The Gelroc Warrior

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 27, 2014




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


The mountains had not yet tasted spring as the lowlands had. Snow lay still upon the ground more often than not, and the clouds above promised to add to the white patches rather than help remove them if the bite in the air Cullen felt grew deeper with the oncoming night.

His horse nickered nervously and Cullen knew from that and the slight snuffling sound to his left that Magrak had ridden up beside him, and that even before the smell hit his own nostrils, fetid and unclean, not like rotten meat, but more like a place where rotten meat had lain for so long that it had fouled all around it though the meat itself had been carried off by dung beetles.

Cullen reached down and patted his horse's neck soothingly, his large, athletic arm stroking the region just below the mane, a place that his horse Airsprite always favored. "Easy, now, old girl." he said in his husky low voice, then reached up and shifted the helmet slightly upon his own brow. "You should know that scent by now." He meant the saur, not Magrak, though perhaps the horse had smelt a bit of that as well.

Well might Airsprite fear the smell of a gelroc warrior, but Magrak took great pains to cleanse and thus diminish his body odor, distinguishing himself from his wild relatives who plagued travelers such as his master in all their unwashed, fetid glory, attacking in hordes that held great ferocity but no true skill in battle, a seasoned warrior such as himself (and, he must tell the truth, Magrak) had little trouble fending them off. Heaven's Lords knew that Lenner (Lenner! He still could not even think that name without his heart aching in pain!) had been a seasoned warrior and had fended off many a gelroc alongside Cullen...until the meeting with a band of gelrocs that they'd had on their trip down this same mountain last fall when one gelroc had landed a blow that had knocked Lenner's own helm from his head and then followed up with another that had split that noble face asunder. Cullen had raged and slaughtered that gelroc horde mercilessly, even trying to chase them as they fled for a space.

And now! O foul, cruel twist of fate! A gelroc warrior rode by his side as a fellow guardsman! His master Bethel had been completely charmed by Magrak as he'd stood before him to petition for a job. To see a gelroc dressed in human battle armor and his hair, normally filthy and askew, all neatly combed and washed and tied back from his face. Were it not for the yellow, catlike eyes, the broad blunt nose smeared across the wide face, and the rather prominent tusklike lower canines reaching outside his lips even when he essayed no smile, that and the way that he was built overall, broad, solid and hairy as a bear, and built to much the same scale, were it not for all this, Magrak would have made a fine showing as a warrior. And his language was as genteel as any Cullen had spoken to....

"We will want to be extra cautious when we venture down the other side of this ascent." Magrak said to him. He had wanted to speak with Cullen, the head of their small band of hired warriors, the reason he had ridden up beside Cullen.

"You have seen something?" Cullen said as civilly as he could. He felt kinder toward this gelroc masquerading as human since their skirmish with a smaller band of gelrocs earlier today. Not only had Magrak fought them with as much fierce skill as any human could have mustered, he had come to Cullen's aid when he'd been unhorsed in the fray, standing before him and letting him get to his feet as he fended off three gelrocs, slaying one and wounding a second before Cullen could come to his assistance.

"This is my third trip through these hills." Magrak said. "A tribe of gelrocs live in these hills, they favor striking on the other side of this rise as I said."

"Relatives of yours?" Cullen asked unkindly, then regretted it. "I spoke rashly and do apologize." he said.

"Nay, it is an understandable curiosity." Magrak said. "There are many who wonder at me, living as I do between two worlds."

"You need not speak of anything you do not wish to." Cullen didn't want to be this gelroc's confidante.

"There is no secret here." Magrak went on. "I was cast out of my family's tribe when too young to have any memory of them, or perhaps I was lost somehow. In any event, I was raised by a human couple who found me and adopted me. They could have no children of their own, and I was child enough to their eyes, they loved me and I love them. I was given the most tender and loving care as I grew, up until they died a half-dozen years ago, and my upbringing included a formal training in the art of battle. Since then I have had to make my own way through the world. I speak only the human tongue, I think of myself as human as any can who sees the error of that assumption every time he glimpses himself in a reflection or when I look down upon my body. I am gelroc by my birth, human by my breeding, ever trapped between the two, the life of a soldier is less onerous than some could have been. I tell you all this because I want to you know that in battle, you may trust me as much as you trust your fellow humans, I owe my own kind no loyalties and find their behavior as repulsive as you do."

"You convinced me of that this very morning." Cullen admitted. "In the next battle, you may fight by my side and we will put any who try to molest our master to the blades as one."

"I am grateful for your words, more than you can imagine. I find the treatment I receive in life something which I must most often be philosophical about."

"We shall camp soon." Cullen said. "Tomorrow will be soon enough to face this tribe you have warned us about."

Magrak smiled at Cullen and that smile would have done any human proud, and Cullen returned it as best he could. He was thankful for this gelroc warrior's services in battle, but that was a long way from making him think of this monstrosity as a friend. Lenner had been a friend of Cullen's, and that parting was still too soon to have him seeking a replacement in this big, hairy brute!

After the meal, he saw Magrak moving apart from the other warriors, who were setting up their tents. The air was as bitterly cold as he had thought it would be, the morning would find a frosting of snow upon them all. But Magrak wasn't setting a tent, he was building himself a stock of firewood, little enough of that though there was. But the tents were supplied by the master, as were the blankets. Did Magrak have neither?

He approached his master at his bigger fire well-tended by his servants, before his larger tent. "Have you no tent or blanket for Magrak?"

"Which one is that?" his master said in honest puzzlement, then he remembered. "Ah, yes, the big hairy warrior I hired recently, yes!" The servants laughed as did the master, Cullen did not though he forced a smile. "He has hair enough to warm him, don't you think?"

"It will be a fearsomely cold night for anyone, human or...or Magrak."

"I just didn't think of it." the master protested in that lightning flash change of emotion from confident leader to petulant spoiled man-child, though he was many years' Cullen's elder. "Really, we had enough blankets and tents last fall, and I only hired Magrak to replace the one man we lost. Can't he use the tent and blanket that man left behind?"

"Lenner." Cullen said. "He was my best friend, he is the one who died in your defense."

"Yes, Lenner. Can't he use Lenner's tent and blanket?"

"Nay, my lord, for Lenner and I shared both."

"So share with the gelroc if his warmth is of concern to you." the master dismissed him with a wave of his hand and to the tune of the laughing servants, Cullen went away, seething. A proper master would keep a better eye on things than this one had, he shouldn't have had to bring this up...would have if he'd known that the master was this careless.

He went to where Magrak had given up trying to find fuel for his fire and he was now building one. He couldn't expect this fire to keep him warm enough for the night, he must plan to sit up all night long and nap as best he could in the saddle, and that through territory that would get only more hostile as the days progressed, not until they left these mountains two weeks or so hence would they be safe once more in human-held lands.

He walked up to Magrak and said, "That fire won't be larger than a candle on an altar, I think."

"It will do." Magrak said to him. "It will have to, I must husband my fuel carefully if I wish to have heat all this night."

Cullen took a deep breath and said, "No need of a fire at all. You shall reside with me this night in my tent and share my bed and my blanket." He and Lenner had bought a fairly thick comforter some years before, when they'd first formed their binds of warrior trust and comradeship.

Magrak was clearly dumbfounded by this. Not that it was a kindness but that it would be directed to him by any human no matter what debt he had laid at that man's door. His mouth moved a time or two in a very human fashion of shock, then he recovered and said, "I would be most grateful."

"The tent is not overlarge." Cullen said as impartially as he could. "You will need to remove your armor before you enter for there is no room inside to disrobe."

"I shall be there directly." Magrak agreed and moved to gather his firewood pile to add it to the main supply for tomorrow's morning meal.

Cullen went back and into his own tent which had been assembled by his soldiers before they began their own (a small perk to his being their leader). He went inside and began to remove his own clothing for his bed. He would undress down to his bare skin and place his clothing on top of the blankets, tonight was safe enough for unclothed sleeping and the added layers would be more effective there than around his own body.

He had just removed his underclothing and laid it out to air when the tent flap lifted and Magrak entered. He was wearing only a tunic and leggings and he goggled at Cullen's nude body. Mayhaps he had never seen an unclothed human, and he was getting a look at a prime specimen, Cullen thought with not-unmerited pride. He knew he was a strong, rugged, muscled human male, his body bearing only a few pale lines of scars from sword wounds, the remainder of him was unmarred with blemish or pockmark, he was a sleek form of muscle and sinew in proper proportions, well worth the look of a curious gelroc.

When he had let Magrak look long enough, he felt, he moved and got under his covers. "You may take the other side of my bedding. I placed my own clothing on top so that it could help warm us tonight. My last bedmate and I did that any cold night that we dared undress for bed."

"You are wise." Magrak said and began to remove his own last layer of clothing. He had no underclothing beneath the two garments mentioned before, but with his heavy hair all over his body, such were probably unneeded and unwanted. Cullen noted that even this thick hair did not prevent him from getting a look at the organ that Magrak carried between his legs. On a human, it would be a prodigious weapon, even Cullen's own thick manhood was no match for this prod.

And the bearer of this huge tool was crawling into bed with him, the bed too small to let him do this and not press up against Cullen's own body, his front to Cullen's back, spoon-fashion, side by side.

"You are warm." Cullen noted with some surprise. "Very nice!"

"My fur can trap heat for some time and I was exerting myself until a short moment ago." Magrak explained. "Soon enough, I shall be as glad of your warmth against my body as you are now of mine."

"We shall sleep well together." Cullen agreed. "You keep your coat very clean and free of odor."

"I bathe myself as often as I can." Magrak explained. "I shall not stay as fine as this through the mountains, I fear."

"Nor will I." Cullen assured him. "Now, let us seek our rest, for tomorrow we must begin to earn our money as warriors in earnest."

He had not intended anything more than this, to aid a fellow warrior (however unusual in ancestry) in keeping warm and alert, he would have done the same for any other new man in his ranks. But he had overlooked one thing. His men had, with the sole exception of Magrak, been together for more than three years. They had all formed their own alliances for the nights on the trail and had been traveling enough to make use of those alliances most eagerly.

The tents about them resounded to the tones of men making love in the night. None of the men were being overly loud about it, but the noises were clear and unmistakable.

Magrak was not pressing his groin very tightly against Cullen's buttocks, but after a time, Cullen became aware of a new source of warmth as that organ he had glimpsed briefly earlier now re-introduced itself to him again by pressing it turgid fullness against his buttocks. Cullen stirred and Magrak hastily said, "My apology for my traitor body, I cannot help but hear what is going on around me and my body is stirred by this."

"I understand." Cullen said. "It is normal for human and gelroc alike, I guess."

"As a gelroc, it is more than that for me, I fear." Magrak breathed huskily in his ear. "I am of a species in which the mating urge can be triggered. If a couple is mating nearby, my body begins to enter into rut."

"Rut?" Cullen asked in alarm. "Then you...."

"My body wishes to go to those who are mating and see if I can pre-empt the mating and take the female for myself."

"But there are only men about us." Cullen told him. "Men taking their pleasure as they can upon the road, no more."

"I know that, but my body..." Magrak shrugged and this caused his cock to twitch against Cullen's buttocks. " body still wishes to intrude upon them just the same."

"You cannot leave!" Cullen did not want to have his men at each other's throats, and if Magrak was going to be "rutting" like a bull in the process, there could not be a good result however it played out. "If you are going to go into rut, we'll just keep you right here until you leave your rut."

"You do not understand!" panted Magrak. "This is not a choice of my mind! This is my body, and my body does not obey!"

"If your body won't obey, then I'll have to compel it." Cullen turned in Magrak's embrace which was getting tighter about his body. He faced the big gelroc and saw an agony of heat in his eyes, in his face, in his teeth. A heavy musky smell filled Cullen's nostrils, very male, and somehow exciting. He felt that if he were to have sex with this gelroc (blasphemy!), then it would be very raunchy, very rough, practically the sex of animals.

His own cock, already somewhat stirred by the sounds of sex around him (he had been forced to resort to his own hand on more than one occasion since Lenner's death), surged to full erection, and as he completed his turn, his cock brushed Magrak's. "Sorry." he murmured.

Magrak's eyes, yellow slits of irises, were glowing as they looked into his. "And I am sorry for what I now must do. I must!" And his arms, which had held Cullen even as he turned, now closed upon him hard and pulled him roughly up against his hairy form.

The cock which had only brushed him so far now was pressed against his own groin. The mouth with those sharp, sharp teeth were snorting huskily, hot breaths pulsing against his neck, and then the lips were kissing his shoulder, in a large, wet, obscene way. Cullen felt his abdomen, where Magrak's cock was resting, becoming slimy. His prick was exuding its own lubrication in some wise! The odor of this quasi-liquid substance was heavy and thick enough to slice with a knife, but it carried the same sort of pseudo-aphrodisiac qualities that had been overpowering Cullen's own sensibilities for some time now.

So much so that, when Magrak's hand moved down and caught hold of one of Cullen's legs, he didn't fight the hold, even when his leg was lifted up and locked with the upper thigh pressing against Cullen's body. And now Magrak's cock could and did slide down below Cullen's body and then it was worming itself toward a date with destiny in Cullen's body.

"Oh, God!" Cullen gasped as he realized fully now what was about to happen. He had taken human cocks up his ass before, and even those had been painful enough even with a kindly and tolerant human on top of him. With Lenner, he had even come to relish the invasion of the fleshy column into his body.

But now, here? He wasn't sure, he wasn't sure of anything.

And then that huge prod touched his sphincter and began to knock for entrance. As it did, more of that musky aroma assaulted Cullen's nostrils, he realized that it wasn't just coming from Magrak's dong, it was exuding from his entire body. And as he inhaled it, Cullen felt his body relinquishing command to that incredible smell, it was ordering him to let that dong inside him, let it!

And he moaned and the glans spread the iris of his anus and the prod followed it in to fill him to the brink. Nothing slow about this progress, but the shaft was liberally coated now by its own musk, and this eased the passage greatly.

It still hurt like hell! Cullen knew that if he cried out too much, others would come to investigate, they would be certain that the gelroc was raping him and then they would kill poor Magrak. So he forced himself to stifle the moans of his pain, and it wasn't so much pain to squelch after all.

Magrak rolled on top of Cullen and Cullen felt the pinch of the weight on his one extended leg, he managed to pull it from under Magrak, leaving the entire body of the big gelroc now resting a good bit of his lower body weight on his own knees instead of Cullen's stomach.

But this put Magrak in a solid position to begin to fuck Cullen and the hairy warrior did, without preamble or kisses or strokes upon his upper body to accompany it, just a brace and then he was hunching back and forth and that huge, hot, heavy pud was driving in and out of Cullen's ass.

"Uh, uh, huh!" Cullen grunted as the thick organ plunged into him and withdrew itself to plunge in again. "Oh, man, that's so big, so big!"

But Magrak was beyond conversation, he simply grunted and snuffled as he rammed his dong back and forth with a rough but steady motion. The musk still assaulted Cullen's nostrils as he moved, and the sexuality of that smell was coming very close to turning off the very intellect of Cullen's brain as it had already done to Magrak.

Or maybe it was that huge prod, it was stroking his prostate in a way that was undeniably delightful however it got stroked! A slight shift of buttocks ought to... "Oh, yeah!" Cullen sighed as the change in his position let that shaft begin to rub his prostate liberally with every motion. Now he could share in this joy of the bodies that Magrak was feeling, and share in it fully!

His cock began to pulse angrily at being neglected, Cullen reached between himself and that hairy, thrusting body on top of him and caught hold of his pud, began to pump at it. Joy surged through him, pleasure at the fucking he was getting, pleasure at the jerking he was giving himself, and both of those combined in his brain into sheer, raw, powerful ecstasy!

"Oh, oh, I'm coming, I'm coming!" he gasped out to Magrak, but the thrusts into his body didn't change for that revelation. He didn't know how long gelrocs mated for, but he hoped it wouldn't be longer than a short while longer!

For his climax was climbing up his brain as he moved, lightning flashes behind his eyes, electrical pulses raced from his cock throughout his body, his blood roared in his ears and his heart, which pounded heavily inside his chest, and in all of that, he hit his climax, stiffened and convulsed in Magrak's hairy, tight embrace. "I'm com-ommm-nuh-huh-uh, GUH-HUNNNHHHHHH!" he cried out as his orgasm sprayed itself all over Magrak's hairy stomach. His own scent of male lust added itself to the heady mixture exuded by Magrak's body and in that aroma, it was like Magrak found himself again.

For he gave out a hearty roar and a hard rush of hot ejaculate swarmed into Cullen's bowels from Magrak's meaty man-mallet and Magrak growled and snarled like a savage beast far, far removed from all the human civility that had been a lifelong gloss upon the gelroc body.

"AHAH-AHH-RAHH-RAHH-GRAHH-GRUHH-UHH-RUHHH, HUNNNHHH!" Magrak snarled above him, as the salty flood poured into Cullen's ass, and from there it was squelched about by the continuing thrusts from the dong that had generated it, and the motions made it slop out and onto the covers beneath them, soaking the bedding, soaking Cullen's ass and then it was over and Magrak was done, a heavy, panting, hairy burden upon his body and then Magrak rolled off of Cullen to lie beside him and the night was quiet once more, save for the whistling and ever-present sound of the wind.

After a short silence, Cullen dared ask, "Magrak? Are you...all right?"

"I...yes. I am now all right." Magrak admitted. "Have I injured you in any way?"

"No. Or not much." Cullen said ruefully. "I'm not looking forward to sitting on my horse tomorrow, but I'll live with it. How about you?"

"I am over my rut. You saved me from going out and making a fool of myself. It has happened before. Another reason for me to be a mercenary, I can always leave for another town when it happens."

"Until you run out of towns." Cullen agreed. "Are you in danger of returning to rut any time soon?"

"My body has eased, I will be safe until perhaps tomorrow night, or the night after." Magrak said. "I haven't had that much opportunity to test it, you must understand. I am not triggered by anything but the sexual act."

"Well, warriors on the trail spend a lot of nights doing just that."

"Then I must depart tomorrow, before I wreak more harm than the gelroc tribes would." Magrak said sorrowfully. "Mayhaps one day I can find a partner who would relish a bout of lusty lovemaking every night, for that is my only other option to always moving."

"You could leave us." Cullen said. "Unless, of course...."

The next morning, the master summoned Cullen as he was having his breakfast. "I have considered your dilemma." he said to Cullen. "And I wouldn't want my best officer to be unhappy. I can give this gelroc I hired two sets of bedding and he can tie it into a tent. And I'll buy him a true tent as soon as we make it back to human civilization. How about that?"

"That's very kind of you, sir." Cullen said. "But Magrak will be sleeping with me from now on. We won't need the additional tent."

The master considered this. "Well, if you don't mind the fleas, I'm sure I don't. Have it as you would. I wish to depart soon, have the men make ready soon as they finish eating."

And Cullen gave the salute of acknowledged orders, then turned back to his men, and to his new lover, the gelroc warrior. There would be many more cold nights to come, but his own nights would be warm indeed.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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