The Guy in the Lab

By Dan

Published on Aug 18, 2003



The Guy in the Lab

By: Rebel

Written: July 2003

Note: This is a true story from when I was in college. Names have been changed but everything else is as it happened. If you like it and want to see more, email me and let me know.

I was sitting the library computer lab one after noon when I noticed this dark haired guy was using the VAX as well. I didn't know him and was slightly bored with what I was doing so I set out to find out who this guy was. From where I was sitting I could see his screen and his backside. He was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt and from what I could tell wasn't doing a whole hell of a lot either.

I first checked to see who was on and there were 4 guys in the list. Two of them I knew so I took a chance and sent a send request to one of the others. As I hit return I looked over at his computer and saw my message pop up on his screen. Bingo, I found out who he was. Since we had never met and he didn't know who I was, I decided to have a little fun with him.

I let him know I was in the computer lab with him and that I was a guy. He'd look around and I made sure to keep looking at my screen as if I was doing something. I kept scanning the lab and I'd give him clues that fit half the guys there. He even looked directly at me a couple times but never guessed it was me. I kept this up for about half an hour and chatting with him in between.

After talking about 45 minutes, he said he had to leave and I finally told him who I was. He logged off and gave me smile as he left. Over the next week or so, we chatted off and on. I told him I was gay and in conversation I found out that he was straight, single, a freshman and was not very experienced in sex. One day I was even bold enough to ask about his dick size and what not. He told me he had never had a blowjob before because girls didn't like his uncut dick.

Now I had seen uncut guys a couple times before, but I told him I had never seen one and asked if I could see it one day just to see what it looks like. He was a little hesitant in his answer but I explained that I was cut and was curious what it looked like. I was more curious to see what it felt like and what it tasted like.

I had seen him around campus and he always wore tight fitting jeans that cupped his ass so perfectly. He had a nice build but his ass was just to die for. I spent many nights fantasying about him and dreaming of what it would be like if I were actually able to get him in my room. I had asked him to come over to my room several times and I asked a few times about seeing his dick and giving him a blowjob.

His answers were always the same. In regards to seeing his dick he'd always say maybe and as for the blowjob he always said he'd never had one before. Never did he say no about anything except when I'd ask him to come to my room. Every time we talked though I would bring it up one way or another. He never seemed annoyed with me and he always kept talking.

After we had been talking for a few weeks, I was in my dorm room using my computer and he popped on. We chatted for a while and he was asking me how to do something with his account. We tried for about half an hour but for some reason he just wasn't getting it to work. Finally I suggested he just come over to my room and help with it there. He was a little hesitant but finally did agree to come over. I told him what room I was in and he logged off.

Now I was nervous! I had been talking to this straight guy for a few weeks, had flirted with him and been rather blatant about what I'd like to do, but I had never really had an in person, fate to face conversation with him. Sure we both knew who each other was and we'd exchange the usual greetings as we passed, but we had never really talked or spent anytime with each other in person.

After about 10 minutes there was a knock at the door. I told him to come in and logged myself off the computer. He came in and shut the door and we formally introduced ourselves to each other. We already knew each other, but I guess since this was our first real meeting it was just expected. I told him to go ahead and log in so we could fix his account. Once he was logged in it took all of 2 seconds to do what he needed. I then showed him a few other things and then he logged off.

We sat there for a while just talking about everything and anything. He was telling me about his hometown, his classes and some of his friends. Come to find out, we knew several of the same people and it was really nice just hanging out and talking. Then my roommate came in. He knew I was gay but he had no idea who the other guy was.

My roommate sat down and joined in on the conversation and I was getting annoyed. I wanted him to leave. I kept giving him looks and trying to tell him to leave but he wasn't the brightest person in the world. Finally, he stood up and said he was going to go to the lab and would come and get me for dinner. OK, so maybe I was wrong since it was only 2 in the afternoon and dinner was for another few hours. YES! I had the room to myself now with my new friend.

After the door was closed I turned to Karl and said, "Mind if I be blunt for a minute?"

"Ummm, sure" was all he said.

I then scooted forward in my chair and reached out and cupped my hand under his balls and said, "Can I see it?" He looked down at my hand, which I left in place, and didn't even try and push it away or move. Finally he spoke and said that I could.

I told him to stand up which he promptly did. There he stood, directly in front of me waiting foe me undo his pants. He was wearing his usual tight jeans and I reached up and undid the button. I then grabbed the zipper and undid it as well and folded the two sides back revealing his white cotton briefs. At this point I was glad I was still sitting because I was so hard it hurt. I didn't touch myself though, I didn't want to freak him out and have him make me stop.

I then reached up and slid my finger tips into the waist band of his briefs and pulled them down letting his dick and balls hang from for their confides. His dick was already half hard and the head was peaking out from the foreskin. I was so turned on and my mouth was watering and I just wanted to start sucking him right then. I remained in control though and asked if I could touch it. He laughed nervously looking down at his dick and said it was a little late to be asking that now. As he laughed, his dick jumped up and was now fully erect.

I just spent a minute or two looking at it. Noticing how the foreskin was slowly pulling back around the head and his nice balls just hung below it. Finally I let go of his briefs and put my fingers on his dick. With my thumbs and forefinger I slowly pulled the skin all the way back exposing the head entirely. I was in absolute heaven now. I had seen uncut guys before, but I had never had the chance to just sit there and really look at it. I played with the skin for a bit, pushing it up and over the head and then back down again. He was rock hard and had some precum leaking from the tip.

I wiped it off with my finger and tasted it. He asked me if I liked it, as he had never taken his eyes off of me the entire time. I looked up and him and just grinned. I then went back to his dick and slowly started beating him off and playing with his balls. I then stopped, looked back up at him and said, "Do you want a blow job."

He laughed again nervously and said, "I've never had one before."

"I didn't ask you that, I asked if you wanted one." I replied.

He stood there for a minute with his dick still standing rock hard and just inches from my face and then said, "I guess, if you want. Just don't tell anyone."

I said, "What happens in my room is my business and no one else's."

He then looked over at the door and said, "Is the door locked?"

"Oh shit!" I thought to myself. I had been so absorbed in what was going on I hadn't even thought about the door. Course, now I had to stand up and with him directly in front of me, it was kind of hard to hide my erection in my pants. He smiled and said, "I guess you like what you see?"

I adjusted myself and just smiled and said, "oh yes, I do."

I locked the door and quickly went back to sitting in front of him. I pulled his jeans and briefs down to his ankles and noticed some more precum that was now hanging in a long string from the head of his dick. This time, I put my hand around his dick and lapped up the leaking precum with my tongue. As soon as my tongue on the underside of the tip of his dick, he moaned. I certainly was expecting that quick of a reaction. Course, seeing as he had never had a blowjob before, I could understand.

I rolled my tongue around the head and wanted to savor every moment of this. I figured he was letting me do it now, but this may be the only chance I get so I had to make it last. I cupped his balls with my hand and started slowly working more and more of his dick into my mouth. Eventually, I had worked all six inches in my mouth and my nose was nestled in his pubic hair. I held it there for a few seconds and slowly sucked my way back to his head.

He was making a lot of noise now. Not really loud just moaning and slowly rocking his hips back and forth. This guy was in heaven and I knew it was going to last much longer. I kept working his dick and then I heard him say, "Stop, move your mouth, I'm going to cum." He tried to pull back so he wouldn't cum in my mouth but I held his hips and let him know I wanted it in my mouth.

Just then his whole body shock involuntarily and he let out a loud but muffled moan and erupted in my mouth. He shot about 6 or 7 times and I took all of it and didn't waste a drop. He stayed hard after he came and I could still feel him shaking. I kept his dick in my mouth and it slowly softened and finally he pulled back and said, "Alright, I can't take it anymore."

I let go of his dick and he quickly pulled his pants back up and sat down. We both sat there quiet for a minute or two and finally I spoke. "So, what did ya think?"

He smiled and said, "It was great. I had never had one before."

I laughed and we both chatted for a little bit and then he left. He thanked me for helping him with his account and said he'd see me later. Yes, there was a chance of this happening again. He didn't seem put off at all and stayed and talked with me after it was over. These were definitely promising signs. After he left the room, I closed the door behind him and locked it. I immediately went over to my bed and stripped out of my clothes. I could still taste his cum in my mouth and since I had been rock hard the entire time, I cam in no time at all. After that, I got dressed and just sat there relaxing and enjoying the moment of what had just happened.

I wondered if I'd see him again or if he'd even talk to me after that. I really hoped he would come back again because he had a beautiful dick and he was a really nice guy. The following day I was really busy with classes and work and didn't get a chance to log on at all and check my mail. When I did check it though the following day there was an email from Karl. It was very short and simple. He thanked me again for helping him and said it was nice meeting in person finally.

I just sat there smiling and knew I'd be seeing more of him again.

To be continued...

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