The Hunt

By ten.epacsten@06niparretmA

Published on Jun 14, 2001


Disclaimer This is a work of fiction; any resembalance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work and you may not copy or transmit it in any way except in it's entirety and with this disclaimer. This story contains descriptions of sex between adult males.If such material is prohibited in your jurisdiction, if you are under legal age, or if you are offended by such material DO NOT READ IT. copyright AMc 2001

The Hunt

Joe stumbled thru the woods, unsure he was going in the right direction. The sun overhead offered little help but he figured he was heading west. So far so good for the urban male he thought. The forest was thick with leafy trees and brush, oaks, maples and birches mostly.

He was not used to wandering around in the woods but did a lot more of it since he met up with his lover Darryl. He had talked Joe into the idea of being prey in a human hunt. Joe was uninterested in the idea at first but his lover's persistence and whispered scenarios finally convinced him to give it a try. After all he had agreed to be Darryl's "thrall" -he thought it demeaning to be called a slave- and submit to him as his master. It would be worth it, Darryl insisted.

Darryl was definitely worth it, Joe reflected thoughtfully. He was a big man, over six feet with a thick girth-solid from years of manual labor. That was a real turn on for the shorter, leaner Joe.

The hunt started with Darryl driving Joe out to the boundary of his hundred acre spread, earlier that morning. He was blindfolded with his hands behind his back, an unneccessary precaution Joe thought, but Darryl was really into it. The truck stopped and he felt Darryl get out of the truck and open the passenger door, pulling Joe out unceremoniously by the arm. He stumbled a bit but got his balance as his hands were untied. He blinked at the light as the hood was removed from his head.

"Take your clothes off boy. " Darryl ordered roughly. Joe immediately complied, though he registered irritation at being called boy. At twenty-nine he was hardly a boy but compared to Darryl, who was nearly fifty, it was excusable.

"Put these on. " the big man threw some old clothes at him and he hastily put on camouflage pants and a faded black t-shirt. He kept his good hiking boots. Again he was irritated at Darryl's theatrics. Why didn't he have him dress before they started out?

"If you get back to the house before getting caught by the hunting party then you win, otherwise you go along with what ever happens, you understand boy?"

"Yes sir. " he answered without hesitation.

"Then git. " Darryl gave him a hard smack on the ass that sent him lurching forward and he was off.

The hunting party? he wondered, his mind returning to the present as he picked his way over a fallen tree. He had no idea Darryl had invited others to join in the hunt. Darryl had a circle of hunting buddies he would go off on week long trips with and he would never subject Joe to anyone he didn't trust, he was somewhat possessive of his thrall.

Joe had been hiking for nearly an hour without thought of being looked for, he figured he was given a head start but now became more attentive. He carefully traversed a wide gully making as little sound as possible. The woods thinned out slightly allowing him a better view of the surroundings and he relaxed a bit. Just then he saw a movement out the corner of his eye and he dropped down on the ground and waited. Sure enough he spotted two men in hunting camouflage quietly wend their way thru the woods checking the grounds for footprints. Joe made a mental note to tread softly in the future.

They never looked in his direction and soon they disappeared as they veered off the other way. Joe waited another ten minutes, chuckling to himself at avoiding capture. Score another one for the nerdy bookworm, which he was not, but had been accused by his more active friends of being one.

He got up and headed off, putting as much distance as possible between him and his pursuers. He wondered where Darryl was, surely he would be involved in this escapade. The concern sobered his mood as he moved along sleathily.

He heard another rustle some time later and stopped again to listen. It was off to his right, he drew closer and saw Darryl pulling up his pants and realized he had been relieving himself. Bears aren't the only things that shit in the woods, he smiled in amusement. He left something on the ground Joe noticed as the older man, also in hunting gear, wandered away. He waited an appropriate time and decided to investigate.

This was too easy he thought bravely, these guys were suppose to be experts and they never saw him despite how close they were. Joe shook his head, this whole hunting thing was getting boring.

His left foot caught on something and he was tripped forward. Before he could recover, he felt his foot yanked out from under him and he was thrown into the air. The next thing he knew he was dangling upside down four feet off the ground by his left leg, swinging wildly as he tried to reach up and free himself. It only made him dizzy so he quit flailing and he soon swung to a stop.

Shit.It was a classic snare that caught him and he cursed himself for not seeing it. The rope holding him was slung over a heavy branch of a tree next to him.

He hung motionless for a moment glad there were no witnesses to his embarrassing condition, his relief was short lived as he heard footsteps and saw the two men he spotted earlier emerge from a thicket. He gulped in distress wondering how he was going to explain this.

The two men were silent as they regarded the man hanging a few feet away. The first man glared at Joe with an expression of disapproval while the other one pushed his cap back off his forehead and broke into a hearty grin.

"Woo whee, looks like we caught ourselves a young buck." the heavier of the two said, squealing in delight. the other man merely nodded.

"Uh I can explain see...I'm glad you came along...can you get me down?" Joe tried not to sound completely stupid.

" Say why don't you get the rope while I help this fella down. " the heavier man said to his companion in a strong hillbilly accent.

The man grabbed Joe's wrists and tied them as his leg was lowered. The rope was removed from his ankle and quickly looped around his wrists. He gasped in shock as his arms were now raised over his head until his feet just barely touched the ground. A handkerchief was stuffed in his mouth, stifling his cry for help.

Joe thrashed for a bit in a vain attempt to escape but stopped when he realized he was helpless. Sweat dampened his shirt and forehead as his captors calmly took off their knapsacks and sat down on a nearby log to contemplate their catch.

They were dressed alike in hunting clothes and black baseball caps. The hefty man was about Darryl's weight but a little shorter with a round open face. He was noisy and ebullient as he pointed to Joe and made lewd comments to his companion. The other man said nothing but continued to look at Joe with a serious expression. He was taller than the first man, leaner and perhaps a few years older than Joe. He removed his cap to reveal black hair cut short with straight bangs across his forehead.

"Say why don't we skin this buck and see what he's got. " the big guy said pleasantly as he pulled a large knife from his belt and opened it with a loud snick. The younger man smiled for the first time but it was a mirthless smile as he too, got out a knife. Joe felt the sweat down his back go clammy. He jerked back as they came at him, their blades glinting in the sunlight.

"Whoa there buck, we aren't going to cut you if you hold still" the big man assured as he grabbed Joe's waistband and steadied him. Joe watched in a near panic as the men expertly cut away his clothes leaving him naked except for his boots.

'There's that better. " big boy smiled and gave Joe's genitals a friendly shake.

Despite his fear his penis began to swell and he suspected he like this better than he was willing to admit even though he felt acute embarrassment at being so exposed to total strangers with questionable intent. The quiet one reached out with the dull edge of his knife and traced a line from Joe's chin to his balls. He shivered at the feel of the cold steel against his flesh.

"Nice, young and pink, just the way I like em. " big boy laughed as he patted Joe's ass. Joe realized for the first time how tanned they were and how pale he was in comparison. They obviously spent more time outdoors than he.There was a shout in the distance and all three turned to see Darryl come walking toward them.

It's about time Joe thought as Darryl looked a Joe, then at the two men then back again. Oh please save me, his eyes pleaded. Darryl smiled and greeted the two men warmly.

" I see you've met Wayne and Drew. " he shook hands with the heavy one, Wayne and Drew, the quiet one, introducing them to Joe in the process. Darryl turned back to Joe putting his hands on his hips in an authoritive gesture.

" Boy you got to watch your step when you stalk a man after he takes a shit. " Darryl intoned and the others laughed .

Shit, Joe shut his eyes at how foolish he had been, Darryl had probably watched the whole scene from some hiding place. He didn't know whether to be relieved or apprehensive about Darryl's arrival. This is not what he expected in a hunt.

The three men sat down and traded pleasantries, ignoring Joe strung up before them. They fell silent for a while as Wayne smoked a cigar then turned their attention back to him. Joe's cock stirred as they eyed him with lust.

" Let's get started shall we?" Darryl offered. Wayne stood up and removed his cap revealing a rapidly thinning patch of brown hair, then unzipped his pants letting his dick fall out. Drew walked up to Joe and knelt before him. He jerked as the man took his entire six inch cock in his mouth in one swoop, burying his nose in his pubic hair. He sucked gently on the member as he massaged Joe's ass cheeks like two mounds of dough. Joe groaned at the sensation washing over him, sweeping away any reservations he had. Drew had a very talented mouth as he slowly milked Joe like he was siphoning a hose.

Meanwhile Wayne stroked his own cock as he and Darryl watched Joe being blown. Darryl turned his head and sucked on Wayne's cock, getting the stout member slick with saliva. Joe was in a daze as the as the burly man walked behind him, he expected to be fucked with the rigid seven inch dick but to his surprise and pleasure, Wayne knelt down and began to lick and tongue his opening. Drew pulled his cheeks apart giving the older man more access.

Joe arched his back, all his muscle straining at the sensory overload as the two men kissed, fondled, and sucked him. He felt Wayne stand up and place his member at Joe's opening. He tried to clamp his ass shut, afraid of the pain that thick cock would inflict on him but part of him wanted it bad. He couldn't resist a good fucking and he relaxed as his assailant took hold of his hips. With a sharp stab Wayne penetrated him and Joe shuddered, biting down on the rag in his mouth, grateful for something to bite on instead of his lip.

Darryl opened his fly, pulling out his hard cock to stroke as he reveled in the scene of his thrall impaled on one man while sucked by another, his arms tied helplessly above him.

Joe twitched as Wayne's pelvis pushed against his ass, his dick rubbing against his prostate. Drew put his hands on Joe's thighs pushing him back as the man fucking him shoved forward. Joe's muffled cries and trembling grew more pronounced as he was driven closer to orgasm.

Darryl sensed Joe's state and ordered the men to stop. Drew let go with his mouth and squeezed Joe's cock forcefully to slow the rising tide in his loins. Joe whimpered as they held still, slowing him. Darryl signaled them to go on and they continued their process of bringing him to the brink then down again several times until Joe was bathed in sweat and writhing in sexual agony.

Darryl came over and removed the gag, allowing Joe to take huge gulps. He was thankful, as he hated gags and had been struggling to breathe.

"Please let me come, please." he begged between heavy pants. Darryl grabbed his chin in his big calloused hands.

" You ask proper boy if you want to avoid a whupping." He said in a threatening tone, his eyes ablaze. Joe sighed heavily, regaining some of his composure.

"Please sir, let me come." he corrected in a desperate tone. Darryl smiled and gave him a kiss. He let go of Joe and nodded to the man behind Joe.

This time the fucking increased in ferocity and speed with no letup, as his ass was pounded with loud slaps as Wayne thrusted powerfully like a piston. Drew let go of Joe's thighs, letting Wayne's movement slide the cock back and forth across his closed lips. Joe clenched his fists and arched his back as far as he could as his ecstasy reached a crescendo.

Suddenly his mind broke thru the tension and his cock erupted in Drew's waiting mouth. Behind him Wayne spilled hot semen into Joe. It felt like scalding lava that flowed thru him and out his dick, blasting Drew as he pulled away to have a final jolt hit him in the face.

Joe uttered a loud groan in a release of overwhelming sensations. Drew and Wayne stepped back as his orgasm subsided. His knees gave out causing his arms to take the weight of his body as he fainted. Darryl quickly grabbed him about the waist holding him up in an embrace. He stroked the young man's limp hair as his breathing returned to normal.

"How do you like being captured boy? " he whispered in Joe's ear as he kissed him. Joe raised his head and looked his lover in the eye.

"It was fantastic. " he finally spoke. The spell was broken and the other men snorted in amused agreement.

They gathered themselves together, Wayne hiked his pants up, Darryl zipped himself up and Drew got himself a drink from a canteen then offered some to a very thirsty Joe.

The rope holding him up was loosed and he winched as he lowered his stiff arms in front of him. Drew pointed to the ground, indicating he should sit. Joe was a bit puzzled by the request but did so wondering what was next. Was this game over? Apparently not, as Joe's ankles were firmly tied together with a length of rope. Darryl brought forward a long heavy pole Joe had not seen before and directed it to be passed between Joe's wrist and ankles.

Uh oh, he didn't like the look of this, still being roughly treated as captured game.

Wayne and Drew proved to be in good shape as they heaved the pole horizontally across their shoulders, leaving Joe hanging underneath like a clumsy hammock.

He tried to keep his head up to watch where they were going as Darryl lead the way down a path carrying all the gear, but it proved to be too much of a strain. He let his head fall back, affording a view of Wayne's ample crotch and gut as he walked along under the weight of Joe's body swinging from the pole. He looked down at Joe, playfully grabbing his own groin.

"There's more to come young buck. " he said with a wink and a leer.

Next: Chapter 2

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