The Hijack

By Pigmstr

Published on Nov 3, 2023



Frank looked out of the windscreen of the cab as the lorry drove up the motorway to God knows where, sandwiched in between Pete, who was driving, and Dave, who was smoking one of his big fat cigars and taking great delight in blowing the smoke towards Frank's face. For some reason, Frank's cock was trying to get hard but the plastic cock-cage Dave had fitted to him was preventing that from happening. That didn't make it any less uncomfortable though. Or any less embarrassing.

"That getting you turned on, Boy?" asked Dave with a twinkle in his eye. "You wanna go in the back and sit on my cock?" he laughed, tapping the ash from the cigar out of the slightly opened side window.

Pete laughed from behind the steering wheel, glancing over at the two older men.

"No, no Master Dave," started Frank, unsure of where this was heading and not really wanting to find out. "Please..." Frank winced at the thought of Dave's big piece of meat being thrust firmly in his ass... yet his cock struggled in vain to stiffen up. He squirmed in his seat.

Dave looked over at him sternly. "Get in the back, fatso..." he replied with a smirk, "and lower your trousers..." He blew a smoke ring at the helpless, embarrassed lorry driver, then threw the cigar butt out of the side window.

Frank looked towards the back of the cab to the sleeper compartment. His ass was sore from the fucks he had received last night, and he didn't think he could take any more... jesus, he bloody knew he couldn't take any more!

"Please, Master Dave, my ass..." he pleaded, raising his hands to big man advancing towards him.

"Yes, your ass... is mine, and I want to see it, so get in the back and stop whining." He pushed against Frank's hands, forcing them downwards. "Or I'll give you something to whine about..." The last few words were firmer in tone.

Frank swallowed hard and reluctantly undid his seatbelt, then climbed up and behind him. He felt a hand on his backside push him into the sleeper compartment.

"Yeah... I got something for you Boy, a real nice treat... made to make your eyes water..."

Frank closed his eyes and hoped it wouldn't be too painful...

Once in the back of the cab, Frank had reluctantly unzipped his trousers and pulled them down, displaying his semi-naked arse in the rubber trunks Dave had earlier ordered him to wear. Dave had then told him to bend over and put his ass up in the air with his head and shoulders down, then knelt down himself by Frank's head, unzipping his flies to release his cock, which began to stiffen once freed from his jeans. Frank could see the glistening pre-cum beginning to ooze from the cockhead.

"Suck it, bitch." came the order. Frank looked up at the big man towering over him, then leaned over and took Dave's tool in his mouth as he felt Dave's hands fall gently into place; one on the back of his head holding him firmly in place, and the other feeling, groping, slapping at his rear. Frank somehow was beginning to find this a turn on...

Dave's cock tasted foul as his cockhead rolled onto Frank's tongue, advancing it's way towards the back of his throat. Frank gagged and spluttered, his mouth full of Dave's slimy prick.

"Enjoying that, Boy? I made especially sure I didn't wash it so it's nice and cheesy for ya, should taste really good..."

Frank wasn't enjoying it at all. The thought of where that cock had been beforehand, mainly up his arse, made his stomach turn.

"Tell me Boy, tell me how much you like it." Dave slapped Frank on the ass hard, leaving a red handprint to go with the welts that were already present.

"Mmmmm..." mumbled Frank, his eyes watering as Dave pushed more of his cock into his mouth.

"That's what I thought." Frank didn't see Dave licking his index and middle fingers to make them wet.

But he felt them as they were roughly forced into his sore, aching asshole.

"MMMmmmm !"

"Shut it Boy, gotta open you up a bit for your treat..." Dave forced both fingers in up to, and then past, the second knuckle, then proceeded to finger Frank's tender hole. Frank wished he didn't have such big thick fingers.

"Mmmmm ! MMMM !" he mewled.

"Perhaps you don't want opening up, eh? Perhaps you want me to tear you open with my treat, is that it Boy? Is that what you want?"

"MMMmm !" came the reply, Frank trying his best to shake his head. He closed his eyes and tried to relax around the two fingers thrusting gently in and out of his asshole, finding this difficult. He noticed that his cock was trying hard to swell up, trapped inside the plastic cock-cage.

"Fucker's ass is still nice and tight even after having my cock buried in it all night !" said Dave to Pete, who was trying his best to look at the scene behind him whilst simultaneously trying hard not to crash into anything on the busy motorway.

"Are we gonna plough him again, Sir?" Pete asked.

"Not just yet... I think he deserves a reward though for giving us both good service last night..."

Dave removed his fingers from Frank's asshole, then reached down and wiped them onto his cock just before it slipped into Frank's mouth, so that Frank could savour the taste of his own ass even more.

Then he reached behind him and pulled something out of a bag.

Frank continued to suck on Dave's prong, oblivious to what was going on, and then...

What was that buzzing noise?

He could barely begin to give it some thought, when he felt something hard press between his asscheeks. Now, he knew it wasn't Dave's cock, cos that was in his mouth, and it couldn't be Pete's, as he was still driving the lorry cab... so who was it...?

The hardness pushed forward, separating Frank's buttocks till it rested against his tightly closed pucker. Why was it tickling like that...?

Oh shit, thought Frank, the fucker is gonna use a vibrator on me !

"Here comes your treat, Boy..."

Frank tried in vain to clench his asshole as tight as he could, but Dave pusheded the vibrator firmly forward till it breached his hole and slipped inside.

"MMMPPPH !" cried Frank in a mixture of pain and shame, and...

He couldn't believe the sensations he was experiencing as the vibrator slowly rubbed over his prostate gland.

"You liking that Boy?" asked Dave, twisting the vibrator around as he slowly pulled it back out.

"Mmmmmm...." Frank found himself mumbling as it was pushed back in, nice and slow. Somehow, god knows how, it was making him feel like he was gonna shoot his load ! How could that happen when his cock wasn't hard?

"Suck me off Boy, show me what a good cocksucker you are, and I'll fuck you with it till you cum..." replied Dave, pushing the device in fully. This sent waves of pleasure through Frank's lower body.

"Mmmmmmppphhh... mmmm..." he murmured as he started making more of an effort on his Master's cock, eager to please. He no longer cared that Dave's cock tasted cheesy, he didn't care that his asshole was aching, or that his own cock wasn't able to get hard, trapped in the plastic cock-cage. He just wanted more of that delicious sensation, and he was willing to do anything to get it.

"Cup my balls, Boy." came the order. Frank responded with his free left hand, reaching up to stroke and fondle Dave's big hanging balls. Dave responded to that by increasing the speed of the thrusts in and out of Frank's asshole. Frank knew that his own cock was dribbling pre-cum, trapped within the cock-cage and inside the crotch of the tight rubber trunks. If he could have reached back and stroked his cock, he would have. He was actually enjoying this !

"Good Boy, make me happy, Boy, suck that cock nice and deep... ohhhh..." muttered Dave as Frank's now willing hot mouth sucked on his rock hard dick. By now, Frank had realised that the more effort he put into pleasuring Dave, the more pleasing thrusts of the vibrator Dave would give him in return.

So he sucked harder on Dave's dripping tool, eager to please his Master, knowing what he would receive.

"Mmmmmmm...." murmured Dave.

"Mmmmm... replied Frank.

Frank could feel Dave's ball sack getting firmer and tighter as he got closer to shooting his load. In response, Frank sucked as hard as he could on the big throbbing piece of meat stuffed in his mouth, and in return he felt the vibrator pistoning in and out of his arsehole.

Dave's moans were getting louder, spurred on by Pete, who was rubbing his own crotch with one hand whilst steering with the other.

Frank felt the vibrator get pushed firmly into his ass, then held there, as suddenly Dave's cock shuddered and spewed hot thick spunk over Frank's tongue and down his throat.

Frank could feel his own orgasm building within him as he gladly swallowed the sticky load of his Master, making sure he swallowed every drop as he had been taught.

Nearly there, he thought... nearly...

"Mmmmmm..." he mumbled as he wrapped his tongue around Dave's throbbing cock...


Dave pulled the vibrator out of his ass and threw it onto the bedding.

"Later, bitch, you can cum later..." he put his cock away and then sat at one end of the sleeper compartment, retrieving the vibrator and turning it off.

"Please, Master Dave... let me cum..." Frank begged, desperately.

"Not yet, Boy... get a finger up your arse though if you want..." Dave smiled at him. "And pinch those tits, get me all turned on and I'll finish you off..."

Frank looked at Pete, who looked back and winked.

He reached behind him and felt his ass. He felt for his asshole, then pushed his finger in, then reached up and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt, reaching in to feel his chest and rub at his now swollen nipples.

Dave lit up a cigar and smiled at him.

"Good Boy, show me how you like having things stuffed up your fat ass and I'll use the vibrator on you again..."

Frank was glad his cock was in the cage.

Otherwise it would have been rock hard.


Next: Chapter 18

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