The Journal

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 7, 2008


The Journal Part Two "Adam's Rib" By

Chapter 1 - 'A New Beginning'

From The Journal - 'The Final Chapter'

The next morning we get up and when we got into the kitchen, there on the cupboard doors are Polaroid pictures of us having sex in the woods. I blushed as I looked at them and wondered when, how, who could have done this. When I hear a laugh from behind me; it's Steven and Michael and they are laughing so hard at my embarrassment. Kyle comes into the room naked and says,

"What's so funny out here?"

"Babe look.hell you're naked babe what the fuck are you doing?" I ask looking so shocked at his appearance.

"To hot and humid to wear clothes so I thought I would go naked seeing how we are in the middle of nowhere." He says with a grin. "Sounds good," Steve says and starts to strip. Michael is staring in complete shock and then says,

"Oh what the fuck Josh lets go," and he starts to strip also. I am the only one still dressed looking at my lover man and two best friends standing there naked and says,

"Well if you all are going to go naked I might as well join you," and I to undress.

"Wait one fucking minute here," I say in a perplexed tone. "Who took these pictures of us yesterday in the lean to."

"I did," says Steve with a shit-eating grin. "I just got this new Polaroid camera and wanted to try it out and well when Michael told me where you were going and why, well I decided to try it out on you two. Nice shots, no pun intended," he says and laughs again. We all start to laugh and I take the pictures down and say,

"Souvenirs of our weekend, thanks guys."

"Wow, I never knew about that weekend, did you bud," Adam says with a smile on his face.

"No but it sure sounded like they had a great time doesn't it."

"Yeah it does," he says and adds, "remind me to mention that weekend to my dads. I think you writing about their life together will make for great and amusing reading babe. Hey are you keeping a journal about us babe," he asks with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"Maybe but you will not find out until you are real old lover," I muse.

Chapter 1 'A New Beginning'

One year later.

My idea of becoming a writer was affirmed by a friend of mine. He read the first few chapters of my story and gave me the go ahead with the promise I give him each chapter to come to read before posting it. Adam loved the stories because he either was in them or knew the people who were. We were sitting one night shortly after I had posted my first chapter and were talking and enjoying a fire in the fireplace.

"You know babe I may need your help on some parts that dad never put in to his journal." I told him turning my head to look up at him. "Dad left out a lot of the finer details that make it personal to us and also to the readers. Those points are what make the difference between a journal entry and a story." I add.

"Tell me some of the entries you are working on at the moment," he asks.

"Well let me see," I say as I thumb through dad's journal. "Oh here is one."

'September 1991' Well our boy is graduating today and his dad and I couldn't be any prouder. The weather is great, clear blue sky, a brisk breeze, and a little humidity. He looks so handsome in his cap and gown. He stands taller now than me but just a few inches shorter than Kyle does. Adam stops over with Steve and Michael and he has grown into quite the handsome young man. He is six foot five with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Both boys show the efforts of their workouts at the gym. They hard both hard bodies and I think they might have a thing for each other. Just the way they look at each other with their eyes meeting has that look of admiration in them. We finally arrive at the outdoor stadium set up for the ceremony and find our seats. The music starts and here come the graduates. There are so many when I see my Dylan and a short distant later Adam. My eyes are wet with tears for my baby is a grown man. I had hope that I would see this day ever since the doctor had diagnosed me with cancer. I kept it quiet from both Kyle and Dylan not wanting to rain on his parade. The meds the doctor gave me help slow down the progression but we both knew it was terminal. At least I would see my boy grow into a man. They started to call the names of the graduates and my camera was ready. Kyle had the camcorder going filming the entire event. Then the moment I had been waiting for came as I heard, "Dylan James Kerry-Fitzpatrick" and he rose to go and receive his diploma. My heart had such pride and of course, I was crying seeing my baby now grown getting his diploma and graduating tops in his class. "Yeah Dylan!" I called out completely embarrassing him. After a few more names we heard, "Adam Michael Stanley-Mathews" And now it was Michael's turn to cry. He had completely lost it as I had for Dylan. The tears ran down his cheeks and he had the biggest smile a dad could have. He was just crossing the stage when a gust of wind came up and blew his gown up over his waist. There for the entire world to see, and to his dad's embarrassment, was his naked body. He was completely naked under his gown. He tried like the dickens to push the gown down only for the wind to lift it up again with him finally giving up and turning to bow to the audience. The superintendent was quite red and had the most anger stricken look on his face. I looked over at his dads, Michael was red and crying, and Steve had a grin that said 'That's my boy'.

"Babe why you putting that one in; that stunt got my ass kicked by both the superintendent and my dads," he said still a bit embarrassed.

"Because its life and it's one of the moments that I thought, 'Oh God I got to have that' but I could not tell you that then. Besides, your ass was so hard and cute and that cock of yours brought more ahs from the audience and some students then I could have ever believed. Even Jake Wilson looked and said 'fuck how did I miss that in gym class'."

"Really Jake said that huh," he says with a little too much wanting to his voice.

"Don't make too much of it stud Jake had the shortest dick in the whole school," I tell him with my jealousy showing. "Besides I know his address if you care to look him up because with that tone you will definitely need a buddy to put you up, you understand me." I tell in my don't go there attitude.

"Oh babe you can't be jealous are you," he asks in his patronizing way. "Besides look who got the class stud muffin," he adds.

"Don't you mean the class booty prize," I retort with a slight smirk.

"Well I guess you can put it in your story babe if you want to." He says as if I need his permission.

The one thing that dad's journal did show me was how much he hid his disease from us to spare us the pain of loosing him. I don't know how much my dad revealed to Kyle of his illness but I think he also spared him until close to the end. I don't think he could bear watching the man he loved and treasured slowly waste away in grief while he was doing the same with cancer. My dads had a tremendous respect for each other's feelings.

It was a few days later and we were over at Adam's parents place for dinner when I brought up the graduation incident.

"My God how I wanted to die of embarrassment that day," Michael says slightly blushing even now.

"I thought 'that was something I would have done'." Steve says with that grin that could piss the pope. Michael hits him on his arm and tells him to behave. "Besides the superintendent got him better than either of us could have." Michael adds.

"Well I wanted that ass of his so bad I sprang wood and was so thankful for my gown." I revealed to his dads.

"You know Dylan your dads and us had always hoped that you two would some day fall in love and become a couple," Steve says with a bit of melancholy in his voice. "I just wish they could be here to see the fine young men you two became and how happy together you are," he added almost in tears.

"Well from reading the journal I think he knew how we felt about each other but, why didn't anyone ever say anything," I ask them.

"We wanted to let nature take it course," Steve said. "We didn't want to influence you into being gay or straight. We felt that one day you both would discover who and what you were." He said.

"Well I knew when I was fifteen and saw Dylan getting out of the shower here and thought 'God I want that guy so bad' and didn't dare to tell him." Adam said looking at his dads.

"Well I was sixteen and had just finished watching him play soccer and he yelled to me to meet him in the locker room in ten minutes," I said. "I went in and found him still in the shower and he was just finishing. I sat and talked to him while he dried off and got dressed. He even asked me to dry his back for him. I thought as I got close to his ass 'fuck I want that ass so much' but I to was afraid to make a move out of fear I might loose his friendship. Now that I can have that ass I am a bottom for this hot stud." I say getting red because I realize to who and what I just said. "Oh I am so sorry Uncle Steve and Uncle Mike. I should have never said that to you two." My embarrassment could light the darkest night.

"Don't worry son we are all grown men and we too have known youth and how it is." Steve says with a longing look on his face.

"Speak for yourself old man I am still young and vibrant," Mike says with a smirk on his face this time.

"Well it was better you waited because now look at the two of you." Michael said. "So tell me Dylan how is this writing business coming along?"

We spoke for a few more minutes about the writing I was doing and a few other things before we decided it was time for us to leave. We gave hugs and kisses and told them that we would see them again soon. We went home and Adam built a fire and moved the pillows to the floor in front of the fireplace. I came in with some wine, settled in between his legs, and just leaned against his chest with his big strong arms around me. His warmth radiated through our clothes and I felt so secure in his arms. I turned my head and looked up at him and he leaned down and kissed me. I was staring at the fire while he played with my nipples and asked,

"Adam am I to needy for you." I was feeling a bit sad and tears forming in my eyes. He turned me to him and noticed the tears and kissed me ever so softly and then said,

"Babe you are my life and my heart. I could not love you anymore than I do right now but not as much as I will tomorrow love. I feel that I have given God a rib and he made you from it for me love. You make me shine whenever you are with me. You are the other half of me that was missing all my life. Without you, I would be like the night without the moon or the day without the sun. I am incomplete without you babe." He said as he took me in his arms and kissed me long and deep our tongues making love to each other.

"Adam I need you to fuck me, right here, right now love." I said and returned his kiss. He laid me down and started to undress me never loosing eye contact. After he had me naked he undressed and then laid beside me taking me into his arms. He kissed and nuzzled my neck and nibbled my ear lobes. He stroked my hair and whispered in my ear,

"Babe I have been making love to you for quite sometime now. Would you tonight make love to me and help me feel the love you have for me."

"Adam are you sure, you do not have to do it this way to prove anything to me you know," I tell him starring in his eyes.

"I know I don't babe but when we make love I see your love for me in your eyes and I want to cry it is so deep," he says and his eyes are now tearing. "I want you to see that love in my eyes for you," then he kisses me. We kiss for an eternity it seems and I move on top of him. He spreads his legs apart and bends his knees to give me room. I look into his eyes and say,

"Are you sure love because you don't have to do this."

"I have never wanted anything more in my life than this right now." He says and wraps his arms around me and kisses me. I get up, move down to his cock, take it in my mouth, and slowly start to suck it. My hands are cupping his balls as I suck his manhood. He is moaning in content and his head is moving side to side, as I give pleasure to his cock. I let his cock go and lift his legs and I move my tongue to his pink pucker. I start to move my tongue all around his sweet spot and after a few minutes, I push it into his hole. His ass rises in pleasure of the new sensations he is feeling. His moans are more audible now and he is fucking my tongue. I pull out my tongue, wet my forefinger, and push it slowly into his hole. He lifts up his head and I can see the pleasure I am giving him as he says,

"Oh fuck babe does it always feel this good for you when I do this?"

"Hell yes love and then some. You can bring me off just by using your tongue," I tell him. I go down on his cock again as I insert another finger and work his hole in preparation of my cock. He is now so turned on and close that he says between moans,

"Oh fuck babe, fuck me now before I cum. I am so fucking close and I want you to make me cum without touching my cock," he says. I pull out my fingers and sit up between his legs and poor some lube onto my cock working it all around it and then some more on his ass and work that into his hole. I move in closer, put my cock's head against his hole, and gently push in as he pushes back. The head pops in and I can tell by the look on his face that the pain is intense.

"Shall I stop and pull out love," I ask him as I stop to let him adjust to the feeling.

"No babe just give me a moment to get use to the feeling," he says and I can feel him relax. "Ok babe more please. I slowly push more of my cock in and stop. After a bit he relaxes and says,

"Babe just push it in the rest of the way all at once."

"You sure love it will hurt you know," I tell him.

"Yes but I want it all now babe, please just do it I'll be fine," he says looking me straight in the eyes. They are glossy now and I cannot tell if they are that way from the pain or not. I gently push the rest of my cock all the way in and stop. He moans in pain and then begins to relax.

"Oh fuck it feels so full and now the pain is leaving and it feels so fucking good," he says as his eyes roll back into his head and a smile of ecstasy crosses his face. "Fuck me babe and take your time please I don't want this to end," he says and pulls me down for a kiss. I slowly pull out some and slowly back in, in and out like this until we find a rhythm. He is meeting my thrusts with his hips and I pick up speed. I pull all the way out and then right back in hard and fast repeatedly, I do this.

"Oh babe fuck me harder you found my spot," he tells me as his eyes roll again. Harder and faster, we fuck hitting his prostate with each thrust.

"Oh fuck babe I'm going to cum.fuck I can't hold it babe. here it comes," and he lets loose with a load so hot and thick as it flies from his cock without his cock even being touched. "Oh fuck I can't stop so fucking good.fuck me harder.deeper babe," he cries out. I am pounding his ass without mercy now and can feel his ass contract around my cock as he cums.

"Fuck love here I go babe," and I start to shoot rope after rope of my man seed deep into his ass. Never before have I cum like this over and over I shoot until finally I have no more. I start to pull my still hard cock out and he says,

"No leave it in, I want to enjoy that fullness I have," and his eyes roll back in the afterglow of our orgasms. I drop down on his cum soaked chest and lean in for a kiss. I lift up and look into his eyes, they are filled with tears, and then I see his love for me in them.

"I love you so fucking much Dylan James that I fear my heart cannot contain it all. Never before have I realized this much love for another person," and he cries. I hold him in my arms and we snuggle in the glow of our love.

"I love you so much Adam and I pledge my heart and love to you as long as my heart beats and then for all of eternity," I tell him and now we are both crying. We kiss and our kiss is salty with tears but sweet just the same. I pull my now soft cock out of him and lye down beside him pulling his back to my chest and we fall asleep. We awake the next morning in the same position we fell asleep in. The fire has gone out and we are stuck together by last nights cum. I feel him stir and say,

"Good morning my love, thanks for last night babe," and I kiss the back of his neck. He turns to face me and with a kiss so passionate, he is in tears.

"What's the matter babe, you're crying love," I ask him pulling him closer to me and letting him cry. After several minutes, he regains his composure and says gazing into my eyes,

"I saw in your eyes last night a love so deep and strong that mere words cannot express the feelings I have for you. Your eyes are like a pool so deep that reflect my love for you. I thought that I could never be loved more than I am until I found your love and it pours out to me in waves. Just when I think your love for me is complete another wave of love hits me and totally washes over me. I had wanted for you to see my love for you and all I found was your devotion and love for me," he says and cries again.

"My love, I not only found in your eyes a love so strong that nothing could diminish it; but a presence that told me I had nothing to fear in life. I felt so secure and loved in your embrace that my heart abounds with that love and that is what you saw in my eyes babe. My love for you knows no boundaries. It has no limits and its depths are so deep that no one or nothing could ever sever it from my heart babe. We found last night babe a love so strong that the hands of time can only magnify its depth. I love you babe. We made love again that morning and discovered that our love could stand the test of time; a love so strong that our inner being cried out to our heart 'you are loved'. I could now understand how my dad felt when he lost his Joshua, his life. I knew why he wanted to follow him and be with him for all eternity. My dads left me more than money; they left me a wealth of love that no money could buy. I knew that now I was complete. I had found the part of me that I had searched for to complete me; this man beside me completed me, made me whole. Words could never express the depths of the feeling I had for my Adam. He lifted his head and looked at me and said,

"You alright babe?"

"I am more than alright, I am loved so deeply and completely babe. My heart cannot fathom the depths of your love for me, love. You make me whole babe." We held each other so close that it would be hard pressed to determine where one began and the other ended. We laid there for most of the morning until our stomachs reminded us that we needed nourishment. We decided to call Adam's dads and invite them to lunch, seeing how it was much to late for breakfast. We were seated at our table when they came in and they both stopped and starred at us.

"What," Adam said looking at them with puzzlement in his eyes.

"You found it didn't you," Michael asked.

"Found what dad," even more puzzled now. Of course, I knew instantly what he meant and it showed all over me.

"That love one finds only once in a lifetime," Michael said. "A love so strong and rooted that time can only strengthen it." Adam looks into my eyes and says,

"Yeah dad we did. Last night we finally found what each of us was searching for. Our inner being became one and our heart melded together to form one loved entity." He said and kissed me.

"It shows on both of your faces," Steve said. "Now you know the love we have and that your dads had for each other, don't you Dylan."

"Yes. I could never understand why dad had tried to kill himself after dad died. I could not fathom why his will to live just left him and left just a shell of a man. Now I know that love they had and shared with me all those years. My heart cried with joy when I realized that love for Adam. I cannot mourn their loss anymore. I know that when Josh died a greater part of dad went with him. I can see now how he had no reason to live. It didn't mean he didn't love me but his reason for living was gone. The hardest thing I ever did was telling him it was alright to let go and be with his Josh." The tears just started to flow so hard that people were starring at us. My heart was finally saying goodbye to my dad and it understood his pain. Adam just held me and told me that everything would be all right. I looked in his eyes and said,

"I know, because I have you babe," and kissed him raising a few eyebrows around the restaurant. We had a nice lunch, said our goodbyes, and went home. We got home and we went right to bed.

"I want you to fuck me love," Adam said to me. "I want to be your bottom boy from now on," he added.

"Well I don't know about that babe. I don't want to give up being your bottom because I love the way you fuck me, besides I lust for that fullness your cock gives me."

"Well why don't we just go with the moment and who ever ends up the bottom so be it," he says as he lifts his legs in surrender.

"That's not fair, you are already undressed and I haven't even started to yet." I said in a whiny voice.

"Why don't we both take turns love," he says with that grin that makes me want to smack him. I finish undressing and climb in between his legs with our cocks touching each other as we kiss. His lips are so soft and full that I bite his bottom lip and gently pull it out until our tongues start their dance. After a time I sit up and reach for the lube and hold it out to him and say,

"You sure you want to bottom bitch because I am so going to fuck that ass of yours until it takes a month for you to walk straight again."

"Oh fuck babe, be good to me. Remember my turn will come and I don't forget," he says with the grin. I lube up his ass and make love to it with my fingers bringing him close to cumming. I pull out my fingers, lube up my cock, and place it at his pucker and say,

"You ready bitch for the pounding of your life?"

"Be good to me or my revenge will be so fucking sweet," he says and pulls me in for a kiss. I gently start to push in as he is pushing out while we kiss. My cock slides in so easy and he moans out in pleasure.

"It doesn't hurt like last night love." He says and his eyes roll back. I slowly start to fuck him finding our rhythm that will bring us to heaven. We fuck like this for almost twenty minutes when I stop and say,

"Get up babe and switch places with me. I want you to ride me like the cowboy you are stud." He gets up and I lye down and he gently glides down on my cock. His facial expression is pure pleasure as I feel my cock filling his ass. He quickly finds the rhythm we had and is fucking his ass with my cock. My hips rise to meet his downward thrusts as he brings to the edge.

"Slow down babe I'm close," I tell moaning in ecstasy. He just keeps riding my cock until I yell out,

"Oh fuck babe don't stop.I'm cumming babe," and I shoot my load deep into his ass filling him to overflowing. He bends down and kisses me as he shoots his load between our bodies.

"Oh shit love what a feeling.oooooh fuck.what you do to me," he yells and kisses me again with our tongues fighting for dominance. He lifts up, pumps his cock, and fucks my still hard cock, and shoots another load. 'Where does he get it from,' I think as he pumps volley after thick volley of cum all over my chest. I can feel his ass tighten around my cock and I shoot another load into his saturated ass. I feel my cum slide out his ass onto my balls.

"Oh fuck babe that was so fucking intense," I say as my cock finally relinquishes it last drops. He lifts off me and drops to my side taking into his arms and says,

"Dylan that was the best fuck ever," he says and kisses me.

"You say that every time we fuck babe," I tell him and kiss him back. We just lay there hugging and kissing until we both fall asleep. When I awake the room is dark and I feel for Adam and he is nowhere around. I call out to him and get no answer. I get up, throw on a robe, and go downstairs. I find him sitting in the living room watching a fire.

"Babe you all right," I ask as I sit beside him and take him in my arms.

"Yeah babe, just in love," he tells me and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. "I got up an hour ago, and came down here. I decided to start a fire and just chill out in the glow of our love."

"Well you started a fire in me love that no amount of water could ever extinguish," I tell him. "I hope we will always be this happy babe," and I kiss him with all the passion that is in me.

"Can I ask you something love," he asks with a touch of apprehension in his voice.

"You don't ever have to ask my permission to ask me anything, babe," I say as I look into his eyes.

"Would you still choose me if you had known about all the money you got first," he asks starring at the fire. "You know what I mean don't you. If you became rich before we became a couple," he says as if not sure, he really wants an answer.

"Babe I would have chosen you if I was rich or poor. Money doesn't make the couple love does. The love I found with you is worth more than the world's entire riches babe. Now tell me where did this all come from."

"I guess I was feeling a little insecure love. I was telling a friend yesterday, that I hadn't seen in years about what's been going on in our lives and he said to me, 'looks like you found yourself a sugar daddy dude.' His words cut through me like a knife. I grabbed him by the shirt and told him that I am nobodies boy toy. What we have is love and I am not a kept man. He says 'well call it what you want but boy toy spelled any other way is still a boy toy,' and I decked him. I hit him so hard his nose started to bleed. He looked up at me and said 'hit me all you want but it doesn't change a thing; you are what you are.'"

"Do I make you feel like a boy toy babe," I ask with my eyes starting to tear over. "I have always loved you and if my money makes you feel like a kept man I will give it all away babe." I get up and walk out of the room back to our bedroom. I lay on the bed and cry, as I have never cried before. 'How can he think that he is my boy toy,' I think to myself and then let the tears flow. I feel the bed give as Adam climbs on next to me and rubs my back.

"Dylan I am so fucking sorry for telling you what Mark had said. I never have felt like your possession and I have always loved you with all my heart love. Please forgive me for hurting you, please babe." His words are like a salve to my wounded heart. I turn onto my back, pull him to me, and kiss him as if I had never kissed him before.

"Babe, people are going to talk about you and about me because they are jealous of our love. Please don't let their words ever make you doubt my love for you," I tell him and kiss him again. "Now about forgiving you, let me think, if you'll fuck me we can call it even babe," and we kiss a kiss of passion. "Deal?"

"Deal." He said and undoes my robe and starts to suck on my nipples. He lifts me up, takes off my robe, and throws it to the floor. He removes his robe and it follows suit. He lies on his back and tells me to get on and ride him hard like a cowboy. I strattle his thighs and he hands me the lube. I smear it on his cock and then I put some on my ass working it in. I move forward, put his cock head to my pucker, and push down. It pops in and I just sit down hard on it shoving his length all the way in. I let out a soft scream as I realize 'not a smart thing to do,' and I just sit. I relax and now start to ride him rough. I go up and down like a bucking bronco on his cock, plunging it in as far as it will go. His hands are on my hips pulling me down hard and his hips rise to meet my thrusts. This is the first time I have done it this way and I know it will not be my last. I soon have a rhythm going and if not for his holding me, I would have fallen off. He is fucking me like a rodeo rider breaking in a horse, hard and in control each push deeper than the last. I know he is close for I can feel his cock swelling and then he holds me down on him for a moment and I feel his hot cum shoot deep in my bowels. "He Haw," he yells with a cowboy drawl. He is shoving upwards with a vengeance as I push down and then I shoot my cum all over his chest without even touching my cock. Rope after thick rope of white cum flies from my cock, one after another until my balls have nothing left to give. As I feel him softening, I lift off him, and fall beside him. He rolls on his side looking into my eyes and says,

"That was the best fuck ever, babe," we say in unison and laugh.

"You feel better babe," I ask him.

"Yep, you bet partner," he says in his best cowboy voice. "You a mighty fine bronco," and off he goes to the bathroom and he pauses at the door and turns saying, "You can make me your cowboy toy anytime Partner," and gives me that grin and goes in the bathroom.

I get up and follow him into the bathroom. We take a long leisurely bath together. I am sitting with my back against his chest and I turn my head around to give him a kiss.

"Hey cowboy you got some nerve falling asleep on me," and I poke him. Nothing. "Babe you awake," I say and now I turn around and he is blue. "Babe wake up, Adam please wake up," I yell with panic in my voice. "No please God don't do this to me, please God let him be alright," and now I'm crying and in a state of panic. "911 I must call 911." I jump out of the tub pulling the plug to let the water out and run for the phone. I pick up the phone and dial 911.

"911 what is your emergency," the operator asks.

"My partner he's blue and isn't breathing," I yell into the phone. They take my information and tell me an ambulance is on the way. I call Steve and Michael and tell them what's happening. I am giving CPR to Adam when the paramedics come in. They take over and tell me to go get dressed. In my panic I forgot to dress after jumping out of the tub. Steve and Michael come rushing in as the paramedics are loading Adam into the ambulance.

"Is he alive Dylan," Steve asks.

"I don't know he was so blue," and I start to cry, hard heaving sobs. "We were taking a bath and I asked him something and turned when he didn't answer me and thought he was sleeping. When I repeated my question I completely turned around and saw that he was blue," I say with broken words. "I can't loose him now that we found each other Uncle Steve. Why does everyone I love have to die," and I start crying hysterically.

"Well lets get to the hospital and see what's the matter," Michael says and he is on the verge of loosing it.

We get to the hospital and find out that Adam is in the operating room. The nurse tells us that is all she knows and that when the doctor is through he will be out to talk to us. We wait for several hours until the doctor comes out. His face is glum and his head is lowered towards the floor. To be continued.

I hope you enjoyed this story and please let me know even if you didn't please tell me why. You can e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 7: Adams Rib 2

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