The Good Book

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 28, 2007


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and sexual acts between males. If your mother, municipality, morals, or medication dictates that you should not be here, then good-bye.I hope that you just enjoy the story knowing that any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental. If you are interested in my other works, email me for information about them. A big thanks to Bryan a reader and friend who has offered his time to edit my work and make it much better for the readers. The best part of writing this is hearing from you. Thank you.

The Good Book Part Six

The Pastor invited me back and I said he could count on it. Meeting Tally was special, he was so nice and really wanted to reach out and make friends. I asked Mr. Green if we could invite him over of dinner tonight. I think Mr. G saw that I had a plan brewing and agreed.

Todd was in his room when we arrived and I went up looking for him. He smiled but I could see a strange look in his eyes. I think he had missed me. Todd stayed close all day and helped me show Tally into the house. I had taken the time to tell Jason all about him and he was all cleaned up and dressed in fresh clothes, he was as cute a giant could be.

Tally told us that he was raised on the Island of Guam. His folks, brothers and sisters remained behind when he came to the states for a better education. He was going to his first year at the junior college and hoped to transfer to the University next year. Tally had been a wrestling champ when in high school, but had not found anyone to practice with here. He also mentioned sadly that he had not found many friends and was thinking about returning to Guam.

Just what I had hoped for, Jason and Tally hit it off big time. Before the night was over they were making eyes at each other, Mrs. Green gave me and Tally her special smile

Todd and I giggled and rolled our eyes as we watched Jason and Tally interact. It was so obvious that a spark had ignited between them. It was kind of cool and it gave me hope and maybe Todd some roles models of where I hope he and I would go. That night we slipped from the shower to our bed naked again just as it was supposed to be.

The week flew by. My mom's car arrived on Wednesday fresh from the mechanic and detail shop. Mr. Green thought of everything. Mrs. Green had taken me for my drivers test and I passed and began to receive lesson in my own car.

Sunday morning Jason took me to church after we picked up Tally. The two of them were spending more time together and Jason seemed very happy. Pastor Scott and I had really hit it off. He had asked me to help around the church and I agreed to hand out programs and greet people coming into worship. It was nice to feel I was giving back to a place that made me feel better about myself and about the world around me.

Sunday night Todd and I had finished our shower and were moving into the bedroom when the door flew open. It was Jason and he grabbed me in a bear hug and squeezed me so tight I thought I would bust. Then Jason laid a kiss on my cheek. All that squeezing had sent the blood flowing into my dick and it was up and hard. Jason let me back down and I stood next to Todd again. Jason looked me up and down and said,

"Nice Equipment Bryan."

I blushed.

Jason turned to Todd and said, "Bro you're crazy if you let this get away." Pointing at my dick.

"Todd blushed and kind of shook his head, like yeah I know.

"I brought the subject away from my dick,

" What was the bear hug for Jason?"

"Bryan you're the best. Thanks for finding Tally for me."

"Oh that's all right, I hope you both are happy."

"Believe me Bryan we both got happy." Big smile on Jason's face

Todd spoke, "Jason I'm glad you found someone, but can you knock next time?"

"Sure Todd, but you know I don't care if you two are in here getting it on." At the same time we both said,

"We're not!"

Jason left and Todd and I just looked at each other. This time Todd checked me out, I was still hard, so was he, we both smiled.

More nights of naked sleeping, but just sleeping with Todd, I told myself that at least I had a good-looking sleep mate; some guys don't even get that.

My birthday came. It was a school day, but we all had breakfast together and I was told to come right home from school. Jason made sure we all got home on time.

When I walked into the house I saw decorations everywhere. There were balloons and streamers and a huge cake. Just a few minutes behind us came Mr. Green. The family made a big fuss over me. I had never really had a party before and this was cool.

After dinner I was given some nice gifts. I received my first cell phone of my very own. Mr. Green bought me my own laptop so I could do my work the sometime time as Todd did his. There were new clothes and a tennis racket and Mrs. Green gave me a bible, and one of her special smiles. Tally joined us for dinner, which was happening more and more and he sang a song for the all of us, saying a personal gift is the best gift.

Everything was so nice, however I noticed that there was no gift from Todd. I didn't say anything, I know how busy he is, but still it's not like there isn't money for him to get something for me, even a card. He had been nice all night to me and I just figured that was good enough just having him there next to me was gift enough.

The night ended and Todd and I headed to our room. He ran out of the bathroom before me when we were out of the shower. When I followed him into the bedroom he was standing there with nothing on but a smile and holding out a card for me.

I moved closer and he stopped me and told me to move back instead. I thought that was weird, but it was Todd. I opened the card and the front said.

"Bryan you have given me so much by giving yourself I could only think of one thing to get you in return."

I opened the card and above a big hole was the word "Me"

I looked through the hole in the card and saw Todd naked hard and smiling.

"Like Tally said the best gifts are personal", he smiled. "No, I said you don't want to do this remember?'

"Bry if I am ever going to have my first sexual experience I want it to be with you."

"But you're not gay" I said in disbelief

"Bry I'm not sure what I am, but I'm sure I love you."

Todd moved forward and we embraced.

Our embrace included a tender kiss from Todd, my arms around him brought our dicks together and they flipped and pushed at one another. Our bodies danced to the bed and we fell together. The sheets got in the way and ended up on the floor, as did one of our pillows. We had made sure the door was locked so we had our privacy. Todd's hand found me and he took me into his soft grasp. He pulled me up and slid back down my pulsating pole. I found him and held on tight feeling the full wonder of him and the heat coming from his dick warmed my hand. I retuned the warmth with some friction of my own. Todd moved away from my lips and kissed my neck; I held my head back and gave him whatever he desired. He found my chest and his lips pulled on my nipples; he licked down the center of my belly. I felt his breath moving my pubes and his tongue moisten the base of my dick. I cannot remember ever being this hard. I cannot remember ever feeling like this. No one had ever cared enough to provide me with sexual gratification and now I know what Adam and I did wasn't sex.

Sex is mutual, sex must be the melting of two into one, both wanting to please, caring so strongly about the other that their own needs are replaced by their partners, and yet when providing the desired satisfaction the delivery its self becomes relief for the giver.

This was both Todd's and my first real sexual experiences and it was wonderful.

Todd gave me his all. Our cum mixed with our saliva, our breath weaved together and floated in unison away from us as we bonded into a full body press.

I tasted his juices and they were as sweet as he had always been to me. I felt him in me and heard him grunt as his seed spilled deep within me.

This was truly a gift it was a gift of Todd.

Tapping, no knocking, no banging, we woke gooey and fused together. My first smell was of my own cum on Todd's breath. I liked that. He smiled and somehow we made it out of bed pulling our pubic hair away from the others body. Another quick shower, it was necessary and we helped each other dress for another day of school.

I saw him in English, a fist butt and a smile. He seemed normal. I wanted to talk to him, I wanted to replay the events from the night before, I wanted more of the same thank you very much. At the days end we went home and Todd ran up the stairs. Date night.

Mrs. Green was waiting for me and together we went for my drivers test and I passed the first time. I thanked her for all the good training and for giving me my freedom. Freedom was nice, but I really wanted Todd.

After my test I headed over to the church to meet Pastor Scott, he had left a message that he wanted to speak with me. We went to his house for dinner, which was nice, because Tally was at our house and he and Jason had become very close. I was becoming envious of the two of them.

The Pastor offered me a summer job and with school out in just a few weeks I jumped at the change. I would be a Teen Councilor in the Recreation Center.

The center was located in another large warehouse behind the church, just across a small alley.

My job would be to help supervise the kids and make sure order was kept as well. Also I would be available if any of the other teens wanted to talk to someone other than an adult. I was pretty excited about the job and having my own car. Independence is a special feeling and I couldn't wait to share it with Todd.

He arrived later than normal early Saturday morning. I felt him crawl quietly into bed and I turned to get my hug, but Todd was facing away from me. I reached out to caress his body and let him know I wanted his attention and felt his boxers below his hips. We hadn't worn anything to bed in awhile and I was surprised he had them on. I tried to talk to him, but he said he was very sleepy and would see me in the morning.

When I woke he was gone.

Saturday I went to check out the Church Rec. Center, it was cool. In the middle of the large room were pool tables, ping-pong tables, air hockey and bowling games. The outer edge of the building was lined with rooms. One room had six round tables and on the shelves were playing cards and board games. The next room was a small but complete kitchen where you could make a full dinner or just heat snacks. Next there was a small library. Lining the other side was a room with a giant TV and beanbag chairs and over stuffed coaches. Following that was some small room where kids could go to read or just have private time with a friend. In the back were the restrooms and a few small offices for the staff. One of those offices would be mine.

That afternoon I returned to the house and I found Todd in our room. I had so much to share with him; I couldn't wait to see him. I ran up the stairs and he was on the computer, I came up behind him and gave him a hug. He pushed me away with a red face and a smile.

I said, "What's wrong Todd?"

"Nothing's wrong Bry, I just need some space."

Space? What the hell was this?

"Todd I missed you, I want to tell you all about my day I want to hold you and maybe more" I smiled

"Look Bry, I know that we did what we did, but maybe we shouldn't have."

"What you had a great time and you were a great lover."

"Bryan can we keep that between us, I wouldn't want Kathy to think I've been unfaithful?"

"Unfaithful to Kathy, what the hell are you being to me right now?"

"Cool it Bryan, you know I'm with Kathy, I promised her last night that we would take out relationship to the next level. I promised I would be there for her. I owe her and my parents that much. I have to be the one in this family to give my parents a grandchild, Jason sure won't be doing that now that he has Tally."

"Todd, Jason loves Tally, and your parents are okay with that. I love you and your parents are okay with that too."

"Maybe so Bryan, but I don't want to repeat last night. It was wrong and I have to give myself to Kathy that's all there is to it."

Todd left the room., which was good because I cried like a baby and I didn't want him to know he had hurt me like that. I had lost him, I knew it and perhaps I was foolish to think I ever had him.

Our lives changed. Todd was just as kind to me as always and would fist butt with me and I would receive small brotherly hugs, but there was no love making. We showered separately, we slept in our underwear, and we were like brothers or friends and nothing more. I tried to talk with him and all he would say is he was promised to Kathy and didn't want to hurt her or be unfaithful.

The next few weeks went like that. Mrs. Green gave me concerned looks; Jason rolled his eyes when Todd would move away from me at dinner. Mr. Green just looked on without his happy face. I was still part of the family, but I had lost Todd and I didn't know what to do.

The night of the big dance came. Our high school had one prom for all students. Anyone who wanted to attend and could afford tickets was welcomed. Todd of course was taking Kathy. I of course would stay at home.

I did help Todd with his tux, not much, but at least I was able to touch him. He finished dressing and headed out of the bedroom door only to come back in and slip the pack of condoms in his pocket.

So this was to be the night that Todd and Kathy did the deed.

My heart was in my socks, but I had no way to stop him and truthfully didn't want to. Todd and Kathy had been together a long time and if they thought their relationship was ready for sex, then so be it. I know I needed to move on and give Todd the space he needed. I just didn't want to leave my spot in Todd's bed, or in the heats of this family. I felt I needed to hang on for just a little longer. I was hoping Todd would provide a sign or something telling me which way to go.

In bed alone hugging Todd's pillow, if only it could hug back, I'd run away with it. My cells phone rings. I looked at the time and it was 3:00AM. Its Todd's number calling me. My mind fills with all the tragic flashes that come with 3:00AM phone calls.

"Hello", I say

"Bryan, it's me Kathy, I need your help."

"Sure Kathy, Is Todd all right?"

"No, can you come to our hotel room 316 at the Marriott?"

"Yeah, sure, let me get dressed and I'll be right there." The phone went dead.

I quickly found something to wear and quietly headed down the stairs and to my car.

I wanted to race across town, but didn't want to go through the process of receiving a ticket, so I obeyed the speed limit and made it there safely.

I tapped on 316 and Kathy opened the door wearing her nightgown like I had gotten her out of bed. I looked around and saw two empty wine bottles and Todd in his boxers and bowtie. Todd was asleep on the bed and next to him on the floor was an opened condom. I looked away and back at Kathy. She said,

"Please get him out of here, he's drunk and probably going to be sick again." She sounded disgusted

"What happened?" I said being a little slow at that hour

"It's what didn't happen," said Kathy

"Look Bryan just get him home safe, I'll catch a ride in the morning with the other kids, but I don't want him in here with me when he's like that."

"Okay Kathy, but I thought you two were...."

"Yeah I thought we were too, but all he talked about is you and he just kept drinking and talking about you and when it came time to do it, he couldn't."

"I'm sorry Kathy, maybe next time."

"Next time he can do it with you as far as I'm concerned. You tell him that you hear?' she said angrily.

"Sure Kathy let me get his things and I'll get him home."

I moved Todd off the bed and found the rest of his tux, I carried him and his things and somehow we made it to the car. I tried to put his pants on, but Todd just kept pushing the pants away and trying to hug me.

"Bry, buddy, I missed you Bry, where's Kathy Bry? Man I'll bet she's pissed Bry. I couldn't do it Bry; I just could not get the boy up and in Bry. Funny I didn't have that problem with you Bry. I love you Bry, kiss me Bry." And then he fell asleep.

I moved him up the stairs choosing to leave the tux locked in the car. Mrs. Green watched me almost carry Todd. She asked if he was all right and if I needed help. I told her we would be fine. She patted Todd's cheek and gave me a kiss. Todd and I made it to the room before he puked.

I cleaned him up and removed his tie and boxers, then dragged him to the shower. He sat on the floor with the water running over him. He kept reaching up trying to grab my dick, I moved away and let the water roll over him. After we were dry, I tried to get boxers on him and he fought me saying he liked being naked with me. We made it to the bed naked again for the first time in weeks.

Todd rolled towards me, he breath smelled like a mixture of wine and puck. I moved away and he grabbed my dick.

Bry buddy let's have sex." I want you Bry, I want you in me right now Bry please Bry, I can't get it up so you'll have to do all the work, but lets have sex okay Bry?"


I covered him and he went off to sleep.

Morning came in just a few hours. I was looking into Todd's eyes when they opened. You could tell he had a bad hangover.

"Hey Bry, thanks for coming to get me."

"That's okay I was happy to do it."

"Hey Bry" he said shyly, "We didn't do anything did we, I mean you and me, we didn't you know do the sex stuff again did we?"

"No Todd we didn't", I said quietly.

"Good, I love you Bry, but I promised myself to Kathy and well sometimes having you in my bed and around me makes it hard to stay faithful. Do you know what I mean?"

"Yes Todd I understand and I know what you mean, now keep some sleep, I'm going down to talk with your folks okay."

"Sure Bry, you're a great friend."

"Yes, Todd, I am just that."

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 7

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