The Gentlemens Club

By Lady Poetess

Published on Mar 17, 2001



By and copyright Lady Poetess

Disclaimer This story is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anyone dead or alive.

For that guy who keeps bombarding me with requests for a Kevin Zegers story -- you know who you are. I hope you like this one.


Dan Cortese was at lost for words. His eyes were feasting on the sweetest sight he could think of: young, hard flesh of youth. He leaned against the fence and silently watched the young man work.

He didn't know his aunt still had it in her to hire pool-cleaner boys this beautiful. The cleaner was the sort he thought only existed in pornographic films: smooth, tanned, muscular flesh all over, except for the inch of pale white skin revealed when those Speedos trunks lowered when the youth bent down over the pool. The sun caressed the youth's skin like a connoisseur, over well-sculpted biceps that bulged with the youth's motion, over that beautifully tapered back, and over tightly muscled thighs. And when the young man turned to face Dan, Dan sighed and one hand absently moved to cup his bludgeoning erection as his eyes feasted on bronzed pectorals and taut washboard stomach.

The young man, Dan also realized with a sense of disappointment, looked very, very young. Tall, but there was no denying in that young man's sweet, cherubic baby face. The young man, boy actually, couldn't be any more than seventeen.

Dan's erection hurt, and he couldn't help but to rub it against his palm. Damn, he never wanted anything this bad before. What he wouldn't give to sink his face between those taut, hard-looking buttocks, or better still, his aching cock right between those buns and up that tight muscular pucker that guarded the boy's anus.


His aunt's voice had the effect of instantly dispelling his lust more effectively than a bucket of iced water. Danny straightened up and tried, behind the cover of the fence, to push his dick down his pants.

Big Mama Cortese, as he and the rest of what's left of their family called the family matriarch, marched down her garden lane. "Danny, why didn't you come in? You're in luck -- I have corn custard cakes heating in the oven. Come over and show Big Mama how much you have grown!"

Dan was thirty years old, but to her, he was probably permanently twelve and still a gawky, awkward kid just growing into the tall, well-made gorgeous hunk he'd like to think he was today. Okay, so he wasn't as handsome as those pretty boys that one could find everywhere in New York in his field of business, but he had this Italian chiseled face bones that gave him an elegant demeanor where everything else couldn't. Since he started making money, he had started buying better clothes too. Classy, handsome clothes that while weren't branded and fatal to his bank account still made him look good and cultured. Dan had left those ghettos of his life without a backward glance. He didn't miss it.

But his aunt was a walking proof of his past that he wanted to forget. Unsophisticated, loud, and even now wearing a dress that looked like a rainbow- colored bed sheet, Big Mama might lived in this house Dan bought her, but she retained her roots and it unfortunately showed.

"And meet Kevin here. He's Edna's grandson and he is seventeen," she announced, unknowingly confirming Dan's fears.

Kevin stood up and perhaps conscious of Dan's hunger, just simmering under his pleasant facade, crossed his arms over that perfect chest. "Hi," he said simply.

Dan, evil bastard that he was, wanted to see those perfect pectorals and those ripe, crowning dark brown buds that were Fred's erect nipples, so he extended his right hand. "Hi, I'm Dan, Big Mama's useless nephew."

"Kev Zegers," the boy said, his eyes knowing as he reluctantly took Dan's hands.

And Dan knew then: the boy knew this game. Not that Dan was surprised. A boy so beautiful couldn't stay ignorant of the lust he ignited for long. Trying not to wonder if this boy actually played the game rather than just being aware of it, he tightened his grip on the boy's hand and felt another violent surge of arousal exploded in the base of his spine at the feel of the boy's surprisingly rough and callused skin against his palm.

"Come on, come in, you too, Kev. I have breakfast ready."

Dan couldn't help sighing -- it seemed a waste when Kev casually pulled on a loose white tee over his glorious body. The long tee fell until midway of his thighs, thus eliminating his body from Dan's appreciative gaze.

"Coming, Big Mama," Dan said, and oh yes, he was evil. He placed his arm around Kev's shoulders, again enjoying the delicious feel of those muscular shoulders, and pushed the boy along.

Kevin Zegers knew he was being lusted after. He knew this game, although he didn't play it. Adults terrified him, because their lust were always more... real compared to those games he played with the girls in his school. This Dan's heated gaze on Kev's body and face -- oh Dan tried to hide it under his handsome, always appealing face, but Kev had been at the receiving end of such want for too long not to know. It was the same reason Kev quitted most of his sports team and stayed on in swimming only because old Mr George never elucidated any interest in him. The coaches in baseball, football, and basketball teams scared him because of the way they looked at him.

Maybe it was something strange in him. Men, even married men, looked at him the way Dan looked at him now, and Kev knew too well these same men would blame him for their 'slip-ups' should he let them have him.

As he nervously fingered the cake in his plate now, he tried to keep up with dear Big Mama's conversation with him and Dan. Dan, he learned, was a pharmacist from New York. Kev had never been to New York, or even out of this place. Big Mama had the only house with a pool, a big house built by Dan who must loved her, and Kev often came here to seek sanctuary from his life. Big Mama treated him like a seventeen year old instead of a forbidden fruit to be lusted over, and he could be free to be a teenager under her maternal gaze and care.

But Dan's presence had changed all that. Dan wanted Kev, and Big Mama's house was no longer safe. And the thought caused Kev to panic; he wanted to protest at the unfairness of it all.

Dan was watching him again, although he was discussing things easily with Big Mama. When Kev was younger, he thought maybe it was just his vanity that made him think adults were watching him in ways they shouldn't be. But when his gym coach tried to kiss him two years ago, he knew he wasn't imagining things. Just the way Dan's heated gaze occasionally thrown his way was real.

Kev's stomach rebelled at the thought. Dan, just like the others, would be unfailingly polite. Soon they would try to bribe him with gifts, as if he was a dumb pet, until they would lose it and try to touch him. When Kev pushed them away, they would blame it all on some lapse of judgment. It would always be his fault, because they couldn't help the way they reacted to him. It was his fucking fault for looking the way he was. Fucking bastards, all of them.

"So, I'll let you take care of the house while us gals have fun in Europe," Big Mama announced.

Sharp pain tore into his hand, and he realized Dan and Big Mama were watching him in surprise now. Why not? He had just shattered the glass in his hand.

"Oops," Kev said. To Big Mama, he asked, "You're leaving?" as he tried to tamper down the panic in his voice.

"Didn't I tell you? Oh silly me, my memory is definitely going. I am going to visit Europe with a few friends. Dan needs some time off from his job, so I asked him to come over and stay here for as long as he wants to. Oh, don't worry, Kev, you can still drop by. I've told Dan this is your home as much as his."

Kev was afraid of that.

"There, you'll be okay now." Dan finished bandaging Kev's wounded hand with clean gauze.

Kev watched him, stunned despite himself. The man had the gentlest touch Kev had ever experienced. He touched his gauzed hand lightly, still feeling the imprints of Dan's fingertips even through the layers of bandages.

"Just don't clean the pool for a while," Dan said in that gentle voice of his. "I thought you were a pool boy when I first saw you," he said. "Big Mama told me you just like helping the house."

"She's seventy-two," Kev said carefully. "Someone has to do the harder works around here."

"Thank you," Dan said, surprising Kev.


"For taking good care of Big Mama while I'm not here," Dan said. "She keeps driving away all the hired help I find her. Two months ago the last maid fled because she told me she would go mad if Big Mama kept fussing around her like she always did. I tried to visit often, but I know it's not enough. How long have you been coming here?"

"Six months," Kev offered.

"I see, your own parents don't mind?"

"They don't care." Kev caught himself in time. Dan had this air around him, Kev realized, that made it easy for Kev to feel at ease around him. "They are going to divorce any day soon," he couldn't help continuing, not when Dan looked him questioningly that way, as if he wanted to listen to every word Kev had to say.

Dan shrugged. "My parents divorced when I was sixteen. You'll get over it. Just don't do stupid things like blaming yourself for your parents' problems, and you'll save yourself in therapy bills later on in life."

Kev smiled, he couldn't help it.

And Dan said, "I love it when you smile." He couldn't help it.

"You are no different from the others," Kev said.

Dan didn't pretend to misunderstand. "I think you are too young," he just said. "I don't think there will be a moment when I will forget that."


Lucinda was complaining that he was neglecting her. It was all Kev could do to escape bumping into her after school. In fact, he regretted fucking her already. He didn't like the way they always wanted more from him. He just wanted to be left alone. He told her he was busy, and that he would take time to be with her this weekend, he promised.

She suspected that he was seeing someone behind her back. Understandable -- Kev was going steady with another girl when Lucinda got him. Maybe now she was finally beginning to understand what a lousy catch he was. Underneath his beauty, Kevin wasn't that pretty after all.

Kev pulled on a fresh change of clothes after a cold shower, and he paused as he contemplated the sole bottle of cologne he had. Downstairs, he heard the soft clink of glasses -- his mother was already working her way through her daily drunken binge, and it wasn't even evening yet. The pain was always there, never blunted by familiarity or cynicism, and it was all Kev could do to ignore it.

Dan was alone in that big empty house, and Kev was going there. For a moment, Kev hesitated. The thought of them both alone, and Dan an adult who could turn violent with lust, should had terrified him. But he couldn't help rubbing his bandaged hand in his uninjured hand, remembering every gentle touch of the man as Dan soothed the sting away, and he couldn't help feeling rather stupidly that Dan would never hurt him. He thought he had learned by now never to be lulled by the sense of security adults offered. But Dan had gotten to him effortlessly with a gentle touch.

You'll get over it, Dan had said.

Yeah, he'd get over it, Kev told himself defiantly as he looked at himself in the mirror. He had no idea what he was doing when he carefully uncorked the cologne bottle. At least, that was the excuse he would stick to.

The thought of having Dan as a friend was too tempting, and that scared Kev the most. Adults were dangerous, and he knew Dan might be the most dangerous to his own safety.


The week passed in a blur, and Kev didn't know what hit him. Dan, as he promised, never forgot that Kev was too young. As a result, Kev realized that the man never touched Kev, not unless he had to. Even when they sat down and watched TV together, Dan always kept a distance between them, even if the distance was a mere inch easily crossed.

Kev didn't understand this man. Dan still wanted him, oh yes, because Kev saw how Dan still looked at him when he though Kev wasn't looking. And in a perverse way, Kev started to find the man's tightly controlled emotion flattering and even exciting.

They somehow did become friends. Kev told himself that the warmth he felt when Dan took him in his car and together they went to the bar downtown and played pool -- he was just glad the routine he had wasn't broken. Dan and the house were just an escape for him. When his parents finally killed each other, Kev would move on, and he would forget Big Mama, the house, and Dan. And the warmth he felt when Dan laughed at Kev's pathetic attempt at telling a joke, that was just relief because Dan kept his word.

And the fear when he watched Dan becoming very friendly with Johnny Angelo, the bartender, that was just normal, because if Dan and Johnny somehow jumped each other's bones, Dan wouldn't want Kev around the house anymore. Nothing more, Kev thought stubbornly as he watched Johnny and Dan danced a slow, intimate round to Reba McIntyre in the silence of the bar long after closing hours. (Johnny was nervous that Kev was around, but Dan had laughingly told him that as long as their clothes stayed on, Kev had nothing to fear.)

He thought of Lucinda. They hadn't fucked for two weeks now. She was right. He had been a lousy boyfriend. Maybe he ought to be boning her more often. But somehow the thought of boning Lucinda wasn't as fun as he'd hoped. He rested his chin on his hand and watched the two men danced and laughed, studying the way Johnny's right leg lifted slightly against Dan's left, and hated the two men with all his heart.

That was two nights ago, and tonight, he only watched as Dan whistled and carefully combed his hair before the mirror. Kev sat on the bed and tried to think of something bitter and sharp to say. Only, the truth came out instead. "You said we will watch the game tonight," he said bitterly. "Together."

"Did we?" Dan turned, and his face softened slightly. "I've forgotten. But look, I'll make it up to you someday, okay? This is my big day with Johnny. I think he's the one," Dan said, winking and flashing his pearly white teeth. "And oh, make sure you are gone by midnight. I don't want you to see anything you don't want to."

It was disgust that heated Kev's face and caused his eyes to sting. Fucking queers, he tried to tell himself. He hadn't much idea how Johnny and Dan would actually fuck each other, but the thought of them together, touching, comforting each other... it hurt. Kev looked away, trying to control his pain. Always, he was alone. Big Mama left him for Europe. And now Dan would leave him for Johnny.

"Hey, don't look so bad," Dan said, and Kev couldn't help but to look at him hopefully, even if that mere act of looking hurt so badly.

He didn't want Dan to see his suspiciously moist eyes or Dan to pity him. Dan's hand halted in the instinctive action of reaching for Kev, and Kev saw again desire warred with control on Dan's face. Even now, Dan couldn't touch Kev without having such lewd, dirty thoughts about him. Kev felt a hysterical laugh bubble in him -- he wanted to be touched, can you fucking believe that? -- and it was all he could do to tamper it down. He couldn't tamper the bitter self-hatred that overwhelmed him at the moment, however. He hated being this fucking beautiful. He wanted... he wanted...

Dan made a pained sound, and turned his back to Kev. "I have to go," Dan said in a low voice, now turning his attention to his bottle of cologne. "Lock up before midnight."

Kev pulled his knees to his chin and stared after the closed door long after Dan had left.

Kev felt gentle fingers shaking him awake what seemed like an eternity later. He shook off the fingers, wishing nothing more to return to bliss, emotionless, conscienceless darkness of sleep, but his senses came to full alertness when he heard a man whisper, "Look, Johnny, I don't think you should stay here."

Dan. Kev tucked himself into a tighter circle and pretended to be asleep.

He heard Johnny mumble something, then the soft closing of a door. And then he felt Dan gently shaking him again. "Kev? I'm sorry. It's just that... I'm so sorry if I hurt you, Kev."

Just go away and leave me alone, Kev wanted to say, but Dan's fingers making slow, circular presses on his shoulder were creating a delicious mind-numbing pleasurable sensation that pooled at his spine and slowly spread to every inch of his body. He bit back a sigh and straightened and relaxed his legs along the bed. "It's okay, Dan. I am just being selfish," he said softly in all honesty.

"You are too beautiful, and I can't resist," Dan said softly. "But I know I shouldn't. I can't stay with you without going mad. You know that, Kev, don't you?"

"Yes," Kev said, opening his eyes to look at Dan. "Now get the fuck out of here."

"What do you want from me, Kev," Dan asked instead. "You are behaving so strange these few days, what is going on? I thought you want me out of your life, and now when I intend to do that, you act like the jealous lover!"

"I am not jealous! I am not like you! I am no fucking fag!" Kev yelled, sitting up and pushing Dan away. "Damn it, I hate you! I fucking hate you, and I wish you've never come here!" he shouted, or maybe screamed -- he didn't know through the blinding tears in his eyes. "I hate you," he sobbed again.

"It's okay," Dan said. He hesitated, his hands frozen in the act of initiating a hug. But one look at Kevin and he cast off his fears. He took the boy in his arms, trying to ignore his instinctive erection at the feel of hard muscles against his chest and stomach or the way Kev's muscular thighs snuggled between his with his knees occasionally brushing the crotch of Dan's jeans. "It's okay," he said again.

Kev shook his head, and then it happened. Both didn't really know how it happened, but Kevin only became aware of Dan's arms tightening around him and of the softest, gentlest lips on his own. In a roaring thunder of his heartbeat drowning his hearing and every other senses but his touch, he couldn't help but to respond, opening his parched lips to be moistened by the other man's moist tip of the tongue. Slowly, Dan ran his tongue along the boy's upper lip, licking away the dry flecks and smoothing over cracks of that velvet, flushed skin; and when Kev moaned and opened his mouth wider, Dan let his tongue lave the lower lip thoroughly. Only then did he take Kev's mouth, urging the boy's tongue to run against his as he gently sucked the pooling saliva from the boy's mouth.

And Kev's arms lifted to encircle Dan's neck, to deepen the kiss.

Only when Dan's palm landed on Kev's bare stomach did the boy gave a violent start. "No!" he hissed, pushing Dan away as hard as he could. "Get off me!"

"What the fuck...?" Dan climbed off the bed to look at Kev in bewilderment. "What is wrong with you?"

"I knew it! You are just like them. Dirty, fucking pervert!" Kev said harshly, touching his bleeding lower lip and looking at the blood on his fingers in bewilderment. "You just wanted to seduce me like all the others."

"What did they do to you?" Dan asked.

"Nothing. They wanted, they lusted after me." Kev angrily pulled off his shirt. "They wanted this body. They all wanted this body. You want me? Come on, fuck me. I can't stop you, can I?" he sneered. "Come on!"

Dan looked at him hard. "One day you will push me too far," he finally said. "Don't think I'm not fucking sissy you can mess around with, Kev. One day, you will push me too far and God help you then."

He slammed the door behind him hard.


Dan knew the boy was up to something when he came back from his evening jog the next day. The house was quiet, too quiet. He was about to push open the gate when he saw Kev at the poolside. Deja vu hit him -- reminding him of the first time he saw the boy. Only this time Kev wasn't alone.

A slim, curvy teenage girl was having her nipples feasted by Kev as she straddled the boy's thighs on one of the pool chairs. They were both nude, and there was no mistaking what they were doing, and what they were doing next. Dan thought absently that it was a good thing this house was pretty isolated from the nearest neighbor. He should look away. He couldn't.

Kevin was glorious? He was stunning naked. A perfectly sculpted statue of David could only be more perfect in his stunned estimation. Kevin's shapely, well-muscled thigh lifted the girl, bouncing her closer to him. She giggled as Kev whispered something to her before his lips closing over one of her rosy nipple. One hand of his slowly moved down her back before closing over her buttocks. She groaned -- and Dan watched, transfixed, aroused, as one finger slowly slipped up her pulsing, engorged vaginal lips.

She shuddered, arcing her back at the penetration, which only exposed the boy's raging cock to Dan's eyes. A proud, thick erection that only proved that Kevin was a man in at least one department, the engorged purple-red tip already soaked with a layer of lubrication.

"Oh, give it to me," the girl cried. "I miss your cock, Kevvy baby!"

Kev's answer was a wicked grin as he lifted the girl by his hands on her thighs, and one hand moved to position his cock. And she couldn't sit on that cock fast enough, Dan noted enviously, his own cock threatening to burst in his pants. He groaned softly, his hands on the gate to steady his weakened legs.

And Kev looked straight at him, a triumphant, even cruel smile on his lips.

Look away, Dan told himself, look fucking away. But he couldn't. Kev grinned wider as he knew he had won this game. Slowly, knowing Dan was watching him, he guided his girl's hips to move slowly, letting Dan see every inch of that proud cock as it penetrated and withdrew from her. Dan gritted his teeth at the sight of that thickly-veined shaft slowly embedding deep up that girl's cunt before withdrawing just as slowly, that thickly-ridged tip causing the engorged vaginal crown to be pulled out slightly with its retreat. Even if Dan closed his eyes, he could still hear Kev's low, harsh grunts and his girl's high moans and the sound of their wet coming together.

When he opened his eyes, the two had changed position. Now she was lying on the chair, her face buried in his shoulder as Kev pumped her in missionary position, his long legs thrusting that shapely buttocks up high with each withdrawal of his cock, and each hard down thrust only drew a sharp gasp of pleasure from her -- that cut right into Dan's envious, angry heart. And Kev's eyes never left Dan's throughout his increasingly hard fucking of his girl.

In defiance, Dan silently pushed open the gate, not caring what the consequences would be. He stood there, where Kev could see him clearly, and he unzipped his pants. Every downward thrust of that boy's cock into her cunt, Dan matched with the upward stroking of his own hard cock. And when Kev threw his head back and shouted his wracking climax, Dan was there with him, his own ejaculation spewing into his hands.

Kev would pay for this, Dan thought through his blinding fury in his head. Oh yes, that boy would pay.

Kev was not sorry he did that. It wasn't his fault that Dan came back while he was fucking Lucinda. Okay, so he knew Dan would be coming back at that time, and he wanted Dan to pay. He wanted to hurt Dan the way he made Kev aware of his own weakness and hence hurt. But one look at Dan's face as the man calmly licked his hands of his own ejaculation before walking into the house, Kev knew he had pushed Dan too far.

Thankfully, Lucinda didn't want to stay, saying that she had to be somewhere after this. As if Kev cared. But now, he was aware that he was alone with a very furious Dan in this isolated house.

Yet, defiantly, he cleaned himself quickly in the pool and pulled on his long tee shirt. And when Dan walked into the pool area, Kev looked at him with as much courage as he could muster. This time, however, the kind man in Dan was gone -- in his place was a cold, hard man with almost reptilian eyes. Kev didn't know this man at all. He panicked at last, and started to run.

Dan's hand shot out, catching him. Kev tripped, stumbled, and landed on the cold tiled floor, the impact softened by Dan's catching him. "No!" Kev gasped when Dan moved over him. "Please, Mr Cortese, please..." he gasped. But Dan's eyes were solely on Kev's cock, exposed by the lifting of his tee shirt, and still raw and red from his fucking of Lucinda. And the man's gaze sent a twinge of alien arousal up Kevin's senses, and despite his fear, his cock hardened under the man's hungry eyes.

"Who's the fag now?" Dan murmured, and without waiting for Kev's answer, his mouth closed over that hard penis.

Kev had had his cock sucked since he was thirteen, but he couldn't recall anyone who sucked as well as Dan was doing at the moment. Tongue and suction blended pain and ecstasy that caused Kev to shudder and arched his back even as he spread his hips wider, and soon he was coming in Dan's mouth in a scorching climax that was far more impressive than the two times he came in Lucinda's deliciously tight cunt.

Dazed, he could only welcome Dan's rough kiss. And on his own accord, he lifted his hips, his still hard cock rubbing between the groove that guarded Dan's anus, the sultry mixture of saliva and precum on its shaft and tip wickedly tickling Dan's hairy cleft. And their eyes met and for a brief moment, the kind Dan resurfaced -- "Are you sure?" Dan murmured. Kev only nodded and then he gasped as he felt the unbelievably tight sensation of Dan's ass closing around his cock. He hadn't fucked ass before, since all the girls he had been with said that he was too big and he would hurt them that way, but now, all he could think of was -- wow!

His orgasm, needless to say, was just as incredible.

He could feel Dan's fingers toying with his anus. Kev sighed and snuggled tighter, pushing his back tighter against Dan's front. For three whole nights they had fucked in their nightly rendezvous. Kev's parents were too busy fighting to notice Kev climbing out his bedroom window, and he was for once grateful for their neglect.

Three whole nights of torrid ass fucking, dry fucking, even oral sex that was everything Kev could only imagine and more. He found that he quite liked the taste of semen, and he took to sucking Dan's cock like a kid to candy. In fact, a mutual blowjob was his favorite form of foreplay. But all those nights, Dan let Kev be on top. But tonight... tonight they both sensed that Dan wanted something more. Earlier, his fingers had pushed themselves up Kev's anus as Kev pumped Dan. The insistence was unmistakable.

Kev spread his thighs wide, signaling his consent. He held his breath, waiting for the sensations of the unknown... then the wide cock crown of Dan was pushing against his anal pucker. Kev screamed in pain into the pillow when it pushed deep. There was a painful feel of tearing muscles shifting apart to accommodate the invasion of Dan's thick penis. "Take it out!" Kev actually whimpered, tears running down his cheeks.

"Be brave. It'll be great, I promise," Dan said roughly, pushing only deeper.

Kev gritted his teeth hard and shuddered as that cock threatened to rip him apart. Then Dan started to move, and he felt his breathing ease. Soon he found himself getting used to the man's rhythmic, gentle pumping. There was also a wicked pleasure generated by the friction of his prostate against the engorged crown of Dan's cock. Oh yes, oh yes -- the pleasure began to mount and Kev found himself urging Dan to move harder, faster, to fill him up. The pain was there, but now it was a perverse form of pleasure that only increased the burning sensations that pooled at the base of spine, threatening to burst out to inflame the rest of his senses. He wanted that, oh yes, and he knew the only way he could release the fire in his loins was to have Dan fuck him even harder -- harder, harder, harder!

Dan grinned as Kev practically screamed for him to fuck him harder, the boy's hands gripping every part of Dan's body that they could in bruising grips. Damn, the boy's virgin ass was the tightest, hottest ass he had ever fucked! The tightness, the moistness, and the boy's arousing frenzy -- all were too much for Dan. His control broke, and he roared as his semen jetted in hot, scorching spurts up Kev's convulsing anus. And his first filling of male juices, stinging his badly torn anal walls, finally drove Kev over the brink. He met Dan in their violent coming, and one hard final slamming of Dan's groin against his sent Kev into his own white-hot orgasm.

Kev lay there, watching the ceiling as he tried to regain control of his breathing. He was very aware of wetness seeping out of his painfully burning anus and along his thighs. He was also aware of Dan's falling heavily beside him, and the man's similarly disorientated state.

He turned to look at Dan. "I think I have just been thoroughly f-u-c-k-e-d," he said shakily.

Dan grinned, and that grin soon melded into a hearty laugh that was so infectious that Kev laughed along.


"Ready?" Dan placed the last of the bags into the back of the van he had traded his car for.

Kevin nodded as he locked the gate. He was supposed to be following Dan back to New York and stay for only a week or two. But he had a good feeling that Dan would have a hard time sending him back here. And Kev had gotten used to Dan in his life that he didn't want to miss the man. He wanted to be with Dan; that was all he knew.

"God, you are beautiful," Dan said as he opened the car door for Kev. "Sometimes I have this crazy dream that I will never let you go. How stupid can that be?"

It was the best idea Kevin had heard of. But he knew Dan would need time to get used to the thought. And when Kev told him that he intended to stay in New York for good, whether with or without Dan, he was sure Dan would come into that thinking. He would try, even if it meant he trying to trust Dan.

Surprise -- he trusted Dan.

"I have this crazy idea that I'm in love with you," Kev told him carefully.

"Hmm. When that happens, I guess my dream will have to take place too," Dan said. As he started the engine, he turned to Kev. "Look, remember, I can get into trouble if word gets out that you and I are fucking each other."

Kev nodded and looked forward to his new life with not a little trepidation and excitement in his soul.

Next: Chapter 35: Nick

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