The Inheritance

By Max Mann

Published on Dec 8, 2023


The Inheritance Part 7

Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only (or the legal age where you live). This series contains elements of gay sex, bondage, fetish and even a little incest. Please leave now if you are under aged or if the material described is offensive to you or illegal where you are.

All my characters are, and always will be, over 18. Also, please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. And, please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

This is a fictional story.

Chapter 14

Master stood and briefly applauded the performance of his sexy and loyal boys. Brent, although fully spent, slid off the cushions and knelt at his Master's feet. I admired how quickly he could shift from an intensely dominate role to a fully submissive one.

Master was pleased as well.

"Very nice, Brent. Did you enjoy your reward?"

"Yes, Master, of course. I'm glad it pleased you, Sir."

Master excused the other boys to finish cleaning up the house as Sam and I remained. I was still unsure of how to act, but recognized how pleased Master had been with Brent's respect for his authority.

I grabbed Sam's arm and guided him forward. Together, we knelt at Master Best's feet, ready for his command.

"You learn fast, boys. I am pleased. Sit," he ordered as he waved his hand to the sofa.

We sat on the edge of the sofa with more anticipation than I can ever remember having in my life.

"Boys, tell me, how have you enjoyed the tasks so far? Truthfully now."

"It has been very exciting," I was first to respond. "I would never have guessed I could enjoy submitting for such use as much as I have. I'm most excited about these next two weeks, Sir."

"Me, too, Master," Sam added. "It's so much more than I had ever done with a guy. I loved every minute."

"Have you boys discussed your actions, shared stories yet?"

"No, Sir, not really," I piped in. "We didn't talk about this much during the week. Although I've been a bit curious."

"About?" Master prodded.

"Well, I guess I never realized Sam was gay, or maybe bi, like me. I just wonder what all he has done before this week. I know from watching his video what he was up to lately." I grinned wide, knowing full well that I was up to the same.

"Well, Sam?" Master now prodded my brother to open up.

"I suppose I'm gay, Sir. I mean, I've done girls because it was expected, but really didn't enjoy it much. I guess there was no point to running around behind Patrick's back to spend time with guys."

"Well, you clearly have more in common than you realized. I was quite surprised that you each picked the Fisher kid for your second task. Although, probably not as surprised as he was."

"Yeah, that makes it even hotter for me now to think of, Sir," I said.

"And, of course, I was impressed with how you boys so closely mirrored each other's daddy scene and how much you each got into it. That gives me hope for a hot night tonight, Patrick."

"I want it to be special for you, Master," I said. "I am here to please you, of course."

"I'm sure you will." Master stood and extended a hand towards a long hallway. "Come. Both of you."

Sam and I followed Master back to his room, a bit confused. This was my night with him, not Sam's.

"Boys, I was quite motivated by your third task," he announced. "In fact, I couldn't help but notice how you each integrated your handler as a fake brother. That tells me there is something inside you both that yearns for the other. Even if it is only simple voyeurism"

Master pulled a chair close to his bed and motioned for Sam to sit.

"Usually, I like privacy with my boys, but I will make an exception tonight and tomorrow. You will each observe quietly as I make love to the other for the first time."

Sam's eyes widened, unable to contain his excitement over the prospect of seeing Master fuck me.

"You like that idea, Sam?" he teased.

"Yes, Sir, very much. And Patrick will watch us?"

"He will."

Master removed his shirt, showing off his slightly tanned and moderately hairy chest. He was quite fit for a man approaching fifty years. And, unlike my fake Daddy, there were no gray hairs to be found on a body that could pass for being much younger.

Next, Master undid his pants and let them drop to the ground, revealing only a wrinkled pair of silk boxers. The material could not hide that Master was now at least semi-stiff.

"On your knees, boy," he commanded.

I knelt before him, inches from his growing bulge. I looked up at my new Master and smiled. In all the times I visited his office, I never once imagined him naked. Yet, somehow I made it here and to his feet, where I felt like I belonged all along.

Master slid his boxers off and his cut cock popped out nearly rock hard. I took a minute to admire his cock. It was not so large, clearly less than seven inches, but had a thickness that I knew would feel good inside me. I wanted it bad.

"May I service Master's cock now... please?"

He nodded slowly. I leaned in and licked the length of Master's shaft, letting my tongue explore the veiny texture. When I reached the cock head, I guided it into my mouth and let the length of his manhood push fully inside.

"Mmm hmmm," Master moaned, pleased that I took him whole in one motion.

I nestled my nose in Master's thick pubes and worked my tongue around the base of his meat. Then I pulled back out, sucking firmly on the entire length and let it escape my warm mouth with a loud pop.

I didn't hesitate in going back down on him fully. Then, again. I bobbed happily up and down on his fat cock a dozen or so times before setting my sights on his huge hairy nuts.

I took each one in my mouth and caressed slowly with my tongue. Then, with some difficulty, took them both. I savored the taste of Master's nuts as I pumped his cock with my hand.

I felt precum dripping down onto my fingers and I licked them clean. I worked my tongue into his piss slut to lick what juices I could get.

I continued to service Master for what seemed like an hour. Truthfully, it was probably less than a third of that before he lifted me up onto the bed.

He reached down and fondled my cock, still trapped in the chastity cage. His forceful grip made me squirm in obvious discomfort. My dick was desperate to grow but could not. Master chuckled at my plight, but then turned to Sam.

"You want to help your poor brother?" Master asked him.

"How, Sir?"

"Patrick is in dire need of release and that will only get worse as I continue. But, I will release his dick until we are through, if you earn its freedom."

"How do I do that, Master?"

"Hmmm. Let's say 500 hard spanks in front of the group after dinner tomorrow night. Your ass will feel pain like never before, I promise. But, it will earn Patrick a night without chastity. Would you do that for him?"

I begged Sam with my eyes to agree. I could tell he wanted to, but the prospect of such abuse had to worry him. Still, I knew that I'd do it for him and expected he would do the same.

"I'll do it, Sir. For him and for you."

"Excellent," Master said, reaching over to his dresser and collecting a small key. He unlocked the small padlock and slid the cage off my sore, red dick.

It took less than thirty seconds for it to grow fully erect. The simple sensation of finally being able to get hard was beyond ecstasy.

'Thank you,' I mouthed to Sam. He only nodded once. I owed him one.

Master sat and leaned back against the headboard, his cock protruded excitedly in the air. He rubbed lube along his shaft and then over the head. I didn't need a command to know what to do.

I positioned my hole over Master's cock and lowered myself slowly upon him. I felt the cock head brush along my hole, spreading lube along the entrance. Then I pushed lower still, allowing Master to impale me for the first time.

I did not exclaim at the intrusion, it felt natural to have Master's cock sliding in me. I did, however, soon feel the thickness of his cock as my ass opened to accommodate him.

My back was to Sam now, so I wasn't sure of his reaction to Master's penetration. I figured he was enjoying the show. Of course, his dick was still caged up so it was probably approaching torture as he became aroused.

I leaned forward as I took more of Master's shaft, giving Sam an even better view of the rod as it disappeared inside me. But, my focus soon turned again to myself.

Master's girth was quite impressive at the base and I struggled to take the last inch or two. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back in delight.

I moved back up Master's cock and pushed back down again a few inches. I repeated until my ass grew accustomed to being split open. Finally, I took one deep breath and let one thrust enter fully.

This time I did squeal a bit. Even with all the use my ass had taken lately, I was still surprised at how this cock could open me more.

Riding Master's cock felt more incredible with each trip down the thick shaft. It was like scratching an uncontrollable itch.

Master happily indulged me as I satisfied this itch. I bounced faster up and down his cock, trying to push it deeper with each insertion. I leaned forward and then way back as I rode him, trying to reach every spot inside me. Soon, the sensation was too much.

"Master, I will shoot soon if I continue," I warned him.

"Go ahead, boy, let it happen."

I rubbed Master's hairy chest as I took his cock deeply. One stroke finally sent me over the edge.

My cock unloaded on Master's chest and shot up to his chin. I sat back down on his cock and let it fill me up as I pumped out the last few shots of boy seed. Then, touching it for the first time, I squeezed out the last of my load from my dick.

Master pulled my head forward and down to his chest. I cleaned the jizz from his stomach and chest, and then licked up over his chin to his lips.

He pulled me closer as our lips met and we shared a passionate kiss. He rolled me to my back, but continued to press his lips against mine. His body pinned me down as his legs spread mine wide.

I felt his cock find its way back to my eager hole and slide back inside where it belonged.

Master slowly, but firmly, stroked his cock into my ass. He continued for several minutes before quickening his pace. I sensed he was close.

One thrust of Master's cock pushed deep into me and held there. I felt the warmth of his load fill my insides. The spasms of his cock had me hard again. Master reached down and grabbed my balls firmly, sending me over the edge once more.

As our bodies were pressed together, and with Master's cock and seed still inside me, I let another load stream from my dick. Master withdrew his cock and rubbed it against mine. Our slippery cocks swapped loads, until each was covered in the stickiness of our combined juices.

Master got up to his knees and pressed his cock into my mouth, allowing me to taste our seed and a hint of my ass. Once his cock was sucked clean, Master fell back into my arms in an embrace.

"You are truly mine now, Patrick," he whispered in my ear.

"Yes, Master."

Sam could only look on in awe, and probably some anticipation. He was up next.

Chapter 15

It was past midnight when I finally made my way back to Tony's room. It didn't really feel like my room yet. I didn't bring anything with me, so it wasn't like I could make it my own.

Still, there was one thing there that I was glad to see. Tony was lying in bed, though I couldn't tell if he was sleeping.

I climbed under the sheets and put my arm around him.

"Have fun?" he asked softly.

"Oh yeah," I moaned. "That was incredible."

You'd think I'd be spent after an intense fucking and two orgasms, but seeing Tony got me going again.

I rubbed Tony's chest and moved in to smell his neck. My hand made it down to his dick.

"Patrick... what are you doing? Have you forgotten the rule already? Are you trying to get us both punished on your first night?"

"Sorry," I said, withdrawing my hand. "I can't help myself around you."

"Yeah, I noticed," he laughed. "Still, that can't happen now. I've already taken enough heat for your advances."

"You have?"

"Yeah. Master wasn't too pleased when I told him we made out that first time. He was less thrilled about our mutual hand jobs."

"Fuck. You told him?"

"Well, yeah. I can't lie to Master. Neither should you. The worst part was the club. Master was not happy that I fed you my piss."

"Shit, what did he do?"

"He made me drink the loads of everyone in the house the next night after dinner. It actually made me sick."

"Fuck. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you in trouble. I'll try to be good. I promise. Is this okay, at least?" I wrapped my arm around him again and placed my hand on his warm chest. I laid my head on the pillow and held him close.

"Yeah, that's good," he whispered. "Just no more, ok?"

I accepted the little bit of comfort I could take and fell asleep in his arms, still thinking of my fucking that night and what tomorrow might hold.

I woke the next day to a firm grip on my shoulder and a not-so-gentle shaking. I forced my eyes open to see Brent hulking over me.

"Come on, slut. Wake up. It's almost eight." Brent pulled the sheets off and tugged at my caged dick.

I grimaced at the discomfort of his grip.

"Morning wood is a bitch in that thing, isn't it?" he taunted. "Now, get the fuck up and put on the clothes I put out. We have work to do."

I finally climbed out of bed and put on the briefs and jean shorts I found on the dresser. I wasn't sure whose they were, but they seemed to fit.

I went downstairs and found the rest of the guys eating breakfast. A bowl of cereal was already out for me and I ate it down quickly. I looked around and noticed that everyone was wearing shorts, too. It was strange how everyone being clothed seemed so out of place here.

I soon found out why we were to dress though. Master had chores outside today. Kevin, Tony and Evan were in the front yard clearing out brush while Brent had Sam and I in the backyard trimming back trees and shrubs.

It was quite a bit of work and we were all perspiring heavily. I couldn't help but notice how incredible Brent looked. His body was already amazingly sculpted, but to add a sheen of glistening sweat made him even sexier.

I figured that was part of the reason why Master spent the morning on the patio watching us. Either that or he was keeping an eye on Sam and me. Still, Brent finally got tired of me staring at him.

"What are you looking at, slut?"

I figured there was no point in holding back, especially here.

"You," I said. "You're fuckin' hot all sweaty like that."

He laughed, probably from my directness, but quickly let it drop. We resumed working until it was nearing time for lunch. Master was still on the patio, but now with the other boys, who were eating sandwiches.

I figured it was time for us to join, but instead Brent called us together. Sam and I stood before him, looking up at his sweat moistened face.

"So, you sluts like me all sweaty, huh?" he teased.

"Well, yeah," Sam answered. I nodded in agreement.

"Then lick my chest clean," he ordered.

We were taken aback by the order. He repeated it, more forcefully this time. Sam and I leaned in and placed our tongues on his washboard abs and licked slowly up until each of us found a tight nipple. Brent's chest was silky smooth and the taste of his sweat was unbelievable. We continued to lick his chest until he lifted his arms high.

"Smell my pits," he ordered.

I was a bit confused, especially after Tony's warning last night. I glanced over to Master who was intently watching from the patio.

"Is it okay to do that?" I asked.

"Of course it's okay. Not doing it will make me look bad. You want me to look bad while Master and all his boys are watching?"

"No, Sir," I apologized and I moved in on his slightly hairy pits. Sam followed suit on the other.

I buried my nose deep inside and let the smell fill my lungs. His musk was remarkably strong, even more so than you'd already expect for having been working outside all morning.

"Okay, now clean in there, too. Lick 'em real good," he ordered.

I pushed my tongue through the sweaty hair and licked his pits deep. The taste was amazing. I'd never tasted a sweaty arm pit before, but now I couldn't get enough. I licked every bit of Brent's pit before he lowered his arms and grabbed Sam by the neck.

"I've got a surprise for you, slut," he teased Sam.

Sam's face couldn't hide how worried he was at the declaration.

"You see," Brent continued. "Master says I get to do some of the spanking tonight. And if you think I'm going to take it easy on you, you're dead wrong." He flexed his arms to show how much muscle he had to use on my brother's ass. I was even scared for him.

"Now let's get something to eat," he said and allowed us to join the others for lunch.

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. I guess I didn't realize that part of serving Master was going to be so much physical labor. Sam and I even had assignments for preparing dinner.

Luckily, Master was quite pleased with the meal and dismissed us to the living room. Sam was obviously squirming in his seat all through dinner, as he knew what was coming soon. It was time for him to pay up for freeing me from my chastity last night.

Master gathered us around Sam, who was now sitting center stage. We were all back to our usual nakedness.

"Okay, Sam, on all fours now," Master ordered.

Sam climbed up and his pale, exposed ass faced the group. Master pulled out a long wooden paddle and stood to get into striking position.

He swung and landed twenty moderate spanks, forcing Sam to count out each one. The next twenty were a bit harder, but Master was clearly just warming Sam's ass up a bit. The spanking got progressively more intense until Sam counted out number 100.

The next was nearly full strength. Sam cried out before being able to update his count. Each subsequent smack was just as hard and Sam struggled to keep up.

By the 200th strike, Sam was nearly crying. He could barely count them out any more. Then Master swung with all his might and the smack echoed through the house. Sam cried out again. I felt terrible for him.

By the time Master reached 300, Sam was in tears and his ass was a shade of red I never knew existed. The beating even wore out Master.

"Evan, give him the next hundred," he ordered.

Evan grabbed the paddle and hesitantly rubbed it along Sam's battered ass. Sam looked back and pleaded to Evan with his tear-filled eyes.

"Evan," Master warned. "If I think you are holding back at all, you'll get 500 too."

Evan swung and made contact, an even greater crack than that produced by Master. Sam cried out yet again. Evan didn't give him time to count it, the next smack furiously cracked over Sam's ass, as did the next. Evan continued this pace until his hundred were done and Sam's ass was near blistering.

Brent stood and grabbed the paddle. He reached around and pressed it to Sam's lips.

"Kiss it, slut."

Sam complied as we heard the smack of his lips against the wooden paddle. Then Brent lined it back up with Sam's ass and let a furious swing loose. The resulting smack could probably be heard throughout the neighborhood. Sam screamed out and buried his face in the cushions.

"Stop! Please." I interrupted.

"Yes, boy?" Master said.

"Please, Master, let me take the last hundred. It kills me to see Sam in such pain."

"Hmm, well, if I thought it was too much, I'd stop it. But, if you are also offering a trade then I accept. However... it'll cost you 250."

I was going to protest, but thought better of it. The only other choice was to let Sam have the last hundred. I couldn't do that. After all, I did owe him one for last night.

"As you wish, Sir. I'll do it."

I took Sam's place in front of the group and Brent still had the paddle. I braced myself for the inevitable. But when it came, I was totally unprepared for the pain.

I cried out in agony at the first smack, but managed to start the count, "One..."

Another brutal spank lit up my ass cheeks. "Two..."

I noticed that Brent wasn't interested in warming up my ass as Master had done for Sam. Instead, the next 250 spanks were hard, loud and brought me to tears too.

"248..." I sobbed. "249, oh fuck," I cried. One final smack, as hard as I think Brent could swing, crashed along my red hot ass cheeks and I barely muttered the count.

I fell into the cushions a blubbering mess. The abuse was far greater than anything Tony did to me during our practice time before the club. Not even the whipping could compare to the pain I felt. I was beginning to doubt the decision to submit.

"Very good, boys," Master declared. "I want you both in the shower and then come to my room when you are done. It's time I properly took ownership of Sam."

I felt a little better just knowing that I was about to witness my little brother get fucked.


*Author's Note:

Please send your reaction and comments to the story so far. Just so you know, there will be 10 parts total to the story. After the next part, I'll have another surprise for you!

Also, everyone that comments will be e-mailed when the next part goes up.

Next: Chapter 8

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