The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on Jul 27, 2023



Frank swallowed hard as he felt Dave pat his ass with the leather paddle, as if to aim at his target or even maybe warm it up... though it was already quite warm from the hand spanking he had just administered.

"Please, Sir, Master Dave..." he begged, trying in vain to free himself from the stocks.

"Shut up and take it like a man, you fat bastard..." came the cold, merciless reply, and then...


"FUUUUCKKK !" cried Frank as the paddle made contact with his naked, exposed backside. His already tenderised skin felt like it had been set on fire. "Please Master Dave, stop, I'll do whatever you want, please I beg you..." he pleaded.

"I like it when you beg, Boy..." replied Dave, raising the paddle again in the air.




Frank gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw as he fought to overcome the pain of his stinging buttocks. He wriggled in the stocks again, trying to free himself, but only succeeding in wiggling his broad ass sexily for the benefit of Dave and Pete.

"...Owww... please Master..."




"FUCK !"

Frank realised now that no amount of begging or pleading would stop Dave from doing just what he wanted. He was Dave's plaything, to be used and abused as Dave saw fit, and how Dave allowed Pete to use and abuse him too. But it didn't stop him crying out in pain as Dave continued his assault on the beefy fleshy ass of his captive.

"Enjoying it Boy ?" asked Dave, stopping for a moment and tapping the paddle against Frank's ass.

", Master Dave... please stop..."

"You have a hardon that's dripping onto the floor, Boy, so you must fucking love it..." Dave rubbed the paddle over the reddened skin of Frank's rump.






"YOU FUCKING QUEER BASTARD !" shouted Frank, full of rage, pain and shame.

Dave stopped again and tapped Frank on the ass with the paddle.

"Just who the fuck do you think you're talking to, you cunt ?" he asked menacingly, his tone of voice changing to something Frank found almost frightening. "How fucking dare you talk to me like that !"

Dave reeled off six smacks like a machine gun firing:


"OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW... FUCK.....AHHHH... MASTER DAVE I'M SORRY, PLEASE..." shouted Frank, almost as if this would have an effect on his tormentor.

"You need to learn a lesson in manners, Boy, a long, hard, painful lesson..."

"Please, Master Dave, have mercy, I beg you..." Frank blushed as he said this. He looked down to see his stiff cock bobbing, a thick dribble of precum falling from his cockhead down to the floor to form a gloopy puddle. Was he really enjoying this ?




"AHHHHHHHHHH !" he cried, the tears filling his eyes as his buttocks got hotter and redder, and stung as if attacked by a thousand wasps. "Please... Master Dave, please no more, I can't..."


Frank's eyes and mouth opened in shock and pain as Dave reeled off three quick machine-gun smacks. He thrashed and struggled and bucked in the stocks, desperate to get free, to escape from the pain of the paddle on his tenderised backside.

"What you need..." said Dave, lifting his arm.






Frank was now shaking his head from side to side as he fought to release himself, a string of 'fucks' coming from his mouth as the pain of his punishment beating overcame his senses. He failed to hear the noise of the paddle dropping to the ground, or of Dave moving close behind his blistered arse. He failed to hear Dave spit into his hand and rub it on his erection.

But he felt Dave's cockhead force it's way between his asscheeks, push against his tight pucker till it gave way, and then felt all of Dave's thick throbbing prick advance into his ass without stopping till it was buried all the way in.


This was unbelievable for the captive lorry driver, the pain from of his sore, hot, tender rump and his bruised anus filling his head as Dave slapped him simultaneously on his fleshy thighs and ground his cock into him. He looked over to Pete who was playing furiously with his cock.

"Silence him, boy..." came the order, to which Pete jumped off the bed and picked something off the floor, which he stuffed into Frank's mouth. Whatever it was, it tasted foul, sweaty and salty and...

"I think that was one of your used jockstraps, Sir." said Pete, jumping back onto the bed to watch the show.

"Serves him right, the bastard..." Frank felt Dave reach beneath him to grab his hard cock, which he began to pump with his fist as he also began to pump the arse of his captive. "Fucking rock hard, fucking loves it he does..."

Frank shook his head, yet his cries of protest were mixed with those of pleasure as Dave's rough fingers stroked his shaft and his big fat dick rubbed violently against his prostate, sending shivers through his body and making his assring clench tight around the invading dick.

"MMMMPPPPPHHHH.... MMMMMmmmmm.... mmmppphh !" he cried into the filthy jockstrap stuffed into his mouth, biting down hard on it through pain and simultaneous ecstasy. Frank could feel his balls churning as Dave's hand worked it's magic on his cock.

"....Yes... fucking love it, Franky boy... every... single... fucking... INCH...!" Dave punctuated each word with a violent thrust into Frank's ass, grunting through the exertion of raping his new boy, his Viagra enhanced erection stiff as concrete, stretching and grinding it's way deeper and deeper into his captive's tight asschute.

Frank's balls were drawing up tight as his orgasm drew nearer, spurred on by the massive thick meat grinding back and forth over his swollen prostate gland. He wriggled in the stocks to try and break free, but this only succeeded in giving Dave a more enjoyable fuck.

"Is he gonna cum, Sir ?" asked Pete from the bed, his eyes glued on Frank's cock. The sound of that word made Frank moan in pleasure and unwittingly clench his buttocks. That made Dave groan and release the grip on his cock, moving his hand down to slap at Frank's balls. Frank cried into the jockstrap gag as pain ricocheted through his genitals.

"Not... until I... want him to... might not... let him cum at all... the fat asshole..." huffed Dave as he continued to pound away at Frank's ass, shifting slightly to grab a firm hold of his meaty hips. Frank's head spun, the feelings of pain and pleasure in his ass and genitals mixed with the foul taste of the filthy jockstrap, mixed with the smells of leather and sweat and cigar smoke...

His cock bobbed beneath him, a thick glob of pre-cum bubbling from the tip and slowly dribbling towards the puddle on the floor.

"Fucking take it, Pig..." Dave spat out, moaning too as he fucked the tight beefy ass of his captive. He was getting faster and faster, harder and harder, his breath becoming ragged, matching that of the other man stood defenceless in the stocks getting his brains fucked out.

"Mmmmmmpppphhh... !"

"Ohhh yeah...."



"MMmmmfff... mmmmffff...mmmmmm..."

Frank's cries of pain, disgust, and anger slowly settled down to something approaching groans and moans, as Dave began to increase the speed and intenstity of his strokes and Frank once more got used to the huge cock invading his ass. Each time Dave buried the length of his cock deep in Frank's ass, it rubbed over his now swollen prostate gland, sending shudders of pure pleasure through Frank's body. Frank moaned guiltily in shame as he realised that he was enjoying it.

Dave slapped Frank again on his asscheeks, relishing the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and excited moans from the two men filling the room.

"Mmmmmmmmm..." groaned Frank, the jockstrap in his mouth soaked with his spit, which dribbled out down his chin.

"That's right, Boy, show me how much you love it..." said Dave, wiggling his ass in time with Frank's.

"Mmmmmmm... mmmmmmm... mmmmmmmm..." came the noise from the bound captive as he was fucked hard. Frank didn't try to resist anymore, he was loving every second of it... every inch of it.

"Ohhhhh...." said Dave between hard grunts. "Ohhh fuck yeah, Frank, you fucking love my big cock fucking you....ohhhh". The noises he was making were obscene, moans and groans of pure ecstasy.

Dave was now pounding away, close to the point of no return, his breath sharp and short. Both men were covered in sweat. Dave ground his hips obscenely into Frank's fat ass, his fingers gripping the meaty love handles of his captive as his orgasm approached.

"Ohhh... Ohhhh... Ohhhh... " cried Dave, his words getting louder as he too was about to cum, his hips thrusting back and forth much quickly and violently now, his cock battering it's way mercilessly towards his climax.

He leant forward and somehow between harsh grunts and groans, and gave Frank a direct order.

"Tighten your asshole..."

Frank did as he was told, gripping Dave's cock firmly with his anal muscles. He didn't know why he was enjoying being used like this... but his cock felt like it was about to explode.

"Ohhh... Ohhhh....OHHHH... OHHH... YES ! YES ! YES ! YEEEEEEESSSSSSS !" screamed Dave as he came, burying his dick deep into Frank's tightly clenched asschute, his cock spasming and spewing thick globs of white hot cream into his helpless victim's rump. Frank could feel Dave's prick obscenely shooting his load inside his ass, and this made him too want to cum, his cock bobbing helplessly beneath him, denied the pleasure that he knew Dave was getting.

"FUCCCKKK, YEAH... FUCKK...!" yelled Dave as he held Frank's arse still, his cock pushed all the way in, discharging and spewing its thick sticky goo inside him until his balls were empty.

Frank could do nothing but stand there, impaled on Dave's big hard dick, his insides filling with Dave's hot sperm...

At which point he wondered why Dave's cock wasn't going soft.

"Give me a few minutes, Boy, then we can go again... or let my cock go soft and I'll take the belt to your arse again..."

Frank gulped.


Next: Chapter 13

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