The Jade Rod

By moc.liamtoh@knipemdelkcit

Published on Dec 21, 2003



Note: This is the first story I have ever written. It is also the last one I write in first person perspective - my next one is going to have dialog! The following story describes acts of a sexual nature and so you must ensure that you are over the legal age limit to read such things. Indeed you must ensure that it is even legal for you to read this in your country.

The Jade Rod by Tickled Me Pink December 2003

Something caught my eye in the antiques shop I was visiting during a sunny autumn Saturday. A glint of sunlight shining off a rod carved out of some sort of rock. I moved closer to it and had a closer look, my curiosity piqued. It was a cylinder of green stone about six inches long and about an inch in diameter. One end had a wide smooth groove carved into it about an inch from the edge and the other end was rounded off. Curious I lifted it from its wooden cradle and inspected it closely. It was surprisingly heavy, but satifying to the touch. I didn't know why but immediately I knew I wanted it. I asked the owner of the antique shop what the rod was for but he couldn't tell me much about it. Apparently he had bought it at an auction but it didn't come with a history of any sort. I asked him how much and he quoted a much higher figure than I expected. It was made of jade the owner mentioned, pointing to a similarly priced carved jade tiger nearby. My mind was already made up as soon as I had touched it. To hell with it I thought and paid the asking price using my credit card. The shop owner wrapped up the rod in paper along with the wooden stand that the rod came with. The rod and its dark wooden stand had pride of place on the mantlepiece in the lounge. Occasionally I would lift it from the stand and feel its smooth perfect surface before setting back. After a while it just became an ornament that was always on the mantlepiece - an occasional conversation piece at the infrequent parties I held with my (few) friends at the time.

I thought nothing more about the jade rod until a couple of years later. My girlfriend at the time, Vicky was not a stunner or thin but rather 'homely' in her figure and face. However, the reason why I had stuck with her for more than six months was that she was rather more adventurous than me in experimenting with sex. Much to my gain I may hasten to add. One of her favorite things was for me to try and stick my fingers in her arse as I was screwing away. After some initial reluctance on my part (and much insistance on her part) this became a regular thing in our lovemaking. Wiggling my fingers inside Vicky arse as we screwed never failed to bring her off and I found it rather exciting at the same time. The problem was, it was a bit of a strain trying to wiggle my fingers when in certain positions. Like the missionary position for example. I mentioned this to Vicky during a particularly good session. We had been at it for a couple of minutes and my right hand was already aching and ready to drop off. Vicky then suggested that we use something other than my fingers. We paused and giggled as we each in turn mentioned various household items. Then Vicky said that we should try the jade ornament I had on the mantlepiece. I reluctantly agreed as I was rather fond of that jade rod but thought that it was probably worth a go. After fetching the rod from the lounge I spat on it to give it a bit of lubrication and slowly pressed the smooth end into Vickies puckered sphincter. It was easy enough to do as I had opened up the entrance with my fingers a few minutes earlier. The rod slipped in smoothly until the smooth groove reached her entrance.

I let go of the rod - her sphincter muscles tightening up and holding it in place. Vicky smiled at me then shivered and moaned. After a couple of seconds she did it again pulling me towards her as she laid back on the bed. I pressed my cock into her pussy and immediately Vicky tensed and her internal muscles squeezed me. All I had to do was stay rooted inside her moving slightly in and out. She would rythmically squeeze and massage my penis. We kept this up for about an hour - it was heaven. I didn't quite have enough stimulation to push me over the edge and Vicky seemed to appreciate the gentle stimulation I was giving her. I had not performed for this amount of time before and my cock was starting to ache. I decided to end the session and I started to move more vigarously. It didn't take me long to reach an orgasm and I spurted ropes of sperm inside her. Vicky suddenly spasmed as she felt my sperm and came very hard. Her hands unconciously scratching my back. After a couple of minutes Vickie returned to the real world and kissed me. I pulled out of her and sat up feeling a bit exhausted. All of a sudden she started to shiver and moan again. I watched her as she had small convulsions on the bed, my sperm dribbling out of her. This went on for a couple of minutes until I thought this worrying, panicked and reached for the end of the rod. I tried to quickly pull it out of Vicky. Her hands suddenly tried to reach out for my arms but for some reason she couldn't summon the strength. It was only until I had managed to pull the rod completely out of her that she stopped struggling and passed out.

A couple of minutes later Vicky started to come around and I breathed a sigh of relief. She made a half hearted attempt to grab the rod from me but then stopped and sighed. I asked her what had just happened and she described how it felt wonderful to have the rod in her rear end. It seemed to pulse and send her to a sort of low level orgasm every couple of seconds but at the end it surprised her by pulsing very strongly. We said no more about it as I got up, washed the rod and put it back in its wooden holder. We used it a couple more times. In fact, Vicky almost demanded that we use it all of the time when we had sex. She even tried it in her pussy but seemed disappointed that it didn't pulse at all when used in that fashion. We continued to have sex with the rod jammed up her arse but I came fairly quickly each time and we removed it - careful not to have to suffer the scare we had when we used it for the first time.

The event that changed my world began a few weeks later when I won a fair bit of money on the national lottery. Not a huge amount mind you, but enough to pay off the house and leave me with enough to keep me going for a few years without having to worry about earning. I was thankful that I did not have to go back to work on the car assembly line. Vicky wanted me to take her on holidays, buy her clothes and stuff and generally planned out how to spend my money for me. Needless to say this started to irritate me and after a few weeks we started to argue a lot. Deep down I found that I did not really love Vicky - the sex was what had kept the relationship going. The arguments came to a head with Vicky storming out of my house vowing never to see me again.

Vicky did return the next day to pick up her things. I heard her in the lounge and bedroom packing her stuff into some plastic carrier bags that she had brought with her. As I finished making myself a cup of coffee in the kitchen I heard the front door slamming shut. Walking into the lounge I immediately noticed that the jade rod was missing from its stand. Opening the front door and rushing outside I spied Vicky walking towards her car with three or four carrier bags in each hand bulging with her clothes. I ran in front of Vicky to confront her about stealing my jade rod. She denied that she had it but I didn't believe her. After a struggle with Vicky the plastic bags slipped from one hand and fell onto the road. The jade rod fell out of one of the bags with a clattering noise. Accusingly I pointed to the rod and called Vicky a liar. She bent down, grabbed the jade rod and threw it at me in anger as I stepped backwards. Luckily her aim was poor and the rod sailed past my ear and clanged onto the pavement a good distance behind me. The rod rolled around and stopped against the grass verge. Vicky turned and stomped to her car swearing loudly about what a crap lay I was and drove off. I ran to where the rod was and picked it up fearful that Vicky had chipped or cracked the rod. Strangely enough it seemed to be no worst for wear. The surface was as smooth as ever and relieved, I carried it back to my house, gave it a quick polish and put it back on its dark wooden stand. The next day I spent changing the locks on all of the doors of my house. A couple of times someone tried to open the front door as I sat in the lounge reading my newspaper. I smiled pleased that I managed to change the locks in time and imagined Vickys frustration at not being able to let herself in. This continued on and off for a few more weeks with her trying to get into the garage and the back door - then nothing. Vicky had obviously given up trying to get into my house. I never saw her again.

A couple of months without sex is enough to drive anyone mad, including myself. A few tentative, but abortive, attempts at chatting up some women in the local bars left me with no release (apart from quite a few sessions with my five fingered friend). It didn't help that I was getting a bit bored sitting at home. My old friends had moved on years ago and I had not been able to make any new ones. I even started to regret handing in my notice for my car assembly job. It might have been repeatative but at least I had a bit of company.

One night, after a light drinking session with some particularly memorable Irish whiskey I sat in the lounge in my dressing gown mastubating in front of the telly. I was watching MTV and there was an attractive female pop star dressed in a tight pair of shorts singing her latest hit. Why couldn't I get a girlfriend like her I thought as I beat my meat. The video finished too soon for my liking and the following video was a boy band which held no fascination for me sexually. This left me hanging without further visual stimulation. I sighed and slumped back into my chair. Grabbing the glass next to me I found myself looking at the jade rod. I took a sip of the whiskey - its fire burning down my throat. The rod certainly made an impression on Vicky. In fact she seemed rather keen on using it AND she even tried to steal it from me. A few more sips and I was wondering what it might feel like to have it pressed up inside me, pulsing, as Vicky described. Don't get me wrong, I was 100% heterosexual but with my lack of recent success I was ready to try anything once to get my rocks off. I put the tumbler of whiskey back down on the side table.

Suddenly I found myself standing up and picking the rod from its stand. I carried it to my bedroom and tossed the rod onto the bed. After untying and hanging up my dressing gown I squatted on top of my bed naked and took the rod in my right hand. I spat on it to give it a bit of lubrication and reached round and raised my butt to allow access to my sphincter. My cock was starting to harden again with excitement. I jumped slightly as the rounded tip of the rod touched my anus. I relaxed, pressed it home harder and felt myself opening up to accept its girth. The stretching felt exciting as my virgin arse opened further. This was an interesting sensation - something I should have tried a long time ago I thought. My muscles had stretched to the diameter of the rod and it suddenly slipped in. I paused then pressed it further in and felt my sphincter closing in on the grooved depression near the end of the rod. I had managed to put the whole rod in myself in one smooth action!

The rod felt strange but exciting inside of me and I started to masturbate my hard cock. All of a sudden I felt a pulse go through me. It wasn't quite an orgasm but it felt really nice all the same. This must be what Vicky had been telling me about. Again, a few seconds later another pulse. I laid down on my back relaxing and fondling my very stiff cock. I stroked my cock with my hand and slowly started to climb the slope to, what promised to be, an almighty orgasm. Each time a pulse came I involuntarily gasped, drawing in air. I found my hand movements coinciding with the pulsing that the rod gave me. It was wonderful. It was like having an long low level orgasm. This continued until my inevitable release. It felt like my whole being was spurting out of the top of my cock. This was the best orgasm I had ever had! Sperm went flying all over myself and the sheets of the bed. Breathing hard I stopped masturbating and relaxed. The rod continued its pulsing. I stayed like that for a while enjoying the sensations it was giving me. Then I noticed that the pulses were slowly increasing in strength. This got me worried and I reached down to pull the jade rod out. The rod suddenly pulsed more powerfully and I gasped at the pleasure it gave me. The rod pulsed even more powerfully just before I pulled it out completely. My spincter muscles closed around nothing leaving me shaken at what had just happened. After a couple of minutes I calmed down, stopped shaking a bit and lay down onto my back. Turning off the light, exhausted, tipsy and sexually satisfied, I went to sleep. I woke the following morning to find the jade rod laying next to me along with some dried semen on my stomach and the bedsheets. Getting up I went to the bathroom and cleaned up myself and the rod and put it back on its stand. It had certainly given me a thrill but I was scared to use it again. I chalked it up to experience and for a few days I did not use it again.

I could not forget the orgasm that I had had while using the rod. One part of me wanted to try using again but I still rememered the panic I had felt when it had pulsed strongly. Maybe, I found myself reasoning, it only scared you because it was sudden and unexpected. Maybe knowing what to expect the strong pulsing wouldn't be as frightening the second time around. I certainly wanted to re-experience the pleasure I had felt a few days earlier. So with a lot of trepidation and a little mounting excitement I took the rod from its stand and walked into the bedroom. I drew the bedroom curtains closed as it was still the middle of the day. Undressing hurriedly I kneeled on top of the bed and rubbed some of my saliva on the end of the jade rod. Moving up on my knees and reaching round I pressed the end of the rod into my arse. My muscles stretched and the rod slipped in smoothly up to the groove. Almost immediately the rod pulsed lightly making me gasp again. I smiled and lay on my back. My cock stuck up in the air, hardening quickly. I started to masturbate but for some reason I stopped and moved my hands on either side of my body and relaxed. The pulsing was the same strength and very regular. With the first experience with Vicky and my initial experience I expected the strong pulsing to start after about an hour. Surely enough as the bedside clock showed that an hour had passed the pulses starting to get stronger. Initially I started to panic but forced myself to calm down and accept the pleasure. Suddenly the pulses were very strong like being subjected to an internal electric shock. All my muscles tensed up and I gasped loudly. I was now scared and tried to move but my arms and legs felt really weak. All I could do was squirm slightly on the bed. I started to hear voices. Each pulse was very strong and I could see something in the distance of my vision. It was a small white fuzzy patch. I closed my eyes and I could still see it. The patch grew larger and more distinct. Another powerful shock went through my body. The patch came slowly into focus. It looked like a person floating towards me. The whispering voices grew louder and louder. The words were indistinct so I couldn't understand what was being said. They sounded more and more insistant.

The figure grew larger and I could see that it was a naked asian woman. Her face was very beautiful and she appeared to be smiling at me. The woman came closer and closer until she was right in front of me. Her arms outstretched. She slowly rotated around so her back was facing me and her body drifted downwards towards me and merged with my body. Another sharp electrical shock passed through my body and I felt pressure building up in my skull and torso. Squeezing and pulling sensations. I was terrified and found I could not move at all. The voices, now very loud, started to chant. The rod pulsed another powerful electrical shock which caught my breath. I didn't seem to be able to breath properly. My hips stretched. My stomach tightened. My torso shortened. The room seemed to grow in size. There was a strong tingling throughout my body and head acompanied with a strong buzzing that I felt rather than heard. The voices reached a cruscendo and suddenly stopped. The silence was deafening. I found I could breathe and move. My mouth felt funny. I realised that I had different teeth and a different shaped mouth! I ran my tongue over my new teeth. Gone was the chipped tooth I had on the side as well as any sign of the fillings that I had. Fearful as to what else I might find I groggily propped up my upper body with both of my arms. My chest moved! Looking down I was stunned at what I saw. I had breasts! With trepidation I looked further down my body. My bulging stomach had completely flattened. What I didn't seem to have was a cock. I could see a patch of hair but nothing sticking out of it. I flopped back onto my back causing the breasts to move on my chest.

Reaching down to my crotch with my right hand confirmed my worst fears. I was undeniably female. Tears welled up and I began to sob uncontrollably. I didn't want to be a woman - I wanted my cock back! How could I face the world like this! How can I possibly go back to a being a man! I cried heavily. My nose started to run and I clumsily reached out to my bedside table to get a hankie. Blowing my nose I took stock of my situation. This started me crying again. Eventually I stopped. Sniffling loudly I sat up and moved my legs over the side of my bed. My breasts moved as I blew my nose again into the hankie. I breathed in deeply - determined not to lose control. Looking at my hands I noticed that they had a delicate form. My skin was a pale white colour and very soft and smooth. Something was poking deeper into me and I realised that I still had the jade rod inside me. My sitting position was pushing it further in. I moved my (what felt to be enormous) hips to one side and pulled it out. Angrily I threw it across the room. Clanging against the far wall it fell onto the carpet and rolled into the gap under the wardrobe. I could see a pale skinned asian woman sitting on my bed - the image reflected by the mirror on the front of the wardrobe door. She was me!

Standing up I reached out to place my hand on the wall as I did not seem to be able to balance properly. My hand missed the wall as my reach had become smaller and I stumbled. Finally touching the wall I slowly moved towards the mirror. Shuffling along the wall, I gradually adjusted to walking in my new body and by the time I reached the wardrobe mirror I was confident enough to stand without using the wall for support. My hands moved down to the side of my new body as I looked at the reflection in the mirror. I certainly was beautiful. My almond shaped eyes looked back at me. The pupils a dark brown, almost black. The whites of my eyes had a trace of pink from my earlier crying. My black straight hair reached down behind me (I could feel the ends brushing against my back). I looked further downwards. My breasts were fairly small but firm. I grabbed them with both of my hands. They certainly felt large! My hands were small and dainty and this probably accounted for the conflicting facts being assimilated by my mind. I let go of my breasts and moved my arms back on either side of my torso. My waist was very narrow, my stomach flat and firm. Further down, looking at my hips, I noticed that they were as almost as wide as my shoulders. It felt like my legs were far apart which could explain why I had some difficulty walking at first - along with my different center of gravity. Finally my eyes rested on the small, neat, triangle of hair where my cock used to be. Curiosity forced my right hand to touch the pubic hair. It was strange not feeling my cock sticking out of my groin. I jerked my hand back. Carefully turning sideways I examined my side profile. My pert breasts stuck up proudly from my chest. The hair, I saw, stopped at roughly the small of my back. Unusually for an asian woman my buttocks were quite well defined.

What I would give to go out with a woman that looked like this, I thought. Its a pity its me. Some things were better for me now - like I seemed to be seventeen or eighteen instead of thirty eight! My flab had disappeared! Some things were worse - like I couldn't screw women any more! There was no way I was going to let a man screw me! I thought further - how can I prove who I am to get at my money sitting in the bank? What will I live on?

As I was considering the implications of my predicament I was aware that there were voices whispering in the distance. Maybe I am going to change back! The voices got louder until they seemed to be whispering directly into my ears. Quick, my camera! I staggered towards the spare room to where I had left my digital camera. I was determined to take a couple of pictures of myself before I turned back. Feeling very weak I sunk to the floor and managed to flop onto my back before the vibrating buzzing feeling started. The voices were discordant and loud. I felt my body stretching and pulling again accompanied by powerful electrical shocks. Suddenly I felt a wrenching sensation and the disembodied asian woman floated upwards from my body. She slowly rotated and faced me. Her arms tried to snatch back at me as though she could claw her way back to my body. Slowly she drifted away from me until she was just a small fuzzy patch which then faded away.

As I lay on the floor I found that I could move again. My mouth felt like it normally did with the chipped tooth on one side. Standing up I was relieved to see that I had my original body back - flabby stomach and all. Walking back to the bedroom I knelt on the floor beside the wardrobe and retrieved the jade rod. Looking at the reflection in the mirror provided confirmation that I had indeed reverted to my original body. Dressing back into my clothes I considered what had happened. I had never encountered true magic before. Magic was the stuff of fairy tales not real life. I went downstairs - still carrying the jade rod - and poured myself a stiff drink. What puzzled me was that I had not changed back as soon as I pulled the rod from my body. Thinking through the incident I decided that maybe the effect lasted as long as the time the rod was inside me after I had changed. So maybe if I had left the rod inside me for an hour after I had changed then taking it out I could expect the effects to last an hour before changing back. What about the effects of using it more than once? The problem was I only had information for one incident and so I could not predict anything with accuracy. It was a pity I did not manage to take a couple of photos of my female self. She certainly was a sexy woman. Just the sort I would go for - if I could concievably attract such a beautiful girl! Finding myself sitting down and masturbating - the image of the sexy asian woman in my mind - I came very quickly and had to get a tissue to clean up the mess on my hand and floor.

Determined to go through the ordeal of changing again in order to take some photos of my female self I formulated my plan. Firstly I took out a large sum of my money from the bank in cash. Then I bought a good hires digital camera and camera tripod. Over the next several days I became familar with the workings of my new digital camera and learnt how to take photographs with the built in timer function. When my preparations were complete I decided that the time had come for me to use the jade rod again. I knew I was taking a risk but this time I could survive with the cash I had taken out of the bank if I could not change back. It did not seem so bad stuck as a woman I reasoned - it was just the shock of it happening the first time that had made it seem so disasterous. It also helped that I managed to change back without any problems.

Breathing deeply I reinserted the jade rod into my arse and lay down on my bed. The pulsing started immediately and I relaxed, grimly determined to accept what was to come for the sake of some decent pictures. Everything happened as before. I heard the voices. The image of the asian woman floated towards me and sank into my body. The pulling and pushing sensations. All this happened while I managed to stay calm - although I felt very excited at the same time. The change did not seem to be as unpleasent as the first time. Finally the voices chanted to a stop and everything went quiet. I had changed to a woman again. Carefully I got up from the bed and walked into the spare room. I had certainly got used to this new body quicker this time. Fetching the camera and tripod I carried them back into the bedroom. Filling up the cameras memory with photo after photo of my new body in various lewd poses I pulled the rod from myself. Oops - I had forgotten to take my measurements! Fetching a tape from a drawer and a pen and paper I measured the various parts of my new anatomy. Thirty two inches for my chest, ninteen inches for my waist and thirty two inches across my hips. I tried to measure my height and decided it was just over five feet. Looking at the clock on the wall I had another at least another thirty minutes to go before I changed back - assuming I was correct in my guesses on how the jade rod worked.

Laying back on my bed I thought that I would take the opportunity of exploring my new body in a more intimate fashion. The first thing I did was to touch my breasts. I felt the soft firmness with my hand and at the same time I felt my hands caressing my breasts. My nipples stuck up and they felt like miniture erections on my chest, stiff, which felt good. I rubbed them and pinched them which brought me twinges of pleasure. The nipples were a lot more sensitive than my old male ones. I played about with my breasts for a while and noticed that I felt a tingling between my legs. I had been subconciously squeezing my thighs together. The whole area between my legs felt hot and slightly itchy. Moving my legs apart I reached down with my right hand to my new pussy. I felt a jolt of sensation when I touched my clitoris. Unfortunately it felt a bit rough before I decided that my fingers needed lubrication before rubbing it. My swollen pussy was certainly wet with sticky moisture. Exploring further between my lips with my fingers I felt a slightly less smooth part and simultaneously I felt as though I was rubbing the very tip of my cock. This must be where I piss from I thought. Moving my fingers still further down I noticed that my fingers were encountering the source of the dampness and heat. There seemed to be an indentation and thinking that this must be the entrance to my vagina I pressed my middle finger inwards. Ouch! That hurt! My finger had met with an obstruction. Oh! I was a virgin with an intact hyman I reasoned. Now that I knew what was happening I gritted my teeth and after hesitating a couple of times I moved my finger forcefully inside. That REALLY hurt! - but I managed to break my hyman. The sharp burning pain quickly faded to a dull soreness and I felt my finger inside me for the first time. I experimented with moving my middle finger in a slow circle stretching around the rim of my vagina and wiggling it inside. It felt sore but nice at the same time. My stomach muscles twitched. Moving my right hand back to my clitoris I started to rub it with my middle finger with its sticky lubrication and spots of blood. That was nice! My stomach muscles twitched again and so did my legs! My left hand rubbed and pinched my left nipple. I could feel a tension building inside my stomach. Unbidden, a high pitched breathless moan escaped from my lips. I continued to rub my clitoris. My legs twitched again. Between my legs I felt an emptyness - a desire to be filled with something. Pausing from rubbing my clit I stuck my middle finger inside myself again. That did not seem to be enough. I pressed my forth finger in as well stretching the entrance to my vagina. It seemed to fill me sufficiently. Plunging my two fingers deeper into myself I cupped my hand on my mound which gave a bit of stimulation for my clitoris. Curling my fingers up a bit I noticed that the top of the inside of my vagina was a bit rougher feeling than the rest. Also, when I rubbed this part it made me feel a slight burning sensation as though I wanted to go to the toilet. This must be my G-spot! My vagina clamped tighter around my fingers as I frigged myself. The tension building further in my lower torso. My legs twitching uncontrollably. Until.... Release! I breathed out sharply as the pleasure coursed through my entire body. The feeling was not centered around a small area as my male orgasms had been but all over! I paused, panting, my vagina spasming around my fingers until the contractions stopped. Immediately I started to frig myself again. Slowly, I could feel the tension building up. Again I came. After several orgasms I had to stop, my arms and fingers aching. Being a woman was much better that a man as far as orgasms were concerned. A man has one good orgasm and then thats it. A woman, on the other hand, can have many body shaking orgasms! Feeling fortunate that my new body was so easily aroused I lay on the bed exhausted from my orgasmic marathon. There was a feeling of peace and satisfaction that I slowly drifted away from. Hmm, maybe I could get used to this, I thought. Slowly I started to hear the voices in my head again. I looked at the clock. I had managed to come three times in half an hour! It was roughly the time I had expected the change to occur. It seemed that I was correct about how the jade rod worked. Closing my eyes I waited for the changes back to my old male self to start.

Looking at the photographs of my female self gave me a fortnights worth of masturbation material to jack off to. They were certainly sexy. After a while I thought that I would not mind seeing my female body in some sexy clothes instead of bare nakedness. Remembering that I had written down my female body's measurements I fetched the bit of paper and drove to the mall. Apprehensively I walked into a woman's clothes shop. Finding an assistant I explained that I wanted to buy my girlfriend some sexy clothes for a good night out - maybe a black dress or skirt. Also some sexy underwear. Handing over the piece of paper with my female measurements she helped me select a small black dress, some red knickers and a matching red bra. I wanted stockings to go with the clothes and picked a suspender belt and some stockings. The assistant thought that my girlfriend would prefer pantyhose so I compromised and had both the stockings and some hold-up pantyhose. We walked to the shoe department to select some maching shoes and a handbag. I did not really need to buy shoes or a handbag as my only intention was to be photographed on my bed. I decided that it might seem silly not to buy these things as well and so I went along with the idea - money not really being a problem. Finally a pair of hight heeled black shoes were selected that I thought might fit my new feet along with a small black handbag. With the bundle of clothes draped on her hand and holding the box of shoes and handbag in the other the assistant carried the clothes to the cash desk. Using my credit card to pay for the items I drove the bags and box home.

Once indoors I took the clothes and jade rod upstairs into my bedroom, closed the curtains and undressed. After an hour, as before, I changed into my female body. Leaving the rod inside me for the moment I started to get dressed in my new clothes. First I started with the knickers I had bought. These were satin red and consisted of two triangles of cloth with ribbons on either side tied in two bows. Feeding each slender leg into the knickers I pulled them up around my crotch. They fitted snugly in the front which felt unusual to my male brain. Next, I took the bra and examined it. Feeling sure I was about a B-cup I had bought the bra and it looked as though I was roughly correct in my assumption. There were catches on the strap at the back which I undid. Slipping my arms through the shoulder straps I tried to do the bra up behind. After struggling for a bit I remembered how Vicky used to do it. Taking the bra off again I put it on back to front and fastened the catches. I then rotated the bra around and slipped my arms back through the shoulder straps. Adjusting the bra with my breasts snuggled in it made them feel more comfortable. The bra forced my breasts together and up to give the appearance of a cleavage - not that they needed much support. The next thing I wanted to try were the suspenders. Looking around the packaging I found the suspender belt and put it on. Slipping each stocking on it felt really nice as the stocking was pulled up my legs. I struggled a bit to clip them onto the belt. Looking at myself in the mirror I was stunned by the sexy beauty reflected. However, something was wrong. My eyes looked at the knickers I was wearing. Then I noticed the problem. How can I take my knickers off while wearing my suspender belt. Realisation dawned - the knickers need to be put on last. Cursing a bit I undid the suspenders from the belt and slipped the knickers down. Reclipping the suspenders I pulled the knickers back up. Much better!

Taking a whole load of new photos with me in various lewd poses on the bed I remembered that I had also bought a dress. Fetching the dress I wriggled into it and pulled it down over my hips. It seemed to be a bit of a tight squeeze around the hips until I pulled it down further. Reaching back I wondered how I was going to get the dress zipped up. Looking in the mirror with my back turned towards it I noticed that the zip had a piece of black ribbon attached to it. Grasping the ribbon I managed to pull the zip up and I felt the dress tighten around the top of my body. Tucking the ribbon in the top somewhere I turned to face the mirror. The dress was a perfect fit around my slender body. The bottom of the dress was about mid thigh. I felt myself getting wet as I gawped at the reflection. To complete my wardrobe I unwrapped the shoes from the box and put them on. It felt funny wearing high heeled shoes. A bit like standing on tip toe - although they were not really that high. Wobbling about a lot I carefully tried to walk. Pacing up and down the bedroom I became acustomed to walking in them only occasionally stumbling. The shoes accentuated the calf of my legs and made my bottom rotate in a decidedly sexy manner. Practicing further, I walked around the second floor of my house getting more and more turned on by the feeling of the clothes I was wearing. Moving the camera and tripod to point against the plain wall I posed and took some photographs. Some standing with my legs apart - straining the bottom of the dress - other pictures with my back towards the camera with me facing behind. I loved the way the dress showed off my narrow waist - this narrowness accentuating the size of my hips and breasts.

After taking a few more photographs I sat down. Feeling something pressed inside me I realised that I had left the jade rod inside me all of this time. It was so comfortable that it was easy to forget I was still wearing it. Trying to move my dress up and my knickers down to take it out I paused. There was no hurry I thought, smiling. It was not as though I had to go to work. Deciding to leave the rod in I looked again at my reflection. There was something missing. After pondering what it was I had a sudden flash of inspiration! I was not wearing any makeup. I made a note to try and get some makeup next time. There again, why didn't I get some now? Dressed as a woman! Feeling excited and a bit apprehensive I picked up the handbag, adjusted its strap and filled it with some of the money I had stashed away in the house. Picking up the keys to the car from their dish I moved towards the front door - and stopped. I did not have a driving license - or any form of identification for that matter! Putting the car keys back in the dish I decided that I ought to ride the bus to the mall instead. Luckily the required bus stop was not far from my house. Locking the front door and dropping the keys into the handbag I fastened it shut, swung it up onto my shoulder and walked towards the bus stop. Several pedestrians were about during the afternoon and I was accutely aware of the men staring at me as I walked. Feeling a bit nervous I reached the bus stop and waited for the bus.

Riding the bus to the mall I stepped off and walked around trying to find a store that sold makeup. Fortunately I spied a shop which appeared to specialise in makeup and purfume and so I walked inside. With the assistance of a nice lady I selected a bright red lipstick, some eyeliner and other makeup. Not knowing the first thing about applying this stuff I persuaded the lady to put the lipstick and eyeliner on me so I could see what it looked like. She obliged and I made a mental note of how it was all applied. The lady thought that I did not really need any foundation as my skin was perfectly smooth. She put a thin layer on though just to take the shine off of my skin. Next she applied the lipstick, the eyeliner and the eye shadow. The assistant then fetched a mirror and I took a look at myself. The bright red lipstick looked good against my pale white skin. The eyeliner and eye shadow accentuated my eyes and really made them stand out. The assistant thought that my cheeks needed some colour and so she added some blusher. Pleased with the results I bought all of the makeup the assistant had used, much to her delight and walked back to the bus stop to return home. On the way I spied a photo booth and on impulse I walked over to it and had a few passport sized photos taken.

The ride in the bus back to my house was relatively uneventful. Apart from all the staring men of course! The attention I was getting was both nice and uncomfortable. Closing the front door I breathed a sigh of relief at the successful conclusion of my first excursion outside as a woman. My calf muscles were aching slighly and I removed the shoes. Sitting down in a chair in the front room I reflected on my little adventure. It did not seem to be bad at all - although I made a mental note to buy some more comfortable shoes. The high heeled shoes were good at amplifying the sexyness of my walk and legs but they quickly became tiring to wear. It was starting to get dark outside and I made myself something to eat. It was time to take the rod out and return to being a man. I looked at the clock. The rod had been inside me after I had changed for about eight hours which meant I would change back at about three in the morning - it was about seven pm at this time. Hmm, so I was going to be a woman for at least today. Why didn't I go out and enjoy myself! It was a Friday and I had a new found social confidence. I had rather enjoyed being the center of attention, even though it was from men, and I would certainly get lots of that in a night club. With my mind made up I phoned for a taxi to take me to the local night club later on that evening. Shortly before the taxi arrived at nine pm I went into the bathroom, removed the jade rod and cleaned it and freshened myself up. After carefully applying a fresh coat of lipstick in front of the bathroom mirror I went downstairs mentally figuring the times. The rod had been inside of me for about ten hours by now so I should start changing back at seven next morning. Plenty of time - I hope! Should I take the rod with me? I decided that I was pretty confident about the rods ability to keep me changed for the immediate future. Placing the jade rod in its stand I walked out to the waiting taxi.

At the night club I had a wonderful time. I was right in assuming I would be the center of attention. Man after man walked up to me where I was dancing (me! dancing!) and tried to chat me up. Some even bought me drinks. After a while I became practised at gentle refusal. Some women tried to chat me up as well. It was only afterwards that I realised that they might have been bisexuals or lesbians. Now that would have been interesting! Near the end of the evening I found myself in a group of women talking to them as though I had known them for years. To have so many friends was a new concept to me and I certainly took advantage of the situation. This particular group of women, it turned out, regularly went to the night club every friday to wind down after a hard weeks working. The women were attractive enough but not a beautiful as me. Some of the women had boyfriends but nothing serious. One or two others were between boyfriends. I felt a bit uncomfortable having to lie to these girls when they asked me about myself but I reasoned that it was necessary. When one of them, Donna, asked my name I could not think quickly enough. Clutching at straws I said that my name was Jade which on later reflection was an appropriate name for an oriental woman. Another girl asked me if I had a boyfriend. Blushing, I had to admit that I had never had a boyfriend. All of the girls could not believe this as they said I was easily the best looking woman they had ever seen - both in body and face. Jenny said that she would kill to have a figure like mine. The girly chat continued into the early morning and at two am the night club closed. Promising the girls that I would see them the following week I called a taxi and travelled back home. Arriving back I slumped on the top of my bed and being exhausted after my two trips out fell asleep straight away.

The voices woke me up. Opening my eyes I realised that I was still wearing my female clothes. Frantically I got up and undressed. Just in time I slumped to the floor on top of the pile clothes as I changed back to my former self. That was close! I shuddered to think of what would happen if I had still been wearing the clothes. Maybe they would have given way as my body reverted back. Maybe I might be squished by my bra or suspender belt! Talking of suspenders, I had thought them impractical after the evening was out. They might look nice but next time I decided to wear pantyhose or pullups. Looking at the bedside clock I noted that I was correct about the time of change again.

Over several more weeks I bought more clothes and shoes and every friday I went to the night club with Donna, Jenny and the others. It became a regular occurance. Staying male for the first part of the week I would change to female on the Thursday and revert back to male on the Sunday. Eventually I found some dodgy characters to fake official documents for my female form such as a new driving license. Some bloke even managed to get me a social security number. With the fake credentials I was able to apply for and get a valid passport. Masturbating as a woman was much better and basically I did not enjoy masturbating as a man much. Each time I changed into a woman my body was rebuilt from scratch so I became a virgin again. And each time I took my own virginity. Ouch! On one occasion, having my ears pierced so that I could wear earings, I discovered that my ear lobes did not have the holes anymore after a change. The same with my hair. On another occasion I had it cut short. The girls thought that it did not really suit me and the following week they were amazed that it had reverted back to being long again. So eventually, due to these little problems, I decided to experiment with staying female all of the time. This brought an unexpected problem. After the first month as a female without changing I felt my the inside of my stomach knotting up accompanied by pains. My breasts became sore. Thankfully this started to happen on the Friday. Thinking I was ill I confided in Donna at the club. She looked at me strangely and asked if I hadn't had periods before. I managed to get out of that by muttering that they were not usually this bad and that I was concerned. Donna laughed and said that her periods were always bad. Periods! In a way I was relieved that I was not coming down with an illness. On the other hand I had to contend with buying sanitary towels, grouchyness and mess the following morning! I was sorely tempted to revert back to my old body then back to female thereby probably restarting the menstral cycle at the beginning. Grimly I persevered to see what it was like to go through the whole period and it finally ended after four days. I did not want to experience this again so I continued with switching between male and female weekly. Putting up with my female body being made anew did not seem so bad.

It was time to try and avoid any potential legal problems so I sold my house as my male self and rented a flat as my female self. The reasoning being that the landlord did not care where the money came from as long as he was paid. I also opened up a bank account for my female self. Transfering funds between my male and female accounts was done via internet banking. This solved any problems of identification.

As time moved on I thought of myself as being female when in my female body. One thing had not changed however - I was not attracted to men in any way. Talking to the girls about their problems made me appreciate the female point of view but I could not imagine myself kissing a man - let along doing anything else with them. One evening at the night club Jenny nudged my elbow and pointed out a man she said had been looking at me. The man in question was a black man, well, more tea coloured and even I thought he was rather good looking. Noticing that I was looking at him he came over and introduced himself as Leeroy. He talked to me for a while and finally pursuaded me to dance with him on the dance floor. Normally I would have dismissed any attempts at being chatted up by a man but somehow Leeroy was different. He was funny and easy to talk to. I liked the way his eyes seemed to sparkle when he laughed and he was very attentive. His head was totally bald, his face clean shaven and was generally well groomed and neat. We talked into each others ears when we danced and I found out a lot about him. Finally, tiring of dancing for a while, Leeroy and myself walked back to the group and sat down. Donna raised her eyebrows at me as if to say that the ice maiden had finally thawed. I sat off to one side with Leeroy talking to him and enjoying his company. So engrossed in conversation was I that I failed to notice that the slow dances had started - unlike Leeroy. He stood up pulling my arm grinning. Reluctantly, I relented and allowed myself to be dragged to the dance floor. Forcing myself to calm down I moved closer to Leeroy and he cupped me in the small of my back with his arms and pulled me close against him. This was disgusting - I was practically being hugged by a man! I reasoned with myself that this was a perfectly normal situation for a woman to be in. Leeroy noticed my stiffness and looked down at me asking if there was a problem. Looking up at him I decided that this was not really so bad and allowed myself to relax against his muscular chest. Moving close we continued dancing as the second slow number started. This was not too bad at all! Feeling braver I moved my arms around his neck. My body stretched against his. There was something sticking into my lower torso. Realisation hit me - it was his erection! A BIG erection at that! Surprising myself I pressed harder against it. Leeroy made a low deep sound of pleasure. The third slow tune started. Oblivious to the other couples dancing around us we seemed to float around each other. Another slow number started. Leeroy looked down at me - I looked up at him. My heart was beating fast and my legs felt like jelly. Something made me pull his head down towards my mouth. Our lips touched and passion overcame me as our tongues duelled. His lips pressed firmly onto mine as he dominated me. I fell into a submissive role as he swept me off my feet (figuratively speaking). The last dance begun and ended and I led Leeroy off the dance floor holding his hand. Leeroy said that he had to go back home with his friends who were waiting for him off to one side. I smiled at them and they gave Leeroy a bit of a ribbing and some lewd verbal comments (as friends do). We exchanged phone numbers. Smiling, Leeroy turned, waved goodbye to me and disappeared outside.

The first thing that Donna mentioned to me was the size of Leeroys bulge in his trousers we we came off the dance floor. It must be huge she said. Giggling I told her it felt even larger pressed into me. Jenny was impessed with Leeroy saying that she thought he was such a good looking man and that we looked good together. Inside I was in turmoil. Leeroy had certainly turned me on. But he was a man! Was I becoming gay or something? It had felt nice being held in his arms and stretched up against him. Slowly shaking my head at these conflicting thoughts I walked out of the night club with Jenny and Donna and we caught our customary shared taxi to our respective homes.

The next day, a Saturday, the phone rang. It was Leeroy inviting me out on a date to a restaurant. Luckily I was still in my female form. We made arrangements to travel separately and meet up at the restaurant at eight in the evening. I spent the Saturday afternoon buying a new red blouse top and matching short skirt. The underwear I chose to wear with them was the original bra and pants that I had first bought all those months ago. Slipping on some red holdups and putting on my makeup I walked outside to the waiting taxi and travelled to the restaurant. It was a posh Italian restaurant. Mentioning Leeroys surname to the waiter he guided me to an empty table all the while complimenting me on my appearance. It seemed that I had arrived early so I ordered a white wine and waited for Leeroy. I did not have to wait long as barely a couple of minutes had passed before I heard his deep voice at the front of the restaurant. The waiter guided Leeroy to the table. Leeroys face was grinning as he sat down and immediately engaged me in witty conversation. Sometime during our meal Leeroy put his hand on top of mine which made me feel nice inside. Inside I was a pot of conflicting emotions. I really liked Leeroy and I could see myself, for the first time ever, maybe becoming more involved. So when Leeroy asked me if I wanted to go back to his place for coffee I said yes.

A taxi took us back to Leeroys pad. It was a large sparsely furnished flat in a minimalist style. Leeroy led me into the lounge and closed the front door. His large black hands gripped me around my waist as he pulled me gently towards him. I stretched up and wrapped my arms around his neck. Feeling relaxed against Leeroys body I enjoyed the moment. We kissed passionately - our lips crushed together - our tongues playing with each other. Boy, I had not been kissed like this before. My body was already excited from the trip in the taxi when Leeroy had put his arm around me. We disengaged and Leeroy led me by the hand to another room. Suddenly I had butterflies in my stomach as I realised it was Leeroys bedroom. Was I prepared for what might happen? With some trepidation I allowed myself to be led into the room and Leeroy guided me towards his bed. Sitting down on the edge of the bed I started to panic a bit. My stomach tightened up in knots. Thankfully I had not eaten too much or I might have been sick there and then. Leeroy sat next to me - his weight causing me to lean towards him. He moved his left arm around my shoulders and his right hand cupped my left breast over my blouse top which made my heart skip a beat. Slowly rubbing my breasts Leeroy kissed my neck sending tingles down my spine. Some part of me so desperately wanted the pleasure he was giving me but at the same time another part of me was still rebelling at the thought of a man doing this to me. Leeroy pressed me back so that I lay on the bed. Kicking my shoes off I moved up towards the pillows on my elbows where I could be more comfortable. Leeroy moved up the bed towards where I was laying and moved me into a semi sitting position with him behind me. This left his two hands to concentrate on caressing my breasts through the blouse top. My groin area was getting very wet and the smell of my sex was becaming noticable. He continued to kiss my neck and his heavy breathing tickled my ear. Unbuttoning my blouse and taking it off (with me assisting him) Leeroy also unfastened my bra. He slipped it off of my shoulders and I pulled the bra down my arms and discarded it on the floor somewhere. My nipples sticking out stiffly in the slightly cooler air and Leeroy rubbed and squeezed them. A small moan escaped from my lips and closing my eyes I submitted to the pleasure Leeroy was giving me. Leeroy moved from behind me and layed me back down onto the bed resting my head on the pillow. Feeling the bed move I sensed Leeroy moving beside my relaxed body.

My heart jumped as I felt a hand on the top of my right thigh. Opening my eyes I could feel Leeroys right arm riding my short skirt up my thigh to my hot groin. My legs were closely shut together trying to ease the itch I had in my groin. He gently pulled my right leg apart from my left. I relented and moved my legs far apart giving Leeroy full access to my crotch wanting him to give me more pleasure. I felt really vulnerable and open. He did not waste a moment and his fingers were onto my mound and pressing down onto the hard nubbin that was my clitoris. Needless to say this sent shockwaves of pleasure through my body and any resistance I had evaportated. Between rubbing of my breasts and my crotch Leeroy made me cum. Another moan from my lips, this time louder. With my heart beating fast I felt Leeroy shifting his weight. Gradually descending from my cloud of pleasure I opened my eyes and noticed that Leeroy had somehow undressed to his underpants. He jumped back onto the bed and moved back next to me. He pulled me against his black muscular body and gave me cuddle. I could feel a large lump poking into my stomach. I pushed away from Leeroy and looked down between us. The dark mushroom head of Leeroys cock stuck out from the top of his underpants. Grinning, Leeroy pulled his underpants off and his cock bobbed into full view. I gasped. It must be at least 10 inches long and 3 inches in diameter! It wasn't a human penis - it was a prehensile arm! My own male body cock was puny in comparison. Now I started to panic. No way will that thing fit inside me or any normal woman for that matter! It would split me in two - rip me apart! Leeroy seemed to sense my mounting panic and started to rub my breasts and finger my clitoris. Gradually I started my slow climb to another orgasm.

When I was close to coming again Leeroy stopped. I thrust my crotch in the air trying to get more stimulation from his fingers. Leeroy started to pull my kickers down and I helped him - doing anything if he would bring me off again. Leeroy moved between my legs before I came to my senses - but it was too late. His body moved on top of mine. It was scary but exciting to be trapped in this way. Leeroys cock was pressed into my stomach as he kissed me full on my lips. My vagina was sodden from all of the stimulation that Leeroy had given me. He moved off of me and downwards. I felt his enormous penis move down my stomach leaving a trail of pre-cum. Suddenly I felt the head flopping down my crack briefly stimulating my very stiff clitoris. Leeroy arched his hips slightly and I felt a mans penis wedging itself between my pussy lips. Leeroy reached down and moved his penis up and down my pussy getting the head wet with my lubrication before he angled it to my quivering hole and slowly pressed it forwards. Remembering that I had not broken my hymen I mentioned to Leeroy that I was a virgin and to be gentle to me. Leeroy grinned and said that he had to be careful with any women - virgins or not. I was not concerned with getting pregnant as I figured that I could renew my female body when I changed and reset my cycle. Leeroys enormous mushroom head squeezed it way into my tight hole. My vaginal entrance was stretched open to its limit and then some. Ouch! With a sharp burning pain I could feel my hymen tearing and Leeroy didn't even have the whole head of his penis in me! Suddenly the head popped inside and the ring of muscle at my vaginal entrance closed slightly past his glans. Leeroy paused for a while letting me get used to his big cock. I was breathing in little gasps trying to come to terms with the fact that my body hadn't split in two after all. I was in some pain from all of the stretching but this slowly faded to a dull ache. Well it did until Leeroy started pushing again. I felt the inside of my vagina stretch as his penis moved deeper inside me causing my insides to sort of burn and ache. Again, Leeroy paused waiting for me to get used to the deeper penetration. Luckily I was soaking wet and this was enabling Leeroy to penetrate me despite my tightness. Panting from the discomfort I indicated to Leeroy that I was ready for more. The cycle of pushing and waiting continued until I felt Leeroys penis head pressing up against my cervix. Holding my head up I looked down at our crotches and saw that there was still about four inches of cock left outside. Laying back down I pulled Leeroys head down towards me. He gently rested his weight on top of my body and we kissed. We continued to kiss as I felt totally full. It was nice feeling someone else inside of my body - being taken. It seemed to make all of the pain and discomfort worth it. Leeroy broke off the kiss and slowly moved his cock out. I felt an emptyness as it moved. He paused and then moved it back in causing me to catch my breath - a flash of pleasure through my body. Again he repeated the movement and gradually moved a bit faster. The feeling of my insides being rubbed by Leeroys hard cock, my clitoris being stimulated by my pussy lips and the tight ring of my entrance feeling the bumps and ridges of the hard shaft inside me caused me to orgasm hard. I writhed around on the bed lifting my hips in the air. My vagina clamped so tightly around Leeroys cock that he couldn't move it. My spasms seemed to go on for ages until they finally stopped. Again Leeroy pistoned in and out of me a bit harder and again I orgasmed. I could feel juices running over my anus and onto the bed sheets below. Leeroy then stopped when his head was against my cervix and then slowly pressed further. Feeling discomfort and then a growing pain Leeroy kissed and stroked my forehead. I could feel something stretch inside me and then suddenly I felt a sharp pain. I shuffled underneath Leeroy trying to get away from the pain but he held me firmly. With my eyes streaming with tears from the pain I felt his penis press into me very deepy - his crotch finally grinding against my crotch stimulating my clitoris. Leeroy had managed to press his cock up through my cervix and into my womb! Now when Leeroy moved he couldn't pull his cock out all of the way as the head was firmly trapped ahead of my cervix. My insides felt like they were being wrenched. Gritting my teeth I tried to accept the strange mixture of discomfort and pleasure. Soon the discomfort faded away and all I could feel was pleasure. He thrusted a few more times and I came hard again. I surmised afterwards that Leeroys stamina was exceptional as I would not have lasted ten seconds in such a tight pussy had our roles been reversed. Losing count of the number of times I had come I moved my legs up around Leeroys slim hips and held on for dear life gasping at the thrusting and moaning. Even Leeroy did not have superhuman stamina and he thrust deeply inside of me as I felt my insides being streched a bit more by his expanding penis. Suddenly Leeroy gave out a low moan and I felt something hot being deposited in the centre of my womb. I could feel his penis pumping his seed deep inside of me. Leeroy rolled onto his side pulling me around at the same time.

We lay facing each other with Leeroy still inside me. We kissed and cuddled as I basked in the glow of all of my orgasms. I noticed that my legs and back were aching from all of my efforts to get Leeroy to stimulate me. Inside, I could feel Leeroys enormous cock slowly deflating. His head moved past the entrance to my cervix and Leeroy shifted and pulled his cock completly out of me with a wet smacking sound. My vagaina still felt like it had an echo of something inside it it was streched so much. I could also feel a gush of liquid running out of me and down my leg. Looking down I saw a mixture of blood, semen and vaginal jucies puddling onto the top of the bed staining the clean cover. Leeroy said not to worry about it and got off the bed to the bathroom where he returned with a toilet roll. Mopping up the mess and my body with paper from the toilet roll we stood up against each other beside the bed and kissed again. My body stretched up against Leeroy. Wow what an experience that was! I wanted more of this (apart from the pain of course). Inside my feelings for Leeroy shifted and I found myself catching my breath as I thought that maybe I loved Leeroy. I had only met him the previous evening and here I was thinking about love - AND we had sex on our first date! Something brushed my leg and looking down I could see Leeroys cock rising again. Leeroy wanted to try something different this time and he motioned to me to get on top of the bed on all fours. Willingly I complied. Getting on the bed behind me I felt Leeroys hands on my hips and the head of his cock at the entrance to my vagina. He pushed his cock inside of me and I felt stretched to the limit. Leeroys penis was so large I don't think anyone could accomodate his size easily. I was surprised that my small frame could accept his entire length. The slight discomfort passed as Leeroy slowly pressed his cock deeper in one smooth motion. There was not so much pain as he pushed into my womb and he soon had his entire length embedded inside my slim body. If anything this new position made me feel even fuller. Leeroy started to piston in and out. I noticed that he was able to move his penis head in and out of my womb which felt strange. Gradually Leeroy fed me larger and larger strokes until I felt his hips slamming against my buttocks. I could feel an orgasm building quickly inside of me. When it came I saw flashes of light and my entire body seemed to convulse around Leeroys shaft. Collapsing forward onto my elbows caused my hips to thrust up higher and encouraged Leeroy onto greater efforts. Shortly Leeroy came inside of me holding my hips towards him and pressing in as deep as he could go. Cleaning ourselves up we finally crawled under the covers and fell asleep together.

The following morning I woke up to find Leeroy caressing my breasts. I was already wet and willing so I indicated to Leeroy that he lay on his back. His huge swelling organ flopped onto his stomach. I sat on his small hips with my legs on either side and rubbed my streaming lips along his shaft. After exciting myself even more from the stimulation I knelt upright and tried to guide Leeroys penis into my waiting pussy. The angle was wrong and eventually I had to squat with one leg to enable me to move my crotch up high enough to get the fat mushroom head lodged into my vagina. Gradually I sank down in one smooth slow action savouring the stretching sensation and feeling my belly fill up with Leeroy. Feeling the head pushing at my cervix I relaxed my legs and felt the end entering my womb. It was getting easier to accept Leeroys bloated tool into my body but I still felt over stretched. Giving myself a couple of minutes to get used to the stuffed feeling I moved up a bit then down. Twitches of pleasure played across my flat stomach and I moved my hands to my nipples, pulling and rubbing them. Soon I built up to a steady rhythm and moved my right hand to my clitoris and moaned as the tension in my lower body swiftly climbed to a climax. Leeroy grasped my hips with his hands and started to guide me up and down faster. My upper body flopping about as I came again. Finally after yet another climax Leeroy thrust his hips upwards and pushed me down with his hands as he came deep inside of me. I lay down on top of his chest keeping his cock semi hard inside my sopping pussy. We spent ages just talking and laughing until lunchtime. It was a pity that Leeroy had to get ready for a business trip after lunchtime or we would have stayed entertaining each other. My feelings for Leeroy were in a turmoil but I recognised the mix of lust, desire and yearning that you feel in the first stages of love. After promising Leeroy that I would see him the next Saturday when he was due back from his trip it was with a pang of loss that I set off home.

At home I cleaned myself up. Touching my pussy I felt a bit sore and tender after the hard poundings I had willingly recieved. Deciding to have a bath to soothe the aches and soreness I sank down into the warm water. While in the bath I mentally calculated the time when I was due to change back to my male body. About three more hours I reckoned. It was important to change to being a male then change back as I did not want to get pregnant. Leeroy had certainly deposited enough sperm inside of me to father a thousand children. My stomach did a flip as I though more about being pregnant. With Leeroy? Hmm, best not to think about it.

Surely enough, I changed back into my dumpy old male body. Keeping with my male self until Wednesday morning I decided that it was time to change to my female asian body. After changing and while staring at my beautiful face in the mirror I realised that this brought a problem. Leeroy had taken me when I was a 'virgin'. Changing back to being female had reset my body and I was a virgin again complete with an intact hymen. Also, to complicate things further, my vagina was not stretched and I would have to go through all of that pain and discomfort again when I next had sex with Leeroy. Thinking the problem through I decided to try to stretch myself with something. Breaking my hymen was no problem as I had done it regularly in the past with my own fingers. I took the jade rod out of my arse and cleaned it up. I would use the rod in the first stage of stretching my pussy as it was about an inch in diameter. The second thing would be a cucumber. And finally an empty spirits bottle. Laying the three items next to each other on the bedside table I proceeded to condition my vagina for the penetration of Leeroys shaft. After playing with my breasts and pussy to make myself ready and wet I reached up for the first item which was the jade rod. Rubbing the cool rod up and down my wet lips I guided it to the entrance of my vagina. Pressing steadily I felt myself stretch open over the smooth end. My hymen torn with a sharp burning pain and the rod slipped inside. My vagina was being stretched inside as the rod continued upwards. Soon I felt my entrance closing up around the groove at the other end of the rod. Suddenly there was a brilliant white flash that I felt rather than saw. Shocked, I was still for a moment and then frantically pulled the rod out from my body. What the hell had happened. Fearful for the worst I looked at the bedside clock and calculated when I ought to change back to being a man. Calculating that about an hour had passed since the end of my last change I proceeded to nervously wait laying down on the bed. The hour passed and I had still not changed back. Maybe I had made a mistake in my calculations. Letting another hour pass I was sure that I had to have changed back by now. Realisation dawned that maybe I was stuck as a woman. Looking at the jade rod I gasped as I saw that it was no longer green in colour but white! This was bad! This meant that I had to go through my monthly cycle! My surefire contraceptive method was not available to me anymore! Leeroy! Oh god! - what am I going to do?

The very next day I went to see a doctor and managed to get a subscription to go on the pill. With that taken care of I transfered most of my male money to my female account leaving a small amount - just in case. Friday came and I went out with the girls as normal. They asked all sorts of questions about my date with Leeroy. Smiling, I told them some of the details and they all hugged me and congratulated me on landing such a good catch. Donna said that she had almost lost hope for me!

Finally it was Saturday morning and I received a phone call from Leeroy that he had arrived back home. I immediately got washed and dressed and drove round to his flat. Leeroy was certainly pleased to see me and we soon found ourselves in his bedroom with him on top pounding his erect penis into my slim body. We saw each other as much as possible and eventually I moved into Leeroys flat. Eight months later we got married with Donna and Jenny as the bridesmaids. It was a small wedding as Leeroy did not want to embarress me with the size of his side of the family. I obviously could not summon up any of my side of the family. With a heavy heart I had to lie to Leeroy that I was orphaned and that I did not have any family left.

We had a very happy marriage and I gave birth to four beautiful children - two girls and two boys. My body did not seem to age and I did not get fat and dumpy. I also noticed that I did not catch colds, flu or other diseases. Cuts and bruises healed quickly and completely much to the amusement of the family doctor. Eventually, much to my distress, Leeroy got old and passed away leaving me still looking about eighteen with not a wrinkle in sight. My male beginning but a dim distant memory. Soon I will have to 'die' and reappear somewhere else to try and avoid drawing any more attention to my youthfulness. It initially looks like an impossible task to do that here in the future but there are always dodgy people who can work the system in your favour - for the right price.

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