin dick!"

"Wow" looking down at him "Niels Swensen cocksucker, wow."

"Only for special dudes" looking then at Dick "your turn."

"For what?"

"Whatya think dickhead?" pushing his shoulders back down on the mattress "time you live up to your reputation. There's the dick, you give the head."

"Wow" at this point Dick would not turn down such a thing. He propped himself on his elbows with his mouth open. It didn't take long before Otto was straddling him and shoving his hard cock in and out of that mouth.

"Lay down flat, Otto bend over him" looking at Don sitting on the bed next to them "all night huh?"

"Kid after a drop a few loads I can keep going."

"Like before" looking at Otto's ass flexing into Dick's mouth "get him good and greasy then open him up again."

"You want me to fuck your buddy again?"

"Just to loosen him up yeah."

"C'mon Niels" Otto looked behind him "why I gotta get buttfucked all the time?"

"You and me both stud" looking at Don getting the lotion open "y'hear me?"

"You sure about this?"

"If this stud can take a pounding so can I."

"Fuck..." but Don was lubing himself up fast "you guys are something else."

"Just horny" Niels rubbed Otto's ass "like you can't imagine" and dropped to his hands and knees next to Otto, their asses poking up beside each other. Don was lubing Otto up and in him before anyone could blink. After the hard pounding before, this was almost tolerable. With his right hand Don started lubing the larger ass next to him as well, delivering a hands free slow fuck to Otto as he started shoving several globs of lotion as deep as his fingers would go. Niels hissed with the pain but right next to him was Otto getting a real dick in him. If he could take it so could Niels, a weird competition betwen them.

"Fuck okay I'm ready" groaned "let's see what this feels like."

"It feels like getting buttfucked" Otto groaned as he felt Don pull out of him. He had gone almost soft in Dick's mouth but now he was filling again just fine. And when Dick started to tug on his slimy balls he started to regret this less.

He turned sideways just as Don lowered his cock into Niels virgin ass. Niels screamed and tried to buck away but the pile of muscles on top of him pinned him good. And when those strong arms wrapped around his stomach and his cock inched more Niels had little choice in the matter. He asked for it, and now he was getting his cherry taken.

"Ya like that huh? Getting dicked by my cock still slimy from your buddy's ass huh?" slamming it hard until it was buried deep "take it take it deep!"

"Damn!!!" Niels screamed "you're killing me" but in spite of the pain he looked over, seeing pure lust on Otto's face, his dick being milked by Dick's hand and mouth, his eyes on Niels getting buttfucked for the first time.

"Hurts like shit don't it? Takin a guy's bone up your ass?" but Otto's eyes never left Niels. When his hand traveled down his side and tried to grab at Niels' handful, Don had beaten him to it. As Niels filled that slimy hand beneath him, and the burning pain in his ass became less overwhelming, he knew it was time.

"Otto?" he groaned.


"Up to you now" thrusting his hips back into that pounding dick, his own being yanked and yanked until it became overwhelming "you meant it before?"

"Meant what?"

"You want me in you?"

"Fuck..." lowering his head closing his eyes. His better judgment said no way! but his dick in that mouth said bring it on! "fuck... Niels... fuck... fuck... me."

"Pull out Don" Niels rocked forward as Don obliged. When he saw Niels slide sideway until he was right behind Otto's ass he had a hunch where this was going.

"You want me... you want me in you Otto?"

"Fuck do it."

"Go easy" Don behind him rubbing more lotion into his cock "you're a lot bigger than I am" and steered Niels cock for him "yeah right there easy easy yeah!" his hand making contact with Otto's ass as the fat head of Niels cock started to spread the greased hole.

"Of fuck!" Otto pressed back against it and with a great flash of pain the fat head was past the ring "damn!!!"

"Just let it sit there til Otto boy can adjust to that big plow" rubbing his fingers up and down Niels ass, knowing his cock was going back in real soon.

"Let me know stud, let me know when you're ready."

"Never!" Otto grunted "that ain't a dick that's your whole arm!" he breathed and breathed and tried to concentrate on that mouth on his dick and those hands on his balls. Especially those hands on his balls. What they were doing the way they were scratching and pulling getting all the spots and then some. Before he knew it Otto could feel his cock responding again to that warm suctioning all around his head. When he felt Dick's tongue tickling the underside, that lumpy part just there, yeah! oh fuck! and his cock was swelling again like crazy the pain in his ass there but not blinding anymore "okay... do it, do me, fuck me."

Niels could not believe he heard that. His first thought was to push in as far and as fast as his impending orgasm wanted, but the fingers in his hole slowed the intended battering. Niels leaned forward, another few inches deeper into his bud's ass.

"Fuck..." Otto groaned "it that all of it?"

"Can you take more?"

"I ain't ever walkin normal again" he breathed deep and hard blowing his lungsful of air again and again across the room "okay more."

And this time Niels pushed and kept pushing. Otto groaned and flattened his crotch down on Dick's face smothering him. When he heard the coughing and choking beneath him he raised his hips and then that huge dick was pressing against his diaphragm, his breath in short little gasps.

"Get your arm outa me!"

"Want me to pull out?"

"Fuck!!!" Otto leaned back into it, then rocked forward. After a few times he realized he could control the depth of that log inside him, he was stretched and plugged as full as he could be, and when Dick's mouth was back on his cock, and that button inside him was being rubbed by Niels' thick head again and again he knew he could not last like this without losing his mind "fuck hurry hurry I'm gonna blow!"

"Then blow Otto! Blow your fucking jizz with my dick in you cause I can't hold this much longer."

Don heard that and then his dick was buried deep into Niels ass again. This time Niels was too close to that orgasm that had been building all night to worry about something like a little pain.

"Grab my ass grab it hard!" Niels started plunging and this was coming to an end "feel that? Feel my muscle ass pumping into your hole Otto?"

"Fuck fuck fuck" was all he could say in response.

"Cause that ass is being fucked by the same dick that fucked you. Now it's fucking me and I oh FUCK!" Niels screamed "I'm cummin I'm cumming in your ass!" and all that cum and that frustation of the whole night just shot out of him and deep into Otto's hole. And that hard dick continued to bang into him hitting that zinger spot again and again as Niels' head started spinning. He thought the room was going to explode or he would explode but something had to give! He bucked hard into Don's cock and he pulled his out of Otto's in one quick yank! Otto screamed as the fat head burst through his ring again. Niels just leaned back into that dick slamming again and again into him

"I can do this for hours kid" Don crouched over him sweat pouring off him "you tell how long."

"Otto you cum?"

"Close real close."

"Finish him Dick" and his hands came up and started jacking that cock onto his tongue. Otto was grunting and lunging, his cock almost there then he felt something at this hole again. When the relatively smaller cock slid in he knew he could blow any second.

"You hole all slimy with your bud's cum" Don grunted "your ass really milked that huge dick of his, he really got off fuckin your hot hole!" and that did it, Dick's mouth started filling with Otto's second load. He coughed and choked but he would not swallow this. No way!

Otto rocked back onto that cock as his own felt the cold air on it.

"Keep going? Y'want me to pump another load out of you."

"Oh.. ah" Otto rocked back on that dick before he realized what he was doing. He pulled off it and rolled to the floor. Was he nuts or what?

"C'mon I'll clean ya up" Niels yanked Otto to his feet, and dragged him to the bathroom.

"What about me?" Dick yelled still flat on the bed.

"You're clean enough" Don shook his cock at him "or you want some of this."

"Fuck no!" Dick rolled off the the other side of the bed looking for somewhere to spit the cum in his mouth. He found Don's shorts and that did it. He took a swig of water from somebody's bottle hoping it couldn't be worse than what was already in his mouth.

"Okay I wanna keep this going!" Don stood up waving his dick "or you punks finally gonna give it up."

"Jorge's next" Billy looked around.

"He still ain't back" from Doug.

"Maybe he found a better party" from Jimmy.

"Better'n this?" Billy laughed "that I gotta see."

"Careful what you wish for" Rod said from his spot on the wall "you might get it."

"Should we wait?" Jimmy did not want to do this. He was happy sitting like a bump on a log in the corner, his cock hard and his hands in his lap.

"Who's next?"

"Last one guys" Rod looked around "we don't want you totally worn out for tomorrow."

"Yeah big day" Don looked at him "okay last one. Make it good."

"Jimmy boy make it good" Tom looked at him.

He looked around the room, knowing nobody wanted to see him and his weird dick. He waved his hand at him "I pass, let's call it a night."

"You sure?" Rod looked at him "it's up to you."

"Dude you the only one ain't dropped a load what gives?"

"I ain't... horny" he sat there with a tent in his lap.

"Dude I can see from here you are okay?"

"Some other time okay?"

"Maybe this just ain't his scene" Doug looked at Rod "y'know?"

"Last call you sure?" and the bright lamp was turned off. Suddenly they all realized it was night. And yeah after all that craziness they were dog tired.

Next: Chapter 99

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