The Gift of Family

Published on Jun 20, 2006



"Here he is" Terrance said.

We stood in the home office of my great Uncle Tad.

"OK let's have a look, shirt off" he said.

There was something commanding in his voice that Bobby knew he had to obey. It wasn't angry or nagging, just a matter of fact like authority. So he peeled his wife beater tank top off.

"Come closer"

Bobby moved close to the man who was seated at his desk.

"Go" he said and Bobby knew he was addressing Terrence without looking at him.

The man's hands were large and strong. Yet they were sensative as they rested on Bobby's smooth shoulders and moved over his chest.

"Shave?" he asked.

"Uh yea, I mean yes sir, I - "

"Good." he interupted what Bobby was going to present as the reasons he had shaved his body. He was going to tell him about the wrestling team's theory that body hair could be pulled by the oponent during a match.

The man's hands turned him around and felt his thighs and moved over his firm bubble butt.

"Nice, strong but agile" the man muttered to nobody in particular. Bobby knew not to respond.

"Off" the man said again quietly but with authority.

Bobby stuck his thumbs in his shorts and grabbed the jockstrap band at the same time shoving them down his smooth shaven legs and stepped out of them.

He stood naked now fearing his cock would betray his excitement.

Hands moved over his belly and his back at the same time, both sliding down. One hand moved ove rhis buttocks and the other over his cock and balls.

"We'll keep you smooth" the man promised "and you'll get a tan, no tan lines allowed" he chuckled.

"Yes Sir" Bobby answered. He had to say something to stop thinking about his cock. The more he worried about it getting hard, the more he felt it expand.

"Go ahead boy show me" the man said cupping his testicles.

Bobby relaxed and didn't worry about his blood rushing into his penis anymore. The man wanted him to show it hard.

"Nice, relax let it grow" the man urged stroking Bobby's buttocks.

Bobby was hard. His penis curved upwards as usual and he felt the tip get wet. He hadn't felt like this since his wrestling coach examined him the day he asked to be on the team.

"Terry will like that. You know how to fuck guys don't you boy?" the man said.

Bobby had lay in his sleeping bag on night in scout camp when his friend asked him to cornhole him. He hadn't waited for an answer but moved over into Bobby's sleeping bag pressing his naked butt against Bobby's boxers.

"Just go slow" the guy begged as he reached for Bobby's erection and put it between his buttcheeks. "I'll do you afterwards, I promise"

Bobby started to push and pulls his cock in the boy's butt and came very soon.

"Uh yes" Bobby hesitated

"Good, and after you give yourself to me, the boys can play" He patted Bobby's round buttocks "Nice bubble butt son"

"uh thank you SIR"

The man wasn't the first grownup to comment on his round buttocks. Ever since he was a child adults had patted them and made comments tha tmade each other laugh. Bobby never knew what they were joking about.

Years later, his friends did it too. And on the wrestling team, his teammates always patted his butt for luck before a match. It became a regular locker room tradition.

"OK boys, get out there, Bobby pull em down, we don't want to loose this one" The coach said smiling as he left. Bobby would pull his singlet down below his jockstrap presenting his round buttocks and the team would pat them on the way out to the floor. Bobby would pull his singlet up half way and trot out enjoying applause and the eventual win. Their team became state champ.

"Good job boys, not sure what we'll do next year without you seniors and especially Bobby's cheeks" everyone laughed as the Coach held the trophy high.

"There are simple rules here" the man continued "we dont' want to keep doign laundry and nobody else is here, so you stay that way, get the sun, sweat, rinse off outside before you come into the house, keep yourself clean. if you get sick or something put on some shorts otherwise" the man's hand had rested on Bobby's butt and patted them.

"Yes SIR" Bobby felt more moisture on the tip of his erection. It was like some sex fantasy he had had during the thousands of times he had jacked off since he was 12.

"Do your chores, work out with the boys and enjoy the summer"

Bobby nodded. The hand that had been gentle slapped his buttocks.

"What? I didnt' hear you boy" the voice was stern for the first time.

"sorry Sir yes SIR I understand"

"I am your coach, your boss, your father, your controller, what I say goes, you do what I say only what I say and respond with yes coach or yes Sir, understand?" The team of boys sitting on the floor responded the correct way. Bobby learned then to appease adults with this response.

"I know your folks are gone, so we'll see how the summer goes. The boys go back to their mom in the fall, Terrance goes to college of course. If you work out maybe you can stay here with me this fall and we'll see what your future looks like then, Agreed?"

"Yes Sir" Bobby said. He didn't know what his future would be like, The Navy or working in a car wash or something. Maybe community college, he didn't know. His father had died long ago and his Mom left him in the care of her own Uncle when he was in high school.

"Boy when you graduate what are we goign to do with you?" His Uncle said "I've got to take this Hong Kong job" His Uncle said to him the last January of his senior year. "I"ll check around" was his promise.

Bobby had been naive not making any plans of his own, feeling helpless with the lack of parents and real family to guide him like his classmates had.

"I talked to a friend of mine, actually a kind of relative in our family. He has boys that visit him during the summers. Otherwise he lives alone and maybe you can go there. He might give you a job in the fall so you can figure out what to do after that. And he took care of my son many years ago when he was uh acting a bit wild so I kind of owe him a favor, a gift and I think he'll be pleased with you.

Bobby boarded the bus feeling nervous and lost. He slept the best he could for the overnight and day long ride. And at the end of his trip, waited three young men smiling and acting like he was their long lost brother.

Terrence. Clyde and Buck stood shirtless holding a sign with his name at the bus terminal.

Bobby was suprised to see the three very tan young guys. They grabbed him patted his back, took his back pack and guided him to the old Army Jeep for the two hour drive into the country.

"Wrestler ? great we'll have some fun..." "we go on houseboat trips" .... "there's a huge July 4th thing he takes us to .. it gets a bit wild'll see"

Bobby felt closest to Terrence who was a year older but the closest to his age. His cock kept falling out the leg of his cutoffs during the ride. Bobby eyed it perhaps too long.

"oh it always does that, you'll get used to lots of things this summer" Terrence patted Bobby's shoulder and let his hand rest on one shoulder stroking with his fingers.

"OK you don't look like a wrestler, but do what I say and we'll beef you up" The coach had said as he held Bobby by the shoulders. Bobby couldn't hide his growing penis. "Hey don't worry about that, you boys always get hard. Just get one of your teammmates to help you out, hell we're family. But not the night before a match" the coach swatted his erection and laughed.

"But don't worry man, you're one of us, you're family now, so just go with the flow and we'll have fun" Terrance squeezed to make his point.

The bumpy ride ended with a lurch and the boys got out of the jeep just as Buck drove it into one of the buildings that served as the garage.

"OK boys home base" Terrance announced. Bobby didn't know how to react as each one pulled their shorts off continuing to walk naked to the shower outside the house.

Terrance went first "sweat and dirt, he's a stickler for us to shower each time before we go into the house" Bobby didn't know whether to strip down and shower or what to do. Apparently readin ghis thoughts Terrance added "don't worry, you're ok this time"

"Boys everyone showers and what you do in the shower is your business, just remember you're the team now and teammates are family and family takes care of family" The coach announced before he left the locker room that last day of the first week of practice.

Practice had been hard. Everyone of the team were sweating and tired. The Coach made it hard and harder each day that week so by the end of the week many had quit and one or two had been cut.

The shower was steaming and the naked horny boys laughed, sang and soaped themselves. Hands on his back made Bobby jump. "Hey relax" the teammate said "we take care of each other" his hands continued to soap Bobby's back. Then he turned around and Bobby knew he needed to reciprocate.

"OK guys, freshmen on the floor" one of the senior teammates announced. And each one of the four freshmen lay on the floor including Bobby.

"It's our tradition and it will be yours to initiate you into our family. First we mark you as all Wolverines do" the guy held his penis and began to piss all over the naked bodies on the floor. Soon all of those standing joined in.

Bobby and the other three lay there being marked. He had seen a movie or something that told him wolves marked their territory by pissing. And he accepted the feeling of the warm streams pass over him. His penis too responded.

"Next we removed the hair" Bobby already knew that was coming. The older teammates were all smooth and he found out why when he asked. So he and the other three lathered each other up and used the safety razors to look like their peers.

Outside the shower stall, they knelt as the clippers removed the hair on their heads. They were as bald as Marines in bootcamp. By the time of their first meet their hair would grow to the buzz cut level that all team members wore.

Back in the shower the steam had built up to make it impossibel to see and hands, explored, mouths tasted and butts were pierced. The taste of sperm was still in his mouth as Bobby dressed and walked home with some of his new brothers.

"Come on" Terrence said leading him to the house. "He wants to see you right away"

"You think you'd like a job in the fall?" The man got Bobby's wandering attention back.

"Yes Sir that is I don't know what else I'd do" Bobby revealed his unfocused future.

"Yea I know. Your Uncle told me. Well, get along with the boys and me of course and let's see how you feel at the end of the summer".

He patted Bobby's bare butt again and turned back to his desk. Terrence appeared as if by magic, "Come on, you're sleeping with me tonight"

Terrence never left Bobby's side. He told him of the fun trips planned, about his own school and listened to Bobby's wrestling stories. The other boys were everywhere as well.

"OK guys we're going to bed in the playroom" Terrence said. The other guys giggled and made comments saying good night.

Bobby heard them talking about "why Terrence gets to go first" and other comments like "wait till all three of us gets our turn", "not before Sir does". "It's going to be a great summer" and other comments continued as Terrence led Bobby into the room.

It was painted black. Even the windows were blacked out. There was a king size bed in the center of the room. A blue light made the room seem like some sort of hazed environment.

There was a large shelf on a wall but had doors on it and a big padlock on it as well. Bobby started to ask what was in it, when Terrance spoke.

"I know you're tired but Sir told me to bring you in here tonight. When you're ready you'll spend the night with him too. But first things first." Terrance reached for Bobby's half hard cock.

His lips surrounded it and Bobby's penis responded. Bobby lost his questions, thorughts and concerns about himself in the sex, the lips, the kisses, the hard cocks and the feeling of Terrence entering him again and again.

It was as if his body was emptying itself of all fluids and energy all memories of the past and fears of the future.

As he lay there with Terrance's arms surrounding him, the older boys light snoring the only sound in the room, Bobby sighed and slowly let his body take him to the restful escape of his first night of sleep in his new home with his new family.

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