The Fabulous Fitzpatrick Featherbed

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Mar 14, 2005





By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



[NOTE: A "sanitized" story is a story that I have modified in order to comply with my credit card billing company's policy, which forbids stories involving sex with minors, incest and/or rape. With the permission of Nifty's archivist, I am posting this story here, as the change is sufficient to make this a quite different story. Any who wish to read the unsanitized version of this story can find it at Nifty's Incest category or, of course, at my own site's "Rogue Moon" site (see above).]

So it's the story of the Fitzpatrick Family Featherbed you'd be wanting, then? Sure and that's a story dear to me own heart, lad. Sit in me lap, lad, and I'll be a' telling you the story, then.

It was in the time of the Troubles when the Fitzpatrick Family Featherbed became a part of the Fitzpatrick family. Those were hard times for one and all and it was a lucky man who would have more than a couple of shillings to rub between his fingers. For that reason, little things could seem bigger to them than it would be to you and me, and so it was with the bed.

One of the Fitzpatrick men was a lord's servant, and it was he who first got the bed. And what a bed! Six feet wide and eight feet long and made of the finest oak you would ever dream of finding in a forest with a maiden sleeping in it under a spell. He took it home to his wife and she was the one what made the mattress, a feather mattress, plucking many a fine fat goose of its feathers and adding them to the mattress until it was as fine as any lord and lady ever had the sleeping of. When they passed on to go a' knocking at the Pearly Gates and present their tickets inside as they had them or not, the bed itself passed on into the keeping of his eldest boy and so on through the years. It was a fine, grand inheritance to be a' having, for the bed would make any hovel seem like a mansion and any man sleeping in the king of the county.

But you'll be a' wanting to hear of the rest of the story, and that is of Kevin Fitzpatrick when he was coming to have the use of the bed. He'd been widowed and left childless some six years before, his wife a' dying in the giving birth to her last child, a boy what also died a few days after. But she left behind her husband and their many friends in the county and so it was that three of the friends each sent their oldest sons to Kevin Fitzpatrick to help him out on his small acreage to pay back their debts from the year before.

There was the eldest boy, also named Kevin as his very own father in the next village and who wouldn't name their eldest boy with such a fine Irish name? So they called him Kevin the Younger, or just Younger, Younger was nineteen and a fine, strapping lad with the glint in his eye that he got when his father laid eyes on his mother the night they made him. He had a mischievous streak in him, which made him something of a leader among the boys both in his own house and around the village.

And there was the middle boy, Christopher, or Chris, who was eighteen and with the full lips of his own mother, so that he always looked as though he was ready to kiss you. Christopher was also the smartest of the three, the one who was going to be a doctor or a priest or if he was very smart, the one who would first get on a boat for America for he was one who would look around when he finally had the money for it and see that the only real future for any Irishman lay just behind the Lady Liberty in New York harbor.

And there was Kelly, also eighteen like Christopher but a few months younger and the smallest in body of the three. But he was a spunky, wise-mouthed rascal of a lad he was. Puts me in mind of you, lad. His cheeks were soft as the skin of a ripe pear and as soft as your mother's kiss when she tucks you in at night. He was the one who could make you laugh when he was getting into trouble, which any young boy knows is the way to get away with it, make the grown-up laugh and he'll not be able to punish you the more.

But the problem for Kevin Fitzpatrick was that he had these three boys living with him when he inherited the Bed, whose own bed was a small, hard mattress filled with only the straw cut from the fields, and it not big enough for all three of them, and that it was gave Kevin such a problem. It wouldn't be right for him to sleep all alone in that big bed while they crowded together on a bed so small that one of them had to sleep with his head sticking out of the foot of the bed, with his companion's feet shoved in between his own so that when the morning came after the tossing and turning, the three boys were tied about each other and it was a like a three-bent-nail puzzle to untangle them in the mornings.

Each of the three boys felt he had the answer, and that it was that he, and not the others, should be the one to join Kevin Fitzpatrick in the family bed.

"Sure, and I'm the oldest here," Younger Kevin said to his friends. "So it's me should be in the bed, and the two of you will be comfortable then in the old."

"Sure and it's comfortable we'll be if we hang ourselves by our feet from a nail," Chris said. "But it's not in that bed that we'll be comfortable. And why should you be the one who shares the feather-bed, and me the one who was the godchild of dear departed Christopher Fitzpatrick and a favorite godson, that I was." And Chris wiped away a sentimental tear.

"You're both wrong," Kelly chipped up so as not to be left out. "If it's one of us has to be in bed with Mr. Fitzpatrick, shouldn't it be the one who will crowd him the least? With me snuggled up next to you, Mr. Fitzpatrick, you'll think you're sleeping alone, and so will I."

"And you with the way you crawl around in your sleep?" Chris said slyly. And to his friend Kevin, "And the way you snore, it's like a banshee flew in the door who stubbed her toe on the sash."

"Listen to you, you thinking that you don't snore! Saints preserve us! If you think you don't snore, you just stay awake tonight and listen to yourself sleep!" Kevin the Younger said. "You'll be hearing what I hear every night; which is enough to make me wish that I could pull off me ears and shove them up me bum, so I could have something more pleasant to listen to."

Kevin Fitzpatrick held up his hand. "Now it's not to blows you'll be coming, lads," he said sternly. "We'll just give you each a night with me and we'll see which of you deserves to be warming the bedcovers each night. You lads go fetch the broom and we'll take three of the seven straws it has left from it, and the longest straw will spend the first night, then the middle straw the second night and the short one the third, and then it's my own mind I'll make up which of you should be the one sharing the bed."

The three boys agreed that this was only fair and Kelly fetched the straws. It was the older man who held them in his hand and the other two who drew first, so Kelly can't be accused of cheating when he got the longest straw. Chris, the middle, got the middle straw, and it was Kevin the Younger who though he drew first, ended up with just a sort of nub of straw.

"Faith," he moaned when he saw it. "If this is what I've been sweeping the floor with, it's no wonder the roaches are laughing at me so hard."

Kelly threw his arms around the older man for joy. "I get to sleep with Mr. Fitzpatrick!" he crowed out. "I'm going to take my Saturday night bath tonight, so I can feel how soft it is."

"Enjoy it while you can," Chris predicted dourly. "For it's the only night you'll be getting in it.

Night couldn't come soon enough for the eighteen year old boy. He took his bath with special care and washed himself completely. He dawdled so long in the bath that Kevin Fitzpatrick finally called him out, saying, "Now it's out of the bath you be coming now! You get any more wrinkled and it's me you'll be wanting to run the iron over you."

So it was into the fabulous Fitzpatrick Family Featherbed that the teenaged Kelly crawled, and he sidled in underneath Kevin Fitzpatrick's arm and he said, "See how soft and warm I am for you, sir."

"You're as soft as the sun in the springtime," the older man agreed. Both wore nothing but the skin they had on the day they were born, for that is how they all slept in those days and after all, who could be affording to wear silk pajamas when breakfast was a chunk of bread and lunch was a cold baked potato and supper might be nothing but your own lower lip? And that is why the bed was such a luxury as they had never known before.

"This bed is just as soft as I'd always thought it would be," the lad said in awe. "It's like I'm lying on the clouds of Heaven with the angels playing a lullaby on their harps for me."

And Kelly snuggled in closer to Kevin. "Are you warm enough now?" he asked.

"I'm warm as I can be," Kevin said to the boy. "Though I have to wonder if your companions, being that they're bigger, wouldn't be the warmer."

Kelly was a truthful boy. "They're warm enough," he admitted. "But if it's me you'll choose to share the bed with you from now on, there is more that I can do than warm your body next to mine."

"And what would that be, my young friend?" Kevin asked the boy.

Kelly reached across the older man's body, stroked his chest with his hand, and let it slide down his stomach. "You're much bigger than Younger and Chris," he sighed. "You're bigger all over, I'll bet."

And then Kelly's hand found the man's pride and joy and it was a proud Irish tool indeed. Kelly found that his hand couldn't fit more than two thirds of the way around it, and it took both of his hands to hold it tightly. It was nine solid inches of Celtic potency and Kevin sighed like the winds in the trees of autumn to feel the lad's hands upon it.

"That's a part of me that hasn't been warmed in a long while," he said to Kelly.

"I'll warm it for you good," Kelly said sincerely. "I'll warm it the way I warm Younger's and Chris' every morning."

"Is that what you think it is, warming it up?" Kevin asked.

"That's what I thought at first," Kelly admitted. "But Younger taught me better. There's some white stuff inside it, and it has to be squeezed out so it'll go soft again. And you squeeze it out like this!" And Kelly began to pump the older man's shaft up and down while holding onto it tightly.

Kevin moaned at the way the small eighteen year old boy's hands felt around his cock. "Sure and that's the way you should squeeze it," he moaned. "Only it's faster you'll be wanting to do it."

Kelly got onto his knees and began to use his entire arms to pump the man's prick, pulling and squeezing up while his arms flailed about like a baby bird's testing its wings.

"Oh, come on, Mr. Fitzpatrick, sir, let it out," Kelly urged. "There's got to be a lot of it in here, it's so big. But I'll squeeze it all out, sir, don't you worry. I'll get every last drop out of it so you can sleep on this nice soft bed really good without any stiff jimmy to keep you awake."

"Oh, yes, my lad, your hands are the blessings of the Little People, they jump about so like leprechauns at a dance," Kevin groaned. "If you'll keep up this jig but a moment more, you'll see how much you can squeeze out of this poor, dear man who hasn't been squeezed in many a month."

"Poor sir," Kelly crooned as he pounded the man's prick. "I'll milk it all out of you, don't you worry none. Every bit of it."

"Ah, ah, I can feel it building up," Kevin moaned. "It's going to be ponderous load of it, my boy, I think that if you aren't careful, you'll splash it all over your sweet, clean, body."

"I don't care, sir! You got to get it out of you so you can sleep," young Kelly said bravely. "You let it splash all over me, and I'll wash it away come morning."

"Ah, ah, ah, here it comes, me lad, here it comes." And with a many a groan that would delight a wolf to give to the full moon, Kevin burst loose his load and he sprayed the young boy with it in a wash that covered the strapping young lad from his head to his stomach. Kelly let the white flood hit him and he laughed to see how much relief he gave to his father's best friend, and he joyed that his hand had brought the man the relief he so sorely needed. True to his word, he continued to squeeze and milk the dear man's pud while covered with hot white jizz that drizzled and dripped from his body which had just been cleaned so well.

Done at last, Kevin's cock did in fact shrivel down to a soft lump and Kelly gently let it go and said, "Now Mr. Fitzpatrick, sir, you can see how much you need me in this bed with you at night, so you won't be having these stiff jimmys keeping up awake."

"True it is that I could get used to your hands helping with my jimmy every night," Kevin admitted. "But I must let your companions have their fair chance," he cautioned.

And Kelly bowed his head to acquiesce to the older man's decision.

But young Kelly, fairly worn out by the labor of caring for the man's stiff manhood, had slumped down with his head upon Kevin Fitzpatrick's belly, and still covered with the sticky white jizz that is the source of the Irish you know and love today, he slept. Kevin was too kind to rouse the lad, so he left the boy just as he was, snuggled against his body and with a smile on his face in slumber that was just the way his dear departed wife had smiled. And with that comforting thought of the dead living on in children, and in the soft comfort of the featherbed that had rested many a weary Fitzpatrick head, Kevin Fitzpatrick slept.

Kevin had to rise very early in the mornings to go to his job on the farm, and he worked with a lighter heart. The bed was restful and Kelly's caring ministration to him had eased his heart, and so his work was a joy to him. So it was with a light heart that Kevin returned home from the fields, and there it was that the middle lad, Chris was waiting for him. "It's my night in the bed with you," he said when the older man walked in the door.

"That it is and you'll get your chance," Kevin promised him.

"I'll be wanting my bath tonight," Chris said, "for I'll not be outdone by my companion in anything at all."

"I'm sure you'll be just fine," Kevin assured him. "And I'll give you every chance the same as I gave him."

With all the grace of a gazelle in his movements, Chris joined the man in the bed that night and pressed his body against his bashfully. "Is this the way of warming you up?" he asked.

"It's a wonderfully warm lad you are." Kevin assured the boy. And those lips of his, that always reminded him of his departed wife, beckoned to him and he reached out and he kissed the boy's lips and they were soft and warm and delightful against his own. "Ah, my lad," he said to the middle lad. "Your lips are like my dear departed wife's, every part of them, and it makes me think when I kiss them that she is back with me once again."

Chris was too young at Mrs. Fitzpatrick's passing to remember her, so his heart wasn't burdened with the weight of knowing her. "Then kiss them again, sir," he said. "For I like to feel your arms around me and I like the feel of your lips against mine." And when Kevin reached for another kiss, Chris was so bold as to gently suck the man's tongue into his mouth and he suckled the fat pink worm and the older man sighed in the bliss of feeling it once again.

"Ah, but if that was the only way I miss that mouth," he sighed when the kiss was done and his tongue was his own again. "I should be a happy man."

Chris was a bright lad, as I have said before, and he didn't need any more than those words and the feel of the older man's shaft lying thick and warm along his thigh to know what he meant. He smiled and said, "Then let me show you how these lips can be yours every night if I can keep the sharing of the bed with you." And Chris moved down Kevin's body the way that his younger companion had, and this time it was not the hand which touched the dear older man's manhood and life, it was those lips, those marvelous lips, they had returned to Kevin once again in the body of his friend's son and it was like a homecoming.

Full, warm and rich, those lips encircled his cockhead and rich, warm and full, they slid down his shaft, and Kevin's tool was bathed with warmth and sweetness. Chris let his mouth pour its water over the man's dong and like a boy bathing his dog; he bathed the man's dick and then began to scrub it with those velvet lips!

"Ah, my boy." Kevin said as the lad's lips began to slide up and down on his pud, bringing with it in its wake the joys of the angels. "Your lips are as soft as the down inside this featherbed, and I wish that you could keep this up forever."

Chris smiled around the man's prick and kept on his duties, but he afterwards said that, if he could have talked, he would have replied, "Sure and wouldn't that be something to explain to my friends? If I am to be traveling all over town with Mr. Fitzpatrick's dick in my mouth, I might as well stay home."

But he was a dutiful lad and kept on nursing the older man's prick, bringing the sturdy pud into a hard, shiny column of silver light and Kevin was moaning with the delights which sounds like the tortured souls in hell, and it's only the quality of the feeling which makes the difference. Chris sucked the prick with all the skill and enjoyment of a long-experienced master of the art, and Kevin was lifted up to heaven by the wings of the lad's lips and it was with a howl of sheer joy that he erupted into the boy's mouth and filled that warm maw with his seed, a gusher which wasn't any the less than the night before, only this time it was the middle lad who swallowed it, and swallowed he did, but even so, there was too much of it and Chris snorted and coughed and dribbles of come slid out of his nostrils and dripped from his mouth and squelched about as he continued to plunge Kevin's dong in and out of his mouth. Just as his companion, he didn't stop until he had drained every drop of the man's jism and then he studiously licked up the mess that was made, until every bit of the jizz was safely inside him but for the droplets that hung from his nose even so. These he wiped away with his forearm and he crawled into the man's arm and said, "And that, sir, is what I'll give you every night if you'll choose me to share this bed with you from now on."

"And where did you learn this dance of delight with your mouth, my lad?" Kevin asked.

"I've been practicing." Chris said shyly.

"And that was obvious, if my cock had been a violin, you would have been playing it down in Dublin at the theater to thunderous applause," the older man assured him. "But who has been your teacher in this art of oral delight?"

"It's Younger," Chris admitted. "Now that he has reached his manhood and has the full scattering of hair about his chest, he is eager to have his virility tested every night, and so he climbs in the night onto my chest and he shoves it into me. First I struggled against it, but no longer, now indeed I am often the one who is seeking him out for I find it to be a wonderful delight, the taste and feel of a man's cock, and now that I've had the man-apple fully ripened on the vine, I'll not settle for the smaller fruit of my companion the more. But say that I'll the one sharing this bed from now on, and I'll be the happiest man in all of Eire."

"True it is that I could get used to your lips nursing my jimmy every night," Kevin admitted. "But I must let your friends have their fair chance," he cautioned.

And Chris bowed his head to acquiesce to Mr. Fitzpatrick's decision.

The next day Kevin was again able to work cheerfully through the day. He sang loudly on the walk home, tipping his cap to the ladies and beaming at all who looked at him. Many said that he walked like the king of creation, and there were whispers about his new acquisition, the fabulous, fantastic Fitzpatrick Family Featherbed. "The bed must be a gift from the Little People, charmed to bring all who sleep within it good fortune and happiness." Old Lady McNamara declared, and there were many who agreed with her.

After they ate supper, Younger Kevin declared, "Now, sir, it is my turn to share your bed tonight. I know the tricks my companions have used to make you consider their case the kinder, but their childish games shall be forgotten tonight."

"Sure and that's a mighty powerful boast to be making," Kevin told the nineteen year old. "You're gotten to be a man now, but there's a lot more growing you need to do to become a man."

When Younger came to the Featherbed, Kevin sniffed him. "Faith, but you've been at my bay rum!" he said. "You're too young to be shaving, lad!"

"I didn't shave my face," Younger said.

"Then where were you taking my straight-razor to you, your arse?" Kevin said. Then, "You did, you shaved your bum for me?"

"I wanted to be smooth for you, sir," Younger said. "My hairs weren't such a burden to remove."

"But didn't the bay rum sting you?"

"That it did," the boy said. "But it was to be done."

Kevin was impressed. "Now that's the way of a man, all right!"

"Now to earn my place in your bed," Younger sidled up next to the man, and the kiss he laid on his lips was not that of a boy. Kevin found himself with an ardent lover in his bed, the soft hands of the eldest boy were stroking his body in ways that he hadn't felt for many a day.

"Where have you been learning this?" he asked after a time.

"My friends and I have been practicing with each other," Younger admitted. "Finding out what feels good and what doesn't. It wouldn't do to go to our wedding bed with no notion of what to do, but we shouldn't go spoiling any young girl's chances of being a virgin for her husband, and the whores take money that we don't have, and aren't very clean, either. Better to tup your buddy in his bum and let him tup you."

"That is the way of it," Kevin said. "I did the same with me own chums."

"Now I know that Kelly used his hands on you," Younger put his hands down the older man's stomach and grasped the powerful glory of the Fitzpatrick clan. "Did he do it for you something like this?" and he began to pump his father's prick.

"Ah, nay, he used both his hands, to get the better hold of it."

"One is enough for me," Younger pointed out and proved it beyond all doubt by the drubbing he gave the man's prong, he pummeled that shaft until it was enraged and angry red at the tip.

"And Chris probably used his so-rosy lips, I suppose," Younger said as he slid under the covers.

"He may have done something of the sort," Kevin admitted.

Younger's lips weren't so fine as Chris', but Younger had experience and then some in how to work what he had. A thin line of supple pleasure gripped and greased their way over the already-incensed dong, so that Kevin was once again groaning his delight at the warm ecstasy that another's mouth can give a man at the end of a hard day of work.

"Your lips are a match for Chris'," he gasped after a time. "But I cannot say that you are the better."

"Then let me now show you what Chris and Kelly can't give you," Younger said. "And also show you why I was at such pains to scrape me hairs from me tuckerhole."

He had slicked up Kevin's pud in no mean measure, and that thick slippery slime did a fine duty by lotioning the path as Younger Kevin sat on Elder Kevin's lap and guided the heavy schlong into his supple young body.

If a mouth has a warmth to it, the bum is the furnace that sends the warm air up the long chimney to it. Kevin was wrapped up in a sea of fiery softness that clutched and stroked him in sinuous rhythm, for Younger was clenching his buns as he pulled upwards, and relaxing them as he let his body fall back down.

Kevin just lay on his back and decided that he was in heaven for certain. "I could die now and not notice the difference between you and an angel," he said to Younger. "Ride my shaft, boy, ride it and milk it all out."

"That I shall do," Younger declared and now he began to bounce on the older man's dick, and the man reached up and grasped his lover's smaller rod, a hot poker that proclaimed its eagerness to join the fray, and he pumped it in time to his lover's strokes upon his own fuckpole, and Younger gasped and his butt clutched the man even tighter.

"Ah, it is the glory of the ages," Kevin muttered as his pleasure built within him. "Sure and this is the delight that never ends. A man may spend a night dancing with the fairies and come out to find a century has passed and now, my lad, now I understand how he could do it! Ah, ride me, lad, ride me hard!"

"Ah yes, sir! Yes!" Younger moaned. "Fill me with your fire, fill me, fill me!"

And what man could be so hard as to not answer such a plea? Kevin could not, he groaned and his cock burst upwards into the younger man's bum with the explosions of a thousand fireflies lighting up at once. Younger's eyes grew wide as he felt the hot seed spattering his insides and he moaned and his little burst of clear seed flew out to sprinkle the older man's chest, and as Kevin's climax left him drained and gasping, the young one fell onto his chest with his own heavy sobs of relief and release.

"Faith sir, but you're better than any of my buddies," he said. "Never again shall I give to them, for you are the best of them all!"

Kevin tenderly pulled the covers up over the both of them. "Rest, my lad, and enjoy the Featherbed," he said. "For the softness of these billows are matched by the softness of your skin and you are more than a match for your companions."

By the looks the younger lads gave him at breakfast, Kevin could tell that they worried about their chances for future excursions in the bed. Kelly had the nerve to ask the older man about it. "Sir, did you promise Younger he could have the Featherbed?"

"I've made no promises yet," Kevin said.

"But you did say he was the better of us," Chris pressed in his turn.

"I may have said something like that," Kevin admitted.

"Then we lost!" Kelly wailed.

"I didn't say that!"

"Then what did you say?" Chris asked. "We heard you through the walls, how could we help but hear, the way you were shaking the bed was shaking the entire house. I thought to myself, if I were to die here because you two were fucking too hard, how could I be explaining it to the priest on Saturday afternoon when I say my confession?'

Younger was unconcerned about his friend's excitement. "You each had your turn and so did I," he said. "You can't be mad because I'm older than you and know more than you."

"You already chose," Kelly cried to Kevin Fitzpatrick.

"I have not," Kevin said firmly. "I'll remember when I do choose that you can't know as much as your companions know. I'll remember that, I promise ye one and all."

It was the best he could do. Kevin spent a good bit of the day frowning as he did his labors. The men who had been asking his aid the day before went to him caps in hand to ask him this day, and he answered them in tones that were kind but not kindly.

So Kevin was cheered some by this promise of better times to come. He stopped at the pub to get a pint and considered again his dilemma. How could he choose among these three fine lads. "Sure," he told himself. "Younger knows more, but that made him less in each of them. Kelly's sweet young hands are like a ballet dancer on the stage, moving quickly and lightly. Chris' lips are the delights of the universe when they wrap around me prick. And Younger, too, when he sits on my lap, it's like an angel is resting there. If only I could have Kelly's hands, Chris' lips and Younger's bum all at the same time...." And that was as far as he had thought it out as he wended his way home and into the front door.

He heard the noises before he opened the door and as he did, he got an eyeful to match his earful. His lads were all on the Featherbed. Younger had his young cock up Chris' butt and Kelly had his mouth on Chris' prick.

Younger was sounding like a sergeant in the army trying to get his men to all march in step. "Now, when you feel me pulling out, hold onto it. Hold tight like you don't want me to pull it out at all. Kelly, you have to keep your mouth wet all the time. Don't keep swallowing your spit, you just dry out your mouth."

"I can't breathe with his dick in me mouth," Kelly complained. "Me nose is clogged up."

"You have to figure out how if you want to suck a man's dick good," Younger said encouragingly. "I'll pull out of Chris and let you try mine for a while."

"Sure and what's going on here?" Kevin called out. "My own friends' sons in me bed and fornicating in daylight. If the mothers of all three of yours were here now, they'd be reaching for the whips."

"We wanted to know how, too," Kelly said.

"Know what?"

"How to please you the way Younger did," Chris said. "If he knows more than us, he can just teach us and then we'll know it, too."

"And was this your idea?" Kevin asked the eldest.

"Now sir, why would I want to be able to fuck my mates and have them suck my dick every afternoon?" he asked innocently. "It's a pleasure to teach my friends what they need to know."

"Sure and it's a pleasure, is it?" Kevin said. "If there's teaching to be done, it's me who'll do it. Now scoot over while I strip out of these old work clothes, and then we'll begin your schooling, all three of you." Kevin got into the bed and said, "Now, all of you, Kelly does the best with the hands, so Younger, you and Chris watch how he does it." To the youngest: "Okay lad, show them how to handle a man's prick for him."

Kelly beamed with the praise and he caught hold of Kevin's cock, which was still half-soft, and with a few expert strokes he brought it to full turgidity. "Now you see how he did that?"

"I think so," Chris said.

"Maybe you'd better have him show us some more," Younger said doubtfully.

"Okay Kelly, get to pumping it," Kevin said. "Now pay attention, I'll expect you to be able to do the same if you're in this bed."

Chris and Younger watched as Kelly gave the older man a good pounding; his two young hands plied their skill avidly.

Kevin was gasping and he said, "Now then, a hand is wonderful but there's more to it than that. Chris, you know how to suck better than any other I've ever known, so show your mates how to suck my dick."

Chris leaned over and Kelly held the prick steady for his friend as he guided it into those lusciously full lips and they slathered the dry cockhead with boiling, churning juices that awakened the surging tide within.

"See how he...moves his lips...slowly and steadily," Kevin panted as the middle lad wrung pleasure from him. "It's like playing...a violin in is!"

"He does have a nice rhythm going," Younger admitted. "I bet I can match that with my bum, though."

Chris, get your mouth to watering it down for your friend," Kevin said. "I can see that your talents aren't competing with each other so much as they help each other out."

Chris did as he was bidden, pouring his saliva over the man's prick, and when Younger sat down on it, he gasped. "Ah, that's so much better," he groaned. "It's like my bunghole was made for your cock, sir! It fits in so well!

Chris, not to be left out of Mr. Fitzpatrick's pleasure, moved down and began to suckle the man's balls as Younger did his clutching, grasping ride. Not to be outdone, Kelly's hands found and played with the man's tits, the fingers plying over the nipples and twisting and wringing pleasure from them.

With so much hitting his senses all at once, poor Kevin was at the lads' mercy and he lay there and they had their pleasures with him, Younger fucking himself, Chris sucking his balls, Kelly playing his tits like they were a pair of marbles, and he moaned, and his body filled with climax, not just his cock, his entire body felt like one enormous orgasm and he was yelling out his pleasure and the three boys urged his pleasure even higher and when he climaxed, he poured his very soul out in it, and what was left over felt much like an emptied bladder after the visit to the pisspot, an empty, unneeded sort of thing.

"So, sir," Younger Kevin said. "Have you made up your mind which of us will be sleeping in your bed with you."

"I have indeed," Kevin proclaimed. He looked into three eager faces and grinned at them, until they were ready to burst.

"Oh sir! Tell us!" Kelly begged.

"Come on, sir!" Chris said.

"Yes sir! Do tell," Younger urged him.

"There's only one thing to do. The best one of you to share this bed is all of you. I say that you can all sleep with me and we'll come up with more ways for you to use your talents together like you just did."

There was a general rejoicing among the boys at that. When they snuggled up next to their new found lover, one and all, Kevin sighed with contentment.

"Me mates have been noticing how happy I am," he told the boys. "And the happier I am, the more people want to honor me. I have to say, after a few years of this bed with you, I could be elected the next Pope!"

Well, he never made it to Pope, but he did get a foreman's job and new `family' did much better from that time on, both in Ireland and here in the good old U.S.A.

And now, now that I've told you your bedtime story, come crawl in bed with me and we'll keep our good Irish family traditions alive, for that's what the holiday is really all about.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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