The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on Mar 29, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purley coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:








CH 9

The day had come and gone and I had successfully impressed Nate with all the most happenin' places in town.

"Thanks for showing me around, Gunnar, I had a lot of fun."

"Yeah it's no problem, Nate. Thank you for buying my dinner anyway." He flashed a dimpled smile and ran a hand through his hair.

"I should probably get going."

"Yeah, well, I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Okay." I walked him to the door and he turned and leaned down a little. He looked like he was gonna kiss me but then his face got red.

"Theres a hair on your shoulder," He grabbed it and tossed it to the ground and turned and left.

"Well that was awkward," I said aloud as I shut the door. I walked over and opened a window because it was insanely hot in my apartment and I hoped that the cool air would fix that. I grabbed a book I had bought at the little book store that same night and sat down on the couch. As I read my head began to loll and my eyes were getting heavy and then I fell asleep.

"Daddy?" I searched around the dark room, "Daddy, where are you?" I skimmed the room before a small light caught my eye. I walked toward it and found a small hand mirror. I picked it up and saw my reflection had changed dramatically since last time I looked. In the mirror was my seven year old self. That was when I realized that my hands were small and then I noticed that the rest of me was smaller too. I had suddenly morphed back into my seven year old self.

"Daddy, help!" I yelled in a voice that was no longer mine. Then the floor collapsed and I was falling. Falling. Then suddenly I heard a crash. But it wasn't near me. That's when I realized I was dreaming and that the noise had come from the waking world.

My eyes flew open and I sat up. The room was pitch black aside from the light from the street lamp outside. Freezing air blew in and caused me to shiver. I stood up and quickly shut it. As I stepped backwards I felt a sharp pain in my foot.

I hobbled over to the little table lamp and clicked it on to see that a little vase of flowers by the window had fallen and shattered. There was a piece of glass in my foot.

"Duh." The curtain must've blown the vase over and now I had a huge mess to clean up. I limped to the bathroom, carefully avoiding the shards of glass. When I turned on the light, fear struck itself deep into my heart. There was writing on the bathroom mirror. It was dark red and it said: I'm going to kill you.

Earlier that day

(The killer's POV)

That little tramp. I finally got him to notice me. I finally got my way in. It took me a while but I finally got him. I was going to get closer and then I was going to kill him.

"You fool. Could you have been more of an awkward fuck?" Hank asked smacking the back of my head.

"What did I do wrong? I spoke to him didn't I?"

"Idiot. You were creepy and weird. He's never gonna like you now." I ran a hand through my dark hair and sat down on the ratty little couch.

"You are so hard on him, Hank."

"Someone has to be, and since you aren't going to do it, Calvin, I guess it has to be me."

"He got closer didn't he?"

"Yes and then he made Gunnar all apprehensive. We need Gunnar to trust him completely, that way he can kill him more easily."

"You guys are pissing me off!" I shouted, punching the wall, "I want you both to go away!" I counted to three and when I turned around they were gone. I grabbed my sweater and walked out into the woods.

I was pretty deep in the woods and playing with my butter fly knife when I heard a stick snap. I hid the knife from view and spun around. There was an older guy standing behind me. He was kind of chubby and he just kind of stood there.

"Whats a young fella like you doing walking around, alone in the forest."

"I needed some fresh air."

"Oh I see. Well do you have anyone with you?"

"Why old man? You looking for something?"

"Well now that you mention it I could use a little help," the old guy undid his belt buckle and unzipped him pants.

"Whoa dude-"

"C'mon sonny, I ain't had tail in so long and you look like you could use some money, I'll give you everything in my wallet if you suck my dick."

I looked at him and then at his dick it was short and fat, like him.

"How much is in your wallet?"

"I have half a grand on me right now."

"Okay." I got down on my knees and took his hard dick into my mouth. I began sucking it as fast as I could. The old guy was moaning and running his hands through my hair.

"You want me to fuck you?" I asked looking up at him.

"Is that gonna cost me more?"

"No, I just want a butt to put my long teenage dick in," as I said this I pulled out my big thick nine and a half incher. His eyes widened and then his lips formed a hideous smile.

"That sounds like a great idea." I grabbed the pre-lubed condom out of my pocket (I kept it there in case of emergencies) and rolled it onto my pole. The man got down on his hands and knees and placed his wrinkly ass in the air. I lined myself up with his hole and pushed in. He cried out but I covered his mouth in case someone heard him and came to investigate.

"Shhh, it will only hurt for a bit, big boy. Soon this is gonna feel amazing." The man gasped and sputtered on my hand as I began pumping deep into his tight rosebud. Then I rapped an arm around his neck.

"Yeah, Grandpa loves it when you choke him, youngster." I started choking him harder. He moaned and his beathing got raspy.

"Okay, you are choking me a little to hard, kiddo," He said trying to pull off. I jammed my dick in harder and tightened my grip around his neck.

"Kid, I can't- breathe."

"Good." I fucked him hard and violently before I grabbed my butterfly knife from my pocket and put it to his throat.

"What- the- fuck, Kid?! Please-" he choked out, "Please, I'm sorry!"

"You old bastard. Trying to take advantage of a young teen boy. You are sick." I pushed in one last time and bust my nut in the condom. I shivered as I came and then I dug the knife in and slid it gracefully across his neck. Blood spurted out and got all over my hands and the blade.

"Well fuck, now I have to burn this sweatshirt." The man clawed at the ground and his neck and then he lay there motionless.

"You look better this way," I said to him as I pulled the condom off and put it into my sweatshirt pocket. Thick dark blood pooled around his head as I watched. I grabbed a little flask from the old guys pocket and dumped out the liqueur in it. I held it in the stream of blood and collected as much as I could. I wiped it off and stuck it in my pocket with the condom.

"What have you done?"

"I did what I needed to, Calvin." I pulled my sleeve over my hand and picked up the mans wallet. I opened it and saw that there was actually a huge wad of hundreds.

"This fucker is a liar. He is a bad person, Calvin. He had to die." Calvin was silent as I stuck the money into my back pocket, tossed the wallet into the blood and walked away making sure to cover my tracks behind me.

When I got back to my little shack it was getting late. I took my bloody, dirty clothes and threw them into the little wood burning stove. I washed my hands and hair in the bucket of water I had collected from the little stream and then I pulled on a pair of jeans, a tight t-shirt and an old sweater. I picked up the flask of blood and stuck it in my waist band, then I poured the water out of the bucket and left the clothes burning.

As I got into my vehicle, I watched Calvin and Hank argue. Then I focused forward and started driving.

****** Gunnar's POV******

I screamed out and rushed to the couch where I had left my phone. I picked it up and dialed Cameron.

"Hello?" his voice was groggy and full of sleep.

"Cam! Hurry please I'm really..." I heard dripping and that's when I noticed the figure in the corner. There was someone looming in the darkness. I could feel their eyes burning into me. I slowly backed up to the kitchen.

"Gunnar?" Cameron's voice started to sound frantic, "Gunnar?!" I reached behind me for a knife and then the figure lurched forward. Sprinting at me, full speed. I screamed and dropped the phone as my attacker pounced. I managed to dodge the long blade they were yielding and then I kicked them in the shin.

The grunt that came from the dark figure was masculine. I realized the assailant was a man. He held the knife up and plunged it at me. I rolled out of the way and stood up quickly. I swung my knife and nicked him then I ran to the bathroom as fast as possible. I slammed the door and locked it. There was pounding on the door and tears were streaming down my face. My heart was pounding so hard I was scared it would tear through my chest.

All of the sudden the pounding stopped. Silence, aching, ominous silence filled the room. I searched desperately for a weapon. I backed into a corner. An eternity, it seemed passed by and then the pounding started again, I screamed, fear jolt through me, rendering me unable to move.

"Gunnar!!!" The voice was familiar. I wiped my face and crawled desperately to the bathroom door.

"Gunnar, are you in there?! Let me in, please!" I clawed at the locking mechanism and suddenly it was unlocked. Cameron burst through the door and dropped to his knees, tears streaming down his face. He pulled me in and held me close.

"I was so scared, Cam. I didn't know what to do."

"Shh, I have you now. It's okay." He rocked me back and forth.

In a blur, police showed up and escorted me to the bathroom. They collected things they thought were evidence and they questioned me. I was too petrified to really say much but i relayed what I could. They asked me about the attacker and all I could remember was that he was wearing dark clothes and I couldn't really see him.

"It's blood," I heard a female cop say in the hallway.

"They wrote in blood? That's disgusting," another cop responded. The chief, who was questioning me turned and shouted for them to shut their mouths and get back to work.

About an hour later the police were gone and only Cam and I were left. Cameron was cleaning off the mirror and I was sitting on the bed.

"Where did he go? Did you hear his voice? Did it sound familiar? Why does he want to kill you?"

"I don't know, Cam."

"The mirror is clean, Gunnar," he stepped into my bedroom and looked at me carefully, "Do you want me to stay?" Tears crept down my face and I looked up at him, "Please don't go. I'm so scared."

Cameron kissed my forehead and sat down next to me. He wrapped his strong, muscular arm around me and held me like that for a while. He stood up and took off his shirt and helped me out of my jeans. He pulled back the covers and I crawled under them. Then, Cameron got into the bed and shifted me so that my head was on his bare chest. I could hear his heart beating in the calm darkness of the room. His slow breathing made the fear dissipate and then I was asleep.

I sat up abruptly, sweat on my face and my hair matted to my forehead. Light streamed in through the windows. I had that dream again. The one where I'm seven again. I suppose by now you are wondering why I have nightmares of a young me searching for my father. Well I have daddy issues (big surprise right?) and it all started 11 years ago.

10 Years Ago

"Go wash up Hunny, your daddy will be home soon," my mother said, wiping her hands on the little vintage apron.

"Okay, Mommy," I put down my toys and went to the bathroom to wash my hands. Then there was a phone call. I heard mom scream and then she was on the kitchen floor crying. I came in and sat next to her.

"Mommy? What's going on?" I saw the phone on the floor hanging from the wall. My father had died. He had been in a horrible car accident. It destroyed his car and him. We had to have a closed casket. Ever since then, I'd had nightmares of me trying to find him. More frequently around the time of his death.

As the months passed, Mom became an alcoholic and she would leave for weeks at a time. There was a point when I had become so malnourished that when I ate a cube of sugar I threw up. That was when I realized I'd have to fend for myself. I began to teach myself how to wash laundry and cook food and cope.

After mom would be gone for weeks at a time she'd come home and beat my ass. She would call me names and treat me badly. Through it all I stayed gentle and hopeful that she would one day realize that she made a huge mistake and that she really did love me and that she was sorry. But that day never came and then she kicked me out and so I'm alone with no family left and my subconscious is still not over the loss of my father. I feel lost sometimes. Scared that no one could ever love me but I know that I will NEVER treat MY family like that when I have one.

Present Day

I got out of bed and fanned myself until I was cool. I twisted my fingers through my messy, ratty hair. I went to the window and looked out onto the street. There was a slight layer of snow that had already begun melting.

"Winter needs to just fuck off already," I whispered to myself. I scanned the street and then someone standing across the street caught my attention. He was shrouded by shadow standing there staring up at me.

"Cameron!" I said turning to Cam. He bolted up and came to me, "What, Babe, what is it?"

"There is someon-" when I looked back at the street there was no one, "I thought I saw someone..." Cameron sighed and rubbed my shoulder. He kissed my neck and hugged me close to him. There was a knock on the door and I went to answer it.

I opened the door and there was no one. But there was a small basket with a little note on it. I picked it up and brought it inside.

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure." I sat it on the counter and opened the note. There scrawled on the page, it said: Soon there will be another dead rat. Kisses.

Horrified, I slowly lifted the cover and screamed. There was a pile of dismembered rats inside the little pink basket. Cameron rushed to my side, looked in the basket and pulled me away. He called the sheriff and took me into my bedroom.

"Put on something and then pack a bag. You are gonna stay at my house for the time being."

"Cameron, I can't."


"I can't ask you to do that."

"You didn't ask. Put on some clothes." He pulled on his shirt and soon the police showed up and asked us everything we knew. I was so drained by then. Fear and adrenaline had made me feel horrible.

"C'mon, let's get out of here, Gunnar." Cam and I went to his car and got in.

"Can we go to school?"

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I really want to see Lina and Caroline."

"Okay, sure, if that's what you want."

Later, in the lunch room I sat at a table with Lina and Caroline and Cameron.

"Oh my god. That's the scariest thing I've ever heard! Who is out to get you?" Lina asked looking around for possible suspects.

"I don't know."

"Hey, Gunnar, I'm gonna go talk to Juliette for a bit, holler if you need me."

"Okay." Cameron got up and walked away.

"That's so sweet that he came to your rescue," Caroline offered.

"Yeah but he's with Juliette now."

"So? He saved you. He came to you immediately when you called."

"Well it's over between us."

Caroline rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "Boys are so dumb sometimes," she declared to Lina.

"True that, sister." I sighed as Lina and Caroline looked around.

"That new kid is really creeping me out. He's been staring over here for like the whole lunch period," Lina whispered. She gestured to Kyle across the lunch room. When we all looked he turned his glance to the book in front of him.

"He was watching me yesterday at the music store with Nate and I think he was there again this morning before the basket sowed up."

"Really? Did you tell the police?"

"No I didn't think it was important."

"It definitely is, Gunnar. You need to tell someone."

"I'm gonna go study." I stood up and went to the library and grabbed my text book out of my bag as Nate sat down.

"Hey, Gunnar, how are you?"

"Well considering I was almost murdered last night, I'm not doing to well."

"What? What do you mean?" he sat down at the desk with me.

"There was someone in my apartment last night who attacked me and I've been gettings so death threats."

"Oh my gosh! That's terrible! Is there anything I can do?"

"No, it's fine, Cameron is taking care of me."

"You sure?"


"Well hey, it's supposed to be beautiful tomorrow and my dad said I could take his boat out on this huge lake by our house. If you want to come, I'd really enjoy that."

"That sounds like a lot of fun."

"So you'll come?"

"Sure, I'd love to," Nate's face was glowing and then he stood up, smiled, and left the library. I smiled down at my book and went back to studying.

Later that night I sat in Cameron's living room with him. We were working on our calculus homework and his sisters were playing with their dolls.

"Can you believe that we are graduating in just a few months?"

"I know it's crazy. Next year will be our last year of highschool."

"Have you decided where you want to go to college?"

"I'm thinking I wanna move to Virginia or Louisiana."

"What? You don't like it here?"

"Ha. That's cute. I want to be somewhere beachy. Or someplace that's gorgeous all year. Seriously every time I turn around the snow appears like `Surprise, Bitch, I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.' it's just so annoying. I want it to be summer already."

"Well it's supposed to be nice all week."

"Until it snows."

"Whatever, I guess."

"So Nate asked me to go boating with him tomorrow," I said nonchalantly, keeping my eyes locked on my homework. I could feel Cameron look over at me.

"Oh? And what did you say?" He returned his gaze to his work.

"I said yes."

"Well that will be fun. And relaxing."

"Yeah, I thought so."

"Well I hope the weather stays nice."

"Yeah me too because I don't want it to be cold on that boat." I smirked and continued my work.

"If you boys are done with your banter, there is food at the table," Ms. Della said in an almost hateful tone.

"Yeah, we will be in in a minute, Mom." We finished up a few more problems and then went to sit at the table. Della scowled at me when I entered. We ate in silence. After dinner I helped gather the dishes while Cameron went and helped pick our homework to move it to the bedroom.

"Would you like help washing the dishes?"

"No." Della scrubbed violently at a plate in the sink.

"Did I do something to anger you?"

"My son is NOT gay."

"Excuse me?"

"You need to stop trying to seduce him and make him into a homosexual."

"I thought you had no problem with homosexuals. You have like a small community of them as friends."

"I like them until they are my own children and whatever Cameron did with you, it WONT happen again."

"With all due respect, that really isn't up to you."

"He is MY son and I will make the rules around here. Cameron is not gay and you will stop trying to turn him gay."

I turned, my face red with anger. I stormed into the living room and grabbed my backpack and duffel bag.

"I found us a movie- where are you going? Are you okay?" tears started welling in my eyes.

"Take me home."

"What? No. Why would I do that?"

"Take me home now." I went out to his car and tossed my things in.

"What's going on?" Cameron asked from the porch.

"Ask your mother." Cameron's face got red and he tore the door open and stomped inside. There was shouting and then Cameron came out the door and got in the car. Della came out on the porch, crying, "Son! I'm sorry, please come back."

Cameron started his car and took off. We drove to my apartment and Cameron and I went up and went inside. We sat down on the couch.

"I'm s sorry she spoke to you that way."

"It's okay."

"No, that's bullshit. You didn't do anything to me."

"I know." I smiled and put a hand on his. He smiled back and then I went into my bedroom and lay down on the bed. Cameron followed me and lay down next to me.

"Goodnight, Cam."


=^-^= Author's Note =^-^=

Sorry it took me a bit to upload but I am trying to keep up with college and friends and other basic bullshit, haha. Also, I forgot what my original picture of Gunnar looked like so I've been describing him as everything but what the guy in the pic looks like, so i decided to change the picture. I found a guy that was a lot more what I had pictured in my head. I hope you all enjoy where the story is going. I will try to keep it interesting. I always love feedback so send me your thoughts, tell me what you want to see happen, give me some ideas, help me create a new character. Love you all and thank you so very much for investing time in my story. Special thanks to my amazing editor and new friend, Shane Amiraultt quote

Next: Chapter 10

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