The Hole

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on May 1, 2008


Piedmont Penitentiary is an old turn of the century prison nick named "The HOLE" on the outskirts of Philadelphia in the Valley Forge section of Pennsylvania, which was built to hold up to 500 convicted inmates. Today it holds nearly 1500, 3 times it's intended population. Over crowding means there are 2 to 3 men or more per cell, which was originally built to house just one. The plumbing is old and rusted, the walls are crumbly, the foundation is corroded, and morale is low. Inmates and Officers complain of conditions, but more complaints are lost to the board of directors. Politicians that look to line their pockets before updating repairs for inmates, run the board. No one cares if convicted criminals complain about "unfair" living conditions. They were incarcerated for punishment, not comfort. Most tax payers see them as animals that need to be locked up off the streets. They are forgotten and unwanted members of society, -the scary and depraved. Whatever happens to them behind bars is more than likely deserved!




"Mister Rollins..., this is Larry Putman, the D-A assigned to this case! He's prepared to make a deal with you for accurate information resulting in the conviction of Dennis Ellis!" said McConnell, introducing the two men.

"Hello Mister Rollins..." frowned the District Attorney, (an older man about 59 yrs old, caucasian, with a no-nonsense attitude and demeanor). He held out his hand before realizing the inmate's wrists were shackled for his own protection. "uh..., yes, well..." he said, pulling back his welcome as he took a seat directly across from Marvin. "Captain McConnell says you may have some useful information for us...? I'm very eager to hear what you have to say!"

"I want my lawyer!" said Marvin, sitting stone faced.

"What...?!" reacted McConnell, feeling Marvin was trying to pull a fast one.

"I want my lawyer!" he repeated, not giving an inch.

"I...I don't understand..." said the D-A, turning towards McConnell agitated. "I thought you said he was ready to talk!"

"He WAS...!" snarled McConnell, leering at Marvin with angry eyes. "What's the deal here, convict? I thought we had an arrangement...!"

"I want to know what KINDA deal I'm getting..." reasoned Marvin. "...AND I want my lawyer here to document it!"

"Why you lousy...!" snarled McConnell, angry to be wasting more time. "You could've said this shit before now!"

"I just thought of it!" said Marvin, simply, causing McConnell to pace the floor like a caged animal.

"Get his lawyer on the phone!" yelled McConnell to one of the desk officers working in the pen before slamming his office door. "What kind of deal can you make this asshole?" he asked the D-A, curiously.

"Well, I don't know..., it depends on the depth of information he has to offer..." said Putman, looking Marvin over observantly, trying to figure out just how much a man like him would know.

"Every minute that we waste sitting here debating over deals, my MEN are out there getting one step closer to never being seen again!!" yelled McConnell, eager to get on the road and look for Malik and Cortez.

"I'm not saying anything until I have my deal in writing!" stated Marvin, firmly.

"Will you TELL him what you have to offer..?!!" ordered McConnell, yelling at the District Attorney.

"I don't feel comfortable offering a deal without knowing the specifics first!" explained Putman.

"Just TELL HIM!!" insisted McConnell, visibly frustrated as he threw his pen holder across the room. It slammed against the wall, causing the pens to scatter across the floor..

Putman took McConnell's men into consideration as he thought about their lives being in the balance. He looked Marvin over once again, sizing him up as he stared at his muscles and shackles. Surely a big guy like him would be on the inside with some influential people behind bars? Maybe he DID have something with bargaining?

"We're prepared to offer you deals from a reduced sentence in a very relaxed minimum security prison, --to a suspended sentence with time served with parole of course..., depending on the information you have and if it results in finding the missing officers alive!" said Putman.

"Well..., get my lawyer and put that in writing, and I'll tell you whatever it is you want to know!" smiled Marvin, knowing he just hit the jackpot.



Every month the prison bus arrives with a brand new batch of inmates scheduled to help with overcrowding Piedmont's population. The new arrivals are pulled off the bus one at a time and led into the prison's Processing Center where they are numbered, photographed, fingerprinted, strip searched (to insure no drugs or weapons are being smuggled into the facility), washed clean, then placed into general population where they will spend the rest of their days until time served.

The line of men are led from one Processing room to another, among them is 30 year old professional boxer Lexington Bowmen, a middle weight champion with a career of 21 wins and 3 loses. His arrest came when a groupie he slept with stole his discarded condom from the wastebasket and artificially inseminated herself with a turkey baster. Then to add insult to injury, she sued him twelve months later for child's support. Lexington went temporarily insane when he realized he would be getting a third of his wages garnished from the courts. In a desperate attempt to stop the women from collecting his fortune, he agreed to meet with her for a settlement. But as soon as he saw the woman smirking with her greedy lawyers, he commenced to beating her upon the face and body, treating her like a sparring partner in the boxing ring. Josephine Smith died en-route to the hospital of massive internal injuries and blunt force to the head. Lexington was booked and charged with her murder. The women's lawyers sought his entire fortune, claiming the killing was premeditated, saying he only agreed to meet her so he could kill her. Lexington was given a 25 years sentence, his illegitimate unwanted daughter receiving the full benefit of his 7 year career.

"Next!" yelled the guard as Lexington took the prisoner's place before him in line. "Hey, I know you...!" said the guard, recognizing Lex from his many televised boxing matches. "You're Lex Bowmen! I made a fortune betting on you against Dexter Johnson and Marcus Paige! You kick ass!!"

"Yeah, thanks!" said Lexington, smiling briefly as some of his accolades followed him into prison.

"Yeah man..., I'm a real fan!" said the guard, smiling widely. "Hey guys...!" he called to his fellow officers stationed about the Processing Room. "...this is Lex Bowmen! He's a middleweight Champ!!"

The other guards (as well as some inmates) smiled at the celebrity in their midst. For the first time in months Lex felt like a celebrity again instead of a criminal. He sorely missed the celebrity status and rich background he possessed before murdering that girl. It was strange how quickly one's life could change in the blink of an eye. "Yehhh, its great to see a Champion like you..., hope you can resume your career once you get out!" said the officer, bringing Lex back to reality. "Turn around and spread `em!" he added a moment later, bringing Lex's celebrity fantasy to a crashing halt. Humiliated, Lex turned around and grabbed his ankles, exposing his most private assets to the stranger. "You're clean! Next!" yelled the guard.

The next man in line took Lex's place as he bent forward in front of the guard. From across the room the last inmate was just entering. He'd just been printed and ID'd in the other room when escorted in. Immediately when he saw the nude inmates bending over to expose their goodies to all the world, he began asking to see the Warden. Guards ignored him as they tried to rush him through Processing, but the inmate was determined to be heard by the Warden. "I have a medical condition...!" he informed officers as they prepared to treat him hostilely.

"What kind of condition?" asked a concerned officer, trying to alleviate some of the inmate's anxiety.

"It's in my medical records!" yelled the man, not wanting to disclose his condition aloud.

"Your medical records haven't made it here yet...!" informed one of the guards. "...might not get here for another month or so...! So what's your condition?"

The man looked on the verge of tears as he clutched at his orange jumpsuit, unwilling to take it off. "Either tell us your condition or take off the jumpsuit for Processing!" ordered the guards as inmates stood staring curiously.

"I can't...!" he said, whining as he backed against the wall. The guards pulled out their tasers as they prepared to stick the man into submission. The inmates were pushed back facing the walls to keep them from joining in on the disarray. The man (28 year old Kersey Gordon) was circled by guards whom gave him one last chance to cooperate. Tears flowed down Kersey's cheeks as he slowly unzipped his jumpsuit, revealing his sandy blonde curly chest hair. The guards watched curiously as Kersey allowed the suit to fall to the floor, covering his private parts with both hands embarrassingly.

"Uncover your hands!" ordered the guards, giving Kersey a warning taser set on mild. Kersey cried as he refused, wanting to talk to a doctor. One of the guards tagged him with his taser again, electrifying Kersey with a more than mild setting.

Kersey fell back against the nearest wall, his body jerking wildly from the electroshock. His hand fell from his privates, revealing his deepest darkest shame.

"He don't have a dick!" announced a guard, squinting his eyes as Kersey's hairy bush came into view minus a penis.

"He has a dick..." said another guard, skeptically. "..its just probably tiny as shit...!"

"No..., I don't see a dick, nor any balls...!" announced the guard again, looking closer.

"Let me take a look...!" said the head guard, pushing his way through to Kersey as he violently shoved the man backwards against the wall and kicked his legs apart before kneeling before him. "Well I'll be damned...!" whispered of the officer, looking at a bonafied cunt in front of him. "...this man has a pussy!"

"A what...?" mummered one of the inmates, catching the tail end of it.

"Get them outta here!" yelled the head guard in charge, knowing the man's life would be in danger if word got out.

Officers quickly ushered the men into the next room where they showered and were giving new prison uniforms and toiletries before being assigned to their new cell blocks.

The remaining guards circled poor Kersey and began picking and poking at his vulnerable pussy, making him feel violated. The guard assigned to check inmate's body cavities for drug or weapons made Kersey bend over in front of him as he pushed 3 of his gloved fingers deep into Kersey's cunt. Kersey gasped noticeably as the guard started to move his fingers back and forth, simulating fucking. The guards all laughed and called Kersey freaky names, telling him how the inmates were going to love fucking him. "You're definitely gonna be this prison's number one whore!" joked one guard as Kersey was led into the shower area.

Luckily the other inmates had moved on, receiving their assigned cells. Kersey cried to himself under the spray of water, feeling molested by the guards while all the while knowing it would be a hundred times worse with the inmates.

From the door several guards stood watching him, more than was necessary at this junction of the Processing. He could hear the guards talking about "the poor bastard", knowing he would be raped to death. "How can a man live without a penis...? What does he have to identify with?"

The head guard decided to have mercy, and called the prison's doctor down to the Processing room to examine and evaluate the situation. The doctor came and determined Kersey's life would definitely be in jeopardy if he was released into general population. The guards decided to house him Solitary Confinement until they could get the okay from the new acting Warden, and secure a single cell for the unusual inmate.


Most of the inmates were in the Mess Hall eating chow at the time of Processing. Genuwine (current leader of the Mandingos) found himself looking over the sea of prisoner heads looking for one of his missing brethren. "Anybody seen Marvin...?" he asked, having not seen his right hand man in quite sometime.

The rest of Genuwine's boiz looked around and hunched their shoulders questionably, no one had seen or heard from Marvin Rollins in over 24 hours. Genuwine was starting to get a bed feeling, hoping someone didn't do something to the big guy in retaliation or revenge. But before Genuwine could set a plan in motion to locate his missing member, he got an unexpected visit from a neighboring table...

"uh..., Genuwine...?" asked 19 year old Morris Jenkins, holding his food tray in hand as he slowly approached the Mandingos' table.

Genuwine's gang immediately jumped to their feet, shielding him as they formed a wall around him.

"It's okay..." said Genuwine, settling his gang at ease before the guards could take notice and call an emergency intervention. "What is it...?" he asked the 19 year old standing nervously in front of him.

"I'd..., I'd like to join your gang..." said Morris, from the outside looking in. Wyome, Killer-Pete, and Raymond Sherman as well as other lesser known members of the Mandingos looked the stranger up and down like a side of beef.

"Okay, kid..." smiled Genuwine, seeing some of himself in Morris when he first arrived at Piedmont. "Sit at the END of the table..., you have to EARN your way up to sitting in the center with us!"

"Okay." said Morris, making his way down towards the table's end.

"What you recruiting HIM for?" asked Wyome, not feeling Morris' presence. "What's HE got to offer the group?"

"There's strength in numbers...!" said Genuwine. "Everybody's not a killer..., some people offer more than just brute force!"

"We're in prison..., what else is there besides brute force?" asked Wyome, slapping hands in agreement with Killer-Pete and several other members. "I'll tell you what I'd like to do..." added Wyome, looking down at Morris at the end of the table. "...I'd like to beat that faggot's ass and make him my bitch!"

"Don't judge a book by its cover, Wy..., remember, Morris sent Rashad Maheed to the infirmary for trying to do the same thing!" warned Genuwine.

"Yo, that's Rashad! That's nigga's always hadda a little sugar in his tank if you ask me!" laughed Wy. "I BET I could take that ass though!" he insisted.

"If you think you can..., then by all means, --do it!" offered Genuwine. "But when he puts your ass in the hospital, I don't want any retaliations..., whatever happens it's over!"

"Kew!" smiled Wyome, his dick hardening at the thought of getting some new pussy.


After chow, the inmates were allowed outside to work off their meals. It was there that Wyome kept an eye on Morris, watching his every move for the very moment he could pounce on him unexpectedly.

Morris sat alone by himself, isolated from the rest of the population as he contemplated being a gang member.

Meanwhile Genuwine (still looking for Marvin) spotted a big guy he'd never seen before walking across the prison yard. At first look Genuwine thought he knew him from the old neighborhood, his face seemed vaguely familiar. But when the man took a seat facing him on the far side of the yard, getting ugly looks from the puertoricans whose turf he crashed, Genuwine knew who he was instantly. "You've gotta be shittin' me...!" he smiled to himself, getting up from his seat as he left his gang behind to venture across the yard dangerously close to the Rican side of the bricks.

"Yo...!!" yelled one of the puertoricans, calling to Lex as he sat minding his own business. Lexington casually looked over at a group of 8 to 9 ricans mingling against the gate. "...what'r you, stupid or something?" they asked, getting closer. Lex looked around, trying to see who they were talking to. "You...! Yeah..., YOU!!" said the Rican, singling out Lex. "This's OUR side of the Yard!"

"Chill out Chico...!" warned Genuwine, walking up just in time. " know WHO this guy is...?" he asked, causing the group of Ricans to take a second look at the man. "It's Lexington Bowmen!" he stated, as if they should know him by name. "The middleweight champion...?" he added, hunching his shoulders. "...he knocked out Marcus Paige...!?" Finally they started to recollect... "I'd turn back around and walk my ass back over to the Wall Ball court of I were you...!" suggested Genuwine, grinning broadly as the 9 ricans hesitantly walked back to where they came from.

Genuwine laughed out loud as he casually walked up to Lex. "You ARE him, aren't you?" he asked, wanting to make sure before making a total ass of himself. Lex smiled slightly before nodding his head `yes.' "Dammit, I KNEW it!!" he cheered as if just winning the lottery, grinning like a Cheshire cat as he invited himself to sit down next to Bowmen on the bench. "I'm Genuwine, man!" he said, holding out his hand to shake. Lex looked up at him strangely, having met the REAL Genuwine (the R&B singer) at his birthday bash last year. "Well..., not THEE Genuwine..." clarified Genuwine with an embarrassed chuckle. " real name's Chris. Chris Ford!"

"Sup man?" greeted Lex, shaking Genuwine's hand. "So.., what's it like in here? Is jail as bad as I hear?"

"Well..., it's definitely not like the hotel suites and mansions you're probably used to living in...!" joked Genuwine, hitting Lex close to home. "...but if you have the right connections..., the right people watching your back, you can do alright!"

"Let me guess..., YOU'RE the right connections?" guessed Lexington.

"Well..., I don't wanna toot my own horn..." laughed Genuwine, good heartedly. "...but my gang, `the Mandingos', --is the best in the joint! We have all the access you need to everything you need! Cigarettes, weed, soda, beer, TV, IPOD, whores, --you name it!"

"How bout pussy?" asked Lex, getting straight to the point.

"Well..., we're working on it...! But don't a lot of females come through the halls of Piedmont! Finding real pussy here's like looking for hair on Michael Jordan's head...!" joked Genuwine, " just ain't there! Unless you count miss Sally, the Warden's secretary!"

"Is she hot?" asked Lex, his dick already hardening at the thought of pussy nearby.

"Hot if you like middle aged white women with flat asses and no tits!" said Gen, describing the Warden's secretary.

"Right now anything's better than nothing!" said Lex. "I'd fuck a fat woman in a clown suit if she walked through here right now!"

"I feel you man! I was the same way when I first got here!" admitted Genuwine.

"What do you guys do for sex around here?" asked Lex, curiously. "I mean..., how do you cope with not having women around?"

"We compensate...!" said Gen, vaguely.

"How? With what...?" asked Lex.

"Yo man..., when your dick's hard and you ain't had no pussy in months, you tend to start noticing some of these punks walking around with the high asses and the thick lips! You make due with what you got at hand!"

"You mean you fuck other guys?" asked Lex, sounding disgusted.

"Yo man..., ain't a man in here ain't come in here with the same thoughts as you..., claiming he'd NEVER touch another man sexually! But we do what we gotta do to keep sane in here! We'd go crazy if we didn't find some sort of sexual outlet to get our rocks off! It can get really tough in here after awhile...!"

"I BET!" said Lex. "But another man...? That has to be the weirdest, gayest thing to do in prison!"

"After awhile an asshole starts to feel like pussy!"

"Nawww...!" said Lex doubtfully, believing Genuwine exaggerating.

"Forreal dawg! After you break a nigga in..., his ass starts to shape to the curve of your dick!" informed Genuwine. "That shit starts to really feel like you fucking a woman!"

"I can't see that shit man!" chuckled Lex, skeptically.

"You ever fuck a girl inna ass?" asked Genuwine, curiously.

"Nope." said Lex, flatly.

"Well..., all I got to say is before you turn your nose up at it, TRY it first!" challenged Genuwine, getting up from his seat. "If you like, I could set you up with a few hoes I run through my connections? My boi T-Bo knows how to back that thing up on you real good!"

"Naw..., no thanks, man. I'm good for now!" claimed Lex, losing his excitement at the thought of letting a man touch him sexually.

"Okay then..., feel free to hit me and my gang up if you need somebody to show you around the prison and show you the ropes!" offered Gen.

"Thank man..., that's wussup!" agreed Lex, slapping hands with Genuwine before he left the bench.

Walking back across the prison yard, Genuwine's men looked at him in wonder...

"Who was that?" asked Pete, staring at Bowmen from across the yard.

"That my brutha..., is our new money bag!" smiled Gen.


In the prison laundry room, Morris Jenkins walked in with a small bundle of clothing he needed to wash since before his banishment to Solitary Confinement. As he stuffed his prison pants and t-shirts into the wash, 26 year old Wyome Watts walked into the laundry room. Morris saw the man with the crazed reputation come into the room, and wondered if he had a load of laundry already in the dry.

Wyome said nothing as he leaned against one of the he dryers and stared at Morris as he added detergent to his wash. Morris felt a knot growing in his stomach as he began to sense a setup. After closing his machine, Morris attempted to leave, but his path was blocked when Wyome stepped out in front of him.

"So..., you wanna join our gang, eh...?" he asked in a low tone. Another inmate nearby sensed a dangerous confrontation and quickly left without incident.

"uh..., yeah..." answered Morris, looking confused.

"Well..., we don't just let anybody join our gang..." said Wyome, still blocking Morris' path. "'ve got to prove you've got what it takes to be one of us! Or..., there IS another way you could get into the group..."

"How?" asked Morris, curiously.

"You could get a free pass into the gang if you become someone's bitch!" said Wyome, trailing his index finger down the side of Morris' arm. "You might not be at the TOP of the chain..., but you'll reek all the benefits of being a gang member..., --drugs, alcohol, TV, cigarettes..., as a bottom!"

"Genuwine said I could be a member..., but he didn't mention anything about having to prove myself or be someone's bitch!" said Morris (recalling a conversation from last chap).

"He also said you had to EARN your place at the center of the table..., what you think he meant by that?" asked Wyome, looking a little annoyed by Morris' response. "He meant you gonna have to give up that ass...!" answered Wyome, loving the shocked look on Morris' face.

"I'm not trying to give up no ass...!" said Morris, backing away cautiously.

"Well then you're gonna have to prove yourself, then!" said Wy, stepping forth.

Before Morris could figure out a plan, Wyome was on him with his fists. The flurry of punches were overwhelming, knocking Morris senseless. He fought back as valiantly as he could, making a few connections before falling victim to Wyome's aggression.

Wy dragged Morris deeper into the laundry, forcing him across a wooden bench as he tugged at his pants to expose his round brown ass. Wyome smiled widely when he saw the fat boi-ass. Grabbing two hefty handfuls of butt cheeks, he squeezed and kneaded them in his hands before pulling the cheeks apart to check out the hole. Wyome's dick grew rock hard in his pants when he saw the hairy boi-hole appear before him. Thus far Rashad Maheed had been the only man to penetrate Morris' buttock, Wyome's dick throbbed with excitement at the thought of taking the 19 year old punk and making him his new full time bitch. He'd be the envy of every man in their cell Block.

Wy spit a huge gob of slick spit onto his fingers, then massaged them into Morris' asshole before freeing his own hardon and preparing it for the hole. He slapped his hard 9 inch dick between the cheeks, teasing Morris' fluttering black-bud with the head as he started to press it inward.

Morris lay dazed across the wooden bench, his prison pants pulled down under his ass as another male inmate prepared to fuck him. Instantly his mind flashed back to Rashad and all the times the Muslim leader fucked and seduced him with the pretense of befriending. Morris begged Rashad not to fuck him on numerous occasions, but the Muslim only seemed more interested in getting his dick up his ass and getting his rocks off. Morris recalled how Rashad would scare him with threats of getting butt raped by hundreds of inmates taking turns up his young straight ass if he didn't shut up and submit to his desires. Morris gave up the ass to Rashad because he was a Muslim leader, and because he promised to keep him safe from the wolves that stalked the prison system. But Rashad turned out to be one of the very wolves Morris needed to avoid. Now he finds himself in the very predicament Rashad threatened, with another inmate demanding use of his tight boi-ass.

Wyome shoved his hips forward, forcing his dick head to penetrate Morris' ultra tight and resisting bunghole. Morris instantly awoke from his subconscious state, jumping up from the bench with renewed vigor. Wyome grabbed him about the waist to hold him in place as he tried to force the rest of his hard dick up the resisting ass.

Morris fought back as he pushed back to dislodge from Wyome's grasp, then spun around to escape his raping manhood. Wyome reached back with his fist to pummel Morris back into submission some more, when the 19 year old beat him to the punch. As Wy fell back onto the floor with a bloody lips and nose, Morris commenced to kicking him in the groin repeatedly with his shoe. Wyome tried to shield his genitals with his hands, but the force of Morris' kick only resulted in the breaking of one of his fingers. As Wyome screamed out in pain, Morris beat his balls in with the tip of his shoe, kicking Wy until he fell out unconscious.

Pulling up his pants, Morris staggered out of the prison laundry only to see Genuwine and the rest of his gang members sitting out in the center of the main floor watching Tv and playing cards. Morris saw a smile spread across Genuwine's famous face as he walked over to them. "You've earned you place in the center of the table...!" said Genuwine, knowing Morris wouldn't be out here before Wy if he lost the fight.

Morris said nothing as he walked by Genuwine and his crew and went directly to his cell and fell out on the bunk exhausted. Rashad saw Morris' return to his cell and knew instantly by the blood and bruises that the inmate had been in a fight to save his ass. And though Rashad didn't know if Morris had won or lost the fight, it pleased him to know that the 19 year old was finding it a hard struggle to cope in the prison without him.


21 year old David Rodriguez walked into the old prison Chapel a little more stoked then usual. Since finding out that the Brotherhood (a gay Cult) was banned from the prison, David had been down in the dumps about his religion and his future. But since meeting prison guard Nicolas Duncan (last chapter), David had been riding high with a sense of purpose once again.

He noticed there were no guards posted outside the Chapel today as he snuck through the entrance. "Hello...?" he called into the empty halls, hoping to see Duncan waiting in the wings. Seeing no one, David went deeper into the Chapel. All around he could see memories of himself and fellow Cult members giving exorcisms to inmates in the private prayer rooms. David felt as if his life had meaning during his time as a Cult member, never had he felt more needed and useful than when he was exorcising evil spirits from his fellow inmates. Out in the real world, David's two brothers (Raul and Carlos) were the street thugs, they always made David ride along for notoriety, giving him name by association so no one would question his sexuality or fuck with him on the streets. David never felt comfortable acting as a drug dealer, he often stayed in the car when his brothers had to get down and dirty with some unpleasantness. When they were arrested and sentenced for their crimes, they were all labeled under the same umbrella of charges, all of them receiving the same number of years for their crimes.

"Hello...?!" called David as he was brought back out of his daydream. He heard footsteps approaching from behind, but it sounded like more than one person. Briefly he worried that other inmates might have stumbled across the unguarded rooms, looking to make unnecessary trouble. When he looked around the corner he saw prison guard Nicolas Duncan, accompanied by two other guards he wasn't quite familiar with (38 y/o Darrin Daniels, 28 y/o Jason Cartwright).

"See..., there he is, just like I told you!" said Duncan, leading the way into the Chapel. "I brought two more non-believers with me, David..., when I told them about your exorcisms, they wanted to see it to believe it!"

"O...okay..." said David somewhat displaced, having only expected one guard.

The three CO's grinned and joked amongst themselves as they made themselves comfortable. David felt like an insect before them as they totally ignored him and talked about the hot women they were fucking or wanted to fuck (Daniels was married while Cartwright and Duncan had girlfriends). After a few minutes they were all sporting hardons as they openly rubbed the bulges in the crotches with excitement.

"So wussup with that blow job you promised, Nick?" asked Jason, wanting to get down to business before he was missed from his shift.

"Its coming, Jay..., just relax!" laughed Duncan, motioning for David to get started. "The kid gives major blow jobs! Yall'r gonna LOVE it!"

"It's not about blow jobs, officer Duncan..." insisted David, somewhat insulted that his religious services were being downgraded into mere blow jobs. "'s about the spiritual experience one gets when he..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know all about the spiritual thing..." said Duncan, having heard all that stuff before. " bout showing THESE guys what you showed me!?"

"Okay..." said David hesitantly, getting into the mind-set.

He positioned the first guard (Jason) to stand still while he circled him in prayer, muttering religious epigrams and motioning hand gestures reminiscent of the Catholic religion.

"What the fuck is this...?" asked Jason, losing his erection during the performance. "I wanted a blow job, not a blessing..!"

"Just relax and enjoy it, asshole! It's a small price to pay for ecstasy!" advised Duncan.

After making several circles, David stopped in front of Officer Cartwright and made a simple prayer sign with his hands before kneeling before him. Jason started to get excited again when he felt David reached up and began unfastening his zipper.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" sighed the officer as David reached in and freed his erection. David ignored the officer's enthusiasm as he took his rigid meat into his mouth and began sucking. "Oh shit...!" smiled the officer, feeling David's butter like mouth melt around his stiff manhood. David sank his mouth down around the hard shaft, slowly working his lips up and down the swollen column. Once he got used to the size and length of the hard dick in his mouth, he swallowed the slick shaft all the way down to the hairy pubes. "Awww fuck man..., now THAT's heaven...!!" laughed the guard, causing his coworkers to join in.

David ignored the brass comments as he sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed, and sucked some more. Jason soon felt himself tuning out his friends and concentrating more on the spectacular blow job he was receiving. David was so focused on his mission that he never stopped for a moment, not even to take a breather. He bobbed his head back and forth as he ate the hard cock from tip to base. Jason grabbed at the back of David's head, helping to guide his mouth back and forth faster. The other guards watched with growing interest as Jason got his dick expertly sucked by the inmate Rican. David felt Jason starting to thrust his hips back and forth, feeding him his dick as he gently forced himself deeper. This drove David to suck harder, trying to get the officer to reach euphoria.

"Oh fuck, man..., this kid sucks a mean dick!" sighed Jason, feeling himself getting closer and closer to an amazing orgasm. David never broke contact as he took Jason's dick like a champ, swallowing his wood all the way down to the hairy balls. "Shit man, I think I'm about to cum...!" he announced, feeling his nuts knot up under his dick base.

David could feel the officer's dick starting to swell and twitch in his mouth. Jason humped faster as his dick head flared, then started hosing load after load of thick sticky and salty semen straight into the sexy little rican's mouth. David drank the warm cum as soon as it hit his taste-buds. "Awww fuck...! Shit...! Yeah, man! Damn!" cooed Jason, losing himself in orgasm. He stood there weak-kneed as his dick jumped and spit gob after and gob of potency into David's faggot sucking mouth.

"Hey man, don't hog it all to yourself! I want a turn too!" complained Darrin, pulling his own dick from his uniform pants.

David pulled back off of Jason's dick as he stood up and licked his lips clean. Darrin was expecting a hot blow job next when David started to circle him while chanting a prayer. "What the fuck, man...?" asked Darrin, looking around in protest.

"Yo..., don't nobody give a fuck about no prayer...!" yelled Duncan, stopping David in mid-prayer. "Just suck his dick!!" he ordered.

David looked around at the three officers, the look of lust and determination present on their faces. David knew these men cared nothing about ascension as he descended to his knees before the black officer.

"Yeah..., open wide, baby-boy...!" smiled the 38 year old married man, eager to get his dick sucked.

David eyed the fat dark 8 inch cut black dick before taking it into his mouth, he'd grown to love sucking black men since his incarceration. It all started with the inmate Genuwine (aka Chris Ford). Geunwine was the first black man David had ever been with (chap-11, pt-3), and he found himself all swept up in his raw sex appeal.

Since then David has been had by many of the black prisons of Piedmont Penitentiary, having gotten gangbanged by Duke and his crew. Now here he was kneeling before three black guards, sucking their dicks (supposedly for spiritual reasons). David thought he could change prisoner's perspectives by giving them a divine feeling, but most of the inmates that came through the Chapel only came through looking for nothing more than to get their rocks off. David got his face fucked more often than he gave spiritual bliss. No one was looking to become more connected, all they wanted was to get off. Even the guards took advantage of the Cult's beliefs, getting free blow jobs with no repercussion.

Darrin Daniels grinned happily as the Rican sucked up and down his dick shaft. Since becoming a guard, he's had some of the best head of his life at the prison. At one point after getting married, Darrin and his newlywed wife were having problems, -financial problems, marital problems, sexual problems, etc..., but ever since officer Peachtree introduced him to some of the perks of being a prison guard (chap-28, pt-1), their marriage had been stronger than ever.

"Yeah boy..., suck that dick!" ordered Darrin, watching the Rican make love to his manhood.

Old habits die hard as David found himself getting less and less into the spiritual realm of exorcism, and more and more into the pure sexual feeling of oral gratification. David loved sucking dick, he'd been doing so since he was 15. There was something about the feel of a hard dick between his lips (particularly from a straight man) that just made life worth while. Since the first time he tasted dick, and the sweet salty liquid which flowed innocently from its head, David's been hooked like a fish. He sucked feverishly on Darrin's meaty manhood, taking it all the way down to the balls as he pressed his nose into the guard's pelvis.

Darrin ran his hands over David's duel cornrows as the 21 year old bobbed like a buoy. He alternated deep throating and sucking furiously on the sweet fat head. He could taste the salty seed of nectar seeping from the piss-slit every time he gobbled up the spongy head, nibbling along the tip as if test tasting the sweet robust of wine.

Darrin Daniels felt his dick being eaten from tip to base, the suction of the inmate's perfectly fitting mouth almost too much to bare. He wished his wife possessed such skills, but then his wife didn't have years confined to a state prison with nothing better to do with her time than to suck convict dick all day. In a situation like that, any man would be a better dick sucker than a women.

"Hurry up man..., we ain't got all damn day!" said Duncan, wanting his turn in before their time was up.

"Shit man, you can't rush something like this! A blow job like this takes time to savor or it ain't worth crap!" joked Darrin, enjoying the hot mouth on his tool.

Duncan stood and watched as his coworker leaned back against the wall and enjoyed the handsome inmate's hot mouth. He knew full well how good Darrin was feeling as David's slick smooth mouth glided up and down his deep dark column. He rubbed his own hard dick through his uniform as he anticipated his own blow job.

"Awww, fuck man..." gasped Darrin, feeling his dick already starting to throb.

David sensed the officer getting close as he picked up the pace, bobbing his head faster as he gobbled up the hard dick like a man starving. "Oh fuck..., here I go! I'm gonna cum...!!" warned Darrin, spewing his manhood seed into David's sweet sucking mouth.

"mmmm...!!" moaned David, feeling the warm cum paint his oral cavity.

Duncan pulled out his dick and walked up directly behind David, rubbing his dick along the side of his neck while tapping it on his shoulder. David was still in the mist of eating Darrin's cum when Duncan grabbed his head and pulled it off the dick.

"C'mon man..., I want to get my shit off before my shift ends too...!" he whined, trying to shove his own dick between the puertorican's pink pouty lips.

David simply spun around on his knees and took Duncan's dick inside. The three CO's laughed amongst themselves about their good fortune as David continued his task, bobbing his head along the guard's hard shaft. "Did I tell you this boy had a wicked mouth or what...?" exclaimed Duncan, loving the warm wet mouth sucking along his glands.

"Hell yeah man!" agreed Darrin, his dick still hanging outside of his uniform pants as he watched Duncan get head. "Only thing I've had better here was when I fucked one of my coworkers up this ass...!"

"A coworker...?" asked Jason, surprised. "A C.O., ...?" he inquired, his own dick itching for some more attention.

"Yeah..., a guard named Andrew! He's not here anymore..." explained Darrin, finally tucking his dick back into his pants. "Reinhold and Peachtree introduced me to him..., they had tricked him into believing all the new CO's got butt fucked as a part of some college like hazing...!"

"And he fell for it...?!" asked Jason, laughing. "What a dumbass!"

"Had some good ass, though..." recalled Darrin, zipping his zipper. "Came through for me a couple of times when my wife was on the rag and didn't feel like getting fucked!"

"Don't that shit just burn you up, dawg...?!" asked Duncan, thinking of his own woman back home. "They don't want you cheating on them..., yet they always screaming about not being in the mood or not wanting to suck your dick when they got cramp! I'm like..., what cramps got to do with sucking dick...???!"

"My wife don't use cramps as an excuse..., she just says I ain't getting no pussy!" laughed Darrin.

"That's fucked up!" laughed Jason.

"Tell me about it...!" complained Darrin. "At least here in prison we have an alternative to fucking some chick in the street that's likely to go to our wives and tell everything when they decide to try to breakup our happy homes! At least HERE shit won't get back to them, what we do here stays here!"

"Word!" agreed Duncan, placing his hand on the top of David's head. "And with inmates giving shit up THIS good, I might not even want to fuck my woman at home!" he joked, pushing David's head deeper.

"Heads good man, but pussy's better!" said Jason as a fact.

"Head's good, pussy's better, but ass is tighter!" corrected Darrin.

"Sounds like that CO got you hooked!" joked Duncan.

"Man you just don't know..., fucking another guy cuts out A LOT of that bullshit you go through with women! I'd come into work all frustrated and hard up..., and Peachtree and Reinhold would set me up with some inmate that gave good head of who's ass felt like fucking butter around my dick! I can't tell you how many times I went home happy as shit, my balls drained dry! Especially on night shift! You brutha's should try that shit..., give your dicks a treat!"

"You take it up the ass, inmate..?" asked Duncan, pulling David's head back off his dick for an answer.

"Yeah..." gasped David, swallowing the spit and pre-cum in his mouth before going back down on the dick.

"Good..., maybe I'll try that shit NEXT time I see you...!" said Duncan, satisfied with head for now. David continued to suck him, stuffing his mouth full of thick black Corrections Officer dick as his own dick started to throb in his pants at the idea of getting fucked.

He hadn't gotten fucked much since his father's death (back in chap-42, pt-3). As a member of the Brotherhood, he'd gotten fucked a couple of times by an angry inmate named Dre (chap-48, pts-5 & 8) whom fucked him hard and furious. David recalled the inmate manhandling him in one of the Chapel's private prayer booths, roughly shoving him up against the wall before shoving his fat black dick up his tight tan Rican ass. David hated to admit it, but he'd gotten so turned on by the hot fucking the inmate gave him that he shot his own load all over the Chapel wall without even touching himself. He'd only managed to meet with the inmate a handful of times before the Brotherhood was disbanded and banned from the prison. Since then David's life had been in despair.

He felt the Corrections Officers' hands tighten on his head as he started to thrust himself in and out of his mouth and throat. David swallowed his dick over and over, loving the way the big black cock penetrated his throat muscles and forced its way into his gullet.

Officer Duncan felt his balls starting to knot up under his shaft as he fucked harder. "Damn...!" he murmured to himself as the throat drove him to the edge. He fucked his hips back and forth, sending his hairy balls into David's smooth chin again and again. David felt the dick swell in his mouth just as Duncan pulled his head forward. "Awww fuck...!!" he gasped, shooting thick rope after rope of hot scolding cum deep down into David's throat.

David took the cum load easily, well versed in eating jizm. He gulped and gulped until Duncan's hands loosened on his head. "Shit man...!" signed Duncan, smiling broadly as he yanked his softening meat from the inmate's mouth. "...I NEEDED that!" he declared as David stayed on his knees, licking his sticky lips as he awaited the officers next move.

"You can go back to you Block now!" said Darrin, checking his watch.

David hesitated, looking around at the CO's crotches. Jason was still hard, his dick print tenting the fly of his uniform, --surely he didn't want to go back to work still horny?

Reluctantly he got up off his knees. The CO's adjusted themselves as they prepared to return to work. As David started to walk towards the Chapel doors (feeling a little disappointed after being dismissed without getting fucked), he received a firm smack on the rump.

"I might want to try THAT out real soon...!" smiled Duncan with a sexy wink.

David beamed as he left the Chapel, religion no longer the focus of his thoughts.


"Well you nigga's ain't the only ones that want to get off...!" said Duncan, massaging his own 8 inch hardon.

"Maybe the kid'll let you go in through the back door?" suggested Darrin, putting a bug in Duncan's head.

Duncan looked down at David as if making his decision as David knelt before Darrin. Reaching down, he forced his hand back into the seat of David's prison pants, feeling his smooth ass and puckered hole. David groaned around Darrin' mouthful of hard dick, his mind racing faster than Hotwheels as the curious finger began to probe him.

"So..., what do you say, kid...?" asked Duncan, liking what he felt.

David lifted up into position without once taking his mouth off of Darrin's dick. Duncan maneuvered himself behind the puertorican as his yanked his pants down around his ankles to expose his bare buttock.

"Mighty fine looking ass there...!" excited Jason, looking on as he tugged his softened cock. Duncan spat onto his fingertips and smeared a generous amount of saliva across the pink hairless hole for lubricant. The he pulled down his uniform pants and got directly behind David and presented his dick head up to the hole.

David held his breath as the hard 8 inch dick pressed into his asshole, forcing open his sphincter muscles as they snapped snugly about the penetrating shaft.

"This might've been your best idea yet, officer!" smiled Duncan (looking at Darrin) as he pressed his knotty pelvic hair up against David's smooth ass cheeks. David groaned as he felt the entire shaft slide inside him, his asshole spasm sorely as his body adjusted to the invasion. Duncan held him by his hips as he started to thrust himself back and forth, sliding his dick in and out of the gripping rectum.

David was fucked front and back as the two guards pumped in and out of him, using his inmate body to get their rocks off. They fought inside of him, each ramming into him with powerful thrusts and sending him ricocheting into the other full throttle.

David found himself liking the duel a lot more than his religion allowed. The Cult only saw sex as a conjuant to the spiritual realm, having sex for the pure pleasure of sexual gratification was strictly prohibited, but David couldn't deny the ultimate feeling of being taken by two straight men at once. While one dick was sliding into his body from one end, the other was moving out from the other. They slipped and slide through him like two well oiled machines working in opposite directions. David's own dick grew hard as a rock between his legs. He can't resist the urge to reach down and gently stroke it while getting fucked.

"Damn man.., this bitch is good!" declared Darrin, twisting David's head sideways as he really started to fuck the hot mouth. Spittle drooled from the edges of David's suckling mouth as he tried desperately to keep up, his mouth and throat working overtime to house the 8 inch mast. "Best ass since we butt fucked Officer Andrew Roberts in the sleeping quarters!" said Darrin (reminiscing about events which happened in chap-28, pt-1). Both men continued to ram into him with harder and deeper thrusts, punishing his holes as they fucked him with increasing velocities. David grunted with every pump into his body, his throat and innards taking the total brunt of the power.

"I'm getting close, man...!" warned Darrin, feeling the flood gates beginning to open as he fucked into David's open throat. He clutched purposely at David's head, fucking faster as his balls began to tighten in their hairy sack. David held onto Darrin's thighs as the man fucked wildly into his mouth, his balls slapping repeated against the side of his cheek. In just a few dozen more thrusts, Darrin was shooting thick hot wads of slick semen straight down into David's throat.

"That's it, man..., feed that faggot your cum!" encouraged Duncan as he continued to fuck.

Darrin emptied his balls in David's mouth, sending wave after wave of molten cum down into the man's belly. When he was done, he released David's head to allow the man to stand upright.

Duncan fucked into David's backside as the Rican stood before him, his back severely arched to make his ass jet out to receive the 8 inches pole. David used his anal muscles to manipulate Duncan's penis, milking the shaft and making him cum far too soon. "OHHH fuck, man...!!" groaned Duncan, feeling the muscles clamping on his dick. He only managed to thrust in a few more times before he was sending thick hot healthy wads of seed deep into David's accepting hole. "UHH! UHH! AHH! YEAH! FUCK! DAMN!" cursed Reinhold, losing all of his seed inside the inmate. David came at the same instant, shooting cum all over the Chapel floor while he milked the guard's dick before he pulled out, leaving him empty but full of cum.

"Damn boy..., talent like that shouldn't be wasted!" said Duncan, slapping David on the rump.

"Hardly seems fair to just fuck him and leave..." said Darrin, grateful for the head job he'd just gotten.

"Pretty bitch like him probably used to getting dumped in..., ain't that right sweet cheeks?" asked Jason with a wink.

David blushed as he pulled his pants up over his ass.

"Don't worry, Darrin..., we'll be seeing a lot more of him now that we all have an understanding..., right David?" asked Duncan, zipping up his uniform pants. "We're all gonna be seeing a lot of each other!" promised Duncan, before sending the inmate back to his cell block.


Next: Chapter 58

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