The Exodus Project

By Trey Anderson

Published on Oct 11, 2008


The Exodus Project - pt 5

The following is a complete work of fiction.

Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission.


The following story may contain erotic situations. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now.

"Day 1 is over. We expected 92% success, we had 95% success."

"Yes, we've had them explore each other's bodies on a physical level. Today is fraught with many perils."

"Yes, it is. But by the end of today, the emotional bond will be planted. Let a bird fly free, and if he returns, he is truly yours."

"Are we sure we should go through with this?"

"As they used to say in the Soviet Union, you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs."

Andy woke up. Andy had rolled over at some point and was now snuggled up to Greg. His arm was draped over his chest and Andy had nestled his head in Greg's neck. Andy was a little embarrassed, then his embarrassment grew as he realized he had some morning wood going on and his cock was pressing into Greg's leg. Andy lifted his arm up and began to roll away, but Greg caught his wrist and moved it back to his chest. Greg lifted his leg slightly and Andy's cock snapped up in the crevice between Greg's legs, the exact reverse of last night. Greg squeezed his legs and started gyrating slowly back and forth.

Andy's arm tightened on Greg's chest. "You sure G?" he asked.

"Just give me a reach around. This way we won't bone up in the shower."

Greg lowered his Andy's hand towards his stomach. Andy felt up the tight abs and then nervously went lower. He'd never had another guys cock in his hand before. He felt they slight stubble that had grown overnight in the area just above Greg's cock. Greg was very hard and starting to provide natural lubrication. He noticed that Greg's cock curved up a little more than his did. And Greg must not have been completely circumcised, because he still had some foreskin. Andy moistened his fingers with Greg's pre-cum and then rubbed the dick spit around the head. Greg gasped in pleasure and clamped down on his legs. This suddenly pressure motivated Andy to piston a little faster.

Greg started humping back. Andy, lost in the moment, began lightly biting on Greg's neck. Not enough to leave a mark, but enough to cause Greg to squirm. Greg suddenly gasped and a volley of cum shot out of his cock. Andy had been holding the cock straight up, and so the sperm hit Greg in the chin. The smell hit Andy strong. It wasn't unpleasant, actually a little tantalizing. Something came over Andy, and he leaned over a little farther and licked some cum off his chin. At that moment, his own orgasm hit and rocked him to the core. He found the taste a little bitter, but not bad at all. His spunk covered Greg's nut sack, as three spasms racked Andy's body.

Without thinking and caught up in the post-orgasmic glow, Andy leaned over Greg and kissed him quickly on the lips, "Thanks babe," he breathed huskily.

Then, like a light has snapped on, the two pushed away from each other and started shaking with laughter. "You actually tasted my spunk, didn't you?" Greg asked, when his laughing had subsided.

Andy looked sheepishly, "Yeah."

Greg leaned over and wiped his hand on Andy's chin. "You missed a bit." He wiped the drop of cum on his waist. They could see the first light of the morning hitting their window. "Reveille is coming soon, let's get cleaned up." They both grabbed their now crusted over boxers and used them to sop up the soupy jizz. Andy could feel the cum from last night that had caked over on his stomach and chest.

Moments later Reveille started to play and the window lifted letting them out of the cubby. As they climbed out a voice boomed down the hall. "C-FLIGHT, Ten HUT!" The doors to their room flung open on its own accord. Greg and Andy hastened over to their desks and stood at attention.

Cadet Blevin entered with Cadet Zimmer behind him. He looked over the two naked basics, pointing to Andy's stomach, he sneered, "Looks like someone had a fun time last night." Andy blanched, ashamed of the proof of his actions with Greg.

"Cadet Blevin," Zimmer intoned, as he gazed into the Cubby. "Look at this disgusting scene. It looks like they have their boxers wadded in a corners drenched in I don't want to know."

Cadet Blevin started looking around the room. Within seconds he found discrepancy after discrepancy. Dust on the desks, uniforms not folder properly or in their proper location, water in the sink basin, lint on the floor. "Did either of you even bother to take any of your personal time to prepare your room for today, or were you too engrossed with each other's cocks."

Both Basics were speechless. The two upperclass cadets began to tear the room apart. Every time they found a discrepancy, they threw the offending item on the floor. When they left, not one item was in its proper place.

All up and down the hall, Andy and Greg could hear the Cadre yelling at their flight mates. After what seemed an eternity, Cadet Zimmer hollered down the hall. "CRUSADERS! FALL OUT INTO THE HALLWAYS NOW!"

They didn't hesitate, naked as a jay bird, they both fled into the corridor and took their assigned spots on the wall.


He lowered his voice to a normal level. "I'm probably to blame, thinking I could treat you like adults, when obviously you're little better than children." Andy felt crestfallen. He had let Cadet Blevin down. "So a little bit of discipline is needed here. Since it seems all of you were distracted by your roommates, you will be without your wingman for the day. Everyone in bed B rotate up one room."

At first no one moved, until Cadet Zimmer shouted "MOVE!" Greg walked across the hall, as the Basic in the B spot moved down the hall. Andy found Kevin Black take Greg's place. For some reason, Andy found himself insanely jealous of the guy across the hall. He knew what was coming next, showers, and it didn't seem right that someone else should be washing Andy's cum off Greg's nutsack but Andy. Yet even as he had these thoughts, Andy tried to push them down. He wasn't gay, it didn't matter. Andy looked across the hall at Greg and saw that he was looking back at Andy. He gave a small smirk, almost as if he knew what Andy was thinking.

"HIT THE SHOWERS BASICS!" Zimmer ordered and the group fled to the latrines.

As soon as they got in the showers, Andy adjusted the temperature and grabbed the shower gel. He began washing Kevin from his head down. When he got to his crotch, he stopped. Andy was from a rural town in Southwest Minnesota. The community was mostly Scandinavian. They didn't even get dark in the summer, they just burned. He definitely had never seen a black cock before. He was mesmerized by the rich dark color.

"Hey Andy," he whispered, "my meats reserved for Jonny." That comment sank into Andy's mind. He finished washing Kev and stood up. He leaned into Kev and whispered back, "Just admiring the goods man, Greg's my only boy." They both smiled at each other, as Kevin began washing Andy. When Kev reached his cock and balls, Andy didn't even notice. It wasn't Greg, and so wasn't electric. He wasn't sure if that made him gay or not, but he realized he was smitten with Greg. And knowing the Kev and Jonny were an item as well seemed to make it OK.

All the showers finished quickly that morning and they went out to the Plain, as the formation area, had become to be called, ready for the Morning Meal. Andy had been told his job was to get the flight formed up and ready before the Cadre came out. He noticed every roommate was seeking out the other. He could almost hear the unspoken message, "Nothing happened in the showers." Andy grinned. He wasn't sure what game the Cadre were playing, but they had lost that round. The team was still one.

Andy was allowed to call martial commands, and once again he took a chance, "CRU-SA-DERS ROCK!" he called. The Flight took up the chant. Down the way, he could hear E-Flight take up their own chant, "EA-GLES FLY!" One by one each flight began to bark out a chant until all five flights in the squadron were bellowing something.

Amidst all the clatter, the Cadre showed up. "FLIGHT Ten - HUT!" Cadet Zimmer called. The flight quieted instantly. His face looked stern, there was no trace of a smile. "Cadet Marten REPORT!"

Andy was amazed, no reprimand. Suddenly he realized. This was a game. Today was about beating them down. They were doing the right thing. There would be no smiles today, but as long as there was no major chewing outs, they were OK. "ALL PRESENT AND ACCOUNTED FOR, SIR" Andy saluted back.

The rest of the morning involved a lot of push-ups, running, marching, sit-ups, inspections, and other typical basic training maneuvers. During the morning, the flight began to learn to pass messages back and forth when the Cadre weren't looking. At lunch formation, Andy carried out their plan to try to get one up on the Cadre. As Cadet Zimmer approached to take the report, Andy about faced and gave the command, "CRUSADERS, Half-Right Face. ASSUME THE POSITION" This was the euphemism for get down and get ready for some pushups. The Cadre, of course had to join in. Soon C-Flight Basics were in a competition with their Cadre to see who could be the most push-ups. The other flights soon followed.

Just when Andy thought he and the others would have to give up, a command came from Squadron staff, "SQUADRON, Ten-HUT!" All the flights immediately formed up and at attention. Another command came from the Squadron staff. "FLIGHT COMMANDERS, PREPARE FOR OFFICERS FRONT"

Being in front Andy could see the stunned look on Belvin's face, he call Zimmer forward and a moment later, Zimmer came over to Andy. "Basic Marten, as Flight Guide, you will be carrying the flight's color in parades, that means when Officers Front is called, you join Cadet Blevin and me as we present ourselves to the Squadron Commander. Listen carefully. The command Officer's Front will be given shortly. At that time Cadet Belvin will take four steps forward. You are take two step forward, left face, center yourself behind him and then right face. I will be between the two of you. Cadet Belvin will command the detail. On forward march, march forward. We have it easy, as we simply head straight and then halt on the command. On Post, about face and follow Cadet Bevin's command. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir"

About a minute later, The Squadron Commander called out, "OFFICERS, FRONT". Andy soon found himself centered with the four other flight guides, the five Flight Sergeants and the five Flight Commanders. The Squadron Commander looked ashen and green at the same time. Something bad had happened."

"Flight Commanders," he began, and then looked like he didn't know what to say. "Flight Commanders," he started again in a hollow voice that sounded like he was separating himself from his emotions, "we are now at Threatcon Delta. There have been four separate incidents in the homeland; terrorism is 99.9% certain." He faltered. "All four service academies have had explosions in their respective cadet areas. The three in the East had their Mess Halls hit moments after the cadets had entered. Our Academy was hit at the Theater, during a briefing to the entire Basic Class. The explosion was so large, it took out the Commandants building and half of the north dormitory. The death toll is expected to be higher than 9/11.

"Training is suspended immediately until further notice. Dismiss your flights back to your Flight Common Rooms. Television is authorized. Meals will be brought to your FCRs. Details on Security procedures will be on your Bubbles. One last thing, even though we are at Delta, that is mostly a precaution. We are at a secure location, whose very existence is known by a handful of people in the entire Government, or so I've been told. The likelihood that we could be attacked is placed at less than 1%."

The Commander looked like he'd just run a marathon without eating for the two days before. Andy felt like someone had kicked him in the gut. "OFFICERS, POST" the command rang out. Andy followed the further commands of Cadet Blevin, until they were back at their Flight.

"Flight Elements Leaders, take charge of your flights and reassemble in the Flight Common Room. FLIGHT, DISMISSED" Everyone stood in their place for several seconds, not quite sure they had heard correctly. The flight couldn't miss the blanched faces of the three who had gone forward. Finally Cadet McNeil, the C-1 Element Leader started herding Andy and his element back towards the Dorms.

Once the flight was in the FCR, Cadet Blevin related the news. He further went on to say that training was suspended. However, out of respect for the fallen, he said all cadets, Basic and Cadre alike, were to be At Ease in the Flight area, unless relaying official commands and performing official duties. That meant no talking in the halls, only in their rooms. He also stated that meant the Basics did not have to be joined at the hip with the roommates, and they could go to each other's rooms if they wanted. With that he flipped on the TV, and for the rest of the afternoon, they all sat watching the horror unfold. Few ate, some left and then returned. Given it was at the military bases, fairly accurate numbers were produced by the end of the day, 1932 at the Military Academy, 1723 at the Naval Academy, 364 at the Coast Guard Academy, and 1521 at the Space Academy, for a total of 5540 cadets and midshipmen. The greatest mystery was how the explosions had been brought into the bases, that wouldn't be knows for days.

At 1600 hrs, Cadet Blevin entered the room and turned off the television. "Crusaders, I've been instructed to turn of the televisions for the remained of the evening. There will be no further news about the attacks tonight. The civil orders being directed by the President to the nation do not affect us. If there is anymore news, they will be relayed to us at once. We are going to go for a Flight Run, then we are going to eat the Evening Meal. Then we are going to retire to our rooms. Tomorrow at 0800 hrs, we have a briefing by the Site Commandant. Assemble up on the Plain."

The group started out the run with a somber atmosphere and dragging feet. Cadet Blevin, however kept notching up the speed, until they were almost at an all out sprint. He kept that up for about three minutes. Something inside each of the Cadets, Basic and Cadre alike, forced them to keep up with him. Finally he stopped at the top of a hill. Cadet Blevin saw the run had begun to do what he wanted, not lifting their spirits, but getting them out of the doldrums and shock.

"We have about a two mile run, to a place near the entrance to the Cadet Area. If you weren't looking in the right direction when you entered yesterday, you would not have seen it." They began running again. Fifteen minutes later, Cadet Bleving called them to a halt. He turned them around and pointed to a flag and a small plaque. "Come here and read this."

On the plaque was written, "Camp Freedom - Herein are young men trained who are the last and greatest hope of mankind."

"I honestly don't understand why we are being trained here, and I say we, because the Cadre are being trained just as much as you Basics. But I know it more than simply trying to test new training philosophies. I strongly believe there is a connection between the bombings today and our secret training here. I came across this plague as I was running last week and didn't understand it. I think I now do. We are being trained to fight the enemy who attacked our home.

"Now is not the time to wallow in pity and defeat. Now is the time to rise up and fight. I saw how you reacted to our adverse training this morning. You didn't lie down, You fought back and beat us at our own game. In a small way, we were preparing you for this afternoon, even though we didn't know it. Let's have a moment of silence for the fallen." He paused for about two minutes, then formed the flight up and they ran back.

As they got back, the other flights were just pouring out of the dorms and forming up. Cadet Belvin lead C-Flight to its place and then walked over to one of the other Commanders to inquire what was going on. He came back and told the flight they were having a solemn retreat and then having a Mess for the fallen. The stood at attention and saluted as the flag was raised from half staff, where it had been all afternoon, and lowered to the national anthem, after which TAPS was played. The Squadron then march to the Mess, where they ate a somber dinner, toasting the fallen by squadron and company, since it would have been impossibly long to list all 5500+ names.

As it was, it was 1930 before they got back to the Flight area. They were told they had an hour before TAPS and lights out. Andy and Greg (as well as the rest of the flight) elected to take showers, as there had not been time before dinner. Even though they didn't have to, by unspoken agreement, they walked to the shower room together and enter the same stall. Andy noticed all the roommates were paired off as well. He also was a little surprised to see the Cadre pair of in similar fashion.

When the door to the shower stall was closed, Greg turned towards Andy and grabbed him in a great big bear hug. His body started shaking uncontrollably. Andy enclosed him in a hug and hung on to him tightly. The water streamed down their naked bodies. Their cocks pressed against each other, but there was nothing sexual in their embrace. Greg began sobbing. "My broth..." he stuttered out. "My brother..."

Andy began rubbing his back, "Shh, I got you, let it out."

"My brother is at the Military Academy, he's leading their Basic training." Andy was stunned. He knew Greg had been in a funk all afternoon, but he thought it was 'just' the events of the day. He didn't realize Greg probably had lost a brother today. He sobbed uncontrollably for several minutes. Finally the sobbing slowed. "D, I feel so empty." He looked up at Andy. "I need you bro, I need you bad. You took care of me last night and I need you to take care of me now." Greg hugged Andy closer and Andy felt him move his hand down to his butt and pull him close. He also felt Greg's cock begin to grow. Greg let go and began washing Andy up. He spent a little extra time on his cock. Then to Andy's amazement, Greg knelt down and took his cock in his mouth. He lifted off and then kissed each of Andy's smooth balls. He then stood up and kissed Andy on the lips. "I'm feeling empty, bro. I need you to fill me up tonight, can you do that for me?"

In response, Andy hugged Greg close to him and whispered in his ear, "You're my boy, babe." Andy took up the task of washing Greg. After toweling off they headed back to the room. No sooner had then entered, then they heard the five minute warning for Lights Out. They took off their robes, grabbed their boxers and climbed in the Cubby. They didn't put on their boxers, but had brought them for 'clean up duty'.

As soon as the window dropped, Greg and Andy rolled towards each other. Andy looked into Greg's blue eyes. They still had a sadness to them, but there was something else as well, like a question. Greg reached out and started caressing Andy's chest. "When you got paired up with Kevin this morning, I became insanely jealous," Greg began. "But when you gave me that look in formation that said nothing happened, my knees got weak with relief. When I found out that my brother was probably dead, my only thought was I need Andy to hold me and make me safe. And in the showers you did. Now I want to give myself to you." The question in his eyes became stronger as well as a look of vulnerability.

Andy felt his heart race. Here was Greg, 6'"1, blonde hair blue eyed god, who was begging Andy to make him safe. "Greg," Andy began as he placed his hand on the back of Greg's head. "I'm not sure what's happened to me in the past two days, but you have become the most important person in my life. When you opened up your legs for me this morning, that was more than simply getting off for me. I tasted your spunk, because I wanted to taste you. I want you more than I've ever wanted any girl."

With that Andy pulled Greg's face to his and they kissed long and hard, tongues lashing back and forth. Andy rolled on top of Greg and their bodies glided together. Both boys cocks were rock hard. Andy could feel Greg's cock press against his, and he grinded all the harder.

"No Andy, not like that. I need you in me, fill my emptiness." Greg grabbed a bottle that Andy hadn't noticed he had brought up. It was a small tube of lube that had been in their first aid kits. He unscrewed the top and squirted some on Andy's hand. He lifted up his ass and spread his cheeks. Andy placed his lubed finger on Greg's hole and pushed a little, his finger slipped in. He pistoned it in a couple of times.

"Andy do it." Greg begged. Andy rubbed the rest of the lube on his cock. He positioned himself over Greg and placed his cock against Greg's hole. The head plopped in . Greg's face tensed for a second.

"Are you ok?" Andy asked worried.

After a second, a smile spread on Greg's face. "Oh yeah, that actually feels nice. Just go slow." Andy proceeded to push in until his balls hit Greg's ass. He was amazed at the tight feeling. Greg pulled him to him and kissed deeply again. Greg started humping his ass, "Go at it D," I want you to cum in my ass." Andy found himself humping back, he went in slowly at first, but then built up a rhythm. Soon all that could be heard in the Cubby was the smack of Andy's balls against Greg's ass and low grunts from the two boys. Suddenly Greg clamped down on Andy's dick, let out a holler and bucked up. Andy felt cum hit his chest as Greg's cock spasmed several times. That sent Andy over the edge, and he let himself go, four volleys of cum jettisoned up Greg's ass.

Once their orgasms subsided, they laid there for a moment. Andy's dick popped out of Greg, when it finally shrank some. "Thanks D, I'm glad you took my cherry. I'm glad you were here for me tonight. Will you hold me?' With that he rolled over on his side, scooted back so he was up against Andy and fell fast asleep. Andy draped his arm over Greg protectively and soon had drifted off to dream land as well.

Next: Chapter 6

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