The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on Jun 22, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:







CH 18

I grasped Cameron's rugged, tear-stained face in my hands, "Stop it. Stop this blubbering at once and tell me what is the matter."

"I- I..." his breathing was ragged and he could barely speak.

"Take a deep breath, and try again."

He stopped to collect himself. I'd never seen Cameron like this. He was pale and he looked so vulnerable. Not to mention he was completely naked for some weird reason. I shed my robe (I was wearing boxers and a tank top under it) and put it on Cameron. He looked silly, bulging out of my silk and lace robe. His arms looked like they were gonna burst out off it at any moment. I went to the bedroom and grabbed a blanket and took the robe and put the blanket on him.

"I stayed a little later at Juliette and Clove's party..."

"Okay," I crossed my arms and waited patiently for him to finish.

"And I was getting pretty wasted..."

"Please tell me this story has a point, Cameron, I don't understand why you are naked and crying."

"And then Clove gave me something to drink... I think it was roofied."


"And then he and Juliette..." he started sobbing again, "they.. They took advantage of me."

Suddenly there was no sound. I couldn't hear anything but my own heart beating. It was like my life went to commercial break. My boyfriend. The only man I think I have every truly loved was robbed. Robbed of his dignity. Of his fidelity. He had been raped.

I think I said something before I grabbed the sharpest and nearest knife. I think I said something before I got into my car and started speeding toward that big mansion. Maybe I had thought about something. I may have reflexively knocked on the front door before I walked in.

"Hello?" Juliette turned the corner, " Holy shit, Gunnar what are you doing?!" I wanted to stab her. But I had enough with killing. I chucked it hard at the wall and tackled her to the floor. I was pulling her hair and screaming.

"Clove! Help!" Juliette screamed.

"Gunnar! Stop it!" he rushed forward and I realized his nose has clearly been broken. I pinched his nose hard and punched him in the gut. He screamed.

"Did Cameron do that?! Was it during or after you two raped him?!" I screamed, rage coursing through my boiling blood.

"What is the meaning of this?" a middle aged man wearing an expensive looking suit walked in. It was clearly their father. I stormed out of the house and got back into my car. I drove back to my apartment. I walked up the stairs and found Cameron, still crying on the couch.

"Where did you go? Where is the knife?"

"Damn, I left my favorite knife there."

"Gunnar, what did you do?"

"I lost control."


"Christ, Cameron, I didn't kill them. Lets go to the hospital," I grabbed his hand but he pulled me down to the couch.

"What for?"

"We are going to get you analyzed. So we can prove they raped you. They are NOT going to get away with this."

"There's no point. They will say that I was willing."

"No. If we go right now there still may be trace amounts of alcohol and or roofies in your system which proves that you are definitely not responsible for anything that took place last night."

"But I'm a guy."

"So what? Contrary to popular belief, men can be raped too just as easily by women. Of course it doesn't happen very often but it is very possible. Now lets go."

"I don't have clothes."

"You came all the way from their place to mine wearing nothing. Stop making excuses and let's go." I made him come down the stairs with me and we went to the emergency room. They tested him and sure enough there were drugs in his system.

"I will have to file an official rape document," The doctor said as she began filling out some papers, "now, Cameron, you have the option of filing a police report, I can get an officer in here as soon as possible."


"But, if it was Juliette and Clove Waldorf then I have to say, that you may not get very far. Their father is very influential. He is a great lawyer, I'm telling you this because, going to court could be a very long and emotional process."

"Dr. McCallister, you have irrefutable evidence that Cameron was raped."

"Yes, but Jonathan has ways around that. I strongly urge you to do what is right, Cameron, I just want you to understand the situation you are facing," with that, she turned and left the room.

"Cameron," I put a hand on his.

"We need to go, it's a long drive to Kansas," Cameron's face was stone.

"Cam, you can't just let them get away with it."

"Why not? You let Mason get away with it."

"That was completely different. He never actually did it."

"Yeah well, Dr. McCallister is right. It will be practically pointless."

"No! No it isn't you did not deserve this! Rape is a felony."

"Gunnar, I will be okay. It's not like I never had sex with Juliette before that."

"That was when you were willing."

"She was drunk too. I could smell the alcohol on her breath. Besides, I feel like you roughed them up enough."

"I mean... Juliette is definitely going to need a wig after all the hair I snatched off of her." For the first time today, Cameron smiled.

"It's not a big deal. I should be okay." I wanted to make him get an official police report but I wasn't going to force him to do something he didn't want to do.

"I love you, Cameron," I held up his chin and kissed him gently on the lips.

"I love you too, Gunnar."

"Are you absolutely sure you don't want to do anything more about this?" I looked deep into his eyes.

"I'm sure. I just want to put it behind me, Gunnar. Besides the doctor tested me for STI's too. In a couple weeks she will call about the results. I doubt I got anything though." We stood up and walked out of the hospital and went to Cameron's house so he could get dressed and get his bags and truck.

"So you broke Clove's nose," I randomly said as I put the last of my belongings into bags.

"Good. That little bitch had it coming." I laughed. We went down to his truck and got in and made our way toward Hot Muscle Cop Gallagher's farm in Kansas.

I sat for a while just staring at Cameron. He was so strong. I wanted to cry for him and make him involve police. But I knew the best thing I could do was let him deal with it the way he wanted to. I put my feet up on the dash and cracked open my book.

After hours of endless driving and too many trees and heat strokes, we finally pulled up to the long driveway that led to the big farm slash horse ranch. His home was absolutely beautiful. It was a huge Victorian style house. There was a wrap around porch with rocking chairs and a porch swing. The front door was huge and oak.

"Wow, this place is beautiful."

"Yeah it is, are you excited to live here for the summer?"

"Of course."

"Boys! Welcome!" One of the sexiest men alive, aside from Cameron of course, walked toward us. He was about as tall as Cameron so a good five or six inches taller than me. His shoulders were incredibly broad. He was all muscle, biceps and pecs practically bursting from the confines of his tan deputy shirt. His legs were like a couple of tree trunks (he definitely never skipped leg day) that were wrapped up tightly in his slacks. He was wearing riding boots that went up to his knees.

His hair was dark, his eyes a warm golden brown. Like honey drizzled over chocolate. Basically he looked like the gods had chiseled him from a beautiful tan marble. He must have been half Caribbean or Puerto Rican. His skin was glowing because of how sun-kissed it was. Even his eyebrows were very shapely and he had the perfect amount of stubble.

"Hey Dallas! It's nice to see you again," Cameron went in for a hug. Then Dallas released his and turned to me, "And you must be Gunnar. You sure are a pretty little thing." he let out a hearty laugh and wrapped his huge muscular arms around me, picking me up from the ground. I tried to hug back but his grip was so tight on my arms that it was awkward to try and move them.

When he finally put me down he stepped back, "Okay guys, so here's the thing. I got called back to the station there is a big case we are working on right now. I'll show you to your rooms but then I have to git. You guys can just get comfortable." He pulled my bags out of the bed of the truck and carried them inside. The house was even more beautiful inside.

"I got all the cleaning supplies I figured you would need, Gunnar, and I stocked the fridge full of food for you to cook," he turned back and winked at me, "I got you sponges and a broom and some rubber gloves and a cute apron."

"Thanks Dallas, for the opportunity and everything."

"No problem, kid, Cammy has been like family forever. Any friend of his is a friend of mine," He turned left at the top of the stairs and walked down to a door. He pushed it open and it revealed a huge bedroom. It was a balcony and gorgeous french doors. There was a big bed and bureau and vanity table and off to the right was a private bathroom.

"Here is your room, Gunnar."

"It's gorgeous!" I said scanning the room again.

"I'm glad you like it," he set down my bags and walked Cameron down the hall to his room.

"Now obviously, you boys have raging hormones and I can feel the love in the air with the two of you. I could care less if you guys share a room or stay up banging like bunny rabbits all night. Just make sure you are well rested and being safe about it. I don't need no tired workers round here," he flashed his pearly white teeth, "Just officially, and by that I mean, according to your mother," he said looking at Cameron, "you are to have two separate rooms."

I rolled my eyes so hard I was sure that they could have fallen right out of the sockets.

"Okay, well I'm off to work, be good boys and don't make too much of a mess, Gunnar's gonna have to clean it all up." He turned and made his way to the stairs, his taut, round ass bouncing the whole way. He suddenly turned around and I averted my eyes, "before I forget, I fixed up one of the old cars for you to take into town if you ever need to go while Cam and I are working, Gunnar," he tossed me the keys.

"Thanks, Dallas!"

"See ya later! Maybe I'll pick up dome pizza and beer for tonight?"

"That'd be great, man!" Cameron said with a big smile. Dallas made his way down the stairs and out of the house.

"Ugh, he really is hot," I fanned myself with my hand dramatically.

"I wasn't exaggerating, Darling."

"I know! I'm like the Sahara Desert. I'm so thirsty."

"Maybe I could quench your thirst..." Cameron leaned down and kissed me. He placed one hand on the small of my back and one on my butt. I reached into his khaki shorts and grasped his growing penis.

Cameron moaned into my mouth. He hoisted me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He took me in to his bedroom and sat me down on his desk. We made out passionately before shedding our shirts and eventually our shorts and underwear. Cameron spit on a couple fingers and stuck them up my ass.

"I wanna put mine in you this time," I whispered.

"Really?" Cameron stepped back.

"Yes. Please."

"Okay sure." I hopped off the desk and he laid down on it. I spit in my hand and lathered up my dick and rubbed some on his ass hole. I put one of his ankles on my shoulder. He spread his ass as far as possible. I stuck my member at his entrance and invaded. Cameron cried out. His eyes rolled back in his head and his mouth fell open.

I grasped his pulsing cock as I probed his insides. He had a hand in his hair and the other was bracing him on the desk as I rammed in and out. I was panting and sweating as I fucked Cam good and hard.

"Oh yeah, Gunnar, push deep, that feels really good."

"Oh baby, I love seein' you like this!" The sound of my balls smacking his hot hairy ass was sending me into a frenzy. I plowed him harder until I felt that familiar tightness growing in my balls. I hadn't realized that I picked up pace on his cock and I heard him gasp and saw his eyes roll back and he blew his load. Sticky white semen covered my hand and his hairy chest. It was so fucking hot.

"Oh, Gunnar, keep going until you dump that load in my ass." I brought my hand, still covered in his jizz to my mouth. I looked him in the eyes and licked it off. He moaned and then out of no where he busted another nut. This time it hit him in the face. It was too much for me and I finally came inside him. I collapsed onto his chest, panting.

"Jesus, Gunnar, that felt absolutely amazing."

"Good, maybe you'll let me top more often now."

"Not likely but maybe once in a while," He kissed my forehead,

"Now, do you think you could get out of me so we can go get cleaned up?"

I laughed and slid my greasy dick out of his loosened hole. We made our way into his bathroom. There was a huge bathtub with jets. We rinsed our bodies off before filling the tub with hot water and bubble bath.

Dallas' POV

"Deputy, did you get those files I asked for?" The sheriff stood in front of my desk. I peered over my glasses and held up the manila envelope.

"I think we are on the brink of discovery. This drug ring is going down," I said with a smile, flashing my dimples.

"I believe you are right, keep up the good work," Sheriff Gale started to walk off.

"Hey Seth, I'm gonna go out and get a coffee, you want anything?" I asked, standing up.

"No, I think I'll be okay."

"You sure?" Dallas pressed, "It's my treat!"

"I guess I'll have a cup, two sugars."

"Okay, I'll bring it to your office in a bit." I grabbed my car keys and made my way out to my squad car.

A short while later I was at the local coffee shop.

"Hey, Deputy, what's new today?" the cute barista asked.

"Oh not too much, we're pretty busy workin' on that one case though. Oh and my second cousin's son and his boyfriend finally got here."

"Tell me more!"

"The boyfriend, Gunnar, is quite a looker and Cameron has grown into a young man. He's pretty easy on the eyes too."

"Well, they sound like a cute couple. Speaking of couples, why are you still single?"

"Haven't found the one yet," I grinned at Tommy.

"And here I was thinking we were written in the stars," he flirted back.

"I'm not sure if I believe in that mumbo jumbo."

"It's not mumbo jumbo, it's fate you silly man. I do my best to keep you happy."

"And your coffee trumps any other," I winked at him.

"Would you jump off a cliff for it?"

"Yes, probably."

"Into a river of barbed wire and salt?"

"I would have to wonder why I was being tasked with such a situation but, yes, most likely I would do that for your coffee."

"Would you have me over for dinner tonight?" Tommy's face got a little pink as he blushed.

"Sure. You can meet the boys."

"That would be great," he smiled big and then bit his lip. He leaned over the counter.

"You have some whipped cream on the corner of your mouth," Tommy's face got red and he look embarrassed. I grabbed his chin, "let me get it," I leaned in and licked the fluffy white treat off of him. Tommy giggled, "See you tonight, Dallas."

"See you tonight, Tommy," I grabbed my coffee's and headed out the door making sure to make my ass extra firm for him to get a good look at. I'm always told how gorgeous I am. Model material. I know my body isn't flabby or grotesque by any means but I wouldn't say I'm perfect either.

I stay humble. Because the hottest thing is a guy who doesn't know he's hot. I'm not ugly and I most definitely have no shame in myself but I'm not gonna say I'm the sexiest man alive. Tommy always sasses me about how I'm single. Mainly because he wants me to himself.

The thing is, I'm perpetually single. I don't know if I ever really wanna be tied down. I do know however that if I did settle down, it would be with him. Back in elementary school we went to this circus that came to town. There was a gypsy caravan and of course, we wanted to get our fortune read.

We didn't have more than ten bucks so the old woman offered to give us one reading for the two of us. She pulled out an orange bag with Tarot cards in it. She shuffled the deck and asked us to think long an hard. She spread out the cards and we each picked one. Then she laid out three more and turned them over one by one.

The first card has two cups drawn on it. There were two people hold each other desperately with the cups sitting on the ground.

"De two of cups," the old woman stated, her thick Romanian accent enunciating each word. "Dis card, means love at first sight," she flipped the next one, "De seven of wands. Dis one means dere is an obstacle in jour path one dat jou cannot ignore." The next one turned, "Five of pentacles in reverse. Insecurities are plaguing jou. Be proud of who jou are."

Then she took and flipped my card, "Page of wands. Dis is jou, boy. Dark hair dark eyes. Eager to please, hard working. Impulsive, but kind." She flipped Tommy's card, "Page of cups. Light hair, blue eyes. Gentle and caring but insecure. Dreamy and jou tend to be a little feminine, no?"

And lastly, she grabbed the top card from the deck and placed it between us. "The Lovers" scrawled beneath two people holding hands and targets of Cupid. "Destiny is not something dat can be avoided, boys. Never forget dis." She refused our money and we ended up leaving and going to ride some more rides before the carnival closed.

Back then we laughed about how she was crazy and her cards were just a joke. I guess to me, it was always a sign that we were destined to be together. I'm just not sure if the relationship life is the one fore me, you know?

I drove back to the station and went into Sheriff Gale's office. "Close the door please," Seth said. I closed it and placed his coffee on the desk.

"What's new?"

"I got a lead on one of the guys in the drug ring."


"His name is Tony Caputi. He owns that little bakery up town."

"So he imports the drugs in his flour. Genius."

"Not really, not if he's getting caught."

"Well I just probably wouldn't have expected it. His wife runs the place, that sweet little Italian lady. I never got the hint that they were drug lords."

"Yeah well, I got a warrant so we will be going in tomorrow bright and early on drug day to bust those bastards. And anyway, I was telling you that it's okay for you to go home."

"Thanks sir!" I stood up and started to leave.

"Hey, thanks for the coffee."

"Yeah no problem boss." I left and went outside to the warm early evening. I got into my car and drove home.

*Gunnar's POV

Cameron and I were laying on the couch reading magazines (me a Cosmo and him a Sports Illustrated) when we heard the door open and close. A few minutes later Dallas joined us, cold beer in hand. We was in nothing but some super tight boxer briefs.

There was a dusting of hair on his chest and stomach, more than Cameron but not an obnoxious amount. I glanced at Cameron and he looked back at me.

"Did you guys get settled in okay?" he took a swig from his bottle and smiled.

I cleared my throat, "Um, yeah.."

"That's great. I'm glad." I kind of stared at him before turning back to my magazine.

"So uh... Dallas... Did you have fun at work?" Cameron asked awkwardly.

"Yeah- oh dang, are you guys uncomfortable with this? Sorry, I usually just walk around naked but I figured I should leave on the undies with company. I can go put on some shorts."

"Nah man, it's okay, it's your house," Cameron said when Dallas stood up.

"Guys, I don't want you feeling uncomfortable. I can tell that Gunnar is."

"Just because his shorts weren't designed to fit that raging boner comfortably," Cam said with a laugh. My face grew insanely hot and I threw my magazine at him. Dallas laughed that hearty, gives-you-a-fuzzy-feeling laugh again.

"Sorry bout that Gunnar," Dallas said as he went to the other room. He returned in some gym shorts and a t-shirt.

"It's okay, Dallas. Like Cameron said, it's your house, you do whatever you want."

"I don't mind wearing clothes, heh. So I invited a friend of mine tom come over later for pizza."

"Oh what's her name?" I asked picking up my magazine.

"His name is Tommy," he smiled and put emphasis on "his".

"Oh... Are you guys like... A thing?"

"Well, fate seems to think he and I are destined to be together but I'm more of a solo kinda guy."

"Can't wait to meet him!" I leaned back and flipped through my magazine and Cameron left and brought me back a glass of lemonade. I was sipping it when I got the feeling that I was being watched. I looked over to see Dallas' gaze moving from me to Cameron and back again.

"What are you looking at?" I asked with a shy smile.

"You guys are so cute together. Like you just do cute little things for each other. It makes me happy to see that someone can make my little Cammy so happy."

"Hear that Cammy? We are cute together," I teased him.

"Ugh, please don't call me that," he looked at the floor, face red, "Either of you." Dallas picked up his cellphone and called for a pizza. Ordering pepperoni for him and Cameron and cheese for Tommy, because apparently he and I were both picky like that. I stood up and went to the kitchen.

"Whatcha doin?" Dallas asked, leaning against the door frame.

"I figure that I should probably familiarize myself with the kitchen, since that's where I'll be spending most of my time anyway. But I also wanted to set the table." I opened cabinet after cabinet trying to find where he kept his dishes.

"The one with the frosted glass doors, right above the counter," Dallas nodded in the general direction and I noticed where he was pointing to. I opened it and grabbed out four plates.

"Silverware is in the second drawer from the stove." I followed his instruction and sure enough, there they were.

"You, know, this house is pretty clean. Why did you hire me?"

"I find time to clean it when I can, I don't like to live in a sty. And I could tell you needed the job. I don't think you need it for the money, I think you need it to be with Cameron."

"Yes," I started putting the plates down on thee table.

"I think that you think this is it. You think this is the last summer you will ever get with him."

"Sometimes I do."

"It doesn't have to be, Gunnar. You make the decision whether or not you stay together."

"The glue that holds highschool relationships together is highschool, Dallas. We move, we go different place, we become different people. Cameron is gonna be a baseball star and I'm gonna design clothes for The Queen. One of us will slip. One of us will get lonely and feel neglected. Long distance relationships almost never work out. I don't want to be done with Cameron, but it's almost inevitable. I love him, I really do. I'm just not sure if we really are written in the stars."

"Dude, with an attitude like that, of course you two wont last. Relationships are hard work. Tommy and I have been best friends since the third grade. Sure, maybe we are destined to be together and yeah, maybe I do love him. But the thing is, it doesn't matter. We continue to be strong no matter what. We grow and prosper everyday we spend together. Maybe one day I'll be ready to give him my whole heart but the fact is, we've had our falling outs. We've have are fair share of senseless fights but we always come back to each other.

"That's you and Cam. I know about your breakup, I know about how you two stayed away from each other for a long time. But you found each other. And you'll keep finding each other. You two were meant to be i can see it in the way you two are around each other. But the one who decides if this glue will stick is you. You have the power. Now use it wisely." Dallas straightened up and went to the door just as a knock rung through.

I wiped the tears, that had managed their way out of my eyes, off my face. I quickly finished setting the table and walked into the living room to greet Tommy. Tommy was short and thin. He and I were probably about the same height. He was probably in his late twenties but still looked fairly young. His hair was a gorgeous shade of auburn and his eyes were as blue as the ocean.

"Hi, Tommy, I'm Gunnar," I held out my hand for a handshake and he took it and smiled.

"Pleasure to meet you, Gunnar."

The doorbell rang, "That must be dinner," Dallas said going back to the entryway to get the food.

We all sat around the table laughing and getting to know each other. Tommy and Dallas would tell their embarrassing stories about each other and Cameron and I would laugh and laugh. Before we knew it, it was almost midnight.

"You boys oughtta hit the hay," Dallas said to Cam and me, "Don't want you fallin asleep while you're washin the horses, Cammy."

"It was so nice to meet you, Tommy," I said as Cameron and I stood up and made our way out of the kitchen.

"You're already slackin on your job, Gunnar," Dallas teased as he picked up the plates and moved them to the sink.

"Dang! Let me wash those quick," I started over to them.

"Nonsense, Dallas and I will clean up. You guys go get some sleep. You had a really long drive today," Tommy smiled and shooed us away. Cameron and i went upstairs and made our way to my room.

"I like it here, Cam," I said getting undressed and climbing into the bed.

"Me too Darling."

Dallas' POV

Tommy stood at the sink and rinsed the clean dishes before putting them into the drainer.

"Shouldn't you go to bed too, Dallas?"

"Nah, I can work off only a few hours of sleep." I had the strongest urge to go up and put him arms around him. He turned around, wielding that flirty little smile of his.

"Were you staring at me?"

"What? No," I could tell I was blushing.

"I have a gift for you." Tommy walked across the room to his satchel and pulled out a little orange bag.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked astounded.

"The little bag of tarot cards from that circus that came to town in fourth grade? The gypsy must have dropped them or something. I went back the next day and everything but this was gone."

"That's so crazy!"

"Do you wanna look at them?" We sat down on the couch and flipped through the deck. Then Tommy came across that old lovers card.

"Destiny is not something dat can be avoided, boys. Never forget dis," Tommy laughed. As he mocked the old woman. His laugh was like a bell. I had always liked it. He turned to say something but I interrupted him.

I interrupted him with my lips. He was still almost laughing. His lips were soft on mine. I had waited for a really long time for this kiss. I tried to make our lips as close as possible but he pulled away.

"Dallas..." Tommy looked at the candle we had lit.

"What? What's wrong? Did I step over the line? I'm so sorry, please don't be mad, Tommy."

"No, I'm the one who's sorry."

"What? Why? I kissed you..."

"It's my brother."

"What?" I was so confused by his statement.

"My brother is the one who's been manufacturing the heroin in his basement."

"Tommy, no."

"Yes, Theo is the one who's been selling to all the addicts in town. I wanted to tell you sooner but I knew you'd have to take him in."

"Tommy, why? Why are you telling me?"

"I need you to know. I can't expect you to keep the secret. He needs the money. And so do I."

"What does that mean?"

"I've been selling too."

"Stop. Don't speak." I was so... I don't even know if I can explain what I was. It was like love and fear and anger had muddled themselves together and were burning in my chest.

"Dallas, I have to! I need to get this out! We hide the drugs in big coffee bags and we sell them to customers. I want to be done with it all but the money is so good. And besides that, I can't, even if I wanted to."

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I mean that the drug lord, the one that controls all of us? He killed Caputi, tonight. And he told us that if any of us were as foolish as him and got ourselves caught, he would kill us too."

"Shit. No. You didn't say any of this to me."

"Yes, I did! I'm going to confess tomorrow."

"Shut your mouth, Tommy. I wont let you go to prison. You were forced into this."

"It's not like he held a gun to my head and told me I was gonna start selling."

"Yes he did. That's what we will say if anything goes down. They will find Caputi tomorrow morning. You are gonna get me evidence but you are gonna keep your head down and pretend like you didn't see anything, you hear me? You are not about to get murdered for some mistake you made."

"Dallas," Tommy started but I held up my hand.

"Tommy, you are smart. We will figure this out together. I don't know how but we will figure this out. " I grabbed his face and smiled at him, then I leaned forward and kissed him again. Fear snaked its way around my veins. Fear that I could possibly lose the only boy I've ever loved.

=^-^= Author's Note =^-^=

Dear Readers, I would like to make a very short PSA about my two lastest chapters. As you know, Cameron was raped by Juliette and Clove. Some of you may ask yourselves, is this possible? And I am here to tell you that yes, it is possible, although it is more unlikely and men are less likely to report it, it can indeed happen. If you are ever sexually assaulted by anyone, male or female, you should not keep it to yourself. Tell someone, report it to the authorities. Rape is a felony and no one should be allowed to go free after. For the sake of my story, Cameron doesn't ever tell anyone but that is not to be reflected on when a situation as serious as this arises. Now for my regular notes: Sorry about the wait! I have to work all the time, being summer and all, so I didn't get a chance to upload! I always love feedback so send me your thoughts, tell me what you want to see happen, give me some ideas, help me create a new character. Love you all and thank you so very much for investing time in my story. I suppose I have no editor anymore so if anyone would like to help me edit the last three chapters it would be much appreciated.

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