The Inn

By J Dot

Published on Jul 8, 2024


He went to his room and entered. I got down on my hands and knees again to continue painting trim. He came back out of his room and stopped, looking at me, I turned my head to him.

"This may sound forward, but I can see you have a nice body!" He told me. "I can see your plumbers crack, although I guess its a painters crack" he chuckled

"Thanks, I like your body too!" I responded, then thought, crap, I hope I don't get into trouble for this!

He then left, going back to his meeting. I continued on touching up the painting, thinking about this guy and hoping that I get to see him again. Normally I am not around guests too much.

I left to go to lunch, and when I came back to continue in the hallway, I wondered if I would see him again. Sure enough, he had gone back to his room after the group had their lunch. He poked his head out of the room, as he must have heard me in the hallway!

"Could you come in here for a minute?" He asked

"Sure, anything I can help you with?" I asked

"I hope so!" He replied, as I went through the door to his room, following behind him.

"I was thinking about you while we were in our session, the subject was pretty boring, and it gave me time to think about you, I hope you don't think I'm too forward!" He said

"Thanks, no, I have never had anyone tell me that they were thinking about me... To tell you the truth, I was thinking about you too!! Just shouldn't be telling guests that!" I said

"Well I'm only here for a few days, so thought if anything was going to happen, I'd have to press it" he said "Wasn't sure if you were gay or not, but you DID say you liked my body!"

"I am, and I do like your body!!" I replied.

"Good, I am wrapped up with this conference, but it will be done for the day at 4. Then the guests are on their own, til tomorrow. Want to meet me here in the room?"

"Well..... Sure, why not!" I said.

"Good, we'll get something from room service and chat or whatever!"

"Sounds good, if something changes here's my cellphone number" I turned to the desk in the room and wrote it down for him.

"See you later" I told him "I have to get back to work"

"Yeah, I have to get back to this conference, so much fun" he rolled his eyes. We both chuckled.

I left the room and went back to painting in the hallway. He came out a few minutes later, barely brushing me as he walked by. "Til later!" He said.

"Later" I replied. I continued painting until a little after 3 and then picked up my paint and drop, went to clean my brushes, then waited with the other couple of painters until time to clock out at a little before 4.

I went to my vehicle to pick up a small duffle bag I always carry in case things go awry, and went to the room. By the time I got there, it was about quarter after 4. I knocked on the door, not wanting to use my key for all of the rooms.

Pete answered the door with his suit coat off, tie gone and button down shirt unbuttoned at the top. The shirt was straining to hold in his big belly. He turned as I went through the door and proceeded me into the room.

"I was afraid you weren't going to come" he said

"I'm only 15 minutes late, had to clock out and get some things" I said holding up the bag.

"Ah, I see" he replied and he turned to me. "Well lets sit down and have a drink." He had a bottle of wine on the table and two wineglasses. He poured us both a glass and we sat down in the plush chairs.

"So where are you from Pete?" I asked

"Maryland," he said, handing me a glass, "Just here for this conference for my job!"

"I work from home, but they wanted me to be here, so here I am!" He added

"Well, welcome!" I said raising my glass. He did the same and we had a sip of wine. He moved forward in his seat and unbuttoned the few remaining buttons on his shirt. His big stomach was released from its constraints, and came rushing out over his waist! He stood up to completely remove his shirt. I held out my arms from my seated position and he walked over to me.

I wrapped my big arms around his big thighs as I ground my face into his fat tummy. He brought his hands down to the back of my head and onto my shoulders. I kissed his stomach and stuck my tongue out to lick his belly button.

"Mmmm" he sighed "I've been looking forward to this all afternoon!"

"I hope I don't disappoint!" I said looking up at him over his big belly! "Its not like I do this, or have done this, ever!" I added "With guests"

"Oh I bet you have all kinds of opportunities" he said

"Nope, no one usually talks to the hired help." I replied.

He reached down and grabbed my shirt, a polo shirt, and started pulling it over my head. I had to stand up to let it come untucked and to let my belly fat get out of the way. He pulled it over my head and was immediately running his hands over my breasts. Putting my nipples between his fingers and flicking them.

"Mmmm" it was my turn to sigh, and then we had our hands over both of our ample bodies! I then stopped and took him into my arms, our big bodies mashed together. The feel of his big belly and breasts against mine, felt so good!

While hugging, I lowered one of my hands to his big ass and groped his fat for a little bit. He broke free from my embrace to start unbuckling my belt. I did the same to him. He got mine done, unbuttoned the top button and unzipped my painters pants. I felt them dropping over my big thighs.

"Aaaahh" he gasped, running his hands down over my deep purple panties! "I thought that might have been panties I was seeing along with your nice ass crack!"

I lowered his slacks down to reveal pink lacy panties with a nice bow, under his stomach!

"They are so pretty!!!" I exclaimed

He stepped out of his slacks, picking them up off the floor. I stepped out of my pants too. I took the slacks from him and took them to the closet, hanging them up. Of course I had to jiggle my ass while walking over.

"You have a beautiful tush," he said.

"Thanks," I replied "Yours ain't so bad either! Those panties really accentuate your ass!"

"There can't be too many of us" Pete said "Panty wearing big gay men!"

"Oh, I bet there's more than you or I think!" I replied "Although you can't very well ask every big man. Can you picture that?" We both laughed at that.

I walked back over to him and dropped down on my knees in front of him. This time instead of rubbing my face on his big belly, I rubbed my face on his panty covered crotch. I could smell his musk through his panties.

As I rubbed my face on them, I could feel his penis start to shift.

"I'm not that big, down there" he said kind of meekly! I pulled my face away and looked over his belly at his face.

"I'm not either, but we will deal with what we have! I'm interested in the total package of your body, not just this" I said as I buried my face back in his panties!

He put his hands on the back of my head, holding me there against him. Like I wanted to move away... I stuck out my tongue and started licking his growing penis through the lacy material.

"Mmmm" he sighed as I continued licking and running my hands up his massive thighs to his panty lines. By hands went up to his big ass, caressing his ass cheeks through the material.

"Ooohhhh" he moaned. I pulled my face away to move my hands to his sides. I wiggled my fingers under his roll of fat to get into the waistband of his panties and pull them down.

He had no wisps of pubic hair, like me he was clean shaven and his penis was about three to four inches long, uncut.

"Mmmmm" I moaned, putting my head back to his groin. "Clean shaven like me, what a beautiful cock!!" I could smell his musk even more now, of course, as I kissed and nuzzled his fat pad above his cock.

"Ooooohh! He groaned as my lips pressed up against him, I stuck my tongue out and licked on his nice cock. I then lowered down just a little and engulfed his beautiful cock in my wet mouth! I inhaled his scent like sweet perfume as my mouth sucked on him. My hands were grabbing onto his ass cheeks, pulling him into me!

My lips were all the way over him as I took him all the way in my mouth. My chin was hitting his balls! I played with his foreskin with my tongue...

" Ooohhh, my god!!!!" He groaned again as I kept bobbing on him, my forehead hitting his big belly. I grudgingly eased back from his penis, pulling his penis up with a few fingers, and lowered my mouth to his balls. I started running my fingers down the crack of his big ass!

"OOOHHHHH!!" He was getting louder, I was hoping no other guests would hear... It didn't matter though, not like I was going to stop! I was having too much fun! I put his balls in my mouth, gently playing with them with my tongue and lips.

I found his ass hole and started my fingers around the rim... That caused him to jolt a little! Pushing more of his genitals against my face.

He was grunting, as was I! His breathing was changing. I moved back to his cock, before I put it back in my mouth, I could see his head sticking out of his foreskin! I licked it a time or two.

"OOOOHHHH YESSSS!" He shouted. I put his cock back in my mouth and started to put pressure on his anus with a fingertip! I felt some resistance to my finger, but it went in.

"Oooohhh, my fuucckking ggoooddd!" He got out as I started pushing in further with my finger! My mouth was full of his cock, and it started getting a little stiffer!! I moved my other hand back to his thigh, intending to play with his balls, but it didn't make it there in time.

"Iiiimmm cccuumming" he sighed! I kept going with my finger in his ass, pushing and pulling just a little. His cum shot into my mouth and I swallowed it all!!! I love cum!! Rope after rope entered into my mouth and down my throat!

I pulled my finger out of his ass slowly, and as he shrank in my mouth, I let him out. I stayed down there for a minute, my arms wrapped around his thick legs, my face pushed into his genitals. Inhaling his musky scent.

He then helped me to my feet. He wrapped his big arms around me in a hug. I embraced him too. Our big bellies mashed against each other. He pressed his lips to mine in a deep kiss! We invaded each others mouths with our tongues. He eventually broke off the kiss and we stayed in the hug for a minute of two more.

"That was the best blowjob I've ever had!" He whispered in my ear. I responded by taking his earlobe in my lips.

"Mmmm" he sighed. I released his earlobe and we broke our hug. I stepped back and reached for my wineglass, needing to wet my whistle.

"I see you're a leaker" he told me, "I am too"

"Only when I'm turned on by another big man and his lovely cock!" I responded

He stepped over to me and ran his fingers over the wet spot in the front of my panties!

"Mmmm" I sighed

He then stepped back and said "Lets calm down a little and have some dinner before round two!" He winked at me. "We can order room service, if you want, or...."

"Lets order take out from somewhere" I responded, "Their food here is too expensive and high falootin. There wouldn't be much of it, and we would do better elsewhere!"

"Ok, its your choice, you know the area, what do you want?"

I looked at my phone for any places other than the ones I knew of, we found a place and I called and ordered. We made small talk until it was time to go get our food. We put on our clothes, I had a change of clothes in the bag, not wanting to be in painter whites while being out.

We got into his car and drove to the restaurant, not being very far away, but too far to walk to quickly. I went in and got the food, brought it back out to the car. As I got in, I set the food down and put my hand on my new friends thigh. He just smiled.

"Anything else, while we're out?" He asked

"Nope, not this time!" I told him. I thought I could show him some sights later, if we keep getting together, like I hoped we would. "Lets just go back and eat our food!"

He looked a little surprised at my comment... But didn't say anything. Back to the Inn we went. We went back into the room, I shut the deadbolt on the door. I had to use the bathroom and by the time I came out, he had dropped his clothes. Clad only in his panties, still damp from my licking earlier.

He almost looked a little sheepish, scared I wouldn't like to see his big body on display. I smiled at him and removed my clothes too, all except my damp panties. That made him relax a little.

"I told you, I love big men especially those not scared to wear pretty pink panties!" I told him. "Hopefully you feel the same!"

"Oh, I do, I just find it difficult to believe that someone else does too!" He responded.

We got our food out of the bag and sat down to start eating. "I have heard of a fat retreat, in the mid west, where fat men can go to feel better about their bodies!" I told him. "Some kind of body positivity thing"

"Oh yeah? That might be something I would like to go to" he responded.

"I'll try to find out more particulars. Hell, maybe I'll go too!"

We dug into our food, stealing glances at each others big almost naked bodies. He had big breasts that hung a little with nice nipples. I licked my lips, wanting to suck on them. I wanted to feel them, caress them and his big tummy!

We had sips of wine, along with our meal and were getting nice and relaxed with each other. When we got done, Pete put our trash back in the bag, putting it by the trash can. I watched him move, that nice big ass, thighs to die for!!

He moved onto the bed and motioned me to join him. I wasn't going to say no to that!!! He laid his big body down on his back and I flopped down on my stomach. Moving myself into position to suck on his tits.

As I brought my head down onto his left breast, he held my head against it. I stuck out my tongue and licked the nipple, flicking it with my tongue. I ran my free hand over his ample belly, softly caressing the fat.

"Oh my god!" He moaned softly "That feels so good". I moved my head down a little more to create a suction with my mouth as I wanted to get my mouth full of his luscious tit!

"Mmmm" he moaned a little more. I then moved my hand up to his other breast and flicked the nipple with my fingers. He ran his hand over my back, caressing and squeezing my fat!

I reluctantly pulled my mouth off his breast and got up enough to straddle his body with mine! There we were, me on top, on my knees on either side of him. We were panty to panty with our big bodies! I moved myself up and down his big body, rubbing our panties together.

We were getting turned on, and as expected I started to leak, my panties were getting wet! "Mmmm, I'm getting wet, being panty to panty with you!!" I told him.

"I know, you're making me wet too!!" He responded, I don't know whether it was my wetness making his panties wet, or whether his cock was leaking too. I didn't ask!

I dropped my upper body down on his. There we were big belly to big belly, our big breasts were touching. Neither one of us had much chest hair.

"Can you breathe? Are you uncomfortable like this?" I asked

"No, its fine for now" he replied. I was looking into his face, up close, he had nice blue eyes! I pressed my lips against his, and he immediately opened his to stick his tongue into my mouth. We started playing with our mouths and tongues.

After a few minutes, we stopped. I got the feeling I was too much on top of him, so I rolled off to let him breathe. I got up and got a gulp or two of wine, handing him his glass.

"I want to try that again," he said "this time without panties on!"

"Ooooh, sounds like fun! This time I'll be on the bottom if you want!" I replied

He got up out of the bed and I went to him. Dropped onto my knees and wiggled my fingers under his fat belly to pull his panties down. He was wet!!! From his own penis, I could see precum dripping! I flicked out my tongue to taste his fluid. "Mmmmm you taste good!"

He helped me up, and then it was his turn to drop down and pull my panties off. He ran his hands up my legs to my thick thighs before grabbing my panties and pulling them down. He pushed his face against my groin, my cock was stirring as I felt his warm breath on my penis.

He stuck out his tongue and licked the tip, tasting my juices! "Oooh that feels so good!" I sighed.

I pushed him back and helped him up. I stepped out of my panties, and I wrapped my big arms around his big body, in a big bear hug. Trying to meld our big bodies together!

"You're so hot!!" I told him "I love your body!!"

"You are too!" He replied

I broke the hug and got on the bed, he straddled me, like I did him with our panties on. Our cocks, although not that big, were cute together, our balls were also touching. It felt so different and so good! He put one of his hands on the two cocks and started rubbing them together.

Between the two of us leaking, there was enough lubrication to make it feel good!

"Mmmmmm!" We both groaned in unison. I started chuckling as he did too! After a few minutes of this, he got off me, only to flip around. He lowered his cock and balls down onto my face, and pulled my cock with a few fingers before taking me in his mouth!

"Oooh my god!" I breathed, as I felt his warm wet mouth take me inside.

I grabbed his cock hanging right in my face, and took him in my mouth too! I took all of him, feeling my nose hit his balls, smelling his scent! He started humping my face, his rhythm was not really a rhythm, so much as a trying to drive himself through me!

I grabbed onto his ass cheeks and held him too me! I searched with my fingers for his ass hole. Meanwhile he was doing the same to me. I started driving my cock into his mouth, and he had his hands on my ass.

He found my hole a few seconds before I found his. As he started pushing a finger into my ass, I was finding his hole and doing the same!

"Mmmmm!" We both moaned around the cocks in our mouths, and were grunting with our thrusts.

I could feel the sensation in my balls, and without any warning to him, I shot my sperm into his mouth. He swallowed it all, I guess. I couldn't see as I was too busy, making him cum again. He spurted his cum into my mouth, and I swallowed everything he gave me. I wanted more!! I pulled my finger out of his ass as he pulled his out of me. I sighed around his softening penis. The finger felt so good in there. We both let the cocks out of our mouths.

He started to lift his body off from mine, but I moved my hands to his hips over me and held onto him, not ready to let him go.

"Isn't that too much for you?" He asked, meaning the weight of his body on mine.

"Nope, it feels too good!!" I replied "I love to have your body over me!"

After about five minutes he got up anyway and I grudgingly let him. He went into the bathroom and peed, I waited my turn and when he returned, I got up and did the same. When I came out he was laying on the bed again, back in his panties.

I put mine back on and got on the bed beside him. He rolled over onto his side, his head resting on my shoulder. We played with each other, running fingers everywhere. Content to be right where we were.

"You ARE staying the night, right?" He asked me.

"For as long as you want!" I replied smiling at him.

"Well then, you're NEVER leaving!! He said

"Ok" was my only response

We talked for awhile, finally getting to know each other, after having sex! He was a pretty cool guy, a little down on himself about weight and a smaller penis, I did what I could to assure him!

"Thank you!" He told me as we were about to drift off to sleep!

"For what?" I asked

"For making a fat man in panties feel wanted!"

"Oh my god!! I'm a fat man in panties too!!! Nothing wrong with it! And you're welcome!"

He closed his eyes and his breathing changed a litte, he started to snore. I kissed his forehead and fell off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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