The Immigrants

By bokjay / John

Published on Jul 27, 2017


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By Bokjay. Comments welcome to

The Immigrants 6

Chapter 6

Given regular intimacy with Jan and Wit, Stuart more and more often began to think about Miro. Of the three he was the best looking, quite stunning in fact. At work if he ever took his shirt off, Stuart had to make a real effort not to lose his guard and stare. He had a superbly shaped body, every muscle showed, yet he was not too thin or too big or too over developed. In Stuart's eyes, perfection.

And, he was a very quiet person. Always polite, clean and tidy around the house and with his appearance. While Jan was the joker, Miro seldom was although he laughed along with the rest of them. In the mornings when they showered, Jan and Wit didn't give a damn about showing their hard-on's, yet if Miro ever had one he made sure it was down before he went to the bathroom. It really made Stuart wonder what made him tick.

Over the weeks he gathered that Miro had a girlfriend who took a job in Germany. The plan had been for him to join her, even get married. But very soon after she left Poland came the news that she was marrying a German guy. Miro was devastated and at the last minute joined Jan and Wit in the journey to England.

Stuart fantasised regularly about Miro, but his quietness kept the distance between them. A few times Stuart had tried to get into a meaningful conversation with him, but either because of his shyness over the use of English or a reticence to share his thoughts meant it came to nothing. Stuart wished he could get closer like he had with the other two.

As with many things, it was when it was least expected something happen.

It was around the end of April, on a Sunday. Stuart had Jan a couple of times that morning and when he had gone downstairs, he woke Wit for more. Once they had finished and Wit had gone downstairs, Stuart very tired had drifted off to sleep for a while, happy like he always was on a Sunday after so much sex. As on many such occasions, his arse hole still tingled when he moved and it would need some cream applying after his shower if it were not to get sore, or even hurt when he needed to use the toilet. Five times that morning, which was quite enough really for the whole week!

He could hear the TV on downstairs as he opened the bedroom door to go for a shower. The adjoining door of Miro's room was open a little and he heard a rustling coming from inside. He put his head around the door and Miro was on the bed writing a letter. He looked up and smiled.

"You busy writing home?" ventured Stuart, seeing the neat piles of letters already completed at the side of his bed.

"Yes, yes, I write many letters today. One for my mother, one for my father, one for my brother and one for my sister!

Stuart nodded and was going to continue to his shower.

"Come, come, boss, I show you my mother and father."

"After my shower, okay?"

"No, I show you now boss, come and sit here," he patted a place on the side of the bed.

Stuart cringed, he was sure he stank of cum, sweat and sex. But Miro was excited to show him some books of photographs that he had open.

"Come boss, here here," he insisted, patting a place next to him on the bed. He didn't want to offend by declining so he walked into the room initially quite oblivious that he was still quite naked and which was completely ignored by Miro. He had a small pile of pocket-sized books of photos on the side table. Stuart imagined he was going through them, thinking of home and friends as he wrote.

Miro rolled onto his side to give him room. He was wearing only a pair of briefs.

"Look, this is my house, and this is my father."

Stuart was not at first interested, except perhaps to see the backgrounds on the pictures to see how they lived and the look of how buildings were in Poland. One by one Miro opened the albums, explaining who was in every shot. Stuart was getting a little tired after the first dozen pictures, so he stretched out on his stomach as Miro opened his life in photographs on the pillow case. Now it was Miro who was trying to get involved in a conversation and Stuart felt a bad he was not in the mood at all, his mind fogged with too much sex perhaps.

Miro got to his third album.

"Look, we have house by lake, we go on weekends and holidays."

There was a small log chalet in the pine trees at the edge of the lake. Picture after picture was family and friends enjoying themselves in and out of the water.

"This my girlfriend," he said proudly, then his voice dropped "before".

She was good looking and there were plenty of shots of her in bathing gear. A turn of the page and it was her and Miro, in the water but obviously nude. So, Stuart thought, he was not such a prude after all.

More pages and it was friends of Miro, young guys fooling about with a ball. Although nothing showed, clearly many of them were bathing nude. The photographs began to get a little more interesting.

Miro continued turning the pages.

"And here is my young sister, and here is my young brother."

He began to turn the page once more.

"Young brother? How young?" said Stuart just as a hot wave swept over him.

"Oh, 19 now, yes he 19. Stefan."

Stuart gazed at the picture spellbound. He cleared his throat.

"He ever thinks about coming to England?"

"Oh yes, he ask me many time to find him job."

Stuart lost his voice for a few moments.

"What are the other pictures?"

Miro continued turning and for a few pages, there was shot after shot of Stefan with his friends, diving in and out of the water, acting the fool. A few showed him naked but not close enough to the camera for any details. Stuart could hardly take his eyes off the book. He decided he wanted to go back a few pages and ask about other people in the photographs while devouring everyone with Stephan.

He loved the good looks of Miro and his great body, but Stefan was just an angel. The same resemblance, same great body, but just cast a little softer around the edges with his younger years. Stuart had rarely seen anyone as beautiful.

"What work is he doing now?

"Oh, he work cutting down the trees, taking to factory for sawing, you understand?"

Stuart nodded. "Well, I am going to want more people soon, tell him in your letter that he can work for me."

He knew as he said it that it was only on his looks, he was totally smitten and knew it.

"Is he a good working?" he asked after a while trying to make things right in his mind.

"Oh yes, he can work very hard. No problem. But where he stay if he come here?"

"I was thinking of making a couple of rooms upstairs at the new yard for you guys, he could stay there."

"No, not possible. He too young and he don't know anything about here. Better I stay in your new place and he stay here with you and those two. He too, too, er how you say, he still like a boy."

"Okay, we have plenty of time to think about it, there is no rush."

Miro was obviously very happy with the news, while Stuart wondered to himself what he had done. Broken one of his own rules for one, hired on looks. But he was sure Miro would not let him come here if he was not a good worker even if it was family. He would know very well that one shirker would mean more work for the rest of them.

The next book was of Miro and his friends, shots of guys with girlfriends including Miro with his and a few others. They were all very pretty.

"You go with all these?" he asked

"Yes, yes, all my girlfriend."

"You go to bed with them?"

Miro laughed, "Sure I go to bed with them."

"I don't know what you do in Poland," laughed Stuart, "You fuck and everything?"

Without thinking Stuart reached down, going under the loose elastic of Miro's briefs and grabbed his cock. He gave it a few squeezes.

"You know, put this inside pussy?"

Miro didn't answer for a few moments as if trying to make sure he had the meaning correctly worked out.

"Sure, yes sure I fuck girlfriend. That what you mean?"

He hadn't let go of his dick and it still remained soft. It was almost a challenge for Stuart to get some kind of reaction out of him.

"You have sex many time?" he continued. He squeezed Miro's cock again.

"Yes, many times here by lake. Not always my parents there. Yes many times, weekend we go to park sometimes. We make sex in park, very nice. You not do here in England?"

"Of course we do. But always difficult if you don't have your own place. There was a pause while Stuart rolled his foreskin between his finger and thumb. He forced the conversation to continue in the same vein.

"You make any babies? It happen here many times when you make a mistake."

Miro laughed. "Yes some friend make babies but I, I am take care. I use er, those thing you make over your cock."


"Yes, yes, I use condom all time," he laughed, "So no baby for me."

"Or no baby for your girlfriend," corrected Stuart.

Miro showed no reaction to Stuart handling his cock at all, as if it were so trivial it merited no comment. For Stuart, he couldn't quite believe that any cock could remain soft when a hand not your own was fondling it.

"So you have plenty sex in Poland, but you have no girlfriend here, so what are you doing?" he gestured wanking.

Miro laughed nervously. "No, I not make like that."

"You have to or you will go crazy. Maybe it stopped working already because you don't use it." he squeezed his cock a couple of more times.

Miro laughed again. "Sometime I think about it of course, everybody does, right?"

"I think of nothing else most of the time," grinned Stuart, "Keeps my cock fit and ready for action."

"Oh!" was all Miro said making Stuart think he was being taken seriously.

There was a silence now between them. Stuart decided he could not keep the conversation going and the sexual leads were not getting any response at all. It was as if Miro was either so straight, or impotent or just ultra conservative. He was getting bored and decided he would go and take his shower. It was getting late and he had some jobs to go and visit a few potential customers in the afternoon.

Almost the second he was going to withdraw his hands from Miro's briefs, he suddenly felt it start to expand. His plans of moving to the bathroom were instantly cancelled and he gave it a few more squeezes. It responded immediately and lengthened rapidly in his palm.

Miro made a little moan which sounded like one of despair. Stuart glanced at his face to catch him slowly closing his eyes.

Stuart didn't let go now, alternating between squeezes and rolling the spare skin at the end of his dick. It grew to the length of Jan's and perhaps just a little fatter.

"It works after all," joked Stuart.

Miro did another little moan.

"Nice cock Miro, you have very good one."

Another grunt escaped Miro. They were not sounds of pleasure but more a resignation on his part, as if something had been lost, like virtue.

He felt him hump into his palm, slowly losing control and giving up to pleasure. Quickly Stuart let go of his cock and turned on his side pushing back into Miro. He reached behind and brought the cock into his crack.

"No wonder you are horny Miro, seeing all those pretty girls who you used to fuck, I bet you miss them too much."

He knew he was being cruel but he was bored with being here and wanted to get some action one way or another out of Miro.

At the mention of his old girlfriends, Miro groaned and humped against Stuart.

His little moans and noises became more frequent till suddenly he grabbed Stuart and pulled him tight, at the same time he slammed his groin forward. His cock speared Stuart in one go making him cry out.

Miro began mumbling between his groans, "Fuck, fuck, fuck," his voice trailed off in an angry tone.

The pain made Stuart want to shout, but he bit his tongue as he didn't want the two downstairs to see any of this.

Miro stabbed his cock in and out, no particular rhythm, just lunging back and forth. It kept coming out completely and when he slammed forward his dick slid off to one side to a really tender part of his scrotum then squeeze painfully into the right place and slam home.

Stuart winced time and again. He had so many dreams of being with Miro and now this was the most awful thing he had ever got himself into. As he banged into him ever harder, the bed head began to hit the wall making a sound that he was sure they would hear downstairs. He strained to reach the headboard and place his hand between the bed and the wall. It was hard because Miro had him in such a tight hold he could hardly move. When he did manage to stop the bed hitting the wall, his hand was absorbing the impact and he felt it was going to be smashed to pieces.

Miro was still making his noises, none sounded pleasant. Stuart was deciding if he could stand the battering anymore even if Jan and Wit did come and find out what was going on. But then Miro gave a mighty plunge and he felt him cumming inside. He relaxed his hold quickly and pulled out painfully fast to roll over away from Stuart.

Without a word, Stuart got up from the bed and went back to his bedroom. He looked in the mirror and saw that Miro had left marks where he had been holding him and little specs of blood showed where his fingernails had torn his skin. He decided against going to the bathroom just yet in case Miro came in, he couldn't look him in the face right now. He put on his boxers and a tee-shirt to cover the marks and went downstairs. As he passed Miro's room he could hear him sobbing. He planned that as soon as Miro came down, he would go and clean up and then go out to see to the work enquiries.

Stuart was very upset with what had happened but was just as angry with himself as with Miro. He knew full well he had started it when Miro showed no interest. He also realised that Miro wasn't fucking him at all, whatever he was doing it was about his girlfriend who dumped him. He had sounded just as angry as Stuart was now and he must have been thinking of his ex-girlfriend and what she had done to him in some way. But still, he didn't want to see or talk with him. It was going to be difficult at work tomorrow too he reckoned.

Downstairs Wit was reading the Sunday newspaper and Jan was flicking channels on the TV. He tried to sound as normal as he possibly could.

"Anyone want a coffee, I'm making one?" he asked going straight through to the kitchen.

"Me" answered Jan and moments later Wit said he would have one. He filled the kettle up and put out the cups waiting for the water to boil. Jan walked in and leant against the sink with a smirk on his face. Stuart returned his gaze to the kettle.

"You banging nails into the wall?"

"What?" answered a startled Stuart.

"All that banging, what you doing?"

Stuart felt himself go bright red.

"You banging something with Miro?" he asked again with an amused voice.

Stuart was silent for a few moments. "You could hear?" he asked.

Jan unpropped himself from the sink and stood behind him.

"Of course." he laughed and gave him a nudge.

Stuart felt a hot flush sweep over him again.

"Did Wit hear too," he asked nervously realising Jan knew what had been happening, or thought he knew.

"He heard, but in there it sounds like it was coming from next door, but I came in the kitchen and I could hear it coming from straight above." He gave a little laugh and nudged him again.

Stuart was lost for words. Wit knew he was having sex with Jan, but so far he thought Jan was in the dark about Wit. Now one of them knew about Miro and he was embarrassed.

Jan placed an arm on his shoulder. "I can't believe Miro did that, really! Me and Wit, well we don't care, but Miro! If you know Miro's family you never believe!"

Stuart didn't respond, Miro poked him again. "How was it? All the girls say he is a great lover back home."

Again Stuart said nothing but pushed him away a little. Jan stepped close again laughing.

"He good like me?" he whispered into his ear. One hand gently kneaded his back. Stuart pushed his hips sharply to move him away. Instead, Jan's hand travelled down his back and inside his shorts. As it made for his ass, Stuart turned to trap his arm against the corner of the kitchen units to stop him. He nodded towards the lounge and Wit.

But Jan was not put off so easily, finding the whole episode highly amusing. He tried withdrawing his hand and Stuart turned his back to him again releasing his arm.

Jan moved for another try.

"Tell me, he a good fuck? did he enjoy? Shit, I can't believe you had Miro! Look, I am thinking too much and I get this." He pointed down to his tented shorts. At least that made Stuart smile. He had no bad feelings towards Jan or his dick.

"Tell me, I want to know," he said again when no answer came.

Suddenly he thrust his hand back down Stuarts shorts, getting his fingers straight to his hole. Stuart moved to turn away but it was too late.

"Miro like this hole now?" Stuart stiffened as he felt him fingering his ass.

"Fuck, you are really wet. All this from Miro?"

Stuart tried to shove him away but if he made more than just a gesture then those fingers playing with him would hurt. Jan laughed into his ear at the predicament.

"Tell me or I not let go," and he finger fucked him for effect.

The kettle clicked off and Stuart reached out to pick it off the stand and fill the cups.

"Careful boss, that water very dangerous," he said oddly.

As he closed his grip on the handle, Jan's hand went over the top of his and stayed his action.

"Don't spill boss or bad accident."

"I won't spill the fucking kettle," answered Stuart getting a little irritated.

"Maybe," said Jan half laughing.

He felt his shorts being snapped down and before he knew what was going on Jan's dick was pushing into him.

His arse was already sore, but he could feel Jan's cock as the relief of scratching an itch.

"Boss, you make me horny fucking with Miro. You have Miro cock in here, it make me very crazy.

He couldn't move, he was pushed up against the kitchen unit and one hand was still held in place on the kettle filled with boiling water.

Jan was as slow and gentle as he always was so he was not nervous about what he was doing exactly. His free hand went into his shorts around the front and found his dick.

"Boss, I want to fuck you again, I want my cock where Miro have his cock," he whispered excitedly.

Stuart was turned on, first by knowing Jan was horny and that they were doing it in the kitchen with Wit unknowing round the corner.

It was all over in a minute, Jan shot his load into him and stayed put until he had wanked off Stuart into his shorts.

He pulled out and pulled up his shorts for him and turned to rinse off his hands. As he dried them he came back close to Stuart now adding the milk to the coffees.

"Boss, you make me really sexy! You very bad guy!" He laughed and then quickly gave him a smack of a kiss on his cheek.

"Here, I take in Wit's coffee."

He felt better, the amusing encounter with Jan had lifted his mood, at least for a short time.

Sometime later Miro came down and said good morning to them all. Stuart didn't answer and a little later when Miro asked if he would like any help with measuring up the jobs that afternoon he got a singular no in reply. He made some small talk in Polish with Wit and tried again to engage Stuart, asking if he would like another coffee. Stuart replied another sharp "no" making Jan raise his eyes from the newspaper as he sensed something was not quite right. So as not to give another opportunity, he went upstairs to take a shower and get dressed for seeing his jobs.

Back downstairs he addressed Wit and Jan telling them he was going to see some new enquiries as he usually did on Sundays and they said they would be going to the market and buying food for the week. He went out to his pickup without looking at Miro.

Next: Chapter 7

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