The Exodus Project

By Trey Anderson

Published on Oct 26, 2008


The Exodus Project -- Pt 8

The following is a complete work of fiction.

Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission.


The following story may contain erotic situations. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now.

"Have we learned anything about the explosion?"

"Yes, the 'How', but not the 'Who'"


"Suicide Bombers - and, while we don't know who is behind it, we do know it was a Basic in each incident."

"How did they get the bombs in?"

"That we still don't know."

"What does this mean for the Project?"

"We move up out time table and implement Level 2 protocols - this will actually facilitate Phase 2 as well. Now that couples are formed, we need to form the family units."

"Are we concerned about more planted Basics?"


Andy and Greg headed to the showers. Morning meal formation was in 45 minutes. They were at ease still and were told to get showered, dressed and lined up on time. Andy had passed word to the Element guides that the class would meet at the Duty desk 10 minutes before formation and announce the coming event, as would have been there task had training still been going on. Andy and the other Element Guides agreed they should continue with their tasks as assigned. They saw this as a matter of respect. Andy also noticed that roommates were still sticking together. It seemed to him that each pair was giving secretive smiles to each other, like he had seen numerous times the first morning of the cruise he had gone on with his senior class last April. Guess there were many hookups, he thought.

When the two of them entered the shower room, all the showers were full. After a couple of minutes, Kevin and Jonny exited the farthest shower. Kevin was following Jonny and seemed to be walking a little oddly. Jonny had a shit eating grin on his face. He noticed Greg and Andy waiting. "Have fun boys," he whispered and swatted Greg on the ass. Andy watched as Greg's cock and balls jiggled. He longed to play with them again and eagerly grabbed Greg's arm and motioned him to the shower stall.

As they passed the other stalls, Andy was fairly certain that more than the normal washing was going on. No sooner had Greg and he entered their stall and closed the door, when Greg pushed Andy up against the wall, ground his cock into Andy's and laid a deep French kiss on him. For the third time in twelve hours, Andy's cock sprang to life.

"Not interested in showering?" Andy asked with a smile.

"Not yet, and don't worry, we're not the only ones so preoccupied." Greg nodded his head towards the drain. Andy glanced over and saw what had to be a glob of cum. "I'm guessing that deposit was made by Kev and Jonny boy. Were you?"

In response Andy lowered his hand to Greg's nut sack. He loved the feel of his shaved balls. It felt a little dirty, like he was playing with a boy's junk. He moved his hand and grasped both their cocks together and stroked them as one. Greg leaned in and whispered , "Andy, you are cutest boy I know. Your blue eyes melt my heart. You've marked me as yours, I want to mark you as mine now."

Greg's hand had moved down to Andy's ass and he began rubbing his sphincter with his finger, the meaning of Greg's words were clear. Andy looked up into Greg's eyes and saw the desire there. He continued to stroke there cocks together. The sensation of the two heads rubbing against each other and Greg's light fingering made his knees a little weak. He slipped down a little and felt Greg's finger slip in his ass. His mind flipped back to the doctor's exam and his cock remembered the prostate massage the doc had given him. It jumped a little. Prior to two days ago, he had never had any thoughts of sticking anything up his ass, let alone letting a guy cornhole him. But now, as he gazed up again into Greg's eyes, all he could think of was making Greg feel good and getting him inside him. He ground his body hard against Greg's and kissed him deeply again. Without ending the kiss, Andy breathed, "do it G, pop my cherry like I popped yours. I want you to be the man."

Greg moved his mouth down and nibbled on Andy's neck. He then slowly turned Andy around, all the while nibbling at his neck until Andy was facing the wall and Greg was facing his back. He began kissing down his back. One hand massaged Andy's back, while the other went back to playing with his hole. Greg loved to eat out pussy. He loved the taste and the way it made his girl squirm. He wondered if the same were true with a boy. He grabbed the shower nozzle, turned it on warm, and aimed it at Andy's hole.

"Whoa," Andy almost shouted, as he involuntarily jerked his hips forward.

"Just making sure you're clean." Before Andy could ask what he meant, he found out. Greg leaned in and kissed his hole. He flicked his tongue around the rough edge. Not bad, Greg thought. No unpleasant taste, and Andy began to squirm. He pushed his tongue a little way in.

"Holy shit, G. If this wasn't our third time, I think I'd have cum by you doing that. Oh man, don't stop." Greg obliged him. He would have kept going, but suddenly heard a rap on his door and someone shout, "20 minutes to formation." They both jumped at the interruption.

Greg leaned in, "I want to do this right, let's wait til tonight. Let's shower up."

"Maybe we better wank real quick - you got me all excited." Greg agreed and they started, watching the other. Andy leaned against the wall and lowered his ass so he was in a sitting stance. He grabbed his cock with his right hand and went to town. He had some skin left from his circumcision and so didn't need to lube. Greg stood standing. He spit into his hand and used it to massage just the head. Their eyes were locked on each other. The heat of their encounter quickly returned and within 1 minute both were shooting their load, greatly reduced from the night before.

Greg moved over to Andy and lifted his hand to Andy's lips. Andy did the same and they each licked the other's cum and then kissed. Knowing their time was short, they then quickly washed themselves, toweled off and hurried back to their dorms to get in uniforms.

Their closets could be accessed from a utility corridor. This allowed uniforms that had been washed or freshly issued to be placed there during the night. They had been told that the utility door could not be opened if the room door was opened and vis-verse, preventing unauthorized access into the room. They were also told that the utility corridor was only manned by a mechanical delivery system, essentially advanced robots. When they opened their closets, they both had a set of service dress uniforms that had not been present earlier. The service dress was the military equivalent of a suit, all be it all in polyester dark blue. The closet also contained a digital display which listed the uniform of the day. Apparently they were all dressing up for the big briefing.

With only about two minutes to spare, Greg and Andy arrived at the duty desk. They were by no means the last basics to arrive. But, as the clock toned the ten minute warning, all were present and in the proper uniform.

The Basics intoned, "CRUSADERS, THERE IS TEN MINUTES UNTIL THE MORNING MEAL FORMATION. UNIFORM IS SERVICE DRESS UNIFORMS, FLIGHT CAPS. SABERS FOR CADRE." Some of the group stuttered the words, but as a whole it was understandable. They had followed the prescribed formula for announcing a military event. They would repeat this warning every minute until there was five minutes to go. Then they would give a final warning with the final admonition, "CRUSADERS, CHARGE!"

The events of yesterday still weighed upon each of them, but between the run and support each roommate gave to the other, the flight was finding focus in the professionalism. For Greg in particular, he found that as long as he was near Andy, he could push the raw emotion of his brother to the back of his mind. He was pretty sure that as soon as the cubby was sealed, he'd probably find himself crying like a baby again in Andy's arms, but he had had his catharsis last night. Today was about taking the fight to the enemy. He only hoped they would find out who that was in their briefings.


The Squadron Commander did so, each cadet saluted and the names were called off.


"TONY AACKERMAN". There was a slight pause, and then "CRACK" as the rifle was fired. Andy felt as if the percussion crushed his body for a second.


" RYAN ABRAMS". Pause. CRACK! Each succeeding rifle shot seemed to hit home harder than the last.

" HENRY ABRAMS". Pause. CRACK! The list continued through all 25 names. Finally..

"LUKE ALSTER" Pause. CRACK! He wasn't sure if he imagined it or not, but Andy thought he felt a wave of tension emanating from Greg. Greg was standing to his back left, second in line of the C-1 element. Because of protocol, Andy could not turn around. He knew Greg must be waiting for them to get to the "B's" to find out about his brother, but with nearly 2,000 dead at the military academy alone, it would probably be at least tomorrow before they got to the B's and the day after before they got to BR.

The flights were placed at "ORDER ARMS" and then marched to Breakfast. No one spoke during the meal. Everyone, Cadre and Basics alike were on pins and needles in anticipation of the upcoming briefing.

After what seemed like the longest half hour in his life, Andy found himself with the rest of the cadets in an auditorium, standing at attention as the Base Commander, two-star General entered the stage. Andy hadn't known that such a high ranking officer had been placed in charge of this training. The General was a shorter man, only about 5" 6' or so. He was very stocky, but not fat. He reminded Andy of an Italian mafia gun man.

"Gentlemen take your seats." As if a switch were thrown, all 200 or so cadets took their seats in unison with a thunderous thud. "There are some briefings you never want to give as a commander, and this is one of them. But be that as it may, this is also why we are here. I'm sure you may be wondering what this special training is all about. For the most part, you are going to still be wondering, as I am not at liberty to tell you everything yet. But this I can tell you, you along with the other Squadron here at this facility has been handpicked for a very special program. You are being trained for the most important mission our government has ever undertaken, and that is not an exaggeration.

"Some of the training you will be undergoing may seem pointless, even useless, but I assure you everything is of vital importance. One of those training blocks will begin this morning, it's entitled Family Life." The General paused a moment, as if considering his words. "This wasn't going to start for another couple weeks, but circumstances had helped prepare you a little quicker, I think." He had a small smile on his lips. "For the Family Life unit, you will be grouped in 'Clans' which will include 8-10 Basics and 4 Cadre. In each Clan, you will be further broken up into 'Families'. A Family will consist at this point of two cadets. We had initially planned on traditional couples for each family, but circumstances, of which I am not at liberty to explain at this point, have made that impossible." A knowing smile played on the Generals face. He gazed out at the gathering. "I have been informed that we've been successful in overcoming that hurdle, as it seems virtually all of you have formed some 'strong bonds' with your roommates."

The emphasis on 'strong bonds' was not lost on anyone. For Andy it confirmed what he had thought all along. He looked to his right at Greg and saw Greg looking back at him, they both had a 'cat that ate the canary" smile on their faces. Andy pressed his leg against Greg's and felt him return the pressure. When he looked back at the General, he notices most heads swiveling back as well.

"I don't want to spoil the training for you, but one thing I will tell you before the class begins, you and your roommate need to make a decision - who is the 'Dad' and who is the 'Mom'." The General almost laughed when he saw the looks of confusion on their faces.

"But enough cryptic talk about training." The General cleared his throat and wiped the smile from his face. Instantly the room became silent as the cadets reacted to somber change of the General's mood. "We still do not know the ultimate culprit in these vile attacks, but we do know how they were brought off. In each of the incidents, the bombs were triggered by three Basics who were wearing bombings. It is not known which Basics they were or even whether they were willing participants or unknowing victims. The explosives were sown into their clothing.

We have a high confidence that such an event cannot happen here, but we are still going to take precautions. First, as you already know, we have split the group into two squadrons, the five flights here and the five flights training in another section of the base. Except for intramurals, you will never train together. But in order to ensure your safety, we will be adding a couple more measures.

"First, we are destroying all your uniforms. When you get back to your rooms, there will be new uniforms. From now on we will be using flight suits, as opposed to your BDU's for training. You will notice that each flight is s different color. This will help us notice if someone is out of place. The uniforms are prototypes of an advanced design that is keyed to your body. If you put on someone else's suit, an emergency signal is immediately relayed to our command post.

"Second, one flight from each squadron will begin survival training. This training will last four days. Flight A from Squadron 1 will lead off the training after the Evening Meal Formation.

"Third, in order to allow intramurals to proceed, special measures will be taken. They amount to this - minimal clothing will be worn to, during and from intramurals. When you form up for intramurals, all cadets will be completely naked, and, unless you need protective gear, all sports will be conducted without clothing as well. Just think of it as a return to the Olympic tradition of old." As General looked around the audience, he noticed very few shocked faces. He guessed the cadets were getting numb to the 'alternative' training practices. Anything could become normal when there was no outside influence.

"Finally, your existence, as of this morning has been completely erased. Your names have been added to the list of the killed. Most of the bodies were unidentifiable, so no one will ever question this claim. This means you will have no more contact with the outside world, at least not for an incredibly long time." He had saved the worst for last. He saw many faces blanche at this news. "Squadron Dismissed." With that he exited the stage. Someone called the room to attention and then the Cadre took over. They were off to 'Family Life, whatever that was.

Next: Chapter 9

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