The Guys on My Floor

By moc.liamg@ecanrufytluaf

Published on Jun 20, 2019


I woke up the next morning before Mike. Yawning, I rolled out of bed to see him still fast asleep, laying on his back and with raging erection, straining in the air. He was so big and thick that it hung down towards his feet a little, bobbing slightly with his heartbeats. I stroked my own morning wood a couple times before standing up and heading to the bathroom, having to piss like crazy. I pulled on a pair of underwear for modesty's sake, but my hardon still bulged lewdly for anyone in the hall to see, but it had gone down to a semi by the time I reached the toilets.

Alone in the room, I sidled up to one of the middle urinals in the row. I started pissing when I heard some footsteps. It was Greg, Mark's roommate. He was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of light grey boxer briefs, bulging prominently.

"Morning man," he said, nodding in my direction and picking a spot with one urinal between me and him. He pulled down his waistband, tucking it under his balls, and began to piss loudly.

"Morning," I said, glancing over at him out of the corner of my eye. He had one of the biggest bushes I'd ever seen, a wild shock of hair surrounding his cock, huge furry balls dangling below it. His thick shaft hung down 5 inches, and I could see that he was uncut, his foreskin wrinkling beyond the tip of his glans.

"How was getting Mark to bed last night?" I asked him. He smirked a little.

"That little dude gets so fucked up man, it's not the first time I've helped him." I laughed at that.

"We've all been there, right?" He laughed and nodded in agreement. Bladder drained, I started shaking off and tucking myself back into my underwear. I went to wash my hands and he came up to the sink next to me.

"Fuck I need a shower," he said, yawning wide.

"Me too actually. Might get a steam in too."

"Man, that sounds good. Let's grab our towels."

We walked back to our rooms. When I went in Mike was still sleeping, boner still proudly erect. I quietly grabbed my towel and stuff and snuck back out the door, where Greg and Mark were standing there.

"Dude, I can't believe you're already awake," I said to Mark.

"Yeah, couldn't fucking sleep anymore. I'm hungover as shit though," he replied in a groggy voice and yawning. We made our way back to the bathroom and into the changing area. I pulled off my underwear and discreetly watched as Mark did the same, his perky cock and big ass jiggling as he maneuvered himself. I watched Greg pull off his shirt. He had a little patch of hair in the center of his chest and a little treasure trail, but was definitely hairiest around his crotch and, as I could see when he turned around, his ass. A dark, fur lined crack ran between his ample cheeks. We each grabbed our towels and headed into the sauna.

Three tiers of benches ran along two walls of the small space, meeting in one corner, and the steam control knob was on the wall next to the door. It was already steamy when we got in there, and the room smelled of hot, musky sweat and wet wood. I sat down, towel wrapped around my waist, on one of the middle benches near the corner, while Mark and Greg sat down next to me on the other row, such that I could see them both.

"This steam feels fucking good, boys," said Mark, as he unfastened his towel, spreading his legs and exposing his package and furry taint. He propped his arms up on the bench behind him and leaned his head back, closing his eyes and immediately relaxing into the heat. Greg did the same, his legs almost spread wide enough to touch his buddy's thigh with his. I shrugged and also undid my towel, showing off my semihard cock. Luckily it wasn't fully hard, and I could blame it on fading morning wood. Neither Mark or Greg seemed to notice, or if they did they didn't care. The three of us quietly sat and enjoyed the steam. After a little while of this, I felt Greg nudge my leg.

I leaned my head up and cracked my eyes at him. He had a big grin and cocked his head over to Mark, who was sprawled out, softly snoring as he'd fallen asleep, and sprouting a raging erection. He wasn't long, maybe 5 inches, but it was one of the thickest cocks I'd ever seen, with a peach sized head capping a pringle can thick shaft disappearing into his thicket of dark blonde hair. The heat had relaxed his balls, easily the size of limes and spilling out onto his towel, laid in their wrinkly, hairy sac. I glanced back over at Greg, who was still smiling and looked down at his own cock, which had begun to rise. I could feel a tingle as well, and felt myself begin to get hard.

"Must be the steam man, feels too damn good," he said in a low, deep voice. We sat there, watching each other get hard. His erect cock had swelled out into a thick 8 incher, widening considerably at the base. The very tip of his bullet shaped glans, a bright pink, stuck out from his foreskin. I could see the ridge where it bulged under the skin. His shaft was smooth save for a large vein running up the underside. His heavy balls lay spread out under him.

"Nice dick, man," I found myself saying, unable to catch myself.

"Same to you buddy," he said, before reaching out to grab me with his right hand. I froze as he began stroking my aching erection.

"Hey relax man, just wanted to get a feel. You can grab mine if you want," he said, in the most casual way, as if this was a normal thing for a straight guy to do. But given my experiences in college so far, maybe this kind of stuff went on between friends more often than I thought. I slowly reached out and grabbed hold of his cock with my left hand, beginning to slowly stroke his cock, staring in wonder at his foreskin as I stroked it down and back up over the head. He sighed in enjoyment.

"Mmm that feels good buddy," he lightly groaned.

"Same dude," I replied, enjoying his practiced hand gliding over my dripping cock.

"After that girl got me hard last night, I had to jerk off like 3 times after I after put this asshole to bed," he said to me. "But I'm still so fucking horny I could cum any second."

"Can't believe she didn't go for you, man," I said to him, getting into it more. "You're a fucking stud."

"Bet you do well for yourself too man, with that monster cock," he said, beginning to stroke me faster, I matched his pace, the air beginning to fill with the scent of our precum and hormones. "I'd love to see this thing destroying some pussy." I groaned as he said that and began swiping his thumb up the underside of my cockhead.

"Fuck yeah mean, wanna watch me fuck some tight hole, sink this pole balls deep?"

"Yeah man," he started panting.

"I wanna see you fuck somebody with this thick fucker, man," I said to him, jerking him off in fast, long strokes. "Bet you split them open when you ram it in."

"Yeah man, they might scream at first but they come to love it pretty quick." I could tell we were both getting close, and as I looked over at Mark, who still had a boner, I had a wicked thought.

"Hey man, I have an idea for how to wake up Mark." I stood up and moved to the other side of the sleeping Mark, standing on the bench and moving my waist close to his face, jerking off inches from it. Greg grinned wide.

"You're crazy man, I like it." He stood up and got into the same position as me on the other side. We jerked ourselves off furiously, panting hard and looking at each other, before we began to shoot at the same time. Greg groaned loudly and I watched as his wide piss slit spread open and began to shoot out heavy, thick ropes of white cum. Our first shots both landed right in Mark's slightly open mouth, and we continued to spray out our loads. Together we poured out probably a half cup of cum over him, with Greg contributing the majority of it. I was astonished at the size of his load, especially since he'd jerked off three times the night before. The shots just continued to spew out of him, plastering Mark's hair and cheeks and nose. He panted hard through all of this, grunting loudly with each shot. As the last volley of cum oozed out, Mark began to open his eyes, blearily looking around him.

"What? Oh, what the fuck dudes!" he shouted. "Fuck guys, I'm covered in cum!" Greg was laughing heartily as his glistening cock began to soften. I was laughing too as Mark scraped the cum off his face, flinging it off his fingers as he went, but was worried I might have gone too far.

"Can't believe you guys had the nerve to jerk off without me and then cum on my face!"

"Serves you right for falling asleep man," laughed Greg. "Come on, let's go get a shower." Mark grumbled as he gathered up his towel and we left the room, but didn't seem to be very upset about the whole thing. I guessed by his comment and reaction that he and Greg must have also jerked off together, probably often given that they were lifelong friends. The thought of that had me getting hard again as we entered the shower, though I was quickly becoming less embarrassed at the prospect of any of these guys seeing me hard.

The three of us picked showerheads near each other, scrubbing ourselves down and chatting about the day ahead. People were still moving into the dorms and classes still didn't start for another week, so we still had a whole day to pretty much just hang out and explore campus. After a few minutes, another guy came in.

As he strode in I could see his average sized cock bouncing from side to side. Other than his dark blonde pubes and a smattering of chest hair, he was pretty much smooth all over, and had a cleanshaven face. His hair was short and blonde, and he had a very handsome face. I kept chatting with Mark and Greg but stole glances at the guy as he picked a spot on the other side of the room from us. With him facing the wall, I got a great look at his muscular back and perky ass, high and tight and flexing as he scrubbed himself and shifted his weight. He was still there as we finished up our showers and left the room, showing off his hairy armpit as he scrubbed it.

When we got back to our rooms, Mike was just leaving the room, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He'd simply thrown on a pair of underwear to go take a piss, and was still tenting it with his fading morning wood.

"Morning boys," he said in a groggy voice. "What are you up to?"

"Gonna grab some breakfast then go smoke some weed in the park, you down?" said Greg.

"Sounds good, lemme take a piss and I'll join ya."

After we all ate our hangovers away, we trekked into the park. It wasn't far from our building, but it was still a hot day, so by the time we got to the spot Greg had heard about we were all sweaty, with Mike smelling the strongest from not having showered. I didn't mind though, there was something so erotic about the spicy musk these three studs were throwing off. It turned out the spot was a stone ledge underneath a bridge that ran through the park. To get to it you had to scramble down a steep, hidden path on the side of an embankment and hop up onto the stone, avoiding the girders where they connected. We clambered out about halfway and all sat down on one of the stones, squishing together between the girders tight enough that all our thighs were touching. The view was a commanding one of the small valley below us, a stream running from the left towards a small pond on the right, split in two by the bridge beams running overhead. As we smoked, we all sort of sat in contemplative silence, taking it all in.

"I gotta piss, boys," announced Mike, out of nowhere, going to stand up.

"Hell, me too," said Greg. Mark and I also both agreed. We all four stood up, standing basically shoulder to shoulder, and hauled out our cocks. Mike's stream started first, and then the the three of us joined along. Four soft cocks just hanging out over the edge as golden streams of piss arced down the hill. Between the closeness of our bodies and the smell of their sweat and piss, I felt myself starting to get hard as I finished my piss. Glancing at the other cocks around me, I could see that Mark was stiffening up a little too.

We decided to head back to the dorms after a little while longer of just bullshitting around, realizing we needed to get some food if we wanted to drink again tonight. After we grabbed a bite, we went to the corner liquor store, where Mike bought a handle of whiskey with his fake. Because of our experience the night before, we decided to play it safe and just drink in the dorms that night. Fast forward a few hours and we were all sitting around in Mark and Greg's room, half the bottle gone and definitely feeling drunk.

"Man, I'm still pissed about those girls last night," said Greg, rubbing his crotch.

"Me too, man," said Mike. "All that grinding got me so hard, I had to jerk off before I went to sleep." I flushed a little, just thinking about having jerked off with him.

"Same here," said Greg, "and I had to again this morning." He looked over at me and winked a little.

"Yeah dude, you and Sam here," slurred Mark, pointing over at me with the bottle in his hand. He took another long swig and passed it to Mike. "These assholes jerked off on my face when I fell asleep in the sauna this morning."

"Oh really?" said Mike, taking a pull from the bottle and arching his eyebrows at me and Greg. I blushed, but Greg just clapped my shoulder and laughed.

"We were just fucking around is all! Don't tell me you never jerked off with a buddy before."

"Matter of fact I jerked off with Sam just last night," said Mike. Greg grinned at me.

"I knew that wasn't your first time doing that this morning, man."

"I feel left out all of a sudden," said Mark, drunkenly getting to his feet and taking a deep swig from the bottle. "And fucking horny." He pulled off his shirt and started unbuttoning his shorts. They dropped to the floor, revealing his bulging mound in his white jockstrap, and clumsily stepped out of them. The fabric on his pouch had a little piss stain and looked soaked with sweat, his matted, curly pubes spilling out of it on all sides. We three were still sitting on the ground as he stood in the center, and watched as he hooked his thumbs in the strap and quickly pulled them down, revealing his thick cock. "You boys feel like jacking off?"

"Hell, I can always bust a load," said Greg, quickly stripping down and showing off his semisoft dick, which he grabbed and gave a quick couple tugs as we watched. He and Mark sat down on the bed, lazily beginning to stroke their dicks. Mike and I just shrugged and started shedding our clothes, revealing our hairy bodies and monster cocks to our two buddies. We were both well on our way to full hardness, and plopped down on the bed across from them, spreading our legs, bare thighs touching a little. Greg leaned over the side of the bed and pulled a big bottle of lube out from under the bed. As he lifted the blanket to grab it, I could see the bottle was laying next to a fleshlight, an observation which made my dick throb. He pumped a generous amount out onto his cock, and then into Mark's outstretched hand before tossing it to us. Mike caught it, and pumped some first onto his cock and then onto mine as we kept stroking.

The four of us naked now in the hot room filled the air with our combined musks, bearing an undercurrent of liquor and piss and precum, and there was nothing but the sounds of our wet strokes and heavy breathing, punctuated by occasional sighs of pleasure. I watched Mark stroking his thick, stumpy cock, hand not even able to close around it, while Greg toyed more with his head and ample foreskin. I looked over to my side to see Mike fisting the entire length of his foot long cock, fully inflated and throbbing. He smacked into his palm a few times, wetly and loudly. Nobody was shy about getting a good look at anyone else, our eyes shifting around from person to person as we enjoyed a drunken circle jerk. I couldn't believe these three supposedly straight guys didn't even need porn to jerk off with each other. Maybe they were all bi, or were drunk enough to explore their curious side, but these were questions I wasn't going to ask right now. I just wanted to go along with whatever they were willing to do. I watched Mark stand up from the bed, his cock proudly jutting out as he picked up the bottle and took a long swig. He looked over at Mike and me a little blearily, clearly pretty fucked up, though to be honest we all were by that point.

"Fucking horse cocks," he muttered to himself as he stroked his dick. "How big are those things anyway?" Mike proudly held his straight up, gripping it firm at the root.

"Feel free to measure it buddy." Mark just smiled drunkenly, and shuffled over to his desk, opening a drawer and pulling out plastic ruler. He walked back over to Mike, who had stopped stroking, and got on his knees in front of him, reaching out to grasp the enormous cock. I watched in amazement as he pressed the ruler along the length, pushing it into Mike's dense pubes. His monster actually hung over the footlong ruler by a little bit.

"Fuck man," Mark almost whispered, his face close to the cock in front of him. He looked up at my face. "Can I measure yours?"

I shook my head yes, not able to find my voice, and he shuffled over on his knees between my legs. His hand felt so hot gripping my cock, and I swore he was stroking it a little more than necessary as he measured me, coming in at just over 11 inches. He looked me in the eyes.

"These are some big fucking cocks, boys." By this point, Greg had stood up and moved over towards us, standing while Mike and I sat on the bed and Mark still kneeled.

"Measure me, buddy," he said to Mark, who quickly complied. Greg came in at a healthy 8 inches, and Mark measured himself at 5.

"Fuck, you guys put me to shame," said Mark, whose tone seemed less upset than it did lustful.

"Hey, being big has some disadvantages. I have yet to find a girl who can really take all of my cock," said Mike.

"Same here man," technically telling the truth. "And besides, we might be longer than you but you've got the fattest cock in the room, and that's saying something." Mark just smiled proudly at that, and kept staring at Mike's cock. We all kept stroking and watched as Mark put his hand out and grabbed hold of the thick, Italian sausage in front of him. He looked Mike in the eyes, with a hungry look.

"Dude, I hope you don't mind. It just looks so good." With that, he quickly moved his mouth towards Mike's cock, immediately beginning to suckle on the head as he ran his tongue around the ridge of the glans. Mike gasped in surprise, but made no moves to push him off. He looked up at me and Greg in confusion, and Greg just chuckled, continuing to stroke his fat cock.

"Little dude gets like this when he gets fucked up sometimes. Hope you boys don't mind." Mike just looked back down, still a bit frozen in shock, but as Mark continued slobbering and sucking he started to smile a little, looking like he was getting into. I just sat there in amazement, wondering what other turns this night might take.

Next: Chapter 3

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