The Healthclub

By jangobot

Published on Nov 29, 1999


This is a work of fiction describing sexual relations between consenting partner. If this offends you don't read it. If not carry on and enjoy!

The Health -club. Pt 2. Beginnings.

The masseuse's fingers began their magic, easing the aching muscles in my neck and back. The warmth of the room, the exclusive surroundings, lulling me slowly into another place. Reality drifted away. Looking down on my naked back I traveled backwards in time, memories shooting through my mind. My first visit to the healthclub. Emma's sensuous body, her red hair flowing over my thighs as her tongue lapped at my aching pussy. Re-discovering the soft joy of a woman's tongue I traveled further back, flashing past my failed marriage, back to those first fumblings with spotty boys in dark alleys and dimly lit bedrooms. Suddenly, with a flash, I was fourteen again.

I never really found out the real reason why my aunt and niece moved into our house that summer. One day I came home from school and they were there. Liz was younger then my mother by about two years, but her daughter had been born only a few months after me. Although Siobhan was just that bit younger, you would not have thought it to look at her. She was already about 5'10'' with legs, that I later heard many boys describing, as `going up to her neck'. Her slim hips and waist only added to the overall effect which were created by her firm breasts, and long dark brown hair. She was stunning.

Me, I was just a normal fourteen year old, I thought my bottom was too fat, my boobs were too small and my face, when not spotty was just ordinary.

Summer slowly developed and the school holidays arrived, mornings of lying around in bed, followed by afternoons hanging around with the usual crowd, sneaking the odd cigarette or cheap beer, when anyone had enough money and courage to buy them,

Three weeks into the break and the annual holiday arrived. Two weeks staying with my dads parents, which wasn't quite as bad as it sounds. He's French, and they live in Provence. The best thing about my grandparents house, beside the glorious weather, is that they have their own swimming pool.

As I floated in my dream world I realised that this was where my life had really started.

I looked up as a shadow passed across the sun. Siobhan stood in front of me wearing the tiniest thong I had ever seen, and a smile.

"The oldies have gone out for a couple of hours. Can you really believe that my mum would wear anything like this?" she said, as she twirled round to show me her perfect cheeks with the sliver of material buried between them.

Bending over she slowly ran her hands up the back of her thighs, one hand burrowed between her cheeks. I saw a finger slip inside the narrow band of fabric, as the other hand parted her firm globes. I caught a quick flash of pink as she eased the finger into her pussy.

"Don't you just get as horny as hell in this sun" I heard, as I continued to watch her finger sliding in and out. I looked up to see her smiling over her shoulder at me. "Come on lets have a swim". Without another word she straightened up, turned towards me and casually stepped out of her bikini bottoms. Dropping them in my lap she turned, and with an almighty splash, landed in the pool.

I still don't know why I did what I did next. I stood up and peeled down the straps of my swimming costume, then with a slight wiggle I eased it over my thighs and stepped out of it. I knew that Siobhan was watching as I stepped up to the pool edge, paused for a second, to give her a better look?, then dived head first into the pool.

Whether Siobhan moved, or I subconsciously turned towards her doesn't really matter, all I know is that as I surfaced our bodies touched. The heat of the sun and the cool of the water mixing together, our bodies slid against one another. Gasping for air I brushed back my short blonde hair and looked straight into her emerald green eyes.

Her arms floated around me as I became more and more aware of her hard nipples pressing against my own breasts, sliding sensuously against each other as the water slid between us. My own nipples hardening I began to move, rubbing my self against her, our diamond hard nipples colliding. I felt her thigh pushing gently against my legs, parting them to slip in between, tight up against my virgin pussy with it's sparse blonde curls. I began to ride her leg, the water, and my own juices flowing, I reached for her. I pulled her tighter into me, harder and harder I ground against her leg. Her fingers sought out my hard pointed nipples, her thumb brushing upwards, teasingly, her fingers pinching and pulling, extending their hardness, her teeth found soft flesh, she bit me. Sparks of pleasure mixed with pain coursed through me.

I reached for her hair, wrapping my fingers deep inside I pulled her face away from my nipples, tipped her face up and buried my tongue between her moist lips. Biting at the tender inner lips. Each wanting to dominate the other we fought like two wild cats, her thigh lifting me out of the water, her hands grasping my ass spreading the cheeks, her finger slid down my crack. Mirroring her own actions only minutes before I felt a finger nuzzle against my swollen lips. Parting me gently she entered me from behind, reaching up she found my core, deep inside my pussy. I began the journey to my first orgasm. My body pulsating to the movement of her probing , stroking, mesmerising fingers I felt the quiver deep in my belly spreading out, bursting up through my sensitive breasts it exploded simultaneously out of my swollen nipples and my flooded pussy.

I awoke with a start, momentarily confused, then the reassuring fingers searching out the knotted muscles. Something felt different as they slid further and further down my back, a hand cupped a cheek then moved across, the middle finger resting gently in my crack I felt the pressure as it moved down spreading the oil between my opening thighs.

Dreamily I looked over my shoulder as a Emma's familiar voice whispered " hello darling". When she had replaced the masseuse I had no idea, not that it mattered just at that moment.

The fingers of silky oil traced patterns of pleasure as they inched forward, pooling in my puckered anus before sliding down to touch my shaven lips, smooth as a young girl.

Her finger massaged my anus, working the oil gently, lubricating my opening until finally her finger slid inside, then out again as she stroked across my dripping pussy. "What on earth have you and that masseur been up to, you're soaking" she whispered. I pushed back against her, forcing two fingers deep inside "I was remembering my first time" I said as I began to drift away again.

We floated in the warm sun our bodies touching, thigh to thigh, hand in hand. Siobhan tugged me gently breaking the spell as we bumped against the side of the pool. "if you want we can dry each other off before the oldies get back"

We climbed out and grabbed one of the towels from the pile. "Me first" she said as she stepped away. I had another chance to look at her perfect body, the water streaming off it highlighted her golden brown skin. Her breasts were about 36C and her nipples were long and hard waiting to be kissed. My gaze traveled down over her flat belly coming to rest on the tiny `V' of her pubes which pointed like an arrow straight to her sex.

I tentatively ran the towel along her outstretched arm. Starting at her fingers, mopping up the glistening water. I reached her breasts. Dropping the towel I took each one and felt the soft weight and smooth skin. The puckered aureole lifting the nipples high I bent forward and slowly sucked her into my mouth.

The warm hard nipple tasted of fresh air mingled with her womanly taste, a sexiness beyond description. I swirled her hardness with my tongue, my inexperience compensated for by my enthusiasm. Her hand grasped the back of my head pulling me harder against her forcing more of her breast into my greedy mouth.

She gently lowered me down until I felt the warmth of the slabs against my back. I looked up to see her descending towards me, enclosing me between her still damp thighs. Straddling my chest she lowered herself until her warm, wet pussy touched my hard nipple.

She reached down between her legs and I watched as she parted her pink lips, then she did something which completely blew me away. She closed her pussy lips around my rock hard nipple and slowly began to rock back and forwards, holding me against her with her slippery fingers. I was fucking her with my nipple!!

Her juices coated me spreading out, dripping down my breast. She reached an inch higher as I popped out, sliding back she leant forward and began to lap at my love juice covered breast.

She relished in her own juices and I knew I had to taste her for myself. I pulled her up until her knees were beside my head and looked up at her pussy. The patch of hair ended at the top of her achingly beautiful slit, leaving her lips free for me to dive between without a barrier.. My tongue snaked out and I tasted, for the first time, the musky tang of a woman. I pulled her down so I could reach deep inside her pussy. Smearing her juices around my lips, feeling the peachy softness. Pushing back the hood with my tongue I sucked her clitoris. I took her silky lips between mine. I pushed myself deep into her, searching with my tongue for the spot she had found with her fingers.

She began to moan gently, then louder as I sucked and nibbled, then as I felt the rush of juices fill my mouth. Her thighs squeezed me, and I felt her muscles clenching as her orgasm raked through her. Siobhan gave an almighty squeal as she convulsed once, twice, three times and continued until I lost count.

The insistent fingers returned me to reality as their steady rhythm brought me to a soft climax. As the memories faded to that special place in my mind where I hold them, I drifted off to sleep.

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