The Instructor

By moc.loa@elehcimasoid

Published on Nov 13, 2005



This story is a series of actual events. The names have been changed to provide anonymity. All subjects mentioned therein have been notified and readily agreed that no personal liability nor financial gain will be deemed necessary due the posting of the story.

All rights reserved.

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PART I. The Instructor

It was the first day of my Information Technology class. I walked into the room; there standing in the front of the classroom was the Instructor. He was handsome. White, approximately 6 feet and about 200 pounds. Curly auburn hair, glasses, gorgeous hazel eyes and a fantastic smile. I knew immediately I would have him. I had to figure out just how I would approach him.

I sat at the first table right up front in direct eye sight of the overhead projector. I wanted him to see me. He introduced himself and gave a brief bio and asked each pupil to do the same. Since I was right up front, I stood, gave my name, the company I worked for and brief bio. I spoke directly to him rather than my classmates. The rest of the students stood one by one did the same introduction.

He commenced to teach his lesson. His brown eyes roaming over the class for comprehension. However his gaze would always return to me. I just stared at him. My look had absolutely nothing to do with what he was teaching. I was looking at his crotch. I knew he wasn't wearing any underwear. His cock moved too freely in his trousers. My grey eyes were sparkling. I demurely smile. Displaying my dimpled cheeks and straight white teeth.

I couldn't wait for the afternoon break. I decided I would ask him if he was seeing anyone. If not, then I would invite him out for a drink. I had no idea if he was interested in Black/Latina women, but I was willing take a chance. I have never been a shy woman and I would not start now.

At lunchtime, I approached him. Smiled and asked, "Steven, are you married?" His reply was No. "Are you seeing anyone?" His reply was No. Mentally, I tell myself that had he said yes, it really would not have mattered. I was going to ask anyway. "Great, would you like to have a drink with me after class? I have some questions I would like to ask about my current infrastructure." He smiled and said sure. He was staying at a hotel across the street from the learning center and to meet him there a 5:30pm.

The remainder of afternoon I did not absorb anything he was teaching. My eyes were on his crotch. I watched him stand there teaching the lesson, hands in his pockets discreetly feeling his cock. Instinctively, I knew it was for my benefit. I watched it grow erect. Even through his slacks you could tell that he had a big cock. A couple of times I actually licked my lips. You would think that I was really salivating thinking about that big cock. I suppose I was. At that point he had to sit down as he did not want everyone in class to see his erection.

I have to tell you that seeing his cock hard caused my nipples to become so hard that you could see the rings in them!

Finally, class is over! I leave the learning center. Walk to the garage to retrieve my vehicle and drive over to the hotel. I park my SUV and walk into the hotel.

I immediately look for the gift shop. I've been in class all day and I wanted to freshen up. I needed to purchase a toothbrush and feminine wipes. But most importantly, I needed to buy condoms. I wanted to have condoms at ready should I decide that I wanted to sleep with him. My personality would I never leave such details to man. Now had he been my submissive slave boy, all details would have been covered. I jump ahead there.

I purchase the items I need and find the Ladies Room. All hygiene issues addressed, I walk back into the lobby and wait. I choose a chair in the corner of the lobby. I can see every entrance and all elevators from this vantage point.

My Instructor, strides off elevator #1. I can see him coming down as the elevators are made of glass. He surveys the lobby. His face scrunching up a bit as he does not see me just yet. I smile and let him think I was a no-show. He's still looking around, his back to me. I really get a chuckle as he picks up his cell, I guess to call me, but he realizes this is an error as he does not have my number. He shakes his head and puts his phone back in its hip-holster.

I stand, walk up beside him and gently touch his elbow. He turns. A little taken aback by my sudden appearance. "Looking for me? I bet you thought I wasn't going to show up?" He looks me in the eye and replies, "actually, I was thinking just that!" Now it's my turn to be taken aback. I did not expect an honest answer. I was sure he was going to give me one of those macho bullshit explanations. Touch^.

I smile at him and ask where can we go were it is not very crowded, and allows smoking because I smoke. He knows just place he tells me. I ask "Is it in walking distance or do we need to drive?" He looks down at the ground then into my eyes and replies that it is in walking distance; however, of I don't feel like walking, he would drive me. After all, he says it is June and very hot on the east coast. I laugh and reply "Handsome, My brown skin loves the sun. I don't mind walking"

We walk approximately 2 blocks to a Cigar Bar. Nice place from the outside. I stop in front of the main door. I'm wondering if he's a gentleman and will open it for me. He does. And gestures for me to enter. Upon entering, a hostess asks us if we wanted to try the House blend cigar. He turns and looks at me. I immediately sense that he is waiting for my approval. I reply that yes, we would like try one and to please seat us in a private corner.

It must have been my lucky evening because she opened up the door to the Club Room. We were the only occupants. She seats us and asks if we would be having cocktails. I reply that yes would to please give us a moment. She departs. I open my purse to retrieve my cigarette case & lighter. I place them on the table and close my purse. Steven looks at me and asks if I would like a cigarette. Again I smile and nod my head yes. He opens my case, extracts a cigarette, places it between my lips and lights it for me. I inhale deeply, letting the smoke fill my lungs, then exhale over his head. Then I ask him " Does cigarette smoke bother you?" He looks down at the ground and replies that no the smoke does not bother him. But he does not like the taste of cigarettes. I laugh and state that I will make sure to use my mints before I allow him to kiss me. He seems to get a kick out of that. I knew why. He had been staring at my lips as much as had been staring at his cock in class. His actions up to this point told me that he was a passive man. What I wanted to know was he just passive or was he submissive? I needed him to tell me.

In comes the waitress to take our cocktail order. Without waiting for his input, I ordered a vodka martini for me, Stoli with 5 olives and for him I ordered vodka and cranberry juice. She took the order and departed. I continue to smoke my cigarette. The ash was getting long on the end of the cig. There was an ashtray on the cocktail table in front of us. I made no move to retrieve it. I waited to see if he would get it for me. And he reached for it. Held it while I dumped my ash. Then placed it back on table. Silence. I'm finishing my cigarette. Again needed to dump ash. He picks up the ashtray and held it while I dumped my ash. His eyes staring directly into mine the entire time.

The damn waitress appears with the drinks. But she notices the exchange between Steven and I. She discreetly places the drinks on a nearby table and departs. I catch all this with my peripheral vision. I did not break eye contact with Steven. I would not be the person to look away. It is not my demeanor to look away. I immediately decide that Steven is in fact a submissive man. His passiveness is due to him being submissive. And I was extremely excited by knowing. So I ask him, "Steven, is there something you wish to reveal to me? I know that you just met me today. I know I asked you out to discuss techie shit, but that was rouse. I asked you out to learn more about you. I'm intrigued.

Your behavior thus far, has told me a great deal about you. What does your inner voice whisper to you right now? And Steven, do use the practical, instructor voice. Use the voice that caused you to stroke your cock in class today!"

I knew this would cause him to look away. He would be embarrassed. It is his embarrassment that dictates that his eyes should go to the floor. My mind screams, do it, do it Steven, look down at the floor. Prove me right! Wheeeeewhooooo! Eyes go to the floor!

he whispers, " i was so embarrassed today. Never have i crossed the line and done that in class! i have never gone out for drink with the class participants. At least not a female, alone. my behavior today was so involuntary." His face is so red. I chuckle then stand up to retrieve our drinks. I place his drink on the table in front of him. I keep my martini in my hand and sit down. "Continue, Steven" I reply. He looks up at me and asks, "Ma'am, may I have a sip of my drink please?" My mind yells, "I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT! He's cute and submissive!" "yes you may have a sip" I say. He takes a sip and places the glass back on the table. Then he continues, "Michele, i'm not sure what I hell is going on between us, but i know that by now you know i'm not a very aggressive man. I tend to be attracted to more assertive type women. I mean more dominant women. A Domme to be exact. Please excuse my rambling. Ma'am, I'm awful nervous."

I'm not sure if it was hearing him voice it or my body reacting to his handsomeness, but I leaned over and kissed him. Cigarette-breath and all. He responded as most people do, raise his arms to embrace me while kissing. I extricate my tongue from his mouth and tell him that he may Not embrace me. I will let him know when I wanted to be held. His arms are immediately lowered and he moans involuntarily into my mouth. I knew I had him. Hook, line and sinker!

We continue to kiss. It becomes more intense. My hands are exploring his body. His are resting in his lap. I hear the door to the club open. I open my eyes and the waitress looks in. I raise my hand indicating 5 min. She nods and leaves. My hands slide over his torso, sliding further, to his crotch. I want to know just how big is his cock. I glide my hands over his thighs. Again, he moans into my mouth. This time his voice is deeper. My hands move upwards on his thigh towards his cock. About mid-thigh, I feel the head of it. Oh my! the crown is large. Hands still sliding up. Mm, the shaft, thick and hard. Oh yes, I'm thinking. He is definitely a keeper.

I tell him to unzip his pants and pull out his cock. I want to see it. He looks at me in surprise. His eyes are saying "Here? Now? What if someone walks in?" I smile, sit back in my chair and quietly tell him. Yes, here. Right now. He did as I had instructed and pulled out his cock. I say "Now sit back in your chair and drink your cocktail."

I picked up the cigar the hostess had given us upon entering the Cigar Bar. I clip the tip. And reach for my lighter. Steven immediately moves to pick it up and light it for me. I gesture with my hand to stop, I can do this myself. I light my cigar and wait for the waitress. And right on cue, she opens the door and I motion for her to come in. Steven moves to put his cock back in his pants, but I tell him to stop. He looks so scared! Like a deer caught in headlights. I'm tickled by this. I knew I was treading on thin ice as this was a public establishment. But somehow, I knew the waitress would not admonish us for the behavior.

She walks closer and asks me if I wanted another martini. I nod yes. She then asks if I would also like another vodka & cranberry? I tell her to ask him herself. So she turns to Steven and asks, "Would you a cock?" She turns the crimson. And I burst out laughing! She tries to regain her composure. But she's staring at his cock. Through my laughter, I asked her a question to further embarrass her. " It is impressive isn't it?" She turns her head towards me and says "my god yes!" I continue, " I know. I thought the same thing myself when I felt it earlier. This is the first time that I've seen it too. I just met him today. But like you, I think it is very impressive. I can't wait to ride it. I can't wait to watch him stroke himself. I want to see that thing explode!" If Steven could have crawled under the chair and become invisible, he would have.

The waitress looked at me and I take a puff of my cigar, throw her wink and tell her that I would like my martini now. However, when you return, please lock the door and bring my cocktail.

I smoke my cigar and gather my thoughts. I have questions for Steven. I decide to wait for my martini before I start any dialog with him.

The waitress returned with my martini. She locked the door as instructed. I looked at Steven and stated "My handsome big cocked instructor, stroke yourself. Your new Mistress and the waitress want to see you explode." He lowered his eyes. Red faced. Then he stated, "Mistress, I cannot orgasm sitting in a chair. I can only ejaculate while on my stomach." I take no pity on his dilemma. "You will stroke it until you ejaculate. Perhaps you need a visual aid." I turned to the waitress and told her to unbutton her blouse and show him her breast. Her looked told me she was totally taken aback by my statement. It wasn't a question.

My instructor is still stroking. I continue with the waitress," My dear, no one is here, the door is locked and my instructor tips well. Unbutton your blouse." She did as instructed.

The waitress bares her breast. I lightly pinch her nipple. She made no movement, only sucked in her breath. I pinched harder. She pulled back some. I pulled her by her nipple closer to me. My little instructor is stroking harder. His moans a little loud. I lift my foot and touch his balls and quietly whisper for him to be quiet. We don't want to draw attention to this room. He bites his lower lip.

The waitress is standing right beside me. Her breast level with my mouth. I take her nipple in my mouth. My eyes never leaving the instructor. He's sweating and stroking hard wanting to cum but can't. I remove my mouth from the waitress' nipple, gently push her backwards. I raised my hips and slipped off my thongs. Leaning forward, I place my soiled undies in my instructor's mouth.

"Suck on these. You have 2 minutes to ejaculate." He closed his eyes, and pumped his cock feverishly. I pull the waitress forward. I want taste her delicious nipples again. I began sucking her nipple like she had the best milk in the world but never taking my eyes off the instructor.

"Cum now steven" My voice husky with desire. Reluctantly, I release the waitress's nipple, lean forward and pull my thongs from his mouth. I place them over his cock and say again, "Come for me steven". He does just that. Right on My thongs. I pick them up from on top of his cock, and place them back in his mouth.

I buttoned the waitress's blouse. Pulled her head close enough for me to kiss her lips. I thanked her for all her help. I told her to please leave the check. She retreated, leaving the cursory black billfold on the table. I reached for the check, tallied up the cocktails and added her tip. Then, I told steven to pay the bill.

The waitress made an easy $50.00 for indulging Me in My game. He looked so humiliated. I asked him if he enjoyed his evening with me. Steven looked me in the eye and stated, "Ma'am, I just spent $25 on drinks and left a $50 tip to masturbate in front of 2 women. One of whom I will have to look at in class for the next three days."

I chuckle at the thought. He will indeed have difficulty focusing on teaching his lesson with me sitting in his class.

I am sated at the moment. I embarrassed and humiliated him and the waitress. I smoke my cigar and gather my thoughts with a smile.

To Be Continued..

Next: Chapter 2

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