The Judas Effect

By Rampage

Published on Mar 9, 2017


Chapter 2

The following Monday, Shane had a phone call at home. It was Rob Latimer. "Hi, cock sucker," he said, quietly and casually. Shane's heart thudded but he said nothing. He had decided he was not going to tell Latimer that Tom and he were no longer mates, just two horny cadets who had decided to get some elementary military experience before their conscription papers arrived. Despite what had happened, Shane still had the hots for Tom and was hoping things would soon return to normal between them.

"Your arse still sore?" Shane was about to swear at him but Latimer continued. "I want you to turn up early on Friday, say six o'clock. I've got something for you. I don't want the others to know about it, OK? Apart, that is, from your bum buddy Tom Mackenzie. By the way, I've sorted Tom out regarding your indiscretion with him, so don't worry about him . . . and don't worry about last Friday - you took that thrashing like a man. I was proud of you." There was a pause. Something - an odd tone in Lambert's voice - made Shane keep the phone pressed against his ear. Lambert had paused as if he expected some kind of response from Shane but none was forthcoming. Ignoring the silence he continued. "I must ask you something else, just between us two." His voice was quieter, deeper. "Promise you'll give me a truthful answer."

"OK, Rob, if I can." What the fuck was coming now?

"Good. That wasn't the first time you'd sucked cock, was it?" Shane hesitated. He could hear a comedy show on the tele in the lounge and Dad laughing loudly at some would-be comedian's jokes. "Well?"

"No, it wasn't, Rob."

"I thought so. You were giving Tom a blow job like a hardened pro! He's no slouch in that department, I can vouch for that." Latimer chuckled quietly. "You enjoyed being punished, too. Didn't you?" Shane had to reluctantly admit to himself that indeed he had rather enjoyed it. He had given himself a whale of a time in bed later that night, a steamy jerk off session that included shoving two fingers up his pulsing arse. He shot so much jism into his pyjama bottoms they could have stood up on their own once the sperm had dried!

"Yeah, I suppose I did."

"Suppose fuck! You even asked for more! Look, I've gotta go now but be early on Friday." There was a click, then nothing but the burr of the phone in Shane's ear.

He replaced the receiver slowly. He was puzzled and not a little confused. What was the point of Rob ringing him up and talking about his 'indiscretion' with Tom? What did Rob mean by saying he could vouch for Tom 'in that department'? Was Rob trying to stir up trouble? Shane doubted it as he knew the CWO was as honest as the day is long. He went back into the lounge and Dad looked up as he sat down at the far end of the settee. The comedy show was just coming to a finish.

"Everything alright, son?" enquired Dad. Shane came out of his dark reverie with a jolt.

"Yeah, yeah, Dad. They want some of us to go in early on Friday. Six for me and half past six for Tom and a few of the other older cadets."

"Oh, what for?"

"I don't know yet, Dad."

"They've not done that before. Must be something going on. You in trouble?"

Shane could not help wondering why it was that fathers always suspected their sons of being 'in trouble' when someone in authority wants to see them for reasons as yet unknown. His mind whirled. Hell, did the Old Man suspect something? After all, Dad worked with both Rob's father and Tom's two elder brothers. Had something slipped out in a careless moment when the men were down at the pub for their Friday 'All Boys Together' session?

"No, Dad. I just don't know."

"Well, anyone else going in early?"

"Oh, Dad, leave the boy alone!" Mum to the rescue again. She had been sitting quietly with her knitting, listening to them.

"No, its all right, Mum, honest. Rob's going, me and a couple of the older cadets. But he didn't say why, that's all. I think they're going to start giving us more responsibility in running the squadron."

Dad chuckled. "Reminds me of the Army during the War. The sergeant'd come into barracks and say, 'Right, you lot. I want some volunteers - you, you and you!' Usually somethin' no-one in their right mind would volunteer for, like moving the piano from the NAAFI to the Officers' Mess, or paintin' the coal heap outside the Other Ranks' Mess white for an upcoming inspection, or somethin' equally daft."

The rest of the week dragged by as if it would never end. Shane could not get Rob's odd phone call out of his head. Why did he want to see him on his own? Why before parade? Shane gradually became more and more suspicious of Rob's real reason for his odd request: had he enjoyed himself so much with thrashing a strong, well endowed young man like Shane that he wanted a re-run? Shane could not believe that. After all Rob was a sensible and trustworthy Senior Cadet NCO with a helluva lot to lose if he stepped over the mark. He would only give anyone another thrashing privately at the end of the evening when all the others had gone, not at the beginning. Besides, what excuse could he give for keeping a guy behind but no one else? Shane was not on lock up that week - that duty had fallen to Alan and Gary - so Rob could have no reason to expect Shane to stay behind for no apparent reason. What the fuck did he want from him that he did not want the others to know about? These and similar questions whirled and whizzed around his brain all that week, at the timber yard as well as at home.

There was something else concerning the youngster. He had been waking up each morning since the incident in the Community Hall with his usual raging hard-on but . . . the cheeks of his arse tingled as if he had been belted again during the night. All that weekend he had been unable to stop thinking about that heavy leather belt cutting into him, the scalding pain and furnace glow of his buttocks. It had been difficult to conceal his desire to experience something like it again, both from Mum's sharp eyes and the prying eyes of the girls in the admin office . He tried not to wince when he sat down to meals or when he bent over too quickly to tie up his shoe laces or to retrieve something that had fallen on to the floor. It was not quite so difficult at work: some of the office girls giggled a bit when he sat down a bit too quickly in the canteen one lunchtime and winced. "Did 'er fingernails scratch that nice tight bum of your'n, luvvy?" teased Myra, one of the bolder ones who happened to have a 'thing' for Shane and had once tried to get him to ". . . drop 'em dear, and give us all a big thrill!" This time, all she said was, "Teach you not to get it too 'ard, I say!" The rest of them dissolved into gales of hysterical laughter. Shane blushed furiously - if only they knew! His dick tried to rise but he was strangled at birth under the table. For the remainder of that week, Shane felt he was sitting on pins and needles. He could not get Rob Lambert's strangely mysterious phone call to him out of his mind.

On the Wednesday afternoon he was doing some shopping in the local supermarket for Mum on his way home when a voice behind him nearly made him push his trolley into a pyramid of tomato soup cans, which were part of a discount display! He turned round and saw Tom standing behind him with a loopy grin on his face.

"Hi, Shane. Doing the shop, I see. Look, I just want to explain. . ."

"You don't have to explain anything to me, you shit. I thought my time with the CCC was nearly up. I've had a phone call from Rob as well since then. He was being all military and secretive and wants me to meet him early on tomorrow down at the Community Hall, so I suppose I'll get my cards then." He looked steadily at Tom for a few seconds, then growled, "You fucking, lying, bastard." He moved off, pushing his trolley. Tom quickly nipped round in front of him, making him come to an abrupt halt.

"Shane, please. Let me explain. I had to say something that would not put anyone in a bad light. You were not to know that Rob and I had both received our call up papers that morning. I've been accepted for the Army Air Corps, and Rob is going to be in the RAF but not straight away. It was crass of me to do what I did with you, and for that I am deeply sorry. When Rob took the official line, he made me disappear quick to make what he said to you one hundred percent convincing. I'm letting nothing out of the bag when I ask you to please come down to the Community Hall tomorrow, when Rob will give you the reasons why we had to act quickly. I am sure you will see that it was the only way we had to ensure nobody was going to end up in front of a fucking Court Martial."

Shane looked at him without expression and said in a cold voice, "Fine but what about the thrashing he gave me? Was that part of 'The Plan'? That caused me to have sleepless nights and the girls where I work sussed something had been done to make me act like a schoolboy who'd been summoned to the Head's study in disgrace. Now, if you don't mind, Tom, I've got to get this lot home. Mum's waiting for it. Don't worry, I'll be there tomorrow. Tell your 'friend' I will insist on having my say." He moved swiftly to one of the check out points, paid the cashier, put everything into a couple of plastic bags and left the store, just as a bus providentially pulled up outside which would take him home. Tom was left standing on his own, a look of sadness on his face. He had hoped Shane would have calmed down by now, but he was obviously still angry about the treatment he had received from a respected senior NCO and a trusted friend. Tom continued to fret about his predicament for the remainder of the week.

Shane went to work on Friday as usual and at lunch time he went to the canteen and sat down in a far corner, hoping to be alone. He had hardly taken his first forkful of food when Myra, the bane of his life, came over and plonked her bum on the seat facing him. "Right, luvvy, what or who 'as got up your nose. You've bin like a dog wot's swallowed a wasp. Is it somethin' to do wiv them cadets you was on abaht earlier? Some of them are a bit dodgy, I can tell you! That one who's supposed to be in charge. . ."

"Cadet Warrant Officer Lambert, you mean."

". . . yeah, whatever 'e's called. I know fer a fact 'e's a bit on the queer side. There's been a lot of talk amongst us girls abaht him and his little gang and them tryin' to get inside the junior's trousers. You just take care of yerself when 'e's abaht. You listenin' to me?"

"Rob Lambert is a good man, as straight as they come, trustworthy, honest and above all scrupulously fair. I won't hear a word said against him."

With an angry gesture, he pushed his plate of half congealed food away from him. "You should take care of that gob of yours, Myra. It could get you in to some difficulty if you're not careful. I'm off back to the warehouse. There's a new delivery of timber waiting to be stacked in the yard." He got up and stomped off, the dark anger on his face, his abrupt departure and slamming of the door as he left caused some of the girls behind the serving hatch to look at each other, pull a face and murmur, "Temper, temper. What's upset a nice boy like 'im?"

So, even a slut like Myra had heard rumours and tittle-tattle about Rob. Did the gossip and scandal mongering include himself, Tom, Gary, Andy, Matt or Ben? Who else in the squadron was being talked about? Was he on the list of suspected 'queers'? Then it hit him like a thunderbolt. Of course! This is probably what Rob wants to talk to us about! He could not make it too obvious and he certainly would not say anything while so many younger cadets were there. Shane still had reservations about Tom, but the others? Not on your life! Gary had regaled him and some of the older cadets a number of times about his 'adventures' with the fair sex - in graphic detail that made all of them get hard-ons. Yes, he'd sussed it out, that was what was worrying Rob and no doubt he wanted to get the opinions of the older chaps before tackling the issue with the Flight Lieutenant. Sorted.

On occasion, when work on a Friday was not too busy or onerous, the lads in the timber yard were given the afternoon off and this was one of those Fridays. Shane thought he'd find Tom and make things right with him again, then he'd try his theory concerning the reasons for their early start that evening on Tom. Both of them being almost eighteen and looking like maturing young men in their twenties, they could go down to The Dog and Kettle for a couple of shandies and no one would query them about their age, ask to se their ID or give them a suspicious glance. Tom bought the first round and as it was a very pleasant, warm afternoon, they sat outside in the rear garden. It was quiet, of course, as most of the regular crowd were still at work. Shane and Tom quickly sorted out their differences and things were back to normal and that bit of nonsense was soon forgotten. Then Shane broached the subject that had been on his mind all week - why did Rob want them to come early to the cadet's meeting? Shane quickly brought Tom up to date with what he'd found out from Myra and from what others had let out when they were gabbling amongst themselves. Tom said he'd heard something like that himself, but he hadn't for one minute taken it seriously. Shane pointed out to him the strange behaviour and remarks that he'd noticed and then said, ". . . and now, Tom, I think I've sussed it. Think about it for a minute. Rob is worried sick that somehow the authorities have been duped by scandal and gossip about their squadron being in the hands of a group of poofs - that includes you, me and all of our older teenagers - and that parents of younger guys are getting agitated. Now, I'm going to take the line that yes, I like having sex with men, but I'm not about to rape the kids. That's not my bag at all. I'm hoping you think the same and that together we can persuade the older cadets to be very, very careful about what they say and to whom they say it."

Tom sat gobsmacked as Shane further explained his reasoning on the matter. When he'd finished, Tom took a long swallow of his second shandy and said, "Fuck me, Shane but you are the squadron's very own Sherlock Holmes. I think you've got it about right but how the fuck you got there I don't know. I'll back you all the way tonight, some of them won't like it one little bit but they'll have to get used to it if they want to stay in the squadron, preparing for the time when they'll be called up. We've all had the official line on men like us - yeah, I'm one too, or didn't you guess? - and the rigorous official way of handling these things if they get out. Let's hope it will pass over like a storm in a teacup and things settle down again. They always do, if people leave them alone." They finished their drinks and jumped on to a passing bus back to Tom's house, where he collected his cadet uniform and then ran up the road to Shane's house.

Being a Friday, Dad was still at work. Mum had gone over to see her friend Elsie as usual and would not be back for quite a while. The lads went straight up to Shane's room and sat on the edge of his bed. He put a hand on Tom's strongly defined thigh (not too high up mind, he did not want Tom to think he . . .) and said he was going to take a quick shower and change as he had to get down to the Community Hall by six o'clock, where he was to meet up with Rob Latimer. He wanted just the two of them for half an hour, but had not said why.

"Won't I be in the way if you two want to be private?" said Tom, putting his hand on Shane's hand.

"Would you mind if I asked you to go round the corner to the canteen and have your tea, or something? Rob was most insistent I keep everything under my hat for now but I'll fill you in later, after the meeting. OK?"

"Oh, I suppose so." Tom's hand moved up Shane's thigh until it came perilously close to the bulging crotch in his mate's jeans. Shane gently picked up Tom's roving hand and replaced it further down on his thigh.

"Not now, Tom. Later, I promise. I'll tell Mum and Dad I've asked you to stay over as we have to get up early tomorrow, or something. I've got to get a move on so I'll take a shower now and get rid of that fucking smell of new sawdust and damp wood. I've got the latest copy of that gay mag you like so much, why don't you have a gander at that and get nice and horny for when we get together after the Community Hall?"

"OK, Shane. You're a bit of a prick teaser, you know and I'm feeling in just the mood for some fun and games."

Shane chuckled and quickly undressed. He bustled around his bedroom totally nude and picked up a towel as Tom settled back on the bed, making no attempt to disguise the hard-on pushing up his jeans and ogling the naked young man in front of him. It didn't help him when he noticed Shane's dick was slowly getting harder and harder as he left the room to go to the bathroom. Tom heard the rushing sound of water and Shane splashing around. Tom stood up and undressed. He lay back on the bed and gently fondled his balls as he waited for Shane to return, occasionally tweaking his nipples so that he would be ready to have sex if Shane gave in.

When Shane returned he laughed when he saw Tom's tempting erection and said, "Jeez Tom, that stomper is tempting but it's no good. Come on, we'll be late if we don't get a move on and I don't think Rob would stand for that. He seemed to think this was going to be a very important evening down at the Community Hall."

"OK, Sir!" Tom leapt off the bed and stood to attention. Even his cock was at full mast, pulsing slightly and a thin stream of pre-cum slid slowly down the underside of his dick. Shane's resistance gave way and he knelt down, took Tom's cock in his mouth and licked the spermy fluid off his cock slit. He swallowed and moaned, "Mmmm! Delicious! That will have to be our lot for now but I'm going to be waiting impatiently for tonight's capers to finish and for us to get back here!"

Both lads got into their cadet uniforms and within the half hour were making their way to the bus stop for the ride to the Community Hall. For some reason, neither Shane nor Tom could get their semi-hard dicks to go down and they had several giggles trying to hide their bulging crotches from the other passengers, particularly three giggling young ladies obviously going into town for a night at the local club. One of them turned round and said, "You two goin' where we're goin'?" Shane almost crapped himself when he recognised Myra. He just said they were going to their Air Cadet weekly parade and he'd see her next week at work. Myra gave a kind of grunt, tossed her head and turned back. The three gossips huddled together, no doubt tearing Shane and Tom to shreds. The lads were glad when their stop loomed up and they leapt off before the bus had come to a halt, hurrying down the road to the Hall. "Silly buggers," they heard the driver yell after them, "you could have had a nasty fall doin' that, stupid fucking cadets! Bet you wouldn't jump out of a plane at 40,000 feet!"

As they got closer to the Community Hall they noticed Rob Latimer had Alan Pargeter, Matt Muldoon, Ben Langney and Gary Logan with him, waiting outside. Tom and Shane looked at each other, both thinking, "What the fuck are they doing here?" As they walked up to where the others all stood, Rob turned round and unlocked the main door of the Community Hall. He then told the group to follow him inside but not to go into the main hall, where the cadets usually did their drill and played indoor games. As they entered the Hall, Rob caught up with Shane and Tom. Without a word being said, he indicated to them to go into a small room usually used for group discussions. Once inside, Rob closed the door and told the two lads to sit down at a small table in the centre of the room.

"Right, you two. That was a close call last week when I walked in and found you, Shane, giving Tom a professional quality blow job. I must ask you, Cadet Dawson, have you ever been a rent boy?" Shane jumped up, forcefully pushed the chair behind him away and yelled, "Who the fuck do you think you are, Rob? No, I have not been a rent boy and never will be. I'm going home, tell Dad about this harassment and ask him to consult his firm's solicitor, Mr Quentin. I'll soon get to the bottom of all this."

"Don't be silly, Shane. You'll do no such thing. I called you and Tom in here to give you some news that might put a different light on things. Sit down and keep quiet, the pair of you." Shane pulled his chair forward again and slowly sat down. Rob continued.

"First, today I have been officially informed that confirmation has come through that Tom here has been accepted by the Army Air Corps as a recruit and trainee commissioned officer. He will do his recruit training and square bashing at one of the Army's top recruit training units, then on passing out will be posted to an officer cadet assessment course, which will incorporate an evaluation of his suitability as a helicopter pilot. On successful completion of that, he will then be seconded to an RAF basic flying training station in the north of England to learn how to fly a helicopter. After that he will be posted down to the AAC's main location for completion of his training and, if he successfully passes both the theoretical exams and his solo flying performance, he will be given his wings and his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant. We will be wishing you every success, Tom and all I will say is, keep your pecker up and your nose clean. Well done." He reached over to Tom with his right hand extended and they shook hands. Shane was silent. Now he understood why Rob Latimer had treated them like dirt the evening he found them 'at it', so to speak. He also knew that Rob had handled a tricky situation brilliantly - and he was only twenty-one years of age! No wonder he was a Cadet Warrant Officer! A great many older men could not have done what Rob had done in keeping everything under wraps. He wanted to apologise to Rob for doubting him, but the words just would not come. Besides, he could see Rob had not finished with them.

"Now to a different matter. I have my marching orders and will be leaving to join the regular RAF and take up a posting to a large UK flying station on the east coast. There is a delay because the appointment is to a new post and it is taking longer than expected to set everything up. On transferring, I shall be promoted to the substantive rank of corporal and when I go, I want Shane here to be at least ready to help who ever takes on my current job. I am pushing for you to be promoted to Cadet Corporal, Shane, as I can see a glittering future for you in years to come as an NCO of value. BUT . . . you must learn to control yourself and your feelings for other guys. When your time here comes to an end, you may or may not be accepted for full time service with the RAF. You must ensure you go to them with a clean sheet - no dirty stains, no adverse reports, no sign anywhere of your sexual inclinations - and that, I can tell you from personal experience, is not easy. Yes, I am one of the brotherhood and I suspect you've already sussed that, a bright lad like you. Don't be too obvious but don't deny yourself. You have a lifetime of fun in that direction facing you, but one wrong word or act can cause endless problems and trouble. Use some discretion but don't lie to yourself. Right then, you two, let's go join the others! As they're all members of the brotherhood this is one occasion when you can let it all hang out!" With that, he opened the door and they went through into the main room. To the surprise of both Shane and Tom, there was a party going on and as they appeared everyone in the room burst into applause and gave one or two cheers.

The party went on until their usual closing up time. Rob and Tom disappeared after about an hour and when Matt asked Shane if he'd seen Rob or Tom around, he guessed what they were doing and where they had gone. "Don't know, Matt. I can guess, though. You know they're an item, don't you? I'll leave you to work that one out. I'm off home, the last bus is about due and Mum will be very worried if I'm not on it. Good evening, though, eh? Why don't you come home with me and we'll have a sleep over. I had asked Tom over but you can guess exactly what he's up to right now, the lucky dirty sodomite."

Matt and Shane left the gang to their revels, feeling relieved that all had come out well. Shane had been a bit shell shocked at first but had come round to the idea of being a Cadet Corporal for his time with the squadron. That would be something to tell Myra! Mum and Dad would probably have some reservations if it came off, as it would mean he would be leaving home for the first time in his life, other than going on camping trips. Still, he was now eighteen and in the eyes of the law he was an adult. It was time to put boyish things into the rubbish bin and grow up. Next stop, recruit training - square bashing in military terms. Bring it on, man! When the bus came in, they sat right at the back, their knees touching. Matt was full of chat about the way events had turned out and said, "I'm glad you and I have got back together, Shane. I've missed you like crazy. Your Mum and Dad won't mind me staying the night, will they?" Shane looked at Matt and said, "Course not, you silly bugger. They were expecting me to be taking Tom home so they won't be put out. We can say that Tom had to leave early because he's been accepted for the Army Air Corps and he'll be off soon to start his recruit training and all that. I have an idea that once we're safely ensconced in my bedroom, there just might be a bit of hanky-panky, eh?" As he said that, his hand groped around and homed in on Matt's bulging crotch, feeling the warmth of a solid pulsating erection through Matt's thin slacks. He was sure that Matt was not wearing pants and groped a bit lower to feel his balls. Matt leant back and gave a quiet groan as his mate's hand tightened its hold on his gonads.

"Mmm, hope I don't disappoint you, Shane. I'm so excited that we're getting together. I've had wet dreams about you for a long time and when you asked me to go home with you I almost pissed myself. Oh, yeah, that's good, do it again!" His dick had been squeezed hard and Shane had curled a forefinger into the top joint of his thumb and flicked it hard against Matt's cock head. There was a sharp pain which ran along the top of his cock, making his cock slit produce a drop or two of pre-seminal fluid. Shane's finger felt the damp seeping through the thin material of his friend's tight slacks and rubbed his finger over Matt's wet cock slit. Matt gave a little whimper and sat up, pressing the invading hand harder into his crotch. At that moment, the bus pulled up at their stop and a few people, including our two lads, got off and jogged down the road until they came to Shane's house. He saw that the light was still on in the lounge and thought, "Probably Dad still up, waiting for me and Tom. He won't mind it's Matt instead, he knows him and they got on rather well. Mum'll probably be in bed by now." He turned to Matt, "Just don't make too much row, Matt. I think Mum's in bed. Dad is still up and no doubt waiting for us. He liked you the few times you met him. Come on, my cock is getting rather impatient and . . . my arsehole is twitching to feel your big dick fucking me silly."

When Shane explained where Tom was and what had happened, Dad took to Matt and was pleasant enough. He surely could not have missed the bulge in front of Matt's trousers but said not a word. The boys had a quick shot of whisky with Dad and then went upstairs to Shane's bedroom. They did not put the ceiling light on, just a small reading lamp by the bed. They fell into each other's welcoming arms and kissed each other hard, rubbing against each other and gradually undoing each other's buttons and zips, etc. Before long they were down to their skivvies, the fronts of which were being pushed out by their hard-ons. They fell on to the bed and continued kissing, running their hands all over each other's bodies and ripping their flimsy pants off. Before he realised what Matt was doing, Shane felt a finger massaging the tense ring of sensitive muscle surrounding his arsehole, protecting it from unwanted intrusion. No one had ever done that to him before and he almost exploded. He lay on his back to allowing Matt to move in between his legs. Matt's tongue licked Shane's pounding cock by running up its full length from his balls to its head and down the other side, his lips sucking the glistening cock head, which was being lubricated by his tasty natural juices. His hands reached out and grabbed Matt's buttocks, pulling him closer and closer while his fingers investigated what was hidden deep in his crack. After these manoeuvres had been going on for a few minutes, Matt whispered, "Let me eat your arse, Shane." The rest, as they say, I leave to your fertile imaginations!

Next: Chapter 3

Laurie, 08/03/17

Next: Chapter 3

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