The Fallout of Jack Hamilton

By River Acheron

Published on Jul 7, 2021


This story is a continuation of Matt Smith's ( fantastic story, 'Jack Hamilton Is Not A Nice Person'. I had often wondered what transpired directly after Jack storms away in the park. This was initially going to be a one-off, but while writing, I have decided to continue the tale that was left untold between Chapter 19, and the '6 Months Later' epiloge we see in Chapter 20. So, for those of you who have wondered what happened in the 6 months after Jack cut his puppet it is!

I would like to thank Matt Smith for creating the characters in the first place; and for his invaluable advice, input and suggestions which made this sequel possible. Espeically discussing his characters' motivations and psychology with me. Please read his story first if you haven't already!

An additional special thanks goes out to Jasper Cooper ( for his input, especially having to do with the kinkier stuff. (It'll come, I promise!) You can read his amazing story 'The Downfall of Nate Ramsey', the inspirtation for Jack Hamilton!, here:


On the other side of the school, on the toilet in the second stall of the south-wing boy's restroom, sat an extremely distraught and slightly drunk Elliott. He almost fucked up this morning. Like every other day this past week, he downed four beers in his room before leaving for school. Somehow he got away with keeping the alcohol smell away from his mother, except that today, she asked him why his eyes were glazed over and he was slurring his words. He explained it away to her as pulling an all-nighter, but he didn't know how much longer he could keep up his new secret hobby. He would have to be much more careful in the future. That was a concern for later, though. As he sat on the toilet, frantically sending text after text, two things bothered him. One, that he was being a total hypocrite after admonishing Ben earlier for doing something very similar. Two, the fact that he really didn't care about that as much as he probably should. This was far more important:

[SENT 12:03pm] listen can we talk? :(

[SENT 12:15pm] u there? hello?

[SENT 12:18pm] CAN YOU SEE THIS????

[SENT 12:18pm] at least lmk ur getting my txts! JESUS CHRIST!!

[SENT 12:20pm] Sorry! that came off as dickish. look u were rite about everything k?

[SENT 12:25pm] JACK! r u there!? PLEASE! beggin u to rewspfnd

[SENT 12:25pm] *respond. sorry 4 the typo.

[SENT 12:27pm] this is DESTORYING ME MAN! Cant we just talk about what happened!?

[SENT 12:29pm] I will do N E thing! im fucking sorry jack!! 4 all of it! I hate myself for what I did 2 u. & u didn't deserve it!!! IM SORRY!

Elliott was in the middle of typing, 'FINE! maybe i'll kill myse.......' but instead of continuing, he took a deep breath, changed his mind and deleted it. While such shameful thoughts HAVE entered his mind the past few days, he thought it best to keep them private. He didn't want Jack to worry about him. In fact, he didn't want ANYONE to worry about him. He tried to regain some semblance of composure. What Bryce told them at lunch had Elliott worried, but an idea struck him. He didn't know what it could ultimately accomplish, but doing nothing would be simply unacceptable. He had to talk to Tyler, he reasoned. If he didn't, and the truth of his crimes came out, Jack would be devastated and embarrassed. With that in mind, Elliott wiped the copious amounts of tear drops that built up on his phone screen, put the phone into his pocket, and rushed out of the bathroom just as the 12:30pm bell rang.......


......just as the 12:30pm bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period, Jack finally had a chance to check his phone, which was vibrating in his pocket for the past half-hour. He quickly read over the string of texts, shook his head, sighed, and deleted them before blocking the number that sent them. 'I should have done that a week ago,' he thought to himself. The reason why he didn't was mostly pure curiosity as to what his former best friend had to say to him. He had blocked the other boy's numbers, after all, the same night he blocked them all on Facebook after leaving them at the park. As it stood now, though....Jack had enough.

"Are you okay, Jack-O-Lantern? asked Theo, as the boys were just finishing up their lunch.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just deleting stupid spam." Jack put his phone in his pocket, and turned towards Andrew, eager to change the subject. "Soo....your place at 5pm?" he asked him. Andrew nodded.

"Sounds like a plan, Drewcifer! sure your brother is cool with me tagging along?"

"Oh fuck yeah. Mike's gothic himself. He's chill as Hell. The more the merrier." Andrew explained.

Distressing text messages aside, Jack discovered that was really happy. He liked these guys a lot. Especially Devin, if he was going to be really honest with himself. 'Maybe things have a way of working out for a reason' he considered. Jack was also thankful that he never bullied THESE guys. The truth was, even at his worst, the thought never crossed his mind. He never really took notice of them before. No one in school really did, including the coach. By hanging out with them, he too, he figured, would fade to black, in the background. He was more than a little okay with that.

"Shit...well, I'm gunna be late for gym" Devin explained as he stood up.

"Like you ever participate in gym class!" teased Theo, as he, Jack and Andrew also stood up from their chairs. Devin shot him an affectionate smirk, and then....turned to plant a very quick peck on Jack's cheek, leaving the former Jock standing there with his mouth agape.

"Later!" Devin called out as he quickly walked away, grinning ear to ear....embarrassed, but infinitely proud of himself that he finally worked up enough nerve to make the move that he fantasized in his head all week.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww!" sang Andrew and Theo, in unison.

"It must be wuv, Drewcifer!" Theo said as he playfully pinched Jack's already reddened cheek, where Devin kissed him.

"At first sight!" continued Andrew, batting his cat-eyes, cartoonishly.

" guys are too much!" Jack said as they threw their paper plates away in the nearby garbage bin, and slowly made their way to the exit.

"Then why are you turning beet red?" Andrew pointed out.

"Who'da thunk it!?" Theo exclaimed. "The infamous Jack Hamilton: Gay hating scourge of Holmepoint High....falling for a DUDE! I don't know WHAT happened to you, Jack-O-Lantern, but I'm glad you changed. You're not the dumb jock that I always pegged you to be. And, know, I'm glad you're our friend."

Jack beamed. 'So this is what being accepted into a group really feels like!' he thought to himself. "Me too, guys! These past few days have literally been the best of my entire life."

As Theo walked out, however, Andrew suddenly put his hand on Jack's chest, forcefully stopping him in his tracks. His entire happy-go-lucky demeanor changed as he stared Jack down with an accusing feline stare. "Be at my place an hour early." he ordered the older boy.

"Everything okay, Drewcifer?" asked Jack. This turnabout was completely unexpected, and left Jack with a sudden nervous feeling in his gut.

"Devin gave you my address earlier?" Andrew asked, coldly.

"Yeah, but what..."

"Not a WORD about this to anyone. Got it, Jack?"

"Got it. Loud and clear. But Drew...."

"4pm. Don't be late!" Andrew said before walking out of the cafeteria, leaving Jack confused and concerned.

What could this possibly be about?


It was 2:15pm, and as another school day drew to a close, Tyler Noleff giggled to himself as he walked out towards the school parking lot. He had just found out that Lindsy Costello, the (self-proclaimed!) 'Slut of the Junior Class', had an abortion over the summer. Such a juicy tidbit of news like that didn't surprise Tyler in the slightest, but it sure did amuse him....and amuse him it did as he got into his extremely used 1996 gold Mazda hatchback that ran more on prayers to Saint Christopher, rather than gasoline. 'Dumb blond whore', he thought to himself as he put his key in the ignition and started the engine. He was just about to drive off, when he heard a light tapping on his driver's side window. "Tis some visitor," he muttered, "tapping on my chamber door!". Irritated, he looked to the left and saw Elliott Farnsworth standing there, with sad pleading eyes. Tyler sighed and rolled down his window, half-way. As soon as he did, the stink of unshowered body odor wafted right up Tyler's pig-like nostrils. The boy smelled worse than the inside of Tyler's car! "What do you want, Farnsworth!?" he snapped impatiently.

"Have you told anyone yet?" the boy asked. His voice practically oozed desperation.

"What the fuck are you babbling about, Helliot?" replied Tyler.

"Don't...DON'T PLAY GAMES WITH ME, TYLER!" Elliott said, his angry insistence actually took Tyler aback for a second...but ONLY for a second.

'The little homo literally stomped his foot!' thought Tyler. 'An honest to goodness bitch-tantrum! I haven't seen one of those since Ryan Stern in Sophomore study hall!' Now, however, he had a very strong idea what got Elliott's panties in a bunch. This was too precious! "I have NO idea what you're talking about." lied Tyler. He wasn't about to let the boy off the hook. Where would the fun be in that? Keeping the worm wiggling on the hook was a technique that Tyler mastered quite well over the years.

"King Thrusbeard!?" Elliott replied. it seemed that Hellboy wasn't as stupid as he looked. THAT'S how he found it. In a manipulatively evil way, there was a part of Tyler that was proud that his obscure little reference was deciphered. "Ah. I see Bryce the Lice Boy informed you about our little....tete-a-tete, eh? Frankly, I never would have thought that you and those other little faggots had it in you! It takes, oh I pull off something like that. I'd be impressed if I wasn't so utterly disgusted by it!"

"How'd you find out!?" Elliott pleaded. "I have to know! PLEASE!"

"Oh, several ways actually. Not that I'd ever reveal it all. I mean...some of it was pretty obvious! Christ, you guys didn't exactly operate under a cone of silence, now did you? But....the other ways I found some stuff out, would surprise you. People talk, and lets just leave it at that for now, okay? In case you're wondering, Jack hasn't told me a thing. I've been throwing out hints to him for days, but you of all people know how obtuse he can be. Shit, he won't talk about his Hell Week at all."

"Did you mention ANY of this to ANYONE?" Elliott demanded, asking his original question. "At least tell me THAT much!"

Tyler thought about what to say next. This was the moment where he would have to gamble, and see where the chips fall. Should he tell Elliott the truth or not? It was fun to mess around with this pathetic basket-case, and he wondered how he should let this play out. Suddenly, an idea struck him. He had a feeling how Elliott would reply, and he could use that to his advantage if he was correct and played this the right way.

".....not YET." he replied.

"I'm begging you....DON'T! Please just drop it!" The boy was practically crying now.

A large malicious smile spread across Tyler's oily face. 'gotcha!' he thought to himself. He stopped his engine and rolled down his driver's-side window the rest of the way, allowing him to rest his elbow on the frame. Elliott's stink didn't bother Tyler anymore. It was the smell of desperation and it seriously turned him on. ".....and why should I do that?" he responded with obvious malice in his voice. "I can't STAND you. Never could, really. And now you're nothing but a criminal!"

"Tyler PLEASE! Do you seriously think I'm asking this for myself!? I know you hate me! Guess the fuck what? I hate me! This isn't about me protecting myself."

"Yeah, you wanna protect your little gay friends, I get it. Don't AGREE with it...but I get it."

"That's only part of it. I'm asking you so I can protect Jack the most!"

"Bullshit!" Tyler sneered. "After what you did to him!?"

"It's true! I don't expect you of all people to understand at all. I made a mistake and I REFUSE to allow any more pain or humiliation to affect Jack in ANY way if I can somehow prevent it. I owe the poor guy my LIFE for what I did to him. He obviously wants to move on, and I will do anything to make that happen for him, even if....even if he doesn't know. If anything came out, it would destroy him. So PLEASE Tyler! Help me out here, okay?"

Tyler had him exactly where he wanted him now. This couldn't not have gone better. He made a show of it, pretended that he was undecided and scratched his chin. "You'd do ANYTHING for my silence, wouldn't you?"

Elliott's countenance changed drastically, as if he suspected where this was leading to. "If....if I have to! How much do you want? I....don't have a job yet, but when I get one, I'll owe you whatever. I'll pay anything."

Tyler merely chuckled. "Oh Helliot....keep your money. But you're right, you'll pay."

"I....don't understand what you...."

"Get in the car. NOW" Tyler ordered as he re-started his engine. "We're going for a little drive. We have a LOT to talk about."

Hesitating for just a moment, Elliott sighed and climbed in the passenger-side door. Tyler sped away.


At 3:57pm, Jack pulled up to Andrew's house. His brother, Mike's house, really. When Andrew was ten years old, their parents were both killed in a car accident. Mike, eighteen at the time, took sole custody of Andrew. Being twenty-two now, he currently had joint custody with his fiance, Candice, who was away on a business trip in Chicago. It was a boy's night. Jack went up to the door of the two story colonial, and rang the bell. A few seconds later, a guy in black jeans and a 'Motionless In White' shirt opened the door. He had Andrew's boyish facial features, was somewhat on the lanky side, yet - at the same time - toned.

"Hey man", he said as he put out his hand. "You must be Jack. Andy said you were gonna be here early. I'm his brother, Mike."

"Nice to meet you, Mike!" Jack said as he shook the guy's hand and followed him inside.

While not as upscale as Jack's house, the place was fairly nice for Holmepoint Heights. The living room was cozy, with modern country decor. 'Mike's wife must be in charge of decorating', thought Jack as he looked at the Americana-style paintings that pockmarked the tan walls. Part of him expected that he would be stepping foot inside Castle Dracula instead of something born out of the Pottery Barn. After only a few moments, Andrew came trotting down the red carpeted stairs.

"You made it early. Good.", he said tersely.

"Yeah, so what's this all about?" Jack asked as the three of them sat on the sofa.

"Oh, you know....just trying to get to know you better," Andrew explained in a tone that sounded like it was tinged with a bit of thinly veiled sarcasm. "I mean,'ve only been in our little group for a few days now." There was now no mistaking it...there was something in Andrew's voice that Jack couldn't pin-point exactly, but he knew he didn't like it. He realized that it was the same condescending tone that Ben often took with him last week.

"Andy told me you used to be some big deal sports guy." Mike interjected.

"Yeah, well....that scene and those got old, you know?" Jack responded. Both brothers stared at him as if they expected him to clarify that remark. He thought to himself just how he was going to explain further. "It was.....pointed out to me just how uh, phony it all was."

Did they buy it? Jack shifted in his seat as he looked back at Andrew and Mike. The conversation was casual enough, but there was a fishing expedition going on right now, Jack was pretty certain, and they wanted to see if Jack was going to haul up a bottom-feeding flounder or a huge marlin.

Finally, Mike nodded. "I hear ya, man! I fucking HATE sports, personally. I went to Holmepoint High myself, and it's...." He cut himself off and shook his head in disgust.

"Well, I second THAT" Andrew said. Jack noticed that the younger brother's legs and feet were fidgeting a lot, and in a weird way, almost like his two lower appendages were searching for something to grip on to, like a monkey looking for a ripe banana. What was with this kid!?

"Well, anyway.....welcome to the Dark Side!" Mike said cheerfully. "It definitely suits you!"

"Thanks!" Jack replied. "Everyone is much nicer. I think I found my calling. I didn't really like myself before. I was always pressured to be the best, but it was even worse than THAT. It's kinda hard to describe. I was always told to act a certain way, talk a certain made me turn into something I didn't wanna be."

Andrew snorted, derisively. "No kidding, from what I heard" he rudely commented. Jack didn't like the snippy cadence in his voice.

"But I'm working on myself!" Jack explained to them. "Every day I'm trying to be a better person than I was the day before. I hurt people and I regret it. I was even thinking of starting therapy at some point. I have....questions about myself."

"Hey man, I get it." Mike replied as he nodded. "You don't have to explain that to me. High school is some helluva time!" he chuckled. "I don't miss it in the slightest! So....Jack, do you want some wine or something? All I have is red, so....I don't know if that's your thing. But it's really good!"

"No thanks. Not now, anyway. I'll wait for the others to get here. I don't wanna pre-game it and get too far ahead of them."

"No problem! Anyway, you guys relax and I'll order the pizza now, and see about finding the Hellraiser movies On Demand. I THINK they're all on there." Mike said as he got up and went to his room down the first floor hallway.

Jack kept glancing back at Andrew. The boy was shooting daggers at him with a barely concealed scowl on his face. 'And he keeps twitching and jerking his feet!' Jack thought to himself. All of the sudden, Andrew checked the time on his phone.

"Jack....can I have a word with you? In private."

He wondered what this could possibly be about. The boy clearly disliked him. Although he was never directly targeted by Jack, he MUST have been aware of his reign of terror throughout the halls of the school. People talk, after all. "Uh, yeah sure, Drewcifer" he responded, knowing the kid was not going to let this go. Jack slowly stood up and began walking left, towards the kitchen.

"No." Andrew said. "In my room, please." This was getting stranger by the moment, but he just shrugged as he followed the fourteen year old up the stairs and down the second floor hallway into Andrew's room, which could only be described as gamer-gothic, with a heavy emphasis on psudo-Japanese anime theme. Strangest of all, there were two high-backed chairs facing eachother, which Jack guessed Andrew took from the downstairs dining room.

"Have a seat, please." the little goth boy said as he closed (and locked) the door behind Jack. 'What IS this? An interrogation!?' he mused. Still...Andrew WAS a weird kid, and Jack saw no harm in humoring him. Jack sat down. Andrew sat in the other chair, so that the two boys were face-to-face with eachother. "So....what's up?" Jack asked.

Andrew cocked his head to one side. "You tell ME"

Jack sighed and slumped a bit in his chair, spreading his legs open. "Well, we were talking about me, about how much of a dick I was. Listen, Drew...."

"Oh, I know I'm just a freshman!" The boy cut him off. "...and I haven't been in high school for very long. But I know, up until recently, you've given gays a hard time."

Jack wondered what ELSE this boy knew. 'He couldn't possibly know about....everything that happened. COULD he?' he asked himself. After all, most of the goths kept to themselves and plus, if he was in on what happened, he surely would have played a part in it while Jack was still cooperating. He was also sure that Elliott, Bryce, Aaron, Lincoln, Danny and Ben had no idea who this kid even was. More than likely, this was a simple case of a boy who's trying to protect his circle of friends from someone who was a known bully. Strange as it was, even though Andrew was the youngest out of them, the rest of the group sort of looked up to him as their gothic leader. It was kinda cute in a way. Jack sighed. He needed to explain to Andrew that he was no longer a threat to anyone. "Look, Drewcifer.....whatever you heard about me, about the shitty things I did, was correct. I own up to it all. I was not a nice person....Hell, I was a jerk. But as I said before, I am trying to change! I don't wanna get into why or how...but I've seen what hurting people can do to them. It makes THEM into....anyway, it's a vicious cycle and I don't want to be part of it anymore."

Andrew looked disgusted. "So....just like that? You've seen the light? I don't really care what happened as to why, to be honest. Whatever changed you you somehow think that makes everything you did and everything you said okay!?" he admonished as he casually took off his low-top sneakers, and stretched his legs, exposing his socked feet.

"I didn't say that! Please don't put words in my mouth!" Jack replied, insistently. "No, it doesn't give me some kind of pass or anything like that! I'm just trying to tell you that I want to atone for it all!"

"Oh, let me guess..." Andrew replied sarcastically. "Because I think I know what's going on here....the former school bully finds that he has the hots for Devin, and that makes him think he can truly BE one of us!?"

As he was taking Jack to task, the boy then began to remove his black socks, and began fanning out his long, slender toes. What the Hell was this kid doing!? Like his fingernails, they were painted with black nail polish, which didn't surprise Jack in the least. He began to get nervous as he stared down at Andrew's feet. "Drewci....Andrew.....I never gave you any shit, right? Can't we just....dude, what are you doing!?" he asked insistantly as Andrew cracked his toes, one at a time.

"Just getting ready..." the boy explained."I always stretch before I get to work."

"Working? With wha...." Jack began to ask, but before he could even finish the question, the young boy, quick as a cobra, darted both his legs out and slammed his feet into Jack's crotch...not painful enough to hurt, but spontaneous enough to startle him. "What the fuck!" he yelped, but before he could respond further, Andrew gripped Jack's soft bulge with his feet, his two big toes finding and pinching the shaft between them.

"I don't like bullies, Jack." Andrew lectured. "Do you know what they called me in the 7th grade?" his two big toes still had Jack's shaft trapped, over his jeans, but now with a bit of rubbing and kneading as well.

" Tell me. Just stop....please." Jack begged. He was starting to get horny from Andrew's feet, and he didn't want the younger boy to feel him getting hard from this.

"Twinkle Toes." Andrew spat out. Jack stared at the young boy's feet as they held his package in thrall. They were actually pretty cute feet, Jack thought to himself. They were very thin, and almost feminine looking, with not a blemish to be found, which made sense, given Andrew's young age. He's toes were shapely, long and slender. The black nail polish, of course, suited the goth boy as well. The soles looked almost unnaturally soft. "They tortured me with that nickname," Andrew continued, "cuz some asshole bullies caught me doing THIS to my friend, River, in the school bathroom!" He started rubbing his bare feet all over Jack's pants-clad bulge now, which - like it or not - began to harden the older boy up.

Jack gasped. "No, no, no, no, no! We are NOT doing this, Drew!" But his dick was now hard and Andrew took that opportunity to expertly put Jack's shaft in a vice-grip using his clearly talented toes.

"Just let me do it! Look at you! You want know you do!" To further his dominance, Andrew squeezed Jack's dick with his feet quite hard, giving Jack a non-verbal explanation of what would happen if he tried to get up off his seat. Jack got the message quite clearly, and stopped fidgeting. "Good boy!" Andrew praised. He eased on the pressure to Jack's aching boner, and went back to rubbing and pumping his shaft through his jeans with a light toe-grip. This went on for about three minutes, until the outline of Jack's cock was pressing hard against his jeans...which was some feat considering how baggy they were! Through it all, Jack was giving soft grunts of pleasure, not moving an inch. At this point, he really didn't want to. Oh God, how he didn't want to! This kid was playing him like a fiddle and he loved every moment of it. "Imagine that, Jack," Andrew finally said. Being the laughing stock of the entire middle school. All because of pricks like you."

"But...but I never once...OH FUCK!" Jack moaned as Andrew kept toe-ing his hard, aching cock.

"I showed everyone, though." Andrew said, ignoring Jack. "Do you know how many footjobs I've given since then?"

Jack silently shook his head. Judging by the quality of the one he was now receiving, he guessed the answer was in the double digits.

"Twenty-six", he said proudly. "Oh shit...wait, what am I thinking? 27 now!" and with that, he used his toes on his right foot to bring the zipper down on Jack's black jeans, opening his fly. Jack's cock, now hard as steel, sprang out and stood right up like a...well....Jack-In-The-Box. "No boxers!" Andrew exclaimed. "Nice! NOT move, okay? Let me do this!!" The little goth boy clutched the shaft of Jack's penis with his ten toes, curling them around it in a monkey grip. Jack moaned in a dichotomous mix of both protest and pleasure. Andrew's fourteen year old toe-pads were so soft as they lightly pressed against Jack's hard, yet spongy flesh. Jack gasped as Andrew started sliding them up and down. He threw his head back as this pretentious brat proceeded to masturbate him with his feet.

"Oh FUCK....THIS IS WRONG!" Jack growled as he began to writhe in his chair.

"Stop squirming!" ordered Andrew as he continued to pump Jack's cock with his toes...squeezing gently every few passes, milking little beads of clear precum, which helped lube up the young boy's torturously pleasurable footjob. For ten minutes, Andrew kept this up...the only variation was slowing his toe-pumping when he felt that Jack was getting close.

Jack was panting hard. His nuts began to ache a bit, and at this point he just wanted Andrew to finish him off.

"Twinkle Toes, Jack!" Andrew said angrily. "I HATED that! Imagine how embarrassing that was for me! Not only being outed at twelve years old...but being caught doing THIS!" The kid then suddenly worked his ankles with increased gusto, sliding his feet even faster.

"OH GOD, DREWCIFER!" Jack bellowed. He never felt anything like this before. The sensations he was feeling were out of this world.

"...but you see, Jack...." Andrew continued to lecture, "by the time I turned thirteen, I began to think of it as a compliment. I trapped a LOT of dicks, heh....literally. And, well...this became my specialty."

Jack could hardly hear him as he bucked his hips. "Uhhh.....uhhh....uhhhhh!' he moaned and grunted. Andrew totally ignored his throes of passion, which of course he took as a complement.

"So yeah, I don't LIKE bullies, and I don't like you very much, Jack." He slowed down before Jack could get to the point of no return. Andrew wasn't quite ready for that yet. Just a bit longer.

Jack bucked his ass off the chair, trying to fuck Andrew's toes so he could shoot his load. He NEEDED to shoot at this point!

"I SAID DON'T MOVE!" Andrew screamed in a shrill voice. At the same time, he squeezed Jack's blood-engorged shaft with his long toes.

"Fuck! Sorry!" Jack moaned. Andrew eased up the pressure again, and resumed masturbating Jack.

"So I brought you here early tonight to tell you that you really BETTER have changed. For real! I mean it." Andrew sped up his mind-blowing footjob, only pausing his pumping around every tenth pass or so to rub Jack's swollen bulbous mushroom head and dickhole with the soft underside of his big toe. "Because..." he continued, "If you're fucking with Devin's heart, or hell....fucking with ANY of us, I'll get Mike to beat the shit out of you...GOT IT?"

"Yes! Got it! Loud and clear!" Jack grunted. But....."

"What!?" the boy responded impatiently as he didn't miss a beat and continued to masturbate Jack.

"Why....why uh..." Jack croaked.

"Oh, you mean THIS?" Andrew asked as he thumped his toes on Jack's rock hard stalk.

"Yes! I mean, what the FUCK..."

Andrew shrugged. "No reason, really. None that concerns YOU, anyway. I needed the practice...not to mention the exercise. Almost done, though. No worries." Suddenly Andrew made a wet snorting sound as he built up saliva in his mouth, until his cheeks puffed out a little. He then hocked out a very large, very slimy glob of saliva that Jack watched fly through the air with expert aim, and landed directly on his dickhead with a splat. As the frothy, bubbly loogie began to ooze down Jack's cock, Andew used his toes to spread his spit all over Jack's entire cock. The kid then resumed mastubating Jack, this time at full speed, with his incomprehensibly talented toes.

"OH FUCK, DREW!" Jack screamed. He felt his nuts tighten as they were about to unleash a torrent of cum. He felt his urethra begin to pulse.

"That's it, Jack!" the kid growled. "Pop it! Cum, you FUCKER!" Andrew's feet were a blur to Jack, as Andrew's ten saliva-dripping toes jerked the older teen off with a precision and skill that Jack didn't know was even humanly possible.

"FUCK! Cumming!..." Jack moaned. He actually blacked out for a split second, as a mind-shattering orgasm literally teared through his loans. Bolt after bolt of thick cum shot out of his tip in long silky ropes.

"YEAH! YEAH! How do you like that, you fucking asshole!?" Andrew was screaming as well now. He kept sliding his toes up and down Jack's shaft, milking and draining him for everything he had. Jack couldn't catch his breath as the orgasmic waves finally subsided. Andrew's feet were utterly dripping in cum, which were, thankfully for Jack, finally slowing down as the boy milked out the last droplets of cum from Jack's dickhole. Andrew then teased Jack, as he proudly wiggled his cum and saliva slopped toes in Jack's face, good-naturedly taunting him. He then got up, and put his purple and black socks back on, leaving Jack slumped over in an amazing afterglow...milked for everything he was worth, and utterly and completely drained. Andrew tossed him some paper towels that he strategically had at the ready, on his dresser.

"Here...clean yourself up before Theo and Devin get here. It's getting late."

Jack took the paper towers and wiped himself off. That was the biggest cumshot he ever spewed out since Bryce, which was saying a lot. Thinking about his former teammate for a second, gave Jack a quick pang of guilt. He said awful things to him that last night in the park, and while he still believed he was justified in saying what he said, he did wonder briefly if maybe he was a bit too cruel to him. Shaking those thoughts out of his head, he wiped up the last remnants of his cum from his crotch and deflated penis. "You don't wanna clean your feet up!?" he asked Andrew.

"Nah!" the boy replied. "I really like the feeling of splooge between my toes. That way I can remember what I did to you for the rest of the night" he added with a smile.

"You're a very weird kid, you know that?" Jack said as he tucked his dick back into his jeans and zipped back up. A bit dizzy from his ordeal, there was a slight sharp pain in his testicles from over-stimulation and the edging he received. 'Where have I felt THAT before?' he thought to himself with a chuckle. That sardonic thought actually made Jack proud of himself that he can joke about what happened to him last week. At least privately to himself. He just hoped that a repeat of what happened to him was not forthcoming. Was he once again tricked into a similar situation? Jack didn't think so. If he was, however, he decided that this time he was going to be smart about it. He wouldn't believe any blackmail threats, and he would absolutely use his phone to covertly record anything incriminating against him. Sex, he didn't mind, in fact he loved that aspect of it. He just wasn't going to allow himself to be publicly humiliated. To that end, he decided to go on the offensive to see what Andrew's motives were in what he just did to him. "You know....I could tell your brother what you just did. That wasn't cool." Jack explained, sternly.

Thankfully, the boy didn't take the bait. He just shrugged and giggled. "Go ahead! I gave him a taste of my "Twinkle Toes" as well."

"You trapped your own brother's dick like that!?" Jack asked. Shocked.

"Mmm hmm" Andrew beamed. "When I was still twelve! This was before I was gothic. I snuck into his room when he was passed out drunk, in fact. By the time he woke up, I was already jerking him off with my feet for like five minutes."

Jack laughed. "That must have been one Hell of a wake-up call!"

"Yeah, he was pissed and yelling at me, soo...I kinda didn't stop until he busted three times!"

"You're an evil little kid, Drew," Jack said.

"Aw, thank you!" Andrew beamed. "But listen Jack...I for real don't know if I like you very much...and I for SURE don't trust you yet. Prove me wrong and we're cool. Deal?"

Jack suddenly felt the old feeling of guilt well up. Who he affected people that, frankly, he didn't even know existed. The extent of his reign of terror throughout the halls of Holmepoint High was lost, even on him. Of COURSE there were people, people who were not even his victims, who would think his new-found personality was merely an act. If the story of Scrooge went on a little longer past the ending, there must have been people in 'ol Ebenezer's life who wouldn't buy the whole 'visited by three ghosts' sob-story, and would think the evil old man was pulling a fast one on them. "Look, Drew.... I've changed. For REAL! I don't expect or even want you to believe me just yet. But let me prove myself over TIME, okay?"

Andrew scrutinized Jack's face. He certainly SEEMED sincere. For the first time since the former jock was hanging out with them, Andrew wondered if maybe he was wrong. After all, doesn't everyone deserve a second chance? " HAVE been acting differently lately. First, all those tight-ass gay clothes last week, and now you wanna be like us. You're really NOT screwing with us and the school? For REAL?"

"For real! I swear to you, there's no games! I was...trying to find myself, and now I have. Surely you can understand that."

Andrew let out a big sigh and hesitated before nodding. "I guess, Jack. But I got my eyes on you."

" more feet on me, okay?" he responded as he chuckled and stole a quick glance to make sure there weren't any noticeable stains on his black jeans.

Andrew looked a bit hurt and confused. "You...didn't think I did a good job?" he asked sadly.

"I didn't say that. In fact, it was mind-blowing! You have SOME talent with those toes of yours, and it was one of the most intense orgasms I ever had,'re way too young. From now means no, okay?"

"Sure Jack" Andrew said, looking a bit hurt, but seemingly understanding Jack's points. "I'm sorry."

Jack shook Andrew's hand. "Alright, then no harm done. You're a good kid. Let's go back to the living room. Devin and Theo should be here in a few minutes."

With that, both teens headed back downstairs. Jack's face was still properly flushed but at least his nuts didn't ache as bad. 'Still', he thought......'I could really use a glass or three of that wine now!'

[Author's Note: Sorry this section took a bit longer. Very busy 4th of July weekend! I want to average about a chapter a week, give or take. Seems I just made the cutoff! From here on in, things get extremely and increasingly steamy and kinky!]

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or opinions, please email me at

Next: Chapter 4

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