The Ghost My Lover and Me

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Oct 7, 2008


Here is the next chapter in my story. The usual disclaimers apply... If this subject is not what you like, don't read it. If you are under 18, go away and don't read it. You MAY NOT use or reprint any part of this story with out the written consent of the author.

The warm waters of the ocean, lapped at my legs. I could feel the sand washing over my feet as I stood there, the warm tropical breeze caressing my skin. I stepped forward, allowing the small waves to wet my sarong, which was my only clothing. The colorful cloth becoming darker as the waves continued to hit me. I waded over to an outcropping of rocks, and began to climb out of the water. Something caught my eye, and I looked at the reflection I cast on the shimmering tide pool. The person looking back was not me, but yet it was. I looked into the brown eyes looking back at me, and saw a young boy all of maybe fourteen or fifteen. I studied his form, the dark olive skin, the toned young body. Standing at maybe five feet tall, I allowed myself to take in his handsome shape. Seeming to be of Mayan or Aztec decent, his long black hair cascading around his strong face. I reached out to touch him, and as my fingers touched his chest, I was startled to feel my hand upon my chest. Looking down, I could see in the reflection, the young boy touching his own chest, and at the same time could see my hand touching me. I stumbled back, loosing my footing; I fell back into the warm ocean surf. Suddenly a pair of strong hands grabbed me under my arms and yanked me from the swirling waters, shoving me upon to the beach. Coughing and choking, I quickly looked to see Dako, an older boy of sixteen from my village, kneeling by my side.

"Esito, are you ok;" he asked, laying his strong hand on my rapidly rising and falling chest. "Lucky I was coming down to fish when I did. I saw you looking at something up on the rocks and then watched you fall. What did you see?" He began to help me sit up, gently brushing the sand from my back.

"I saw," I started, not sure where to go from there. "I saw my self looking back at me." As I spoke the words, I continued to try and make sense of what just happened, Dako fell back beside me laughing;

"I always said you were ugly, but to scare even yourself, not even I would think such a thing." Dako continued to laugh, pushing me to the sand, where he pounced on me and we began to wrestle. His strength much more than mine, was easily able to win control, yet, I could feel him holding back. We tumbled and rolled, each trying to pin the other. Soon our bodies were covered with sand and sweat. It ended with me pinning him down and him submitting to me. I sat back, staring down at him below me. Me eyes examining the ornate shell neckless he wore. Reaching out I lifted it from his chest, and tapped the sand from it. This was Dako's pride and joy, the symbol of his crossing over into man hood. His father had given him it the day he emerged from the man hut on his sixteenth birthday. Soon he would be given a wife and they would make a family. His days of being a boy were over, well, over until we were alone, like now.

Dako, took my hands in his; "Soon my friend. Soon you too will have one of these. Not long from now you too will become a man, like me and the others in the village."

"I might now not want to become a man, if it means stopping my friendship with you. If we can no longer play as we do now." Dako pushed me back, kneeling over me;

"Esito, do not talk like that. You will become a man as all boys do. You and I shall always be friends. You and I share a friendship that no one can take from us." Bending, his lips met mine and I realized what he was saying was true. He released me from his kiss, and looked at me in a way I had seen many of the men in the village look at the women they loved. Dako stood, grabbing my hand; "now come help me fish." Quickly picking me up in his strong arms he tossed me into the water, quickly diving in after me, our bodies disappearing under the water. After splashing around awhile, we fished spearing enough fish for both our families. We spoke no more about my falling into the water or why I fell. We just went back to the village and parted ways. I soon forgot all about my vision, as I watched my mother prepare the fish I had caught.

It was much later that same night, as I lay in my hut, when I heard Dako's voice speaking softly to another I did not know. The strangers voice seemed almost musical, his words, drifting on the air were like a melody to my ears. I rolled from my mat, and off the raised platform. Moving stealth-fully through the vegetation, I tried to make my way to them. Trying hard to make a little noise as possible I was unable to concentrate on the conversation between Dako and the stranger. As I got closer, I could hear that he spoke like us. Speaking with out an accent, as if he was from another village. I approached the clearing where they were, still conceling myself in the plants making up the border. I could now see this stranger; his body covered in strange clothing. His feet covered in what seemed to be animal skins, and dark cloth covered most of the remaineder of his form. I could now hear the words they were sharing.

"I told you to bring him to me this night, Dako. Why have you not done so?" The stranger demanded shoving his finger into Dako's chest. The force of this action pushing Dako back on his heels.

"I...I wanted too, but he was already in his hut. I could not risk being seen getting him." Dako responded, his voice trembling.

"Lies!" Growled the stranger. "You forget I have seen you on many a night sneaking to him, waking him and spiriting him off into the night. You seem to forget; I know where you take him. I have seen the things you do with him. If I didn't need your services to provide for my needs, I would kill you where you stand."

"Thank you Degare', thank you for your mercy." Dako said then I watched in utter disbelife as he knelt before this man as if he were a God. " I know I can not offer you what Esito can, but I offer myself to you to ease your pain." Dako then lifted his hands up to the man he called Degare`. I saw the man take Dako's arms, pulling him up to his feet and seemed to smell Dako's wrists. His mouth opened, I could see him move his finger across Dako's wrist. I saw fluid running from Dako's wrist. Blood. I began to move closer as the man lowered his mouth to the area that was bleeding.

A loud snapping sound came from below me, announcing to all my presence. I looked up to see that only Degare' had taken notice, his mouth releasing Dako's wrist as the blood once again flowed form my friends wrist and now also dripped from the strangers mouth. I felt his gaze upon me, almost as if he were looking through me, as he licked Dako's blood from his lips. Then his voice pierced the darkness; "Come to me little one;" his grip released and Dako slumped to the ground. Fear grabbed me like never before, and I quickly saw visions of my life. I began to back away, through the forest. When I saw that the stranger was moving towards me, I turned and began to run as fast as my legs would carry me. As I ran, I continued to hear the mans voice in my head, begging me to stop, that he would not hurt me, that we were destined to be together. His words frightened me, making me run faster. The dense undergrowth impeding my advance as the broad foliage tore at my tender young skin.

Finally I reached the beach, and was able to increase my speed. Glancing over my shoulder I could see the man not far behind me. My legs carried me down the beach, and up along a high cliff face. I glanced again behind me and saw that the man no longer chased me. Gasping for breath, I slowed my pace, looking back again to confirm he was not there. Just before looking forward again, my entire body slammed into a solid force before me. The impact of the blow stopping me instantly, sending me tumbling to the ground, finally coming to rest on my back, looking up into the face of the stranger Dako called Degare'. Looking to my left, I saw the cliff that towered hundred's of feet above the ocean below. To my right an un-climbable hillside which lead to the top of the cliffs. Before me stood the imposing figure of the man, Degare'.

Degare's voice again sounding like music as he spoke to me; "Esito, do not fear me, I mean you no harm. The Gods have destined us to meet. They have decided that you shall be mine." He crouched, taking up a less fearful pose, then continued; "I did not want it to happen so soon, you are so young with much life to live, yet they led you to me this night. You see young one, the Gods guided you to me." He looked at me with intent, tilting his head slightly to one side. "I sense fear from you, not for yourself, but for... Dako." He exclaimed, then began laughing a hearty laugh I heard many of the men do after returning from a hunt. Usually while they sat around the fire, and drank from the large gourd that only the men were allowed to drink from. "You love him, don't you my little friend?" His statement shocking me like a slap in the face. I guess maybe I did Love Dako, I just never really put much thought into it. The man rocked froward, leaning onto his hands; "He can never love you as you want him too, Esito, never. He is bound now to take a wife and make babies, soon he will have nothing to do with you, not even when you too become a man."

"You lie," I screamed! "Dako is my friend. He knows me better than anyone, we will always be friends." My voice cracking as my mind wresteled with the words I was saying.

"No Esito, I am telling you the truth;" the man said. I know that you tell him everything, even the vision you saw today of a stranger, reflected in the pool of water. Who was it you thought you saw, do you know? Did Dako know? NO. I know though. I know exactly who you saw in that puddle of water. Would you like me to tell you," his voice tender and caring. Still on the ground, propped up on my hands and feet like a crab, looking at this handsome man. "I will tell you all you need to know. I will protect you like no one else ever will. I will love you like no one ever has and no one ever will. I will make you more powerful than anyone on this world, even more powerful than your Gods. It's simple Esito, all you have to do is take my hand." He finished by extending his arm, his hand reaching closer to me. His fingers seeming to lengthen as his arm reached it's full extention. I backed from his approach, pulling away from his reach. "Come Esito, do not fear me. All you must do is take my hand."

I looked deep into his eyes. I could almost see into his mind. With all my courage I spoke: "I do not fear you demon, and I do believe your words." I continued to back away from him, suddenly feeling the crumbling cliff edge under my hands. "I do not want to be with you, I do not want your answers, I will not go with you." Standing, I took one final look at this person, then turned and leapt into the air. I turned while I fell, looking up to see him coming over the edge, falling, coming fast at me. My last thoughts as my body broke onto the jagged rocks jutting out of the ocean, was of Dako, his limp body laying in a heap on the ground where the man had dropped him. "I love you Dako". My last sight was on this man coming at me, his hand gripping my arm. To late, it was done, my dead eyes open, staring up into the darkness of the night sky. His scream of failure falling only on my lifeless ears.

I awaken from my slumber, that was full of horrible nightmares. I open my eyes to the darkness, seeing nothing, yet seeing all. Taking a deep breath, I smell the plush fabric surrounding me. I am stiff. I am cold. Recent memories fading, I remember nothing. Extending my arm, I throw back that which covered me as I slept. The golden light of a candle near by bathed me in it's golden glow. I arose to find myself naked, and in a large, ornately carved box. Closing the top, I could see that it looked like a very old table. Before I felt his hands upon me, I sensed Cody coming up behind me. His hands touched my naked body, and jerking back initially I think because of the cold of my skin. Then they slide around my sides and up across my chest, embracing me in his warmth, I felt his lips kissing my neck. I felt relief at his touch, a sense of calming washed over me. Yet as much as I was enjoying his embrace, there were other things I was now aware of. The first was this intense hunger-gnawing deep within me. Not for food as you might think, but for the passion that was flowing through his veins. My other awareness was that we were not alone. There was someone else near, a presence that both excited and caused me fear. I opened my eyes, and saw the cause, Billy was standing in the shadows across the room. I could feel him as well as clearly see him glaring at me. I gripped Cody's hands and broke from his embrace. Like a protective dog, Cody moved in between me and Billy, striking a defensive pose. I suddenly realized that he could not see as well as I, and gently touched his shoulder whispering for him to relax. I moved around him and stood to face Billy. "So, this is how it is to be? Am I to fear you, are we to become enemy's now?" I stood and watched as Billy closed the distance between us. The silence in the room was thick. I could feel Cody relax as he saw who I was speaking to, but his posture remained one of defense. Billy placed his hand in the middle of my chest, his skin, much like Cody's, hot against mine.

"You feel as you do because you have not fed. You are protective of the one beside you. To you, right now he is a source of the food you need, and I am the competition for that food. Fear not my love, I am not here to steal him from you. I am here to guide you through your first night. There is something you need to do, and this task must not wait a second longer." As he finished, I felt Cody's hands again upon my skin, his naked body pressing to mine. At nearly the same time, a second set of hands began caressing my other side, and a naked male body pressed against me. Turning my eyes, I saw and felt Leo rubbing his body against me. Together their hands roaming over my body completely. I reared back my head, my mouth open, my tongue licking my lips. Feeling the new teeth protruding from my gums.

The attention I was receiving turned from erotic caressing and body rubbing to kisses, and then to licking. Their tongues hot, searing into my icy flesh. Their mouths kissing and sucking over every inch of my body. Billy, content to just watch it seemed, stood as my two friends manipulated me. They skillfully continued to work my body, sending me through multiple orgasms, yet somehow I did not cum. Then with a wave of Billys hand, Cody and Leo, knelt at my feet.

"I told you there were things you needed to do. I am sorry to say the first duty will be the most difficult, however, when you finish, you will be rewarded." Billy turned me to face Cody and Leo, both still kneeing before me. This will become a problem. There can not be two vying for your affection. There is room only for one. You must decide who it will be. Who you will grant the gift of life by your side, to protect you, to love you - always. The other must die."

I turned to Billy; "What? You want me to choose between them?" I gestured at Cody and Leo, both who were now looking up at me, blank expressions on their faces. Billy's only response was a single nod. I knew what he was saying, I could feel the tension between my friends, growing deeper and more aggressive as I stood there. I turned to Billy who just looked back. Lowering my head, I again looked at Cody and Leo; "I have not known you long, but over that short time my feelings for you have grown stronger and deeper. This only makes my decision more difficult. Do not hate me for what I am about to do, but revile in the knowledge that your life will flow within my always."

I knelt and took his head in my hands. I placed my lips against his and kissed him with a deep passion, one that I hoped conveyed my true feelings. Tilting his head to the side I kissed his neck and as I prepared to strike, I heard his quiet whisper: "I love you Brad...." His words trailing off as my teeth sank into the tender flesh of his neck. His blood spraying out as my teeth ripped apart his veins and arteries. His life flashing before my eyes. His feelings for me pouring out of his neck and into my mouth, causing me to take pause, and quickly rethink my decision, had I made the right choice? I was blinded now, I could see nothing but the dying life before me. His body convulsed and tensed. His hands clawing at my chest, tearing at my flesh, fell limply to the floor. My visions faded, and my sight returned. I stood, his fresh blood still dripping from my open mouth, falling and running down my chest. I spun and looked to Billy, secretly looking for his approval, I received no such acknowledgment. Instead he directed his attention to the boy still kneeling on the floor, commanding him to leave us.

"Before I give you your prize, go seal your bond with him. You must drink from him just enough to let him feel death. Then give back to him that which you took, this act will seal him to you now and always. I will return with your prize for when you are done." With that Billy vanished.

I turned and made my way to the bed room, there laying on the bed was my new mate. I walked closer looking him head to toe. I crawled on to the bed and made my way up his body, stopping only to look into his eyes. My mind was racing, as before I wondered if i made the right choice. My thoughts broken by a voice from below me; "Is something wrong," he asked. I shook my head no. At that very moment I knew I made the right choice.

"No my love, everything is just perfect." As I sank my teeth into his neck, he wrapped his arms and legs around me, pulling our bodies close together, his passion flowing into my mouth as he died.

I welcome any and all comments pertaining to my story. don't be shy tell me what you think. you can email me at:

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