The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on May 9, 2012


The service station was almost empty as Frank Brown walked towards his lorry, his hands stuffed in his trouser pockets. He had been on the road most of the day collecting alcohol to deliver it to his company's central distribution hub down South, and he was knackered. He'd stopped off here to get something to eat and a cup of coffee, enough of a caffeine kick to keep him going till he could find somewhere safer to stop overnight, sleeping in his cab. He'd read the newspapers and heard the radio reports of lorries getting stolen from round here, so he figured he'd drive a few miles down the road (as much as his tacho would allow) and then pull over for some much needed kip.

Not that any fucker would try to pick on him though. An ex-rugby player, he was six foot two and heavily built, though fifteen years on the road eating fast food and fry-ups had fattened him up - mainly his ass and his big belly, which stretched his shirt and hung over his belt. And he was tough too, brought up by his Dad to be. No fucker would pick a fight with him.

He wondered if he should have bought a porno mag back in the shop, something to look at later on whilst he had a wank. Fifteen years on the road, and eight without a wife, made Frank a wanker in more ways than one. Not that he cared anymore. He had a girl down near his house who he could pop round and shag anytime he liked. But on the road... well, things were different. He couldn't really try and pull someone in a petrol station, could he?

Turns out though that he didn't have to. He had been in the toilets once having a piss when this bloke had come in and stood next to him. Frank didn't take any notice at first but then realised that the bloke wasn't having a piss. He was looking at Frank's cock. Frank had wanted to deck the fucker, especially when he said that he had "noticed him in the car park" and that he "wanted to suck his dick". The bloke had blushed and said that he'd made "a terrible mistake", exiting rather hurriedly, but whilst Frank was putting his cock back in his boxers the bloke came back in, and said "look, you don't have to do anything but sit there and enjoy it, that's all..." Frank was initially disgusted by it, some queer wanting to give him a blowjob, and then he thought about it. Beats having a wank, he thought.

So, he had taken the bloke back to his lorry, and whilst he looked through his porn stash at the tits and fannies on offer, the queer had sucked him off. And he had done a bloody good job of it too. Better than that girl near home, he thought.

That had been a few years back. Now, Frank didn't go looking for them, but they would usually find him, men of all ages, all wanting to give him a suck. God knows why, he was 56, fat, grey and bald... still, these fuckers must have found him attractive. Perverts ! Frank had rules though - no touching and no funny stuff, and he was definitely not gonna do it to them. As long as nobody found out, what harm was it doing?

He had this one fucker though, a chubby-faced bastard, who halfway through sucking him, had tried to grab hold of Frank's ass - he wasn't bloody having that ! So he smacked the bastard round the face. Fucking queers.

Anyway, he was feeling horny now as well as tired as he returned to his lorry, but thought there might be a decent wank mag to look at. He pressed the button on the key fob and the lights flashed to say that the doors were unlocked.

He reached up to grab the door handle, and heard something behind him.

Something made a zapping, crackling noise, and suddenly he felt a great stinging pain in his arm... and then everything went black.

"Hey, Dave, I think he's waking up" came a voice from the front of the cab as Frank opened his eyes. Frank blinked a couple of times and then wondered why his lorry looked different to how he remembered it.

"Is he?" came a voice from the driver of the lorry. "About bloody time, I didn't realise that stun gun was meant to knock people out for that long. Maybe we had the setting too high."

Frank tried to speak but he realised his mouth was taped shut. He tried to get up from where he was laying but his wrists were bound behind his back, his ankles too, and they were bent up and secured to his wrists. He was hogtied in the back of this cab... which he now realised wasn't his.

"You alright there, Franky boy?" came the first voice again. The man speaking turned to face Frank.

"Mmmmppphh !"

"You just lie there and relax, get some sleep maybe..."

Frank looked at the man, who was chubby, maybe in his 40's, with a chubby face. Something about that face...

The man turned to the driver, Dave, who was older, maybe about Frank's age. And much bigger in build than Frank. "He's put some weight on since I saw him, but it's definitely the same one."

Dave turned and looked over his shoulder at the lorry driver lying bound and gagged in the back of their cab. "No fucker is gonna smack my Boy. He's gonna learn some respect." He turned to look at the younger man. Frank thought this was a bit weird.


"Shut the fuck up." cried Dave, taking a drag on his cigar.

"Yeah, Frank, shut up." said the younger man, "we've decided to steal your load, so we've put it on another lorry and will go and deliver it to some other friends of ours..."


"Got rid of your truck though, set that fucker on fire in a field. You were out cold whilst we changed the cab and side panels of your truck."

So that was it, thought Frank, they've hijacked the lorry, stolen the load and will no doubt be taking him somewhere to dump him off... probably after a good kicking. He wished he could get his hands free. He struggled with his bonds.

"I do like these truck driver's who wear uniforms," said Dave towards the younger man. "Especially on the fat ones, they look really good."

Frank stopped struggling. He realised that he knew the younger man. The one he had smacked in the face. The queer.

Oh God. He was helpless in the back of a lorry with some queer and his Dad... no, he called him Dave... but Dave called him 'my Boy'... what the fuck was going on?

"He's got a nice fat ass, ain't he Pete?" said Dave, glancing back at Frank. "Really, nice... looks nice in those tight uniform trousers."

"Mmmmpppphhh !"

"If it hadn't have been you, Franky boy," said Pete, "then we would have just left the driver tied up somewhere... maybe copped a feel but nothing else. But as it's you... we decided to bring you with us for a bit."

"To keep us company..." said Dave, taking another drag on his cigar.

"Mmmmpppphhhh !" said Frank.

Frank didn't know what time it was when the truck finally stopped. He thought he had maybe fallen asleep during the journey. He couldn't do anything else apart from worry about what was going to happen later on. It was pitch black as Dave switched the lights of the truck off, so God knows where they were.

Pete drew the curtains on the cab as Dave flicked on the interior light and undid his seatbelt.

"Get in the back and take the tape off his mouth, Boy." he said to Pete.

"Yes Sir." said the younger man, climbing up from his seat to the raised padded bedding area behind. He reached forward and yanked the tape from Frank's mouth.

"Oww !" cried Frank. "What the fuck? Get me out of here, you fucking pervs !" he began to struggle again.

"Shut the fuck up, or the tape will go back on." said Dave, who had swivelled his seat round slightly. Frank couldn't help but notice the large bulge at the crotch of Dave's jeans. "Bring him here, Pete."

"Fuck off !" shouted Frank as Pete undid the rope tying his ankles to his wrists. Pete punched him in the side.

"Dave told you to shut up, so shut up, fatboy." He rolled him onto his side to make it easier to manouvre him. "Here," said Pete, pointing at Frank's crotch, "Looks like he's got the beginnings of a boner !"

"I knew he would, his type always do." said Dave, opening his legs slightly and patting his big thighs. "Lay him over here so I can get a good feel of his ass."

"Leave me alone !" said Frank, now terrified, "Just dump me here, I won't tell anyone, don't fucking do anything funny..."

The two men ignored him. Pete dragged Frank over to Dave, who positioned him over his lap till his erection was rubbing against Frank's belly. Frank's was rubbing against Dave's thigh.

Dave put his left hand on Frank's back, holding him down, and his right hand on Frank's ass. Frank began to wriggle.

"Oh yeah," said Dave, as he explored the lorry driver's exposed rump, squeezing and kneading his buttocks.

"Stop it, Dave, please... !" pleaded Frank, "I'm not that way !"


Dave smacked Frank on his ass, hard.

"Owww !"

"I told you to shut up, so shut up."


"Owww !"


"I'll whack your ass every time you utter a sound, you fat cunt."


Frank bit his lip. The indignity of it, being spanked by some big fat homo !

"That's better," said Dave, his hand reverting back to squeezing and pinching Frank's ass. "And you will call me Master Dave from now on, or I will take my belt to your ass. Understood ?"

Frank didn't say anything.


"Fuck !, Yes, I'll do that, just stop doing that !"


"I won't fucking warn you again Boy, call me Master or you'll get the belt." Dave's tone was calm but firm. "Now, have you got it in your thick head?"

"Yes... yes Master Dave." Frank blushed as he said the words, humiliated at the thought of being spanked like some naughty schoolboy. And why did he have a stiff cock?

"Good, good Boy," Dave put his hand back on Frank's ass, continuing to squeeze and grope the bound man's chubby buttocks. "And what will you call Pete then?"

Frank mumbled the words. "Master Pete, I will call him Master Pete..."

"Good Boy. Now, Pete is gonna do some driving for a bit, whilst you and me are gonna get better acquainted. Pete, help me get him in the back will you?"

"Yes Sir." came the reply from the younger man. Frank wondered why he was addressing Dave as 'Sir', as the two men pulled Frank off Dave's lap and into the sleeping area of the cab. He thought best not to ask. He tried to get his wrists free from the ropes.

Pete manoeuvred Frank onto his side so he was facing the front of the cab, then stood to one side as Dave stood up. Frank gulped as he saw Dave climb into the back. A huge bear of a man, he was probably two inches taller than him and outweighed him by a good few pounds. And Frank was a big man.

Pete climbed into the vacant driver's seat and put on his seatbelt after Dave switched off the interior lights and opened the curtains.

"Keep your eyes on the road, Boy. I want to see whether Frank is gonna be good company or not."

"Yes Sir."

Pete started up the engine, switched on the lights and set off, as Dave climbed in behind Frank.

He shifted position to get himself in a spoon position behind the helpless bound lorry driver. Frank began to struggle as Dave put his right arm around his neck and his left over Frank's left side, reaching down to grab Frank's crotch like a vice. Frank gasped as Dave squeezed, pulling him towards him. Frank felt Dave's legs against the back of his. He felt Dave's belly against his bound wrists.

He could feel the mound of Dave's erection against his ass.

"Yeah, that's right, bitch, better get used to that." said Dave, as with his right hand he reached into Frank's open shirt collar and grabbed at his chest.

"Please....please Master Dave..." he pleaded.

"I like it when you beg..." came the merciless reply. Dave wiggled his hips to grind his erection against Frank's backside.

"Please... no...Master Dave please stop..."

Frank could hear Pete laughing in the driver's seat.

"Lucky bastard !" he said with a smirk.


Next: Chapter 2

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