The Family

Published on Feb 19, 2002


Part Three

The ceremony

Peter and Dominic were genuinely excited about Cory's decision to join them and they coached him on what to expect.

"The ceremony is neat." Dominic began. "Everyone is there dressed in white robes and then you come out and Ricky puts a white robe on you."

"Isn't that kind of lame?" Cory asked wondering if he was ready for all this.

"I though so at first but, anything special should have a special ceremony. You know like baptizing or graduating." Peter said in a soothing voice.

"So..what do I do?" Cory asked with growing curiosity.

"First you take a bath little brother, in this." Dominic handed Cory a small vial containing a blue translucent liquid. Then you just wait around until the ceremony."

"Don't I get dressed?" Cory asked with amusement.

"No, you're naked until Ricky places the robe on you. It symbolizes your rite of passage into the flock. The robe is a symbol of the love that will protect you as long as you are one of us." Peter said with sudden emotion. His eyes were wet with tears as he continued. "Actually once you accept us, we are your family forever; there is no turning back, so you gotta be sure." He paused for effect then asked Cory with sudden seriousness. "You do accept don't you? I don't mean just parts of it, but all of it. It's not something to take lightly."

Cory looked into Peter's eyes and found something there that touched him deeply. Maybe he really did love him. Maybe he could learn to love like they obviously did. It was after all what he wanted, a home, a family, and someone to love him and to love back. He would be getting more than he ever hoped for if it was all true.

"Yeah." He said softly. "I want to do this."

"Okay, then. Here's how it goes down. After Ricky places the robe on your shoulders he say some stuff and he kisses you and welcomes you to the flock. Then he passes you down the line and we all get our turn kissing you."

"Well, okay. But be sure to use mouthwash." Cory said with a nervous laugh.

"Very funny. Then Rick says some more stuff we all pass around a golden cup filled with wine and each take a sip. Then afterwards we all just do whatever." Peter said smiling.

Something in Peter's last words disturbed Cory however; it was as if he were not telling him everything.

"Then bedtime..huh?' Cory asked nervously.

"Well, not exactly. The ceremony lasts all night. At sun up, well lights on that is, we all join hands and jump into the pool. That represents our diving into the sea of life together as a family. Then some more words and poof, it's over."

"Okay, I guess I'm ready." Cory went to the nearest bathroom and bathed with the blue liquid. His skin felt soft and tingled as he dried off beneath the blowers. When Cory returned he found the others gone and Ricky in their place, wearing a white robe. In his hands he held a smaller robe and Cory guessed it was for him.

"This is for the ceremony. I'm so glad you decided to join us." Ricky was smiling as he pulled an embarrassed, naked Cory into his embrace and hugged him tightly. Cory suddenly felt very safe and warm in Ricky's arms and felt very good about his decision.

"Let's begin." Ricky said gently pulling away. He held Cory at arm's length for a moment and looked at him thoughtfully. "You are so beautiful." He said smiling.

Cory blushed red and muttered. "Thanks, you too." To which Ricky laughed softly.

Ricky led Cory back to the pool room but, now the lighting had changed. The bright sunshine had been replaced by placid bluish lights and the ceiling was sprinkled with what looked like hundreds of stars. It was a somber, but pleasant atmosphere, very appropriate for the seriousness of the ceremony about to take place. A platform had been placed at one end of the pool and the others stood on either side of it clothed in the same white robe as that Ricky had worn. As Cory followed Ricky onto the platform, Peter caught his eye and smiled and winked. Cory managed a weak smile as his heart pounded in his chest. He had never felt so excited.

From somewhere soft music began to play and Ricky spoke. "Today we welcome a new brother to our flock. He came here of free will and chooses to join us, to become our brother in love and to obey or basic creed. We ask only that he love and allow himself to be loved. For love is the most powerful force in the universe. Those of us who already share this bond of love welcome you Cory into our family. So like a new born baby you come to us naked and we clothe you in the white robe. This white robe symbolizes purity of spirit. No matter what you have done before, you are now like a new born babe, pure of spirit and open to love. The robe also symbolizes the protection that this love and this family offer you. For as long as you choose, you are one of us, joined in body and mind and in heart."

Ricky unfolded the robe and stepped behind Cory. Cory trembled a little in anticipation of Ricky's touch but allowed the robe to be slipped on to his shoulders.

"Cory, do you of free heart and mind join us as our new brother?" Ricky asked solemnly.

"Yes, I do." Cory managed to choke out as he felt overcome by emotion. His eyes began to tear up, but the tears were tears of joy.

"Then so be it. Behold our new brother Cory. Come now and welcome him to the flock." Ricky kissed Cory's cheek and one by one the other's passed by him and kissed him as well.

A feeling of intoxication came over Cory as he drank in the wonder of the ceremony. He shook in anticipation of what was to come, what might be.

"As we have now welcomed Cory into our midst, we must now love him and honor him. We must protect him and share with him all that is ours. And he too must obey this covenant, to love and protect, to share and be loved. Let us drink to Cory, our newest brother."

From somewhere Ricky produced a large silver chalice and drank deeply from. He handed the cup to Cory who sipped the sweet liquid. It tasted wonderful and he drank deeply before passing it to Peter, who stood beside him. The cup was refilled and passed around until all had drunk their fill. The drink only added to his intoxication and happiness. At some point he decided the drink was alcoholic and he drank less deeply each time the cup made it to him. The others seemed to be enjoying the effects of the drink, as they joked and played about on the platform. Cory joined in the play, realizing perhaps for the first time how truly happy he was.

The music gradually changed to a soothing background of soft sounds and the lights dimmed till it was almost dark. Form doors at either side of the stage the boys began dragging out soft mattresses and arranging them on the floor. The soft bedding covered most of the floor now and everyone, including Cory sat down in a big circle with Ricky in the middle. A single light shone down on Ricky's face giving him a mystical look. Cory's skin crawled with gooseflesh as the music reached a sudden crescendo before returning to the pleasant sounds that had preceded it.

"Brothers." Ricky began "As a man takes a woman and as man takes a man, so is it with us. We share our love freely and we take the love of those we choose as brothers. Ours is a brotherhood of free-will and so no one must be forced to share their flesh as a condition of love. In any here do not feel comfortable or capable of sharing their body as they do their spirit, they may walk away as the room darkens." Ricky said solemnly.

As Cory sat beside his new brothers the lights dimmed until there was total darkness. An exit sign over the door leading into the main hallway was all that shone through the darkness. The words were confusing at first but, Cory knew what Ricky was doing. He was allowing him a chance to leave before the sharing of the flesh started. He was torn. He knew sex was not a thing to fear but, was he really ready for it? Would he ever be ready for the kind of love and sharing that seemed so natural here? Would his new brothers be offended if he choose not to join them, or was what they were saying true, that he truly did have a choice? He asked himself, could he have the cake and eat it too?

The music swelled to a loud symphony of sound and fury as Cory sat straining to see anything in the darkness. As his eyes remained glued to the door, he caught a glimpse of a shadowy figure passing between him and the light from the exit sign. Then another figure passed between him and the light and he made his decision. He rose quickly and walked to the exit. He pushed the door open and walked out into the dim light of the hallway.

No one was in sight but he heard a door close at the other end of the hallway. He was curious to see who the others were as he proceeded down the hall trying each door as he came to them. Finally he found the two in their bedroom. It was the two younger brothers, Mark and Todd. They had stripped down to their underwear and were climbing into bed.

"Oh...hi." Cory said nervously. "Just seeing who was in here."

"Don't worry about leaving." Mark began. "We always do. Ricky loves us anyway."

"Yeah, someday we'll stay but, not yet." Todd added.

"Are you sure it's really okay?" Cory asked thoughtfully.

"Trust us, it's okay. Besides we're really tired. Want to sleep in here with us tonight?" Mark said yawning.

"Sure, I'll take the other bed." Cory said, then suddenly remembering he wore nothing beneath the white robe that Ricky had placed on him, he wondered what to do. He shrugged and blushed as he slipped it off and crawled into the bed naked.

"I wish mine was that big." Todd said suddenly. "I wish I had hair down there too."

"Huh?" Cory was stunned to be the object of the other boy's attention.

"Todd wants a dick as big as yours and with hair." Mark explained with a giggle. "He's got a puny one. Mine's bigger than his."

"Shut up asswipe. Mine's just growing, that's all."

Cory knew he should say something encouraging but, instead he asked a question. "Is that why you don't join know...ceremony. Cause you think your thing is too small?'

"I don't know." Todd answered slowly. "I...just wish know..bigger."

"It will grow, trust me." I used to have to use a magnifying glass to find mine. But when I got about 11 it grew a lot." Cory said smiling.

"Really? Cool." Todd said grinning widely.

"Yeah, you're still young that's all. When you start becoming a man lots of things change." Cory remembered having this same discussion with an older boy when he was 9 or 10. The boy had answered a lot of his questions, questions he couldn't as any of the adults in his life. He was glad he had the answers Todd needed to hear. He felt like...a big brother, he decided. Wasn't that what this was all about? He had brothers now, not just Mark and Todd but, all the others. He felt a warm glow he had never felt before.

"Anyway, we already had sex." Mark said suddenly.

"Oh?" Cory said eying Mark curiously.

"When our dad...I mean before he sold us, he used to make us do it with men. They paid him money." Mark said almost without emotion. It was as if he were describing something outside of his own experience.

"I'm...sorry." Cory said softly. "Where was your mom?"

"She died when we were little. My dad changed after that. He used to drink and hit us. Me and Mark took care of each other." Todd said sadly looking at his brother with big bleary eyes.

"We never miss know...or dad. Ricky takes care of us now. Sometimes when we have...the dreams..he let's us sleep with him. He pats us and hugs us and we go right to sleep." Todd added managing a little smile. "He loves us like our dad used to."

"Yeah, I see that. I think I'm gonna like it here. Okay, guys let's get some sleep, okay?"

"Cory settled in beneath the covers and the brothers did likewise. He was tired but, his mind was racing. All these boys had one thing in common, they needed someone to care for them and Ricky was that someone. He thought about his own life and he felt sad but, suddenly he realized he was not alone anymore. The two boys lying across the room were as much his brothers as his own had been. He felt sudden warmth deep inside and a wave of emotion swept over him. He climbed out of bed and sat at the edge of their bed, watching them sleep. He pulled the covers up around them and patted them affectionately. Mark's eyes fluttered open and he smiled at Cory and motioned him to lie beside him. Cory slid in beneath the covers as Mark held them up, and the younger boy snuggled up against him. Cory felt safe and warm and soon was sleeping peacefully.

Cory was awakened by a call to nature. He had a major pee boner as he made his way to the bathroom just outside the bedroom door. As he stepped inside he came face to face with Ricky.

"Oh, sorry. I had to pee really bad." Cory said attempting to cover his obvious erection.

"I see. Looks painful." Rick said with a smile.

"Is the ceremony over?" Cory asked attempting to shift attention from his condition.

"Nah, I just needed to get away. Most of the boys are in the pool. You can join them if you'd like, it's almost dawn."

"Sure...I'd like that." Cory replied stepping up to the urinal.

"So...where did you sleep?" Ricky asked curiously.

"In Mark and Todd's room. Well actually in their bed. It felt pretty good to have someone to talk to. I really feel like I belong, more than before..I mean."

"You do belong. All of us do. There's a cosmic force bigger than all of us that's brought us together."

"You mean God?" Cory asked suddenly.

"Some call him God. I don't know exactly who or what the force is but, I know it exists. Love is the most powerful force in the universe and whatever you call it you have to admit it exists.

Cory finished a long slow pee and found his pee boner had gone down. He turned to face Ricky who waited just inside the door. "I'm ready." Cory said suddenly.

"Come on then, let's wake the brothers. They love swimming."

Ricky, Cory, Todd, and Mark headed back to the pool. The lights were brighter now, emulating the light of dawn. Everywhere the boys were splashing about and the air was filled with their happy voices. Dominic called to Cory as they approached.

"Cory; watch this!"

With a work splash Dominic hit the water, splashing water over the newcomers.

"Got you." Dominic said laughing as he surfaced.

"Oh, yeah." Cory said jumping in. "Got you back."

Ricky took a seat on the edge of the pool and watched his flock splashing about. When the lights grew brighter, simulating sun up, he called the boys to him.

When they had all gathered around him, he raised his arms and began speaking softly. "And so Cory has chosen us and we have chosen him, and we are as one. Welcome brother; may we always be one in mind and in spirit." Ricky pulled Cory into him and held him gently. A single tear ran down his cheek as he continued. "I love you little brother."

"I love you." Cory said, his own tears now flowing freely.

Everyone gathered around patting and hugging and slapping at Cory's bottom. The room was filled with the happy sounds of boys joined in a common cause. The laughter was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a loud buzzer.

"Must be Ken." Peter said excitedly. "I'll go let him in."

Peter returned sometime later with a small dark haired boy who looked much younger than Cory had expected. Everyone greeted the new boy with open arms and kisses. Cory realized that this new boy was his brother as surely as the others were. He had stripped down at the door, obviously used to the casual state of undress. Cory found it easy to take his place with the others and felt no conflict as he greeted him new brother as the others had. He felt the hardness of the boy's body against him and he cautiously looked him over as he pulled away. The boy was short and muscular with a thick patch of dark hair surrounding his uncut penis. Cory noted the size of his testicles with interest, thinking they seemed obscenely large for such a small boy. He had a trail of soft dark hair from his pubic patch which ran up to his navel and his legs were covered with the thick dark hair as well. He recalled Ricky having said that Ken was 16, but without the hair, he could easily have passed for a 12 year old.

"You must be Cory." Ken said suddenly causing Cory to blush. "I'm Ken, the runaway."

"Hi, welcome home." Cory said smiling.

Ken pulled Cory into his arms again and hugged him tightly. "Thanks, I'm home to stay." He whispered.

"Did you hear that?" Cory said pushing away gently. "Ken is home to stay."

Ken was mugged by the rest of the boys as Ricky patted him on the back. "Welcome home, brother." Ricky said smiling widely. "This is a wonderful day...first we welcome Cory into the flock, and then one of our lost sheep returns." He said laughing softly. He pushed the others aside and embraced Ken and kissed him gently but, thoroughly on the mouth. When he broke away he was smiling widely. "I'm so happy."

"A special day deserves a special breakfast. Cory, Tommy, Peter, go get things started." Ricky said putting an arm around Ken.

"Aye, aye captain. But, first we gotta get dressed. Cooking naked is dangerous" Peter said motioning to his hanging boyhood. "Don't want a deep fried wiener."

"I do." Dominic cried out. "With nuts on the side."

Everyone laughed including Cory. The breakfast feast was elaborate, consisting of: eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles, strawberries with cream, biscuits and gravy, and gallons of milk, ice tea, and orange juice. Everyone ate like there was no tomorrow. When everyone was quite full and the feeding frenzy was over, Ken tapped on the table with a spoon to get everyone's attention.

"I just want to say." He began as the others looked on quietly, giving him their undivided attention. "That while I was away I thought about all of you everyday. I want all of you to know that I love you and I missed you so much. And to Cory, our newest bother, welcome to the family." He raised his glass of oj and everyone toasted the newest member of the family.

Everyone cheered and clapped and Ricky came around behind Ken's chair and put his hands on his shoulder, massaging his neck as he spoke. "On behalf of everyone I say welcome back, and we missed you too. And in honor of your home-coming you don't have to help with clean up."

Boos filled the air and a strawberry hit Ricky between the eyes. He caught it as it slid down and popped it into his mouth. "Thanks." He muttered as he pulled Ken to his feet and guided him out the door.

Cory busied himself with clearing and cleaning but, he couldn't help wonder what Ricky and Ken were doing. They had just finished loading the dishwasher when Ken stuck his head in the door and called to Cory. "Hey Cory, Ricky wants to see you."

Cory wiped his hands and followed Ken to a room he had never been in before. Inside the lights were dimmed and soft music played from speakers somewhere out of sight. There was no furniture but, the floor was covered with a layer of soft thick material, sort of like a giant bed, Cory decided. Rick was sprawled out on his back looking up at the ceiling. Cory glanced up and was amazed at what he saw. The ceiling was black with thousands of pinpoints of light, giving the illusion of a star filled night sky.

"I love this place." Ricky said softly.

"That's awesome." Cory said breathing in deeply.

"Sit down little brother." Ricky said sitting up. "Ken and I have been talking and we'd like to suggest something to you."

"Okay." Cory said shrugging his shoulders.

"Ken wants you to be his roommate. That way he can teach you what he knows and learn from you as well."

"Uh, sure..I mean..I guess."

"You don't sound very enthusiastic." Ricky said chuckling. "It's up to you, little brother. But Ken would really like that. Right Ken?"

"Yeah, Cory I think it would be great. If you don't like the arrangement we can always change it. about it?"

"Sure, okay." Cory said smiling. "He felt that Ken was sincere in his offer but, felt there was something more.

"Great, you can take the bedroom behind the game room, it's quiet there and it has it's own bathroom."

"Is there something else?" Cory asked suddenly.

"Yes, Cory. Ken wants to join us tonight in flesh and in spirit. Tonight he will be with us. We wondered if you would join us or sleep alone."

"I...don't know. I'll have to think about it." Cory said nervously, almost sorry he had asked.

"Of course, little brother. You know there are no strings attached. The choice is yours. We love you no matter what you decide."

"Think about it Cory, I did for a long time. I'm ready now to be totally loved by my family." Ken said with such seriousness that Cory stopped to study his face. "I'm excited about it."

Cory stood up and walked away leaving Ricky and Ken to their conversation. Cory's mind raced with thoughts. He had never been so happy, yet he was confused. He found himself in the pool room which was now empty. He stepped out of his shorts and dove into the warm blue water sending a shock wave of ripples across the previously calm surface. He swam to the bottom and then straight up breaking the water's surface. As he cleared the water from his eyes he noticed Ricky sitting at the pool's edge, his feet dangling in the water.

"Cory." Ricky said motioning him over to where he sat. "Can we talk?"

Cory was not surprised by Ricky's presence, somehow he had expected him or one of the other's to track him down eventually. He swam over to where Ricky sat and floated at his feet.

"I had no right to put you on the spot like that." Ricky began. "I'm sorry,I was just so happy, about Ken coming back, I mean. It's a real breakthrough for him and a blessing for us."

"It's okay. I'm sorry...I'm still just not sure." Cory stammered.

"It doesn't matter. Don't even think about it. When and if it feels right, you'll know. Right now all I want is for you to be happy."

"I am...but."

"But, this is getting in the way, right?"

"I don't know, it's just all so new to me." Cory said pulling at his ear. "So...different. I can't explain it."

"It's like finding yourself but, no knowing who you are." Ricky suggested.

"Exactly!" Cory said excitedly. He felt like Ricky did know what he was feeling and it gave him a warm feeling inside.

"I've only known you a short time but, I can tell you this Cory. You're a good person, you're full of life and love and you've got the spirit of a child. I knew you'd join us from the first moment I laid eyes on you. As far as I'm concerned you're one of us, nothing else needs to be done or said. So go..enjoy your new life, your new family, and don't worry about anything." Ricky said smiling and brushing Cory's cheek with his hand.

"I'll try." Cory said smiling. He felt a warmth inside and Ricky seemed to be the reason for it.

"Good enough. Oh, and Cory..remember I love you, we all do. Love can pull you out of he deepest hole and save your life when you accept it."

"I love you too." Cory said from the heart.

Ricky stood up to go.

"Wait!" Cory said quickly. "Come in with me."

Without saying a word Ricky dropped his shorts and jumped into the warm blue water and began splashing about playfully. Cory seemed to revel in Ricky's undivided attention and he responded eagerly to his playfulness. Cory was like a big puppy, full of fun and love and mischief. They stayed in the pool for at least an hour until they were tired and water logged. Ricky pulled himself up onto the ledge but Cory pulled him back playfully. They struggled in mock battle, Cory hugging Ricky tightly. At first Ricky struggled to free himself then he realized Cory's hug had turned affectionate. Ricky put his arms around Cory and hugged him back. Cory melted into him and they floated in the water for quite some time locked in each other's embrace.

Ricky looked deep into Cory eyes and Cory smiled up at him blushing. Ricky kissed his forehead and tousled his wet hair. Cory leaned into Ricky, burying his head on his soft shoulder. He pressed his body close, so close that Ricky could feel his erection hard and hot against his leg. Ricky was unsure of what to do next. This moment could be a breakthrough or trauma for the boy. Without hesitation he decided to let Cory call the shots. He motioned Cory out of the pool and they sat down on one of the mats left from the ceremony.

Cory stretched out on his back at Ricky's feet, his erection pointing up obscenely. Ricky lay down on his side facing Cory and smiled warmly, searching his face for some clue as to what to do next. He put his hand on Cory's chest, and sensing approval, he patted his soft smooth stomach. Cory's eyes were closed now but he smiled and purred at Ricky's touch. Ricky gently rubbed and massaged Cory's arms, shoulders, neck, stomach and legs then moved down to his feet. He lingered at Cory's feet, and kissed his toes and rubbed the smooth skin of his souls against his face. Cory's cock seemed to throb visibly and when Ricky took Cory's toes into his mouth and began gently sucking them,one at a time, he moaned softly. Ricky worked his way back up Cory's strong smooth legs and to his thighs. He could feel Cory tense suddenly as he neared his erect cock.

"Do you want me to stop?" Ricky whispered.

"No!" Cory said dreamily.

Ricky began to rub Cory's soft balls and Cory spread his legs apart a little. Ricky could feel the small marble sized globes inside and he toyed with them as Cory shuddered. With his other hand he began to jack the loose skin on Cory's cock, now standing at it's full 4 inches of hard flesh. Ricky was glad that the butchering of little boys penises was no longer the norm as it had been in the past. Now, a boy was allowed to make that decision when he was older, though most elected to keep what they were born with. He marveled at Cory's sheath of skin, so loose that if left alone it would fall down around the shaft exposing the perfect mushroom head. Cory moaned softy and allowed himself to enjoy Ricky's manipulation of his eager cock. He could not believe how intense and how much better it felt to have someone else touching him there. He had masturbated many times since learning of it from an older boy in the work camp, but this was something different. Just when he thought it could not get any better, Ricky took him to a new level of pleasure.

Suddenly Cory felt Ricky's warm wet mouth engulf his throbbing cock. He shook almost violently at first, the feeling so intense that he felt panicky. It was if an electric current had passed through him as Ricky's hungry mouth began to move quickly up and down his hard cock. He felt Ricky's tongue swirling around the sensitive ridge and across his piss slit and he wondered how anything could ever match such a wonderful feeling. He let himself relax and enjoy Ricky's expert technique, and soon he was nearing orgasm. Ricky backed off as he sensed Cory's impending orgasm, not wanting the boy to come too soon. He wanted to savor this moment and stretch it out as long as possible.

Ricky was an expert at oral sex. He had learned by trial and error and had a knack for knowing how to please a boy. Right now he was ready to move on to the next level of pleasure. He let Cory's cock slip from his mouth as he took his soft hairless balls into his mouth. Cory gasped audibly at the sheer delight of this new sensation. Ricky's took Cory's soft ass cheeks into his hands and held him as he licked and kissed every inch of Cory's soft body that he could reach. He licked Cory's hard boy prick then lapped at his balls and nuzzled the area between his balls and his ass. He gently pushed Cory's legs up and his tongue found Cory's tight puckered anus. Cory almost came unglued as he felt the sensation of Ricky's hot wet tongue probing his virgin hole. He instinctively pulled his legs up higher allowing Ricky to push his tongue in even further. Cory cried out softly as Ricky continued his oral assault, tonguing the velvety muscle with enthusiasm.

Ricky stopped long enough to roll Cory over onto his stomach then attacked the boy's velvety hole with his hot experienced tongue once more. Cory had never imagined such pleasure could come from that part of his body. He knew about anal sex, but he had always imagined it to be painful and had never had much curiosity about it until now. Now a whole new world of sensation and pleasure had been opened up to him. Ricky was intoxicated with Cory's musky aroma and it drove him into a frenzy as he tasted Cory's love button over and over. He had never been as excited as he was with this boy who had been through so much. He wanted this to be the greatest feeling Cory had ever experienced in his young life, it was all that mattered now. After sometime Ricky rolled Cory back over turned his attention to Cory's cock once more. Cory was ready to explode but, Ricky would not allow him to end this so soon. Over and over again he brought Cory to the brink of orgasm, only to let him come back down again and again.

As Ricky sucked on Cory's throbbing cock he used his tongue to explore and titillate. Cory had never experienced anything so overwhelming. He placed himself completely in Ricky's hands, open to anything Ricky chose to do. Ricky sucked expertly as only another male can. Only another male knows what a man or boy needs and he was giving it all right now. Ricky could go for hours but, he wasn't sure Cory could. So reluctantly he decided to let Cory finish.

Massaging Cory's tight hole with his finger he clamped down tightly on Cory's cock and increased his suction. He bobbed up and down with frenzied movements, sucking and smacking noisily as Cory humped up to meet his hot wet mouth. With a final cry of passion, Cory began filling Ricky's greedy mouth with his hot tasty juices. Ricky gobbled down every drop, savoring the unique flavor that was Cory. He continued to suck until he was satisfied that he had not missed a drop of the boy's nectar then moved up to lie beside Cory, as he basked in his afterglow.

Cory felt no shame or remorse, only a tiredness, and he was at peace. Ricky was happy for Cory but, was still very excited and in need of relief for his own aching cock. He considered leaving Cory and seeking out Peter, or one of the others but, love won out over lust. He would stay with Cory and ignore his own needs for now. Cory was not sure what was expected of him but conjectured that it was only fair that he take care of Ricky's obvious needs. He studied Ricky's face for sometime before speaking.

"That was really, really good. I wish I could do that for you but, I don't think I'm ready for that...not yet anyway."

"It's okay buddy." Ricky said in a soothing voice. "I've been practicing a long time." He grinned widely and Cory giggled.

"But...if there's something else I could, I could try." He said with embarrassment.

"You are so sweet Cory." Ricky said thoughtfully. "There is something..."


" know you said that man that paid you. You remember what you said he did?"

"Yeah, he rubbed his dick on my butt...oh, okay that's cool." Cory said catching on, then added with concern. "You...won't try know..stick it in will ya?"

"No way babe, I would never hurt you, you gotta believe me."

"Okay then, I think I'd like that." Ricky said blushing.

Ricky talked soothingly to Cory as he positioned him doggy style on the floor and wet his own hard cock with his spit. He scooted up behind Cory and, holding him gently he began to push against his hot, still moist hole. Cory groaned lowly and his own dick began to stiffen again. He had never realized so much pleasure could come from having his butt touched in this way, and it heightened his excitement. Ricky was hot and ready to explode and he knew he could not hold out long. He pushed Cory flat on the bed and slowed his movement as he kissed Cory's soft neck.

Cory wiggled his butt seductively enjoying the slow movement of Ricky's hot cock against his virgin hole. Ricky stopped suddenly and began eating Cory's ass, slobbering on it to add lubrication. Climbing back on top of Cory's soft body he positioned his dripping cock head against the boys spit slick hole and began rubbing seriously now. As he began moving faster he was aware of Cory's body pushing up against him and suddenly he felt his cock slip in a fraction of an inch. He moaned lowly as the sensation spread through his aching body and he felt that he could ask for no more. Just as he resigned himself to finish in this new position, Cory surprised him again. It was as if Cory's hole suddenly opened up and swallowed his aching pole. He gasped as he felt his dick plunge into the soft velvety hole and his balls touched the softness of Cory's ass cheeks.

Cory gasped too, first in pain and surprise then in pure pleasure. Something deep inside was causing him to feel a pleasure he could not define. He felt his own cock, painfully hard now pressing against his stomach and he reached under him to free it. Ricky, realizing that Cory was totally into it managed to roll him onto his back and, pushing the boy's legs up high, he re-entered, this time with even more ease. He could see the look of surprise and pleasure on Cory's cute face and he bent down and kissed him tenderly on the lips. He managed to get his right hand on Cory's throbbing dick and jacked him as he gently fucked the boy's soft tight hole. He grunted as he finally came deep within the boy, unable to hold back any longer. Seconds later Cory reached his second orgasm of the evening, shooting a small amount of cum onto his stomach. Ricky hoped he would get a chance to repeat his lovemaking, hopefully with more control but, if this was all there ever was he decided he would be happy. He had never felt such love and such connection with a boy before. He knew he was hopelessly in love with Cory and his life would be changed forever.

Ricky stayed inside Cory as he kissed him gently but passionately then slowly pulled out and fell down beside him.

"I'm sorry..I didn't mean to get so carried away." Ricky said gazing into Cory's eyes.

"No...don't was really cool." Cory said smiling. "It hurt a little at first..then it was awesome."

Ricky smiled knowingly. "We should probably have a long talk about sex.. you need to know some things, but I will tell you this...I have never felt anything that fantastic with anyone before."

Cory blushed. "Aww, mean it?"

Ricky leaned in and kissed Cory passionately and this time Cory seemed to be more into it. He felt Cory's soft tongue dart into his mouth, exploring and battling his own tongue as he felt his penis begin to stir again. He broke the kiss reluctantly and smiled at the boy.

"God, you are so...wonderful. I love you so much. Thank you for sharing your body and your love with me." Ricky said feeling somewhat humbled.

Cory grinned and blushed. "'re welcome. you too...a lot. I can't believe I waited so long; this is what I love and be know..totally."

"You just found out a truth that we share here in the family, that love is a wonderful thing and sex is only an expression of the love." Ricky said thoughtfully.

"What about Ken?" Cory asked suddenly, wondering what Ken would think of their recent love making.

"Oops, I forgot. I'll be right back."

Cory rolled over onto his back and dozed until Rick returned, hand in hand with Ken. Cory smiled nervously at Ken who piled down beside him on the soft mat.

"So..." Ken said grinning. "You beat me to it little brother. Well, now it's my turn. You can watch or you can join us." Ken said tousling Cory's hair.

End Part Three: Next, the Cory is welcomed by the rest of his family.

Next: Chapter 3

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