The Hockey Boys

By c m

Published on Apr 8, 2023


I should probably have said at the start of part 1 that this story is set in the 1990s when the internet was still in its infancy and mobile phones were the size (and weight) of a housebrick with their use being confined almost exclusively to business.

Same disclaimers apply as with part 1, and comments are very welcome to

I hope you enjoy the story.

Once home, it turned out that my parents were planning to go and see an elderly relative in Yorkshire who was nearing the end of her life. They asked me if I would be OK in the house on my own over the weekend, and I suggested that it might be nice if I could have a friend to stay. They agreed, and ten minutes later I had called Mark, arranged to meet him at the station the following Friday - with his parents' blessing. If my parents thought that there was anything odd about my inviting someone with whom I seemed to have become friends so recently, they didn't say anything - but then they didn't really concern themselves with my friends anyway.

My mother took me to the station that Friday morning. We were a few minutes late leaving, and Mark was already there, ready and waiting. I hefted his overnight bag into the boot and we got into the car for the short trip home. Mark was politeness itself on the journey, and we told Mum the story of how we played on the same team, were doing the same A levels, and liked the same music, and that we had become friends over the last couple of terms. Mum simply said to me when we got home what a lovely boy she thought Mark was.

Their journey to York was a long one, so virtually the moment we got home, Dad was packing up the car and off they went. With a 'See you on Monday' they were off up the road.

Mark and I waved them off, went back inside the house and immediately grabbed each other, leaning back against the front door, and kissed. I felt his tongue on my lips and we were suddenly enjoying our first kiss with tongues. I moaned with pleasure, pressing my body against his, feeling his hardness through his trousers.

'I think there's something we need to take care of,' I said.

He just nodded. I grabbed him by the hand and led him upstairs to my bedroom. I don't think two boys have ever stripped so quickly, and within seconds we were lying on my nice double bed wrapped in each other's arms.

'I've missed you so much, Chris'

'You too, Mark'

We grabbed each other urgently – and it didn't take long for both of us to shoot over one another. We were out of breath, eyes shining with lust and desire.

He rolled on top of me, wet and sticky as he was. He kissed me, then stroked my hair.

'We've got all the rest of today, all tomorrow, all of Sunday and Monday morning. How many times do you think we can get each other off in that time?' he asked mischievously.

'Fifteen or so - if you're up to it.' I replied.

'Oh at least that, I think. And there's some things I'd like to try as well'

That caught my interest. 'What sort of things?'

'Wait and see,' he said

I slapped his bottom. 'You little tease!'

'Mmhmm...that's me. Come on, let's go shower'.

I grabbed a couple of towels out of my cupboard and we padded across the landing to the bathroom. My parents had their own en suite, so this was pretty much my bathroom and it had a really great shower. Powerful and spacious. I turned the water on and we stood under the huge 'flood' shower head washing the sticky remains off our bodies. I grabbed some shower gel and squirted a generous splash on Mark's chest, using my hands to rub it to a lather and work it all over his chest, down over his stomach and into his pubes.

'Turn around' I said.

Mark turned, and I squirted a little more gel onto his back, working it into a foam before running my hand over his buttocks and up through the crack. I pulled him back until he was pressed against me, my erection hard up against his firm ass. I put my arms around his waist, his chin on his shoulder, and placed my mouth against his ear.

'I think I could do this for ever', I whispered.

He turned around in my arms and stepped back under the stream of water. I could feel the bubbles running down his body as he looked into my eyes.

'I'd like that.'

Then he got hold of the gel and started to return the favour, washing me all over. Then he knelt down in front of me, the water coursing off his shoulders.

'This is one of the things I wanted to try' he said, looking up at me.

As I watched, he pulled my foreskin all the way back and then poked out his tongue and licked the tip of the exposed head. I shivered with pleasure and then gasped as he took it into his mouth. I felt his tongue swirl around the whole of the head and then felt his lips slide down the shaft and back up again. I had never imagined such pleasure was possible.

My hand seemed drawn to the back of his head, grasping handfuls of his hair and pulling him closer into me. His movements quickened, the pace of his sucking increased and then I was past the point of no return, I could feel my balls tighten as he squeezed them and then I was cumming, urgently and copiously. He had pulled off me just far enough for my cum to splatter all over his face, the white smears disappearing instantly under the flow of water. I felt my knees buckle and then I was sitting on the floor of the shower beside him, water raining down on both of us. I reached up and turned the handle through 180 degrees, cutting off the flow.

'Where the hell did you learn to do that?'

'Read about it.'

'It was like nothing I could ever have imagined. Can't wait to try it again. And I want to do the same for you too'.

'Oh...goody'. He said, turning his lovely smile on me

We dried off and went back to the bedroom, where I lay Mark down on his back, spread his legs, and knelt between them. I thought back to the shower, and pulled his foreskin back before putting my head close to the tip and licking around the head. I heard Mark gasp and felt him shudder. The sensation of licking him was extremely pleasurable, and taking it in my mouth and sliding my lips down the smooth, velvety shaft seemed second nature. The tip hit the back of my throat and I gagged. I pulled up a little before starting a steady, and then increasingly fast, up and down movement. I could feel him squirming with pleasure and felt his hands in my hair, twisting and pulling. I heard a little gasp from above;

'I'm close, Chris.'

I felt his balls tighten in my hand, could see his stomach muscles clench and then there was a loud groan and his cock bucked in my mouth. I pulled off but not quite in time to avoid some of his seed landing in my mouth. Then it was suddenly everywhere. On my face, in my eyes, in my hair, over his stomach and chest. As I wiped my eyes clear of his goo, I realised that my brain was telling me that the taste I'd had of him was not unpleasant.

'Jeez, you are bloody fountain...look at me'

'It's your fault. I never cum like that on my own.He giggled.And your face is covered in it.'

'Tell me about it. And getting it in my mouth wasn't what I had in mind either.'

'In your mouth? Do I taste nice?'

'Try it, I said' and kissed him.

'Fuck...actually it isn't too bad'

'I agree...a pleasant I'm going to have to go and clean up all over again'.

I went back into the bathroom where I put my head under the shower, and used cool water to wash the mess out of my hair and off my face, and then went back to lay on the bed.

'Twice in an hour. We'll never keep it up. At this rate we we'll have managed it 144 times by Monday lunchtime.'

`So you're a maths genius as well. Is there no end to your talents?'

`Absolutely none.'



`Watch it or I might have to put you in your place'

`You can try...'

I cuffed him lightly on his head. `Just listen to your olders and betters.'

`Older by three months.'

`Yeah and don't you forget it.'

He stuck his tongue out at me.

I looked down at his cock lying small and soft between his legs. That was something else we had in common. We were both growers. Limp we were both no more than a couple of inches or so in length, but erect, we were both around seven inches - although I was definitely a little thicker than he was. Holding a 'grower' cock is a real turn on. You can feel it thicken, lengthen and harden in your hands. Or better still, I had found earlier, in your mouth. I idly put my hand on his cock and flipped it from side to side. It started to swell at my touch.

`How about we try sucking each other at the same time?' Mark suggested.

'My, you ARE full of tricks...sounds great.'

So we did, lying on our sides, faces in each other's groins. This time when I climaxed, Mark didn't pull off. He just swallowed what I pumped into him. It felt extraordinary. I figured I better do the same - hell, I'd already had an involuntary taste of him - and when it happened it just tasted warm and a bit salty.

`You know what, you taste pretty good.'

`You too - and no need for another shower. Much less messy.'

`Indeed. Ummm...I'm hungry. Time to get something to eat - well, more than just your cum anyway. Let's go find a pizza in the freezer and get it in the oven.'

'Sounds good to me'

We dressed, went downstairs and duly found a couple of pizzas and some salad which we wolfed down.

We went into the lounge and put the television on. I sat in a corner seat on the sofa and Mark cuddled up next to me, before deciding instead to lie down, his head in my lap. I idly stroked his hair. He looked up at me, his liquid blue eyes staring into my green ones.

'I've never been so happy, Chris. Being able to spend three whole days with you is the stuff my dreams are made of.'

I smiled. 'I love being with you, Mark. Not just the sex, but having you here. What's happening to us?'

'I don't know. But I hope it keeps happening. I have real...feelings for you, Chris.'

'I feel just the same about you, Mark.'

We fixed ourselves some more to eat later than evening and went back to watch some more television. But somehow we found each other a whole lot more interesting than the TV. By nine o'clock we were back in bed, Mark sprawled over me, his naked body laying the length of mine. He propped his head up on his elbows and touched his nose to mine. We kissed long and slow and deep for what seemed to be hours. We were in no hurry. He wriggled against me.

'How come we never did this sooner?'

'I didn't know how you felt about me...and I didn't know I could feel this way about anyone.'

'Nice, isn't it?'

'It's amazing,'re amazing.'

'I love your body'

'What do you like about it?'

'I like your blond hair. I like your green eyes. I love your sexy smile. I like your tongue and the feel of it on my cock. I like the way you kiss. I like the dusting of hairs on your chest. I like the firmness of your stomach. I like the little treasure trail that leads down to your pubes. I like the crinkly roughness of your hair down there. I like your cock; the way it grows, the way it feels, all velvety yet hard. I like the way your foreskin doesn't quite cover the tip when you're erect. I like your balls and the way they feel when I roll them around in my hand. I like the muscles in your legs. I like your toes and the way they stroked me when we first did this in the bath. I like the softness of your hands in my hair, and on my back and on my dangly bits. I like the way it all fits together in one perfect, sexy package............ other than that, of course, you're nothing special.'

He smiled and then kissed me. We lay there in companionable silence, enjoying our closeness, warm with the heat radiating from our bodies.

`This is the first time I've had anybody naked in this bed with me' I whispered in Mark's ear.

Mark moved his head onto my chest twirling his fingers through the hairs on it. I sensed he had something on his mind.

`What's up?' I asked.

`Chris...when you wank, do you think about boys or girls?'

Ummm....pretty much boys, I think.

`But do you ever think about that way?'

I paused. Good question. `Umm... well...I guess I am kinda curious about what sex with a girl would be like. My friend David has a sister, Liz, who I've occasionally thought about in that way. Why? What about you?'

`I only ever think about boys, and for the last three years I have only ever thought about you every time I wank. I must have come pints and pints imagining it was you stroking and sucking my cock. I never, ever think about girls.'

I stopped to think. Since that time we had first touched each other in the bath, I realised that the only person I had thought about in sexual terms was Mark. Liz had, in truth, rarely crossed my mind before that moment, and not at all, I realised, since. Thinking about her now, I realised that I felt nothing. Not even curious any more.

`You are the only one I've thought about in the last six weeks Mark. The only one. All the time. And I don't see that changing.'

What I'd just said echoed through my head. The thought brought reality crashing down around me. I wasn't sure I could handle it. I had been so sure that wanking with other boys was just a release. It didn't mean anything. It was just what horny boys did. And now I was scared. Scared of what it meant I must be. Scared of how I felt about this beautiful boy. Scared of what I had got myself into. I started to shake and realised that tears were coursing down my face.

`Oh Chris...please....please ...what have I said? Please don't cry. Tell me what I've done wrong.'

`What am I Mark? What are we? I'm scared Mark, so scared.'

`'s going to be OK.'

He paused.

`Look Chris, I've known I was gay – yes, I'm gay - for three, maybe four, years. Is that what scares you...that you think you are gay?'

`I don't know what I am, Mark. I know I've never felt anything like I'm feeling right now. And I know it's not what I expected.'

He stroked my hair, and my cheeks and my chin and looked into my eyes.

`Well...if it helps...I really, really hope you are gay because I am and I want to spend all my time with you for the foreseeable future. You mean the world to me.'

I stared at him. And then I started to laugh. Of all the things he could have said, this just struck home. Whatever else I was thinking, I knew I wanted to spend as much time as I could with this wonderful, sexy boy. Gay? OK, maybe I was gay. Fuck it, I damn well knew I was gay. Which was going to have some difficulties. But Mark was gay – and that was pure sunshine. Fair trade I guess.

I looked into Mark's eyes. He wiped my tears away with his thumb. `You OK with that?'

`Spending all my time with you? Yeah. I'm very OK with that.'

` terms of what we are...could we be... boyfriends?'

Boyfriends. Scary. But kind of exciting. And we definitely weren't just wank buddies. And we were certainly more than friends. And lovers sounded a bit naff. Yeah. Boyfriends. Why not?

`Sure – boyfriend.'

He snuggled up close to me. Today has turned out even more magical than I could ever have imagined. I haven't said this before but...I really love you, Chris. I love being with you. You are everything and more than I imagined. And everything and more that I want.

Love? He loved me? Gay. Boyfriend. Love. All these new words. All these new feelings.

`You've changed my world, Mark. I'm still really scared – but I'm so happy too.'

Mark gave my arm a squeeze. I leaned into him and kissed him. And then we held each other. Tightly. Wordlessly. Passionately. Eventually I heard Mark say;


I smiled. Yes. Sleep tight, Mark.' And then, unbidden, unstoppably, the words tumbled out: I love you.'

`I love you too Chris.'

And that's how we fell asleep. Face to face, an arm draped over one another's shoulders.

I came to to the sensation of a mouth on my cock.

'Seemed a shame to waste that morning wood'; Mark's blue eyes were looking up at me.


'Well that's a nice thing to say to your boyfriend, I must say.'

Boyfriend. I smiled. The conversation came flooding back.

'Yes, well...fortunately for you I don't mind having a slutty boyfriend'

'Goody' he said, resuming his sucking with a loud slurp.

Pleasurable though it was, I didn't want to climax yet. 'Come up here and be kissed'.


'Do what your boyfriend tells you. There's something I need to ask. You know you told me that you knew you were gay maybe four years ago. How?'

'Well, my folks have their faults, but they have always been really open about sexuality and all that. They told me when I was about eleven that although most boys found they were attracted to girls, some found that they were attracted to boys, and some girls felt the same way about other girls. They said that if that was how it turned out with me, that was fine. They weren't making a judgement, they just wanted me to know that it was OK.'

'That's amazing. I can't ever imagine my parents talking to me like that. I mean, I don't think they are going to be nasty if they find out, but I think they'll be disappointed'

'If Chris? If they find out? Aren't you going to tell them about how you feel? About us? about me?'

I felt my eyes fill with tears. 'Give me time Mark. I'm not ashamed of us - of you. But so much has happened so fast. I don't know what to do. You must think I'm pathetic.'

'Hey, hey, hey...I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. This must still be really scary for you. But your Mum seems very nice; I'm sure she'll be OK'

'Do your parents know about you being gay?'

Mark nodded. 'I told them when I was fourteen that I was pretty sure I was gay. They were trying to fix me up with a date and I just said I didn't want to date girls. It just sort of spilled out. I hadn't meant to say that but I did...and was fine. You know why I said that? You know why I said I didn't want to date girls? Because, Chris...because I wanted to date you - impossible though it seemed at the time. I'd idolised you all that first year at school. I thought about you all the time. Which is why all this feels like some kind of dream. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up.'

'You knew at fourteen?'

'Actually I knew at thirteen. When I first saw you three years ago when I arrived at the school I knew that you were the one. thirteen I knew. I didn't know all the details about you then, but I knew. Now I know the details - and not only am I absolutely sure that I am gay – I'm also certain that you are the one.'

'So, knowing you were gay...did you really wait three years before... I mean have you...have there been..'

'Has there been anyone else before you? No. No one. you, I've had a wank buddy and I did that thing with Johnny too, but I have never kissed another boy, I've never sucked another boy and I'm a virgin. You're my first proper boyfriend.'


'Yeah, virgin.' He paused and looked quizzically at me. 'Chris, you DO know that boys fuck don't you? You know, fuck each other - stick their cocks in each other's bums?'

I blushed. 'Sure I know'. And I suppose that I did. I just had never thought about...putting my cock up another boy's bum.

'You really are a little innocent aren't you? It's OK. In fact it's cute and it's lovely and it's why I love you. Wow, there's so much for us to discover together.'

Discovering stuff together. That sounded good. And I guess one of us needed to have some idea of what to do.

`Umm...I want you to tell me everything you know about boys....fucking.'

'Really? Right now? We don't have to...I'm really loving just the stuff we are already doing.'

I nodded. 'I'm in the mood to learn'.

'OK. Well first of all, you need to be clean on the inside - don't want shit all over your dick, right?

''How very graphic. OK, get that. How do we get clean?'

'I'm pleased you asked that. I've got something in my, don't look at me like that. I had no idea things would go this way but I hoped and prayed they might so I figured, as a good ex boyscout, that I should be prepared'

He hopped over to his bag and brought out a bulb with a pipe on it in his left hand a and a tube of cream of some sort in his right.

'I have also brought something that I think may become one of our best friends, some KY jelly. You may have noticed - I certainly have - that you have a big fat cock.'

He bent over and pulled his bum cheeks apart. 'You will also notice that I have a small tight hole'

`To get that,' he pointed at my cock, 'into here,' he pointed at his little pink pucker, 'is going to need some help. This...' he waved the tube at me, 'is that help.'

'Loving your visual aids,' I murmured.

'Don't get sarky with me. Listen and learn - because I very much hope you are going to oblige me by taking my cherry. You do want to do that, I hope?'

Did I? I hadn't even thought about it. But the thought did excite me, I realised.

`I want to do anything you want, Mark.'

`And after that, I hope you'll let me do the same for you?'

That was a more scary thought. 'You'll have to ask nicely.'

'I'll ask very nicely. Now this,' he waved the bulb thing at me, 'is a douche. We fill it with water, squirt it up our bums and then let it out. Repeat until the water runs clear.'

'Well, aren't you just a mine of information'

'You should be pleased one of us has some idea of what to do'

And that was the truth.

'Want to give it a go?'

I looked at him, standing there naked waving his tube and his bulb at me. The light from the window seemed to make his skin glow. His cock was half hard and I wanted him so, so badly.

'OK, yes. Let's give it a go'

We went into the bathroom and he showed me what to do with the douche. Kinda weird the first few times, but painless and clearly effective. We dried off and came back to the bed.

He took the top off the tube and squeezed some of the clear liquid onto his fingers, before reaching behind and putting the jelly inside his hole.

'You may need to add some more. Put some on your fingers and then use them to open me up. One to start with, then two, then three. Open me up and then enter me slowly. You'll need to put plenty on your cock - and use a little bit of water after to make it really slippery.'

He turned around and leaned with his arms on the bed, feet apart on the floor, his bum towards me. I looked down at my cock and then down at his pucker.

'Isn't this going to hurt you, Mark. Even with the lube. I'm not boasting but I look awfully big to be going inside that tight thing.'

'Yeah, Chris, it's probably going to hurt a little at first, but all the books and the stories say it's fine after that. That's why it's important you use your fingers.'

He stood up and turned to face me. He put his hands on my shoulders and brought his face close to mine.'

'I want you in me, Chris. A little pain is OK. If it hurts too much I'll tell you to stop. But I want you in me so, so badly.' He turned around again, and bent slightly over, hands flat on the bed.

I did as he asked. I slipped one greased finger inside him, marvelling at the tightness and the heat. And then another and then a third. I could see him wince with pain but he urged me on. I went as deep as I could him, seeing his hole widen and stretch. He moaned.

`Fuck me, Chris, please fuck me.'

I put a good squirt of the gel on my cock, dipped my fingers in the glass of water and rubbed that over the gel as well. I put myself against his entrance.

`Tell me if you want me to stop'.

He nodded, and I pressed into him, watching my length inside him. An inch or so in, I hit resistance. I pushed harder and heard him suck in his breath.

`Don't stop, Chris, this is the hard bit. Just do it'.

I did as he asked, thrusting through the ring of muscle. He yelped in pain but he told me to carry on and, once breached, I suddenly slid easily and fully inside him.

'Just let me get used to you. Just hold it there for a moment. hurts, but it's good.'

I felt Mark move his bum back tight against my thighs. 'OK Chris, fuck me...gently...'

I slowly pulled a little way out and then pushed back in again. I heard him suck air in between his teeth.

'You OK Mark? I don't want to hurt you'.

'It's OK...keep going '

Over the next few minutes I thrust gently in and out and could almost feel him start to relax.

'O h that's so good, Chris. A little faster, a little deeper.'

The added speed and depth made him cry out. He tensed up. 'Don't stop, don't stop. No pain, no gain. It's getting easier. Keep going.'

By now I was getting pretty much into it myself. the friction and the tightness of Mark's hole were getting me close to the point where I was going to cum unless we slowed things down. I told Mark I was close .

'Go for it, Chris. Hard and fast. Do it.'

So I did. He yelped as I drove hard into him, but then the little squeaks and moans of pleasure started.

'Oh yes, oh yes, oh god that feels so good. Mmmm...yes, more.'

One final series of quick thrusts and I was past the point of no return. I exploded inside him. I could myself pumping deep inside him. I had never felt anything like it.

As I finally slipped out of him, he collapsed on the bed.

'That was amazing' he said. 'So much pain then so much pleasure. God you felt so good inside me. I can't believe I've just lost my cherry to the boy of my dreams.' He giggled. 'I want to do it again. But first...and it's fine if you don't want to...could I...that is, would you let me...try it with you?'

Right up to that moment, I hadn't known whether I wanted to be fucked or not. But having seen the look of pleasure on Mark's face, having heard the pleasure I had obviously given him by the time I came, and seeing the longing in his eyes, I was suddenly certain that I wanted to give myself to him. And he had asked nicely.

`OK, Mark. I think I'd like to try.'

'Come and lie here beside me.'

I lay down beside him. He propped himself up on one elbow and put a hand on my chest. 'I promise I won't hurt you. You can tell me to stop at any time.'

I smiled up at him. 'You've taken me to so many new places already Mark. I trust you. I just feel.. curious, worried and excited all at the same time'

'Turn on your side with your back to me, and pull up your top leg so I can get at your hole.' As I turned I saw Mark take the tube of KY and a few seconds later I felt his finger pushing at my entrance. I instinctively tensed up.

'Relax, Chris, it will be much easier and better. Hey, that's it' he said as I felt his slippery finger slide inside me. He worked his finger around, as I relaxed and then I felt the pressure of a second finger pushing into me. I gasped involuntarily as his third finger entered me. I could feel my hole being stretched and widened and he was touching something inside me that felt really good.

'You OK if I try to enter inside you, Chris?'

'Yes, but please be gentle.'

I tried to focus on relaxing and felt him enter me. As he pressed deeper a bolt of pain shot through me.

'Aargh, fuck, Mark... it hurts.'

'Do you want me to stop?'

'Just rest there a moment. Let me get used to it'.

'It's your inner ring of muscle Chris. Once I'm through it, it will feel fine. Tell me when you're ready for me to try again'.

Maybe half a minute later the pain had eased off.

'OK Mark, try again'.

I felt him push against me again and inch a little further inside before the pain came back.

'Stop there Mark, please. Don't pull out, I just need to get used to it'.

'Sure Chris.'

The next time he pushed it felt like something had given way inside. The pain was excruciating - and I couldn't help crying out - but brief and then, suddenly I could feel the length of him sliding all the way in.

'Oh Chris, I'm in. I'm inside you.'

'Yeah, I can feel it. Just stop there a mo.'

Knowing the worst was past helped. I relaxed and knew I was ready for the next stage.

'OK Mark, ready'.

I bit my lip as the pain returned a little as he started to thrust gently in and out, but that was soon replaced by a warm buzz and little jolts of pleasure on his in-thrusts.

'How does it feel, Chris?'

'It feels good Mark. I think I want you to go a little faster'.

So he did. And the sensation became more and more pleasurable - as if someone had turned up the colours from pastel to primary. I was conscious of his breathing getting faster and shallower.

I could swear I felt his cock bulge inside me. He was suddenly thrusting like crazy, then he groaned, and I felt him buck as the first rope of cum forced its way up his shaft and inside me. I could feel his cock kicking as it delivered the rest of his load, a little grunt accompanying each spurt. And then it was over.

As he finished he lay shuddering against my back. 'Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh wow. Oh Chris. Oh man. That was something else.'

I heard his breathing return to normal. I felt his lips on my neck as he kissed me.

'Are you OK, Chris? I kind of lost it there at the end'.

I turned to face him and felt him slip wetly out of me. 'That was amazing for me too, Mark'.

' that we are both such experienced lovers...did you prefer fucking or being fucked?'

'Being fucked hurt like hell - at least at first. So maybe I shouldn't judge until we see how it feels after a few more times. Assuming you're good with the idea of fucking me a few more times?'

'Oh I think I could force myself to do that'

'Very generous of you. And I sure loved fucking you.' I paused and thought about things. 'Ummm...if it turns out that I don't really like being fucked, would you mind?

'Not at all. I would be happy for you just to do it to me.'

'I don't think that's how it will be. It felt really, really good at the end.' I put my finger on my hole. It felt warm - and wet of course - but it didn't hurt like I thought it might.

'Let's see how it goes. I loved fucking you, Chris, but having you inside me would be enough...that is...if you are happy to keep fucking me.'

'Oh yes, I'm definitely happy to keep fucking you.'

He looked at me. `I love you so much, Chris.'

'I love you too Mark.'

'Shower time?'

'Shower time.'

We washed each other all over then towelled each other dry. Then we stood beside one another in front of the big, full length mirror. Our naked reflections looked back at us. We looked good together. I put an arm round his shoulder and he put one round my waist. We made a handsome couple.

'Looking good Mr. Taylor,' I said.

'Looking very good, Mr. Alexander.'

We both realised that we were starving. Sex makes you hungry - and we needed to start getting some reserves on board for what was to come, never mind to offset what was past.

'Come on. We need to go shopping.'

We got dressed and headed out into town. My parents had left some money for groceries, so we headed to the supermarket and picked up some bread, fruit, chips and peas, and some pizzas, then went to the butcher and got some steak, bacon and sausages. There were plenty of eggs and juice in the fridge so we reckoned we had all we needed to see us through the next couple of days.

We stopped off for a coffee and a doughnut to stave off the worst of the hunger pangs, sitting on a comfortable sofa in the corner of the coffee shop. I had never enjoyed shopping so much.

We finished the coffees and headed home where I put together a small mountain of eggs, bacon and sausages which we downed in no time at all along with a glass of orange juice. We cleared the plates away, and I washed them up in the sink, I felt Mark come up behind me and put his arms around my waist, nuzzling his head into my neck. I leaned back against him, enjoying the closeness of his touch.

'So what now?' he asked, kissing my ear.

'Well, I was going to suggest we watch a film, or we could just go back to bed for a bit?'

'Or maybe we could have a cuddle while we watched a film?'

`Sounds like a perfect compromise.'

The windows in the room where the TV was looked out over the back garden, which was completely secluded - so there were no prying eyes to watch us should our cuddle start to turn into something more. I put The Empire Strikes Back into the video player and then went over to the couch. I sat at one end and Mark lay back with his head in my lap We just lay there for a while and then Mark lifted his face up to mine and kissed me. And then one thing led to another.

Twenty minutes later he rolled off me and wiped up most of the mess with a handkerchief. I put the cushions on the floor and sat on them, my back to the sofa, with Mark sitting between my legs and leaning back against me as we watched the rest of the film. The combination of the food, the sex and the warmth of the room finally overwhelmed us and we must have dozed off. We woke up as the music played over the final credits.

Mark and I stood up and gathered up our underwear and trousers, and then opened the windows before going up to the bathroom and using a wet flannel to get clean before getting dressed. We then headed back downstairs and opened a couple of beers - one thing my folks were very relaxed about - and around eight we decided it was time to eat, so we prepared the steaks, put the chips on and I made a little tomato and onion salad. I've always loved cooking - and Mark seemed impressed that I knew what I was doing even if it wasn't exactly haute cuisine.

'Quite the domestic goddess' he said.

I waved the knife I was using to cut up the tomatoes at him. 'Be very careful what you say. This is a very sharp knife and I may be forced to remove certain round objects if you are rude to me.'

' haven't finished with them yet.'

I cuffed him gently on the head. 'Hmmph...I shall certainly take that into account before making a final decision.'

I like my steak rare and fortunately Mark liked his the same way. By now the chips were going nicely golden so I opened a bottle of red wine, put the steaks into a smoking hot pan for two minutes each side at the end of which time the chips were also crisp and ready. We plated up and sat down to enjoy our food.

'You can cook me this again any time, Chris. It's great.

I nodded. 'Good ingredients served simply. That's what my grandmother taught me. I got my love of cooking from her.'

'Well then good for gran' said Mark, pushing his empty plate a few inches away in front of him. 'What's for dessert?'

'We've got plenty of ice cream. Fancy licking it off my body?' I joked.

'Actually I do - but maybe we'll keep that for another day. A simple bowlful would do for now.'

Two large bowls of chocolate ice cream later we were done.

'That was great, Chris. Perfect. So not only damn sexy but a good cook too. My cup runneth over.'

The wine after the beers had made both of us a little light-headed. Combined with all our exertions of the day, we were both, frankly, exhausted. We went back and watched a little more TV, but Mark was yawning his head off, which in turn set me off.

'Bed for both of us, I think'

'Mark nodded. 'Yeah...and sleep. Get our strength back for tomorrow. Our last whole day together before your folks get back. Let's not waste it'.

'C'mon then.'

We made it upstairs to the bedroom, stripped off our clothes and tumbled into bed. We cuddled up close, enjoying the warmth of our bodies and the silky feeling of naked skin on naked skin.

'Sleep well, Chris. Thank you for today. Thank you for everything'.

We kissed and then Mark turned on his side and spooned back into me. I draped one arm over his chest and snuggled up against him. Against my lover. Against my boyfriend. I couldn't have been happier.

Next: Chapter 3: Mark and Me 3

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