The Family

Published on Mar 10, 2022


The Family Revisited Ch 10

The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between minor males, including incest, and if reading such is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Kewl Dad, and should not be reposted or reproduced without his permission. ©2016-2021 Kewl Dad.

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The Family Revisited

by: Kewl Dad

It's been almost 20 years since I posted the first chapter of this story. After an absence of over 10 years I returned to Nifty, and after some deliberation finally finished what has always been one of my favorite stories. As a child I loved science fiction and to combine sci-fi with my love for boys only seemed like a natural evolution. Recently I went back and reread the last two chapters of The Family and decided I would add one or two more. What follows is a look at what happens after The Family moves to Evelon and begins to expand.

Chapter 10

**The Family Grows **

Light years from his home planet of Kronos, Ricky stared out of the large picture window of the bedroom he shared with Peter. Outside, a group of boys from the orphanage were running around playing with Flying Discs. Most were dressed in shorts and tennis shoes, but a few of the younger ones were naked and barefoot. He smiled as he watched one of the boys take the hand of an older boy and lead him off somewhere, no doubt for some sexy fun.

The boys were free and uninhibited and they had embraced the culture of the Family without question. Most of them even participated in the sex games, but a few of them chose not to, and that was fine too. But it didn't stop those boys from participating in the love and camaraderie that the Family offered them.

It had been over a year now and things were going well. In fact so well that Ricky had decided it was time to take things to the next level. The first shipload of families would be arriving soon, and there was still much to do before their ship set down.

Using robots and the new building technology, the construction company had built a small community just North of the complex that housed the Nest and the Boys Home, and soon it would be filled with the families he and his staff had hand picked from a thousand or more applicants.

Most of the families were poor and oppressed, but a few were affluent and well educated. The ideology of the Family had a mass appeal that attracted the attention of a broad base of people, and all of the families selected had one thing in common: they longed for the love and freedom that The Family promised.

Each family consisted of two parents, some were same sex couples, and the others the traditional male and female, and each family had at least two children. Of the 12 families selected there were a total of 15 male children and 12 female. Though lacking in experience with females in general, Ricky was excited to add them to the mix and see how the boys reacted. He was quite sure that most of the boys would want to experiment even if they came back to boys. 

Socializing would be minimal at first until the families settled in and got to know the others, but eventually there would be planned interactions, parties, and events bringing all of them together. Because the Boys Home had a first rate school, all of the children, both male and female, would be attending school there along with the boys from the Nest.

School had been the only resistance he had gotten from his boys at first, but once they'd started attending and found out how much fun it could be, not to mention a great place to meet new boys, the boys of The Family had given it their whole-hearted approval.

"Are you going out to Love Town today?" Peter asked coming up behind Ricky and putting his arms around him. Love Town was the unofficial name of the community built for the new families.

"Yes, and I'd like you to come with me."

"Of course. You know I'd rather be with you than stuck here with those yucky boys," he teased.

"Yeah, I saw you out there wrestling with those yucky boys earlier and from the look of the lump in your shorts I'd say you were enjoying yourself."

"That one kid Ethan, he's so cuddly," Peter said grinning. "I know we're free to love any boy that loves us back, but I'd love it if he moved into the Nest and we could spend more time with him."

"How does he feel about it?" Ricky said placing his hands on Peter's and pulling his arms tighter around him, and in the process pushing his naked bottom against Peter's semi-erect penis.

"Mmmmm," Peter nuzzled Ricky's neck, his thoughts suddenly consumed with his first love, "You know....most of the boys at the Home envy us and would jump at the chance to live with us. Ethan talks about it a lot. I think he's hinting."

"Well, bring him around this evening and we'll run it past the others, but I'm afraid we might be setting a dangerous precedent. Pretty soon all of them will want in," Ricky laughed.

"Would that be so bad?"

"Imagine living with a hundred boys and arranging the chore schedule for them. No thanks, I'm happy we have Thomas and his staff to keep things running smoothly with that lot."

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I won't bring it up again," Peter pouted.

"I didn't say we couldn't make an exception, but it's really up to the others. If they say it's cool, then it's cool. Invite him for dinner and we'll go from there."

"Really? Okay, thanks. Is there some way I can reward you for your kindness sir?" Peter said nuzzling Ricky's neck again.

"Mmmm...well...I can think of a few ways, and as much as I'd love to collect, we really should get over to the housing community. Later I'll collect in full, and maybe Ethan can join in."

"Yeah, that sounds great. I guess we better get dressed huh?"

"Yeah, as much as I love being naked, there are some tasks that require clothing."

Back on Kronos the only time Ricky wore clothing was while cooking or when he went out, but here on Evelon where there were seasons and weather, he and the rest of the Family had learned that sometimes clothing was not only necessary, but pleasant.  There was still plenty of opportunities for nudity, and the boys at The Home had adopted the same sort of attitude. Before, clothing was required at the Boys Home, but now it was optional except during school sessions. It was believed that the boys could concentrate on their lessons better if they weren't distracted by the sight of hard boy parts.

Today Ricky wore a blue one piece jumpsuit of a shiny lightweight fabric. His shoes were dark blue with stripes that matched his jumpsuit and on his  head he wore a matching straw hat to keep the sun off. It was late summer, and on Evelon the temperatures sometimes swelled to near 100 degrees, and the sun was hot that day.

Peter chose soft denim-look pants, a pullover and sandals, with the classic ball cap that was still popular with youngsters everywhere. As soon as they were buckled into the sporty air car that Ricky claimed as his own, Peter retracted the top making it a convertible. The air conditioner pushed out a torrent of super cool air, and despite the heat and sun, they were fairly comfortable. 

The air was fresh and the aroma of foliage and flowers reached their nostrils, adding to the pleasantness of the ride. Of all the things Ricky liked about this planet, fresh air was number one. On Kronos the air was always canned and full of strange scents, but here the air was fresh and clean and full of so many wonderful aromas.

"You're in a good mood today," Peter said grinning.

"I'm always in a good mood, and when I'm with my favorite boy I'm in an amazing mood."

"Awww.....who's that? Is he in the back seat?" Peter teased.

Ricky reached over and squeezed Peter's leg gently, "I know I'm supposed to love all of you equally, but you were my first, and that's something special."

"I understand. It's exactly how I feel," Peter said leaning into Ricky.

"Maybe when we get to Love Town we can break in one of the beds," Ricky said nuzzling Peter's ear and causing chills to run down his spine.

"You naughty boy. I like naughty boys. Aren't there some workers still there though?"

"A few, but most of the units are completely finished."

"Mmmm...or we could just let the air car drive itself and hop in the back seat...."

"Not enough time for what I have in mind."

The air car settled down on a large composite landing pad and the two climbed out in front of the first house in the complex. Built with modern materials in the same style as the school the housing development was not only efficient but pleasing to the eye. The houses were built on large lots around a large park with a pool and playground equipment, as well as bathrooms and a covered picnic area, complete with food preparation facilities.

The landscaping was almost finished, and besides the mature trees that had been transplanted as needed, there were flowers and gardens as well as large level lawns perfect for active children to play on. Each house was unique, but all featured large porches and were two stories with at least four bedrooms, two living areas, formal dining, and a laundry/mud room just off a large garage.

"Wow, I can't get over how pretty this place is. Every time we come looks better."

"Wishing we could live here instead of the Nest?"

"No way, I love our place, I'm just happy that the new families will have a cool place like this to live."

Each family had already been assigned a home based on their family size and needs, but since all the homes were equally beautiful and spacious, Ricky was sure everyone would be happy with their own little piece of paradise.

As they approached one of the houses, a burly construction worker came out to meet them waving a clipboard.

"Hello Ricky, nice to see you. Everything is coming along great. Just checking some last minute details, but we'll be more than ready by the time the ship gets here."

"Hi Roscoe.  We just wanted to see the finished work. Don't let us keep you. We'll be fine on our own."

"Oh, all right. Well if you need anything, or you find anything I need to take care of just call have my number."

As soon as the man was gone Ricky led Peter to the front door and allowed the retina monitor to scan his eye. The door buzzed and popped open and they went inside. The door led into a wide front hall with a staircase to the right and the living room to the left. Ahead lay the family room and dining, and to the right the kitchen. From the kitchen a short hallway led to the mudroom and bathroom and then the garage.

Ricky had used a local furniture dealer, and his staff had decorated each house in a unique but homey style,  this one was done in earth tones with lots of bright accents and had an open spacious look.

"I love this," Ricky said as they checked out the downstairs, "shall we check out the bedrooms upstairs?"

"What did you have in mind?" Peter said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh,'ll see."

This house had three large bedrooms and was to be the home of one of the same sex parent families, two men. They had three boys from previous marriages, ten year old twins Joseph and Alexander, who would share a large bedroom, while 12 year old Baxter would have a room of his own. 

"This is great, twins...nice. I bet they'll love this room. It's awesome."

"It's actually big enough that should they decide they want separate rooms later on, it can be divided by a wall and they can each have their own space."

"If I had a twin I'd never want to sleep apart from him," Peter said checking out the bed, "this bed is big enough for both of them so why are there two?"

"Just to give them the option. If I know boys like I know boys, they'll probably spend most nights together in the same bed."

They checked out the older boy's room next, then the master bedroom which had been decorated with the two fathers in mind.

"Nice, manly...." Peter giggled, "What if one of them is fem?"

"They aren't. I've never met two more masculine men. If I didn't know they were gay I'd never know. I guess it just goes to show that old stereotypes don't apply in this modern, anything goes age."

"Well...since we're both masculine as well, maybe we should give this bed a trial run," Peter said grinning widely.

"My thoughts exactly. We'll have to change the sheets afterwards though."

"That's woman's work," Peter teased, Oh..yeah...that's me...right."

"I'll help me with this jumpsuit..."

Naked, they fell into the huge king sized bed and began to make out passionately. They were so comfortable with each other by now that it was as if they had been together forever, and yet each time seemed as new and exciting as that first time. They were hard and leaking copiously as Ricky rolled on top of Peter and began kissing his way down his hard teenage body. At almost 16 he was even more beautiful to Ricky than he had been as that young boy he had loved from the first moment they met. Peter worked out daily and now had a full six pack and a washboard stomach that begged for Ricky's attention.

Hairless by choice, his skin glowed with health and well being, and Ricky couldn't get enough of the feel and taste and scent of this special boy.

"Oh God...I love you so much," Ricky said sounding tearful, "You are so special."

"Mmmmm....make love to me," Peter purred, "I want to feel you inside me."

"You will, my greedy little friend, but first I want to taste all of you and drink your juices."

From his stomach to his hairless pubis, then down his legs to his feet, Ricky traced a trail with kisses. When he began kissing and licking Peter's feet, the boy moaned lowly. Until Ricky, he had never known feet could be such a turn on. Not only did he enjoy having his own feet loved on, he loved making love to another boy's feet as well, especially Ricky's.

"Oh...mmmm...that's so wicked," Peter purred as Ricky sucked on his toes one by one.

When Ricky had satisfied his foot fetish, he kissed his way back up to Peter's center and nuzzled his balls playfully. The boy's scent seemed stronger today, and it was driving Ricky crazy with desire. He could smell the boy's pre-cum bubbling up from his cock head, and leaning down, he lapped it up like a thirsty cat, causing the boy to shiver with delight.

"Suck me....please...."

Ricky didn't even bother to reply, instead he took Peter's six plus inches into his hot wet mouth until it rested in his throat. What little gag reflex Ricky had ever had was long gone before he ever met Ricky, and the boy's cock was no challenge there. As he tightened and relaxed his throat muscles, the boy shivered again and growled his approval.

"So...good...your mouth is so wet."


Plunging deep with each downward thrust of his hot wet mouth, he soon had the boy panting and thrusting up to meet him. Eventually, he quit moving altogether and let the boy face fuck him as he held his head tightly. Managing a breath or two every other stroke, Ricky knew the boy would not last much longer. Soon he felt the boy's penis expand, and with one last thrust Peter began to empty his balls into Ricky's greedy mouth.

Pulling back a little, Ricky managed to fill his mouth with the boy's tasty offering, swishing it around before swallowing it down. Once he was sure he had all that the boy had produced, he kissed the head of his penis, then crawled up to kiss him on the lips, sharing the last few drops with his boy lover.

"Mmmm.....that was good," Peter sighed, "'s your turn. Let me get you ready."

Peter sucked Ricky long enough to make sure he was good and ready before he fell back and raised his legs exposing his moist boy hole. Ricky fell down between his legs and rimmed him slowly, but soon his aching need forced him to the next level.

Spitting on his already wet and leaking cock, he aimed it at the boy's hole and pushed in easily. They moaned in unison as Ricky bottomed out, then as Ricky grabbed a foot in each hand he began to move in and out, slowly at first, and then faster as his need built.

He didn't last long, and even after having just come hard and fast in Ricky's mouth Peter joined him in his second orgasm almost at the same moment that Ricky squirted his hot sticky cum deep inside Peter.

Afterwards, they lay together kissing and touching until the cum was dried on their bodies.

"We should shower..." Ricky said leaning down and flicking his tongue across Peter's sensitive nipple.

"Stop or I'll be ready for round two."

"You already had your round two. Come on let's get cleaned up and get dressed before we get caught."

After showering and dressing, they changed the sheets and threw the others in the washer/dryer. They might be wrinkled by the time the new occupants moved in, but they'd be clean and dry, Ricky reasoned.

"Let's check out the park next. I want to make sure the plumbing and cooking facilities are ready to go."

The park lawn was lush and green despite the heat since it was watered by underground sprinklers. There were flower beds and shrubbery placed in the areas where the families would gather, but there was plenty of open space for the kids to run free, and even a sports field at one end. The bathrooms were placed in the center near the picnic area, and it was here that Ricky and Peter went next.

The structure by all appearance was built of rock, but was in fact made from recycled materials using an advanced manufacturing technique. It was sturdy but lightweight, and attractive to the eye as well as being functional. There was no men or women's bathrooms, but there were a total of four separate bathrooms which could be used by any sex. This of course was nothing new since gender neutral bathroom facilities had been common for several decades.

As they stepped inside the nearest bathroom, the sensors in the ceiling caused it to glow a soft white that simulated natural sunlight. To the right were three stalls with doors, and across from them three urinals, which were still the best fixture for male urination.

The remaining wall was occupied by a long marble-like vanity with three built in sinks. A large drain in the middle of the floor made for easy clean up, and in addition to a powerful vent fan in the ceiling, there were small windows at the top of the outside wall that could be opened to let in air.

There were no doors on any of the bathrooms, instead there was an L shaped wall at each entrance which blocked direct view into the room. Even though modesty was hardly an issue these days it helped to give the rooms and airy open feel.

"Nice, I get hard just thinking about what will go on in here once the kids arrive," Peter laughed.

"You have a dirty mind...and I love it..and you are most likely right. I know I've had my share of bathroom sex over the years."

"Too bad we just blew our loads, this would have been a fun place to play."

"There's always next time," Ricky chuckled, "Come on, let's make sure the toilets flush and the water faucets work."

After carefully checking all four units, they moved to the picnic area and checked out the amenities there. As far as they could tell everything worked perfectly just as they'd been told.

"The guys did a great job here. As soon as the last of the landscaping is done everything will be ready for the new families."

"This is a nice park. I'm sure the other boys will enjoy hanging out here too."

"That's the whole idea, a place where all the kids can mix together and get to know one another."

"Will all the housing areas be like this...I mean once we start bringing in more families?"

"They'll be built around a central park like this, but I want each to be unique. Each one will have a different type of architecture so each community will be distinguishable from the others."

"Cool, eventually we'll have a whole city here."

"Exactly, and shops and services for the residents. Once the families get here, we'll sort out jobs for them and get  things rolling."

"You have all of it well thought out, don't you?"

"It's been my dream for a long time. The Nest was only the beginning."

"Where to now?"

"Town. I need to stop by the Mayor's office and discuss some details with him. If you want you can go do some shopping or hang around with me."

"I think I'll go shopping. Maybe get some treats for the others."

"You're a good brother," Ricky said hugging the boy, "Come on let's hit the air."

While Ricky talked to the mayor, Peter went on a buying binge and loaded the air car with treats and surprises for the others, making several merchants very happy. The town revenues had almost double since the arrival of Ricky and the boys, and now with the addition of twelve new families things would only get better.

On the way back to the Nest, Ricky filled Peter in on his visit with the Mayor. 

"He actually wants me to be on the town council. Can you picture me as a councilman?" Ricky laughed.

"Well, I think you'd make a great councilman, but I'd miss you while you were away."

"The last thing I want to get involved in is politics, but I did agree to help anyway I can. I think what he really wants is my money anyway, not me," Ricky laughed.

"Well, I made a few local merchants a little richer today, so I think the town loves us."

"They should by now. We saved the home and their economy, and the future is even brighter for them. Before you know it they'll be accepting our doctrines and loving each other like we do."

"I hope so. Boy am I hungry. I hope the boys have a big dinner cooked."

"Who's in charge tonight?"

"Jonny and Cory I think. If I know those two it's probably pizza tonight."

"That actually sounds pretty good. The new pizza oven we put in has paid off immensely. We can make enough pizza for us and the school."

"We should open our own Pizza Restaurant and sell to the town people," Peter teased, "and get some of our money back."



Back at the Nest, they were met by a mob of boys as they pulled into the landing bay. Leading them was Ken and he looked excited. 

"We got a call from the space port. The ship is due in tomorrow at 11."

"Wow, they made good time. That's wonderful. We have a lot to do to get ready for them. I want a welcoming they won't forget. After dinner I'll call Thomas and see how the decorating is coming."

The welcome was to be held at the school since it had a large gymnasium perfect for just such an event. The boys and the staff at the school had been working for several days to ready it, and the last time Ricky had checked it was almost completed.

"Hey guys help me carry in this stuff...okay? I bought goodies for everyone."

The boys excitedly grabbed the packages and carried them inside, and Peter and Ricky left them to dig through them while they got washed up for dinner. As expected Pizza was the main course, but there was also salad and fruit, and Ricky filled most of his plate with the healthier food. 

As he sat slowly eating his meal, he saw a new face among the boys. He chuckled to himself, he'd forgotten about Peter's invitation to the new boy Ethan. As he watched, the new boy said something to Peter, and when Peter nodded he turned his attention to Ricky and gave him a shy smile.

The boy was  indeed cute, but then all of the boys were in their own way. But this one....Ricky could see what Peter saw in him. He was perfect in every way. Blond and blue eyed with a pert little rear, and a lean muscular body from playing hard. His lips were full, and the dimple at each corner of his mouth only added to his beauty. His skin was tanned and flawless, and at the moment he was shirtless and his little pink nipples were erect.

Suddenly the boy headed his way, and Ricky actually felt his heart rate increase and his breath become labored. Why was this boy having such an effect on him?

"Hi, I'm Ethan," the boy said offering Ricky a hug, the universal greeting of the Nest, and now the school.

"Hello Ethan. I'm Ricky, but I guess you know that," he chuckled.

"Yes, I know all about you. We learned about you at the school, but Peter has told me so much more. Thank you for saving us."

"You're so welcome. there something you'd like to ask me?"

The boy blushed and then looked downward, studying his bare feet for a moment before answering, "Well...I know I'm just an orphan and well...that I belong at the school, but....well, I wish more than anything that I could be one of the Family. I mean, I know it's crazy, but it's how I feel."

"Do you think you'd be a good match for us?"

"Oh yes...I know I would. I've been talking to Peter and it sounds wonderful...and I want to have brothers like Peter and you and the others so desperately."

The boy was not only cute, but well spoken and intelligent, but most importantly he seemed to have the same fire that the others had.

"It's not up to me you know?"

"'s not?"

"No, not really...not just me. It's up to all of us. You already have Peter's answer, and I'm easy...but it's that wild bunch over there that you have to convince," Ricky said pointing toward the mob of boys consuming mass quantities of pizza.

"Really, that's all?" the boy said smiling widely, "That's easy. They already love me and I love them."

"Then tonight we'll vote on it."

"Really, it's that easy?"

"That easy, but it's not something to be taken on lightly. If you become one of us there are certain responsibilities you will need to accept."

"Oh, I'll do anything. Any chore you ask me, I'll do it and do my very best."

"There's that, but that's not exactly what I meant. If you become one of us, you must learn to live by our rules. They are simple and few, but they are very important, and what makes the Family work."

"Like what?"

"Like loving one another and learning to live and grow as  part of something that's bigger than all of us."

"Oh, I understand. I already love you guys, and I hope you can learn to love me, and I think I'll fit in just fine."

"Okay then. I'll tell Peter what we've discussed and let him handle the rest. After dinner I have to go to the school and take care of some business, but I'll be back by nine or so. I'll let Thomas know you won't be back this evening so he won't be worried."

"Thank you...thank you...thank you," the boy said taking Ricky's hand and kissing it as if he were royalty.

"Calm down," Ricky laughed, "You'll find out I'm just like you once you get to know me."

After dinner, Peter and Ricky went off to the school to talk to Thomas and the rest of the staff. It was a short pleasant walk along a paved path lined with trees and flowers, and in the night air the aroma of the plant life was almost intoxicating.

" smells nice out here," Peter said taking Ricky's hand in his.

"I never knew what I was missing until I came here. Now I understand why authors write about the smell of flowers being romantic," Ricky said, sniffing the night air and grinning.

"Yeah, it's making me horny," Peter growled, clutching Ricky's arm tightly.

"Cool down, you better save something for our new little brother Ethan."

"Think the other boys will be as happy about him joining us as I am?"

"Nah...they'll probably all say no," Ricky teased, "Of course they will. According to Ethan they already love him and he loves them," Ricky chuckled.

"Yeah, they're easy. I don't know why I was so worried."

"Is it because you have some special feelings for this boy?" Ricky asked, stopping for a moment and pulling Peter onto a nearby bench.

"What? No...I mean I like him, but...but...oh it that obvious?" Peter sighed.

"Are you worried about those feelings, or...are you worried about how I'd react to you having those feelings?"

"Both I guess,"  Peter admitted, "These feelings are scary."

Ricky laughed, "Love usually is."

"But I love you...and the others just as much. I just don't get why this boy gets under my skin so deep."

"Well...there's love, and then there's LOVE. Maybe this is the ONE true love of your life," Ricky said gently.

", that's you. I've always known that. This is different. I can't explain it."

"Well, maybe there's no need to explain anything. Just love him, and accept his love and enjoy it."

"I just don't want you to think that I love this boy more than I love you or the others."

Ricky laughed, "I have never felt slighted in the least. It's hard to feel unloved when you're surrounded by love 24 hours a day. You and the others are my life, and all I want is for you to be happy...and if this new boy makes you happy...then I am happy too."

"I don't deserve you," Peter said nuzzling Ricky's neck as tears clouded his eyes.

"Yes, you do...and I deserve you and the others as well. We're all deserving of love and respect. Now...let's get over to the school so we can get back and welcome our new brother into the fold."

The school was a buzz with preparation, and when Ricky and Peter arrived, the boys proudly showed them their work. There were streamers and posters, and colorful lighting displays and decorations, and two huge tables had been set up to hold the food and drinks, as well as smaller dining tables where the new arrivals would mix with the others and get better acquainted.

"It's perfect boys. You did a great job and I have wonderful news, the ship will arrive tomorrow." Ricky said as the boys cheered.

The boys went back to their work and Thomas took Ricky and Peter to his office so they could talk privately.

"The boys did a really good job Thomas. You must be very proud of them."

"Yes, they did, and with very little help from the staff."

"Oh, before I of your brood will be spending the night at the nest tonight...Ethan."

"Oh...I see...and will he be coming back any time soon?" Thomas chuckled.

"Well...the truth is...he has asked to join the Family and we're going to vote on it tonight."

"I thought as much, the Family is all he talks and Peter, and how wonderful it would be to belong there."

"Peter seems to think he'd be a good fit for us. I hope you don't think we're luring your boys away."

"I understand Ricky, you don't have to explain anything to me. What boy wouldn't want to belong to such a loving Family as yours? We will miss him around here, he's a ray of sunshine, but at least we'll see him in school."

"Yes, I just hope we aren't opening the floodgates for a mass defection," Ricky chuckled.

"Well...I assume for any boy to join the Family he must have a sponsor..."

"Yes, that's true, so I guess I shouldn't worry too much."

"Well, as I said, we'll miss Ethan, but I am very happy for him. He is a sweet boy and I think he will fit in very well with your bunch."

"I'm sure he will. Well, speaking of that, we really need to get back. I can't tell you how grateful I am for what you and the boys have done here...getting ready for the new arrivals. Tomorrow night we will all celebrate the beginning of something new and exciting."

"We were happy to help and as excited as you."

"Thanks again, and I'll see you around 8 tomorrow for the welcoming ceremony. The caterers will take care of all the food, so you and your boys can relax and enjoy. Goodnight Thomas," Ricky said hugging the man to him and kissing him gently on the lips.

Next, Peter hugged the man, and then he and Ricky walked back to the Nest. The boys mobbed them at the door and it was obvious all of the boys had already embraced Ethan as their new brother.

"What time is the ceremony?" Tommy asked excitedly.

"Ceremony?" Ricky asked, playing dumb, "Oh, the one for the new arrivals? Eight o'clock tomorrow night."

"No...silly, the one for Ethan to join the Family," Tommy said giggling, "We all voted on him, and we all want him to join us."

"Oh, that one. Well, how soon can everyone be ready?"

The boys scampered off to get ready, and Peter took Ethan aside to coach him on what to expect, while Ricky got prepared for the ceremony. It had been a while since they'd welcomed a new member into the Family, and he was looking forward to once again donning the white robe and performing the ceremony.

Later, as he took his place on the stage he thought about the old Nest and the many ceremonies he had performed there. Although the new Nest was larger and more comfortable, the memories of where it had all began would stay with him forever.

Even though this place was new, the traditions and words of the ceremony were not, and soon Ricky became immersed in them. When it was time for Ethan to come forward naked as the day he was born, Ricky felt tears sting his eyes just as they had each time he had ushered one of the boys into this right of passage.

Ethan too was crying freely as he repeated the words in his soft voice, and when Ricky wrapped the white robe around his body and pulled him in for his first hug and kiss as a new member of the family, his young body shook with desire and excitement.

"And so little brother we welcome you into the Family. You are now and forever one of us, in life and even beyond. Enjoy, my little brother and know that you are, and will always be loved."

Next, Ethan was greeted by his new brothers as he passed among them receiving kisses and hugs until he had made his way through all of them. Peter was last, and when he kissed Ethan he removed his robe and led him to one of the soft raised mats surrounding the pool. 

As they lay together, several others joined them on their mat, and the others settled into groups nearby. It was a time of sharing now, sharing their love and their bodies in total abandonment. Before the night was over every boy would have welcomed their new brother into the Family, and he would know he was loved and part of something that was bigger than all of them and as eternal as the universe.

At daybreak, the boys quickly pulled away from each other and dove into the pool. For a while there was only the soft laughter and splashing of the boys as they performed this last part of the ceremony. Immersed in the water of life, they were now all as Family in love..Forever.

"Nice ceremony," Peter said settling in beside Ricky who was watching the boys play in the water.

"I'd forgotten how touching the ceremony was until tonight. I've been thinking."

"What about?"

"About the new families. I think there should be some kind of ceremony for them as well. Oh, maybe not exactly like this one, but maybe a modified version. The robes, the kissing and hugging, the welcoming part."

"Without the sharing?" Peter asked sounding amused, "Isn't the sharing what all this is about? If you take that part out won't you be changing what we're all about?"

Ricky frowned, "As usual you see clearer than I do. I guess it's the fact that we now have both female and male in the mix."

"And adults," Peter said knowingly, "You have never had to deal with adults in a sexual way...have you?"

", not since I was a boy myself."

"Oh, is there a story there?"

"Yeah, maybe sometime I'll tell you about it."

"I hope so, but for now...what about the new families?"

"I...I think I need to do some thinking about that. I'm going to take a walk. I'll be back in time for breakfast."

"Want some company?"

"Thanks, but I really need to be alone...for a little while."

Peter nodded, "I understand."

They kissed, and Ricky went off to get dressed before leaving. Clothes were optional, but at times he felt more comfortable wearing them. He favored soft elastic waist shorts and pullovers, and today he added socks and sneakers.

The compound was surrounded by miles of walking and biking trails which cut their way through woodlands, snaking beside creeks and up and down hills, and today the weather was perfect for a brisk walk. He hadn't gone far when he came upon one of the staff from the school, a young man named Trent. He was in his late 20's and rather plain as men go, but he had a sparkling personality and was well liked.

"Hello," he said smiling brightly, "I hadn't expected anyone else to be out this morning."

"Hello...Trent. I had some thinking to do and I find that the fresh air helps."

"I agree, I usually begin my day this way."

At first all Ricky wanted to do was get rid of the young man so he could get back to his thinking, but the longer he talked to the young man the more he warmed up to him. He decided to put his thinking on hold and just enjoy his company.

"So, the new families will be here tomorrow. You must be very excited."

"It's something I've looked forward to for a long time, and now that it's here...well, let's just say it's an amazing feeling."

"I'm pretty excited about it myself. Do you realize that this is the first experiment of this kind to ever be attempted. Oh sure, there have been communes and cults, but this is so much different. This is the real deal."

Ricky laughed, "Yeah, I know."

"Oh, sorry. I tend to forget sometimes that you started all this. I find it all very interesting and exciting. It's really something to see an ideal like this in full bloom, and to know that it actually works."

"The reason it works is because love is the most powerful force in the universe, and once you embrace that love there is no way you can fail."

"I never really thought of it like that before, but I can see that love even among the staff and the orphans. It's what attracted me to the place to begin with. Once I came and saw how wonderful things were here, I just couldn't leave."

"We're glad you came to stay. We need good people who understand and believe in the philosophy to make it work."

"So, what is it that brings you out here this morning?" Trent asked after a few minutes, "Something must be on your mind."

"Well, to be honest, it's about the new arrivals. As you may know, we welcomed a new member into the family last night."

"Ethan, yes all the other boys are so jealous," he chuckled.

"Well, during the ceremony it suddenly occurred to me that I needed some sort of ceremony for the new arrivals and I'm concerned about exactly what to do."

"Can't you just use the same ceremony?"

"It might be a little too intense for this group, there will be adults and females, and well...quite truthfully I'm not sure exactly how to handle that."

"I see, would you be open to some suggestions?"

"God yes, any help would be appreciated."

For the next half hour as they walked along they discussed different scenarios for the ceremony, and by the time they had reached the end of the trail, Ricky had a pretty good idea how he was going to welcome the newcomers. First, there would be the official greeting from the Family and the school as well as the townsfolk, then later that night he would welcome them into the family properly.

When he returned to the nest, Peter met him at the door, and Ricky pulled him to his office and explained what he'd worked out with Trent's help.

"Wow, that's awesome. Trent must be pretty smart to figure all this out without having been in the family himself."

"I think Trent is more like us in more ways than I first thought. I think he understands the basic concept of the Family as well as most of us do."

"Well, it sounds great, and I can hardly wait to see what the new families think about it. I'm sure they will be open-minded about it. After all, they know what the Family is all about."

"Oh yes, I'm confident they will be open to what I have in mind. Mind you, I don't plan on it being quite as intense as our usual ceremony, but I am hopeful we can convey the same spirit of love, and sharing, and belonging to something bigger than ourselves."

"So, no sharing?"

Ricky frowned, "At first I wanted to make that part of the ceremony, but I'm just not sure the new families are ready for that."

"But, isn't that what we're all about, the sharing and the love?"

Ricky rubbed his eyes, his head had begun to ache and he was suddenly very tired. "Yes, but when I started the Family, things were different, there was only me and boys, and things were easy. Now we will have adults, men and women, and not only boys...but girls. I'm just not sure I know how to handle that situation."

"I think you do," Peter said taking Ricky's hand in his, "You created this....this Family, this thing that's bigger than all of us, and if the others want to join us, they need to be ready to commit...all the way, not just some of the way."

Ricky looked at his young lover and smiled, "As usual you have seen things more clearly than I have. I don't know what I would do without you."

"So....what now? Are you still going to water down the ceremony, or are you going to welcome them Family style?"

Ricky chuckled, "I guess you and I have some planning to do. Do we have enough white robes?"

Peter giggled, "Oh, I think so, but if not we can have some replicated in time for the ceremony."


When the ship full of new families arrived, Ricky and the rest of the family greeted them, offering hugs and welcomes, and the new arrivals seemed very touched. After a huge lunch in the dining room of the Boys Home, Ricky gathered all the new families together for a group discussion.

With Ricky was Peter as well as several of the older boys. Ricky felt it was important to include the other boys to let the adults know that what was being offered was not only acceptable, but welcomed by the younger members of The Family.

After explaining the ritual of The Family, and in fact showing a video of a recent ceremony, he opened the floor to questions. There was a stirring toward the back of the room and Ricky looked up to see a couple of women wiping tears from their eyes. At first his heart sank. Had he chosen wrong and assumed too much?

"Do you have some feelings you'd like to share with us, ladies?" Ricky asked, holding his breath and expecting the worst.

"I just thought it was so beautiful. I have never seen anything like it before. The love and caring are so obvious in the faces of the boys, and well...I for one can't wait to have that kind of experience."

Ricky relaxed and smiled warmly, "The cornerstone of the family is Love, and we believe that without it no one can live to their full potential. We share everything in the nest, our bodies, our love, our minds, and we live in harmony, and that is what I want for each and everyone of you and your children. Are you ready to shuck the chains of the past and be free, free to love, free to share, and to belong to something greater than all of us?"

The thunderous roar of approval was almost ear shattering, but Ricky loved it. He held his arms out wide and closed his eyes and basked in the love that radiated from the crowd. When the crowd quieted down he brought Peter in, and he explained in detail the ceremony, complete with a power point presentation. When he was finished the room was a buzz with excitement as he opened the floor to questions.

"Will we be expected share with our own children?" A handsome younger man asked.

"First of all, no one is expected to do anything they are not comfortable with. Even in this day and age, I know there is still some concern about incest, and I understand that. You can still love a person and not share yourself physically. What's important is that you and that person agree, and understand what kind of relationship you will be sharing. I have never been a parent, so I can never fully understand that kind of relationship. However, the love that I share with my fellow brothers in The Nest must be very near to what a parent or sibling might feel.

"What about the risk of pregnancy?" a pretty young blond asked, "Some of us have teenage girls and there is always that risk."

Ricky smiled, "Modern birth control methods are 100% effective, and all females will have access to them, however, if there are any girls, or women who wish to become pregnant and add to the family, we encourage and support that. But that should be a decision for that person and their family to make."

"Is there any danger of STD's" an older man asked.

"Absolutely none. We have the finest medical care available, and each and every one of you have undergone testing for a wide variety of diseases, including STD's, and obviously all of you passed those tests with flying colors. Advances in medicine have eliminated most STD's, including HIV, and those few left can be easily treated. However, since we are a closed community, there should be no concern about anyone contracting a disease as long as they're sexual liaisons remain within that community."

The man nodded and smiled at his partner, a handsome younger man with amazing blue eyes. He and his partner were one of the same sex couples, and had four boys from two surrogate mothers.

"Is the ceremony the only time this...this joining will occur, or are there regularly scheduled meetings?"

"The ceremony is only the beginning, and yes there will be organized get-togethers, but not primarily for sharing. As in any community there will be social activities such as picnics, parties, and organized sports games and such. If you're asking will there be organized events simply for physical sharing, the answer is no, but anyone is certainly free to share whenever and with whomever they want, as long as it is consensual."

"I saw a big park, will some of the activities be there?"

"Yes, I'm glad you brought the park up. In addition to picnic facilities, playgrounds and sports areas, there is also a large pool. Since the weather here on Evelon is pleasant year round, and the fact that the pool is temperature controlled, it will remain open year round for any of the Family to use. There will be designated pool parties for just the kids, and some for the adults, but other times all are welcome to use the pool or any of the facilities. This is your new home, feel free to enjoy yourself. However, it is the responsibility of each of us to make sure we take care of our home and not abuse it in any way. We will have maintenance crews of course, for hauling trash, cutting the lawn, maintaining the pool and the park, but you are responsible for keeping your homes clean and uncluttered."

"When will the ceremony be held?"

"Tomorrow night, and since there are so many of you," Ricky said grinning and the crowd chuckled, "the ceremony will be a bit longer than usual. So..for that reason we will begin around 4 pm. A buffet style dinner will be served first, and we will have time to visit and get to know each other before the welcoming part of the ceremony begins. That part of the ceremony will last until morning, at which time we will immerse ourselves in the pool, and then enjoy breakfast as a new family. After that, everyone is free to go, or stay as long as they want. Personally, I tend to crash after breakfast, but don't be offended if I do (more laughter), and feel free to stay as long as you like. This is your ceremony and your home."

"Will we have white robes like in the video?" a pretty red-haired teenage girl asked.

"Yes, the robe is the symbol of your old life, but white because you are pure as driven snow, and ready to leave the old life behind. Once the robe comes off you are part of the family. The robe will be a reminder of your new birth, and I hope you will cherish it forever."

"Wait, we're not really part of the family till share our bodies...right?"

"No, not at all," Ricky said frowning slightly, "The ceremony, the robe, the kiss, and your accepting your new life in the family, that is what makes you part of us. The sharing must be your choice. Though I will tell you, in my experience with my own little family here, eventually every one of them joined in the sharing. Some were reluctant at first, but once they saw the love and caring, and realized what they were missing, they were eager to join in. I personally believe that the sharing is what really makes the family unique, but since this is our first group of mixed members, I really don't know what to expect. Maybe you can help me out there. Anyone care to share their thoughts?"

A few hands went up, and Ricky pointed at a handsome younger man near the front, "I'm totally gay, but...this sharing seems to be more about sharing our minds and souls, and I personally am looking forward to experiencing some new things, and sharing with both male and female, adults and children. However, as a father of two daughters and a son, I am not sure exactly where I stand on the incest issue."

"Thank you for sharing. As I said, that is your decision, and no one will judge you regardless of what you decide. I applaud your willingness to embrace the spirit of the sharing, and I look forward to sharing with you as well."

The young man grinned then and turned to his partner and winked causing those closest to titter with laughter.

Ricky pointed to a handsome black man about midways in the crowd and he smiled, showing perfect white teeth.

"Hi, I'm Jared. And I for one am going to embrace this thing like I have never embraced anything before." the crowd laughed, and when the laughter died down he continued, a bit red-faced now. "I guess that sounded kind of crude," he said looking apologetic, "what I meant was, I believe in what you are trying to do here and I am ready to give it everything I have." Again the crowd laughed, and he rolled his eyes, "I can't win here," he laughed, "I just want to say one more thing, "I want to thank you for choosing me and my family, and I promise you will never regret it."

"Thank you Jared," Ricky said once the applause died down, "I'm looking forward to getting to know you and your family."

There were a few others who spoke, most just echoing the sentiments already expressed, but one of the younger women, a pretty petite blond, had something new and interesting to ad.

"Hi, I'm Dawn, and I'm probably one of the youngest parents here. I'm 22 and I had my first child when I was 13. Yeah, I know that's crazy...right? But my family didn't believe in abortion or in birth control. Actually I didn't think I'd need either. I was just a kid, and I didn't know much about sex, and wasn't that interested in finding out about it. Then my dad's best friend raped me, and suddenly I knew more about sex than I ever wanted to. He didn't bother with birth control, and of course the inevitable happened, I got pregnant. 

My dad was as mad at me as he was at his friend, but where we lived, the age of consent was 12, except for rape, so instead of going to jail my rapist married me. He gave me one other gift, my daughter, then died in an industrial accident, leaving me a widow at 19. I lived with my folks after that, but that didn't last long. 

Fortunately, I met Cliff just about that time," she said grabbing her husband's arm and smiling at him, "he is everything in a man any woman could want, and a great dad to our kids. I guess what I want to say is...until I met Cliff, I didn't know what love or family really meant, and when we got the chance to be involved in the Family, we were so excited. 

Ricky wiped tears from his eyes, and paused a minute to compose himself. He knew most of the woman's story from their background checks, but hearing it from her own lips and heart had moved him a great deal.

"Thank you Dawn, for your testimony and your enthusiasm. I am looking forward to getting to know you and your family better as I am with all the families here today."

"Anyone else?"

"Uh sir?" this from a small boy who couldn't have been more than 8 or 9. He was sitting with a man and woman and two other boys who looked to be his older brothers.

"Yes, buddy? What's your name?"

"Hi, I'm Isaac," the boy said blushing, but he spoke clearly and loudly, and seemed determined to get his question out.

"Hi Isaac, welcome to Evelon. Did you have a question for me?"

"Yes sir," he said turning to look at his family, who seemed as surprised as the rest of the room to see this little boy standing up and asking for attention.

"Fine, we're all friends  and family here, and you can ask me anything, all right?

"Thank you sir. I guess what I really wanted to know was, am I too young, share?"

"That is an excellent question buddy. As I have told the others, just because you are becoming part of a much larger family, it doesn't mean you still don't have certain responsibilities to the family you already belong to. My personal opinion is, no you are not too young for the sharing, maybe too young for some parts of the physical love that males share, but there are parts that would be fun and appropriate for a boy your age. But...I know, I know, there's always buts, (Ricky had to pause as everyone laughed) No, not that kind of butt," He said, causing more laughter. When at last it subsided, Ricky added, "What I was going to say before I stuck my foot in my mouth was, your mom and dad will make the decision of how far and how soon you may go in the sharing. However, it is my hope that they understand that you are in no danger of being harmed in any way should you decide to join in the sharing. I guess what I'm saying is, that there will be age appropriate sharing, since we have children younger than the boys in the nest."

"What's the nest?" Isaac asked curiously.

"Ah, good question. Is there anyone else who doesn't know what the nest is?"

A few of the children raised their hands, but no adults, which pleased Ricky. He had tried to convey in initial contact with the new families exactly how The Family began, and how important the Nest was to it's continued success.

"Anyone want to answer, or shall I?"

A teenage boy raised his hand and Ricky pointed to him and smiled. The boy was probably 15 or so, Ricky guessed, with a dark complexion and black hair that was shoulder length. His emerald green eyes were almost hypnotizing, and he had a body that rivaled Michelangelo's David.

"Yes, what's your name brother?"

The boy smiled at being called brother, and his smile lit up the room, "I'm Jaxx, and I'm 14, and I have read everything there is about The Family and you sir, and I am very excited to be here. And to answer the question of what the Nest is,'s the original home of The Family. It was built beneath a frozen lake on Kronos, and there Ricky and The Family lived and loved and grew and prospered. 

When they moved here to Evelon, they built a different kind of nest, but it's still the same kind of place. A place where they can live, and love, and now...well, they're giving us a chance to be part of The Family and our community here, all the houses and the park and all, well...that sort of our nest. So, really what the nest means to me is...well, it means home, and home is where the people we love are," he said tossing a glance back at two black men who Ricky knew were his adopted fathers.

The applause that filled the room caused Jaxx to blush, but his smile continued even when he had thanked everyone and sat back down.

"Thank you Jaxx, I couldn't have said it better myself. Does that answer your questions Isaac?"

"Yes sir, thank you sir," the boy said sitting back down.

"You're welcome buddy, but please call me Ricky, okay? Sir makes me feel old," Ricky said causing more laughter, "Okay, anyone else?"

"I have a question?" A petite blond teenage girl said as she stood. Behind her were her two moms, a lesbian couple who had two other children by artificial insemination.

"Hi, what's your name sister?" Ricky said smiling.

"I'm Carey and I'm almost 17, and I was curious about the one thing you said about girls getting pregnant and adding to the family. I really want to have a child, but I don't want to have one the way my moms did. I mean I understand why they did what they did, but I want my child to have a father and a mother, and I was wondering. Will I be allowed to marry a man and have kids?"

"Yes, of course. We're not trying to do away with the traditional family, in fact we embrace the traditional family as long as it's a loving and healthy environment for both parents and children. That is one reason your families were chosen. All of you have impressed upon us how important your families are to you and shown us the love you feel for one another. We are not trying to replace that in any way. What we are doing is offering you the opportunity to expand your families, your love, your possibilities, by sharing with like minded, loving individuals and families. It is my dream to see new loving relationships formed, marriage vows exchanged, and children added to our Family. What we have here today is the start of something new and wonderful, and you and your families are the chosen ones. So, not just yes Carey, but Hell Yes!" Ricky chuckled, "Get married, have kids, and we will welcome them into The Flock."

"Cool," Carey said causing everyone to laugh.

Someone hooted out, "I'll marry you," and Carey strained her neck to see who said it, but only those close by knew for sure.

"Well, sounds like you already have one offer. I wish you luck Carey. You're a beautiful young woman and any man would be lucky to have you as a wife."

"Then marry her!" someone else  hooted.

"Sorry, she doesn't have the right equipment," Ricky teased, causing more laughter.

"Well, it's getting late, and I know you're all probably tired from the trip and today's activities, so I will dismiss you for this evening, but if there are any more questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to contact one of us and we will get back to you. Our private message addresses are included in the paperwork you've all been given. Get some rest and tomorrow around 3:30 we'll have the air buses pick you up and bring you to The Nest for the ceremony. 

"How should we dress?" someone called out.

"Go naked," someone else shouted and everyone laughed.

"Truthfully, clothing is optional on Evelon," Ricky chuckled,  "None of that ridiculous Earth morality shaming the body as bad and evil. The human body is a beautiful and pleasing thing, and we embrace nudity on this planet and within The Family. However, sometimes wearing clothes may feel right, and it's up to each individual to decide what works for them. So, dress in whatever makes you feel comfortable, but remember, once the ceremony starts, you will be naked as the day you were born."

"Cool!" a boy about 12 or 13 said looking around, "I love goin' naked," he whooped, causing more laughter.

"I love this crowd," Ricky said laughing, "we are gonna get along just fine."

When the group had been transported to their new homes, Ricky and Peter adjourned to his room to talk.

"That went well," Ricky said as they settled down on the couch arm in arm.

"I'd say so," Peter laughed, "you had them eating out of your  hand, and that one girl, oh man...she's totally into it. She'll be making babies before you know it."

Ricky laughed, "What about that little kid, Isaac," Ricky chuckled, "so young, and yet already wanting to embrace the sharing."

"Yeah, probably a horny little kid. I was like that as a kid, but then I had a lot of bad influences, well...bad, but good in some ways."

"Oh, I sense there's a story there."

"Much like yours I'm guessing. Maybe someday we'll compare."

"I don't know about you, but I am suddenly very tired."

"Tired, but horny," Peter admitted.

"Oh, well...I'm never too tired to pass up some sharing with my little brother."

The two were just getting out of the shower when there was a timid knock on the door of Ricky's bedroom.

"Expecting anyone?" Peter asked.

"No, but I have a feeling we're about to have some company in bed," he chuckled.

Peter crossed to the door, still naked and opened it to find Ethan, the newest member of The Family standing there in all his glory.

"Uh, hi...sorry, did I interrupt something?"

"No, we hadn't begun," Peter chuckled, "what's up brother?"

"Oh, sorry. I know I shouldn't bother you guys, but..."

"Come on in and have a seat," Ricky said motioning the boy over to the couch.

"Oh, okay..." the boy said nervously, "umm...the ceremony tomorrow, that's gonna be cool, right?"

"Yes, very cool. Is that something you want to talk about?"

"Well, uh...maybe. I mean it's kind of scary to know I'm gonna have all those new people as my family now."

"It'll be great," Peter said sitting down beside the two, "Just think, you'll have new sisters and brothers, and all the adults will be like parents."

"I never had any parents before," the boy said sadly, "till I came to the home no one ever really cared about me, and that I'm part of The Family, I..." he could no longer control his emotions and tears welled up in his eyes.

Ricky and Peter wasted no time smothering the boy with hugs and comforting the boy as he cried tears of joy and relief. They too had tears in their eyes as they cuddled the boy and when he at last had his emotions under control, he turned to them and thanked them.

"You're welcome little brother," Ricky said giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Aww, that was nice," he said licking his lips, "I never knew kissing was so much fun till I met you guys."

"Kissing is numero uno around here," Peter laughed, "better get you some lip balm or your lips will get chapped," he laughed.

"I like kissing," Ethan said offering his lips to Peter then and engaged him in a toe-curling kiss.

"Wow, I'm rock hard now," Peter giggled, "how about you join us little brother, for some private sharing?"

"Awesome," Ethan said crawling up on the bed and patting the spots on either side of him, "well, what are you waiting for?" he giggled.

"Someone is anxious," Ricky laughed, "I hope you can handle both of us, cause we're a handful."

"Oh, let me feel," Ethan giggled.

**Ricky dimmed the lights and he and Peter joined Ethan and the two began exploring Ethan's smooth firm body as he purred contentedly. He had never felt so happy, so loved, in all his life and his body was responding in a way he'd never experienced before. **

His uncut cock was about 4.5 inches and rather thick, and at the moment Peter was running his tongue up and down it while with his other hand he fondled his plum sized balls. At 13 Ethan had only came into full bloom, but now that he had his balls were capable of pumping out huge loads of semen. He prided himself on the force and volume of his ejaculations, and had quite a rep at the Boys Home, and was starting to build one here with the Family.

"Wow, you have a nice cock," Peter panted between licks, "your pre is so sweet. Here Ricky, have a taste."

Ricky smiled as he took Peter's place and voiced his approval by moaning lowly, "Yes, so good little brother. I wonder how the other end tastes," he said with a devilish grin.

"Huh, mean my bottom?" Ethan giggled, "well, wanna find out?"

"Yeah, flip over so I can get a good taste," Ricky said lustily.

**Peter helped by placing a pillow under Ethan's middle, and Ricky pulled him up till his ass was in the air and his hole on display. Then diving in with his tongue, he began to rim Ethan wetly and deeply. **

"Oh, you taste even better back here," Ricky moaned, then working his tongue even deeper into Ricky's hole, he went crazy with lust. He wasn't sure if Ethan was a virgin back there, but if so he knew wouldn't be long around the bunch of horny boys that made up the Family. He supposed he might have lost his cherry back at the home where the boys were almost as horny, but he deluded himself into thinking that he tasted like a virgin.

"Let me have some," Peter said after a while and they swapped places and Peter picked up where Ricky left off.

As if he'd read Ricky's mind, Ethan suddenly answered his unspoken question. "I've never,  umm...went all the way, but I want to...tonight, with both of you."

"Oh, buddy, that's a big step," Ricky said, even though he'd broken in boys younger than Ethan before, he didn't want to appear too eager.

"I know, it's the best part though. Everyone tells me how good it is, but I wanted to save it...for someone special, and now...I want it to be you, both of you."

"Peter?" Ricky said, "what do you think?'

"I think we need to give our little brother what he wants," Peter said grinning, "this ass is so sweet, I can't imagine how good it will feel to be inside there, sharing our love and our bodies completely," he said in a lusty voice.

"Well, if you're sure..."

"Yess," Ethan hissed, "I want it..sooo, bad."

While Peter continued to rim Ethan and loosen him up with his tongue, Ricky grabbed the lube and a small dildo that was perfect for a first timer. When Peter saw what Ricky was doing, he grinned as he moved aside and let Ricky take over. Ricky was a pro at breaking in virgin boys and this one was as eager and willing as any he'd met. In fact, Ethan seemed almost desperate to loose his cherry and Ricky didn't take his responsibility as his first lightly.

He suggested Ethan roll onto his back, and while Peter engaged him in kissing, Ricky pushed his legs high to expose his still wet hole and began working his fingers into it to loosen him up. Next, he lubed up the dildo and began to rub it around Ethan's hole just to get him used to it. When he felt that Ethan was relaxed enough he began to slowly insert the dildo, inch by inch, stopping to let the boy adjust to his intrusion before proceeding.

Once the dildo was fully inserted, Ricky began to move it in and out, fucking Ethan slowly as he moaned with pleasure.

"Oh, that feels good. I just know the real thing is gonna feel soo much better," he panted.

"We'll get there little bro, just want to loosen you up a little first," Ricky cooed, "do you want Peter or me to be the first?"

"You," Ethan said quickly, then added, "Sorry Peter, I want you too, but you know...?'

"Yeah, I understand, I'd choose Ricky too," Peter chuckled, "and he'll be so gentle and loving that you will never forget your first time."

Ricky didn't object to Peter's words of praise, for that was exactly how he viewed  his love making. Gentle and loving, sharing so much more than their bodies, two people sharing their very being, their very soul, and he expected this to be as memorable for himself as it would be fore Ethan.

"Are you ready love?" Ricky asked eventually.

"Yesss...make love to me, please," the boy begged.

"All right little brother," Ricky said slowly removing the dildo. He was encouraged to see that Ethan's hole still remained gaped open a bit, and quickly lubed his cock before it closed up completely.

"Just relax," Ricky said moving into position and placing his cock against Ethan's hot gaping hole, "I'll go slow, and if I go too fast just tell me to slow down."

"Okay," Ethan whimpered as he felt Ricky's cock began to penetrate him, " feels so big, but good."

**Ricky leaned down and kissed the boy then to take his mind off what was going on down there, and suddenly the head of Ricky's cock slipped past Ethan's sphincter and Ethan's eye flew open. **

"Oh, is feels so good," Ricky gasped.

"Just relax and rest a moment, then when you're ready I'll push a bit more inside."

"Okay," Ethan panted, "I think I'm ready," he said, reaching up to place his hands on Ricky's well defined chest.

Ricky nodded and allowed another inch or so of his cock to slip inside, marveling at the heat and tightness of the boy. There was something very special about being a boy's first, and he did not take that honor lightly. This boy was special, but then so had all the others, and he vowed to make this something  he would look back fondly on for the rest of his life.

"I love you little brother," Ricky said as he kissed the boy and slipped in the rest of the way.

"Oh, is it? Is it all in?" Ethan panted.

"Yes, and you did great," Ricky said softly, "are you all right?"

"Yess, it feels so good. Now, make love to me Ricky," Ethan said as tears of joy stung his eyes.

"You are amazing," Ricky praised as he began to move, "so warm, so tight, so sexy," he growled.

"It's so good," Ethan moaned, "they were right, all of them, it is the best thing ever, and I'm so glad you were my first."

"So am I love, so am I," Ricky said as he continued to move slowly in and out, savoring every moment of their coupling.

**Soon Ricky was moving faster, Ethan was moaning lowly, and Peter joined in by alternating between the two, kissing and touching them to heighten their pleasure. Even though a seasoned lover, Ricky found he was nearing orgasm much sooner than he'd planned. There was something very erotic about taking a boy's cherry, and that coupled with Peter's touches, had him headed toward the bliss of release almost before he realized  what was happening. **

Gazing down at the beautiful blond boy beneath him, he was captivated by his smile and the look of sheer pleasure and lust on his face. Leaning down, he kissed the boy once more, and suddenly he felt his orgasm begin. Crying out  softly,  he thrust deeply into the boy and shook as if electrocuted, as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through his body. The subsequent spurts of hot cum painted Ethan's insides with such force that he actually felt them. One, two, three, four, five, but Ethan lost count as they lessened in intensity. There were eight all together however, and Ricky was aware of each and every one of them. He hadn't come that hard or that much in a very long time, and he wondered: what was different about this boy? He understood now what Peter had meant when he'd voiced his feelings about the boy being special. He was indeed special, and Ricky couldn't help but wonder, was this boy and others like him the future of the Family?

When the last of his seed was deposited in Ethan's warm insides, Ricky leaned down and kissed him deeply and wetly before slowly pulling out of him.

"No, stay inside me," Ethan begged.

"It's okay. You need to rest now, and then Peter will fill you up again."

"All right," Ethan conceded, "that, so much better than I'd ever dreamed."

"For me too," Ricky confessed, "excuse me a moment. I need to go to the bathroom," he said getting up on trembling legs and making his way out of the room.

Peter gazed after his lover, sensing his mood and wondering if he too would be that affected when it was his turn. He knew the boy was special, but now it seemed he wasn't the only one who thought so. It was apparent that Ricky had been deeply affected by the boy, but then Ricky had a lot going on emotionally these days.

"Is he okay?" Ethan asked with concern.

"Sure, probably just needed to pee," Peter said soothingly.

"Do you think he liked it...?"

"Oh, trust me, he loved it... and he loves you. It's just a little intense for him, well...for all of us really. Didn't you feel it too?"

"Yes, it was amazing, but I'm horny again. Do we have to wait for Ricky to come back?'

Peter laughed, "I don't think he'd be offended if we didn't."

**When Ricky returned feeling much better, he smiled when he saw Peter atop Ethan, who lay face down on the bed this time. Peter was a more intense lover than Ricky, and was not holding back at all as he slammed into Ethan almost violently as he pinned him to the bed. **

Apparently, Ethan liked it rough as well as gentle, and was moaning and talking dirty, well as dirty as a 13 year almost virgin could.

"Yes, fuck me hard," Ethan moaned, "make me like a dick in my ass..."

Where did he learn that? Ricky chuckled to himself, then he remembered hearing Tommy saying that once when he was getting fucked by Jonny. I guess he might have picked up some pointers in the nest, he mused, even if he did save his ass for us.

Ricky climbed on the bed and lay beside Ethan, then leaned in and kissed him deeply and wetly. The bed was bouncing so much Ricky was afraid they'd bounce him off, but suddenly Peter cried out and began to come, adding his own deposit to Ricky's as Ethan howled his approval.

"Yes, breed me...breed me deep. Awwww ohhhh good."

Peter settled down on top of Ethan, pressing him into the bed and allowing his dick to continue to drain long after the last missile had fired. He was spent but very emotional, and began kissing Ethan's shoulders and back as they lay there, skin to skin, sharing a moment in time.

"Welcome to the Family," Ricky said kissing Ethan on the cheek.

"Thanks," Ethan said softly, "I've never been so happy in my whole life."

"And the best is yet to come," Ricky said, "you are special, you know that? And I predict that soon, very soon, you will be a very important part of all this."

"Me?" Ethan said, "well...I just want to do the best I can, and love everyone and make the Family my own family."

"You will, you have. But you are destined for great things, I can see that now. Don't ask me how I know, I just know."

"I agree," Peter said, finally rolling off of Ethan and disengaging from his oozing hole.

"Eww, I'm all messy back there," Ethan laughed.

"Go sit on the pot and squirt us out," Peter suggested.

"No, I want you to stay inside me...for now anyway."

"Do you realize Ethan hasn't come yet?" Peter suddenly said.

**"Well, not exactly," Ethan said blushing, "I kinda did when Peter was fucking me." **

"Oh," Peter laughed, "Yeah, I kinda have that effect on some boys," And they all laughed.

Next: The Ceremony

Special thanks to my friend Michael in NY for his invaluable help with editing, ideas, and pictures. Even if he doesn't like

Thanks to everyone for your kind words and support, and please keep those emails coming to:

Kewl Dad 


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Next: Chapter 8

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