The Guild


Published on Jun 2, 2008


Joshua, Drake and Clive stood on the grand balcony of the Guild Palace watching as Vard's fleet moved in to hover above them, the Santor floating above the palace like a floating city. Wave after wave of assault ships flew between the larger warships, looking like gigantic flocks of birds.

"It's about time he got here." Joshua chuckled as he watched a single Sloth transport depart from the Santor, making its way to the palace landing pad.

"I'm sure Vard was not staying away to torment you, my lord." Clive grinned.

"He could have let Felix see to the defenses."

"You know Vard... he prefers being in control."

"Do we have to wear these masks?" Drake asked, his heavy bronze mask an oven in the heat of the summer sun."

"Yeah, do we?" Joshua asked, mimicking Drake's winsome tone.

"Yes... Vard's arrival on Earth is being watched all over the Sol system. The people want to see their leaders, not some unmasked commoner," Clive insisted.

"You know I was joking," Joshua winked at Clive, before turning his attention to Drake. "Don't worry, I've ordered my meeting with Vard closed from the public. You can take your mask off then."

"I still think that is a mistake," Clive grumbled.

"Clive... I am not going to spend my first moments with my husband unable to kiss him because some stupid mask is covering my face."

"I am not challenging your authority my lord. I am only saying it is a mistake. The people have come to love you Joshua. They have yet to warm to Vard. The more they see him with you, however, the more I am sure they will start to trust him."

"There will be plenty of time for that later Clive... after I've ravished my husband for a few days." Joshua replied as he watched Vard and his escort leave the transport, making their way up the steps of the palace.

"A few days, my lord? Are you sure your schedule will allow that?"

"The Guild can survive a few days without me, Clive. If anything important comes up, you know where to find me." Joshua said as he walked back into the palace.

"Aye I know... in the bedroom, flat on your back," Clive chuckled as he turned to join them.

Joshua did not go straight to the bedroom, but made his way to the empty throne room, sitting himself down on the cold black chair. Drake took a protective position in front of him. After a few minutes of silence the doors to the throne room opened as Vard, his face covered by a black mask, entered the room alone.

Walking until he was halfway to the throne, Vard bowed. "Counterpart."

"Prelate," Joshua said with a slight nod of his head.

"I am glad to see that you and Drake are well. You had me worried when you ran off like you did."

"Everything turned out for the best."

"Is that all you have to say for yourself?" Vard grumbled as he stood back up.

"Are you really that upset with me?" Joshua chuckled.

"You laugh?" Vard asked, putting a hand to his chest as if he had been stabbed.

"We both know you are not really mad at me Vard."

"Is that so? You may be right," Vard laughed softly. "Still, how do you plan on healing the pain in my heart that you left when you ran away?"

Leaving his throne, Joshua walked towards his husband. "I think I know how to heal your injury," He said as he placed a hand over Vard's heart.

With a sudden ripping sound Vard tore the leather straps that held his mask in place, revealing his wolfish smile and the wet tears running down his face. "I missed you, my husband."

More carefully than Vard, Joshua removed his own mask, showing the same look on his face. "I want to give you something husband."

"And what is that?" Vard asked as he pressed Joshua's head on his chest.

"This." Joshua said as he poured a part of his soul into his lover.

When Joshua's soul touched his, Vard raised his head and exhaled every ounce of breath in his lungs before lowering his head to breathe in. Blue lighting danced between their bodies, as thick as mooring ropes.

Out of nowhere a hurricane like wind spun around the throne room, causing Drake to grab hold of the throne while the gale tore away at Joshua and Vard's clothing, leaving them naked in the midst of the miniature but powerful storm.

Hearing the thunderous sound of the marble roof cracking above their heads, Vard began to panic. "Joshua... stop, you are going to bring the palace crashing down on us."

Joshua didn't stop at once. He held his soul inside Vard, waiting for his husband to send a piece of himself to him, completing the connection. When it never came however, Joshua gradually withdrew his soul back into his own body, silencing the storm.

When he felt his husband's hold on him slip away, Vard lifted Joshua into his arms, realizing that whatever Joshua had done had taken everything out of him.

"Drake what was Joshua trying to do?" Vard asked as he lowered his unconscious husband to the ground.

"He was attempting to join his soul with yours."

"Why did he not tell me so?"

"He wanted to surprise you."

"Well he did surprise me. I take it this was not the first time Joshua has tried this?"

Drake hung his head in shame. "It's my fault. I wanted Joshua in me... all of him."

"And I take it he did?"

"Yes... he gave me a part of his soul and I gave him a part of mine. It made a big hole in the roof," Drake chuckled.

"If I gave Joshua a part of myself, I think it would have produced more than a hole in the roof."

"Vard... merging with you is something Joshua very much wants. If you were to experience it for yourself, you would want it too."

"I know. It was very hard for me not to give a part of myself to him. I am not going to risk getting us killed doing so however."

Drake walked over to where Vard was sitting next to his husband. "Would you like to find out what it is like?"

"You offering yourself?" Vard chuckled.

"Joshua told me about the bed."

"He did... did he? Let me think about it. I am in no rush to make another hole in the ceiling. Help me carry Joshua to bed."

"I think I will bring both of you some clothes first."

"Good idea."

When Drake came back, Vard dressed himself first and then his husband. Still unmasked, he and Drake carried Joshua to his private quarters, placing him on the bed. Vard then stripped back down to nothing, wrapping his bare limbs around Joshua as he joined him on the bed. "Well Drake," Vard asked when the man did not join him.

"Yes my lord?"

"The bed is larger than I remember."

"Yes... Joshua had it replaced last week."

Seems a little too large for just two people." Vard winked.

Now understanding what Vard was hinting at, Drake let a wide smile grow on his face as he took off his bronze mask and unbuckled the belt holding his red robe in place. After his clothes had fallen from his broad body, he climbed onto the bed from the opposite side of Vard. Once he was resting next to Joshua, he felt Vard stretch out his long limbs around him.

Seeing a contented smile form on Drake's face, Vard gave the other man a knowing grin. "I knew over five years ago that this day would come."

"What would come?" Drake asked confused.

"You, Joshua, and I would all be lovers. Remember back on Wor when I dragged you out of my bedroom?"

"Yes... I came back to find the door locked."

"That was when I knew this day would come. Before dragging you away, I saw the look in your eyes. They were filled with longing. You had a desire I knew would lead to this. I did not tell Joshua, however. I wanted him to find out on his own."

"My husband likes his little secrets, doesn't he?" Joshua said, as he opened his eyes.

Vard arched an eyebrow as his mouth formed a wolfish grin. "How long have you been awake?"

"Long enough," Joshua replied.

"Hmmmm... something is amiss here." Vard said between kisses. "Do you know what it is Drake?"


"I do..." Joshua laughed.

"Why don't you tell Drake, while I work on correcting the problem."

"It is the fact that I am still wearing clothes while both of you are already naked." Joshua replied as Vard busied his fingers undressing him.

Joshua's clothes joined the others on the bedroom floor; their bodies quickly becoming a tangle of sweat coated limbs. Eventually Drake found himself tightly held between both men, Joshua in front of him, Vard behind. Not able to control his desire to be a part of both men Drake let parts of his soul flow into Joshua and Vard. Lost in the euphoria Drake was deaf to Vard's voice telling him to hold back. As a result the lighting that wrapped around all three of them was thin, red and wispy with only a faint breeze picking up.

At the moment of orgasm there was a brief time when both Vard and Joshua let a tiny piece of themselves into Drake. At that instant, a blue aura encompassed all three men, radiating outward until it filled the entire room. Within a few seconds everything the light touched glowed a brilliant white. Then as the blue aura started to retract little balls of light formed and began to spiral.

Reaching the center, the lights merged together one by one into an ever growing ball of energy hovering over the three men who were now floating over the spot where the bed had once been. When all the light had gathered at a single point, it was gradually absorbed into Drake and, through him, into both Vard and Joshua.

When the blue aura disappeared, whatever force had been holding them in midair vanished and all three of them fell to the floor, hard.

"Ouch," Joshua moaned after his mind began to clear.

"That's it... no more experimenting," Vard replied.

While the two others complained, Drake let out a satisfying hum as he nuzzled against Joshua.

"Well at least one of us enjoyed himself," Vard chuckled, as he stumbled to stand up. "Do either of you know what just happened?"

"No I don't." Joshua replied as he watched Drake writhe on the floor in pleasure. As he watched, he started to see sparks of energy jump off Drake's naked body. And then he saw the same happening to Vard. "What did we just do?"

"I was wondering the same," Vard said as his eyes went wide, looking down on Joshua and Drake.

Placing his hand flat over Drake's body, Joshua watched as tiny bolts of red and white lighting bounced between his hand and Drake's chest.

"That tickles," Drake laughed, turning his face toward Joshua, his red eyes lit by dancing bolts of energy.

Joshua reached over and touched Drake's face. "Your eyes."

"And yours," Drake replied.

It was at that moment that the door opened and Clive stepped in. Looking around the near empty room, he chuckled. "Been doing some redecorating?"

"No..." Vard said worried. "I want you to bring some doctors and a science team here."

Clive watched as Vard moved his arms up, bolts of energy jumping between them. "I'll get them here at once," he replied, as he activated the communicator in his mask.

The doctors were the first to arrive and while they could not explain what had happened, their preliminary tests showed that all three men were in excellent health. Still, they asked them to allow further tests after the science team was done.

When the team arrived, they immediately began scanning, quickly finding the room filled with high energy residue. When turning their instruments on Joshua and the others, the power readings were above their ability to measure.

"After the doctors are done with you, we should run some more tests ourselves," The chief scientist said as his team packed up.

"I'll go find you some new clothes... it looks like you will need them." Clive bowed to Joshua. "Drake, stay here... I will get a change of clothes from your room."

While he waited, Joshua felt his husband embrace him from behind, his skin prickling from the energy discharge. "What is happening to us Vard?" He sighed, leaning back.

"I don't know... so long as you're safe, I don't mind having our own little light show." Vard chuckled, running his hands down the front of Joshua's body, sending sparks flying.

"Let's hold off on that for a little while... until we know more." Joshua replied, moving away from Vard, to his disappointment.

"Your clothes, my lords," A clay masked servant bowed deeply, even as her eyes remained frozen on the three naked men.

When no one stepped forward, Joshua walked up and took the clothes. "Thank you."

After the three were dressed, they left the palace aboard a hover car for the Central Guild University Hospital... the main research institute within the Guild. On arrival, they were taken to different parts of the massive complex for testing. They were not finished with the first round of tests until nearly midnight.

It was only then that Joshua and the others were reunited in that part of the hospital reserved for the Prelate. "Vard..." Joshua nodded, on seeing his husband resting in a large chair.

"Joshua," Vard grinned, shaking a data pad in his hand. "I've been waiting for you."


"Yes... the doctors handed me this report on their progress."

"And you've been waiting for me to read it to you?" Joshua smiled.

"Of course," Vard replied, slapping a spot on his lap.

While Joshua sat down on Vard's lap Drake came into the room, looking tired. "If they poke me one more time I think I might poke them back."

"I know the feeling," Vard nodded as he wrapped as arm around Joshua's waist.

With Drake sitting down by his feet while Vard looked over his shoulder, Joshua took the report and read it. "Do you want me to read it all or summarize what it says?" Joshua asked.

"I'm sure it is filled with unnecessary details... just like Felix's reports. Why he thinks I need to know how many tomatoes we go through in a week is beyond me," Vard replied.

"Tell it like a story." Drake added.

"Not sure if I can do it that way but I'll try." Joshua nodded, before starting. "There were once three men... three special men, a Prelate, a counterpart, and the son of a former Prelate."

"Us?" Drake laughed.

"Of course," Vard chuckled. "Continue please."

"Well... one day, not long ago, the three men, madly in love with each other, made love and in doing so let their souls touch. Now, never in the history of the Guild had three such special souls touched one another in this manner. The results were therefore surprising and unexpected, opening a door, not to the Void, but to heaven itself."

"So what happened in the bedroom?" Vard asked.

"I was getting to that," Joshua replied before continuing. "With this new doorway open, all physical matter nearby was converted into energy... spiritual energy that was drawn back though the door, merging with the souls of the ones who opened it."

"You mean us?" Vard asked.

"Yes." Joshua replied as he raised his hand, palm up, to show the white sparks popping off his skin. "All the furniture in the bedroom was changed into pure energy, energy which is now flowing inside us."

"How much energy?" Drake asked.

"Enough that if it we were to release it all at the same time, it would be sufficient to destroy the capital and most of the surrounding area," Joshua replied.

"I always knew you had a dangerous side to you." Vard laughed, as he hugged his husband tighter.

"Vard this is serious. How can we be sure that we won't accidentally let this power loose in our sleep?" Joshua said worriedly.

"I just don't believe that will happen my love. We are meant for a greater fate than dying in bed."

"But?" Drake asked, also worried.

Ruffling Drake dark hair, Vard smiled down on the man. "I am sure nothing bad will happen to you either Drake... now how about us going to bed before the doctors think of some new ways to poke and prod us?"

Well there's another chapter for you. I do hope you have enjoyed the tale so far. Right now buried neck deep in my book writing trying to get things ready for the next two books I'm going to attempt to get published so it's all editing revisions, deletions, and add on for the time being. Take care


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Next: Chapter 62: The Son 26

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