The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on May 22, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:









CH 14

Nic was gone. He had walked out of my life. Just left me. It hurt but then I realized that he did it FOR me. HE wanted me to be with Cameron. HE knew we were perfect for each other. I knew Cameron was the only one for me. I knew I loved him as much as he loved me. I had to go to him. I had to tell him.

I bolted out the door and down to the street. I got back into the nice Rolls Royce.

"Back to Clove's and step on it Darling!" Benson, the driver, took me to the house as quickly as possible. I jumped from the car and ran into the house.

"Cam?! Cameron?!" I shouted. Clove stepped in with a big smile on his face. Out of reflex I swung and smacked him hard.

"Shit! That hurt."

"How dare you call Dominic?" and then I hugged him, "Thank you. Where is Cameron? I have something to tell him."

"He went to baseball practice." Then Juliette came down the stairs. A horrible glare on her face.

"Are you happy now, Dwarf?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I can't completely steal Cam away from you. Which is weird this has never happened to me before."

"Its true," Clove interjected.

"Oh please, you are like a cat in heat, Juliette, you've practically sprayed the entire school, why do you want Cam?"

"He's yours. Another thing I can't understand. You have the sex appeal of a cabbage patch kid. I just don't see how a gorgeous hunk like Cameron can be so into a lady boy like you. I mean I'm prefect. Flawless. Smart. Beautiful. Funny. Hot."


"Whatever. Listen, Porcelain, you better keep a closer eye on Cam. Because, first chance I get, I'm gonna snatch that ass. Now get the hell out of my house."

"Benson, can take you to the high school," Clove said ushering me out. I got into the old car and was driven to the high school. I got out and started running.

I ran as fast as I could. I sprinted, ignoring the fire in my unfit body. I ignored the pain. The strain. I just ran, I ran and ran until I was at the baseball field. Cameron was standing in the dugout with the rest of the team.

"Cameron Laangrab!" I shouted. He and the rest of the team whipped their heads toward me standing on the edge of the field. A fence between us.

"I love you, you stupid jock!"

"What?" he called back with a confused look.

"I said I LOVE YOU!!! YOU IDIOT!!!" I laughed at the big dumb grin on his face. He looked at his coach and the older balding man nodded. I read his lips, "Go to him. But make it snappy."

Cameron sprinted to me, his baseball clothes clinging to his body with sweat. He stopped just before my face. I smiled. He smiled back.

"I love you." He lunged forward and grabbed my face before mashing his thick red lips onto mine. He moved his arms around my body and pulled me as close as we could be with a short fence between us. Fireworks exploded. This was right. This was everything I needed. This was everything I wanted.

"I love you too Gunnar Collins. You butt." I kissed him again.

"Wait for me under that tree."

"I will always wait for you Cameron."

"That was so cheesy."

"I'm sorry I said it," I looked down in fake shame, "I'll be under the tree." I smiled at him and he jogged back over to his team. I sat down and watched as the jocks made their way to the locker rooms. I suddenly realized how uncharacteristically hot it was outside today. It was humid as hell like an obnoxious summer day.

Ten minutes later, Cameron came out and walked up to me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me carefully like at any moment he would wake up from a dream.

"What made you change your mind?"

"Clove. He called Nic and told him you kissed me."

"I'm so sorry, Gunnar. I didn't want to get you this way."

"It doesn't matter, you had me anyway. I've always loved you. And only you."

"Why couldn't you tell me before."

"Everyone I love always leaves."

"I wont ever leave you by choice. Gunnar, you are the only one for me. When the universe was made, you and I were one star. We got split and went to completely different areas but we found each other. We were written in the stars, Darling."

"Oh, Cam Dear, you are such a romantic."

"C'mon I want to take you somewhere."

The day had gotten stickier. I was wearing only a t-shirt and prep cut shorts and I was still roasting. I looked over at Cameron to see a drop of sweat rolling down his face as we drove in silence.

"Whatcha thinking about, Gunnar?"

"How frickin' hot it is today."

"You're telling me," he wiped off his forehead with the back of his arm, "and I still have to go to baseball practice."

"That sounds absolutely hideous." Cam laughed at my misuse of the word.

"I'm sorry about the AC going out."

"It's okay, Dear, I'm just tired of sitting in this pool of sweat." As I said that his truck suddenly started making this atrocious sound and then we hit a huge pot hole. The vehicle sputtered to a stop.

"Are you kidding?"

He turned the key in the ignition. It just rumbled a little but the engine wouldn't turn.

"I can't even, Cameron."

He hopped out of the monster on wheels and grabbed some tools from the back, "Will you pop the hood babe?"

"Sure thing!" I scooted into the driver seat and pulled the little lever and he opened the hood. He propped it up and started going to work. I sat in the front seat twirling my hair around my fingers and looking at my horrible finger nails. I really needed to stop biting them.

About fifteen minutes later Cameron came to my window, sans shirt. His long, sculpted torso glistening with sweat and smudged with motor oil.

"Wanna try starting it, Darling?" He asked with a heart melting smile. I leaned out the window and kissed him as I turned the keys. Nothing happened. I did it again and this time the truck roared to life.

"Whoo!" I cried out as he went and shut the hood. I slid over and he climbed in next to me and pushed the gas pedal to rev the engine. I put my hand on his thigh and smiled. He grabbed my hand and slid it down onto his dick.

"Excuse me sir, I am a lady!" I grinned as I pulled my hand away.

"But babe..." He leaned in and got close. His warm breath on my hot face. Heat radiated of of Cam's sweaty body. I realized I was holding my breath and I took in as much air as I could. He got closer and kissed the corner of my mouth. Then he lightly bit my lower lip.

The wild animal in my was awakened. I lunged forward and climbed onto his lap tearing off my own shirt. My mouth ravaged his, his stubble scratching my smooth face. I pawed at his hard wet chest and bucked my hips. I accidentally hit the horn and it startled us. We laughed as I took a few breaths.

He undid my shorts and my eyes rolled to the back of his head as he felt Cameron engulf my entire cock, deep throating my engorged penis in one go, He was bouncing up and down, his mouth tight and wet. I cried out, begging, moaning, cursing, as he felt Cameron withdrew his gorgeous mouth from my crotch. I gasped as Cameron leaned back and tore off my shorts and underwear, removed my flip flops and tossing them to the side.

He fumbled with his own shorts and I looked down to see his jock strap. HE started to take it off but I grabbed his hand.

"Leave it on for a little while," I could see his enormous cock throbbing in the tight fabric. He obliged as he sucked in my dick again. He was getting sloppy, his saliva dripping down his chin.

Cameron pulled off and grinned before he dove down into my throbbing hole. I screamed out and gasped as he slurped at my ass. He was going to town and he could feel me buckling beneath him, so close to the edge of the best orgasm of my life.

Without warning he unleashed his own 9 inch cock from his tight jock strap, dripping streams of precum. Cameron leaned into me and began kissing me, forcing his experienced tongue into my eager mouth. Cameron's other hand milked my penis. I was glistening with sweat beneath him while the other hand stroked his own horse-hung cock.

I gasped when he finally slid his huge dick into my asshole. I rode his good and hard as he moaned and bucked. The truck had gotten a million times hotter. It was getting hard to breathe. I reached under him and he spread his legs so that I could get better access to his tight, hairy hole.

"Finger me, babe. Jam those long digits inside of my hungry hole." I did as I was told and slipped my index and middle fingers into his juicy ass. I finger fucked him while he rammed his throbbing member inside my guts. I could feel his body tighten and his butt clenched around my fingers.

He blew a massive, thick load deep inside my intestines. I fingered his hard and long as I continued to ride his now sensitive cock.

"Gunnar, please, this is too much."

"Sorry, hun, I'm not cumming without this horse dick inside of me." He furiously jerked at my incredibly hard cock as he flinched and gasped with every buck of my slender hips. I could feel the tension rising until I was blowing all over his sweat and grease covered chest. Then I felt his blow a second load in me. I gasped as I pulled his semi-hard dick out of my aching hole. He pulled the truck off the road and parked it. He turned it off.

I got as far away from him as I could in the small space, trying to catch my breath and cool down. It was so humid, my hair was matted to my forehead and perspiration gathered under my eyes like tears.

"There is a river just inside the woods over there," Cameron said as he snatched up our clothes and bolted toward the promise of cool water. I clawed at the seats and grabbed the keys before following his completely naked figure.

A good jog from the truck, Cameron tossed our clothes down and jumped straight into the sparkling water. He was fully submerged and I waited. When he resurfaced he let out a loud laugh, "The water is amazing!" That was all I needed before I jumped in. The refreshing water rinsing my sweaty, sex-covered body. When I resurfaced I lay still and floated on my back, letting my head soak in the cool river water.

Cameron came near and grabbed hold of my fragile body.

"I'm so glad you decided to give us anot-"

"Shhh. Lets enjoy this. I love you Cameron. That's all I know. That's all I've ever known. Now just your face-hole and kiss me."

Clove's POV

"I can't believe you got Cameron to leave you you stupid bitch!" Juliette lunged at me, "Why are you so intent on ruining my life?!"

"Because I hate you bitch!" I dodged her. She turned around and just glared.

"Why?! What did I ever do to you?"

"You are a man stealer."

"So are you."

"You are flawless."

"So are you, Clove."

"Damn. You are too much like me."

"We are twins."

"Fuck you Juliette! We have a constant competition and its fun to ruin your life. Just like how you love ruining my life. I know that's how Draven got hold of so much useful information to toy with my heart. I could smell you all over his intent."

"I mean..." she looked away, clearly caught red handed.

"What I thought."

"Listen. Clove, we tiff. It's what we do. We are sisters. I just hope you know that I always have your back."

"And I have yours."

"I know. But why with Cameron?"

"Because he was never yours to begin with and you would end up getting hurt."

"Damn you. You are right. I would have been so hurt. I was really starting to like him."

"I know. I could feel it in my bones."

"I love you, you stupid bitch," Juliette said coming towards me for a hug.

"I love you too, you fat cow," I returned her hug and we started laughing. Not even a minute later my phone jingled. It was a text from Draven.

"You bitch, you made me sit in this god forsaken airport all night." it read. I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Juliette asked reading the phone over my shoulder.

"It's Draven, he thinks I'm going to try to stop him at the airport like I'm in some sort of chick flick."

"Why aren't you going to? You like him right?"

"Ew, no. I don't like anyone."

"Clove. You like him and you know it. Go to him."

"Meh, I'll just wait till he gets back. I'm not too concerned about it." I walked outside as Benson pulled up. He gave me his hand to boost me in and then I said, "To the airport and step on it. I have a dumb boy to catch."

In a few minutes, we had reached the airport. I got out and ran inside. I looked all around and then I saw him. I ran up to Draven.

"I didn't think you were coming."

"I wasn't going to."

"But you did, why?"

"I told the security guards you had a switch blad in your carry-on."

"What why would you do that? I'm gonna miss my flight all together! You already tricked me into thinking it was extremely early."

"I guess this means you'll have to stay."

"No I can't. I spent too much on this ticket and it's taking me to the opportunity of a lifetime."

"You should have thought about that when you decided to turn the tables on me."

"It's because I really like you Clove. I really do."

"I know. Well, toodles!"

"What? Tell the security guards I don't have a switch blade."

"I never told them you did. I just wanted you to admit your feelings. See you in two weeks, Whorenado."

"Bye, Bitch-a-tron."

"Miss me!" I blew him a kiss.

"I'll try," he "caught" it and "put" it in his pocket. I walked out of the airport as security guards crowded around him. What a fool. I smiled to myself. My heart was beating so fast and my palms were sweating.

Gunnar's POV

I rested my head on the ground next Cam's, our feet pointing opposite directions. on the soft grass. After we air dried we put back on our clothes and decided to just lay out.

His breath was gentle and warm. His skin soft like summer rain. The area around us was absolutely gorgeous. There was a deep and wide river that ran through a field of newly blossoming flowers.

Deep purple violets, friendly yellow daffodils, and sunset-orange tulips swayed in the peaceful, hot spring air. Huge, bright green trees gave us shade to protect against the ungodly heat.

"I think a storm is coming. I can feel it in my bones." I looked as he pulled his shirt up to reveal where he had been shot by Nate. I placed my palm on it and kissed his forehead. I was on my stomach now and I place my cheek on his head.

"You know, I wish life was like an old timey movie," I said softly. So soft it almost was whisked away in the summer heat.

"What do you mean, Darling?" Cameron asked.

"Like no one talks classy anymore, curse words are used as commas instead of expression. No one really dresses the way they did in the sixties, girls running around with their vaginas hanging out. Guys with hideous chains dangling from every available surface."

"I get it, Love. I really do. Everything was supposed to be so ducky! I wish I could rope the moon and give it to you but, I figure, my loves got to be enough, it's just gotta be!" Cameron was talking at a really fast pace and he sat up and smiled.

"Listen, buckoo! With the cost of bread these days I can't afford to go to the powder room, let alone buy you a sterling silver telephone dialer from Tiffany's. So here's what I say, my love had better be enough or I'm gonna run!"

On the last part a fat rain drop hit my head. Followed by a few more. Before we knew it there was a torrential downpour. Cam and I started laughing and made our way to the truck.

Stumbling and slipping we finally got to the old Ford. He grabbed me and pushed me up against the side and held my face as he planted a big, passionate kiss on my lips. The rain covered us as we kissed. It was heaven. My heart pounded in my chest and I could feel his through his soaked white t-shirt. He slid his hand up the leg of my shorts.

"Cam! We have to get out of this storm before we catch cold!" We hurriedly jumped into the vehicle. We buckled up and rolled the windows up before it could get any more wet.

"I'm so glad this old junker I bought has leather interior."

"Yeah, why did you buy this truck?"


"What, Cameron?" I turned to him as he focused on his driving.

"I'm going to help my mom's friend on his farm the summer and I needed a truck to carry the heavy loads."

"Oh. Okay." he remained silent and took my hand. My eye's narrowed, "Who is the friend?"

"Mr. Gallagher..."

"Hmm..." I thought quietly, and then it clicked, "Dallas Gallagher? Like Deputy Dallas Gallagher? Like Hot Muscle Cop Gallagher?"

"I mean...."

"Cameron! He lives in Kansas!"

"I know! Look, I didn't expect for us to be together over the summer so I didn't think it would be a big deal."

"So this is my fault?! Wow, I just can't even with yo-" I stopped. I wasn't going to make a big deal out of this. He was right, how was he supposed to know that I would come around. Why did I expect him to put HIS life on hold for me? "I mean... I'm happy for this opportunity for you. What kind of money is Hot Muscle Cop paying you?"

"He's gonna give me two hundred bucks a week."

"How long are you working for him?" He slowed in front of my apartment building and parked. Rain was still assaulting the hood.

"All summer."

"Oh... So you'll be gone for the whole summer... Our last summer..."

"Why is this our last summer?"

"Because you'll be going to college in the fall. I'll be going to college... I'm really happy for you," I lied. I was being selfish.

"I mean... You could come with me..."


"I'm sure Dallas wouldn't mind some extra help."

"Farmwork? Oh please, I can barely do homework."

"You are very strong. I'll give you his number and you can call him. If you want to."

"I don't know... I don't want to cause trouble for you."

"Darling, I doubt he'll mind. Let's go inside and we can call him together."

We hurried through the rain and into the building. We went to my apartment and I unlocked the door. "Ya know, I still haven't met your uncle. The one who owns this apartment."

"He doesn't come around very often."

"Clearly. But why pay rent on two homes if you are never at one of them?"

"He does it so that he can stay here when he does come to town and he doesn't have to mess with getting a hotel room."

"Oh, okay. So how about calling Dallas?" Cameron pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number. He put it on speaker and waited. A gruff, manly voice answered.

"Hey buddy, what's up?"

"Hey, Dallas, so you know about that job you are giving me for over the summer?"

"Yeah..." he started to sound skeptical, "what about it?"

"Well I have a friend," he looked at me, "Actually, he's my boyfriend and he needs a job for the summer too."

"I don't know... Is he strong? Is he built like you, Cam?"

"Well," Cameron eyed me up and down, "I mean..."

"So no, he's not," Dallas chuckled.

"Do you have a wife?" I asked.

"Is that the boyfriend, Cam? He sounds like a real pretty one," He let out a hearty laugh, "No, sir I do not have a wife. I'm just waiting for the right little lady to come along. Why do you ask?"

"I can cook and clean. I'm sure you get really busy in the field and with the horses in the summer. I can make sure that the house is always clean and there is always food ready for you boys."

"That sounds like a mighty fine idea. I could use a hand keeping my old house clean."

"Wonderful!" I smiled and did a silent happy dance.

"I should get back to the station, boys, I'll see you later, and I can't wait to meet you face to face Cameron's Boyfriend."

"It's Gunnar," I laughed at him.

Cam hung up the phone and turned to me, "This is great, we get to spend the summer together, I can't wait. Now, how about prom?"

"What about prom?"

"Well, I'm obviously taking you now."

"If that was your prom-posal, you are sadly mistaken, Deary. You better think of something a lot more romantic."

"What do you mean? I figured it was just inferred that since we are together again, we would, naturally, be going to prom together."

"Nope, you still have to ask me." I smiled and walked to the bathroom, shaking my hips like a sass.

Cameron's POV

"Lina, how do I ask Gunnar to prom?" I asked, sounding almost desperate.

"Oh, Cameron, pleading is not a cute look on you."

"Please help, you know him best."

"You know him just as well. But I happen to know that he has always wanted some Cinderella thing. So like... Dress up as Prince Charming, bring him a glass slipper and ask him to prom."

*A few days later

I stood there in front of the school feeling absolutely stupid. I had on an outfit that made me look like the prince from Disney's "Cinderella". My buddies from the football and baseball team were standing behind me holding up glitter covered letters that read: "PROM?"

"Thanks again for helping me guys."

"Dude, you're our bro. We'd do anything to help you out. It still confuses most of us why you are gay, because vagina is the best thing in the world, but we accept and love ya the same."

I heard Lina's voice and then she and Gunnar stepped outside. I came forward as the song "So This is Love" came over the intercom. I got down on one knee. Gunnar was shocked and smiling from ear to ear. A tear came out of his eye. He tossed off his flip flop and came running down the stairs.

"Cameron! This is perfect!"

"So you'll go?" I couldn't find glass slippers so I just bought clear plastic Converse. I gently slid it onto his bare foot. He was crying and laughing now and my team mates clapped and hoorah-ed for us. I stood and kissed him.

"Yes, yes! A hundred time's yes, I'll go to prom with you." He hugged me tightly and I smiled. Everything was finally falling into place. I could spend the summer with Gunnar and I was taking him to prom.

=^-^= Author's Note =^-^=

I always love feedback so send me your thoughts, tell me what you want to see happen, give me some ideas, help me create a new character. Love you all and thank you so very much for investing time in my story. Special thanks to my amazing editor and new friend, Shane Amirault. And a special thanks to another friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous but has helped in the editing process.

Next: Chapter 16

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