The Fantasy I Lived

By LostTexBoy

Published on Nov 13, 2020


Hey all, here is the next installment of my very first story. Hope you enjoy it. Don't be shy, let me know what you think.

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This story is fiction pulled from

several fantasies of mine. None of this has ever happened. Well to me at least.

Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 4

We start eating our "app dinner" nothing to exciting or that interesting happens. Just conversation about our jobs, the town. No dessert for me and the check comes. I reach for it and he grabs my hand and looks me in the eye. "In my world a lady never pays. You may look like an attractive guy to this entire room with the sports jacket and your goatee, but I know you. Under those clothes is a beautiful gurl in some sexy lingerie. I hope that there might be a bulge in your panties too." He winks and continues. So, when you are with me you will always be my lady and I pay". I think I might have blushed. "Ok" I say in a breathless whisper staring yet again into his eyes. "Now tonight marks our first meeting, not, a date, ok?" He suddenly announces. "After we have had this enjoyable meeting getting our cards out on the table so to speak. Do you think Mattie would like a real date?"

My mind goes a million directions at once. "Where would we go on a date? His place? I don't know where he lives. My place that really would be better. I could be dressed and not feel self-conscious" he interrupts my thoughts "I have a pretty good idea what you're thinking, so I'll jump in. Yes, a date at your place. You pick the day. I'd love to come home with you now. If invited of course, but I must get up early I have a baseball game to coach in the morning".

"Oh yes, you are good. That's exactly what I was thinking, and YES Mattie would love to go on a date with you". He smiles, shrugs his shoulders while tilting his head. "Not my first rodeo darlin". I give a little giggle "yes well that's true but we need to check a couple things before we pick the date". Inside my head Mattie is yelling at me what are we going to wear. What will we do? Do we order something new or wear something at home?

"Ok sounds good, shall we go?" We get up and briefly he puts his hand on my back. I can tell he is feeling for my bra he he he. We walk out to the car and we stop at my car. "Stay here one moment". He runs to his pickup (of course) opens the door and runs back in a flash. "Grant it was great to chat with you. I hope you will please give this rose to Mattie". I look at his hand. Yep there is a white rose in his hand. I look at his face. "I told you. A white rose in a bouquet of red". I bite my lip "how sweet, thank you kind sir" he opens my car door and lets me get in. "See you soon" I blow him a kiss start my car and drive away.

I get home and my mind is swimming with excitement. First thing I do is look at my calendar. Yep I'm a bit old fashion I like a big calendar on my desk to write my schedule on. Sadly, I am very busy this week. With work and a charity event I'm hosting. I text Bluto.


Hey handsome, looking at this next week I have a hectic schedule. Next Saturday is the next free time. So, would next Saturday evening work for a date?


Hey Miss Mattie. Saturday would be great. Not that I wouldn't love to see you sooner I understand. I coach in that morning but free by noon. What have you got in mind? and sent 3 winking emojis.


Well Sir I am a bit of a planner. So, in the late afternoon cocktails on the deck and then I'll fix some dinner. I'll firm up the time as it gets closer and I have time to think about it. Grant said he had a lovely time. Also, thanks so much for the rose. wink wink


Yes, we did, and Saturday sounds good. I'll go with the flow you tell me where and when. I better get to bed since I coach early. Kiss kiss


Kiss right back.

I set my phone down. I have a good idea what to wear. I am a cross dresser after all. So while attitude is important so are the clothes. From the lingerie to the dress it must make me feel like a lady and be somewhat elegant in style. I have read and chatted with others and sometimes that's not entirely the case. However, for me it is. If I'm not wearing something sexy and feminine, I'm just a guy with painted toes he he he.

I do love to shop and it's mainly online. It's not a thrill to buy in an actual store like it is to some. So, I have a lot of things to wear. I have a room that's is my gurl room. It's got a clothes wall, shoe area, lingerie chest, a fun toy area and nail station with lots of colors of nail polish. It has a small wine fridge and bar area also. The contractors installed a "panic room" when I did the remodel of my little place. It even has a secret entrance. Little did they know what I was planning to use it for.

So, here I sit on the little settee with a fresh bottle of wine and ponder about what to wear. I think a classic look. An Audrey Hepburn boatneck dress that sleeveless. It's tight on top but at the waist the skirt flares out with a petticoat. It's emerald green and I think pale pink petticoat. Underneath let's see stay with pink. So, a pale pink bra that will require a set of titties. My panties are a sheer pink full seat style that ride a bit high since it has removable garter straps that are also pink. Natural stockings with a seam down the back with a wide lace band. Later in the evening I can remove the dress and petticoat and slip on a matching robe. I decide on shoes later. I put the dress on my headless mannequin and set the other things in the chair next to it. That way I can look at it every day to make sure that's what I want to wear. Now to bed.

I went in to take a shower since that relaxes me before bed. I showered just in a normal way. I closed my eyes and let the water wash down over my head. There is always a bit of a delicious feeling of isolation when the water pours down you and all you hear, and feel is that water. I continue to soap all over, feeling the smoothness of my body. My nipples are perky as always, but I give them a tweak or two. The water continues over my head while my hands wash my belly. Not a flat belly but a soft plump one. I'm not a skinny gurl so have a larger belly. Weighing in at 240lbs I kind of like the softness and the smooth combinations. I enjoy the feeling and slide my hands further, OH the feeling of a smooth clitty be it soft or hard that silky feeling is so lovey. My gurl is standing at attention now begging to feel my hands slather the soapy water all over her. She always gets lots of attention. I am proud to say I am a chronic masturbator. I have sometimes gotten to 3 or 4 or more sessions of self-love in one day. I have tried to edge on occasion, and it is quite difficult when your best friend is begging for strokes. By now it is time to go further. One hand continues to stroke my hard clitty, while the other reaches up to the towel that is always there for a quick hand try. Now reaching for my poppers the next step in my journey of self-care. My practiced hand unscrews the top and brings the little bottle to my nose. One long inhale of the aroma, then holding my breath to feel the luxury take over. The wave comes over me and I close my eyes. I stroke my clitty slowly working it up and down and up and down. In my minds eye I see Bluto. He is behind me. His arms wrap around me. His hairy chest presses into my back. His lips press into my neck kissing me. I feel his big hands tweak my nipples I arch my back and push my ass back. Then feel his large bull cock press between the mounds of my round ass. His hands move down my body feeling my smooth slick clitty. Moving my hands away he starts to stroke me. He nibbles on my ear and whispers "I want inside you. I want that pussy to wrap around my cock for the first time. It's time you had a real man's cock inside you don't you think"? I hear my voice yell "Oh God yes". I'm suddenly aware that I am alone in my shower stroking my clitty and at the very edge ready to spray my cum. Here she blows, my gurl shoots out a spray of cum. I take deep breaths and sit down on the bench. Whew, that was a vivid image I hope that really happens.

I grab a towel turn off the shower and dry off. Stag comes running as he does every time the shower is turned off. Can never figure out why he doesn't just stay in the bathroom, but he leaves and comes back. As I hang up the towel and walk to the bedroom, he gives a sniff and lick of my clitty. Always a wonderful feeling him licking me. "Thank you, baby, but not tonight go to your bed now". I crawl into bed, as I lay there I reflect on the day. A lot has happened I stated my day just like normal. Now after a trip to Home Depot I have had one date as me and Mattie has a date planned at the end of the week. My eyes close and I open them, and the sun is up. Wow I went right to sleep. I got up went to the closet and slipped on a some heels and then a long white sheer robe that is long that it drags the floor behind me as I stroll into the kitchen. Stag is begging to go out, so I slide open the door. I say door but Its actually a wall. The whole thing folds up and slides over into a compartment. I walk out onto the covered deck and feel the breeze kiss my body. The robe flutters in the wind with ripple after ripple against my skin. Oh my it feels so good. I walk back into the kitchen and start the coffee. The hot coffee rolling down my throat feels so good. I stroll back onto the deck and sit in a lounger. Stag runs up for hugs and kisses, I spread my legs a bit and he gives my clitty lots of kisses as well. We both really like that so much; I relax while I get a big tongue sliding all over my hardening clitty. I reach into the basket and pull out some poppers and a little pussy pleaser. I slide the dildo into my mouth to get it wet while I take a big whiff of poppers then slide my friend into my pussy. I lean back again ahhhh dual stimulation can't be beat. My pussy is wrapped around a hard toy while my clitty is all wet with Stag licks. I have been trying to work my toys into my pussy over and over to make me cum by just rubbing and working my little nub in my pussy, so I shoot without stroking my clitty. Cumming like a girl as it were. Of course, my gurl is not too happy about it. She loves when I stroke her as much as possible, and being a chronic masterbator it goes against my nature but ........ Oh devi,l I hit that button ummmmm I need some poppers whiff whiff whiffff hold. Ummmm delicious. Moving my toy in my pussy rubbing that button over and over. OH, dear me that feels so good. My mind flashes a question. "is it really fair that my clitty is getting a wet tongue to stimulate it". And the flash is gone as I rub the button and don't move it just rub rub rub. There it is, I vibrate my whole body vibrates and my clitty starts shooting her lovely cream. OH, Oh more and more she is shooting and Stag is lapping it all up. Well that is a fun way not to make a mess I giggle. "Stag stop, go sit", he looks at me and just runs off and lays in the yard. I go back into the kitchen and make another cup of coffee, while thinking about my chores for the day. I need to get the soil I got at Home Depot yesterday and get that in the flower beds in the front. I walked by my phone on the way to put some clothes and my phone flashed. It was a text.


Good Morning darlin. Hope you slept well. I just finished my game and had you on my mind.


Oh, really, I hope it was a nice thought about me. Good Morning right back atcha.


Oh yes it was very nice. I actually had a thought about you last night in bed too. He he he.

Today I was thinking next week, I'll be planning to see you.


In your bed? Humm I wonder what that thought was. Actually, I know, I had similar thoughts last night and this morning. Perhaps I'll tell you on Saturday. If you're good.


I'll just say it was a very good thought that had a happy ending. I can't express my feelings enough. I can't wait for Saturday to get here. It will be hard to concentrate this week.


I agree it will be difficult, Saturday can't get here quick enough. I planned my outfits for Saturday when I got home last night. Well, I say that, but it could change between now and then. Just have to see.


I'm sure you will look lovely in what every you wear. Wait, did you say "outfits" so there's going to be a wardrobe change? Should I wear multiple outfits too?


Oh no, you will be hot in or out of anything he he he. A lady like myself enjoys clothes a great deal so I have a change of wardrobe planned. To entice, tease, and lure you into my web, said the spider to the fly. "wink, wink"

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