The Fag Contest

By em.notorp@2212rotablA

Published on Jul 20, 2023



Category : gay/authoritarian

Author : Albator --

Please give to nifty, using the link : https// ...And so ... The show could go on ! And your fantasies will flourish ! And the planet will be saved if you relieve your frustrations by fantasizing rather than spending money in unneeded consumer goods !

Part 2 : How to be myself.

The competition is only a month away and I'm far from being ready. I feel as though I've progressed so much in the two months since it all began, with so many new experiences. First of all, the day after the announcement of my selection for the Contest, I was, by order of the Grand Council of Ecopolis 12, placed under house arrest in my family's villa to devote myself to preparing for the Contest, and I was forbidden to leave the small garden surrounding the house. Since then, I've only been allowed to see my half-brother and my Mother, as well as two of Allan's Top-Master friends who come to give me a hand with my training. I'm formally forbidden to come into contact with any other participant in the Contest and as a result I can no longer see my dear friends fag-joe, slut-tim, beach-adam and pig-justin, who are also preparing within their family unit. I've seen them every day since the fag-awakness garden where we met at the age of 5, and I miss them. But I don't miss them all that much, because I have huge compensations, starting with Top-Master Allan's gigantic dick, which gives me a lot of satisfaction. I have to say that it's a very exciting time and I'm not bored for a second. Because I've benefited from an extraordinary state privilege granted to all participants, which has completely changed my life: the removal of the prohibition on sexual intercourse with Alphas ... three months before my 18th birthday, which falls on the day of the Contest. Oh, that's funny, so did fag-joe, slut-tim, beach-adam and pig-justin!

What I find most satisfying are the "experiments" that Top-Master Allan, his friends and Mother organize for me. Tonight is the fifth, and I'm so excited to discover new perspectives. The purpose of the experiments, as I understand it, is to help me realize what I like and dislike about sexual practices with Alphas. And, Allan and Sublime Mother keep telling me, to find my true cock-teaser self... They mean my style for making cocks stand up, I'll say in my own words, if I've understood correctly. The anticipation of this as-yet unknown experimentation is almost painful, because with the shining-slutty hot cream they apply to me every day, I feel like a bitch in heat pretty much unable to think about anything but a cock.

The first experiment naturally imposed itself as an extension of the Humiliation Gear Procedure. I thought I'd immediately find my true self and cock-teaser style with "humiliating sissification"; in the opinion of Allan and those two Top-Masters friends who were kind enough to help me, I'd demonstrated to the mess that I cum in a flash when wearing sissy outfits. And as they explored the humiliating sissification approach further, they found that the effect on themselves was convincing. And I, too, liked to turn them on with my high heels, panties, garter belts and frilly mini petticoats, not to mention the sissy accessories, the necklace, the headdress, the purse, the sex-shaped candy cane and the vibrating plug. I even came three times in one hour, so thrilled by the whole thing : the first time when I was experimenting with the "constant mechanic prostate massage" while serving tea, a second time when I was spanked by Allan's friend for orgasming while serving tea, and the third when Allan forced me to apologize for cumming on his friend's knee by initiating me into "deep suffocating fellatio", under the sustained insults of his friend and my brother, who turned me on like crazy, as I recorded in my mandatory evaluation after each experience. The result was a score of 100 / 100. Because Allan and Mother had set up a scoring system for the experiments and, sometimes with the help of their guests, awarded a maximum score of 50 points for "my ability to get a hard-on"; and I scored 25 points for my "pleasure in arousing the males" and another 25 points for "the intensity of my sexual pleasure" when I got fucked after arousing the males. So with a score of 100, I told myself that that was it, that I'd found my true self and I was super happy. But Mother didn't agree, because she thought I was too muscular, too tall and, above all, that it was too banal a style for a lot of flower boys to adopt and that it would quickly bore the Macho-Apolloons. I'd lost opportunities to win by adopting this style ; I needed to explore other experiments. And her advice was binding.

I was discouraged, but Mother and Allan put me through a battery of tests and quizzes, the aim of which was to identify the major trends and the practices and sub-practices, authorized by the Sex Trade Charter, that I liked best to define my true self and would enable me to find the right cock-teaser style that would make me a winner. This exercise was a revelation, and I discovered the extent of what's possible in the field of sexual intercourse with alphas! I'd never imagined there were so many different trends, practices and sub-practices! But the problem was, beyond the excitement and the cluster of clues, I was totaly lost due to my lack of experience. What did I know if I'd like a fist fucking or not? Probably if it was fingering for the better, as I imagined; but in fact I didn't know. Mother reassured me and reminded me that I was a naive young girl with a lot to learn, and that this was what was exciting about my training. And before the deepening of "humiliating sissification", I had only had two furtive contacts with Alphas, Stud-Miles' handjob and my spontaneous ejaculation when I sat on Top-Master's lap in the Mess. I also sadly realized that messing around with my flower boy friends didn't count. Although, it did prepare me for the "deep suffocating fellatio" practice I'd been introduced to during the humiliating sissification experimentation.

Although I was discouraged not to retain "humiliating sissification" as my own great tendency and the foundation of my true self and cock-teaser style, I had to admit, as Mother so kindly pointed out to me, that it allowed me to discover that I loved "deep suffocating fellatio", "debasing servility", "debasing verbal abuse" and "minimalist gear exhibitionism", which was a breakthrough that made me very happy.

Full of hope for the future, I was able to continue the experiments and learn a lot from them. I loved the "doggy deshumanisation" experimentation; and also the "degrading piss-pig" experimentation and also the "pain and bondage" experimentation. And each time there was a score of more than 90 / 100. And above all, I discovered that I adored many of the practices authorized by the Sex Trade Charter, starting with all forms of sodomization. There was "cream-less hard painful" sodomization, "slutty activ" sodomization, "passiv destroying hole" sodomization, and I could go on; then there was "radical both end penetration", "constant humiliating state", "debasing verbal abuse", "multi-tooling ass-punishment", and so on. Allan explained to me that certain barbaric practices had been forbidden by the Sex Trade Charter (things with whips, white-hot weaves and electric devices and other weird stuff) and I begged Allan and Mother to let me discover them. Mother told me it was forbidden and out of the question, but Allan whispered in my ear that he would arrange for me to discover it one of these days. He's so good to me. I can't wait!

As the 5th experiment is about to begin, Mother, Allan and his two top-Master friends whom he regularly invites to help me, seem worried and want to sum up the situation.

  • We're a month away from the Contest and we haven't found your big trend, your true self or your cock-teaser style. Or rather, we've found plenty. In the memory of Sublime-Mother, I've never heard of a flower boy with so many high scores. In principle, a score of over 80 is rare and is enough to define your true self and your cock-teaser style. But the ratings for the Big Trends and the practices authorized by the Sex Trade Charter are all above 90. Unprecedented and the greatest challenge for me since my creation 233 years ago!

I'd never seen Mother so worried and self-doubting. Was I a hopeless case?

  • No need to panic. Let's start by recalling the principle of whory-timy training, pursued Top-Master Allan. He must physically personify, through his outfit, accessories and general demeanor, a promise of irresistible sexual pleasure that will get every member of the jury hard. He must also express this promise through the answers he gives in his interview. In order for it to succeed, the promised pleasure must truly satisfy him beyond all else; it must correspond to his deepest self. And if it's all perfectly natural and sincere, he'll have a chance to excite the Macho-Apollons and win. And to excite them, you have to awaken their deepest fantasies. So, of course, there's a choice, and that's the problem. But there are still two experiments to go, and then we can decide. The mantra?

  • I'm going to win the contest. I'll find my inner cock-raising self. I'll adopt the best cock-teaser style. And I'll achieve my life's goal: to turn on the alphas and make them hard. ... I was reciting for the fourth time that day, just like every day.

  • That's fine whory-timy, we'll get there, don't worry. Now, Allan, explain the program for the next few days," asked Mother.

Allan gestured me to crawl on all fours to his chair and while answering Mother made me practise the "deep forceful felation" by grabbing me by the ears to pound me.

  • Well, Mother, in four days' time, I'm organizing a course on the anatomy and sexual behavior of sissies, ... uh, ... flower boys I mean ... for the 14-year-old Top-Masters section, with whory-timy as guinea pig, of course. he said as he ripped my throat out. This will be part of the "public humiliation" experiment.

  • Great idea! But at 14, aren't they a bit young for a course in flower boy sexual behavior?

  • No, on the contrary, this is the age when they need to learn how an erection and ejaculation occur, and how the affects and psychology of flower boys interfere with the biological process. What better way to test the theory than with a guinea pig?

While sucking Allan like mad, I listened without understanding anything; but the idea of being used for the education of the 14-year-old Top-Masters section made me proud; and excited me immensely, I couldn't say why.

  • Of course, the "public humiliation" experimentation will only be made more intense by coupling it with the "total sub human slavery" experimentation. And tonight, with my friend Hugo, we're going to enslave whory-timy to start the process. And it's as a sub-human slave that we're going to take whory-timy to the Top-Master Training Center after 4 days of experimentation as a "sub human slave".

Top-Master Allan intensified his pounding and ejaculated into my mouth. I swallowed greedily and sucked his glans to avoid losing a drop.

  • Ah, we forgot to assess "sperm craving and greedy swallowing", Mother worried. But obviously, the score is still going to be very high.

  • I give 100, I give 100 ... I screamed.

  • Shut your mouth slave," said Top-Master Hugo, slapping me across the face. "From now on, you only talk when we allow you to. Understood.

I nodded in response. And so began my dive into the new experiment.

I have to say I didn't like it so much. To put it positively, I loved the outfit, my new shaved haircut and all the accessories, and also the punishments and insults, but crawling all the time, not being allowed to sit on a seat, eating from a bowl on the floor without my hands, staying in a cage and sleeping there, no longer being able to get hard because of the chastity cage.... were very exciting discoveries, but I was less enthusiastic and a little bored in the end; although I must admit I came without touching myself and without a hard-on on several occasions. But a few days after the experiment began, I was hyper-excited to go to the Top-Master Training Center in my sub-human slave outfit. I was wearing a big black studded dog collar, a black leather mini thong, a harness, a huge plug whose base was even managing to overflow my bubble butt, a ball-gag, a cock cage bulging out of the mini pocket of my thong, handcuffs clasping my hands behind my back, leather boots with high heels, a new ultra-shaved haircut and of course the shining- slutty hot cream all over my body.

  • Exposed, humiliated, degraded ... how do you like that, you little whore?

I nodded, thinking that the young Top-Masters who were destined to rule the City and the United Earth were going to see me in this degrading position and mysteriously, it excited me and I wanted too much to be hyper-obedient and also to be a little debased. But I didn't anticipate what was going to happen to me.

  • Do you have to use this?" Hugo asked Allan, pointing to a strange device.

  • Yes, I've got a special authorization to take whory-timy out of the villa for the course - you know he's not allowed out otherwise; but his transport is regulated, he has to wear a ball-gag to prevent him from talking, that's done, a blindfold so he won't be recognized... that's done," he says, after attaching a blindfold with little eyeholes ... and he's to be restrained on this sort of leather pommel horse mounted on wheels and fitted with an electric motor and remote control.

  • Cool! ... Look at that whory-timy, how lucky you are ... it's like a horse ... we're going to lay you on your belly and tie your arms and legs along the feet ... Here we go ... oh look how your wonderful bubble butt is highlighted ... ah heck, you can't see it ... but you've got to feel that your butt is up in the air right?

  • Huuum, huummm, I stammered with my ball-gag. For sure my ass was completely up in the air and had never been exposed that much. The plug had to be visible. Oh, no ...oh No.

  • Everyone's going to wonder whose slutty ass this is ... and look ... it moves ... there's a spring in the back and you can wiggle your ass and make it move up and down. Go for it! Contract your anus on the plug ... that's it, it moves the horse ... go on and wiggle your pelvis.

It was too good ... I was self-fucking my ass despite the lack of room between my body and the horse ... it was good ... oh yes. The horse started off and headed for the Top-Master Training Center. Our crew immediately attracted the attention of onlookers. Despite the stares, I couldn't help self-fucking my ass, and my cock, compressed in my cage, was starting to hurt.

  • But this little slut isn't even eighteen, judging by the lack of piercing. He's in violation and must be corrected. proclaimed someone I couldn't see.

  • Yeah, let's correct him..." said Hugo, who immediately slammed his riding crop down on my ass.

Outch! "Top-Master Hugo again please," I thought forcefully ... Oh my telepathy worked ... he's doing it again ... he's doing it again. Oh, I'm drooling with excitement around my ball-gag; my cock is torture but I think I'm going to cum and speed up my pelvic movements. But Allan grabs my balls and squeezes them hard.

  • He's not going to cum before a class on fag sexuality! Forbidden! forbidden! naughty bitch!

I shook my head frantically to get him to release my balls. He stopped. "Oh thank you Top-Master Allan," I thought very intensely, but I wasn't sure if the telepathy had worked this time.

Once in a classroom at the Top-Master Training Center, I thought I'd be free of my diabolical means of transport. But not at all, I stood there in front of the stage between Allan and Hugo, who had taken the teachers' place on the raised platform, and the group of ten students. The humiliation was intense and I was crimson with shame ... and more and more as the students took it in turns to activate the horse's suspension; I slowly began to fuck myself again without being able to stop myself and, after the excitement of the ride, to my horror, I juiced so much that it ran down the side of the horse.

  • Well, let's get started! You're now experiencing an essential aspect of faggot sexuality... anal pleasure and, in the case of this specimen, the pleasure he takes in being exposed and humiliated. Many like it, but not all, remember. The specimen can't help but get pleasure from his plug by undulating his pelvis. It doesn't matter that he's humiliating himself by doing this in front of an audience, it doesn't matter that he's breaking the law on sexual prohibition before the age of 18 ... all that matters is getting pleasure.

Hugo untied me from the horse and removed the ball gag before making me get down on all fours on the desk set up on the stage. He then pulled down my thong to expose my cock-cage and balls. I kept on jizzing precum; it was very embarrassing.

  • For transport, the specimen's sex was imprisoned in a cage to prevent it from ejaculating in public. The animal would have been quite capable of it," continued Allan, slapping my ass with force (the audience laughed). And yes, don't forget that fags always need to be controlled so that they don't do something stupid like squirt in public! ... I'm now going to remove this cage ... (murmurs of amazement) ... you can see the specimen's cock doesn't stay shriveled for long ... (Allan ran his hand over my cock twice and I began to get hard, panting) ... here it is erect. Had you ever seen a faggot's dick erect?

  • No ... shouted the students unanimously.

  • Well, that's done.

After the ride, during which I had almost come, and under the effect of the hyper-excitement into which the "public humiliation" experimentation had immersed me, I couldn't help but wiggle my ass again to fuck myself, and my cock began to pulsate. I could barely hear Allan's explanations - I think on the physiology of the cock and the mechanism of erection and orgasm - nor the shouts and derogatory comments of the students. Hugo was projecting on a screen some very erudite diagrams, he commented. I continued in a slutty state, moaning like a bitch. All the students had moved closer to the stage and some were even caressing my ass. I orgasmed like I'd never done before in an avalanche of little high-pitched squeals as I squeezed my anus on the plug at a frantic pace. Completely drained and panting, I couldn't understand Allan's explanation of ejaculation. I collapsed on the desk to catch my breath, but Hugo cracked my ass and ordered me to stand up.

  • Arse stretched, back arched, head up, tongue out.

I knew this position well and adopted it in less than a second. It turned me on and, to my shame, I got hard again.

  • Note that the specimen didn't need to touch himself to cum. Normally, you have to go like this (Allan started jerking me off) to end up cumming. But some fags, the bitchiest of them all, cum without even touching their cock.

  • "But Allan," questioned a student, "you were explaining that pleasure is a combination of physical and cognitive stimulation? But there was no mechanical action to make this faggot cum?"

  • Congratulations on your comment. I'd like to respond in two steps. First, the specimen excited his prostate with his plug.

Allan yanked my plug as Hugo projected a new diagram showing where the prostate was located.

  • Stimulating the prostate is like pumping sperm production, and sperm can be emitted without further stimulation of the penis. Demonstration.

Allan shoved two fingers up my ass and began to wank my anus and forage back and forth in my cavity. "I've got to find the prostate" ... I squeaked ... " There, I've got it ... Let's observe the specimen's reaction".

Oh shit, what am I doing here. I've got it. Just two fingers deep and my cock pulses and pulses and ... oh no ... I'm cumming again.

  • Note that, in principle, it takes a good quarter of an hour after an orgasm before the testicles refill with sperm and it's possible to ejaculate again. However, the specimen has been given a hormone treatment that promotes its development and sexual activity.

Shining-slutty hot cream, I thought as I regained my composure.

  • But you said there were two explanations?

  • Absolutely. Purely mechanical ejaculation may be possible, but it's difficult and gives little pleasure. A fulfilling ejaculation is almost systematically accompanied by cognitions and affects of very varied natures and contents, which in a way stimulate sperm production just as much. In the case of the specimen, these cognitive stimuli alone may be enough to make him ejaculate. This happens in certain circumstances with many sissies, but only the sluttiest frequently cum without touching.

  • What kind of cognition are we talking about?

  • I suggest you ask the specimen about that," says Allan as Hugo repositions me so that I'm completely facing the students.

Still kneeling on the desk, I was anxious to answer the questions. Wasn't I going to talk to these 14-year-old alphas about what turned me on? But Allan whispered in my ear that I shouldn't be afraid, and that I should answer truthfully; that it was part of the experience ; it was to be meaningful for me. It was important for the Contest," he finished. I had to obey him, especially if it would help me seduce the Macho-Apollo .... And Albator, my favorite. Just thinking about Macho-Apollons and Albator made my dick come alive again, which was immediately noticed considering my total exposure.

  • What gives you a hard-on, faggot?" asked a student.

It was easy, and I answered Macho-Apollons.

  • But why are you thinking about them now?

  • I think about them all the time and because they're part of the Jur ...(Hugo cracked my back and reminded me in my ear that I was forbidden to mention the Contest) ... part of my favorite pastime. (I explained that there were posters of them all over the Flower Boy Training Center).

  • And why do they turn you on?

I thought long and hard. A few weeks ago I would have said because I'm in love with them and they're the most accomplished males on Earth-United. But now I felt that answer would have been dishonest.

  • Because they're super hot and domineering and I'm desperate to serve them and suck them and offer them my ass and obey them like a good bitch ... my cock was now totally stiff and Hugo was stroking my head and telling me that it was good, that I'd been sincere and that I should continue.

  • You can see that the evocation of Macho-Apollons, images in his head that I'd call cognitions, are making his cock pulse again. Keep questioning him.

  • What would you like him to do to you? What do you expect from an Alpha?

The question was confusing; I'd never thought about it and didn't know how to answer. Faced with my perplexity, Allan explained that sissies like me enjoyed being submissive and obedient to Alphas without expecting anything from them.

  • Yeah, right. I just want to be their whore totally submissive to their desire.

  • Allan shouted "Yes" triumphantly ... That's what you are, your true self, that's it, it's being a submissive whore!

And I thought again, and again as everyone stared at me and yes, that was it, I was overwhelmed to have found my true self and felt the need to affirm it as waves of pleasure coursed through my cock.

  • I want to be the soccer team's whore, that's my goal, to satisfy all their desires, to be at their beck and call, to be treated like their lackey and their bitch; and they'll be right to punish me, to spank me for the slightest mistake, and they'll be right to insult and humiliate me to remind me that I'm their inferior and put me in my place and they'll be right to use me like a cum dump, like a dog, like a slave because it pleases them.

And I come without having touched myself.

  • CQFD," concludes Allan, to the applause of the audience.

Next: Chapter 3

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