The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on Oct 6, 2023



Frank was rudely awakened by the sounds of hot rampant sex coming from the direction of the bed. He craned his neck to try and look up, though he knew very well who was having the sex, and from the sounds of grunting, cries and squealing, he knew that Pete was getting roughly fucked - or in this case, most likely, raped - by Dave.

At least it's not me, he thought, thankfully. Frank's ass stung on the outside and stung on the inside as a reminder of that night's events, thrashed and fucked red raw by the guy doing the same to poor old Pete. Serves the fat bastard right.

Frank lay there for some time, listening to the sounds of the two men who were keeping him captive as their sex prisoner. For some strange reason, the sounds of the two men fucking was making him feel kinda horny. His cock, which had finally softened somewhat, began to stiffen up underneath him, though thankfully that bloody device strapped around his cock and balls had stopped working, it's batteries having died some hours ago. And having cum earlier on had helped too, though being forced to lick up his own spunk by Pete after having taken his piss had left a nasty taste in his mouth.

The noises got louder and louder as Dave did God knows what to his partner on the bed.

Serves the bastard right, thought Frank with a smirk.

After a not inconsiderable length of time, and a lot of loud grunting, and a louder roar as Dave shot his load, Frank heard the two men get off the bed. He turned to see what was happening just as he felt Dave's large, rough hands grab him by the hips and roughly roll him onto his back. Frank winced as his sore backside made contact with the rubber mat.

"Thought we'd forgotten you, Boy, did ya ?" asked Dave, who was leering down at his prisoner. He sat on Frank's belly, pinning him down to the floor with his weight. Frank's cock twitched as Dave rubbed his chest and gently played with his nipples.

Pete moved behind Frank's head, then moved forward till he was standing above him, facing Dave. He was holding his asscheeks as he began to squat above Frank's face, pulling them apart. Frank could see the reddened buttocks from where Pete had been spanked. He did wonder how he had slept through that, but that thought was pushed from his mind as he saw Pete's tight pucker open and Dave's sticky spunk began to slowly ooze out.

"Got some breakfast for you, Boy, freshly squeezed cock juice... fresh from Pete's ass..."

Frank gulped in horror and shook his head.

"No fucking way !"

Dave's smile turned to a grimace, and his fingers went from gently rubbing Frank's nipples to pinching them. Hard.

"Do you want me to use the taser, Boy ? Get that fucking tongue out and eat my load !" demanded Dave, as Pete lowered himself onto the helpless lorry driver's face, his asshole just above Frank's mouth.

"Eat it, Boy." came the order, from Pete this time. Frank had no choice. He stuck out his tongue and licked at Pete's freshly-fucked ass, the taste of his musk mixing with the taste of Dave's still warm load. Dave had now released his fingers from his nipples and was rubbing Pete's cock with his left hand whilst he began to wank Frank's cock with the right.

Frank felt disgusted, humiliated, being forced to eat Dave's load out of Pete's asshole. The thought turned his stomach, yet Dave's rough, strong hand pumping his cock somehow made it more... palatable. He had no choice... but somehow... he kind of liked it that way...

God, that hand felt good on his cock... rubbing it up and down...

Frank could feel his balls begin to tighten. He knew that this was turning him on, being used and abused, but he didn't want these two to know it. But he couldn't help moaning as Dave's hand rubbed and squeezed at his prick, which was hard as stone... to silence his moans of pleasure, he buried his face deep into Pete's asscrack, which only served to increase Pete's pleasure as Frank's bushy moustache tickled his ass.

"Yeah, that's it, bitch." moaned Pete, grinding his backside against the face of the helpless lorry driver beneath him.

Frank's ballsac was really tight now, his cum almost bursting to be released. Dave noticed this and released the grip on Pete's cock, grabbing and tugging on Frank's bollocks as his hand increased the ferocity of the strokes up and down his throbbing hot shaft.

It was all it took to send Frank over the edge. From somewhere beneath Pete's buttocks, Frank screamed as his cock erupted and spewed white hot fluid up over his belly and Dave's fingers.

"Yeah, that's it, Boy, cum for me, show me how much you love eating ass..." whispered Dave, smirking.

After Frank had finished cumming over himself, Pete climbed off his face and rubbed his ass all over the spunk on his belly, then resumed the rimming position so that Frank could lick his own load from Pete's chubby buttocks. Pete, meanwhile, licked Dave's fingers clean. Dave watched as Frank licked up every drop of clammy sperm from the younger man's rump whilst he removed the vibrating device and put the plastic cock cage back on Frank's cock, locking it in place.

Frank was preoccupied licking his spunk from Pete's ass, but knew that his next orgasm would only be allowed when Dave said so. That thought would have made him hard, but for that damn cock cage...

Frank was released from the legcuff shortly afterwards and told to get to his knees, then was ordered by Pete to eat Dave's ass, which thankfully was cum-free but was very sweaty, and very musky. Pete held his head in place against the big hairy asscrack of the older Master, as Frank licked and sucked at the dark pink pucker trapped within, making Dave groan and grunt. At one point, Dave farted, the smell making Frank want to throw up, yet he was not allowed to stop what he was doing. He coughed and spluttered as the foul smell filled his nostrils... yet he knew that his cock was straining to get hard.

Jesus Christ, what was going on with him, he thought. What was he turning into, some sort of faggot ?

He had to perform one more task before he was allowed to have a shower and clean himself up - Dave and Pete had two full bladders that needed emptying. The taste of early morning piss was foul but it did cover up the tastes of ass and spunk and sweat that stuck to his tongue like glue...

As Frank exited the shower, his laundered clothes lay on the bed in front of him. Pete took photos as he dressed back up in his uniform. Frank couldn't help but blush as he pulled on his underwear, or rather the underwear that Dave had supplied for him.

Frank was now wearing a pair of tight black rubber trunks, that covered him at the front, but at the back had no material at all, leaving his naked buttocks and asscrack framed in an round oval. Dave said it was 'for ease of access, just in case I want to shove something up there...'

Frank knew very well what that something was.

Dave had paid his friend for the use of the room, and then the three men got back into the lorry cab, taking a short journey to a cafe where Dave treated them all to a big fry-up breakfast. Frank was ravenous and wolfed down his dinner, glad to be eating something that wasn't an ass or a cock. Dave had left for a short while to make a phone call, and when he came back, he placed a glass filled with yellow liquid on the table in front of Frank.

Frank looked over at him, puzzled.

"Um... what's this, Master Dave ?" he asked, blushing as he did so. It was embarrassing to call him that in public, yet Dave didn't seem to mind.

"Drink it..." came the reply.

Frank nervously took hold of the glass, which was slightly warm. He raised it up to his lips, and a familiar smell assaulted his nostrils.

Oh dear God, please...

"Got it out of the urinal, there was one that was blocked... who knows how many blokes have contributed to it... drink it up, Boy... all of it..." The look on Dave's face showed that he wasn't messing about.

"Yeah, Boy, don't let us down..." chimed Pete, smiling.

Frank looked around the cafe, trying to see if anyone was watching. He knew what the penalty was if he didn't do what was asked of him. He was dreading what the contents of the glass would taste like.

He looked down once more and saw a pubic hair floating in the liquid.

"Master..." he began.

"Drink it or I'll stick your head in the urinal and make you drink that instead." threatened Dave menacingly.

Frank closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and poured the foul liquid into his mouth, draining the glass. The acrid bitter taste filled his mouth and made him cough, but he swallowed all the liquid and placed the glass back down on the table. As he did so, he noticed that the pubic hair was gone... and then it began to tickle his throat. Frank blushed as Dave patted him on the back.

"Well done, Boy, you did me proud." said Dave loudly.

"Thank you, Master Dave..." Frank replied without thinking, then blushed again.

Frank wondered what the hell was happening to him...


Next: Chapter 17

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