Published on Jan 28, 2009



Three drunk college boys weren't unusual in the town surrounded by campuses. Too loud laughter, college age kids puking in alleys and boys being unsually public about holding onto each other as they staggered down streets all were the usual Saturday night scenes.

Charley Morton, Abe Connery and Rennie Beavers were three such guys dressed in t shirts stained and torn by the evening of drinking games stumbled through the streets back towards the dormatory.

As they made progress, they stopped now and then to pick one of them up, drop their jeans to moon passing cars or poke each other during impromptu sidewalk roughhousing.

Their voices authored loud jokes about girls, sports and calling each other common names like cocksucker, motherfucker, fag, queerbait and such.

Passersby were distracted, some laughed while others scorned but all had seen and heard it before.

They made it to the dorm where the protor on duty ignored them. Their keys allowed them entrance so security wasn't a question. They hauled each other up the stairs since the elevator was locked off to prevent someone having to clean up vomit.

Breathless they made it to the third floor where Abe's dorm room was located. Since his roommate was gone for the weekend they all headed to the room to recover before Charley and Rennie had to climb two more floors to the room they shared.

Abe began to strip as soon as he entered the hallway. By the time he was at the door, his naked body was in clear view. Charley whistled and Rennie laughed. There were no others on the floor to react though he had performed this joke before. The 3 am blue light bulbs made an surreal atmosphere casting a soft glow on Abe's body especially his dangling cock.

"Shit it's hard" Rennie proclaimed. Abe's cock was indeed hardening as it did when he was showing off. He loved to show off. He planned to toss his clothes in the room and hoped his two drunk friends would do the same so the three would go to the infamous shower.

3 am shower stories were common and Abe knew them to be true. The lights weren't turned on. The sound of the spray told you the room was indeed occupied and the silhouettes moving about told you that there were other horny boys like you. Abe looked forward to the hours ahead of him. He was drunk but not that drunk.

The door opened and they went inside. Rennie had indeed started stripping and Charley seemed to drop his clothign in record time. They were naked, the three drunken friends still poking each other and hanging on each other. Their cocks filled with blood.

"Woa" Abe proclaimed finally seeing his roommates bed. On it was a body face down. It's butt was arched over pillows. The ankles were gaffer tapes to the bottom rail as were it's arms to the headboard.

Looking closer Abe saw the kid had a buzz cut and his face was taped with gaffer tape too.

A sign was taped to the kids side stating "A GIFT FROM THE FRESHMEN FLOOR".

Abe laughed. Rennie and Charley made appropriate comments slapping the waiting smooth buttocks.

"Shit free pussy" Charley proclaimed. Rennie added, "no tighter then pussy" he jabbed his finger between the boys butt stabbing into the butthole. "Shit I was right" he wiggled his finger making the kid squirm and his two companions laugh.

"Who did this?" Charley asked.

Abe shrugged while holding his hardening cock. "Dunno, but hell it's free" He wasn't sure if his famous long cock should be slid into the kid or if they should free him. Was he forced to be put in place like this.

"Well hell, man don't wait, he wants it look at him" Rennie said still moving his finger in the boy's butt.

Abe, though still influenced by the alcohol, was amazed that Rennie had jammed his finger into the kid. Rennie was usually the most conservative one of the three.

"It's always the quiet ones" Abe muttered and pulled Rennie's arm so his finger exited the upturned butt with a pop that made all three of them laugh.

"Hell man it's a gift" Charley said.

Abe turned off a lamp leaving the four of them in the semi darkness, illuminated only by the street lights outside. He liked the dark. It was how he engaged in man to man sex before. Now in front of his two friends he would be doing it.

"Hell dont' worry it's not queer stuff, just like fucking a tight pussy" Rennie said again suprising Abe with his words.

He placed his cock at the hole and pushed it. The tied up boy squirmed but pushed his butt back. Abe knew the kid wanted to be fucked. His friend probably heard about Abe's long dong and the kid said something. So they forced him to the dorm room and tied him in place. He was probably queer and said something about Abe's cock.

"SHit man go for it" Charley said. Abe saw his cock too was hard and he was jacking. "Don't cum yet, give us a chance" Rennie too was stroking his cock and watching.

He fucked a few strokes and pulled out. The boy groaned as if he were begging for the cock back in his ass.

"See he does want it" Charley said as he replaced Abe but in a not too graceful move as he plunged his cock into the stretched hole. The boy jumped a bit but moaned the type of sound that everyone knew he was loving the cock inside him.

"Shit man you're gonna cum" Rennie said after watching Charley pound into the kid quite a few times.

"You can do better?" Charley pulled his dripping cock out and Rennie easily slid into the wet lubricated butt. The boy pushed back on it and Rennie gasped with the pleasure of the hungry hole.

"Go ahead and cum, he wants it" Abe said. He didn't have to say it as Rennie was gasping trying to hold back though his body was ready. Charley had gotten behind him and made fucking moves while reaching around and pulling his roommate's nipples.

Abe wondered if the two had a secret sexual life they didnt' tell anyone about. Even he, one of their best friends didn't know they messed around.

Rennie's cock was softening as he pulled it out still recovering from his orgasm. Charley replaced his roommates cock and made several short jabs.

"A little help here" he said and Rennie started fingering between his buttocks like he had the tied up boy earlier. "Shit yea" he said throwing his head back and gasping in air.

"You two are hot" Abe said strokign his cock ready to cum watching Charley and Rennie with each other, let alone the tied up boy on the bed.

"Ok your turn" Charley said stumbling backwards making Rennie almost fall down.

Abe slid in. It wouldn't take long he knew. But usually his young body could cum several times when the stimulation was right. His long thrusts made the boy groan louder and he presumed the kid was cumming as he himself shot streams into the hole he fucked.

"If you think that was hot come on" Abe said and led Rennie and Charley out into the hall towards the bathroom. The sound of the showers could be heard in the hallway. Others were waiting for them.

Five am and Abe laughed as Charley and Rennie grabbed their discarded clothing and headed towards the stairwell. It would be light in 90 minutes. They would all find each other once sleep helped them hide the memories of the night.

Alone now he looked around the room. It was a mess. He'd clean it up before his roommate returned.

He pulled on the gaffer tape to release the kid still face down on the bed. Discarded rubbers on the floor told him that others had come into the room after he and his two friends headed to the shower. The sight of the upturned ass could be seen through the open door.

He pulled the tape off the boys mouth.

"You ok?" Abe asked. The kid sat up and nodded. He stretched his arms and legs. "Shit" he said "I've never been fucked so many times"

Abe repeated "so you're ok though?"

The kid stood. He was younger, indeed looked like the many freshmen on campus. His hair was cut in a buzz cut. His nipples were pierced. There was a small tatto of a scorpion on his shoulder.

The sight of that made Abe chuckle.

"Shit I don't believe you're still horny" Abe said holding the boys still hard cock kept hard by the metal cock ring he wore.

"I thought I'd just be getting your famous cock" The boy said reaching for Abe's dangling, still thick cock. "But man I think everybody on the floor got into my ass".

"Well it's a cute one" Abe said "and I think guys from some other floors got into it too" He said rmembering the surprising sight of Rennie and Charley all over each other while they fucked the boy.

"So you like being tied up like that too?" Abe asked.

"Well we thought you'd like it" the boy said "and yea it was kind of hot" he knelt.

Abe cock felt warm on the boys outstretched tongue.

"Well I have some rope handy" Abe moved away to retrieve some rope he used to pack his car on trips home.

The boy moved back to the position he had been on the bed. Abe tied the kids arms and legs fingering the hole that awaited his legeondary cock.

Abe thought he'd take the kid upstairs to see Rennie and Charley when he finished..

As he began to fuck the kid Abe groaned. He couldn't believe the boys butt was tight despite all the cocks that had stretched him.

"Boy you got a gift for getting fucked" Abe said as he pushed all the way inside.

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