The Hockey Boys

By c m

Published on Apr 12, 2023


Same disclaimers and warnings apply as with Part 1.

Thanks to all of you who have sent such kind feedback - always happy to have comments at

The next morning dawned sunny and warm. I had woken up early and was standing, naked, at the window looking down the garden. I felt Mark's hands wrap themselves around my waist, his body pressed up against mine and his head on my shoulder.

'What a lovely morning.' I put my hands over his and leaned back into him, enjoying the warmth of his body against mine.

'I am so happy, Mark.'

'Me too, Chris.' I felt his hands slip down between my legs. I stiffened at his touch. He began to stroke me slowly.

'I love you Chris Alexander. I love your body. I love your mind. And I love your soul. I love your friends. I love being with you. I love having sex with you.' He bit my earlobe. 'I love you so much.' His stroking had increased and I could feel myself churning. A final squeeze made me thrust my hips forward and then nothing could stop it. The first shot hit the window and the rest went all over his hands as he kept going until my last spurt had finished.

I turned my head towards him. 'You really are a first class wanker.'

'Don't be rude.'

'I'm not. No-one does it like you.'

I cleaned the mess off the window and took him back to bed. I took him in my mouth. I loved the sensation of it, the feel of it, the taste of it, the texture of it. I loved the way it swelled and the way it kicked and bucked in my mouth as he climaxed. I loved the taste of him. I sucked every last drop out of him and could feel his hardness slowly subside. I scooched back up to lie beside him - face to face. We kissed.

The next day, before we'd left to go to James, he called.

'Andy is coming over this morning as well - what do you guys want me to tell him about Mark?'

I knew Andy. James had known him almost as long as he he'd known me. I liked him, but we weren't as close as James and I were - and I wasn't sure how he felt about the whole gay thing.

'Umm...that's fine; why don't you just tell him that Mark and I are school friends and that he's staying with me. I don't think he needs to know any more. If things...change...we can deal with it as it happens.'

'OK Chris, no prob.'

We headed on out later that morning and got to James' place around twelve. His mother was there to welcome us.

'Hello Chris, nice to see you - and you must be Mark. Andy and James are through in the games room.'

We went down a flight of stairs to the basement. The games room was a former cellar that had been turned into a room with snooker and pool tables, a television and a bar against the far wall. Andy and James were playing snooker as we arrived.

'Hi guys' said James, limping around the table to come and give both of us a hug. I gave him a squeeze and asked him how his knee was.

'Oh it's gonna be fine. Another couple of days and I'll be whooping your ass at squash again.'

'Yeah, right...but I'm pleased it's on the mend.'

'Andy, come and meet Mark. He's staying with Chris for a few days.'

'Hi Mark, good to meet you. James tells me you guys are at the same school, play hockey together, do the same subjects...pleased to see you don't look like the ugly git as well'. He held out his hand to Mark with a big smile on his face.

'Nice to meet you, Andy. Yeah...I know....still, we can't all be good-looking, eh?' They shook hands.

'Hey Chris...good to see you man.'

'You too Andy'. We gave each other a brief hug.

'Chris - I've put the air rifles upstairs by the back door,' James said, 'If you and Mark want to head on out to the range, that's fine. Andy and I will join you once we've finished here.'

'OK, James, see you in a bit.'

Mark and I went back upstairs and through into the kitchen. As James had said, there were two rifles by the back door, along with targets and two tins of pellets. Mark and I each took one of the weapons and headed out across the back garden and over to the archway which led to the walled garden where the makeshift range was located.

As we walked, Mark said, 'Chris. I don't know why, but I didn't feel very comfortable with Andy.'

'He's usually OK...only trouble is, he's said stuff in the past about gays that means I don't think he's very sympathetic. He doesn't know I'm gay - and I don't want to upset his friendship with James unless it's unavoidable. I'm sorry Mark, I didn't think. Maybe we shouldn't have come.'

'Hey...James must know how Andy feels about gays. I trust him.'

Mark and I set out the targets and I adjusted the sights on both guns. Whilst not a perfect shot, I was good enough to be able to set a group and then work out if the sights were off. Mark turned out to be a decent shot - especially from a prone position - and we had just gone down to collect our second set of targets when James and Andy appeared. James looked at the targets.

'Hmmm...not bad. Let's see if we can do better.'

I knew that James a was an excellent shot - virtually a marksman. Years of practice had told. Andy was inconsistent, and sure enough their targets told the story. James had a near perfect group in the centre while Andy's looked like someone had thrown the pellets at it from a few feet away. Andy was disgruntled and it got to him.

'So how come I haven't met Mark before? You guys just became... friends, Chris?'

I didn't like the undertone in his voice but I just said, 'Yes...something like that. We only started playing together in the same team a few months ago and well...we just kind of found we had stuff in common.'

'Stuff in common. Yeah. You public schoolboys do I guess.' I could see Mark tensing. James intervened.

'Hey Andy, what's up with you? Chris has been a friend for years and I really like Mark. Give him a chance. And what are you suggesting anyway?'

'I dunno, James. I'm sorry. Sorry Chris. Fed up of coming behind all you guys at shooting I guess...and now Mark is better than me too'.

'Beginners luck,' said Mark.

Andy's face clouded again. 'I think that makes it worse. I've been shooting with these guys for years. And you turn out to be a natural.'

I could see Andy getting angry again. 'So what is it they say? Fifty percent of public schoolboys are gay? Which one of you two is it? Guess it must be you Mark, can't see Chris as gay.'

I'd had enough. And blow the consequences. 'Fuck off Andy - and leave Mark alone.'

'Oh...then maybe it IS you who's the gay one Chris. You've got the pretty boy looks for it.'

James stepped over and stood in front of Andy. 'Andy, you apologise and be nice or you leave. This is my house and you are all my guests. I know you're ticked off about the shooting, but that doesn't excuse what you've said. You seem to forget that I'm a public schoolboy as well - so maybe you think I'm gay? And you know what, even if I was, you need to think about your attitudes. We're all friends. Gay, straight, doesn't matter. It's the people they are that we like - and if we like them, then what does their sexuality have to do with anything? Just suppose Chris WAS gay...would he be less fun to be with? Would he be less funny? Or less kind? Would he be less of a friend?'

Andy looked at him then hung his head. ' of course not. I'm sorry, it's just I've been brought up by parents who think homosexuality is wrong, and at school all the guys just say they are pervs and all that and if you don't join in they say you're gay too. I know it's wrong.'

I knew what I had to say. 'Hey, Andy, it's not easy...we know that...but I hope you really do feel that way because I AM gay.'

'Me too,' said Mark.

Andy looked at us. I could see that his mind and his gut were fighting. 'Well James, what do you think now?'

'I already know, Andy. Chris told me. I couldn't care less. Like I say, so far as I'm concerned nothing has changed. He's still my best friend. In fact, I'm not only pleased for him, I'm pleased for me, because it means that's one less good-looking guy fighting me for the girls.'

He grinned. I grinned back. Even Andy smiled.

'I suppose when you put it like that....'.

I stepped towards him and held out my arms. 'No hard feelings?'

He didn't move, but just said 'No hard feelings.'

I still had my arms open. 'Hug?'s OK...I'm not contagious. You can't catch gayness from me.'

He paused, then smiled and stepped forward and gave me a hug. 'Sorry I was such a dick about it.'

'It's OK. Just...remember this the next time someone has a go at gays.'

He nodded. ' the risk of being gauche...are you and Mark...?'

'Yeah, we are.'

As we got ready for bed that evening, I reflected that it had been a pretty remarkable few days. I'd come out to my best friend who was cool with it, and we'd convinced a potential homophobe to see the world differently. Actually, I thought, that was really down to James. Mark must have read my thoughts.

'That James is one hell of a friend isn't he?'

'Yeah, Mark, he truly is. I'm really lucky – we're really lucky - to have him.'

We went into the bathroom together and I turned on the shower. I could see that Mark was already aroused.

'I see your mind is already on my body'.

'Who said it was YOU I was thinking of,' said Mark with a little, impish grin.

'Why you little tart, Mark Taylor'.

'No need to be jealous. Why would I want anyone but you? And I do want you. Right now.'

I took him under the running water - fast and urgent; we both wanted it that way. As we cleaned up afterwards, he kissed me then ran his tongue all down my chest and stomach to my groin. He turned me round with his hands and started to run his hand up and down between my cheeks.

'Bend over, Chris.' I did, and felt his tongue running down from the top of my crack to my hole. I felt him lick it and then force his tongue inside me. I squirmed with pleasure as his it flickered in and out of me.

`I want you Chris.'


I felt him enter me, slowly pressing himself deeper and deeper inside. It felt good, but I wanted to watch him while he did it.

'Let's finish this in bed.'

We half dried off and scampered naked across the corridor and into my room. I put my towel on the bed and lay on top, drawing my knees up to my chest.

'I love to look into your eyes when you're inside me.'

Mark smiled and slid himself back into me. We were too horny to make it last very long, and he was soon shooting deep inside me.

We lay side by side afterwards. 'If you had to choose, Chris, between being a top or a bottom, what would you choose?'

'I hope we can carry on doing both.'

'Sure. But if you had to choose one or the other?'

'If I had to choose...I'd top you. What about you?'

'I'd definitely choose to be bottom. I love having you buried deep inside me. It was what I fantasised about before we got together. I used to lie in bed imagining that you would come into the dorm when everyone else was asleep, get into bed beside me and place your finger on my lips and whisper in my ear that you wanted me. You turned me on my side and slid yourself into me and filled me with your seed, before kissing me and slipping away back to your bed.' He rolled onto one arm and looked into my eyes. 'Don't get me wrong, I love fucking you, but deep down inside, I want you to possess own me...I want to be yours.'

'I want that too. And I have it. But we are equals. We belong to each other.'

We kissed and we cuddled and inevitably we ended up making love again. We just seemed to be able to do it over and over again.

On Thursday, we went and played squash again - Mark was improving rapidly - and then went for a swim afterwards. It was busier today but we still managed to do a few lengths and practised some dives off the springboard. James' knee was still recovering but he joined us in the snooker room as we set the balls up on the table.

'Hello arsebandits,' he said with a smile.

'Well if it isn't our virgin straightboy' I replied.

We stuck our tongues out at each other. Mark just stood there shaking his head. James took on the two of us and we played alternate shots. It was not a high-class affair and he eventually won 42-40.

'So, what's my prize for winning?' he asked.

'That free blow job,' I joked.

'Come on, you don't mean that and anyway...'

'Anyway what? It's OK to be curious. And Mark and I have talked about it.' I looked at Mark who nodded.' It's yours if you want it. From either of us. But the other one gets to watch.'

I could see James really struggling. 'Look Chris, it's really kind can't do it. I'm'

'Being given a blow job doesn't make you gay. You don't have to give one back. It's a gift from us to you as your friends.'

James was walking around, his head held in his hands as his desire and his fear fought. 'Guys, if anyone else had offered me, I'd have said no without a second thought. So why am I even hesitating?'

'Because you want to...and you trust us...and you like us. Hey...there's no pressure. It's just an offer. If you want to say 'no' that's fine.'

'I do like you - hell I love you Chris, you're my best friend. And I do trust you. And...yes...I am way curious about what it would feel like. Shit.'

He walked around some more.

'And this stays just between us? And it's just this once?'

Mark and I both nodded.

'And if I say yes, I get to choose who...does it?'

We nodded.

'Fuck it. Then yes.'

Mark and I smiled at each other. 'So who do want to do it and who do you want to watch?'

'Chris...I can't do this with my best friend. But I wouldn't mind you watching. Is it OK if I choose Mark?'

'Of course.'


'Well, we have three hours before Mum gets back if we head off to my place now. Or we can arrange it for tomorrow.'

'No...let's do it now. I might have lost my nerve by tomorrow.'

It was three very nervous and excited boys who found themselves in my bedroom some twenty minutes later. 'OK James. Standing up or on the bed?'

'Chris...I'm not sure I can go through with this.'

'If you want to change your mind that's OK. Do you still fancy the idea of a blow job?'

James nodded. I went over and put my arms on his shoulders.

'You're with friends. We want to make you feel good. You have been my best friend for ever, and you have been so kind to Mark and me these past few days. Think of this as a thank you. We want to give you this. But it's also fine to change your mind.'

He smiled. 'Ok...I guess...let's do it.'

He unbuckled his belt, unzipped the fly and let them drop to the floor around his ankles. Mark knelt down in front of him, hooked his fingers inside James' boxers, and pulled them down. I had never seen James hard and I have to confess I was curious. I moved round to one side to take a look. James was pulsing slowly to full hardness with little jerky movements; he thickened and lengthened in front of our eyes. Fully erect, he was longer than me but not quite as thick. I saw Mark wrap a hand around it and bring the tip to his lips. James took a sharp intake of breath as he felt Mark's fingers take hold of him, and then I saw James' eyes widen as Mark's mouth engulfed him. He bit his lip, then let out a gasp of pleasure as Mark slid his mouth all the way down and then licked all the way back up again. I saw James' hands grasp handfuls of Mark's hair as his lips worked up and down faster and faster. He was uttering little mewing sounds.

It was all too much for me. I unbuckled my belt and pulled my erection out of my briefs and started stroking it.

James' eyes were now tightly closed, his face screwed up with pleasure and then I saw his stomach muscles spasm.

`Ohhhh,' he groaned.

Mark released James from his mouth. The next moment, a huge rope of cum shot out, splashing on Mark's face, and then another.

'Oh fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck. Oh my god. Fuck.' James opened his eyes. I smiled across at him. His eyes widened as he saw me stroking my erection.

`Was that good, James?'

'Good? It was fucking amazing.'

Meanwhile Mark had shuffled over to me and taken me in his mouth. James just watched, wordless. It didn't take long, and I was soon climaxing in Mark's mouth.

'Are you OK James?'

'Yeah. Yeah. I just need to get my head around...what's happened And...did Mark just swallow that stuff?'

'Yeah. He tastes nice,' said Mark. And it saves all this.' He pointed to his face and hair. `And James - it's OK. You're not gay. But you did just experience why gay boys do it better.'

'Thanks, guys...that was pretty amazing. Thank you for my gift - I shall remember it for a very long time. I'm not sure I'd want to do it again...though maybe I'll change my mind, who knows.'

He turned to Mark. 'Tomorrow is your last day before going home, yes?'

Mark nodded. 'Well, hope to catch you, if not, look forward to next time. I need to get home now.'

We saw James to the door and he headed off. He turned to wave.

`He did enjoy that, didn't he?'

`Yes. I'm sure he did. But I need to talk to him. Maybe give him a few days. I think there's stuff going on in his head. I hope it's all good. I hope we didn't screw things up with him.'

'I think he's OK Chris. And for what it's worth, I really enjoyed myself too.'

I smiled at Mark. I hoped he was right. Maybe I shouldn't have got my best friend involved in this.

That night was our last together before Mark went home. Despite our fun with James that afternoon, we were hungry for each other. I didn't want him to get out of bed in the morning and we snuggled up until eventually Mum knocked on the door and told us to get moving as Mark's mother would be here in less than an hour. We showered together - and then we were packing Mark's bag. We hugged each other. There were tears. We knew that the next time we saw each other would be at school and that would be a whole different ball game. The doorbell rang and the moment was here. I walked Mark to the car. He put his bag in the boot and came and stood in front of me. He hugged me. We kissed. I didn't care who saw.

'I love you Chris Alexander. I love you more than anything in the world. Thank you for being my boyfriend.'

I couldn't speak. Mark understood. I gave him one last hug and then he was gone. When I got back inside, Mum was there.

'You really love that boy, don't you?' I nodded. 'He clearly loves you too. I'm very happy for you Chris. Dad and I like him very much.'

'Thanks Mum. Does love always hurt like this?'

'It does when it's true love. It's painful, but it's a very good sign.' She kissed me.

I went back upstairs and stripped the sheets off the bed. I buried my face in them. They smelled of Mark and of sex. Crusty stains marked our love making over the past few days. I took them downstairs and put them in the washing machine. Mum came in.

'It's OK, Chris. I'll do that.'

'No Mum. I need to do this'.

I put soap and conditioner in the machine, selected 'hot wash' and then I went back upstairs and lay on the bed and cried with the pain of being without him.

The next day I called James. 'Are you OK?'

'Can we meet? I need to talk.'


With his knee fully recovered, we met at the sports club. There was a wait for a squash court to become free so we went for a walk in the grounds. We sat down on a bench in the shade of a huge chestnut tree.

''re still my best friend, right? After what we did?'

'Of course, James. That was a gift between friends. That was all it was.'

'See, I'm not sure that that WAS all it was. It felt amazing when Mark was sucking me, but when I looked at you beside me, stroking yourself, all I wanted was to touch you. What was that about? I've never felt like that before. I mean I don't want to fuck you or anything or for you to be my boyfriend or shit, but why did I feel that? I just don't want to do anything that will end up with us not being friends.'

Wow. That was a stopper. I hadn't seen that coming.

'I will always be your friend, James. Nothing will change that - and you touching me certainly wouldn't change that. I'd like to touch you too. It's just hormones, James. We are horny teenagers and we are curious, and the chance to see, never mind touch, another guy's erection doesn't come along very often. Let's face it, we've pretty much done everything else with each other over the years. We don't have any secrets. Lots of guys jerk off with their buddies. It's normal. Don't worry. I'm sure we'd both enjoy it if it happened.'

'I don't feel guilty, Chris. I loved what Mark did to me. But you and Mark are a couple. It's wrong for me to be involved. And I can't forget that I wanted to hold you.'

He looked at me. I could see tears in his eyes.

'I still want girls. But I think I want to feel what I felt with Mark again too. I'm so confused. Sorry.'

I gave him a hug.

'It will all work out. Don't worry. Let's go play squash.'

We did. And he beat me. He said didn't want to shower with me because he thought he'd get hard but I told him not to be so stupid. We had the showers to ourselves and we took the end block of four. I wanted him to know that I was OK with what he felt - whatever the complications. I deliberately got an erection and made sure he could see it.

'It's OK for us to be hard with each other, James.'

He smiled and I could see him starting to grow. He was soon as stiffly erect as I was. We didn't touch. We let our stiffies subside before leaving the shower and getting dressed. I put an arm around his shoulder as we left the club.

'You're still my best friend, James. If that's OK with you?'

He shoulder barged me. 'Yeah, that's very OK with me.'

I phoned Mark that evening and told him about my chat with James.

'Look Chris, if I'm not around and you and he want to have a jerk off together, that's fine. I'm not the jealous type and I really like James. Look - I've sucked him off. All I need to know is that there aren't...feelings...involved. That it's just a release - between friends.'

'You never cease to surprise me, Mark. The problem is, I'm not sure I feel the same way. I mean, I don't think I'd be comfortable with the idea of you having a wank with Steve, for example, just because I'm not there.'

'It's OK - I kind of like that you're jealous. Look, I don't have a friend like James. Jamie and I like each other but we are nothing like as close as you and James. And I don't see you and me ever doing what we did with James with Jamie - or Steve. Tell James I'm really OK with you two having the occasional wank if you want. I mean it. Love you.'

I invited James around the next day. Before I could say anything, he spoke.

'Chris, I've been thinking. Mark is a really lovely guy. I'm not going to get between you. The whole touching you thing is no biggy and it wouldn't be right. So we can just forget it.'

'If that's what you want.'

'It's not a matter of what I want, it's about what's right.'

'So if Mark said it was fine for us to touch each other sometimes, how would you feel?'

'Pfffff. Like that's going to happen. He loves you, Chris. I can see it. And you love him. What kind of a friend interferes with that?'

'OK. But just so you know, Mark has told me that he's completely OK with us having the odd wank together if we want.'

'What? He said that? Why?'

'Because he really likes you. And he doesn't feel threatened by you. And he trusts us both. He is one amazing boy, James'.

'And how do you feel about it?'

'I was surprised, but actually I get it. What you and I have isn't the same as what he and I have, but as my best friend you are part of our equation. And remember, he's sucked you off. We have...a three-sided...relationship - whether we like it or not. Not all the sides are equal, but you are part of both our lives, and we both hope it will stay that way. And if a little physical closeness makes you happy and makes me happy, then Mark says it also makes him happy and that puts it within the triangle of what's OK.'

James had a big smile on his face. 'Wow...I like the idea of us all being part of a triangular space.'

' does that mean you feel about wanting to touch me?'

His smile got bigger. 'I guess in that case I feel...OK about it.'


The rest of the week passed in a blur. School started the following Tuesday and I seemed to spend a lot of time putting things together for the coming term. It was a hockey term, which was good; apart from anything else, it would give Mark and me a chance to have time together as we travelled to away matches. But the prospect of having to manage our relationship in a way that meant no-one would know that we were a couple who fucked each other on a regular basis was daunting.

Back at school, I found that I had a nice bedsit room. It was situated next door to a dormitory of more junior boys that I was notionally responsible for. To my joy I saw that Mark was one of the boys in the dorm and I was also intrigued to see that Fergus Attwell was as well. The bedsit next to mine was occupied by Johnny which made life even more interesting.

I had agreed on the phone with Mark that so far as our wank buddies were concerned, we ought to carry on as normal, if a little less frequently, at least for the time being. Suddenly stopping and then being seen with each other was a sure recipe for disaster.

Before bed that first night, I went into the dorm and read the usual riot act about messing about and talking and all the stuff you were supposed to say, before going back to my room. Five minutes later there was a knock on the door and Mark was outside.

'They think I'm going to the loo. Can I come in?'

I hurried him inside.

'Fuck Mark, this is so risky. You can't do this. It will get us both busted.'

'I know. I won't do it again, but I had to see you.'

He hugged me and I melted. We kissed but I couldn't risk anything else. I opened the door and looked both ways.

'Quick, off you go'. He gave my groin a squeeze as he went past and then he was gone. I let out a sigh of relief.

Ten minutes later there was another knock. Surely not? I opened the door but it was Johnny. He came in.

'Hey Johnny...good to see you man. I missed you last term. All healed up?'

'Yeah. Damn nuisance but all OK now. I fucking missed our sessions though.'

I smiled. 'Me too.'

'So...what did you do? I hope you found someone else to help you out.'

Hmm...this was an interesting turn of events. A chance to control things maybe. 'Yeah, yeah I did actually. Someone who it turned out had helped you in much the same way.'


'Yup...he even showed me your secret room.'

'And did you enjoy doing it with him?'

'He was OK...but I'm pleased you're back, let's put it that way.'

He smiled. 'Good. I feel the same. He's fun but you do it better. You on for tonight?'

'Sure Johnny. Pop back in an hour'.


He did, and we had the same efficient, pleasurable wank together that we usually had. But I realised, once he'd gone, that it hadn't been as pleasurable as I remembered. I guess Mark had spoiled me for anything sexual. Then I had the brilliant idea that what we really needed was to get Johnny and Fergus paired up.

Mark and I also managed to get together a couple of times. The first Sunday of term, most guys were out either playing sport or had gone off into town, so there weren't many people around. Mark and I spent the afternoon in my room with a chair against the door. It wasn't foolproof but then nothing was. We couldn't afford to get naked...anything we did needed to be such that we could present the illusion of normality in just a few seconds if I had to open the door. But we did manage to suck each other off and have a long kiss and a cuddle.

'You've no idea how much I want you inside me...I know it's not possible, Chris, but I ache for you so much.'

We missed each other terribly, but it was better than nothing.

We also did some thinking about getting Fergus and Johnny together. Mark had liked the idea and had come up with a plan.

`What about if we suggest a four-way circle jerk? I can tell Fergus that I've had you - relate it to hockey or something - and that you told me that you and Johnny were wank buddies and that we thought it would be nice to close the circle by all four of us having a circle jerk?'

'That's very good, Mark. Let's do it soon, though. The only person I really want to be doing anything sexual with is you. Johnny is wanting us to do it almost every other day and I want to be doing it with you, not him.'

'OK. And don't worry about doing it with Johnny as often as you need. Like I said, I'm not the jealous type and I know that he's no threat to me or us. I think he and Fergus will hit it off fine.'

Meanwhile the term progressed. I was doing well with my A levels; the stuff we were learning seemed to come easily - but that was probably more of a testament to the teachers than to my intelligence. And the hockey was spectacularly good. We were a strong team and were hoping to go unbeaten that whole season. We made a good start with two 4-0 wins in a row, with Mark at his imperious best. Our first away match was an hour's drive by minibus away, and on the return journey - we'd won 5-1 - Mark and I sat in the back with the kit bag occupying all four seats and, in the dark, we'd unzipped and managed to slip our hands inside each other briefs. Our underwear was a bit of a mess afterwards, but who cared.

Getting the four of us together turned out to be much easier than Ihad thought. Fergus liked the idea and Johnny just said 'the more the merrier'. We used Johnny's special room, and we all met up there two Sundays later at around four in the afternoon. The rules of the circle jerk were well-established. You stood in a ring with your trousers and underwear around your ankles and took hold of the cock of the boy to your right. There was a digestive biscuit on the ground in the middle of the ring. You all wanked the guy whose cock you were holding, and when he came, he tried to get as much cum on the biscuit as possible. The guy who climaxed last had to eat the biscuit. There was a variation on the game which involved a second round of wanking taking place, this time with your hand on the cock of the boy to your left. This was the variation we decided to play. I reckoned Johnny was a cert for the biscuit - he had always said that 'once was enough' for him - but I decided to take out insurance by having Fergus to my left when we started. If there was any sign of Johnny climaxing too quickly on the second round, Fergus was going to find that I was suddenly doing him very slowly. Either way, neither Mark nor I was going to get the biscuit.

As we stood in the ring, Fergus was on my left and Mark was on my right, while Johnny was opposite me.

I took hold of Mark, enjoying the familiar feel of him, who in turn had hold of Johnny who completed the circle by taking hold of Fergus. Mark had placed the biscuit in the middle of the ring.

'OK everyone?' He asked. 'Then on the count of three...1...2...3'.

Everyone's hand started jerking furiously. Johnny came first, his first shot landing between my feet before he tugged his reluctant erection down so that the rest of his juice splashed on and around the biscuit. Mark and I came within seconds of each other. Fergus seemed reluctant to let go of me so most of my cum shot over the biscuit, missing it. Mark had aimed his cock more accurately and got a couple of good splashes on target, and finally Fergus erupted with a gush that shot almost directly upwards before he bent over and managed to get two big blasts in the right area, with several globs landing on the biscuit.

'One minute break then we go again. Opposite hands.'

This time I had hold of Fergus. It was the first circumcised cock I had held and I have to confess I rather liked it. There was something about the naked hardness and the scar running round the shaft and the slightly different colour of the skin above and below where he had been cut that I found somewhat...arousing. He was also as thick as I was - maybe even a little thicker - so my hand felt wonderfully full. He was also incredibly hard.

Then we were off. I noticed that Johnny was still not completely hard again when we started, although Fergus' hand soon put that right. This time it took a little longer, but Mark came first, then me, and then Johnny; clearly being wanked off by Fergus had been a major turn on for him. Finally, I felt Fergus' cock swell in my hand and then he was pumping out another massive stream which I aimed at the biscuit, getting two really good shots on target.

Mark picked the biscuit up carefully between two fingers and held it out to Fergus. Despite the amount of goo all over it, it still crunched as he bit into it. He took a second bite and then a third and it was all gone. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

'Thank you guys. Delicious. Love to do it again some time.'

We tidied ourselves up and Mark and I left one after the other. As I went out of the door, I saw Johnny put his hand on Fergus' shoulders and pull him back to say something to him. Interesting.

That evening Johnny knocked on my door and came in. I must have looked surprised because he said,

'No, it's not that; twice in one day is enough. It's just...ummm...would you mind awfully if we didn't wank off with each other any more?' He looked awkward.

'Ahhh...Fergus really got to you didn't he? No, that's fine Johnny - honestly.'

Johnny looked embarrassed.

'It's just. well, we talked and apparently Fergus really enjoyed wanking me, and I really enjoyed holding him...and what with him eating that was kind of'

'It's fine Johnny. We had fun. Enjoy doing it with the cum fountain.' I smiled.

He laughed. I had a bundle of questions I would have loved to ask him based on what he'd said, but I chose not to press the matter. After all, I had just been given what I most wanted.

I told Mark about it the next day.

'Well,' he said, 'Fergus probably won't say anything to me. He'll just go off and do it with Johnny. Which is ideal.'

He paused and then a huge smile broke across his face.

' well did THAT work out?'. We hugged.

Although Mark and I had managed to get together about once a week, we were by now extremely hungry for a proper sex session between us. Half-term was still two weeks away and neither of us wanted to wait that long. We decided to take a chance. Dormitory lights out was at 10.30. Mark went to bed as usual and waited. At two in the morning, with everyone - so far as he could tell - asleep, he quietly got out of bed and headed for the door. At this point if anyone was awake, they would think he was just going for a pee. He got level with my door and quietly turned the handle and slipped inside. I was waiting for him, already naked, in my bed. He stripped off his pyjamas and slid in beside me. There was now no going back. We had agreed beforehand that we would keep talk to a minimum. We held each other close. We kissed. We would have kissed longer, but we knew that we had to keep this as focused as we could. We wanted each other and that was what we needed to use the time for.

'I've got myself as ready as possible, Chris. I want you in me so badly.'

He turned on his side and I took the KY out from under my pillow and prepared us both. I pushed into him, burying myself inside him. God, it felt so good. He had turned his face to the pillow and the little groans he had uttered as I entered him were almost completely muffled. He lifted his head up for a second and turned it as far as he could towards me.

'Fuck me Chris,' he whispered hoarsely.

And I did. It was hard and fast, but that was somehow not just expedient but right. Our need was urgent and our sex was urgent. I stroked him as I thrust in and out, and as I exploded inside him he erupted all over my hand. We lay there in the afterglow as I went soft inside him. I took a tissue and held it against him as I pulled out. Then I wiped as much of his goo off my hand as I could and then licked the last remains off. There was big wet patch on the sheet but I didn't mind. It would just remind me of him. But we both knew he needed to get back to the dorm.

'That was amazing, Chris. Can't wait until next time. ' He kissed me.' God, I love you Chris Alexander.'

'You too, Mark Taylor.'

He slipped out into the passageway and was gone.

No-one noticed anything. No-one said anything. We'd got away with it. This time.

Half-term arrived. We had virtually a week off. We arranged with our parents that I would travel to Mark two days before the end of half-term and his parents would take both of us back to school. That gave us two nights together and we couldn't wait for it to come around.

On the second day of half-term, and two days before I was due to go to Mark, James called me and invited me round to his place. We did some shooting and then listened to some music up in his room. He asked after Mark and wanted to know how we were getting on having to be just friends and not a couple at school. I told him about how we'd got so desperate to fuck that Mark had crept into my room that night. He wanted to know if we managed to do other stuff and I told him about how we managed to suck each other once a week or so. I saw him adjust his crotch.

'I still think know...when Mark sucked me off.' He looked me straight in the eyes.

'That was fun.'

' was. Ummm....did you mean what you said?'

'About just asking if you wanted to have a wank with me? Sure.'

'Then...could we? If that's OK with you...and Mark of course.'

I smiled. 'Of course, James....When? Now?'

'Yes please - if that's OK'

`Sure thing. How long 'til your Mum gets back?'

'Hours. Two...three...'

I kicked off my shoes and unfastened my trousers, wriggled them down to my ankles and stepped out of them. I left my briefs on and went and sat on the bed, my back propped against the wall. James had watched without making any move to undress himself. Once I was on the bed, it was almost as though he did a strip for me. He took off his shoes. Then he unbuckled his belt, popped the stud on the front of his jeans, and pulled the zip down, facing me all the time. He stepped out of them and I could see his erection straining against the fabric of his boxers. He hooked his fingers in either side of them at his waist and pulled them down to his ankles, before kicking them off. His cock was jutting out from his body, and he came and stood in front of me by the bed. He beckoned me to stand. I did so, and he pulled my underwear down. His left hand went under my balls and his right wrapped itself firmly around my shaft. His eyes looked steadily into mine the whole time. I moved my head towards his and lowered it until our foreheads touched. I could feel his breath on my face. I slid one hand down his chest and took hold of him. I put my other hand on his shoulders and pressed down, sinking to my knees at the same time and pulling James down with me. We ended up kneeling, facing each other.

'Put your arms behind my neck' I told him.

Once they were there, I took hold of both our erections and rubbed them together. The silky feeling of skin on skin, the underlying hardness and then, a few minutes later, a slight slipperiness intensified the contact. I could feel him shaking. I could feel his breathing quicken. His head fell onto my shoulder. And then, with a series of moans, he climaxed.

I could feel his warm wetness all over my groin and on my hand. I came too. We just knelt there against one another for a few moments before James grabbed a handkerchief and wiped us down. He looked into my eyes.

'That was wonderful. Thanks.'

We moved up onto the bed and sat beside each other.

'So...I've told you about me and Mark. What goes on at your school? You must have wank buddies there?'

James smiled. 'Yeah. A guy called Pete and I help each other out.'

'Tell me about Pete.'

'My house, my age, my year. About your height and blond like you - but nothing like as good looking. Got a big one though - bigger than both of us by an inch or so. And circumcised.'

'How did you...first get together?'

James smiled. 'We have this thing called 'The Grand Tour'. It involves one boy going round the whole dorm after lights out and wanking off all the other boys one at a time. At the end, it's his right to choose any other boy to wank him off. Pete did a Grand Tour and at the end he came over to me and said he wanted me to bring him off. He enjoyed it...I enjoyed it...and as he had the bed next to mine anyway, we started doing it together regularly.'

'And have you ever done a Grand Tour?'

James shook his head. 'No...not my thing really. And there are a couple of guys I would really hate to have to wank off.'

I felt much more relaxed. I had been worried that James wanted - and might ask me for - more than I could give him. Now that he had talked about his own school experiences, our mutual jerk-off felt much more like what it was - just two good friends having a wank together for no more complicated reason than that it felt good to do it.

'We're a bit of a mess,' I observed.

We headed for the shower room and washed the evidence of our session off us.We towelled dry and then James gave me a big hug.

'Thanks, Chris. I really enjoyed that.'

'A shared pleasure, James. You have a great body, you know.'

He blushed. `You too.'

When I left an hour or so later, we hugged again. 'And give my best to Mark.'

'Sure will.'

Next: Chapter 7: Mark and Me 7

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