The Human Bearer

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Jul 19, 2024


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The Human Bearer

When he returned to their quarters, Xana appeared as cool and collected as usual, which did nothing good for Riordan's nerves.

"Well?" he asked pointedly since it looked like his husband had no interest in sharing with him whatever had happened during His Royal Chancellor's meeting with his counselors.

"Cario remains a prisoner waiting for justice at the moment," Xana said in a hard to figure out tone. "No final conclusion was reached for now, but Jasno's masters have been quite adamant about your friend not being allowed to roam the ship as he sees fit, in case he is the dangerous criminal they are trying to make him appear to be."

"What a bunch of--" Riordan stopped and shook his head. He threw a look at the water tank in which Xeus was playing with the two Xenolites. Even Dario seemed to be enjoying himself. If he were a human baby, Riordan would have thought he was too young to understand what was going on around them, but seeing Junior's extraordinary astuteness – and actions – for his age, he just had no idea what to think. How was Dario processing the fact that his mommy wasn't around? Were they cold creatures after all, and such attachments didn't matter?

Xana's embrace pulled him away from his musings. Their foreheads touched. "Riordan," he whispered softly in his ear, "that little one will need your affection for the days to come. He misses Cario, his mommy, as you say."

"Okay," Riordan mumbled and held his arms around Xana, looking him into his eyes. "Care to enlighten me more about what went down during that meeting?"

"Mikar Perana and Trisna Heret led the charge, so to speak. They made a powerful case, and, since there's no greater crime than the murder of a Xenolite in our culture, the fact that what happened could be a possible double murder puts some incredible pressure on His Royal Chancellor to come up with a swift solution."

"Well, I don't care about a swift solution that involves having Cario transformed into an egg pumper for who knows how many dudes," Riordan mumbled. "And Drato, what is he really thinking?"

"That's difficult to tell," Xana said. "When a Xeno intends to guard his thoughts on a certain matter, while it's not easy, it's not impossible either. The honest answer is I don't know."

Riordan frowned as some new thoughts took roots in his mind. "That's true about Xenos alright, but humans can't do the same, at least not with the same ease. Ferix never fails to remind me that." He would tell Xana about his visit to the good doc later, but now he needed to chase this white rabbit to see where it took him. "But first, do you think you could guard your thoughts from the other Xenos in the room?" His idea would surely be rebuked by the older Lei, too, and he barely had faith that he could influence Xana a bit.

"Yes," Xana replied while holding him close. "You can continue now."

"Xana, when you were with Jasno, how much real interaction did you have with him?"

"This isn't about your jealousy," Xana said matter-of-factly. "What are you after, Riordan?"

"I don't think you'll like it, but I just get a crazy idea in my head. Please bear with me, and let me get to the end of it." He moved in closer so that he could brush his lips against Xana's ear as he talked in a low voice. "Jasno is the weakest link in this conspiracy if there's one. Has he been, you know, interrogated?"

"Yes, His Royal Chancellor handled it. His pain at losing the eggs is genuine."

"Ah, damn it," Riordan murmured under his breath. "Then we really get to the part where you'll hate me. Don't frown, please, I see that you're always reading my mind."

"I don't like it," Xana said with a low hiss, one that expressed possession, as Riordan recalled. "Why would I give up on you so publicly?"

"I really hope you're guarding your thoughts because I can tell you're mad. It's for a good cause, and only temporarily."

"I feel deep displeasure at the easiness with which you are willing to give up on me."

"I am not... Damn you, you little jealous Xeno." Riordan grabbed his husband's head and pressed his lips hard on his lips. It took a bit, but the snakeman began melting into his touch until they were devouring each other's mouths and tongues. The kiss left them breathless, and Xana's unfocused eyes told him what he knew. "I love you with all my heart. But this is a dangerous scenario in which something's really fishy, and our chances to ferret out the truth out of the bastards involved are pretty slim."

Xana didn't appear entirely convinced. "And you somehow believe that His Royal Chancellor is incapable of finding out what happened whereas you can."

"Don't make me into some conceited bastard. It's not that, it's more like... how should I even explain it to a big brain guy like you? My gut doesn't leave me alone. And I don't like the easiness with which a family was torn apart just because others said so. What if something like this happened to us?"

Xana's hold on him tightened. Riordan could tell that muscular tail was wrapping around him, and the chances were he might end up a little bit suffocated if he didn't hurry to elaborate his plan and make his husband agree with it.

"Call me crazy, but I don't think those two that have Jasno in their care were really upset about their eggs. They seemed more like angered in a cold calculated way. Everything happened like it was meant to, with precision. Also, forgive my bluntness, but if they wanted to kill Cario on the spot, they could have done it in the blink of an eye, and no one could have stopped them. They would have been within their rights too, since they just had their eggs destroyed. Does it make any sense, what I'm telling to you now?"

"Yes," Xana replied shortly and took his mouth again for a while.

When he was allowed to breathe, Riordan continued. "Has anyone even inspected Jasno? Besides his masters?"

Xana suddenly stopped, even his tail halting its way to reach certain parts of Riordan's body underneath his robe. "There was no need for that. All Xenos are qualified to examine a human's body."

"There was no need. How convenient. Okay, call me crazy, but here's the plan. Damn you, stop squeezing me so hard. Look, Xenos are strong and dangerous, and I know it. But Jasno is an empty-headed doll. If something of what happened didn't exactly happened as we were made to believe, that's where we need to strike. Do you follow me?"

"In such stark clarity that I hate you a little," Xana confirmed and sucked on his neck to show his growing anger. "You want me to get back to that doll and ask for him again. All with the goal of picking his brain so that you can prove your friend's innocence."

"Come on, Xana, you know that it's not just a whim."

"We are now conspiring without the knowledge of His Royal Chancellor, and even that of my father."

"I know I'm asking a lot--" Riordan let out a small sound of distress as Xana lifted him off the ground and pushed him inside the small enclosure that served as a bathroom attached to the main quarters.

The place was so cramped, seeing how it was mainly designed for human needs that Riordan's only way to be comfortable was by holding his legs wrapped around Xana. It appeared that it was just what his husband wanted anyway because he was placed on top of the sink, his robe hiked up, and then Xana was penetrating him in one go while his tail joined moments after.

Riordan gasped as his body was being used, his asshole getting into the usual rhythm like it was only normal to experience such a thing. Although others' tails had been in there, Riordan couldn't say that anything else compared to his husband's amazing alien body. The way he kissed, with all his tongue, the way he held him with his strong arms, and how he was fucking him like if he stopped he'd die, that was what made Riordan believed that they might just be a pair made in heaven, whatever that counted as it in the whole universe.

Please don't hate me, Xana.

I don't. I never will. I will play your dangerous game. Because I can't exist without you.

Once Xenos admitted that love existed, it looked like they didn't mind being over the top. Riordan grabbed Xana's head so that he could kiss back with all the vengeance he was capable of. Their tongues battled wildly, their bodies slammed against each other, and Riordan could only tell by how his entire body shook that he was coming hard. With Xana, it was no longer about just feeling his cock shooting, it was his entire body experiencing the craziest orgasm ever. They were just that compatible. In soul, too, it seemed, not only as a physical experience.

I know I ask so much of you, but I don't trust anyone else the way I trust you.

Xana didn't need to offer any other reply to Riordan's confession. There was so much seth flooding out of him that Riordan sensed his belly inflating gradually until he was so full he could barely breathe. Even so, his pleasure didn't recede at all. He was in a stage of ecstasy that couldn't be compared with anything else he had ever experienced in his life.

Come back to me as soon as you can, and put more babies in me.

That seemed to send Xana into a proper frenzy. Even while Riordan's belly was to full capacity, he continued to slam into his human bearer, adding more pleasure, more seth, more of his alien cum. When he was finally satisfied, Riordan felt as if he was getting down from the best high in his life. They were floating down together, their arms wrapped around each other, their bodies exhausted.

"How are we going to convince the others?" Xana asked. "Since you appear to be so full of ideas."

"I'm full of you more than anything," Riordan said in a soft whisper. "But I do have an idea. Will you find it difficult to pretend to be mad at me?"

Xana shut him up with a brutal kiss, biting his lips to show that his anger wouldn't entirely be for show. "Not as difficult as I might have imagined. You make even these extreme feelings seem easy. You're a whole world for me."

"Stop it with the compliments. You're making me blush," Riordan joked. "So, be mad at me, let everyone know that you're upset with me because I'm siding with Cario, who, in your eyes, is a traitor, and then find your way to Jasno so that you can pick his little brain for clues."

"Your plan is madness."

"Why? Don't tell me you don't think you can crack that doll face."

"That's not what I consider crazy about your plan. It's thinking that I can be so harsh with you, so unforgiving."

"I know," Riordan said with a soft whisper of himself. "I know it well. But we can play these roles. Because we know the truth. Are you ready for the showdown?"


Xana dropped him so fast Riordan lost his balance. His snakeman caught him swiftly and kissed him again. "Sometimes, you make me want to be hard on you just for the fun of it."

"Well, let's keep that in mind for the next time we'll get freaky," Riordan replied.

"Which can't be soon enough," Xana said and then put him down gently.

Xeus was following them with his eyes, without saying a thing. However, he wasn't leaving the room either, probably having no clue about the proper etiquette when it came to witnessing domestic disputes. The kids were, thankfully, in their water tank, oblivious to the whole drama taking place several feet away. Riordan could only surmise that Xeus had created an invisible wall between them so that the Xenolites didn't get disturbed by grownups fighting in their proximity.

"I will not hear another word from you," Xana hissed at him. "To think that I would hold you in such high regard when you are siding with that criminal."

Riordan, playing his part, continued to wring his hands. His tone was, however, as rebellious as always. "Cario is not a criminal. Do you simply believe everything you're told? You don't have a mind of your own to see the truth?"

Xana rose to his full height, towering over him. "What His Royal Chancellor tells me is law. Don't you believe for a moment that your feeble human mind can compete with the vast experience and superiority of a Xeno's brain, let alone those belonging to the most competent among us."

"It looks to me like your big brains are worth nothing when your feelings get involved," Riordan countered. "Even if it's regrettable that those eggs were destroyed--"

"Regrettable?" Xana got in his face, his eyes burning.

Riordan took an unconscious step back. Damn, his husband was one hell of an actor. He really did scare him right now.

Xeus's low hiss made them stop. "Xana, leave," he ordered.

An exchange was taking place, and due to Ferix's training, Riordan could catch bits and pieces now. Not all of it, but he could clearly get small fragments. Xeus was telling his son, in not so nice terms, that if he didn't like being there, he could very well search for other quarters to spend the night until he cleared his head. The general was also asking for additional details, expressing his wonder at Xana's behavior. A judgement hadn't yet been passed by His Royal Chancellor, and patience was necessary.

In the end, Xana turned and left, without throwing Riordan another look. Even if it was all a play, it hurt a little. However, that extra punch to the whole deal made it easier for him to fake it, as well. And he had Xana to thank for it.

"Riordan," Xeus said sternly the moment they were alone, "what is the meaning of this conflict?"

"I stand by Cario," Riordan replied, holding his chin up. With his lessons, Ferix had offered some pointers on how to guard his mind too, as he was damn certain the general was now checking his thoughts thoroughly. "I don't want to believe that he is guilty."

"It doesn't matter what you want. The truth is what matters."

Didn't he know it? But it was necessary to get to the bottom of it through all means possible, which included a bit of a ruse, like in this case.

"Yes, the truth, but what is the truth? If His Royal Chancellor finds Cario guilty, it will be wrong."

"What you say makes as little sense as what Xana believes. I think the human term would be hot-headed. You are both that. Leave, too, and return once your head cools off."

Riordan hadn't expected Xeus to tell him to take a hike. "But the kids--" he started.

Xeus waved with his hand. "They're in good hands. I will tell you when to return if they need you. Now get out of my sight."

Oh, great. He and Xana had managed to piss Xeus off royally. Now that was something, he thought and he stepped out of their quarters into the hallway. Great, he had to get busy until Xeus decided that he could return.

He immediately recalled how guilty he had felt over not going to see Florent for a while. As the hard work was now on Xana's shoulders, he could allow himself a little visit, provided that Kanto would allow him to see the empath.

Riordan hoped so, because he also wanted to pick Florent's head about his empath abilities and what to do to hone his own if it was possible.

To his surprise, even without saying anything, the lizards guarding the high commander's quarters stepped out of his way soon after he made his presence known. A bit dumbfounded by the whole thing, he stepped inside.

Florent was lounging on one of the beds, and he looked better than Riordan remembered. He had more meat on his bones, and overall appeared healthier. And it was easy for a visitor to observe all that because he was stark naked. Sure, Riordan had seen the guy in the buff before – never wearing anything at all, actually – but it seemed odd that Kanto hadn't thought of giving him at least one of those robes to wear.

Florent chuckled softly as he approached. "I understand how it must look, but that is only because he wants me naked all the time."

"Kanto? You know, the guy who's all lighting and thunder all the freaking time? Are we talking about the same dude?"

Florent shrugged and offered a small smile. "I'm afraid the only thing that's on his mind the moment he enters here is to... enter me."

Riordan laughed and knelt by the bed, taking one of Florent's hand in his. It was warm and alive, and it made him feel good about his friend being better. "Is that a good thing or you'd rather be free to roam the place?"

Florent's face became serious. "Not so much. Especially since there is a traitor still out there."

"A traitor?" Riordan felt his ears perking up.

"Or more than one. I'm not at full capacity, so I can't tell."

"Have you told Kanto about it?"

"I tried, but he and His Royal Chancellor believe that my mind still needs healing."

"Damn," Riordan whispered. "Did you hear about the latest drama? The whole thing with Cario Hamen? The lost eggs?"

"What lost eggs?" Florent asked with a small frown.

Riordan began explaining. "You see, this guy Jasno had two eggs from his masters--"

"No," Florent interrupted him. "There were no eggs."

"What?" Riordan barely managed to whisper.


Interested in reading ahead? You can do it here:

Check out some naughty pics of Riordan on my blog:

Next: Chapter 64

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